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Oshawa Daily Times, 29 Jun 1931, p. 6

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|) LY i | TODAY'S SPORTING FEATURIg Old Mill, Smart Toronto Softball Team, Play Here wed, i Brampton Excelsiors and Native Sons Win O.A.L.A. ames Peterbcro Defeats Campbellford | in Lacrosse Fixture St. Simon's Win O.A.L.A. Fixture F From Oshawa Oshawa Srs. Fail to Stop. League Leaders in Sched- uled ° Fixture -- Small Crowd Attends Game Which Is Clean and Well Played -- Locals Try Gamely But Are Out- classed--Campkin and J. Graham Each Score Three Goals St. Simon's, Toronto's strong en- #ry in the Senior section - of the 0O.A L.A. defeated the Oshawa tgam at Mator City Stadium on Saturday afternoon, before a small crowd of spectators, by a margin of 10 to 3 The game was not exceptionally fast and played beneath a torrid sun. Play flashed at times with | brilliant speed only to slip into a slow. pace, which almost resembled | an exhibition game. Oshawa Scores First Oshawa scored the first goal of | the game and looked to be in for a big afternoon but the Saints soon hit their real stride and were not long in asserting their superiority. The game was exceptionally fast in mid-ficld but neither of the attack- ing lines showed a great deal of clean-cut finish. J. Graham and Compkin stood head and shoul- ders above the remainder of the players for their ability to beat "Paddy" 'Shannon. Both of these players scored three goals and ev- ery one were real shots, which bulged the twine in no uncertain manner, giving Shannon little or no chance. These two boys know how to beat a defence and they know where and how to put the ball when they get it. The winners showed a slightly better defence than the locals but their real margin came in the mid- field play and on the attack. They carried their plays through 'with speed and plenty of *zip" and there was no denying success. Long Rest for Bain "Piper" Bain, the visitors' lanky home-field speedster, drew down a large penalty for a piece of crude and entirely unnecessary rough play. In pursuing I. Luke to the fence for a ball, he shoved Luke into the with terrific force and then staged a short round of fisticuffs. The disturbance was quickly and efficiently quelled by the officials." "Case" was given a 10-minute penalty while "Piper" re- lieved his fect for just twenty min- utes, Outside of this, the game was exceptionally clean, hard but not dirty, and well played, with both teams ready to give and take every- thing in good part Kavanaugh, Leighton and Nettle- ship were good on defence but the work "Gordie" Thom was out- standing and he gave Hobson great protection, and handled the team very nicely, from the Bela. Besides Graham and Compkin, Davis and Bain showed up well on the attack. played another great game and made many fine saves | The work of Leyden on the defence was especially noticeable, while none | of the other ynembers of the rear- guard were. without their good | points. Cardinal, Bovin and Dan- Fels were again the goal-scorers, > ~~ | Garrison played a nice game and Charlie Chase Comedy || "Sailor" Luke did a lot of good ' jw ork. loose fence Today and Tuesday The Sensational British Production "YOUNG WOODLEY" ALL ENGLISH CAST Shannon Game Opens Fast | The game opened very fast and af- NOTHING LIKE IT HAS BEEN SEEN BEFORE 4 The New Northern "DIAMOND SPECIAL" " Soft Ball Shoe AN ENTIRELY NEW SHOE, designed especially for Soft Ball--its supremacy proved by actual tests on the diamond. No ordinary sport shoe can touch it on any point of comparison. Right where the greatest wear comes, it is reinfo rced with a sturdy ribbed side buffer that cti- cally doubles the life. Its sole is furnished with a coarse diam grip- tread that increases speed and is recommended to prevent slipping, addition to bo sturdy and wear-defying service, it achieves lightness and fiaey Sting Goat The "Diamond Spar Soft Ball famous Northern "Court I", and incorporates So e fine Auial of that leader in Badmin- shoe is a companion shee to the "of sizes Ws men and boys, in women and Ein lue toe Oxfords, Look for the strip and heel patch. At ail shoe stores and sports ou ORTHERN MOND SPECIAL" Soft Ball Shoes worm EGaEi"EIe Ky LIMITED 8 ter three minutes of play, Daniels opened the scoring when he inter~ cepted a pass and raced for the Saints' net. Hobson, the goalie, caught flat-footed away from the net, threw his stick and hit Daniels but the latter went on in and scored. Hobson was given a pen- alty. Four minutes later, Robertson beat two men and then drilled the sphere past "Pat" to even up the score. Cardinal missed a great chance when Daniels worked his way in and gave him a fine pass. Oshawa continued to press but Webber cleared and broke away fast, Compkin took the pass and put the Saints into the lead with a great shot, 2-1, The first period ended a minute later. After a minute of play in the sec- ond stanza, "Piper" Bain streaked in alone and beat the local goalie for the third. Kavanaugh made it four on Bain's pass about four min- utes later, A few minutes later, Bain and Luke staged their little act and the teams played a man short for a while. As Luke went back into the game, Daniels came out for tripping Hobson. Compkin made it 5-1 just before the period ended. Oshawa got a goal in the third period after about seven minutes of play. It came as a result of a smart piece of cAmbination work and was the smartest goal of the game, Dan- iels went up centre, passed over to Leyden, who drilled it to "Shine" Bovin, who had taken up position just out in front. Bovin received the ball and shot all in one move- ment and Hobson never saw it go by. 5-2, Bovin was penalized a minute la ter for slashing. With two men on the beneh, St. Simon's had a big advantage and they used to allow J. Graham to get his first goal, making the half-dozen. L. Luke went off for tripping Bain, just as Bovin went back and Graham gave brother Al. his chance and Al. beat Shannon for the seventh, The per- iod ended a minute later. Play was close and even for the opening of the last frame and then Garrison drilled a pass in to Car- dinal, who scored with a nice shot. H. Luke went off for slashing and a few minutes later Compkin added to the St. Simon's lead, with his third and their eighth goal. Fifty seconds later, J. Graham again beat Shannon and he did it again just be- fore the game ended, to leave the score at 10-3, The teams: St. Simon's--Hobson, goal; Thom, point; Leighton, cover; NeNttleship, st. def.; McAlpine, 2nd. def.; Blakely, 3rd def.; Walters, centre; Bain, 3rd home; Davis, 2nd home; A. Graham, Ist home; Compkin, outside; Robertson, inside; subs, J. Graham, Kavanaughand Webber Oshawa :-- Shannon, goal; Hub- bell, point; Stephen, cover; Leyden, Ist def.; L. Luke, 2nd def.; J Smith, 3rd def.; H. Luke, centre: G. Luke, 3rd home; Bovin, 2nd home; Daniels, 1st home; Garrison, outside; Cardinal. inside; subs, Hatch, Black and Whyte. Officials--Referee, "Silver" nett. Judge of Play, "Hank" ( Celtic Wins Game From Ben- rowdy Toronto 3-1 Toronto, June 29.--The wishes of thousands of Toronto fans who had eagerly awaited the visit of the famous Glasgow Celtic to the city, materialized on Saturday af- ternoon, when the Scottish cup- holders gave an impressive exh:- bition and defeated a clever To: onto team by 3 goals to 1. Throughout the Celts revealed the type of effective short passing for which Scotland is renowned, and which has stood out in strik- ieg contrast to the long, swing- ing game played by England. It is true that the game did not touch the standard of the exhi- hition provided by Rangers. But it was a brilliant exhibition and one worth going a long way to see. And the 10,000 spectators could not but have heen impress- ed by the youthful complexion of the Celtic team which is an elo- quent tribute to the ability ana astuteness of Willie Maley, the manager, Jimmy MeceStay, the captain centre-helf, and veteran of the team, is playing the same cool, calculating and effective game that he played when: last seen by the writer in Scotland nearly seven years ago. McGrory Outstanding There was one player in par- ticular who was the cynosure of a!l eyes on Saturday. He is Scot- land's international centre for- ward and the idol of the Park- head followers--Jimmy McGrory. Within the first minute he made the crowd gasp when he dashed in on the Toronto goal and fired' By Geo, CampBeLL, Sports Editor Sigur Sn Oshawa Beaten at Home by St. Simon's St. Simon's visited Oshawa on Saturday afternoon and at the Motor City Stadium were successful in defeating the local entry in ithe senior series of the O.AL.A, by a seven-goal margin, very clean throughout and well glayed, with the visitors showing a decided edge in every department except be- Shannon stood out with his fine dis- Bovin, Daniels and G. Luke were the pick of the home team except for one icident, tween the posts, where "Paddy" play. while Leydon did some great work on the defence. Tigers, are billed to play Hamilton game will likely ps, Oshawa City} Lose to Leaders played Saturday afternoon and the City who scored the only goal of the game. fast and 'exciting and the city came up against one of the best defences they have met this season, Oshawa hxture on hands of the league leaders, The game was City and Swansea * * Old Mill Team Here on Holiday softball team, The Old Mill senior in the to play a doubleheader with this city, Mike's Place Juniors, "Wild Bill" Downs and Tavlor, ball hurlers 'in Toronto, will be game will be played at the second game will played These games should attract " * "Big Four" only big softball namely, a "Big Four" one be at The big one, cons and it will be couple of weeks ago and the their first start and tonight. defensive ball. defeat suffered add zest to their pla "Big Four" Joth teams are The Leather For 15 this game. * * Two South Ont. League Games Tomorrow softball both of which should "Newsies" There two South Ont. Tuesday evening, Telephone team will oppose at Cowan's Park, S much are the down and A games are of importance teams will be doing their best to avoid a defeat, * * Malleables Beaten by softball team handed the leables a 17 to 1 beating at the Motor City Stadium on Saturday night and did it in a manner which left no doubt of superiority. smoothest ficlding tcams ever scen at the Motor City They have a number of real stars but despite the one-sided Humber Bay Senior Ladies' fielded one of the Stadium score, the OM]. play this well in check but the ear ning tor a foul fly, * » | Ladies' | on Saturday | Oshawa squad had everything their own way, throughout, | ting was the featurc of the game. * be played in St. buted several players to the Tigers' roster, Toronto Dovercourt League, Art, considered three of the smartest soft- down with the Old Motor City Stadium at 3.00 p.m Lakeview big crowds, Game Tonight at Stadium game on game at the Motor City Stadium. Tannery hook up tonight at 7.15 sharp and what a battle These two teams staged a 6-4 game at Cowan's Park a Tannery are confident and determined to win they exceptionally Makers are also at the hands of the cents, will meet the in some smart softball was displayed, homesters had their share of good It is doubtful if there will be another catch made at the Stadium | as sensational as Joan Wilson's one-handed stab, with her back to the plate. 10-3 , The game was, Oshawa Seniors July 1, and the city has contri- on Wednesday, Catharines, which LJ D. scheduled defeat at the only T, and suffered a the LJ * which is cutting such a figure will visit Oshawa on Wednesday the smartest softball teams in Rodgers, former Oshawa player, of Mill. The first and the Park, at 7.00 pm. sharp * * real Fal-g the books for tonight, is a beaten on that occasion, tonight afford to lose again hitters and play smaiting under the double last week and this will afford to tea, a victory Falcons lost can not heavy good "Newsies" no softball fan can miss » * league games on the bill for attract good crowds, The Bell at Alexandra Park and These Tannery {wo the league standing and all your » » Humber Bay Oshawa Mal- The visitors The Toronto "hurlers held while run- | * * Falcons Win From Peterboro Ladies | Falcons had very little trouble in disposing of Peterboro's All-Star | afternoon. » softball team in the exhibition game at the Town Park, Whitby, The. score was 27 to 9 and as indicated, the | Heavy hit- » . LPR {the fifth | when Leafs Drop Two Games To Royals Montreal, Junt Pomorski was too much for Leafs yesterday in the first ga of a double bill and beat them 3 to 1 for his eleventh the season and the missed chances against their teammate, Clarence Fisher, victory afternoon. The Royals ed at the hands of the Leafs Saturday in Toronto, and cu a game. Fisher got credit for (nd Newark's leading margin to half his fou rejuvena joined win in the nightcap, straight since the submarine elbower Royals. It was 'a wild game, stdged for over a balk, on which Parker reversed his own decisi ended in two Royals gett thrown out of the game, roused a perspiring gathering fever heat. But the leafs } their chance to tie it up in seventh, for they had a man third base with none out failed before the southpaw of Classet, The Leafs looked their inning of the they came up with rung to wipe out a 4 to 1 mar seven-inn a long disp sla best After one was out O'Neill drew a walk, pinch-hitter Morehart d blell, and Rabbitt tripled 1 runs one was out, third. Walker elected the sque runs were in the tying tally and caught Fisher flat-foot His bunt became a bace the winning run was on first. Leafs Win an Argument Walker stole second and ti bolted for third as Fisher faced the plate. between bases, argument the leafs point to third base singled home what winning tally. but after a I won Shiver seemed th Leibhardt came in to catch Royal's turn of the fifth, walked the first batter. Gulley four straight ballh and was yank- ed in favor of Allen, But Al walked Ripple and then wild pit- ched both runners into scor position, whence they scored deciding tallies on Head's sin and Rogell"s bad throw to plate on Michkin's grounder. 29. --Johnny the O"Neillmen and lost the nightcap here yesterday thus avenged the double defeat suffer- Umpire and anil nightcap four O'Neill drew a hit and agam He was run down their the but me of ola on rth ted the ing ute on, ing to had the on nts in gin ou- wo eze on ed. len DUE nen the on len ing the gle the | Oshawa City Beaten By League Leaders 1:0 - Oshawa City I Beaten by| Swansea Who Score Only Goal of Game--Oshawa Team Tries Hard But Fails to Pierce Fine De- fence Put Up by Home- sters 3 Swansea defeats 'Oshawa City 1-0. . Swansea, the home team and league leaders met Oshawa City second place team, in an import- ant league game which meant much to both teams, There was about one thousand spectators present when Davis kicked off for Swansea. Play opened 'very fast. The City team were the first to at- tack, when Brodie sent Saxby away on the right wing from his pass. Brown sent wide off the mark. Simmons broke away on the left for the home team but Howells made a«good save of his shot. The play at this period of the game was very snappy with both defences playing stellar foothall, The City looked like scoring when Dunstall drew the defence, »ass- ed to Brown, whose shot missed the upright by inches, The home team now took a turn at attacking, forcing thrce corners in suceession, which came to nothing. Howells was doing some fine work in the Oshawa goal. Cummings, the City's left back was playing a great game; he teams up well with Rodgers. Brown spoiled a chance of scor- ing when he got In the way ou} Dunstall. The City forced a cor- ner kick, from which Brown headed over the bar. At the oth- er end Howells was almost beat- en when the ball took a bad bcunce, but he managed to crear at the expense of a corner kick which came to nothing. A few minutes later half time came with neither team having scored, Ad The second half opened very fast with both teams $triving hard for a goal, Bredin was mak- irg some nice runs and great crosses but they came to nothin. The home team went to the at- tack and Francis was going through, when he was stopped by Cummings, a few minutes later, Howells had to be on his toes when he just managed to fist it over the bar for a corner kick. Brodie sent Saxby away on tha p wing trom his cross, ther scramble in front of th which lasted about two miinutes and from the fans' view off it al that could be seen of it wjas the dust. Finally Crow managed to clear, The City missed a good {chance to take the lead. About gwenpv minutes of the second hafif "had gone when Swansea operfed the scoring by Parsons sending: Fran cis away on the wing who ped irside to Millar, who beat' ells with a shot in the right hand cerner of the net. From the restart the City a sd everything but score, their fof - wards missing some great chah- ces to score. The final whistle went with the score ending Swan- sen 1, Oshawa City 0. Line ups: -- f Swansea--Crow, McKee, Croc ett. Ross, Parsons, Hunt, rook Millar, Davis, Telfer and Siim- mons. ) City ----- Howells, Rogers, Cum- mings, Lappin, Brodie, Cox, Sax- by, Dunstall, Brown, LobWan, Bredin, Referee--Pennington, was a goa! po 'Chuck' Davidion Scores Five when Sons Beat Tigers Hamilton, June 29. -- With "Chuck" Davidson, recently of- fered a professional contract by Toronto Leafs lacrossists, 'on a scoring rampage, Toronto Native Sons trounced Hamilton Tigers here Saturday afternoon, winning 9-2, Counting five goals, Davidson' was Pasily the best man on the field in the game here, although he received some material assist- ance from "Connie'"" Golden and the veteran Eddie Kingdom. On back-handed shots, Davidson beat Pat Gow, Tiger goaler, twice un- assisted, and. countéd his other three on combination plays. While the home team were not , it was the erior combination of the win- s that spelled defeat for tha Native Sons' defence resented the winners plenty of scoring opportunities, but ithe Tiger home found it practically impossible to heat Suds" Suther- Jang who performed sensations!- y. Chosen Friends Beaten in Whitby Chosen Friends played an exhibition game in Whithy on Saturday night, with the Lansing Ladies' team of Toronto and the Oshawa outfit went down to defeat by a score of 23 to 12. The game was rather loose and while exciting enough, was not particularly interesting. Baseball Ee INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE 4 P.C. Newark ..... 3 583 Montreal .... k 075 Rochester .... 38 528 Baltimore . 007 Toronto ... ABT Buffalo 453 Jersey City .... 443 Reading .... 3 431 Yesterday' 5s Results Montreal. .3-6 Toronto Rochester. 8-x3 Buffalo ..., xTen innings, Jersey City.8-1 Newark .. Baltimore.10-2 Reading .... Saturday's Results Toronto...9-3 Montreal ,...1-2 Jersey City. 4 Newark ....., 2 Rochester.. 4 Buffalo .. 1 0-6 pe 6-3 CR) in a rocket which Kirk just man- aged to top over the bar for a fruitless corner. Small, well- built, nimble and tricky, he gave a polished exhibition of centre- forward play, hut he was closely wetched by an exceedingly cap- able Toronto defender who stop- ped him' at: the critical moment time and again. BUY AT MANUFACTURERS' COSTS AND LESS THE ARCADE "QUITTING SALE" "Selling Out to the Bare Walls" | Louis at New York, __ Reading.... 7 Baltimore ... § | Games to-day -- Toronto at Montreal; Rochester at Buffalo; Baltimore at Reading; Jersey City at Newark, AMERICAN LEAGUE Won Lost Philadelphia .., 47 Washington New York . Cleveland . PF] St, Louis seve g 28 Boston Detroit' +.uves. Chicago ..... Yesterday's Results Chicago...2-1 Washington .1- New York.. 9 Cleveland fi Philadelphja..9-5 Detroit .... St, Louis. .5-5 Boston .. Saturday's Results, Washington. 8 Chicago .. 2 Philadelphia. 9 Detroit .... § Cleveland.12-2 New York...5-1 xSt. Louis.. 5 Boston ..... { xFourteen innings. Games to-day---Washington at Chicago; Philadelphia at Detroit; New York at Cleveland; Boston at St, Louis, NATIONAL LEAGUE Wo P.C 123 676 565 A402 won 46 St. Louis New York .... Chicago ....sua Brooklyn . Boston ...l./.. Philadelphia .... . Pittsburg ...... Cincinnati Yesterday's Results. Brooklyn 10 St, Louis /... 4] New york 115 Cincinnati . 5-2 Boston.. 9-x2. Chicago ....1-2 'xCalled end of ninth, account of Sunday law. Only games scheduled. Saturday's Results. Cincinnati.. 6 New York.... 4 Chicago.....12 Boston ..... 3 Brooklyn..7-4 St. Louis ...0-3 Pittsburg. .10-4 Phila, .....6-b Games to-day -- Chicago at Philadelphia; Pittsburg at Bos- ton; Cincinnati at Brooklyn; St. Always first to consider the pleasure of smokers = FIRST TO PROTECT ITS QUALITY BY SEALING IN MOISTURE PROOF CELLOPHANE. PE GCG To 'has held its leadership for 50 years -- a tribute to real merit.

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