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Oshawa Daily Times, 14 Jul 1931, p. 5

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partic to and from ti BAR. will be gladly recelvedbyp)ic, " "an. Of- to Newfoundland. . 0» Mrs. J. H. Ashley, 334 East, and Mr. and Mr, ! a Ashley and Mrs. H. HopWiand's tended the Cryderman arSimcoe picnic Saturday at Hampiseldence Mr. and Mrs. Art. Wit--7c George, Fisher St. on Se BAR- attended the Edmondson-% Sim- wedding in Toronto, eidence LJ The Misses Florence an Edwards have returned ter spending an enjoyablend \ Orillia. Ma L. James Y. Nichol, of was a visitor in the city, day. gen- East. (te) ISTER, Bonvey- * = rd floor M. M, Hood and son, 'pposite spent the week-end at Bell W. C. Smith has returne & month's business trip to. go, St. Louis, Kansas City, PHY- homa City and other points siten- middle west and Southw\ gpa states. "ew Msney Mr. and Mrs. Norval Fh 031 were recent visitors in Jane and attengeq the strawberry': val there. i isic- Mr. and Mrs. William clity 4% been visiting the former's ¢ "°° Mrs, Warner, at Williamsfo, ast. » Mr. and Mrs. Bert Brown and daughters, Ruby and Helen, have returned from visiting ' Mrs. Brown's parents, Mr, and Mrs, William Masterton, a Hepworth. Mrs. Harry Cawker and Miss Dorothy have returned after spending two weeks at Port Cred- LJ * * Mr. Geo. Moffatt, of New York City, is visiting at the home of kis gomsin, Mr. Harry Cawker, Ritson Master Clayton Wilson and Miss Dorothy Wilson, 69 Queen tpeet, and Miss Marie Coulton, Bagot Street, have returned home after a delightful two- weeks' visit with Master Arthur Coulton and his grandparents, at Grafton, Ont, ¥., Newest Millinery Revives Old Modes The tide of fashion which has already washed up on the shores 'of the present various "Cone celts" from the nineteenth cen- tury, is bringing on its next' #ave a type of hat, reminiscent of mid- Victoria headgear. The 'brows which for the last two years have been left free by the beret, the bonnet and the backward poised brimmed hat, are to suffer par. tial , eclipse. The new boat. shaped hat is worn rather for. ward and over one eye, with 'Le other side of the hat sharp'y turned pack from one end to the other, A drooping feather fail- ing from the brim at the back of the right ear is an added Vietor- fan feature. In fact there is a hint that the new millinery will «bring more stimulus to the ost- rich feather industry than has been the case for years past. y Very new is the bowler hat, or - postillion, as it is called in Paris. This is tilted over the brow a little to one side, with the sides cvrled back from each ear, a low crown, and for trimming a band ( of petersham cut by 'a buckle in front. The brim may be more curled back on one side than on the other. It may have no band (round the crown and have, as BHining Roy little ostrich tips ied together with a Abaty little bow of ribbon. Or again, it may # a brim which is low front and not much, curled k at the sides, and a jewelled ornament jn front of the crown. A ck "felt "derby" bound §yround the brim edge with black "' satin and trimmed with a pair of small black feather wings per- _ched at the right side front, was '& new version of an old-time fa- The derby, | n 0} JR. 8. J. PHILLIPS, OVER BAS- ett's. Special attention to X-ray ork. Gas estraction. Nurse in Alendanes. Phone 959. House 2. » J. F. BROCK, DENTIST, 16 mcoe Si. N, hone 1957. Res, 202W, ings by appo ntment. LUKE BURIAL CO., 67 KING St. £ast. Ambulance. Residence 542 Simcoe street north, Phone 210J and 210W. OSHAWA BURIAL CO., M F. Armstrong & Son, Proprietors. Funeral and Ambulance Service day and night. Phone 1082W. 87 Celina. (ate ven- ) Insurance DAVIS AND SON, INSURANCE, 19 King St. West, Oshawa. The oldest Fire Agency in Oshawa. 30 Reputable Fire Companies. WHEN PLACING INSURANCE consulg R. N. Johne, 80 Simcoe north. Your insurance wants at- tended to and your interests pro- tected. Transportation OSHAWA' OLDEST ESTABLISH- ed furnitnre mover, Park Road. Cartage, local and long distance. Frank Cowle, prop. 65 Fark Rd. 8. Phone 215, (7 may 1 mo) CARTAGE AND STORAGE, Coleman's, 85 Bond West. Spec- falists in furniture moving. Stor- age warehouse and moving van equipment. Phone 832. Beauty Parlors BETTY Lou PERMANENT Wave Shoppe, for a limited time paid 1, 310, wi acteristic of the coming styles will be the accentuation cof length from front to hack. The new hats will Le worn to one side. WILL NOT WARM THE REFRIGERATOR When putting away leftovers in the refrigerator, particularly in the warm weather, gathey them together on top of the ice box and when you open the door put them all away at the sauwc time. The fewer times you open the refrigerator doors, the bet- ter your ice will keep. To Teach § Kingston, --= At 2 meeting of the Athletic Board of Cortrol of Queen's University held om Fri- day afternoon in the board room of the gymnasium, it was decid- ed by the board that free swim- ming lessons would be given to pupils of the Kingston public and separate schools, who could not swim, providing that the board can come to an arrange- ment with the Ontario Athletic Cemmission, regarding the pay- ment of an instructor. The new tank in the gym will be used for over Dewland's. | THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, JULY 14, 1931 PAGE FIVE ences. 4 Phone 267. OFFICES, , 800d 2DDTO, 404 wo give awa h y APARTMEL, 4, not what we say. he poems, 1 ~--Mrs, Fleetwood. of, wi Over Ward,nt on in the neighbor- for 2 long distance hat Speedfoot and Mrs. SF. elect the fastest running = 'yotes in all that region, Sots, Hard" about. You see, they 'aver and crafty and gen- FOR RExt as they were swift of apartments,?, indeed, did they nished, moa private cella' remarked Speed- 2604W. srning, "our neighbor, Jot, has babies." Ad you?" asked Mrs. paw availaby ii" nore than a little modern 8L ,y Antelope would electric launyey that would be a a ale 0 me," tals. Phone' Sw do you know? Have TWO LiGihem?" demanded Mrs. robms, fury 2 able. 221 same I know she has HOUSE Tat least one baby. I am vendences, shat there are two, but 2178w. ay has twins, so my guess EXCELL 'e has a pair now." over Kappbeedfoot looked disap- entrance, "Oh," said she with a Henr 'eT head, 'you are only replied plied Speedfoot again. 16 i : may call it that, but I OFFICE .y dear," replied Speed- Jewellry'l don't call it guessing ed by G know a thing, and I know and vau 8, Fleetfoot has one baby ly or tor - I know it as surely as t-woaid know it if I had seen the baby." . "Allright, if you know so much why dun't we go get a dinner of young Antelope " asked Mrs. Speedfoot. "I don't know it or I would go myself." "I didn't say that I know where those babies are, though I know somewhere near where they are," retorted Speedfoot. "All I said was that I know Mrs. Fleetoot has ose or more babies, and you might know the same thing if you had used your eyes, my dear," "What do you mean by that?" snapped Mrs. Speedfoot sharply. "Have you seen those occasion al flashes way off there in the dis- tance?" inquired Speedfoot. "Of course I have," retorted Mrs, Speedfoot, 'There are few days that we don't see those flashes somewhere. They are Antelope signals, I know that as well as you do." "Oh, then you have used your eyes. I beg your pardon," re plied Speedfoot, "It is your wits you haven't used," he added. "So you say. Now just what do you mean?" Mrs. Speedfoot was beginning to be cross. By Thornton W. Burges "You haven't noticed that those particular flashes have been in the same neighborhood for the last two days, and you haven't Need your wits," explained Speed- oot. "Go on," retorted Mrs. Speed- foot. "Tell me more." "Why there isn't any more to tell," replied peedfoot, "Those flashes always near the same place can mean but one thing, here are no answering signals and. so there can be but one Antelope, and no Antelope stays long in one place unless there is a very strong reason. I passed that way a few days ago and saw Mrs. Fleetfoot grazing and she was alone. Not another Antelope was to be seen. So I knew that she isthe one who has been flashing those signals. Only one thing would keep her so near to one place for several days, and that is a baby or babies. What do you say, my dear,, to doing a little looking around over there?" "I believe you are right and I confess I haven't used my wits," replied Mrs. Speedfoot admiring- ly. "By all means let us logk around over there. The mere thought of a baby Antelope din- ner makes my mouth water. Whea shall we start?" "Now is as good a time as any," replied Speedfoot grinning. So it was that the very secret she trying to keep Mrs. Fleetfoot unknowingly gave away. (Copyright, 1931, T. W, gess) Bur- Prepare for Camp Kingston. -- The members of the R.C.H.A. are getting ready for their move to camp at Peét- awawa on July 15. Nearly everything is in readiness and the batteries will pull out early Wednesday morning. Part of the equipment will be shipped by train but the personnel will make the trip in the Leyland and Cross- ley trucks. The heavy guns will go by rail. The first part of the week will be devoted to final preparation for the move. Home Destroyed Odessa -- Mr. and Mrs, Rob- ert Findlay, who reside one mile from the village, met with a very severe loss on Sunday afternoon, when their home was completely destroyed by fire. Both Mr. and Mrs. Findlay were away from home at the time, and neighbors noticing volumes of smoke issu- ing from the residence, hastened over, but the fire had made such headway 'that the home in a very short time became a prey to the flames. NOTICE We wish to announce to our clientile that MISS ELSIE DYER of Montreal Marcel Specialist has joined our staff. Special Opening features Shampoo and Marcel 75¢ Permanent Waving -- te SPECIAL PRICES Reg. $7.50 Wave $4.00 Reg. $10.00 Wave $7.50 Shampoo Trim & Finger Wave included OPEN EVENINGS . PHONE 2968 Fe ce Betty Lou Permanent Wave Shoppe 86 Simcoe Street North the purpose, PREDICTION OF EARTHQUAKES IS | QUITE IMPOSSIBLE | Swiney, N.8.W. July 14,--Pre- diction of earthquakes is impos- sible and the scientists who ven- ture guesses of this nature are merely making themselves ridic- ulous, according to Dr. P. Mar- shall, government metrologist, ° "Quake prediction is absolute sad Dr. Marshall, "Moonshine is the most compli. mentary word that one may apply to it. To say when a severe earthquake is likely to occur it is necessary to. know the tension and how much stress the earth's crust can si out of the qu 'Dr; amination of Bay time had elapsed since a severe earth had affected' the area revious to this year's devasta- P Hon." "Definite presto: nthe unde," a "but 1 Te netoro there i ne indicated that a long | ¥ RED ROSE GOOD TE AR CWOICE BLENDS = Red Label & Orange Roe 248 Stresses Value of * Well Directed Play Montreal.--The value of play from the social, physical, mental and moral viewpoints was discuss- ed by Dr. A. 8. Lamb, of McGill University, in an interesting lec- ture recently. Dr. Lamb spoke in part as fol- lows: 'Let us look at play, when the instincts are rightly directed, and gee if it is not a most impor- tant educational influence, The old traditional attitude was & ne- gative one in which play was thought to be a waste of time and that children, when playing, were kept out of mischief. We know to-day, however, that children learn more and develop better through their whole-hearted in- terests, and the very essence of the play life is, of course, the in- terest which is displayed in it. "The social values are many. There is, perhaps, no force go powerful in removing racial and religious prejudices, in develop- ing companionableness, co-opera- tion and the stimulation of one's social nature. "It is hardly necessary to men- tion the obvious values to a boy's physical being, such as speeg, skill, strength, endurance, bodily vigor and efficiency. The more of these he requires the more re- sourceful and self-confident he becomes, he is hardened and strengthened against the disas- trous consequences of pampering, fatigue is counteracted and com- parative studies show the mental and physical capabilitics of chil- dren who have had proper activ- ity to be vastly superior to those not so favored. "The mental values are many; not only during the child's partic- {pation in play, but in subsequent years. There are many games in which the mind is trained in at- tention, observation and memory. "It is dificult, indeed, to esti- mate the extent of the moral val- nes. In play there is a heighten- ed state of the functions of the body, the heart is pumping through itself anywhere up to seven times as much blood as dur- ing rest, responses to tne "'¢ and ear must function with greater rapidity and the emotions are aroused in marked contrast tp the resting state. Games offer in- numerable opportunities for choices of action which must be {nstntly executed under strain and excitement. This freedom of choice, this reaction on the part of the player completely reveals his inner self and one can quickly see what sort of a person he real- ly is. There can be np camou- bage. "The values of which I have been speaking can only be secured with skilled supervision, they can- not be secured without it. Chil- dren need 'instruction in how to play, to acquire the skill, over come the reserve, fear, sensitive- ness and awkwarduess of inferior- ity before enjoyment will come and before other values can be expected. If left to themselves, many will loaf about aimlessly, others will get expression for their natural instincts in harmful and anti-social] ways. The values do not bow freely. One. cannot ex- pect that the establishment of a "It is Regulating Me," she says | "YT TOOK Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound for painful and irregular periods. I had no color in my face and felt draggy: "My mother told me about the medicine last summer. Since tak- ing it I suffer less and it is regulat. ing me; "My color is normal and I feel like a different woman," writes Mrs. David Thomson, 37-9th Street, N. W., Portage La Prairie, Manitoba. Won't you try a bottle? 7 / 2 (7 / Ap lea z (ol a VEGETABLE COMPOUND sts In The Home and The Community WEDNESDAY BARGAIN 185 Summer Frocks In one fine group of the better numbers, consisting of Martha Washington Voiles, Fancy Rajahs, Novelty Raysheens and Plain Celanese. "Guaranteed Fast Colors". A Great July Clearance for Wednesday morning at, NO PHONE ORDERS $].98 ' 600 Wabasso Hemstitched Pillow Cases In a nice fine quality, good wearing cotton. 42 in. Orders Filled. Each, Qc each An extra special saving. Size Reg. 59¢c pair. An outstanding number in our Julv Sale. r Phone \ playground without supervision will dp anything more than be a meeting place for gangs, where the arrogant and domineering youth will hold sway, and where might is right." URGE PURCHASE OF ALL TOLL BRIDGES, Montreal, July 11.--The official of the Montreal Motorists' Leagt held a special meeting recently the Windsor Hotel for the purpae of protesting against the graum of a charter to a privately:sfac- company at present being gthe an- for the purpose of buildingke cer- erating a bridge across thet there rence River from Lacntioned Caughnawaga. T, C Kirb in any manager, read data on the new company, and its idea zoolo- ing and operating the brid that system of tolls. Both siduld at question were fully discwject for on behalf of the privately ser cata- bridge it was shown thao Prince instances a valuable serviept the formed, for instance, Wiof the province or county will néng cost not provide a span and v vate interests build a strejyed too theyneed, and take a mod] of try- reasonable return for thejiscovery But on the other hand: kad re- true that often such privupon it ests have taken advanta; motoring public by chafimal was fees and giving in retur js from poor service. an or The case against the Japan or owned toll bridge was vership and pegued, and while the arginto the behalf of some individual ¢ tures similarly may be st: the whole the meeting deci there can be little question . all bridges connecting thALS highways must be built an ated by the Provincial Governmen departments. ! he following resolution was unanimously passed and forwarded to the Provincial Government : Fohat this geting very strongly protests against a charter being given Yo a private company for the purpose of building and operating a iL be- tween Lachine and Caugl aga. Furthermore, that no franchises po privately owned toll bridges con- necting the highways be granted under any consideration; hat all existing toll bridges throughout the Province of Goa be purchased by the Government; That no toll bridges be construct- ed except where urgent necessity exists, and that provision in every case be made for redemption and making free of tolls. Furthermore, that the Provincial Government should have the control of all such bridge construction and operationd That all existing tolls be abolish= ed on bridges throughout the pro- vince, $35 p.m, Daily. 7.35 p.m. Daily except Sunday. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAYS ectivg April 26th (Standard Time) 9.29 a.m. Daily. 2.28 p.m. Trenton Local Daily. ex. Sun x4.19 p.m. Daily. 1L10 p.m, Daily. 12,05 a.m. Daily. x For Ottawa. Montreal and East only, Westbound 5.28 a.m. Daily, 6.29 a.m, Daily, 33 p.m, Daily. .32 p.m. Daily, except Sunda m&24 p.m. Daily, 4 % m Tcronto and West Only. the stamps of higher tions. The new stamps are expected to have considerable advertising value inasmuch as they will protray ani- mals known only in Australia and possessing unique characteristics. The new issue may be permanent, denomina- HERE [S A BARGAIN Six roomed brick Veneer dwel- ling, hardwood floors, open fire place, all conveniences, North part of City, only $3,000 Smoll payment down. Apply J. H. R. Luke. Phone 871, 687W. ~ -- the breath Pd eating and 84 ended by doctors and dentists. Pe aids diges- INEXPENSIVE SATISFYING TILLIE THE TOILER te MHL A HAVING YOUR RACING CAR TAKEN T© A" GARAGE. SO BV YY THING RIGHT, MAC ERE 7 BE ALL Ba MY ONLY AMBIT (8 vol NAIM THE LES CAR N BIG RACE ~/ WHAT You | LOOKING AT out). ! a 'By Ruse W tov HEY, Mac: THIS 1S A PRE- VIEW OF THE FINISH OF THE AUTO CLASSIC A Power~

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