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Oshawa Daily Times, 7 Aug 1931, p. 2

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the sparro to have brighter uniforms! streams of water zigzag the hills; small puddles i Rm In the sunshine, and in the : 's there are still jr- regularly-shaped mounds of snow. ha a earth is a welter ut who cares about e knows it is caused ® | e coming slowly out of depthes See! the lilac buds gr Toe ready to burst and, honey-stickle bush, a y green . with several of rich purple shows er's tongue (or dog's tooth A ) will soon be, and where 3 Al johnny-jumpups are al- odd Saosoming. The wheat ds and pastures are turning J a dead brown ta a th green and in the distance the woods are tinged with #8 though seen a tinted veil. In the shel- corners of the woods the i roclently along singing teal, and to all who listen, ocrols it 'has learned at its Close association with Nature brings out the very bést in Mah. Who. can gs upon. a storm, rending the trees, without sens- ing the terrofs of nature in. her relentless fury? Or, breast is a feeling of awe not aroused by the magnificent gran- deur'of the sky at sunset? The sun, a flaming ball, slowly im- pales itself upon the sharp tips of the sky is blood-red, shading in to blush-roge, and tadik away into pale blues and mauves, pnd light gently falls, the stars peep out, and rest, eomes over the world----rest as deep and fathom- less as Nature herself, t perhaps the season which brings us to a realization of the overwhelming greatness of our God is Winter which its pene- tratng silences. 'Out of the north cometh the cold and © by the h only the remembranée ay an for am, are fo be congratu The three Lone Scouts from Hekering Dade themselves very or Hohnasn 4nd Hime Nuns the oa Suit of dys pt. 8 of- ficers, S.M. Rigg and A.8.M. Biles ané ale. 3 the Instructors who were d the Benlor Troop of "the th Of test work we 'are proud to CA ge passing of 15s roficleney Bad a retord for tosh. Aw hin earned the Silver Ae By tests k pusasd a ttowed very closely Sa. with nine to his . and Teddy Miller, Harry Roy Hamilton, Reg. with ht each. , Fifosh Hatchet for the boy who lived nearest the Scout Oath and laws whilst at camp, went breath of God frost is siven," says the prophet. "He ecasteth forth his ice like morsels: who can stand before his cold?" cries the Psalmist. The vast stretches of white sllence make an impres- sion on the soul tht ean never be erased. alle who worships at Nature's shrine and views her in solitude himself but imparts some of her simple and unsullied freshness to his fellow-men. ular one. e Fitosh Woodcraft Knife was keenly contested 4 Jack Victor K . efi inning after an- ther J been called up- on to decide the question, Victor Reshat { ] Fevay to the Camp will remain for a lands mark for time, however. It stands at the entrance to the new bridge. And that Brifigs us to the new bridge i a built, Aor the re rive DA fore four years of good serviee and ue for an old age pension, he new structure fis of the trestle style. apd proved its soundness by holding forty peo- ple at ene time. The visit of the Rotarians on Tuesday evening was much ap- preciated by the members of the Company who were delightel to show their visitors around the pla A A chicken dinner was served to the visitors and, we believe, was enjoyed by those who partook. At the big Camp Fire on Fri- day, a¢cording to the traditions of Fifosh, all and sundry from near and far, were entertained, and the prizes were presented. As is also the usual procedurs, all the boys having passed their tenderfoot tests in camp were duly invested, there being only one this year who was in that class. Many humorous ineidents sush as "Mickey" Robertson's "Brom- . Johnson," and the. Drake- Richards duet will be remember- ed for some time a# will also the Jim Smith rendition of the same "Boomer Johnsen" on Friday night. The most effielent rairol In Camp proved to be the Otcers, earned for their patrol lead- pig Ben Chappel the bronze med- at presented for this honour, The best Patrol Leader in camp in the opinion of the Sen- "Beat the heat | WITH A TREAT a A for including a rey pri snake which was used as a mascot of the "Ral (tlesnakes es" and § vr be said that the garter sna nearly as much rattle as the od Hamaker" when they were their it Jatrol cal od on t nD Suton hud uy and ata I weathef a small y Yu d to look Ai and ake hem down He So ended the 1931 Fifosh and we believe it was a success. It we may still keep ng on Fitosh, we would like to re- Prov, Corimissioner - C. wi, 4 Whe arrived at camp on Wedliata min hp a the Camp Pi to "SMA, Ingham also visited the camp on this day, acéompanied by Mr. M. Ostler. DSM. W. L. Plefson v the ¢amp with the Rotarians on Tuesday. We are sorry to hear once again of 'the removal, for an in- dofinite period of time, of Mr. Ingham, Mr Ingham "has gone to Peler- boro and is not certain when he wil! return, The Jamboree is becoming more of a reality every day, and a Local Association Executive Committee Meeting has been call- ed for Wednesday next to di the details. Troop Not The 6th and 7th Troops will meet as usual tonight behind Centre St. School if the weather is fair or in St. George's Parish Hell in the event of rain, Wolf Cubs, 6.30 to 7.30 p.m. Junior Troop, 7.80 to 5.00 p.m. Senior Troop, 7.30 to 9.30 p.m. Seventh Wolf Cub Pack The 7th Cub Pack will meet at Bt. Geprge's Parish Hall, Cen- tre street, on Friday, August 7th at 6.30 p.m. RAGLAN NEWS (Miss Allle Avery, Correspon- dent) Raglan, Aug. 6.--Mrs. Wun. Horner has returned home from a three month trip in England. Mrs. Chowen, New York, fis helidaying with her mother, Mrs. Wm. Squelch and Mr; and Mrs. Charles Luke. Mr. and Mrs. Latimer, and son of Toronto, were week-end guests of the lattér's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Luke. Miss Edith Couch, of Winnipeg was recent visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. Thompson. Mr. and Mrs, John Wilson snd family, were Sunday visitors with friends in Uxbridge. There was no churen service here on Sunday, Rev. Totten be. ing away on part of his vaeation. Misees Jean gnd Olive Thomp- son, 'Ruby Wilson and Allie Av- ery attended the Young Ladles' Conference held in Uxbridge en Saturday. The programme con- sisted of community singing, speeches from members of Wo- men's Institute, demonstrations on needlecraft, flower arrauge. ment, bandaging and salads, also a treasure hunt, conducted at noon houf. The programme was well enjoyed by all present. Ar- rangements will be made to hold this conference yearly if possible. Mr. John Wilsen has purchased a Btudebaker truck. Miss Viglet and Mr: Gordon Thompson, Toronto, spen t the week-end at their home here Miss Donley of Whitby, has been engaged as school teacher of Mount Carmel school for the ceming rear. Mre. John Blight and family, Brooklin, and Mrs, Leonard Sedg- wick and 'son, Norwood, were re- cent guests of Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Avery. Mrs. John XKelllngton, Misses Hazel Pierson and Olive Thomp- son were recent 'visitors with friends in Port Perry. Miss Thelma Morrison, of Osh- awa, is visiting her friend, Miss Florence Heaps. Mrs. of Oakville, a visiting Wily he sie Bray. © were rec ( B. Hien te wh man's ssionary hold its meeting on Thursday, Aug. 13, in the Sunday school room with Mrs. Will Bickle's °c in Confershies ¥ By. oon le. team sre to out of Sis Bram) VEE on pared to ne " from Peterboro, Ea oir Rangan 1 ane Ji Bs Foster and Kenneth, who were : te, hark on the most welcome it of Asst. b irginia; Mrs. ir on Richards " iss ods Hagerman, Oshawa; Mr. Will Cole and Mr. and Mrs, , Bowmanville, visit- od with Mr. and Mrs. Blake Oke. Wry Hsia i is visiting with e and 5 ae and Mrs. Ross Pearce visit- yu vik h Newcastle relatives on Here Tomorrow! Saturday, August Sth at 9 a.m. he CHEVROLET Truck Caravan See this complete array of Trucks There's one to suit every commercial need Tomorrow the great Chevrolet Truck Caravan arranged by General Motors Products of Canada, Limited, will parade through the business districts. 24 trucks, comprising & commercial unit for practically every need, will take part in one of the most mnique exhibitions ever brought to town. Following the parade, you are invited to visit our shows rooms where you may inspect this wonderful array of trucks. Be sure to see this famous earavan. Included in it is a is perfectly suited for your particular needs. Every quality you could demand . . . smooth, 6-cylinder power, long life, remarkable freedom from repairs and economy of operation . . . all these at surprisingly low original cost. CAE Ry . F Ew ae dhs a ee ot

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