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Oshawa Daily Times, 11 Jul 1931, p. 9

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A Gro . iw, ach Bid wm » Ty . Th / : ' THE OSHAWA' DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, JULY Growing -- it or sold- Times B.; A. F. An- LAIR, K.C., BANK Building.' DR. 8. J, PHILLIPS, OVER BAS- sett's. Special attention to X-ray work. Gas extraction. Nurse in 'attendance. Phone 959. House 1312. ; DR. J. F. BROCK, DENTIST, 16 Simcoe St. N, over Dewland's. Phone 1957. Res. 292W, Even- ings by appo ntment. Residence phone 837, : GAN, B.A, BAR- , Notary Public, : Money to loan. Of- ! ng St. East, Oshawa. Provincia-- , CREIGHTON & P er, etc, Bank of Bids. HYMAN, BARRISTER, Notary. Over Dewland's oney to loan. 16 Simcoe rth. Phone 67. Residence , B oilcitors, etc, 24% Sim- . Phone 3160, Residence . aay to loan. Undertaking LUKE BURIAL CO., 67 St. fast. Ambulance. R KING ~~ For Rent VICTORIA APARTMENTS == AT vew low rentals, electric refrig- eration, electric stove, washing intendent. Phone 2538F, (Bbte) SIMCOE MANOR--FOUR AND five room suites, electric stoves, refrigeration, laundry, couveni- ences, App.* superintendent. Phone 2671. (65th) RI good approach. $15 up, 210J and 210W, OSHAWA BURIAL CO, M, F. Armstrong & Son, Proprietors. Puneral and Ambulance = Service day and night. Phone 1082W, 87 Celina. (4t1) 642 Simcoe street north. Phone: Insurance DAVIS AND SON, INSURANCE, 19 King St. West, Oshawa. The oldest Fire Agency in Oshawa, 30 Reputable Fire Companies. "HALL, B.A., BAPRIS- Appro\onveyancing 134 Je. re. 22% Xing St. Eas ments 7 * % (et Branch EBBS, BARRISTER, . Jotary Public, Convey- Provin: y vr: ly Third floor Building, opposite ENTERTA Phone 2996. d City Ca "Clubs, ELABMedical 00D, PHY- geon, special atten X-Ray work ana Office, Disney 2050. Oftice open anim. Residence 421 merce, any' Phone 2416. R. S. Merry, PHYSIC: + Obstetrician, operating ("i children. Of- for Delegalce 97 Bond East. HYSICIAN, S Office and resi- st, corner Vie- Phone 94. 'roat Specialist fANS OF 160 t, Toronto, will er Jury & Lov. each Saturday Approved by fice of the Canal program which up by the Oshaw cntertainment co! anryual provincia be held here on 27 and 28, was day. The prog: beth business ses tainment, is an i, for consulta- far ahead of anit of diseases of tempted at a cojroat only. Ap- Legion, aad one We made at drug the Oshawa gathd 'five long in the who attend. In neral conve -- Evins his approSE, GENERAL gram, Lt.-Col. F.rk. Secoed floor : president apuilding, Phone ry of the Oj 903J. Ja Command of th the following ¢ "I think you W. J. SULLEY, a perfectly mam "Simcoe St. S., If 'everything gSpecial attention have planned itigehold furniture The outstan program, of ci visit of Earl the Fleet, alofG, LEATI leoe and thelirerations, dress and between {5 ang buttonholes. 26% Simcoe 8. (Jan 5-1 mo) your car is fully '® can reduce your ts. Motor Leans F. White, Mgr., - East, Oshawa. pen evenings till 9 (18 jly ©) tures of th : ready been {™*™" pened convention S SHARPENED ing given 1H Called for and de- ~ which over J G. Slater 3193W. present, incl (23 jly ¢) and ee Raa "minfon an epairing ments, will ories on the August 27, Hant functioy 'nment fd sparkling va company orghi thur, of the E/N adian Corpor Z." resday even Motors Audi heving been the courtesy who is a di Players C Mr. and (Contin ker, hop at pe West Your pat: BROWN, rs of importance. hone 2636F. Roma Mrs. Emily . York city, brother, Mr. 361 Kingsd and other mek Mrs. Cathrighy age, come tors M. Manchester, Elf in the United Sf since that time - cof New York. Ja brother left Manch eieven years ago, to Oshawa, Onta hes resided ever sf Mr. Kemp's my coming to this co find the whereabou Emily as the fam broken for then nef Jhorpe. - oooh | CHEV. 28 AN, GOOD - dition, apply 128 Elgin Street E., ~s | Phone 1950, WHEN PLACING INSURANCE consult R. N. Johns, 80 Simcoe north. Your insurance wants at- tended to and your interests pro- tected. HOLDEN SAVES YOU MONEY on your car or fire insurance, 92 Simcoe N, Phone 371W. (8 jy ¢) Spirella HAVE MRS. BLATTER, REP- resenting Spirells, north east dis- trict, demonstrating the new Spirella Fitting Garment, Phone 2189M, (9 jy ¢) Transportation OSHAWA' OLDEST ESTABLISH- ed furpitnre mover, Park Road. Cartage, local and long distance. Frank Cowle, prop. 65 Park Rd. S. Phone 215, (7 may 1 mo) CARTAGE ~~ AND STORAGE, Coleman's, 85 Bond West, (Spec- age warehouse and moving van equipment. Phone 82. falists in furniture moving. Stor-| Beauty Parlors BETTY Lou PERMANENT Wave Shoppe, for a limited time, special prices: $10.00 wave for $7.60; $7.50 wave for $4.00. Marcelling, finger waving, hair dyeing, and all other lines of beauty culture. For service and reliability call on the oldest established permanent wave shop, 86 Simcoe St, 'North, or phone 2968 for. appointments, : (8 jly ¢) LA PARISIENNE BEAUTY PAR- lours. 3 Simcoe St. South. Phone 71. Marcel 59. Finger wave 7b¢. (20 jly ¢) DE LUXE BEAUTY SHOPPE, experts in permanent, finger and marcel waving. Permanent waves, $5, $7.50, $10, $15. 25c trims apd 35c marcels, Ask for Miss Duquette. Phone 38, over Ward's Store. (30 june ¢) "THE MODERNISTIC PERMAN- ent' Wave Shoppe". Specialists in permanent waving for $5 to $15. Special price on finger waving and shampoo 75¢ from 9 a.m. to 12 am. In afternoon $1.00. - Phone 635 for appoint- ments. 17 Ontario Street, (3 ly ¢) GENOSHA HATRDRESSING Parlors, Betty Ward and Grace Marshall, experts in all kinds of Beauty Culture. Our permanent wave a specialty, $5.00, $7.50 'and $10.00. Finger waving, marcelling, faclale, gcalp treatments and manicures, Cof- fee Shoppe entrance. Phone ap- pointments 1973 (15 may 1 mo) Veterinary Surgeon H. VANZANT, V.S., OFFICE 63 Colborne St. East. Accoffmoda- tion for farmers' horees and cars. Phone 913. (16 jly ¢) ~ Wanted to Rent WHEEL CHAIR. WOULD LIKE to rent a wheel chair for month or two. Phone 312, ' (152¢) Shoe Repairing OUR MOTTO--THE BEST 18 poor epough for you. We guar- antee you 100 per cent. on all work done. Why accept less? Champion Shoe Shop, 17 Bond East. & 4 (30 june c) | BR! ) Oks for repairs. First class work done. Charges very reasonable. Jack Read, corner Mary and Col- (8 diy 8) (152¢ z = T a Radio Service = OSHAWA RADIO = SERVICE-- Repairs on radios, 'powe LC) at i tes free: is 60c. Phone Burroughs, cer- ian. (28 ily ¢) se APARTMENTS CENTRAL, 3 TO 4 rooms, electric' stove, kitchen cabinet, wall bed. Bradley Bros. Over Ward's Store. (87t1) FOR RENT --- GLADSTONE Apartments, 12 Gladstone. Mod- ern 3 roomed, $30 monthly, fur- nished or unfurnished. Phone 2604W, (9 jly ¢) FOR "RENT--112 LOUISA ST. 7 room bungalow,' electric fire- place, hardwood floors, newly decorated. Immediate possession. Also garage. $40 rent. Phone 2604W, (13 jly ¢) R IC AN- er, electric waxer. tents, exten. sion ladders, folding chairs, camp cots, lawn rollers, dishes, etc. Fox Hardware, (24 july ¢) FOR RENT -- APARTMENTS now available 3 and 4 room, fully modern suites; refrigeration, electric laundry and dryers, jani- tor service. Will consider fur- nishing to suit. Reasonable ren- tals, Phone 1550 or 2347W. (140t1) machine and dryer. Apply super |, OFFICES, BRIGHT, CLEAR, of 8 who rings doors belis looks ing for a job, = room or any desired objective follows a slow, circuitous route Waunt-Ad columns not only locate these prospects for you but also assure am immediate interview with an interested prospect at the greatest saving of time and effort. Telephone 35 Articles for Sale MIXED HARD AND SOFT wood slabs $3.60 per load. Also bone dry body wood. Waterous Meek Limited. Phone 1288. (1 aug c) WE HAVE WONDERFUL VAL- ues in rebuilt Underwoods, They are as serviceable as when new-- at less than half the cost. Sent for your approval. Address "Un- derwood," 135 Victoria St, To- ronto. (Oct. 19, 31) ESTABLISHED TOURIST HOME part of contents for sale. Season just opening, 323 King St. W, (154c¢) THREE-ROOMED APARTMENT, Apply Boura Electric Shop. - (1521) SIX-ROOMED COTTAGE WITH garage on Haigg St. Apply S. A. Gates, 22 Simcoe St. N. ((153¢) Chartered Accountant GRANT, GODFREY & CO, Chartered Accountants, Trustees in Bankruptcy. Canadian Bank of Commerce Building, Oshawa. (1 aug ¢) Awnings WINDOW AWNINGS, awnings, verandah curtains, canoples, installed. T. Tavlor, Toronto. Oshawa phone 1053. (15 jly ¢) Lost and Found CLUB BAG, BLACK, BETWEEN Bowmanville and Port Hope. Re- ward. Phone Keane Gr6. (153b) "Help Wanted--Female YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST WITH housework on farm where sum- mer boarders are 'kept. Phone 1771-m. YOUNG GIRL FOR LIGHT housework to sleep at home. Ap- ply 152 King St. W. (154a) Auction Sale PORCH FOR SALE-- GOOD _ MIXED wood 3% cord $3. All hardwood $3.60. W. H. Thompson, King St. W. Phone 742J. (9 ily ¢) FOR SBALE-- SAND, GRAVEL, cinders, stone, black loam. $1.50 Per truck load delivered. Phone Essery Bros. 557J. (18 fly ¢) GALS. at $1.75 FOR SALE -- 100 Moore's service paint Bal. Fox Hardware. (9 jly ¢) FOR SALE--TAMRACK WOOD. $12 a cord. Mixed wood $12 cord. Norman Sanders 1774M. (14911) HARDWOOD SLABS $3.50, SUM- mer wood 3¢ cord $3. Mostly hardwood. Phone 2423-w, (2 Aug. ©). DRY PINE WOOD $10 A CORD. Small orders promptly delivered. Phone 2628f, (153¢) A FEW THOROUGHLY REBUILT Singer machines. These machines will give many years of satisfac- tory service at small cost. Come in or. write at once. C. W. Forde, 46 King St. W, (153¢) ONE MASSEY HARRIS SECOND- hand mower 6 feet; gne sow with litter of 7 pigs, six weeks old. Phone 1962-j. (154b) Furniture Repairing FURNITURE REPAIRED AND re-upholstered, etc. Charges reasonable. F. A. Morris, 170 Al- bert St. Phone 731W, Formerly with Luke Furniture Co. \ (12jly ¢) UPHOLSTERING. AND FURNI- HAVING RECEIVED INSTRUC- tions from the trustees, Tnorne, Mulholland, Howgon and McPher- son, to sell at public auction the equipment of the T. B. Mother- sill Construction Co., at 292 King St. W., Oshawa, Saturday July #4, consisting of large motor truck, quantity of tools, wheelbarrows, three cement mixers, electric saw, and a large quantity of new and used lumber. Sale at 1.30 p.m. (Daylight Saving). Terms cash W. J. Sulley, auctioneer, (153b) Work Wanted LIGHT TRUCKING IN. ANY, part of city for 50c. E. F. Moss. Phone 1736J. (12 Jly e) PAINTING, AND PaPBERHANG- ing. Lowest prices in the city. Work guaranteed. Give us a try. Peeling and Chessebro. Phone 1269W, (7 may 1 mo) TWO YOUNG MBN, EXPERIEN- ced, first class farm hand, wants work on farms or gardens, '634 Oshawa St. (153¢) MARRIED UNEMPLOYED RATE payer wants job, work tools fur- nished. Phone 2955F (154a) EXPERIENCED FARMER WORK wanted on farm, Apply R.R. No. 2. Phone 199 ring 2, - Bowman- ville. id (154b) Building Supplies ALL v BI [3] ALE FOR cement blocks, sand and gravel. 609 Carnegie Ave. Phone 1618. ture repaired. Drapes made to or- der. ' Rebuilding chesterfields a specialty. Geo. A. Constable, 27 Bond E. Phone 3322J. UPHOLSTERING. D, W. DAL- ton, phone 1045. See our samples Mohair and Tapestry. 377 Simcoe South, (8 jly e) Pets and Livestock A MEDIUM. SIZE, WORKING horse. Apply Box 382 Times Of- fice stating price and age. (153b) MILKING COW, PICK UP choice, Apply Box 382 Times Of- fice. (153b) GENERAL PURPOSE HORSE, 6 years, fit to show; one year old Holstien bull reg. ;a few Grade Holstien cows, all Bull Calves, elligible for registation, Kerr, Twin Stream Farm, Whitby, (154h) Help Wanted--Male ORGANIST WANTED FOR KING St. United Church, Oshawa. State qualifications and salary expect- ed. Applications to close July 18 1831. Address tenders to W. 8. Pogson, 54 Greta St, Oshawa, Ont. (154-158) Cars Repaired MOTORIST FIRST CLASS BODY work, Bumping, Ducoing, repairs on all makes of cars, washing and greasing, reasonable prices. On- tario Srevice Station, corner Rich- mond and Ontario streets. Pnone 1187. (154¢) indeed. Our V1 The News | hile It Is lews" h spent a few pg Toronto. Wickett, To- nesday. \ives on Wed- Mr, and ) son, of Roe Harold Hayes from a motor trip Miss N. Benson, Wyes for a tawa recently. returning home with he the summer holiday, A Dr. Cooper was in Ha charge of the service here at Hj ton. \ Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dyer spp Monday with friends at Newtog brook. : h Mr. and Mrs. Levi Ward and son Rates for | Classified Ads | First insertion-- 13§ cents per word, Minimum charge for one in- | sertion 80c. Each subsequent consecu- tive insertion 1c per word. Three consecutive {inser- tions for the price of two first insertions (three cents a word). Minimum charge for three insertions 60c. | Box number 10c¢ additional. Professional or Busi Cards, $2.50 per month for 20 words or less, 10 cents a word per month for each additional word. Phone 35 Ask for Classified Ald Department Wanted CREDIT NOTE FOR $190 ON A used car, $150. Apply 129 Glad- stone Ave, (154c) | TSm-- me ------ | Wanted to Rent WANTED TO RENT ABOUT July 10, furnshed apartment or | small cottage@on lake, Box 452, | Times. (154b) | Building Materials BUILDING PRICES DOWN Cost of materials lowest in ten years, Compared with 1921 pric- es, Glazed Sash had dropped from $3.39 to $1.35; Doors from about $5 to $2.95; Outside Doors have tumbled from $26.40 to $9.35; Storm Doors from $8.25 to $3.35; Door Trim down from $1.45 to 85¢; Baseboard was 10c¢ now 53 cc; Oak Flooring now less than half at 9'% ec; Spruce Match- ing $7.15 now $3.25; Slate Roof- ing $4.35 now $2.85; Roof Coat- ing down from $6.35 to $3.85; Wallboard prices almost cut in two $49.50 now $25.00; Cleanli- neg is cleap now with Bath Tubs an fittings at $34.65 instead of $69.15; Ktchen Sink only $3.90 was $9.35; Rope 4c was 9c. These and hundreds of other building bargains in Hallidays Harvest Sale Catalog, quotng new low prices on Doors, Windows, Fram- es, Mouldings, Shingles, Roofing, Paint, Siding, Flooring, WMatch- ing, Bavetrough, Metal Roofing. Garages, Wallboard, Insulating Board, Hardware, , Plumbing Goods, Screens, Ladders; Rope, ete. Write today and get your materials at the lowest prices in ten years. Ask for Sale Catalog. Address Halliday Company, Ltd., Dept. 21 Hamilton, Mon-Wed-Fri-jly. "You and Thompson don't seem to be so friendly as you were. Does he owe you any mo- rey?" "No; he wants to." Salesman: "A piano, sir? Yes, 1 suppose you'll be 'wanting a grand plano?" Mr. Newrich: "Grand? Young man, I want 2a magnificient one!" Elmer, of North Oshawa, visited at Mr. Thos. Cook's on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Ashton and Mr. and Mrs, Clayton Ashton spent Sunday with relatives at Little Brit- Mr. Howard James underwent a Tonsil operation in Oshawa on Monday. Miss Mary Dyer, Oshawa, spent the week end at home. Miss Marjorie Ashton has re- turged to Toronto after spending two weeks' vacation with her moth- er. Mrs. M. J. Redman and Miss Frances and Mr. Howard James, Detroit, are visiting at Mrs. J. James' home. Miss Marion Brent, Port Perry, is spending her vacation with her Aunt, Mrs. J. Stone Several from here attended the funeral services of Dr. Julia Thomas Toronto on Tuesday. The inter- ment took place at the Union Cem- etery. Dr. Thomas was an elder brother of Mrs. John James. Mr. Ross A. Murison has gone in partnership in a grocery store in Pickering. We wish him success. Miss Stephenson from Whitby, visited with her aunt, Mrs. Henry Wilson. Miss Thelma Mason from Toron- to, is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. L. Longehurst. Mr, and Mrs. H. L Pascoe ac- companied by her relatives spent the week end on a motor hike to Bancroft and intermediate points. The following is the report for S.S.| No. 6, E. Whitby, based on |gencral proficiency," etc Entrance Class--Dorothy Under- wood, George Leach, Wiltred Gnif- fin, Jack Haves, Sr. 1V.--Frances Pereman, Jr. 1V. -- Florence Underwood, Howard Grass, 'Dorothy Hayes Sr, I1l--Erline Hayes, Norman Guy, rec.) Blanche Blair (rec.) Alice Thurman. ; Jr. 111---Harold Stacey, Ray Hay- es, John Blair, Clifford Griffin, Sr. II. -- Dorothy Leach, Grant Webber, Jr. Il. -- (B) -- Madge Pickerine, Oletta Stacey. Jr, 11--(A)--Fern Bromwell, Ruth Leach," Tena Mutch, Bernice Blair (rec.). Sr. Primer. -- Stella Blair, Bill Hayes, Delbert Griffin, Jr. Primer--Harry Howden, How- ard Bromell. : Myrtle M. Mair, teacher. On Sunday next, 11 am. the Communion Service will be held in the United Church. The Anniversary Service will take place Sunday, July 12th, 11 am, and 7.30 pm. In the morning Rev 'P. Jull, B.A, of Brooklin, will be the speaker, and in the evening the pas- tor: Rev. Dr. Cooper, will be in charge. The Garden Party will be held Tuekday evening, July 14th. Jacklin, Elsie A junior reporter, frequently reprimanded for. relating too many details and warned to be brief, sent in the following: -- "A shooting affair occurred last night. Sir Dwight Hopeless, a guest at Lady Panmore's ball, complained of feeling ill, took a drink, his hat, his departure, no notice of his friends, a taxi, a pls- tol from his pocket, and finally his life. - Nice chap. Regrets." "What kind of a car have you? "Mine's a wreck." "A wreck?" "Yes. Every time I leave it anywhere people come up and ask me if I've reported the accident yet." . .. Tom: "Gladys, on what grounds does your father object 0 me?" : Gladys: "On any grounds with- in a mile of the house." WHITBY, (Effective on Fy ¢ EIGHT PAGES One 1980 Ons 1930 Essex C r car. guara ROSS, AMES AND SHORE King St. West. Pho OSHAW. BUS! Week Day LLE and afte Fora RG BoE a pNnANS ED S885% av PPPPRERL! gEpBaBBEE: at od ey} = o & = o & = %y Hospital. Going East Leave Oshaws Bot 6.55 a.m. Jshawa's 1.3 p.m, ' 1m, 05 pam. 2.45 p.m. Ar.3.00 pm. Lv. 410 p.m. 4.45 p.m, 05 p.m. 5.45 p.m, 6.05 p.m. 7.30 p.m. 7.45 p.m. 815 p.m Ar, 8.30 p.m, Lv. 9.05 pm, 11.00 p.m, Ns pm. | Wom. 10.45 p.m. te: eful T. A. GARTON, PROPRIETOR BOWMANVILLE, PHONE 412 or 346 Oshawa Waiting Room, 10 Prince Street hone 2283 GRAY COACH LINES Effective April (Esstern Standard Tims) Leave Oshawa AM. P. = i Bese' > Oven? iE: oc = NRA LN Po B8ssaR To Uo OOWNI natn ss 5. ~ slslisissusy 9.30 x d 10.20 1.30 a=Daily except Sunday. ' b-Saturday, Sundays and Holidays only, d--Sunday only, J CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Effective June 28, 1951 (Standard Time) 12 a.m. Daily, except Sunday. a.m. Daily, 2.07 p.m. Daily. 41 p.m. Dairy, except Sunday. .23 p.m. Daily, except Saturday 08 p.m. Daily. 11.41 p.m. Daily. Westbound a.m. Daily, except Sunday. a.m. Daily, 6.02 a.m. Daily, 2.10 p.m, Daily except Sunday. 05 p.m. Daily. 6.35 p.m. Daily, 7.35 pm. Daily except Sunday. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAYS Effective April 26th (Standard Time) 9.29 a m. Daily. 2.28 p.m. Trenton Local Daily, ex. Sun x4.19 p.m, Daily. 11,10 p.m. Daily. 12.05 a.m. Daily, x For Ottawa, Montreal and East only, Westbound 5.28 a.m. Daily. 6.29 a.m, Daily, 2.59 p.m. Daily. #4 7.32 p.m. Daily, except' Sanday, m&24 p.m. Daily, / Only. m Tcronto and West The four-year-old hoy, perched on his father's knee in the crowd- ed bus, looked hard at the stout, gaudily-dressed woman as she. bustled in and e "herself into the only seat left. Then he turned to his mother. "we kpow it is." The little boy looked puzzled. "But, mmm. Sie. shrilled, "you just said to "What- ever's this object coming in??" First Maid (talking about party given the day before by hep: mistress): "And they all came in | limousines and had on the grand: est clothes and wore the biggest diamonds." Neighbor's Maid: "And what did they talk about?' * First Maid: "Us." * "There," a self-satisfied 'com- mercial, said, "that's think you should do in the mat- ter! I'm not a lawyer, but this 1s a bit of advice that costs you nothing." "Well," replied his companion -mildly, "its worth it!" Diamond; Bassge##3/ Counties' Town ition Was Big" die: Held in His- ighty Lodges Took REPA WAT ENTED our SEPECTACLE "tom peti- i lodges tral and e United ed at Co- \. oJ Oday Br the 241st "ob Battle of the . Sedge, No. 97, ed the silver ve Xesspd ladies' > "alge No. 493, winning the a Uy PHC Oshawa Juvenile carried off the cup For Yé dressed juvenile for drum and fife THORN: 5. osava, 'n its class, Wei 10 Simcoe St. 5N, 457 was pest dressed hany Lodge 'al mention. Felt Bi tion. Lind- The Leading | the best he Established Manag 12 SIMCOE STs. | 5. was said to had ever | what I |f mT six thongs GET YOUR PHIL{ the parade . NOW 'hty lodges, We allow %25.00 ilges which on weer yr Rochester, ONTAJok pearly 'an hour and r the parade to pass & gant and from the begin- the end covered a dist ---- 2 mile and a half, the .the parade arriving back farting point a few mins or the tail had left. ica to start at 1.30 p.m. 1 march was not begum: rly three o'clock, the S al of the Rochester boat Pek: the parade. As it was; htually started without lester lodges, whose boat Hal shortly after three and r lodges joined the par= ir . Crowd in Attendance" 8, iday night it had rained hut cleared up about ning Saturday morning ; ~=ail ON throughout the day ants Were filled with thé ems and shrill music }s as lodge after lodge EATO:: town, Little lodsi dges, old men It pretty girls and 'es, some in orang Her. some in black OF 'thousand a : ° Peterboroug sen! 2 $10.00. and, and so did O ) reds came from sm ; Kin, 2 and villages bearing th 98 ! their respective lodge; inscribed with the words "No Surrens Kingsto new i day, is cot fifteen mor building as were for use | BRINGING UP FATHER { Ls TORN; OFF THE Lid | WILL Sink THAT. BEAUTIFUL "WHISTLING \IN THE DARKE TO MAKE I'T REALISTIC wa 1HNT THIS THRILLING ? WHISTLING IN THE oa- =i ft to rights 493; Mo. BL. A. Queen Mary, County Tas"~= P LOBA. .B. 55. Bottom tow Har- Ame and Gordon Crawford, ONT wa Tt pays to loo! who have an axe Two can live as if one makes $10,01 ah? ) ey to the place, entel The entire b: @ over by po fler shifting, and,. going © ound Dixon crouched under th WT,

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