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Oshawa Daily Times, 3 Jul 1931, p. 2

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% 1 -- ~ THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, JULY 3, 1931 "\ SCUGOG . (Mrs, D. Hope, Correspondent) Scugog, June 30.--The play "Amy from Arizona" given by Bethel » "actors was very much enjoyed and Es 5 well: attended. All did their parts well and proceeds totalled $25.10. Our Sunday services were well attended and Rev. Mr, Whyte's ser- © mons were listened to with the best Bl: = & ox | 5 Miss A of attention by everyone. Our young men and the Seagrave choir were very much enjoyed, also a solo by Miss Ivah Reynolds of Seagrave. Congratulations to the head and foot schools in being able to keep their teachers Miss Niddery and ckney for another year. We all hope they 'have a very pleasant y. p: Mr. and Mrs.' W. Jeffrey were | Sunday geusts of Mr. and Mrs. J. 3 a & He * ] ara. As Mr, and Mrs. Roy Fowler and Miss Aleta Reader were motoring to Port Perry Saturday evening they were hit broadside by a car and were thrown out. Mrs, Fowler having to have a number of stitches *™put in her knees besides being shak- en yp Roy Fowler had his leg hurt. Scugog picked up a team to play the league team a game of softball fast Friday evening and the score was 14 to 11"in facor of the league team, On Mobnday evening, June 29, *s Raglan boys played a game of 'soft- ball here the score being 12-8 for Scygog. [A Perry boys will be down to play a game on Friday evening, 'July Sth. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Fralick and children and Mrs. Roy Fralick of Toronto were guests of Mr. and Mrs. H, Fralick over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. W. Crozier and sons Archie and Vertvle were 4 guests of Mr, and Mrs, R. Reader on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. B. 'Osborne and sons of Pleasant Point were Sunday * guests of their 1 jece, Mrs. C. Hardy. | : 1 were guests of 53 Mr .and Mrs. C. Samells, Edna and George, Mr. and Mrs. S. Ploughman and daughter Audrey, Mr, and Mrs. G. Samells on Sunday. Miss Blanche and Burnice Sweet- - man of Toronto were week end guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Sweetman. The men are very busy making hay. RAGLAN Raglan, June 30.--The following fwedding is of interest to formar friends of the bride here: Peake--Finley . Miss Hazel Leola Finley, elder datughter of Mr, and Mrs. W, J. 'Finley of Dundalk, and Mr, Lionel , son of Mrs. Peake and the 'fate F. Peake. Owen Sound, : v, June 23. A pro- "fusion of ferns and flowers decorat- d.the church and Rev. Edward er officiated. Mrs, A, D. Mc- "Allister played the wedding music, " The bride, who was given in mar- _ riage by her father, wore a gown a) oo ri + > » Xe + i " [ F i E bi 3 t 23 1 3 ¥ I Fs E fe "son of Oakville, of 'pale pink georgette and lace %. with pink lace mittens and large match? mohair hat trimmed with blue. She carried an arm bouquet of Ophelia roses. Miss Jean Hugh- was - bridesmaid, wearing a flowered organdie frock with hat to match and bouquet of sweet heart roses. Little Coleen Colgan of Toronto, niece of the bride, was flower girl, in pale blue taffeta with basket of sweet peas. The best man was Mr. Frank Peake brother o fthe groom, and the ush- ers were Dr. A. D, McAllister and Mr. James McDowell, During the signing of the register, Mrs. Earl Walton sang. A reception was held afterwards at the home of the bride's parents, and later the bride and groom left for Muskoka. The bride traveled in a rose flowered crepe dress, skipper blue coat and hat, with grey accessories. Mr. and Mts. Peake will live at 250 Oakwood Road, Toronto on their return, The Sunday School held their an- nual picnic at the Oshawa Lake on Saturday with a large attendance. Ball games were played in the after- noon between the Raglan and Mount Zion girls, which resulted in a large score in favor of Raglan. The young men played Manchester he resulted in favor of Raglan. Later a bountiful supper was served aftér which races were run, All re- turned home after a very enjoyable time, hoping to be all together an- other year. hy Mr." Kenneth Keith, "Toronto. ent his vacation at the home of _and Mrs. Frank Nottingham. Miss Hazel Pierson, Toronto, is §, this that you've rd to, offer pic tures that you'll turn back to, 2gain and again in your album. Keak is compact sy to work and fun Days. ii Nookad fo Phone 78 | Disney. visiting with her parents, Mr. and frs. Fred Piersan. Her many friends are pleased to see her able to be out again. Mr, A. J. Grose has improved the appearance of his hous with a coat of paint, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Ormiston, En- field, Mr. and Mrs, Everett Ormis- ton and Mrs. F, Denson, Bowman- ville, were Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Avery. Mrs. Ray Way and daughter June is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stacey, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Corner and family spent Sunday with relatives in Pros-»ct, Mr. and Mrs. Geo, McClintock, Prospect, were Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Carl Avery. Rev. Merriam delivered his fare- well sermon here on Sunday with a geod attendance. The best of suc- cess goes with Mr.. Merriam and family in their new field of labor. Rev. Totten will have charge of the service on next Sunday at 7 p.m. A change has been made in the Sunday school hour. When church is held in the evening Sunday schol will be beld in the morning at 10.30 but when church is in tise afternoon Sunday school will be held at the regular hour of 2 o'clock. n Sunday July Sth, School will be held at 10.30. School is again closed for the vacations and the teacher, Miss Pol- lock, is holidaying at her home at Norval Station. The following are the reshlts of the June examinations held in Rag- lan Public School, S.S. No. 9, Names in order of merit. Jr. IV.--Lorna Evans, Jack Bray, Marjorie Bray, Doris Bray, Lloyd Evans, Dorothy Bright and Clifford Wilson. Jr, I11&~Blanche Wilson, Stewart Bray, Jack Rright, Harvey Wilson, Clayton Mille® Jr. IL.--Ruth Bray, Jean Davidson Edna Evans, Marjorie Knapp, Lloyd Davidson, Frank Pierson, Jr. 1L=Doris Bryant, Jean Ormis- ton, Ross Dickey, arold Luke, Earl Bray, Gordon Miller. Pr.--Norma Knapp, Hazel Bray, Nora Wilson. Mrs. D. Thompson had the mis- {fortune to fall on Sunday and cut her knee. A speedy recovery hoped for. Miss Miller is visiting her friend Miss Inez Tummonds The young ladies' softball team journeyed to Prospect and played a friendly game last week. The score was a large one in favor of Raglan, The ladies softball team have ent- cred the league. The following is the schedule. Blackstock at Raglan, Friday July 3.. Raglan at Greenbank, Wednes- day, July 8 Greenbank at Black- stock, Wednesday, July 15. Greeii- bank at Raglan, Wednesday, July 22, Raglan at Blackstock, Wednes- day, July 29. Blackstock at Green- bank, Friday, Aug. 7. Sunday 15 Thornton's Corners Thornton's Corners, June 29.-- Mr, and Mrs, Wesley Matthews, of Tor- onto, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Pierson. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Luke, were Mr, and Mrs, Grege of Oshawa, and Mrs. Rouston and son Tommy of Whitby. Mr. and Mrs. George Southwell of Guelph, spent the week end with their daughter, Mrs. George Web- ster and Mr. Webster, The regular monthly meeting of the Ladies' Aid will be held on Wednesday, July 8. Harold Pascoe's Cub Pack is holding a strawberry social on Fri- day evening at the Westmount school grounds, It is hoped that a goodly sized crowd will go as the boys are trying to raise funds for their camp this summer. . Miss Bernice Werry, a girl guide of Oshawa, attended our school on June 28, to talk to our girls about forming a troup out here. This ought to have gveryone's support. Mrs. Alex. Fisher is much improv- ed since her recent illness and is staying with her daughter, Mrs. Burns, at her summer cottage. Harold Pascoe spent the week- end at Gananoque, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Shepherd spent Sunday in Oshawa with friends. Miss Foye Sully, of Toronto, is a guest for a few weeks with her uncle, Mr. Robert Sully and Mrs, Sully. Cecil Dean spent the week-end at Waubaushene. Jim Lewington wis home for a few days last week. 'Miss O. Taylor leaves this week for her home at Lyndoch. All wish her a pleasant vacation. Following is the schodl report of the year's promotions: Thorn ton's Corners . Required=60 per cent. for promo- on "* Promoted on Term Work, Jr. IV to Sr. IV.--Lyla Thompson *, Dorothy Kerman 61, Bobby Pier- son 60, Ella Lindsey 60, Donald All- man 54, Earle Campbell, 53. Sr. III to Jr. IV.--Helen Kerman *, Gordon Jackson * Frances Rob- inson 68, Ross Campbell 60. Jr. IIL to Sr. Ill.--Gladys Luke 71, Cecil Stephen 68. 5 ylor, principal, 'Junior m Sr. II to Jr. HI.--Ethel Lewing- ton, Frederic Robinson's, Mar- garet Pierson *, Bernice Jackson *, Frank McClure, Bernice LeRoy, Jack LeRoy, Donald Powell (ree) i Il to Sr. II--Greta Lick ¥, Billy Drew and Norine Pierson, rec- ommended. ais Sr. I to Jr. 1L--=Doris Lick *, El- sic Kerman*, Audrey Pierson *, Helen Drew * Harold Bonnetta, Wiltred Pascoe, Victoria Burroughs, Jr. 1 to Sr. I.--Kathleen Campbell *, Violet May * Tony Gerace, Wal- ter Scott, Annie Gerace, Russell f--Bavnl'e Luke, Jr. Pr, to Se. Pr--~Albert Luke, Gordon' May, Reta Jackson. A Class to Ir. Pr. -- Marie Luke, Phyllis Campbell, ' Ruth * Kerman, Murray Langmaid, Daclien Pascoe, "a Annie Grady, teacher. Senior Root. ante' Class Ma erite Bon- Sr. Pr. to Sunday | i i Ontario and Durham County News netta, Marion Lewington, Pearl Scott, Marion Jackson, Dorothy Stevenson, Joe Lavin and Frank Hoag. PORT PERRY MAN WEDS AT BRIGHTON J. Douglas Lucas Married Miss Muriel Ross Port Perry, June 29. -- A very pretty wedding was sol on Borelia, for the season, Mrs, win and daughter Betty and Ursula of Toronto, were guests of oPrt Perry friends on Sunday. Born--To Mr. and Mrs. J. M, Carnegie, June 24th, a daughter, Congratulations, Among those who "spent the week end im Port Perry were Mr, and Mrs, Walter Brewer, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Shepherd, Miss L. Green and Mr, Morden of Pittsburg Mr. and Mrs. Ginsberg of Cleveland Mr. and Mrs, R. W. Browne and family, Toronto, Mr, ond Mrs. Gor- don, P. W. Ryan and F, E. Bald- win of Buffale. & MYRTLE (J. A. Mole, Correspondent) Myrtle, July 1.--Miss Billington, of Hamilton, visited over the week end with her friend Mrs, Hattie Hudgi Saturday in the United Church, Brighton, where Muriel M., daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Ross, be- came the bride of J. Douglas Lucas, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Lucas, Port Perry. The ceremony was performed by Rev. C. W. Barrett and Mrs, Frances Soloman, of Brighton, played the wedding music, The church was beautifully decora- ted with' masses of pink and white Peonies and Ferns. During the signing of the register Miss Leo..ct- ta Vickers, of Toronto, sang "I love you Truly," The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, wore a gown of ivory silk lace, fa- shioned in semi-princess lines with long train_sleeves forming mittens and long train issuing from the skirt. Her veil of silk tulle fell in shimmering folds and was caught with orange blossoms. She carried a boquet of Johanna Hill roses and tern. Miss Isabel Lucas, sister of the groom, who acted as maid of honor, wore a gown of green silk net over flowered chiffon, with large picture" hat of the same shade. The bride ids, Miss Aileen Steele and Miss a Broderick, of Toronto, | were ked alike in rose and blue flowered chiffon, with hats to match They carried old-fashioned nose- gays of sweet-peas and roses to match their gowns, The little flow- er girl, Miss Marie Lucas, of Tor- onto, was charming in a peath geor- gette frock with hat to match and carried a Colonial nosegay. The groom was attended by Mr, Edwin Hall, of Cornwall, and the ushers twere Dr. William Wade, of Mon- treal, Messrs Ross Hood, of Peter- | boro, Lorne Jordon and Allan | Cronwall, of Toronto. A reception | was held at the home of the bride's parents, Mrs. Ross, mother of the bride, received in a gown of beige georgette and lace with hat of Beige baku and wore a corsage boquet of yellow roses. Mrs Lucas, mother of the groom, wore a gown of black georgette and lace with hat to match and corsage boquet of Or- chids, The bride and groom left | later on a motor trip through Que- | bec and the Maritime Provinces, the bride travelling in a grey silk crepe | suit, snake skin shoes, gloves and bag, coral velvet hat and a silver fox fur, the gift of the groom. On their return they will reside at 27 Cornish Road, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Gibb, of Tor- onto, are in their summer home, HOT WEATHER FOOTWEAR White Shoes Linen Shoes Sport Shoes Tennis Shoes for Men, Women and Children Bathing Shoes Miss Pearl Vance left on Satur- day for Toronto, where she will vis- it friends for a couple of weeks, prior to pending the balance of her vacation with her parents at Bancroft. Rev. Merriam preached his fare- well sermon here on Sunday even- ing. Mrs. Mitchell soloist-of Man- chester rendered a very pleasing solo and assisted the choir. Master John Marshall of Hamil- ton is holidaying at Westhaven Farm the home of his uncle, Mr, H. Roy Bright, Mr. and Mrs, Bert Duff and fam- ily visited Mrs. Duff's 'brother at Uxbridge on Sunday. On Monday evening a number of the ladies of the church gathered at the parsonage to bid farewell to Rev. Merriam and family, and present Mrs Merriam with a sifght token of remembrance from friends here. She was made the recipient of a salad bow! for which she made a feeling reply and gave the ladies 2 very pressing invitation to visit them in their new home. The annual Sunday. Schoo! picnic was held on Saturday afternoon. Ideal weather and a very much alive committee consisting of Messrs Simphens, Painter Thompson and Pilkey combined to make it the best yet. Races and other sports were entered into with much zest which helped it make it the success it was, Ice Cream and lemonade were pro- vided generously and after a delici- ous supper served on the grass the merry makers repaired to their homes tired but generally satisfied with the afternoon's outing. _ Mr. and Mrs. Crowe who figured in the motor car accident south of the village' last week returned to their home at Bobcaygeon on Sat- urday. Mrs, Crowe had been con- fined to the Oshawa hospital ever since and it will be some time be- fore she is able to use her leg that was so badly cut. Mr, Pearson, the driver of the car suffered a fractur- ed collar' bone besides the painful gashes on his face and head. The daughter in law to whom they were being rushed to Toronto to see, died on Wednesday, the day after the accident, Mr. Reid Cook attended the Peake--Finley wedding at Dundalk last week AGED ORONO LADY HAS PASSED AWAY Mrs. Albert Tamblyn Dies at Home of Daughter in Enniskillen (C. A. Stainton, Correspondent) Enniskillen, July 3.--No serv- ices were held Sunday, owing to the anniversary services at Hamp- ton and Hayden. Our people at- tended either service. Mr, and Mrs. James Freeborn visited friends at Kendal. There passed to rest on Thurs- day, July 2, at the home of Mrs. H. Werry, Enniskillen, Mrs. Al- bert Tamblyn, of Orono, She leaves to mourn her loss eight children: Mrs. H. Werry, Mrs. A. Knox, of Orono; Mr. Charles Tamblyn, Woodbridge; Mrs, W. Stainton, Enniskillen; Mr, Fred John and Milton Tamblyn, and Mrs. J. D. Brown, Orono; also twenty-five grandchildren and four gréat-grandchildren. Her husband predeceased her twelve years ago. Congratulations to Miss Muriel] Moore on coming third in her commercial course and receiving diplomas on accountancy, stenog- raphy and typing. Miss Vera Shackleton is visiting friends in Oshawa. Miss Mae Lamb is spending a few day with friends at Fenelon Falls. z The parsonage hoard met and appointed Mr. Edwin Ormiston as secretary-treasurer. picnic was held at Cream of Bar- ley Camp on Saturday where over 160 attended. The young peo- ple enjoyed the different sports of the ground, also a ball game, and visited the different animals. Tea was served on tables provided by Mr, Morgan, the owner of the ect order and are an ideal place for pienies, and camping. All enjoyed the different contests and games. Miss Reva McGill has accepted a position as teacher in Silver. thorn school, Toronto. At the close of school the scholars pre- sented her with an address and a urse as a slight token of remem- ran 5s Mona Dickinson, Oshawa, visited her cousin, Miss Verna Pethick, on Friday. lon Falls, spent a few days at her nd Mr. Douglas Gordon, of Nes- tleton, visited Mr, Moore. Mr. and Mrs, once Fergu- son, Taronto, visited his brother, Dr. Ferguson, on Bunday, Master Allan Ferguson had his tonsils rémoved on Saturday. Miss Pear] 'Newton is attending him at his 'home, "Migk Taylor and Mr. M. Mus- tard, Uxbridge, visited Mr. John Dorlands over Sunday, i Mr. James Stainton, i , and Mrs. Mpore visited at Mr. and and Mr Wm. The Sunday school and league |d: ounds, which are kept in per- | M Miss Gertrude Abbott, of Fene- Sh comsin's, Mr. L. Lamb, H a r. James Gordon, Miss Jennie Mrs. Fred Smith's, Sunday. Mrs, Levi Brunt and Miss Clara Page are visiting friends in Roch, ester for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Aylmer Herring and Bobbje, Oshawa; Mr, and, Mrs. Snudden, Mr. and Mrs. Mich. ael, Mr. and Mrs. H, Skinner and Lloyd, Tyrone; Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Wotten and family were guests of Mr. Wm, Herring. , Mr. and Mrs, Stuart Redman, Scugog; Miss Maud Ashton, To- ronto; Mr. Ira Travail, Oshawa, and Rev. Harold Stainton visited Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Ashton, re- cently. Mr, and Mrs. Blackstock, visited at Mr. and Mrs. Francis Werry's, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. D. Burgmaster are spending a few days with friends at Buffalo. CROPS AFFECTED BY HOT WEATHER Rain Is Needed in Prospect District--Farmers Cutting Hay (Della Martin, Correspondent) Prospect, July 2.--The extreme- ly hot weather is affecting the late crops, rain being badly needed. Most of the farmers are cutting hay in the early morning and eve- ning as the heat is too hard on the horses to work in the middle of the day, Mr. Fred Stevens had the mis- fortune to have his truck badly smashed while on his way home from Toronto, Tuesday evening. It was struck by a big American car, The Ladies' Aid have decided to hold their annual garden party the second week in July at the home of Mrs. Widdery, and are soliciting funds and cooking to help out. A large crowd is ex- pected for, Miss Thorburn, who has been teaching here for the past year, left for her home at Thesselon, Ontario, Monday, to spend her holidays. Mr. and Mr Orpwood and daughter and iss May Barber spent the week-end with friends in Bathe. Mr, and Mrs. Dennie, of Brook- lin, were guests of Miss Mary Martin. Mr. George Lee, of Alberta, is visiting at the home of Mr. A. Grey's. . Miss Jean Wait, of Utica, spending a few days with grandparents, Mr and Mrs, Tompson. In spite of the hot weather a large crowd attended the pienie at Point Bolstel on Thursday. The Sunday schoo provided a truck for those having no cars, Mr, Wil. son, of Raglan, taking a load The children especially enjoyed the day, is her w. SEAGRAVE SUNDAY EVENING SERVIGE of Anniversary at Sonya (Mrs. L. Scott, Correspondent) Seagrave, June 30.--The Sunday evening service in the United Church was withdrawn owing to the Anniversary Services at Sonya Presbyterian Church. Sunday school in the morning had an attendance of 86 on the roll The choir of Seagrave United Church motored to Scugog on Sun- day evening to assist in the anniv- ersary services there. i A number attended the ant. asr= sary services held at Sonya Scugog on Sunday and enjove them very much Seagrave welcomes Mr. and Mr, W. Moore and family of Pleasa Point to the village. They are high respected citizens and will be fait ful church workers. Mr. and Mrs. C, Taylor and far ily of Bobcaygeon visitors with t latter's parents, Mr. and rs, Mitchell, on Sunday, Mrs. Tay and children will spend the wel with relatives, Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. Bailey Mrs. Miller of Toronto, were guests of Mrs, Cephas Sleep Wednesday last. Mr, and Mrs. L. Moore and f ily, of Toronto, are visiting former's mother and sister on ay. Mr. and Mrs; Knowles and } F.. Billingham and family of Torq spent Monday at the home of and Mrs: C. W, Moon, master ard Billingham will remain wit latives during the holidays. Miss Dorothy Orchard, Miss Sleep, Miss Alma Frise and Ww {spent the past week with Mr. and W.. Vancamp.- WAS WITHDRAWN Action: Taken on Account Mrs. A Snyder. : Mr. and Mrs. W, Stevens and son Frank and daughter Marjorie and her gentleman friend of Toronto were week-end guests of Mrs. W. Mark and Miss Lottie Mack, Miss Stevens remained for a week's holi- day, Mr. Sidney Webb of Toronto is spending a holiday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. Scott. Being favored with ideal weather, the baseball tournament at Sea- grave on Saturday afternoon was not. largely attended, gate receipts barely covering expenses. Four games were well played and enjoyed Quadrata Girls' Club in the booth did a splendid. business. The follow- ing were the four teams playing: Zion, Little Britain, Sonya and §ea- grave. How ToLoseFatand Get That Youthful Feeling Over in Great Britain when a man-is ig feeling "as fit as a fid- le" and looking the "picture of health" they gay: "HE'S GOT THAT KRUSCHEN FEELING." That means he takes his little | dose of Kruschen Salts every morning. It's the same in the U.S.A. in Germany--in Holland--in Aus- tralia--in South Africa, for Kru- eral days she went " She said she nd looking at the sign | door every time she It troubled her cons- | 2 Sign was: "Think left anything?" Two Jews were i & boat which upset. The one wRo could swim held up the one w could not until he thought he gould do it no longer, and sald: § "Can you float alone, Abe?" "Vot's the good of talking busis™ ness at a time like this?" cried Abe. / schen Salts are now sold the world over, | Kruschen Salts is not one salt | only--it is the combination of | six salts necessary to healthy life Take 4 a teaspoon in a glass of hot water before breakfast every morning, modify your diet and exercise regularly, But don't miss a morning for Kruschen not only puts and keeps the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels in a splendid healthy condition, but purifes your blood- stream, and sends new life and activity to every part of your lasts Fridays, 8 PM, (E CITIES SERVICE OIL "Keeps Its Youth" ts, be carefull Some oils are scorched i: ng to extract extra gasolene. Such oils soon lose itality and lubricating body. Oil...refined at low temperature in the maling, againtt scorchi ins its "'youth" to ict , pat. Be sure, with Cities Service Oil... and refill today. re-burned t friction, w int TIES SERVICE | RE PETROLEUM PRODUCTS | ties Service Oil Company Limited ne of the ten Jargest industrish. organization on the re Oi J 1 1 )--WE KGW, To J) [0 ; Ll ION LIMITED STORES 're Quality Counts" CANADA' \RGEST RETAIL GROCERS mer Foods Cost Less ~ Have you triglir new FREE delivery system? e your orders for Meat §l Groceries 2956 continent and 37 stations on N.B.C. - be 1862 LAST FINAL Chot anf® Ny Brocaded Rayon about 12 of the g. 35c July le price, yd Any Suitin the Sto} at One Price "ny Vo Plain 'and summer shades, 25¢ . Armstrong are spending days at their respective homes wish pupils and teachers succq examinations and enjoyable days. Master Kenneth Scott is enj a week's holidav at Pontypoq Sorry to report Garfield Sto Burge Green having serious tions in Port Perry Hospit week. They are doing as 'w can be expected. f Mr. and Mrs, Robt. Su and Mr. Geo, Franklin of Perry, are visiting Mr. and M{ unk, Mr. and -Mrs. Will Clar arvey visiting relatives in on_ Sunday, Quite a number spent Su Port Bolster and enjoyed ti water of Lake Simcoe, Mr, and Mrs. Wan were visiting at Blackstoq Burkton last week, Mrs. J. Blight entertained ber of relatives and friend Toronto over the week-end. Mr. Elgin Frise accomo = friends from Toron " ey unday with the former's here ¢ 3 Miss Mabel Johnson of re Linen Towelling g of extra quality, | fred fle Price rd... \ Prints in Canada tow- border 20 ins. reg. 25c. July 16¢c and ms. 1d check de. ns wide, reg. > 15¢ = Any Suitinthe Store at One Price Nake our Pick of r last super r stock 100 Mens Wear Lid 5 Simcoe St. §, 3 hh pe fh AP CH a i ES 4 8 i

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