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Oshawa Daily Times, 8 Aug 1931, p. 1

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Aaily Times Succeeding The Osbiaiva Reformer OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, AUGUST 8, 1931 77 Conte = eds 3 - ITIL "All the News While k I Cents a Cop NGES ANNOUNCED AT G. Oshawa a Players Are Expelled From Amateur Lacrosse DRASTIC ACTION TAKEN BYO.A.L.A. EXECUTIVE - AFTER INVESTIGATION Bert Smithson, William 'Coulter, Ty Silk and Charles Brown, Former Members of Oshawa's Dominion Championship Team, Expelled by Am- NATIVE SONS' CLUB IS REINSTATED Charges of Professionalism Laid as Result of Board! and Lodging at Highland Creek Being Paid for by Club Official While the serene Players Worked in' Osh- .awa oronto, Aug. 8.--Joseph Ww. hy 198 Seaton Street, promin- ent Native Son, and four Players for the Native Sons of Canada la . crosse team, were last night ex- pelleg from amateur lacrosse in Ontario by the executive of the |, Ontario Lacrosse Association "for vidlation: of the amateur code." - "The Amateur Athletic Union of will be notified of the sus- pensions by the O0.A.L.A. and the Players, sions with Mr. Miller, 'expelled automatically not mile from lacrosse but from all Sldernt jobs Winnett and and members of "Sons' Lacrosse Club of, any connection ents leading to the ed the charges, | at last night's 1 four players ® affected by the. expulsion order are: Bert Smithson, William Coulter, Ty Silk and Charles Barron, Charges other members . of ' the Sam v ere dropped when they left {he Sorisdiction of the association. Payment by the Native Sons Club: for bard aut dodging for the players, equivaien cash re. muneration for their services, was given as the basis of the charge of pr; foadionsltem u! ae of the players had m had ever referred or to the i up. Re: 3 cert! re lar wil. Was can- > off Secount of his Wavink : there, CITY T0 START WORK ON SUBWAY Gang of Twelve Men to 'Commence Curbs. and Gutters on Monday Gradually thé new subway be- neath the. C.N.R. tracks en Sim- coe street south nears completion. On Monday morning new phase in the construction work will be undertaken when a gang of 12 men will start work on the lying of the curb and gutter. This work is to be done by the city under the supervision of City Engineer F. B. e. The construction of the curb and gutter is preparatory to the laying of concrete pavement on the sub- way approaches and beneath the subway itself.: When the 'pavement is completed the project will have been practically finished and it 'is ed that soon traffic will be using the subway and. the old: level crossing may be abolished. For years, the CN.R. level cross- ing has proved a source of delay to vehicular traffic on Simcoe Street, one of Oshawa's main arteries. With the development of Oshawa Harbor and its adjecent industrial sites, this delay has become all the more an- noying so the opening of the new subway will be Tepar ed as a boon to the whole city. Local market gardeners, who en- deavor to make a living by selling their produce from house to house, and some of the storekeepers, are up in arms over the invasion of their ooh uatket b firm of tab! going from door to qquantities of truck. matter by a market depends for a living house sales, an trict ' CHEVROLET COMMERCIAL CARAVAN EPHRAIM SCOTT DIED YESTERDAY IN MONTREAL Dr. Scott Was Formerly Moderator . of Presby- terian Church Montreal, Aug. 8.--Rev., Dr. Ephiram Scott, formerly Moder- ator of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Can. | aca and for gver thirty years edi- tor of the Presbyterian Record, died in the Montreal . General Hospital last night. Dr. Scott, who was 87 years of age, suc- cuimbed to a throat malady. Rev. Dr. Scott was a keen op- popént of Church Union and his name was prominent during the discussions which preceded the Union of 1928. He recently pub- lished a book; "Church Union in Canada." He wag a patly 5: FH forty 5 &go from gow, N.S., where he was for some years. Dr. Seott twice married, his second wife vredeceasing him by four years. Three sons were born to his first union, but have dled since. MAYOR TAKING BRIEF HOLIDAY Will Be Away For One Week's Vacation--Ald. P. A. Macdonald Is Act- ing in Stead Mayor Ernie Marks left for his ¢ [summer home on Christie Lake, in the 'vicinity of Brockville, to-day for a well earned but brief vacation. re leaving the city the ol Mayor stated that he would be ab- i from the 3 for about a adding T' believe. I am at i Heast vi to that much holiday." The Mayor stated that he would at all times be in touch with the City (Clerk and acting Mayor, so that if circumstances arise which necessitate his pres n 'the city he can be back within a ow hours. He does not expect such a condi- a however, the only im- on likely' to' require t being some h unem- ents on are likely to develop d of | | down Simcoe Motor Vehicles Parade Attracted Many People Headed by Mayor Marks, and the band of the Oshawa Corps of Sea Cadets, the Chevrolet Truck Caravan .paid a visit to Oshawa this forenoon, and attracted much altention as the long cavalcade of trucks proceeded along King St., Street South, and around the Memorial Park, where a halt was made, Heading the barae, the Mayor and the was a Chevrolet-Bick fir while behind it came an Other types of commercial vehi cles, including a motor ambulance, dump-trucks, and delivery trucks of several styles. A feature of the parade, too, was the musical truck, fitted with amplifiers, which provided music while the caravan wag enroute, and also, by the use of gramophone records, gave a program of music at the Memorial Park. The display was inspected by a large crowd of citizens while it was halted in the city, great Interest being shown in the wide variety of bod- ies available in the Chevrolet behind brought to Oshawa through the co-operation of the Ontario Motor Sales, local agents for all lines of Chevrolet cars and trucks. The stay here was brief, but hundreds inspected the trucks, and were fmpressed with the wee range of commercial vehicles pro vided by the Chevrolet line. Ac- cording to Zone officials of Gen- eral Motors Products of Canada, » whole purpose of tha enter- eo is to demonstrate the ver- Chevrolet truck d their satisfac- 8 ption which had to the display so far. re were special bodies of all finds shown in the display of 25 trucks, this special body equip- ment being supplied by a number of well-known Ontario manufac- turers. All the Chevrolet trucks and chassis are the vroducts of Chevrolet plants in Canada, A demonstration of the Chev- rolet-Bickle fire engine unit was | ta one of the highlights of the cara- van's visit. The caravan drivers include sev- eral young men who are on vaca- tion from college Souves and the 3000-nitle trek by is for them a profitable enterprise as well as an adventure, Hon. Geo. S. Henry Speaks On Labor Battalions Toronto, Aug: 8.--"It is not a matter of military battalions at all, as some one has thought fit to lead the public to believe-- but work battalions, in the sense that those who wish to go north will get work and will be wel come," sald Premier George 8S. Henry to 900 people who crowd- ed the auditorium of the R. H. McGregor School (East York), to its capacity last night, under the auspices of the East York Workers' Association, The foregoing statement was accorded enthusiastic applause, and the Premier continued: "It cannot be too clearly understood that there is nothing of a mili. tary character with regard to those Northern Camps. The wage 'will be a fair one, but the wage wiil not pe large enough to hin- der men going back to their reg- ular employment later. Answering a question, the Pre- mier said the Government was studying' the matter of mortgage foreclosures and' the suggestion of a moratorium, Discussing un- employntent, he added: "May I say that we are in close dally association with the Fed- eral Governnput's representative in this whole problem, Senator Robertson. I am glad to see that Ottawa did mot limit the provi- slop to the Administration in con- f| nection with this situation, be- yond stip ng pi Ba HE Jatin | that an account- gvailable for all ed upon. In a Foi given .a blank the Adminstration to it, that , fed and hous- in the above connection: "I amt speaking frankly to you , and through you to the people of On- tario, with full confidence that wo are going to meet the situa- tion. It may be hard for me possibly, to impress this fact up- on a man who has not been hav- ing what are termed meals' every day. He may be somewhat doubtful, and I don't biame him for it. Yet, I-do as- sure him that we are dedicating our thought and energy to the speedy solution of this problem. I have sufficient knowledge of, and confidence in, the people of this Province that, without any special meeting of the Legisla- ture, or passing of resolutions by various municipalities, I have a mandate from them to do what I think is required as circumstan- ces develop. I simply feel and know that the neople are behini me when I say that we are g\az to meet this situation in an ade- auate wav snd that In the no dis- tant future." Married Men Indicating that the work camps in the North were primarily in the interests of the transient "gingle'" unattached workers, Premier Henry added: "Some use may Inquire: 'Why not the mar- ried man?' For my part I would not say no. Bnt, in the first in- stance, we wold 'like t6 provide employment for the married men at home, They would be handl- capped 'in providing for their board in the North. and also the maintenance of their homes nére. It is a simpler and more direct sclution of the vrohlem, T think vou will agree, to so reliave the local situation that emnlovment be made available to marriad men nearer home." (Applause). 'square a 'munity, consisting of northern outpost, 320 miles north of the Arctic Circle. Through low lying fog which shrouded their way, Lindbergh piloted his plane mt Aklavik, N.W.T., last night and set it down in a lead of open 'wa-. ter at 2 a.m. Pacific Time, The hop of 536 along thie shores of the Sea and Arctic Ocean was sad in seven and a half hours, i" Bathusiahm in this little. dom TODAY TAG DAY FOR UNEMPLOYED Response to Appeal Re- ported as Approved Commission by Police In an effort to raise funds to Generous--|° REGATTA HELD ON LAKE SCUGOG Annual Event Attracted Large Number From Oshawa and District. A large crowd from Oshawa, Tor- onto, Port Perry and the surround- ing district were present at the annual regatta held by the Lake Scugog Regatta Association yester- day, when all the events proved most interesting and keenly con- tested. The regatta was a tremendous success from every point of view, the prize winners in the different events being as folows :-- Prize Winners Open boat race (handicap)--1, Mr. Cox. Open motor boat race--1, E. Storey; 2, N. Wilson. (Miniature cup donated to P. G. Campbell, who won the race last year with th Margarete.) Sea-flea open race--1, T. Bow Mr Wilsor ast year with Miss Scugog) ; 2 (T Bowen won this cup the Ong? B) relieve distress among 'the -urem-| Deg ployed here, a tag-day was held this morning by the Unémploycd Association of Oshawa. About sixteen women and girls, includ. ing the wives and daughters of the jobless, were stationed at the principal corners where they sold little square tags in exchange for quarters, fifty-cent pieces, or dol- lar bills, according to the purse or Jonaroaity of the individual 8 Bp ordlas to several of the tag- gers accosted by The Times, the citizens of Oshawa were quite re- sponsive to the appeal 'from the unemployed and tags were gold readily. Each tag wag In the form of a pink square of cardboard, upon which was printed the diagram of an arm and hammer with the words, "Help The LF 3employed,' appear- ing beneath. ' Permission to. hold a day had been obtained by the Unem- florea Association from the Po- ce Commission at its last meet- ing, Chief of Police Friend stated to-day, A committee of about fif- teen men, with Eddie McDonaid as chaiyman,.is in charge of the eampaifn to raise funds. & Reddin, manager of the loci ranch of the Central Can ada Loan and Savings Co., {s act-| Wh ing as treasurer for the Unem- ployed and all funds which are raised will be turned over to him, a member of the committee in- formed The Times. "A comittee of the Uneployed asked me to act in this capacity a few days ago," Mr. Reddin stated confirming the report. DECORATION DAY 15 TOMORROW Oshawa Legion and = Boy 'Scouts Holding Suitable _ Cerernonies on Sunday Afternoon RE of Tomerzow the Oshawa Branch pith rf ; Canadian Legion, accom- 'by members of the Ladies' Auxiliary and the Oshawa 'Boy Scouts wil hold the annual Le- gion decoration' day parade and services. at the civie: WAT ieMyre the Union Cemetery, It. i expected that the parade will be' the largest 'whi¢h has been | es of Lao in th 9 gy n have signified their in. ten on of taking part. - | o parade, which - will be. Watson Iomen's double ecanoe--1, Me- Gill and Spry; 2, A. Whyte and 1 y Holman. Men's double canoe--1, T. Rim- mer and R. Rimmer; 2, F. Frayer and I. Frayer. Open - boat displacement--1, F. Frayer; 2, Leyland. (Miniature cup donated to Mr. Clendenning, who won the last two years with the N.O.Y.D.B.) Mixed Jouble, oo. B. Finney and M. Reid, 2 F. Frayer and D. and or the mest pant Sheppard. Men's rowing, open--1, L. Wat- son; 2, 'E. Sues. Women's single canoe--1, D. Sheppard; 2. M. Holman. Men's rowing, 45 years nd over---- 1, B. Downes; 2, W. Rei Men's single canoe--1, . Frayer; 2, L. Watson. Sea-flea race (Class B)---I1, L. Smith (W.E. 2); 2, M. Causland. Outboard motor (handicap)--I1, E. Bilton; 2, Mr. Forbes. Motor beat, four-cylinder--1, J. Hodgson; 2, H. Herron. Motor boat, single cylinder--1, B. Downe$; 2, Cl Whyte. Women's open swim--I1, M. Camp- bell; 2; D. Sheppard; 3, M. Spry. Crab race--1, A. Morrison; 2, T. yte. Men's open swim--1, F. Nasmith; 2, B. Laurie; 3, T. Rimmer. Girls' swim, 16 and under--1, W. Holman; 2, B. Elvins; 3, C, Bow- man. Boys, swim, 16 and under--1, T. Whyte; 2, J. Tripp; 3, C. Bradley. Girls' swim, 13 and under--1, E. Samer) 2, E. Hodgson; 3, G. Grad- Boys' swim, 13 and due L. Henshaw; 2, C. Riddell; 3, D. Hall. Girls' swim, 11 and under--1, M. Weeks; 2, D. Hannigan; 3, J. Zeag- m; an. Boys' m, 11 and under_1, W. Ridan: CA Hillrod; 3, R . Forbes. LOGAL CHURCH ASKS FOR HELP| gregation Acknowledges Help Received in Reply to Appeal Catholic Church, Albert Stree, Oshawa, are greatly in need of many of the members are not to make contributions, they are asking for assistance for what they belleve to be a worthy hea od #/ the Ontario. Regiment | Band, will assemble ket building. Prince and Rich mond streets, at at the mar-| two o'clock} | cause, and receiving such will be exceedingly grateful." A large number of citizens to r above a 1 was sub- , contribu large an J small' sums to the cause a hen Land the sum of $48.00 h "1 raised in the past month. Mem- | hers +1 subscrip of the Ukrainian Catholi: Church publicly acknowledge the ms and thank thoss to j whom they are indebted. The m, although small will assist of thelr comm in he upkeen of fran during the winter iid Es ee WEATHER "Tower Takes on Georgian , and _Gmndsy -- nrohably some Ukrainian Catholic Cone] "The elders of the Ukrainian ] funds in connection with the up- A | keep of the Church and hall, as REGINA, WALKERVILLE PLANT EXECUTIVES OF G.M.C. COME TO OSHAWA Plant Manager and Staff of Western Factory Is Mov=- ed From Regina to Head Office Here ZONE STAFF GOES TO TORONTO OFFICE Staff of Four From Walker~ ville Also Moved to This City -- Changes ' Made for Greater Efficiency Announcement of changes 'in the personnel of General Motors s of Canada, Limited, affecting Oshawa headquarters of the Coms= pany, has been made by H. A. Brown, Vice-President and Gen- eral Manaker. The changes also mean removal to Toronto of sev= eral zone officials. he executives of the of General Motors oved to Oshawa, re formerly en- 1. J. Aughe who r of Geneypal month, J. Coppin, oH Tallis, C. Hil, w. 8. Hutson and A. Forhes will take over their new cuties in Oshawa, R. W. Wige gins, D: F. Moon, J. Steffin and C. Shirk, who formerly had posts with General Motors of Canada at Walkerville, will also assume their new positions by the end 'of August. Move To Toronto Coupled with the announée- ment of transfer of Regina pers sonnel to Oshawa, came thwiem- ncuncement that headquarters the Oshawa Zone would be m to Toronto at once. The Oshawa Zone has been in charge of chandising of 'General Motors Products of Canada in Central Ontario, including Toronto. The change means that Mr. KE. Bjrchard, Zone Manager, and his staff, will take up quarters at ronto and offices have been: cured in the Piper building. ronto, of course, has most active centre of the Zone and the Zone executives their staff will be In closer t than before. Removal .of Boge! § satas|lshment il. be el vlete In a very short time, cording to Mr. Birchard, °° - THIS IS WHERE THEY BREED (| : It is said that a oJ aident 5 South Bay, where farm on Lake Ontario, had an time one day this week. Our Ttpindgnt A ree s calv a fleld adjoining th the that on this day he roi, 8 'his calves, and upon | found them standing in the with: just their heads out of employed at present and unable dreds wear 'whavworn, Yeroming: reme. whet warrsor en Sanday, a

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