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Oshawa Daily Times, 30 Jul 1931, p. 2

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4 THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JULY 30, 1931 TNA A don ie u a : { Ontario and Durham County News ari Miss Marion Snowden, Corres- \ ple Grove, Tul fy Bun day School met a - 'clock on Sundey and the church was held in the evening instead of the afternoons, owing ro funeral Je ho ats Ken- 'Osborne. of . ""Miss Marion Pickard, Bow- 'manville, recently visited Mrs. Fred Stevens. ' Miss Emily Gates, Cherrywood, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Ivan Law, . "Miss Nellie Snowden visited Mrs. John McGuire, Bowmanville, oo and Mrs. Ivison Munday, . Jack and Ray, spent Sunday with 4 * wh parents Mr, and Mrs. John # , Port Granby. Hadi Mackenzie, Toronto, A -a few days at Mr. R. H. ; Armstrong's. ¢ A Mr. Ray Snowden, Toronto, has been spending a few days with Jatives here. i Ly The Maple Grove girls' soft- "ball team was successful in win- dx .from Solina girls in the Mot played here on Friday ev- , the game was a close one, enr girls winning by two. runs. "Mr. and Mrs. Earle rne, "Bowmanville, recently visited her 'parents, Mr. and Mrs. Truman ah 'Misses Helene and . Molly 'Siynds, Toronto, who are spend- sing: their holidays with their . grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Sanders, Bowmanville, have been visiting relatives in this com- ity. 4 sincere sympathy of this unity is extended to Mr. and ps. - Herbert Osborne and sons, Courtice, in the loss of their son nd brother. a Sr and Mrs. Morgan Lewis and Miss Bertie Pascoe, Pater- borough, called to see Mr. T. J. Cole and visited Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Snowden on Sunday. Our girls played ball again un Tuesday evening with the Cour- tice girls. This was another close game and the Courtice girls suc- ed in getting two more runs than our girls; RAGLAN NEWS : ) . t) 4 Reson ally Tom ir, and tH a Will Wilson, of Oshawa, Mr. and 'Mrs. Stark and daughter Elva, of were Sunday visitors of Miss L. Gillbert of Toronto, olidaying at the home of ! "Srvin Ormiston ani ol. £ er friends here, Mrs. D. Thompson at- p i. a of a relative in "Foronito last week. : Master Jackie Towns, of Har- mony, is spending his holidays with 3 grandparents, Mr. and ; fier 4 of Coldwater and y of | St. Louis. t of Mr. snd A, Miller. - annual Luke family picnic held at Lakeview Park, Osh- wa, on Saturday, July 26. It a splendid day and an ideal About 80 guests were y entertained with ball nd races, after which a supper was served. : 'successful day was wing to a close the retiring took the chair and the .piticers were elected for iting. lary, Mr. Harold Luke, 335 Ar- : thur St., Oshawa; treasurer, Mrs. Courtice, Ont: . Sunday School has been closed or the month of August. There will be no church service here on and Mrs. N. Grose, Toron- Sunday visitors of Mr. Dv Thompson, Mrs.. John Blight and were Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Frank Davis, George Byron and Marion, Otta- wa, spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs, H. T. Cole, 'Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Everett Wilson on the birth of & Son at their Home, on Wed- nesday, July 28th, Miss Ruby Dougherty, Toronto, was & week-end gu of Miss Olive Luke. \ Mr, and Mrs. H.' T. Cole and Miss Mildred Cole motored to Oak Lake, on Sunday, Misses Mar- fe and Helen Cole returning home with them after attending the summer school there the past week, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Crossman, Mrs. Harvey Pascoe and Lorraine, Mrs. J. Mountjoy, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Mountjoy and family, Mr, and Mrs, H, F. Werry visited, on Sunday, at Little Britain. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Luke, Mr. Bert Luke, Misses Nora Werry, Olive Luke and Ruby Dougherty visited with Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Pascoe, Solina. Rev. T. A. Tonkin, Bowman- ville, was a week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs, C. W. Hoskin, The Young Peoplé's classes and Jr. Boys' class were entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ever- sit Mountjoy, on Thursday even- ng. THORNTON'S CORNERS Mrs. G. H, Robi Correspondent Thornton's Corners, July 29.--A pleasing event took place on Mon- day evening when the members of the Ladies' Aid, friends and neigh- bors of Mrs. I. Huggins, gathered at her home on the occasion of her cightieth birthday and presented her with a beautiful fern, Mes, Huggins is one of our oldest and most respected residents who until the last few years, always took a very active part in all af- fairs of the church and community. A happy evening was enjoyed chatting over old times as well as present events. Ice cream and small cakes were served during the evening, There were about thirty present: The Westmount Cub Pack left on Saturday for the Kiwanis Camp at k , and will remain there all this week. The ones from this dis- trict, who 'went were the leaders, Hard\d Pascoe, Morris Robinson and Ted Robinson, also cubs Wil- fred Pagcoe and Frederic Robinson. There gre about thirty boys in all. So far the boys have been busy repairing the dam that was washed "++ Friday last. ~umber fro mhere have gone nines to visit the boys in All the campers are having oughly good time. ne Ladies' Aid" Society will hold its agnual picnic at Lakeview Park gd Wednesday afternoon, August There will be po Sunday school services during August, boys' softball team went over to, the Fikerng, Garden Party-Jast ---- to Plav b a ell, A er of the neighbors ako at- tended and enjoyed a pleasant even- "The Whitby team played a league game here on Wednesday evening and our boys were the winners again 14-11, Another game is expected to he played here -on Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs, Edgar, Pascoe, Hat- id Pascoe, Mr. and Mrs, W. L. Pierson and family attended the Pascoe family re-union picnic held at Hampton Park recently, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lewington and the Misses Marion and Ethel left this week for.a two weeks' va- cation in Ithica, N.Y. with Mrs, ington's- sister, Mr. and Mrs, W. H. Perryman and Billy, Mr. and Mrs. Roy All- man and twin daughters, motored to Cobourg for Sunday. - Miss Pearl Scott is spending a holiday at Wagner's Lake, north of e. . Bt olhorsigne~ Pals A pretty wedding of particula: interest to a. at A hornton's Corn- ers took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd S. Palmer, 316 King street, east, on Saturday afternoon, when their sister, Doris Edna, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Ethan Palmer, of Picton, became the bride of Andrew Brotherstone, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Brotherstone, ot Peters borough. The Rev. T, Harston per- formed the ceremony in the living room before an improvised altar of ferns and summer flowers. The bride, given in marriage by her brother, Lloyd S. Palmer, was gowned in a frock of white crepe with place 'green trimmings. She wore a picture hat of white and carried a bouquet of Butterfly Ros- es. The bride's only attendants were her two small nieces, daugh- ters of Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Pal- mer, both in frocks of Nile Green French Organdie, and carried bask- ets of White Larkspur and Pink Butterfly Roses. After the ceremony a reception was held and refreshments were served to the guests. Later Mr, and Mrs. Brotherstone left on a short wedding trip. The bride travelled in a navy blue ensemble and a silver fox fur, the gift of the groom, They will make their home in Peterboro. The bride was a very popular teacher ih our school a few years ago. All join in wishing Mr. and Mrs. Brotherstone a very happy and prosperous future, SCUGOG Scugog, July 28.--Miss Grace Mark spent a few days last week with her sister, Mrs, A. Brunt, of Enniskillen. ' Mr. and Mrs. A. Martyn, La- vern, Harold and Inez, visited with her aunt, Mrs, I. Johnston of Cresswell recently. Mr. and Mrs. R. Fralick and children, Mrs. Copeland, Mr, and Mrs. E. Richardson and baby, Jean, all of Toronto, were re- cent guests of Mr. and Mrs, H. Fralick. Mr. and Mrs. R. Fralick have rented a cottage at Mr. Roger- sons for a month, Mrs. O. Jeffery, Clem and Lois, of Enniskillen spent a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Mark, last week. Mrs. G. Schell and Miss Norma Ploughman, of Port Perry, were the guests of Mrs. Pettit on Thursday. Your correspondent is sorry of an error in last week's ball game with Blackstock which should have been 15-12 in favor of Blackstock, Miss Leona Prentice is visiting her mncle; Mr, O. Gerrow in Osh- awa Jast week. The Scugog boys softball team Played Greenbank boys 'af the Centre school groupds on Thars- day evening, July 23. A good crowd of interested citizens &t- tended the game and cheered for both team though the home team came out victorious, The seore being 10-8. Mr. Stuart Mark visited with Mr. Milton Demara on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. D. Hope and sons, Roy and Leonard spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. C. Hardy. Miss Hilda Milner, of Oshawa, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Milner for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. O. Jeffery, Clem and Lois, of Enniskillen spent the week-end with his Parents,' Mr. and Mrs. W. Jeffery. Mr. and Mrs, F. Nottingham and children, of Raglan, were the guests of her father, Mr. Geo. Shunk om Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. R, Tetlow, Gor- don and Joyce, Mr. E. Fines and Mrs, Edyden, visited friends in Toronto on Sunday and visited Mrs. E. Fines who is in the hos- pital there, who is getting slong fine. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jackson wére recent guests of Mr, and Mrs. R. Jackson, } Mr. and Mrs. Clem Crozier, Luiele and Jack, of Oshawa, are spending an enjoyable summer at their cottage on the lake shore at his uncle's, the Crozier Brothers farm, Mr. and Mrs. Holman, daugh- ters, Mildred, Phyllis, Mrs, L. Savage, of Tcronto, Mr, and Mrs. J. Sweetman were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs, C. Graham. Mrs. Savage and Miss Phyllis Holman is staying over for the week. Mr. and Mrs, Palmer, gl) Ward and Mr. Allan Glles, of Toronto, Mrs, Watson, of Port Perry, Mr. and Mrs, F. Nottingham and children, Raglan, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. Jackson on Sun- day. On Saturday evening, July 25, a great number of us attended the ball game at Port Perry be- tween their team and :jcugog and up till the fifth inning they kept Port Perry from getting a run. Then in the beginning of the seventh inning our catcher, Mr. Stuart Mark got knocked out. Darkness was coming on so the score is 8-4 for our boys. We are all very interested in our young people's ball games, Mrs, O. Gerrow, of Oshawa, visited Mrs, A. Prentice a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Penfound, of Oshawa, were guests of Mrs. Van Nest at her sister's, Mrs, A. Prentice .on Sunday. One of Mrs, J .Aldred's hens laid a freak egg on Monday, It measured 3% ins. by 2% with a white shell and a small egg in- side it with a brown shell, Miss Luella Ploughman, of Port Perry, visited with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. A. Ploughman last week. Mrs. A. VanNest, of Drum- heller, Alberta, is spending a few months with her mother, Mrs, J. Gerrow and brothers and sisters, as it is fourteen years since she last visited around here she sees a good many changes, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Henders, Mr. and Mrs. C. Reader and family motored to Yelverton to visit Mr. and Mrs. N. Muirhead on Sunday. Mr. W. Samells, Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Samells, attended the dec- oration services at Nestleton Cemetery and were guests of Mr. J. Samells on Sunday. Mr. P, Willams and George Samells, Jr., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. T, Willams and at- tended the decoration services at Nestleton. Mr. George Samells had a horse drop dead in the harness oa Monday as they were drawing in fall wheat, We are all glad to hear Mr. Stuart Mark is better so he can catch ball again. Mr, A. Black has built another nice cottage on his camping grounds, Miss Eva Madgett and her frineds, Miss Irma and Etocle Mec- Callum, of Toronto, are spend- ing a few holidays at Mr, W. Milner's, Mr. and Mrs, Camplin, of Cleveland, Ohlo, took a motor trip to visit her brothers, Mr. William and George Jackson and INION STORES |) Jl C ANADA'S LIMITED Quality (Cou SE RED nts All NZS GROCERS WE FREE PHONE 2956 Mealed Back BACO I any weit ons 1h. 2s | CHUCK ROAST ». SPRING LAMB =. 15. | Fresh nis | PORK Ib. 9. 41- EE NN a. RG The other relatives and friends, as her girlhood days were spent here on island. Miss Joyce Wilson, of Toronto, is visiting her cousins, Jean and Joy Hood. Mrs. C. Martin, of Toronto, 1s spending a few week's holidays with relatives here. COLUMBUS - Courtice, July 28.--The Mis- sion Circle held its monthly meet fn the home of Miss Hasel Rundle last week on Tues- day evening. Miss Anne Holt gave the bible lesson and after the business part of the meeting the topic which was op Japan from the study book was splendidly given by Miss Lyla Osborne. A plano solo was given by Miss Hazel Rundle and a reading by Miss Mary Found and afterwards refreshments were served and a good time enjoyed. Mrs. Rundle and Miss Hazel were all that could be desired as hostesses. This whole community was thrown Into sadness and gloom last Thursday when the tragedy of Kenneth Osborpe's drowning occurred. Kenneth was a popular young man and very bright and active and had many warm friends. On Sunday afternoon one of the largest funerals ever held was at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Osborne, Our pastor, Rev. H. C. Wolfraim had charge.of the ser- vice and spoke very feelingly and delivered many comforting thoughts for the sorrowing ones. The abundance of beautiful flow- ers from friends and from every department of the church and from the ball players showed the high esteem in which Kenneth was held. The pall bearers were three Courtice boys and three from Bowmanville, The heart felt sympathy of the whole com- munity is extended to Mr, and Mrs, Osborne Gordon and Har- old, and to the grandmother, Mrs. Bi Osborne and aunts, Misses Hattie, Aura and Lyla who residing so near are strick- en with sorrow, Mrs. Trollope and Master Don- ald, Toronto, were week-end visitors at F. W. Rundle's, Mr, Ray Brooks bas gone to Flint, Mich.,, to resume his course in connection with Gen- eral Motors for one month, Mr. and Mrs, Jack Hicks, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hicks and Miss June, Toronto, were Sunday visitors of Mr, and Mrs. L. J. Short. Miss Aura "Toots" Brooks, Toronto, spent the week-end at home, Master Bill Empringham, To- ronto, 18 holidaying at his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Muir's, Mrs. Marshall Soules, Master Jack and Mr. Bigham Hall, To- ronto, were recent visitors at 8S. 8. Brooks. MYRTLE Myrtle, July 28.--Mr, and Mrs. J. BE. Beacock visited relatives at Blackstock,.on Sunday. Misses Brown, of Toronto, spent the week-end with their cousin, Mr. Schyler Porter. Mr. Bert Duff was the first in this neighborhood to, commence threshing, Mr. Walt. Lynde, of Ashburn, having threshed a fine field of fall wheat for him, on Monday. Miss Effie Graham, of Clare- mont, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Btew- art Graham, Mr. Slaughter, of Toronto, has been visiting Mr, and Mrs. W. S. Parks. The Women's Missionary Socie- ty is being entertained by Mrs. Roy Perry in the church basement on Wednesday afternoon of this week, Mr. Jen Lawrence of the Na- tional Air Service School, Toron- to, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. John C. Lawrence, Mr. Arthur Maw had an extra gang of men cutting the weeds along the sideroads, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Graham attended the Graham picnfe at Oshawa, on Saturday, when about sixty of the Graham next of kin spent a pleasant outing together, Master Kenneth Scott, of Sea- grave, is holidaying with his grandmother, Mrs. R, 8. Long and other relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hooke, of Toronto, spent the week-end at their summer home here. Mr, and Mrs. Charlie Pilkey r¢ turned on Saturday from a ples sant motor trip to Ottawa, Rev. Totten is going to be awa for Sunday, August 2nd. Conse quently there will be no preach ing service here but the Sabbatl school will meet at the usual hour a quarter to two. Miss Lois Tordiff is being con gratulated upon obtaining hénor in her junior piano examination which she tried recently at Mis Wright's studio at Whitby. He mother, Mrs. Levi Tordiff, who 1 her teacher, is also to be com mended on this continuous suc cess that her pupils have. The managing director in 1 sanatorium read the report o his death one day in the loca paper. and rushed to the lon distance 'phone to ring up hi house, "Is that you, Magdalene," h sald to the maid. "This is th managing director. Have yo! read about my death in th papers?" "Yes, sir," answered the maid "but wheve are you speakin, from?" : A Democrat from Kansas wa going through the Carlsbad Cav erns, The guide sala, "It tool millions of years for this grea cavern to be made." The Kansas Democrat said, didn't know it was a Republica) Administragion contract." J) Jog lI] "where Quality Counts" These Special Values Are Effective July 30th, 31st and Aug. 1st ONSTORES |! .AIMITED 10 Back Bacon Pork ~ Beans Sardines Weston's Biscuits CENTS PER POUND SALE PRICE Norwegian In Pure Olive Oil Saye on Tea This Week End!' Price-Cut on All D. 8. L. TEA Except that retailing at 3 Ibs. for $1.00 Any Wetent 4 Aylmer or Libby's "Parisien" Package Wm. Phg. 25¢ Blends of This Weel-End » 29¢ woe J Je nn J Qc WAX Good Quality No. 2 Tins Young, Tender and Flavory BEANS --.. 10: 3 Rickmelto Coffee Sunlight Soap "Mayfield" Bacon Bar 1-Ib. Tin #3 Ge mw. 28¢c S.08.........c Paris Pate. ...... era xg. 23¢ P.&G.Soap........10 =~ 37c Sweet Relish nietery 130. 50r 21e wb. Tn 24¢ Peaches M2 .........2 ¥ul 29¢ Chili Sauce Avimer Hes. Jur 15¢ Tin 14c / PRESERVING NEEDS \ Parowax...........2 m= 25¢c Rubber Rings. cove. . .3 pez. 25¢ ; FRUIT JARS Small..........«» Medium........ \ Large. ... coe 15¢ Dos. Dos. Dos. 99¢ $1.00 $1.39 7 BREAD Pleases the "And Well Worth It" TASTY M-em. Loat Palate Cc renee Cake Table Jellies sunnrrs = SEE an 2c wr 23e Large Juicy 1 La Extra Special! ORANGES (Usual price 29¢ doz.) RY STALKS 3 pa ib. 'doz. 23¢ | 2 for 15¢c 1b. 25¢ for 15¢ FREE.

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