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Oshawa Daily Times, 13 Jul 1931, p. 7

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, JULY 13, 1931 PAGE SEVEN is to be bought or sold-Times Classified Ads will do it | CONANT & ANNIS BARRISTERS Solicitors, Notaries Public, Ete, Conveyancipg and general prac tice in Law. Office 7% Simcoe St. South, Oshawa, Phone 4. G. D. Copant, B.A, LL.B.; A. F. An- nis, B.A, LL.B. W. E. N. SINCLAIR, K.C., BANK of Comuerce Building. . Dental DR. 8. J. PHILL!PS, OVER BAS. sett's. Special attention to X-ray work. Gas extraction. Nurse in attendance. Phone 959. House 1312, - DR. J. F. BROCK, DENTIST, 16 Simcoe Si, N, over Dewland's. Plione 1957. Res. 292W. Even- ings by appo' atment. . JOSEPH P. MANGAN, B.A, BAR- rister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Conveyancer. Money to loan. Ot. 'fice 14% King St. East, Oshawa. | Phone 445. Residence phone 837. CRIERSON, CREIGHTON '& Fraser, Barrister, etc., Bank of Commerce Bldgs. LOUIS S. HYMAN, BARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary. Over Dewland's Store. Money to loan. 16 Simcoe street north. Phone 67. Residence 2473W. GREER & HUMPHREYS, BAR- visters, Solicitors etc. 24% Sim- LUKE BURIAL CO. ¢7 KING St. fast. Ambulance. Residence 543 Simcoe street north. Phone 210J and 210W. OSHAWA BURIAL CO., M, PF. Armstrong & Son, Proprietors. Myperal and Ambulance Service day and night. Phone 1082W. 87 Celina. (4t1) DAVIS AND SON, INSURANCE, 19 King St. West, Oshawa. The Idest Fire Agency in Oshawa. 30 con St. N. Phone 3160. Resid $514. Money to loan. ALEX. C. HALL, BA, BAPRIS- ter, etc. Conveyancing and gen- eral practice. 32% King St. East. Phone 32137. cn) FRANK S. EEBS, BARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary Public, Convey- apcer. monvy to loan. Third floor new Alger Building. opposite Post Office. Phone 2996. Medical DR. B. J. HAZLEWOOD, PHY- sician and Surgeon, specfal atten- tion given to X-Ray work ana Blectrotheopy. Office, Disney Block. Phone 2050. Office open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Residence 421 King street east. Phone 2416. Reputable Fis Companjes. WHEN PLACING INSURANCE consult R. N. Johng, 80 Simcoe north. Your insurance wants &t- tended to and your interests pro- tected. Transportation OSHAWA' OLDEST ESTABLISH. ed furnitnre mover, Park Road. Cartage; local and long distance. Frank Cowle, prop. 65 Fark Rd. S. Phone 215, (7 may 1 mo) CARTAGE AND STORAGE, Coleman's, 85 Bond West. Spec- falists in furniture moving. Stor- age warehouse and moving van equipment. Phone $2. DR. GRANT BERRY, PHYSIC- ian, Surgeon, Obstetrician, dis- eases of infants and children, Of- fice and residence 97 Bond East. Phone 1166. DR. McKAY, PHYSICIAN, SUR- geon, Accoucher. Oftice apa resi- - dence King St. East, corner Vic- 2oria St., Oshawa. Phone 94. === SIE = = Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist DR. F. T. BRYANS OF 160 Bloor Street West, Toronto, will be at his office over Jury & Lov- eli's Drug Store each Saturday from 1 till 4 p.m., for consulta- tion and treatment of diseases of ear, 'nose and throat emly. Ap- pointments may be made at drug store. Phone 97. Architects C. C. STENHOUSE, GENERAL Architectural work. Secord floor Royal Bank Building. Phone 1496. Res. phone 9097: Auctioneer PHONE 716J. W. J. SULLEY, Auctioneer, 346 Simcoe St. 8, Oshawa, Ont, Special attention given to household furniture sales and farm stock and imple- ments. Your patronage solicited. ee ZT ER I -.,r Money to Loan ON APPROVED RESIDENTIAL property. BRADLEY BROS, 29% Simcoe St. S. ; 26 jly ¢) AUTOMOBILE LOAN--A CON- fidential service at the lowest price.. Whether your car is fully paid or not, We can reduce your present payments. Motor Loans & Discounts, R. F. White, Mgr., 14% King St. East, Oshawa. Phoree 2790. Open evenings till 9 p.m. (16,4ly ©) Lawn Mowers Sharpened LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED and repaired. Called for and de- livered. Phone G. Slater 3193W. 3 (23 jly e) Smmommmm-------- Far - Watch Repairing F. A. VON GUNTEN, EXPERT Swiss watchmaker, repair shop at 44% King Street West. Your pat. ronage is solicited. Palmist SONSULT MADAME BROWN, Palmist on matters of importance, 93 Louisa St. Phone 2636F, Busl- ness private. (1 aug c) LADIES' AND GERT'S FRENCH, dry cleaning, repairing and re modelling. Goods cal for delivered. M, Crozier. 138 Sim- coe sorth. Phone 2338. 7 (1 Jiy=c) COATS AND SUITS CLEANED $1. Repair work a speciaity Goods called for. Phone 523. Norman Lambert, 66 Baga: = Work Wanted G part of city for 50c. E. F. M Phone 1736J. 5 ad : (12° 31y ¢) ; ovod suet Beauty Parlors BETTY Lou PERMANENT Wave Shoppe, for a limited time, special prices: $10.00 wave for $7.60; $7.50 wave for $4.00. Marcelling, finger waving, heir dyeing and all other lines of beauty culture. For service and reliability call on the oldest established permanent wave shop, 86 Simcoe St. North, or phone 2968 for appointments. (8aug ¢) LA PARISIENNE BEAUTY PAR- lours. 3 Simcoe St. South. Phone 71, Marcel 50. Finger wave Tbe. (20-jly ¢) "THE MODERNISTIC PERMAN. ent Wave Shoppe". Specialists in permanent waving for $5 to $15. Special price on finger waving and shampoo 75c from 9 am. to 12 am. In afternoon $1.00. Phone 635 for appoint. 'ments. 17 Ontario Street. (3 jy ¢) GENOSHA HAIRDRESSING Parlors. Betty Ward and Grace Marshall, experts in all kinds of Beauty Culture. Our permanent wave a specialty. $5.00, $7.50 and $10.00. Finger waving, marcelling, facials, ecalp treatments and manicures, Cof- fee Shoppe entrance. Phnrpe ap- pointments 1973 (15 may 1 mo» Veterinary Surgeon H. VANZANT, V.8,, OFFICE 63 Colborne St. East. Accommoda- tion for farmers' horzes and cars. Phone 913. (16 jly ¢) -- Shoe Repairing BRING YOUR SHOES HERE for repairs. First class work done. Charges very reasonable. Jack Read, corner Mary and Col borne. (8 aug ¢) Radio Service OSHAWA RADIO SERVICE-- Repairs on radios, power packs and eliminators. Tubes tested and supplied, radio poles for sale. Batteries charged and repaired. Phone 3350J. Charles Wales, 146 Elgin Eart, (16 dec I} mo) ALL MO. D, eliminators, power packs, prices reasonable, tubes tested free: battery recharges - 60¢c. Phone 2806W. George Burroughs, cer- tified radiotrician, (28 jly c) AUTHORIZED VICTOR AND Atwater Kent Service, Also re- | pairs to all other makes of radio. Free testing of tubes in your home. * Aerials erected. Jahn Meagher, 92 Simcoe St. N. Phone 1019), © "(28 ly e) For Rent VICTORIA APARTM S -- Al pew low rentals, electric refrig- eration, electric stove, washing machine and dryer. Apply super- intendent. Phone 2533F. (55L1) iC ANOR-- AND live room, suites, electric stoves, refrigeration, laundry, couveni- ences. App.r superintendent. Phone 2671. (55t1) OFFICES, BRIGHT, CLEAN, good approach. $15 up. APARTMENTS CENTRAL, 3 TO 4 rooms, electric stove, kitchen cabinet, wall bed. Bradley Bros. Over Ward's Store. (87LD) R '---EL N- er, electric waxer. tents, exten- slon ladders, folding chairs, camp cots, lawn rollers, dishes, etc. Fox Hardware. (24 july ¢) GLADSTONE "APARTMENTS, 1 ground fleor apartment, modern three-roomed, laundry conveni- encse, private cellar, immediate possession. Fent $30 or will fur- nish. Phone 2604w, (8c) FOR RENT -- APARTMENTS now available 3 ang 4 room, fully modern suites, refrigeration, electric laundry and dryers, jani- tor service. Wil: consider fur- nishing to suit. Reasonable ren- tals. Phone 1550 or 2347W. (14911) TWO LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING rooms, furnished, central, reason. able. 221 Arthur St. (44) HOUSE TO RENT, ALL CON- veniences, 53 Nassau St. Phone 2178w. (11) EXCELLENT APARTMENT over Karn's Drug Store, private entrance, five rooms and bath. Dr. Henry, 231 King East. Phone 16. (71) MODERN. SIX ROOM HOUSE, all conveniences, newly decorated, large rooms, living room has coal grate. Present tenant i{s moving to large house and will sub let. Phone 1746¢. (8¢) OFFICE ABOVE BASSETT'S Jewellry Store, formerly occupi- ed by G. W. McLaughlin, 2 rooms and vault, can be rented separate- ly or together, Rent very low for this desirable location on main corner. Apply Bassett's, (8) SEVEN ROOMED HOUSE TO rent, all conveniences, 182 Ver- dun Road. Phone 513w. (8c) SEVEN ROOMED HOUSE FOR rent, all conveniences, garage, 92 Alice Street. Immediate posses- sion. Thirty dollars month, Apply L. Hyman, barrister. (8c) FLAT, FURNISHED OR UNFUR- nished, good location, rent rea- sonable, Phone 1424w, (9c) FOR RENT--2 LARGE BRIGHT rooms on ground floor for light housekeeping. Apply 2569 Simcoe St, 8. (101) Farm to Rent FIPTY- farm lam at North Oshzwa, with an eight room house, garage and large barn, orchard and creek. Immediate possesion. Phone 1553). 3 (9d) Furnished A ent LARGE LIVING ROOM WITH electric fireplace, kitchen fully equipped with elec'ric range, re- frigeration, hot water, cupboards, large bedroom and clothes closets, Nice locality. This apartment beautifully furnished, $565 month. ly. Apply to box 65, Oshawa Post Office. (1531) Tenders Wanted TENDERS .L BE RECEIVED up till Tuesday noon, July 14th, for a quantity of standing hay at Lakeview Park, For further in- formation enquire of Ned Smith, caretaker, Lakeview Park. (7-d) SSREESET © EEE. moor -mmssooo:mmT : Wanted to Rent WANTED--TWO UNFURNISH- ed rooms for light housekeeping, reasonable, near Motor's office. Phone 24911. (8c) For Sale or Rent ROXBOROUGH AVE, ¢ ROOM, modern, newly painted and de- corated. Phone 2894 or 3396. u (8c) FOR SALE OR RENT--MODERN six room brick house, central. Bargain for quick sale, Apply 102 Elgin East. Phone 353. ( 10¢) B who vings doors bels look. ing for s job, a room or any Telephone 35 Articles for Sale MIXED HARD AND SOFT woed slabs $3.50 per load. Also bone dry body wood. Waterous Meek Limited. Phone 1288. (1 aug ¢) WE HAVE WONDERFUL VAL- ues in rebullt Underwoods, They are as serviceable as when new-- at less than half the cost. Sent for your approval. Address "Un- derwood," 135 Victoria St., To- ronto, (Oct. 19, 31) FOR SALE-- SAND, GRAVEL, cinders, stone, black loam. $1.50 per truck load delivered. Phone Essery Bros. 3142). (18 jly ¢) HARDWOOD SLABS $3.50, SUM- mer wood 3% cord $3. Mostly hardwood. Phone 2423-w, 2 Aug. ¢). Rates for Classified Ads First insertion-- 134 cents per word, Minimum charge for one in- sertion 30c. Each subsequent consecu- tive Insertion 1c per word. Three consecutive inser- tions for the price of two first insertions (three cents a word). Minimum charge for three insertions 60c. Box number 10c additional. RUSTIC LAWN CHAIRS, VERY reasonable. Phone 453w. (9b) STANDING HAY, ON SHARE basis. Apply to G. D. Conant, Oshawa. (9¢) THREE CHICKEN COOPS AT A low price for quick sale. Apply 165 Verdun Road. (9b) FIFTEEN ACRES OF STAND- ing hay for sale. Apply P.O. Box 7456 Oshawa. (9b) FOR SALE--- BARGAIN, $1.50 per acre, mixed standing hay, thirteen acres near Harmony. Also 25 'acres close to Highway on town line east. Phone 2642. 410 King East, (10b) FOR SALE--SBVEN TUBE AT- water Kent Electric Radio. $55. Terms $5 cash. $5 per month. John Meagher, 92 Simcoe North. 1019J. (10a) FOR SALE--WASHER ALMOST new, bargain, people leaving town, must sell. Also radio In good condition. 2818F. (10e) Furniture Repairin FURNITURE REPAIRED AND re-upholsiered, etc. Charges reasonable. F, A. Morris, 170 Al- bert St. Phone 731W, Formerly with Luke Furniture Co. (12jly ¢) UPHOLSTERING AND FURNI- ture repaired. Drapes made to or- der. Rebuilding chesterfields a speclaity. Geo. A. Constable, 27 Bond E. Phone 3322). : Battery Service BATTERIES CHARGED bc with rental $1.00. Repaired ana rebulit.. Called for. and delivered. Prompt service, Stan Bligdon, 20 Mill St. Phone 1886W, Building Materials CORRUGATED GALVANIZED sheet iron, 28 gauge copper bear- ing metal sheets. Galvanized. Corrugated. Sale price 5:20 huh- dred sq. feet. $10 orders freight paid. Slate roofing 2.85. Roof coating 5 gals. 3.85. House paint 2.95 gal. Also Bavetrough, Floor- ing, Siding, Wallboard, Garages, etc., at lowest prices in ten years. 'Write for frpe Sale Catalog to Halliday Company, Limited, Dept. 21; Hamilton, " ' ! (10a) Lost and Found Room and Board ROOM AND BOARD FOR TWO with private family. Also garage. Phone 1052F. (10¢) LOST-----MAN'S' BILLFOLD, BE- tween Home Dairy and A Four Corners Finder please return lo §8 King West. Reward. : Saad © (10D) . Awnings WINDOW AWNINGS, PORCH awnings, verandah curtains, canopies, installed. T., Tavlos, Toronto. Oshawa phone 1053. (18 ily «» Pets and Livestock G E due to freshen righ away. Tele. phone 1962]. 9b) Em - CABINS WHEN MOTORING TO NORTH- ern Ontarie sleep over night at Paul Gifford's cabing on the shore of lake Nipissing, 1} miles south of Callander. New Cabins and clean beds. (8e) "For Sale or Exchange Professional or Busi Cards, $2.50 per month for 20 words or less, 10 cents a word per month for each additional word. Phone 35 Ask for Classified Ad Department Auction Sale HAVING RECEIVED tions from : Mr, ' H. son, to sell by public- auction on Lot 29, Con, 6, Whitby Township, (1% miles west Brooklin Highway), Friday, July 17, sale at one o'clock sharp, Standard Time, the following farm stock and implements: Horses--1 Bay Gelding Clyde, 7 yrs.; 7 INSTRUC- 8. Jeb- 1 Browa Mare G.P.,, 7 yrs.; 1 Chestnut Horse, 8 yrs. Cattle-- Black Cow, bred June 20th; Black Cow, bred June 23rd; Black Cow, bred June 26th; Holstein Cow, bred June 21st; Black Cow, bred June 21st; Black Cow, bred bred July 7; Red Cow, renewed; Black Cow, bred July 3rd; Ayr shire Cow, bred June 15th; Hol- stein Cow, not bred; Cows are in full flow and mostly all young. Harness--1 get Brass Mounted Breeching Harness; 1 set Back Band Harness; 1 set Single Har- ness. Implements--Binder, 7 ft, Massey; Mower, 5 ft, McCor- mick; Cultivator, 3 Horse, Mc- Cormick (new); Corn Cultivator, (Cockshutt); Dise Drill, 11 Hoe (Massey); Single Plow (Cock- shutt) No. 21; Gang Plow (Cock- shutt); Harrows, 3 section; Steel Roller (good); Wagon and Box, Toboggan Sleighs (good); Ha} Rack; Corn Rack; 1 Rake; Scales, 2,000 1bs.; Fanning Mil (Chatham); McLaughlin Buggy; McLaughlin Cutter; Gray Cutter with doors; De Laval Separator; Clipping Machine; 8 gallon Milk Cans; Milk Pails and Strainer; Cypress 'Incubator (260 Egg); Brooder, 12 x 14 ft; Brooder Stove (Buckeye); Pulper; Lad- der; Milk Cayt; Fork, Shovels, Hoes, Hens--65 Leghorn Hens. Other articles too numerous to mention. Terms--On Hens, all sums of $15.00 and under cash, over that amount five months' credit on bankahle paper, with interest at 6 per cent. per an- num. 3 per cent, off for cash, Auctioneer Elmer Wilbur, Taun- ton. (10-12) FOR SALE OR BXCHANGE-- Twenty acres of good workable land,, two miles from G.M.C. Also a six room brick veneer house in city, clear. What: have you? Box 521 Times, (10¢) 1 Motor Cars FOR SALE--CHEV. 27 COACH in good condition, New paint. $200. Phone 2794W, "Boats for Sale ELSINORE ~ "BLUE ~ STREAK, famous American racing sea- fleas, winners and present hold- er of Lipton outboard racing cup. Four boats left for sale at special reduced pice from $220 to $93. Canada Flyer 'sled type' racer, famous class D Canadian win- ners, reduced from $198 to $97. Williams Piano Co Ltd, Oshawa, Ont. (Te) SPORT LEAFS WIN TWO WITH SKEETERS Toronto, July 13.--Nineteen in- nings of highly entertaining base- ball were provided for aboot three thousand fans at Maple Leafs Stadium on Saturday afternoon ant it is pleasing to recort that the Maple Leafs annexed two con-!; tests from the Jersey City Skeet- ers by scores of 8 to 2 and 2 tol. The first victory came rather easy, but the second one required four innings longer than is usual- ly necessary for the nightcap, the Leafs finally pushing over the winning run in the tenth amid great excitement. Needless to say, the spectators lingered until the end, for there were more tense situations and more good base- ball was provided in: this contest than in the previous one, which was no less interesting, but nut quite so filled with suspense, Johnny Allgn and Guy Cantrell were Toronto's winning pitchers. Both went the full distance in their respective contests. Allen had a much easier time of it, how- ever, than did Cantrell. The lat- ter was given some formidable opposition by Frank Nikola, Jer- sey City southpaw, who up until the fateful tenth had a slight cdge in about as thrilling a mound due] as has been seen at tne stadium this season. Leafs Show Improvement The Leafs looked like a differ- | ent ball team than that which lost | the previous series to Baltimore. In the opening struggle they launched a mighty matting attack in the second inning and accumul- ated a lead that the Skeeters were never able to wipe out. Six hits were clustered in an extra-base- hit barrage that had the custom. ers on their feet cheering enthu- siastically; and before the fire- works subsided six runs were across the plate and the O'Neill men had a tidy lead that they never relinquished, Curt Fullerton, a former Toron- to pitcher in Island Stadium days, was the victim of this winning as- sault, the Leafs greeting him like a long-lost, rich relative after he had retired them in order in their | first turn at bat. Joe Rabbit propelled a home- | run over the right field wall to start the procession of runs and before Manager Toporcer could get the faltering Fullerton out of the box, Billy Rogell had tripled, Richardson and Stack had singled and doubles were perpetrated by Harry Davis and Gerald Walker. Charles Perkins was finally hur- ried to Fullerton's rescue and he lasted the remainder of the con- test, although he did not check the locals entirely and theyrang up an additional seven hits and two more runs off him. TIME TABLE, Peterboro Srs. Lose To Belleville Nats. Peterboro, July 13, -- Peter- boro added another loss to an al- ready long list here Saturday when beaten, 6 to 1, by the Bella- ville Nationals In an abbreviated Central Ontario League game that was called In the eighth on account of rain. The Nationals bunched hits off Maudsley in the first two innings to score four runs, and their lead was uever seriously threatened, alta~ugh the "Petes" had a good chauce for a big frame in the sixth when they got their only run. | | | Nunns-Martin Meet in Finals Singles Title Ottawa, July 13. -- Gilbert Nunns, Toronto, and Walter Mar- tin, Regina today fight it out for the Eastern Canada tennis sin- gles title after Saturday taking the doubles crown and winning their semi-final singles matches on the courts of the Rideau Lawn Tennis Club here. Showers during the afternoon prevented the finals in the wo- men's singles, mixed doubles and wemen's doubles, as well as the WHITBY, OSHAWA, BOWMANVILLE (Effective on and after April 13th, 1931) (Daylight Saving Time) West Arrive Arrive Whitby Hospital NIANS=O0 NR . 215 p.m, pl Smees SoBe = S55 YT m, 6.45 p.m. m, 8.00 p.m, ¥ 10.15 p.m, 10.30 p.m. 11.30 12.15 a.m. Times marked * are through busses to Whitby Hospital. Going East Leave Leave Leave Hospital Whitby Osliava he e. am, . © od he Arrive Bowmanville 7.20 av, sy » 8 Bhi fold nd 28222532280 PrePpprPorPees ea BIEBER ER Se 8 SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY SCHEDULE Going West Leave Leave Arrive Bowmanville Ostawa Whitby Whitby 10.00 a.m, and Careful T. A. GARTON, BOWMANVILLE, PHONE 412 or 34 Oshawa Waiting Room, 10 Prince Street Phone 2283 GRAY COACH LINES Effective April 26th, (Eastern Standard Tims) Leave Toronto Leave Tg oT POPU DA Bsus s8ey a=Daily except Sunday, b=~Saturday, Sundays and Holidays only. d=Sunday only, CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Effective June 28, 1931 (Stancaid Time) Last d 912 a.m. Daily, except Sunday. 9.09 a.m. Daily, 2.07 p.m. Daily, S41 p.m. Dairy, except Sundar. 9.23 p.m. Daily, except Saturday, 1.08 p.m. Daily. 1141 p.m. Daily. West! . Daily. 6.02 a.m. Daily. 2.10 p.m. Daily except Sunday. 4.05 p.m Daily. 6.35 p.m, Daily. 7.35 p.m. Daily except Sunday CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAYS Effective April 26th (Standard Time) 9.29 am. Daily, 2.28 p.m. Trenton Local Daily, ex. Sun x4.19 p.m, Daily, 11.10 p.m. Daily, 12.05 a.m. Daily. x For Ottawa, Montreal and East only. Westbound $28 a.m. Daily. 6.29 a.m. Daily. 2.59 p.m. Daily. 7.32 p.m. Daily, except Sunday. m&.24 p.m. Daily. m Toronto and West Only, Martin-Nunns match, from being played, With the exception of the women's doubles match, the games will be played here this afternoon. The women's match will be played at Toronto this week, as the four participants are members of the Toronto Tennis Club. Toronto will be well represent ed in the finals for besides Nunns in the singles, there are Queen City finalists in each of the other matches. A football enthusiast, having been to see his team play a match which they had lost, was return ing home downcast, accompanied by his small son. During the course of the game the lad had 'asked the usual "whys and wherefores" of his "daddy," but things were brought te a climax when he piped: "Daddy, what becomes of a footballer when he gets old 'an blind, an' deaf?" "They make a referee of him, son," was the laconic reply. : One 1927 Essex Coupe. One 1928 Old's. Sedan. ROSS, AMES AND GART- . SHORE : King St. West. Phone 1160 Diamonds! Bassett's On Oshawa's Main Corner COAL COAL Phone 198° W .J. SARGANT Yard--89 Bloor St. BE. Orders Promptly Delivered PHONE 22 For Your Needs THOMPSON'S 10 Simcoe St. 5. We Deliver Felt Bros. The Leading Jeweler Established 1886 ' 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH GET YOUR PHILCO RADIO NOW We allow $25.00 to $75.00 on your Battery Set ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LIMITED 99 Shincoe S.t South 7-ROOMED HQUSE FOR RENT $10.00 a month. Apply Dominion Clothing Co., 68 King St. W. Phone 2141 At all Superi Stores EATON 'GROCETERIA it Pays To Shop Here Always REPAIRING WATCHES OUR SPECIALTY 1f your watch is not giving satisfaction we can repair and make it tell the correct time. D. J. BROWN THE JEWELER Official Watch Inspector for Canadian National and Osh- awa Railroads 20 Simcoe St. 8. Phone 180 "What ap not regard ds es cially funiy more often goes o well with the reader."--Irvin 0 "I can't be sentimental as could in the old days, but rom: can't die, heroism can't die, deceng§ can't die."--Otis Skinner. ok BRINGING UP FATHER "Real Estate For Sale THREE HUNDRED DOLLARS buys a dandy grocery business on y corner. Rent reason- Holden, 92 i Bo pany can use ome or two extra have cars. Must have ion, appearance and Breeton rig bre 'Wetts ote {Employment = Mapager, Fuller | 'Brush, Company, Oshawa. os (10d) ¥ ALL YOU THINK OF 1S YOURSELF WHERE WOULD | You BE IF 'T WASN'T FOR ME? WHAT A FOOL WAS WHEN | THINK OF THE MEN | COULD HAVE | WisH You I GET SIC AND TIRED OF _ TaLiNG To You: | BY GEO. DON'T LOSE HER. YOU'LL NEVER FINO ANOTHER LIKE THAT: a

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