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Oshawa Daily Times, 30 Jun 1931, p. 2

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_ THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, JUNE 30, 193 3 / Aere's Real News For ~~ Public School Pupils Promotion Results Out {Continued from page 1) " PROMOTED TO SR. 111. : On Term Work 'Mary Rukaruck, Nellie Mydan, "Helen Hall, John Reynolds, Robert Pratley, Kenneth McGee, Jessie Newman, Isabell Smith, Charles Keys, Harold Pringle, Bessic An- thony, Lorraine McTaggart and John Frolis equal, Blanche Cooper and James Paterson equal, Dick Orr, Jennie Terech, Clifford Mar- nien, Margaret Heard, Lyle Menaul. By Examination Helen Lee, Lena Fudger, Freddie Bircham, Kenneth Twaites, Ray- mond Attersley, Dorothy Keenan, Evelyn Cowle, Elsie Marchuck and 'Sarah McIntosh and Jack Farrer equal, Joc Mydan, Teddy McComb, Madeline Short, Marion Judd, Joe Spencer, Bruce Milne, George Lee (Rec) Ina White, teacher. PROMOTED °TO JR. III. On Term Work Eileen Clancy, Betty Clarke, Vic- tor Scott, Bobbie Calford, Evelvn Houston, Betty Graham, Grace Em- mons, Roy Gorden, June Smith, Pearl McClimond, Mgurige Mc- Gahey, Billic Braben, Walter Bra- bin, Billie Fudger, Steve Ryzak, Cameron Stuart, Ruth Cooper, Peg- gv Orr, Catharine Smith, Helen Kidd, Ellen Larocque, John Hrjnyk, Jack Rukaruc, Harold Lee, Karko, Kansikas, Greta Cheeseborough, Tillie Taylor, Wilhemine Crawford, Otto Young, Phyllis Twaites. By Examination Bobbie Mcintosh, Betty Rolson, Nick Hrajnyk, John Heard, Harold Bezzant, Howard Tucker, Lorng Pringle, Clifford Pringle, Audrey Farrer, John Chapman, Helen Yuskau, Mary Lezzun. Alice Harston, teacher PROMOTED TO JR. IL On Term Work Verna Brant, Wallage Mason, Jean Polak, Annie Christie, Leora Stuart and Helen Lesnick equal, Helen . Houston, Maitland, Duff, Pearl Keenan, Billie Miners, Pat Mullen, Florence Williamson, . Charlie Fudger, George Wilson. By Examination Mary Yuskw, Roderick Wiltshire, « Lawrence: Mason, Freddie Taylor, # Billie - Farrer, Tommy Byrant, & George Judd, Harold Topham, El- "mer Lewis: I. G. Bone, teacher 3 PROMOTED TO SR. II ¥ On Term Work 5 Wilbert Smith, Broum Haydie, © Mary Marchuk, Annie Rucurac. h \ y Examination .. Julia Boyd, Douglas Amy, Nor- "man McMaster, Morley Mullen, Ear] Crawford, Henry Lee. I. G. Bone, teacher. PROMOTED TO JR. II. On Term Work . Louis Hadju, Sophie Robert Mitchell, Doomie Lee, » y Examination Wm Mike Popp, Floryjan Tomolack, arle Danzy. M. Morison, teacher PROMOTED TO Sr. | On Term Work Pearl Tyrrell, ery Birchom, . Jack Brown, Irene Gordon, Hardy Jesperson, Marie Smith, Mary Stelmack. Tessie Patterson, Matt- hew Brudick. in NL By Examination Norman Pringle, Marion Craw- ford, Colin Rolson, Harold Keenan, Joe Laroque (Rec.) M. Morison, teacher. PROMOTED TO JR. | On Term Work Francis Tereck, John Anthony, Paul Timar, Margaret Foghton, Betty Pratley, Elsie McClemond, oo" M. Morison, teacher SENIOR PRIMARY TO JUNIOR FIRST Stella Wochekouska, Helen Polak and Jack 'Taylor 'equal, Georgina + W... --~. Calder and. Buddy: Houston, equal, Elinor Jespersen, Mary Mason, Eva Boyd, Victoria Marchuk, Gordon Hornby, Betty Sweet, Edward At- kinson, Jenny. Lesnick, 'Ella Hous- ton and Raymond Miners equal, George = Twaites, Bertha Fudger, Bobbie' Ice, 'Miroslaw © Vercholaz, Lillian King, Donald Coeper. JUN "PRIMER TO SENIOR. 3 .. PRIMER _ Erancis Newman, Douglas Whit: ing, Jean Fish, Freida Spratt, Don- ald Heard," Charlie Cowle, Clifford Hopkins, Kenneth 'Parish, David Williamson. JUNIOR PRIMER TO INTER- MEDIATE PRIMER Lily Taylor, 'Hillian Crawford, Billie Paterson, John Saramuk, Lloyd Clement, Ve "Tucker, Jim- mie Menaul, Walter Topham. M. L. Schnick, teacher, CEDARD CEDARDALE SCHOOL > oN TERM WOR SLiPeter ysotski, Elsie Lloyd, Dorothy Henderson, Annie Kone: Tiuk, Lloyd = Barriage, Victoria Gucuiding, Eugene Shaw, Annie Ja- cula, -Stire, Joe Kosowsky, Iris Dingley, Bruce Henderson, Steve Osmok, : By Examination Leanitt, Qlga Pacanick, Gillara, Hilda McQuaid, ver: cFarlane, Peter Backwell, Marion Arnold; Steve. Backwell, Mary Clemens, John Harbacko, Vera Andrews (Rec.), Isobell Mal- lett, (Rec.) © PRO A Allen ran R. Patterson; teacher, ITED TO JR. iv. / Darl. Stamina 6 ris Szewiczuk, George Gouldi Grahame Ha , dun Fraser, Pearl plarchewsk, Verna . Stire, Mary Dantostud, Joe" Maga, oy d, Ernest Wilkins, Mary Goch, Alfred Wilkins, Lola Peter Opychany, Steve Fred Climpson, Mary Annie © Anderson, Mary Lloyd Spragg, Henderson, Paconik, Mucha, Gangemi. ; B Noreen Arnold, Carolyn Cook, Eileen La ord, John Gulenchyn, 'Albers Li Stella Chyrk, Annie | Zochodne, Murray, Rose Pow- | 'Zochodne, Joe Pat ard - Wilson, Ronald as Goch, Clarence ne Shaw, Alice Pos. y Examination ng 5 MacDonald, teacher. : ED TO SR, 111, i . On Term Work ." Helen Krawes, Margaret Jenkins, Parayko, | Olive Fraser, Hilda Dalby, Ada Lloyd, Bert Dingley, Annie Gulen- chyn, Barbara Wilsen, Alice Chryk, Helen Murray, Jack Harper, Joan Brooks, Madaline Branton, Reta Ferguson, Stella Zochodne, Jack Shaw, Bernice Branton, Bill Jeffrey, Margaret Leavitt. . By Examination Anna Brewster, Mary Starczew- ski, "Gladys Canfield, Marvin King, Beatrice" Glowaski, Betty Curry, Fred Carey, Lorna Deeley (Rec.), Kathleen Crandell (Rec.), Eben Millar (Rec.) Helen M. Oke, teacher. PROMOTED TO JR, III On Term Werk Frank Henkelman, Mary Kushnir, Wallace Kosowsky, Wilfred Duf- field, Stanley Skirrew, Lorna Sing- er, Catherine Waddington, Jimmie Topham, Willic Sutherland, Frank Harasymchuk, June. Henderson, Adeline Care Violet Milne, Pearl Harris, Billie Huzar, Sophie Melny- chuk, Gordon McQuaid, Fred Mas- on, : By Examination Audrey Harper, Mary Jackson, Stuart Kellar, Clara Wilkins, Mar- garet Waddington, Hubert Boor- man, Thelma Greenfield, Claude Magee, Elizabeth Chryk. G. 5. Newman, teacher PROMOTED TO JR. THIRD On Term Work Edna Matthews, Willie Wenglarz, Robert McKenna, Jack Goulding, Annie Wysotski, Shirley Wilson, Annie ' Maga, Myrtle Dabring. By Examination Marion Stoddert, Kosty Sharky, Joe Woynakoski, Ruth Barriage, Julia Saimers. M. E Oke, teacher PROMOTED TO SR. SECOND CLASS On Term Work Edith Greenfield, Ruby King, Bobby Salmers, Helen Dalby, Gor- don Sloan, Cecil Treebell, Fred Nickiforuk. By Examination Loretta Dungar, Frank Adams, Grace Gillard, Hazel Marnien, Nick Gulenchyn, Billy Kucherik, Edith Locke, Annie Horbacho. --M. E. Oke, teacher. PROMOTED TO JR. SECOND On Term Work Florence Singer, Margaret Millar, Annie Henderson, Winsome Tutin, Jack Johnstone, Stella Wenlarz, Al- an Tutin, George Harper, Paul Ket- ella, Norman Magee, Eva Sharky, Ruby Dobring and Anna Melyncoz- uk, equal. : By Examination Ethel Hoy, Adam Morris, Stanley Locke, Douglas Curry, Earl Wood, Marian Thomson, Donald Leavitt. Kathleen Glowaski --M. J. Hancock, teacher. PROMOTED TO SR. FIRST : On Term Work Sheila Harper, Mary Frolick, Peggy Knight, Jack Bessie, Richard { Lack, Wanda Meringer, Margaret { Shaw, June Hester, Richard Bar- riage, Jean Waddington. By Examination Frank Hughes, Douglas Crandell, Mary Kellar, Wright Howarth, --M. J. Hancock, teacher, PROMOTED TO JR. FIRST On Term Work Marie Huzar, Jennie Kuzemeliuk, Jean Patterson, Florence Dobring, Robert Arnold, Joe Clark, Thora Shaw, Ludella Harper, David Pugh, llean Gay, Robert Hoy, Annie Ma- Falushen, Jack Sloan, Olive Jack- son, Celia Goulding, Jack Huggin , Olga Magalushen, Joan Gillard, Margaret Dalby, Ernest Brooks, James Brewster, Margaret Steven- son, John Maga, Mike Mucha Mike Kushnier, Bedford Thomson, Lorne Chesboro. : " JR. IR. TO SR. PR. _ George oomer, Billie Kurelo, Fred Dingley, John Kolebnok, SL nie Greenfield, Billie Millar, Violet Marnien, Irene Edmunds, Bernard Lack; Douglas Harman, Bertha Wanakoski, Grant Chesboro, Laut- ena. Galt, Nick Waduck, --U. Ritson, teacher. MARY STREET J. C. Fetterley, Principal Promoted to Sr. IV ., On Term Work Jean Weiss, Keith Smith Hazel Hopps, Robert Hendrie, Archie Campbell, Lois Cottingham, Alex Fraser, George Davis, Mary Dun-, lop, Verna Hogle, Jean Hopkins, Harold Roughley, Jean McLaugh- lin, Bernice Jarvis, Ernest An- drews, Lorne Wilkie, Bruce Cam- eron, Gordon Wilson, Gordon Burnett, Victor Keenan Billy Kel- ly, Ronald Ogden. A By Examination Gloria Wright, Bruce Wales, Billy Deidge, Margaret Kewan, Norman Ward, Donald McEarch- ern, Ilarl Harlock, Audrey Camp- bell, Ross Morgan, Bob Parish, Karl Perry.--Alma Warne, fea- cher. PROMOTED TO Jr. 1V. On Term Work Doris Crowe, Edward Bartlett, Malcolm MeMechan, Arthur Cory, E Dorothy Bale, Jack Dewell How- ard West, Raymond Stephenson, Ernest Bemis, June Luke, James Davie Edel Olsen, Raymond, Clif- ton, Bob. Kelly Vera Bouckley, David Magee, Percy Griffin Law. rence Wragg, Doris McBrien, Isa- bel Peacock, Jean Noxon, Gordon Brown Barbara Winkworth, Jack Hobbs, Douglas Me Cullgugh, Lil- lian Sathrang. By Examination James Barclay, Jim McClelland, Catharine Campbell, Fern Wilson, Billy Holland, Thelma Brown, Billy ,Beamish and Rose Hobbs (equal), Arthur, Long, Mary Mic- hael,. Ruth Hartrick, Catharine Bulmer, Evelyn Wright, Delberta Luke, Helen Farrow (Rec.)-- Gladys I. Doan, teacher, PROMOTED TO Sr. TH On Term Work ; Helen Kirby, George Cameron, Ferne Dewell, Jack Palmer, Joyce Bouckley, Ethel Ralph, Annie Sci. -| marseth, Douglas Hopps, Douglas Love, Audrey-Tryon, Bessia An- derson, Glenda Ward, Lorne Gray, Evelyn Ashman, Lottie Smith, Charlie Snell, Marjorie Graham, Rhea Newsome, Glenn Branton, Evelyn Farrow. By n Donald Dean, Jim Cameron, Margaret Doidge, Jack MecPher- son, Adele Bartlett, Peter Burke, Wilfred Parish (rec),z Marjorie Hartrick (rec.), Moira Thom (rec). PROMOTED TO Jr. IV By Examination Norman McBrien, Allan Hep- burn, Margaret Bone, Margaret Mounce, Robert MacKay.--Myr- tle A. Wilson, teacher. PROMOTED TO Jr. III On Term Work Caroline Brown, Wilma Chap- man, Beatrice McLean, Vernon Ellicott, May Finlay, George Stonebridge, Billie Werry, Eve- lyn Colling, Betty Hill, Laurence Crowe, David St. Andrews, Joan Ralph, Billie Hastings, Arnold McEachern Orval Berry, Betty Peacock, Sidney Smallbone, El- mer Peavoy, Phyllis Edwards, Delbert MacFarlane, Joyce Roe, Donald Kirby. By Examination Gordon Benson, Gordon Wiley, Alex McKay, Mary Turnbull, Ray Crossman, Russell Clark, Frank Beamish, Coral Hogle, Le Roy Peyton, Verna Statham and Wilma Rennie (equal, Roena Dean, Freda Tryon and Stewart Booth (equal), Stanley Hobbs, Jack Sleep, Teddy Parish.--B. M. Laidlaw, teacher. PROMOTED Sr. 1 TO Jr Il On Term Work Vernon Hopps, Ruth Hilts, Clif- ford Butt, Doreen Colbourne, Fred Middleton, Arthur Hawkins, Muriel McGarvie, Jack Kirby, Bil- ly Frobel, Lorna Galloway, Irene Fullerton, Marjory Pollard, Bil- ly Bone, Garnet Reynard, Gladys Hicks, Raymond Northey. Jr. IT to Sr. II. Mary Wright, Florence Ander- son,, Jean Gardner, Marie Arm- strong, Chloris Hartrick, Dorothy Lott, Eric Porter, By Examination Sr. I to Jr. 11 Betty Cook, Betty Hartrick, Leonard Manning, Marion Gibson, Douglas Kewin, Margaret Clarke, Harold Canfield, Silverjoyce Kerr, George Flintoff. Jr. II to Sr. 11 Rosie Stonebridge, Vivian Gray, Glenn Brooks, Idella De Mille.-- A. M. Allin, teacher. PROMOTED TO JR. SECOND On Term Work Ronald Compston, Morris Love, Sylvia Copping," Margaret Collins¢ David Cameron, Betty McCul-) lough, Earl Peavoy, Russell ATE drews, Ada Kirtley, nald Crossman, Ray Branton. By Examination Winnifred Campbell Frank Humphries,--Jean B. Hoover, Teacher. PROMOTEED TO JUNIOR 1 and INTER PR. On Term Work Wilma Garrard, Doris Ward, Billy Shultz, Lois Yourth, Gordon Tryon, Bertha Reid, Gladys Van- zant, Beatrice Farrow, Jean Boyd, Glenna Wilson, Margaret Rennie, Florence Munro, Bobby Luke, Arthur Harmer, Ray Cowan, Tommy Ashman, Joan Bouckley, Ruby Anderson, Nan Irwin, Grant Stroud, Keith Cameron, George Benson. Jr. Pr. to Tater Pr. Jack Kewin, Ross Sutherland, Eleanor Barnes, Eleanor Clarke, Russell Demille, Mable Laycoe.-- Jean B. Hoover, teacher. ~ PROMOTED STO JR. 1 Audrey Gray, Irene Ralph, Bruce' Sharard, Jimmie Noxon, Owen McMurtry, Evelyn Garrard, Elva McLean, Donald Bouckley, Muriel Cameron, Jack Cory, Dou- glas Wales, Muriel Boddy, Ross Mills, AlyR Elliott, Jean Me- Isaac, Betty Ashman, Raymond Clarke, . May McKnight, Florence Densem, Betty Wolfraim, Ian Chalmers, Ronald McDonald, Rhea Hall, Fred Lodge, Evelyn Young, Jean Jobb,. Pearl Win- field, Claude Statham, Martin Krkos, John Eyre, Jessie Camer- on, Joyce Plowright, Marion Me- Eachern, Norman Gray, Winnie Hall, Georgina Day, Gordon Lott, David Wragg, May Perry. FROM JR. PRIMARY TO INTER. MEDIATE PRIMARY Iris Ward, Jean Armstrong, Loreen Adair.--Gertrude C. Ham- ley, teacher. NORTH SIMCOE J. W. Garrow, Principal On Term Work Promoted to SR, IV.--Helen Evans, Roy Hamilton, Harold Watson, Arthur Vaillancourt, Donald Burns,, Betty Henley, Ida Clifton, Dennis Pear- son, Marguerite Holdaway, Joan Schofield, Billie Beamish, Bill Evans, Betty Daans, Bob Ger- mond, Glenys Black, Ernest Mec- Knight, Bruce McFarlane, Frank Sheridan, Doreen Schoenau, Nor- vel Allan, Isabel McDonald, Agnes McClelland, Norman Adair, Ma- rion Chapman, James Reid, By Examination--Gene Morri- son, Lorraine White and Mildred Perry (equal), Lorna Taylor, Ed- ward Brisebois, Marjorie McDon- ald, Doris Cole, Earl McMaster, Kathleen - Sheridan, Jack Coad, Margaret Adaum, Frank Kirk, George Reid. . E. L. Ford, teache On Term Work / Promoted to SR. TV.--James Ashworth, Joan Ayling, Robert Gray, Dorothy Lawrence n A. McDonald, Peggy McKim, Stuart Cunningham, +, By Examination--Fra on, Raymond Adair, McKnight, Jack Flete wood MacDonald, L. J. Pierson, Teacher, On Term Wark Promoted to JR. 1V,---John Me- Donald, Con hee Farncomb, A af Ti jces Nox- awrence r, Der- Mary Manning, ey Morphy. h Florence Watts, Thelma Stauffer, David Copeland, Walter Roberts. Joan Mason, Lloyd/ Wilkins, Mar- Saret Smith, Donald Cranfield, rven York. : By Examinatiop--Jack Durie, Btanley Bhine, [margaret Nott, 'Larry Barton, John Norrig. Bruce Anderson, Jack Sly, Enid Hall, Marjon Cox, Floreen Sheri- dan, Eya Collis, Thelma Haller- am, L. J. Pierson, Teacher. On Term Work Promoted to JR, 1IV.--~Hugh Bailey, Ella Coure, Keith Ross, Claude Smith, Ross Corbett, Jack Dell, Lyle Pepino, Lorne Feuton, Renoma Brault, Bertram Wil- liams, Norma Dunford, Erline Lott, Ivan Morrison, Lorraine Da- foe, Henrietta Savage. By Examination--Mary Fox, and Vera Cane (equal), Jack Raike, Ruby Stirling, Helen Bat- tle, Douglas Burden, Donald Dan- fels, Velma Bramley, Marion Adams, Gertrude Stenhouse (rec.) Bessie Kellar (rec.). Gertrude M. Kidney, Teacher, On Term Work Promoted to SR#TIL.--Barbara Morphy, Marguerite Bradley and Dorothy McTavish (equal), Gor- don Lofthouse, Francis Corfe, Miller Alloway, George Nugent, Ruth Ferguson, Irene Rutherford, Lois Knight, Irene, Corben and Samuel Fox (equal), Muriel Sturch, Gladys Watson, Ermal Leavens, Margaret Bell, John Ward, Gordon Hare, Daisy Shack- leton, Alex Reid and Audrey Yourth (equal), Marion Marks, William Watts, George [isher, Marion Ross. By Examination--Ruby Day- man, Donald Manning, William Jordan, Robert Dafoe, Rae Bald- win, Cecil Yoe, Fred Smith, Doris Guscott, Jean Burke, Stanley Will- son and Ian McNab (equal), Lewis Allan, Marjourie Brault, Thelma Taylor (rec.), Harold Fowler (rec.). 1.. Stephenson, Teacher. On Term Work "A" Class Promoted to JR, IIl.--Pauline Little, Hugh Joyce, Marion Nor- ris, Dorothy Williams, Ralph Jones, Irvin Tomlinson, Wallace Wilson, Charlie Peters, YB" Class William - Richardson, Begg, Gordon Boultbee, Gladys Martyn, Isabel Loury, William Smith, Charles Patterson, Agnes Barclay and Jean Lindsay (equal) Peggy Stuart, Tommy Barclay, Irene Ward, Betty Dewbery, Glen Bottrell, Gordon Crawford. By Examination--Arthur Fo ler, Earl Fenton, Martha Reid, Hilda Hawkshaw, Bobby Simmons, Harold Kirtley, Hilda Cole, Jim- my Wright, Vernon Welsh, Pear! Adams, Margaret Mountenay (ill), Annie Ross (rec.), Harry Tresise (rec.), Billy Keel (rec.). K. K. Hezzelwood, Teacher On Term Work Promoted to SR. INI.--Kath- leen Wallace, Donald Fox, Alfred Brisbois, Yvonne Finlay, Noreen Ramsden, Maisie Yourth, Betty Giermond, May Wilson, Doris Ste- wart, By Examination--Billy Fraser, Jack Chapman, Alice McKim (rec.), Norma Buss (rec.) Gertrude M. Kidney, Teacher, On Term Work "A" Class Promoted to JR. IIL.--Elizabeth Morphy, Stuart Jacobs, Doreen Smith, Marie Hockin and Ruth Reeson (equal), Paul Barton, Jack Mason, Edna Cole, Phyllis Marshall, Reta Allan, Wilma Ree- son. Moira "B"" Class Jean Wallace, Harold Bramley, Nancy Borrett, Olive Hawkshaw, Bob Stewart, Anita Gilbert, Bar- bara Worrall, Donald MacDonald, Beryl Hall, Stewart McTavish and Neil Sutherland (equal), Joan Mc Laughlin, James Ritchie, Luella Phillips, Joan Burns, Lucille Smith and Roy Comrie (equal), Alan Detenbeck, lsobelle Carlyle By Examination--Muriel Fra- zer, Bernice Lott, Hilda Sheridan, Evelyn Taylor, Gordon Stevenson, Ralph Craig, Ge #:ge Trisise, Ber- nice Langmaid, Albert Lewis McLean. L. F. Cordick, Teacher. On Term Work Promoted to JR. 1l.--Harold Gilbert, Mervin Perkin, Mavis Wallbank, Billie Blight, George McLaughlin, Ormand Yourth, Philip Patterson, Jack Wilson. By Examinat:on--Florence Cop- ley, Earl Rahme, Grant Anderson, E, M. Johnston, Teacher. On Term Work Promoted to SR. Il.--George Corfe, Dorothy Sharp, Margaret McDiarmid, Donald Burden, Gor- don Tomlinson, Dorothy Smith, Emily Holdaway; Frank Kilduff, Norman Raike, Douglas Favell, Campbell Ross. By Examination--David son, John Peters, Jean Ruby Guscott, Helen Buss. E. M. Johnston, Teacher On Term Work Promoted to JR. 11.--Bilfy Mc- Larty, Bernard Morrison, Alwin Ashworth, Dorcas Beaton, Edward Blakely, Kenneth Andison and Billy Carlyle (equal), Nesta Chap- pell, Maryaret Mann, Barnie Car- Iyle, Dorothy Smith, Jean Brad- ley, Earl Morphy, Walter Sutton and Joan Wilkins (equal), Billy Dafoe, Leslie Gouldburn, Barbara Small, Marion James, Betty Cor- bett, Mavis Thompson, Joan Nott, June Bellis, Wilfred Gillette. By Examination--Dick Burk- hart, Clinton Hall and Billy John- son (equal), llean French, Joan Ross, Basil Rose, Eleanor Patter- son, Tommy Caldwell, Jean Hay- ball and Rae Jones (equal), Mur- ray Newhall, Bobby Mason, Xen- neth Brisebois, Ivan l.ee, Donald Branton, Muriel Morison (rec.). H. G. Batty, Tracher, ~ On Term Work Promoted to JR. I.--Alec Ew- ing, Lionel Johnson. Josephine Wallace, © Joyce Burke, Ruth Swartz, Jean Dingman, Douglas Langmaid, Helen Pepino, Helen Beamish Donald Hill, Webster Johnson, Donald Langton, Gordon Peters, Dorrie Stuart, Billie Ross, Fred Fox,. John Reid, Florence Sargant, George Jackson, Bobbie Rutherford, Donald Lynde Billie Cox, Walter Thom, Noreen Law- son, Alan Carlyle. By Examination--Reggic Brault, Donald York, Billie Mills, Ronald Guscott, Paul Wilkins, Donald Wills, Josephine McIntyre, Ann Mills, eBrtie Neil, George Tomlinson, Joyce Brocklehurst, Wil- Dafoe, Sadie Fox, Teacher. . . On Term Work Promoted to JR. I---Lorraine Harmer, Eileen Owen, Rot 110- way, Dorothy Blight, Bob MeNabh, Billy 'Morrison, Billy Cane, David Ross, June Bowers, Bruce Stevey- Wilson, | son, Joan Mercer, Robert Wilson, Alton" Kellar, Jimmy' French, Charlie Brick, Rena Craig, Gloria Smith, Betty Hope. * By Examination--Mervyn Nich- olls Dorothy Smith, Jack Ratz, Albert Bouckley, Eric Lindsay Jackie Cook, Jeanette Coad, Bob- by Hegadorn, Gordon Jacobs, Adelaide Wilson, Billy Burns, Dorothy .Soanes, Donald Smith, Peter Willson, Allan Forrest, F. A, Taylor, Teacher. KING STREET SCHOOL E. M, Holmes, Principal PROMOTED TO SR. IV On Term Work Elma Murick, Jean Jarrell, Roy Cliff, Richard Thomas, Charles Tay- lor, Dolores Krantz, Vi Wilber, Douglas Noris, Alex Brooks, Ruth Moore, Elmer Eadie, Laurie Wake- ly, Billy Johnston, Clair Dobie, Bob Haines, Bill Leggott, George Bone, Billy McGrath, Mary Sheridan, Ev-4 elyn Weir, Audrey Brinning, Eve- lyn Bowden, Ross Luke, Irene Kinsman, By Examination Roy Stockill, Jack Gaynor, Geo, Mathews, Alex Gardner, Jack Brin- ning, | Donald MacDonald, Ella Prestok, Maida Garbutt, Walter Hooper, Richard Newell. C. M.: Cruse, teacher, PROMOTED TO JR. IV On Term Work Jules Steiner, Muriel Platten, James Pickup, Keith Krantz, Ralph Meckin, Annabelle Baird, Margaret Lockwood, Mack Switzer, Jack Lockwood, Dorothy Haverson, Mar- garet Meek, Douglas Soanes, Aileen Glenn, Wanda Gamble, June- Mc- Kenzie, Mike Dzendrowski, Allan Plowright, loorne Sandford, Jean Connolly, Stirling Grimmon, Ken- neth Aston, Dorothy Chapman, Joyce Carnell, By Examination Grierson Hayton, Douglas Mc Donald, Connig Cooper, Vivian Hough, Marjorie Culling, Jack Mill- er, Raymond Cochrane, Marie Hew- itt, Vergie Trotter, Jean Campbell, Joan Andrews, Helen Cowle, Wilma Sage, Earl Newell. --V. G. Kaiser, teacher. PROMOTED TO SR. 1H On Term Work Helen Wilson, Betty Jarrell, Jean Elliott, Peggy Henry, Eleanor Campbell, Adele Carey, Donald Sandford, Jack Berry, Ray Trew, Audrey Kellett, Virginia Robson, Vernon Shaw, Lco Krantz, Charles Peaker, Bessie Richards, Allan Sheridan, Dorothy Hanna, Wilma Rundle, Fred Preston, Iestyn Thom- as, Robert Wallace, Edith Brooks, Kathleen Grimmon, Margaret Law- rence, Geraldine Riordan, Ruth Goodman, Hazel Harris, Rosella Farrell, Margaret lanson y Examination Reginald Thursby, Dorothy Cawk- er, William Cowie, Joyce Marks, Allan Daniels, Kathleen Jones, Dor- is Stockill, Albert Dart, James Tay- lor, George Hooper. --FE. Al Lyon, teacher PROMOTED | | | TO JR. 111 { On Term Work | A Class--Drew Jacobi, George i Lean, Ruth Chapman, Betty Roy, Ross Edmunds and Hugh McIntyre (equal), Marion Fields, Catharine Soanes, Donald Millard, Douglas { Flintoff, Orma Skinner," Raymond | Carr, Hilda McQuaid, Irene Lanson, | Alfred Foster. | B Class--Moira Graham, Ronald Flintoff, Jenice Taylor, Nellie Hay- erson, Jean Smith, Hugh Mechin and Vernon Wright, (equal)), Billy Ball, Illna Brooks and Bruce Walk- er, (equal) By Examination Gordon Ball, Robert Brown, Al- bert Knibb, James Coxson, Bennie Severs, Norman Carey, William Perry, Jack Perry, Arthur Bickle, Betty Kift, Laverne Gaynor and Ruth Brown (equal), Reginald Mc- Gahey, Innis Pipher, Frank Berry (Rec) M. E. Adair, teacher. PROMOTED TO SR. 11 On Term Work Donald Leach, Peggy McCallum, Betty Moore, "Palmer Robson, Fre- ida McMahon, Verna Platten, An- dre! Planche, Evelyn Peaker, Ken- neth White, Ronald Mackenzie, Bil- ly Miller, Jean Callaghan, Doreen Cucknell. PROMOTED TO JR, 11 Geofirey Andrews, Grace Hutch- ins, Elaine Dash, Hugh Haverson, Jack Ledger, Donald Daniels, Kel- vin Edgar; Roy Hennessey, Annie Dzendrowski, Kuth Bathe, Douglas Forrester, Douglas Hough, Eileen Leggott, Billy Metcalfe, Vera Tay- lor. % By Examination Promoted to Sr) I1--Morris Rey- nolds, Joan Newell, John Beawnont, Frank Stockill, Mervyn Allen (Rec) : Promoted to Jr, 11--Frances Zie- man, David Moore, Jack Bathe, Bobby Henry, Gerald Krantz, --E, J. Bayne, teacher PROMOTED TO JR. I On.Term Work Norman Wilton, Mary Miller, Margaret Soanes, Doreen Gilbert, Ray Mason, Douglas Freeman, and Marion Luke (equal), Violet Hut. chins, Dorothy Visue, Harry Grim- mon and Loftus Papineau (eqaul). By Examination ol Mildred Warren, Jean Dainard, David Bathe, Dorothy Huxtable, Marion Campbell. Intermediate Pr. to Sr. Pr.--Not-. man Carr, Cameron Millard, Ken- ncth Brown, Juue Sage.® Jre Pr. to Int. Pr.--~Irwin Trick, Francis Vennor, --W, M. Kayes, teacher. PROMOTED TO JR. 11 On Term Work Douglas Clemens, Laura Plancke, Calvin Grimmon, James Howard, Bill Alchin, Marion Trew, Kathleen Irwin, Ethel Dart, Jean West, Don- ald Townsend, + Stanley Lawrence, Doreen Wilkins, Ronald Henderson, i hi Examination 4 George Boyce, Leonard Tilby, Jack Babcock, Helen Thursby, Marie Cain, Doris Elliott (abs, for. examination, promoted on term work.) --W, M. Kayes, teacher. |, PROMOTED FROM R. PR. TO JR. 1 \ On Term Work 4 Jack Jarrell, Ruth Sadler, Leone Palmer, James Skinner, Roy Bun- ker and Margaret Pellow (equal), Robert McElroy and Betty Flintoff (equal), Irene Grah m, Jean Mes Grath and Eileen Witce (equal), + Millicent Blackburn, 1 Freda Robson, Jackie ac Gaynor and Joan Salter (e ual), (Continued on page 5) 4 * whispered. John Valleau, jean Micha) aid the THE Lucky LAWRENCES The luck which had brought the Boston Lawrences to California just at the beginning of the gold rush seemed to have deserted the pres- ene generation. a ranch. their holdings had farm and their il, now 25, had Jone direct from h school into the iron works. girls had to capitalize their voracious interest im litera- est store. thelr n- worries, 17-year-old Ariel was now Gail had visions of a renewal of their intimacy. That evening, just before Dick Stebbins, who as Phil's best friend had the run of the house, stepped in, the family had been teasing Gail about her beau because she looked to happy. INSTALMENT V Now, on her twenty-third birth- | fay unexpectedly Van Murchison | had given her back her dr \ms and Gall lay wakeful in the da.% after Edi': had left her, giving full rein to the joy of them, turning the key | '0 a girl's heaven weth four dollars' | worth of pink roses. y Oh, how gbod she could be, how gracious and sweet and fine she could be if Van Murchison fell in love with her! That was all she needed, just a break--just an indic- ation that wonderful things could )appen, that poor girls were some- .imes sought in marriage by rich young men. ; Herself up at the big Chipp man- sion--Van at her side, Arthur Clipp smiling at her, Mrs, Chipp asking her to call her "Aunt Martha. "And what do you two young peo- ole plan?" 'Well, my sister Edith is to be my ridesmaid." Young Mrs. Murchison. Alter all, f she was married at--say this time next year--nobody could say that she had been an old maid. Twenty- four, that was young to marry. And then Ede should marry, it would be easy enough to find beaus for the other girls, with the Murchison money and position behind her! "What an adorable baby, Mrs. Murchison. "Yes, and have you heard, Mrs. Hunter, that my clever wife has a story coming out in the Atlantic? Written before this young man ar- tived--" The fun of it! And why not? Other girls had Jaa that much luck, and much, mich nore. Drowsing off to sleep in the sweet summer darkness Gail heard a doar sang downstairs just as the clock struck a drowsy eleven, The Lawe+ rences, having little to protect, rare- vy locked doors; perhaps this was 3am comihg in late. nerhaps it was Phil. Anway. unless it banged 1gain she did not propose to get up 0 bother with it. As it happened 1? was neither. but Gail could not. know that and so she drifted happily off into aeep sleep of tired twenty-three, Van Murchison's laugh, his voice, still in her ears. Sam had been in bed and asleep for an hour when the clock struck leven, Phil had wal»4 home 1fom night school with Lily, who had recently developed an entirely rid- lenlous and adorable interest in her mind, and had decided 'to study French on the very evenings Phil was at school. He wat now sit- ting on the steps of the Cass sitanty at the end of Thomas Street, look- ing down on the dooryard rubbish that was softened into something like beauty in the starlight, and mupmuring incoherent and foolish absurdities to the little ear that smelled of heavy cheap powder and perfume, No the door had been slammed by Ariel--or rather it had been caught and slammed by an unexpected gust of wind when her small frail hand had onened it upon the sunmer dark, She had stood there tremb- ling, terrified. But there had been no disturb- ance upstairs and after an inter- minable silence Ariel had opened the door again, nolselessly this ae, had slipped down The beauty of/it! through and into the deep |v green-black shadows at the gate. In a sky Ah clear dark blue millighs stars been twinkling, and the side lane. desolv rutted from Ariel - Buddy Raisch very slightly, but she knew, as all the town knew, that he was an over- grown big boy whe had been at Stanford University for about three years and was still a sophomore. She knew what the scent of Buddy's 'breath signified too. Of the sunk in the rufible A ted man with a collapsed little bobbed slick head on his shoulder, she had known mnoth- ing. But she had settled In heside the driver with a litle gasp of sat- isfaction and excitement. "Hear me w'istle?" Buddy had } "Sure." "Listen, we're only going down the road a ways and come back'. "That suits me," Ariel had said unverturbed. "You're a good little sport." Bud- dy had told her. They were out of heauing of the Lawrence house now. He stepped on t! he . . next day to all appearances , was like all the other Friday mom- ings of the year. Ariel, looking tir- ed and seeming nervous, came down stairs in tart] le Huey as n she epa; aia]. As Soom nd Edith agreed lovingly. dream with a to me she's what she knows that Phil is right about her running off every night to the movies. enough to see that of thing only cheapens her and doesn't pay!" born: roll. "I think the revelation of the ed smoothly. Gall made no answer. | She was mentally writing 2 suitably casual yet cordial note of thanks to | 1 "She's stich a baby" Edith said "It seems to me--" Gail brought resell back from her owh personal ttle effort, "It seems ot such a baby but Ariel's quite old that sort of poet in a gold clime 'was --' " Edith offered, buttering a ugliness and sordidness of life would absolutely kill her!" she add- Van Murchison for the roses. She stopped at Muller's on her way downtown this morning and bought a box of fine notepaper. The note itself was written at the lib- rary a few minutes later. At the end of the note, in her beautiful de- finitely dashing chirography that was itself squared in the Lawrence fashion like her jaw and her should- ers and her hands, she added: "If you can, come and have sup- per with us very informally--oh, so very informally {--on Sunday." She thought of this all day long. But at three o'clock she had some-| thing else of which to think for the telephone in the library rang sud-| denly. , : | It was Van, cheerful and friendly. | What time was he to come to sup-| per and why put it off until sun- | day. | "What the heck are you doing to- | morrow?" i "Tomorrow's my Saturday at the library, until nine o'clock." | Gail could hardly bear the happy beating of her own hedrt as she hung up the receiver. She thought she would suffocate with sheer feli- city. She went home on winged feet, stopping to pick up Edith, to buy the dotted Swiss dress. Gall hesit- ated long over colors, finally decid- ing on a deep purse. It would be practical and that shade was al- ways lovely with the dull gold of the Lawrence hair. "And a white hat--" Edith de- creed firmly. "Oh, Ede, T oughtn't!" "They're having a sale of them for two dollars," Gall, thrilling to youth and springtime, followed her sister through the jaded tumbled aisles of the store delicious white hat, This was one of their happy eve- nings. They strolled home through the shabby streets, admiring gard- ens, stopning -° at shon windows. Their voices murmured along to- gether. "Should you be plad if he was in love with you, Gall. "Oh heavens, I've only seen him once in five years!" "No. but I mean--should you?" Gail considered. "Yes, I think T would." "I don't know that I want vou to marry and go away from Clippers- ville, Sis." "It mightn't mean that" Gail broke into laughter. "Aren't we idiots! To have it all settled but tae wedding day!" That night while Edith sewed and Ariel nlayed i* with pen and @ap- er. Gail played solitaire. It had been her custom to do this. As she played she kept un a sort of monol- ogue. Sometimes it was in the form of an argument, a dissertation. Of- ten it was odd bite of postrv or re- membered scenes from Dickens or Poe or Stevenson, recalled word for word; most often of all it was improvised, in the form cof =a story or of biography. Just how she had begun this she never could remember; it was a familv institution now. The Stu- arts, the de'Medicals, the plots of Goethe. Dante, Wagner, all passed smoothly in reveiw when when Gail was in good form. After one mem- orable evening when Gail had reached the Black Hole of Calcutta, Ariel had had to move her mattress into Gail's room to get to sleep at all, and the whole family had talk- ed Indian Mutinv for three days. Best loved of all her performances were the chronicles of the Formal- dehvdes, an ambitious family of low origin whom she had invented, whose mother remained gauche, lovable. pitiable and ridiculous des- pite wealth and ppsition. Gail could rarely be persuaded to pur- sue the histories of the Formalde- hvdes, protestin that they were too utterly silly. But her real reason for refusing was self-protection, the instinctive self-protection of the or-| iginator. who feels the strain of im-| promptu humor. To be romantic, voetic, argumentative, was one thing, but to keep un the vlace of those ldiotie Formaldehydes wa$ te. an ! However, tonight the Formalde- hvdes returned in full force. Phil ving on the old couch with his eves shut, his ¥ine in his mouth, laneh-' od uptll the tears came. Sem langh€d. his tousled head on the! table. 'Bdith laughed with the re-! Tuctance of the dienified, ococassion- ally saying. "Oh, ston it, you idiot!" and Ariel laughed her wild bovish laugh that was so sweet and rare ai treat tn those who loved her. Finally thev were talking eagerlv, happily tozether in their bestmood.! It was all Hig and havov, and especially won ave the eo and with them all wandering upstairs at once. lights out below. evervone at home, safe and united. Gail saw the roses, still bright and fresh, in her rom and sat on the edge of her bed for a long time dreaming. It was not imagination then? Van Murchi- son had sent her those roses. He was coming to supper night after next. Saturdavs and Wednesdays. every other month, Gail stayed at the 1ih- rary until it closed at nine o'clock. On these days Edith always came down about six with a biz sand- wich and an apple, and Gail and she repaired to the dressine-room where Gall devoured the collation, axchaneed the news of the dav with her sister, all in ten minutes' time, and returned to the desk re- freshed. Alternate months she went home at noon on Saturdays and Wednes- | qr. but was on duty all day Sun- day. "Gail hated. the. Sunday duty and selected a | but the Salurday night were some mysterious exciting. There was always a §0oa n eternal deal of noise and traffic downtwn, the theatres were thy streets gayly lighted and the ule shadowy library seemed like a dign of vantage from which she wathed p the world. On the particular Saturdayeve- i ning that followed his arrive in ' Clippersville Van Murchison ame ; in. Gall was busy when a vok in the line asked anxiously: "Have you a good book hoxt cockroaches?" She looked up on a wild ruh of delight and there he was in dnjer clothes, with a light overcoat oa tut pareheaded. They laughed sauni- lessly together and Gail sedtdy disposed of a dozen claimants bi fore she was free to murmur with him for a minute. Ge "So this is where you arp? "Oh, hello," Gail smiled. "Do you want a book?" "Yes, P seem to need one. bout this one?" 3 She grinned at Little Susy's Cous= n Prudy. { "1 think that would be about you: number." "P11 bet it's racy! Il bet there's : in this book considerable matter ; that couldn't go through the mails! "Oh, sh-sh-sh-sh!" For they wera both bubbling andibly with suppres- ed laughter. "Well," said Van, "I'm going up to the Speedwells' for dinner, And gosh, how I hate it!" "You do?" > Co He regarded her curiosity. "Do you mean to say you'd like it? Gail composedly stamped 2 re- § | turned book, returned to the con- i versation, i "I imagine 1 wuld," she said. | "You don't go to dinners?" i "I haven't much chance." « "What'll you take to go to this § one? I could do that--I couldsdo § what youre doing. Go in my § place." "Nonsense!" she Iaughed and shook her head. Van went away leaving her with a feeling of con- tentment and completeness, a cer- | tain thrilled sense of being alive, of being pleased with everything. Later, reading in bed, she told | Edith that Van had come in to see her. "Oh, Gail" exclaimed Edith. "That's significant!" "Well--" She wouldn't quite ad- mit it. But she drifted off to sleep on the rosiest sea of hope and joy { that ever a woman knows, H How i | rt . > (To be continued) [ Use New Microphone For King's Add London, June 30.--~The Kin» will open the new King Georg Hospital at Ilford on July 18 an he will use a new microphone the broadcast by the Brit Broadcasting Corporation of h speech in connection therewit It will be the christening of i new microphone,, made by tH Marconiphone Cothpany Ltd., replace one of the Marconi Syk type, which has been in use sin the King first broadcast a speed * at the opening of the Wemble¢ Exhibition in 1924, Attached to the old instrume, is a silver plaque on which engraved the dates and occasio of the Royal Broadcasts. TH last was the opening of the rour® Table Conference on India in NB vember. The new microphone } more elaborate. It is a Marco Reisz, of the type used bf tH British Broadcasting Corporatio The case is finished in gold ad silver, and bears the Royal Arn and the Royal cipher. On a #f ver bracket will be inscribed tH records of the King's use of it. JI After the ceremony at Kin George Hospital the new micrch} phone will be on view, wica it# predecessor, in the Marconi phone Company's showroom if Tottenham Court-road. The oll instrument is to be preserved an historic record. -- -- | Scene of Tennyson's ! Last Days on Earth +f Now Open to Py London, June 30. ---Farr} ford, Freshwater, Isle of Wis, where Tennyson spent the 40 years of his life, is now ope} to tha public, for the first tin since the poet's death. Visito; are allowed to walk in the ca less-ordered garden, of which thi: poet wrote, and to enter = thi: house, where practically every thing is preserved as in Tenn] son's time, The ballroom, howl: ever, has been turned into Tennyson Museum, containing} many of his manuscripts; hil] correspondence with Queen Vief| toria, Disraeli, Gladstone ang cther famous Victorians; per traits given him by royalties, and paintings of the poet. The wideawake hats and flow, ing cloaks he always wore a& shew, as also the laurel wreat! sent to his funeral by Queen Vi teria. The summer house a th garden in which he wrote "Enocl Arden" can also be visited. Far ringford will be open to visito "daily except Saturday and Sun; day until the end of September Tax Rate Increased ; Belleville.--Tax Rate for Publi School supporters of 48 mills on thi dollar assessment and of 46.6" mill for Separate School supporters wa struck by the City Council at an a journed meeting Thursday even 1 at which the estimates and the regi lar tax by-laws were passed. ) Reid and the entire counci present. The 1931 rate for School supporters shows an ines of one mill over 1930 while that Separate School supporters is lov er. The rate last year for the latte was 47.2 mills and this year it | six tenths of a mill less in spit the fact that the rate rose from 21. } i if Carleton Place--~The 40th _annuf convention of the Women's 'CHB tian Temperance Union of 2 County, which 'was held in St." Ax drew's church, Carleton Place; ws one of the 'most successful in thi history of the organiation, ' dele gates being present from all part of the county,

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