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Oshawa Daily Times, 10 Aug 1931, p. 3

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© YE OSTA DALY NEL MONDAY. AUGUST 10, 1931 PAGE 'urds; A Ohevrolst car, driven by J her, of 39 Gedds le, for some uRknown reason suddenly Jat 4 the high x The injured are John Sopher, aged a i head and shoulder in- juries. 3 oerze A. Easton, RE. "Bell head and arm inj {ISTH of Mrs. Florence Easton, fractured pp ee Bertha MeGowan, cut |. "about the less. © William Baston escaped injury, in reporting the accident to police 'was unable to explain |} the car left the road. No her cars were near at the time. "Phe injured were rushed by am- 'bulance to the local hospital where they received treatment 'and where they still are under care. The car was rounding a "curve in the road when the acci- 'dent occurred. Traffic Officers J. M, Hinchliffe, of Bowman- 'ville; and Douglas Wilson, of | Port Hope, investigated apd no Li charges were laid. FACES CHARGE i ABother accident occurred east "of Newcastle on Sunday after. ' moon when a Packard car driven id a yousg man from Michigan WEDDINGS TANE---NICHOLLS . Pink and white roses, palms : and ferns made a pleasing setting | Tor the marriage of Eunice Winni- . fred, elder daughter of Mr. aq | Mrs. L. Nicholls, of Toronto -_merly of Oshawa, to Mr. A I) "Tane, only son 6f Mr, and Mrs. E aw, which took the home of the s paren LeRoy Avenue a E, Haraton 0 Mise Edna ; rik, of Toronto, played . the 5 wedd ing music. 3 bride; who was ' given in ae by her father, wore a be coming frock of mauve flowered "chiffon, with mauve mohair ple- ture hat trimmed with grey vel vet ribbon. She wore grey shoes and dainty grey lace mittens and carried a beautiful bouquet of ink roses and valley lilies. Miss Riarion Nicholls, sister of the bride, bridesmaid and was dressed pale pink and green chiffon, with which she wore a 'large sand hat, trimmed with > 4 reen, green shoes and lace mit- Ei and carried a bouguet of roses and peas. The best man was Mr, Clarence Daynard of Oshawa, Mrs. Nicholls, mother of the bride, received at the following the ceremony, wearing a smart printed silk frock and a cor. t! p Av or had "pia nd by virtue of their ill now meet Zion in the J OF ARCTIO | oi st. John's Church : morn- ker of ening UNION SERVICES services were held in St. and hurches yesterday, nducted by ho hhs returned gionth's vacation. Union services | continue until: the end of month when. the ministers: 1 again' take™their own pul-' ITY NEWS 18 FINED Sir maak, at was fined ry and costs n days when he plesded ul's gui! ing cated! MOODY~ home: © ville, Jo the ig in her 7 Funersl her son at day. tery, pt pm, DST sage of roses and lily-of<the-val- | Jey. The groom's mother was in a becominy ensemble of mauve, and wore a corsage of roses. groom's sister, Miss Fate, looked charming in: pink flowerea chiffon ho large Bie. During the signing of "Lister H the bride, sang, pron 10 "Mr. ana Mrs. wedding trip to Jaturn, they 3. awa. travelling 8 Bodh ensemble. ne left tor 8] AEE conducted 2, Convjj by the Venerable ur 1q hdeacon of Us, Artic; He yha 20 Trinity United These were Rev. A. 8. Kerr from his 184 Olive August 10th, at the in Bowman- 1ce at the h of | the a 0! pm. DST, Tae t Catarsqui Come , - Wednesday, 1] (33a) : and , Aug. home, 105 River FURNISHED | ook toa the 'while the Rector | ched to the Black Knights of lackstock. = 'Bell : Syst, ~{ phone ed dar = 3 To Vad FRI, "GIGANTIC WHALE extent to which they are being de- stroyed each year, a fact which is lending added interest and import- ance to the gigantic finback whale w will he on exhibition in a Specially constructed railroad car on sidetrack at the Athol = street Treight depot next Thursday, Fri- day and Saturday. This particular whale is credited with having. put up one of the most terrific battles in whaling history before hi he finally yielded to the har- poems of a crew which encountered a few weeks ago near San Clemente Island, off the coast of Southern California. Lying perfectly preserved under a glass case, this whale is declared by experts to be one of the finest spec- imgns. of the finback 'variety ever captured. It js,more than fifty feet long and the massive body weighs 68 tons. © The embalming of the whale required more than of fluid. When the immense heart was re- moved and weighed it balanced the scales at close to 1286 pounds, while Whales are believed to be, a fast vanishing species as a result of the barrels. 'UNIQUE EXHIBIT COMING. TO CITY | | RTE EVE 3 A Ror. Totten ge 2 2 ge ea en a friend ks for, arg he hy 1d oo i) old 'schoolmate, Mrs, William Hoar ae" Avsosigiign are' fan &n ice social and con. cert buh re av on a day hy hits bind B Wes "will Fghe A programme that bret worth hearing. © Bring yout friends and spend a pleasant evening. on this pretty spacious. lawn, Special ac- ation for parking cars off t ig the Highway. for a" nurse, od ki n beets Schou worker in _the Shute ch and unity and while Il be difficult to get anyone to fill 'her place so éfficiently, we trust she may meet with every sucess in her new vocation, Rev. George Nicol and daughter, Miss Willa, of Toronto, arabe visiting friends here during the week. Mrs. Percy Pherrit and daughter, ; | Miss Gwendolyn; of Montreal, are TO BE EXHIBITED the tongue registered 600 pounds. In spite of the strenuous battle the whale gave his captors, the gi- gantic creature's body shows no signs of the struggle. The fatal stroke was the internal explosion of a small bomb carried in the head of 2 harpoon propelled by a whaling gun. When the first shot was fired the crew was amazed to have the whale dive in a plunge of several hundred feet and begin to give them violent tussle. The harpoon bomb had not and the wound apparently had no other effect than to arouse the whale to a furious struggle. Several perilous hours followed for the whalers before they were again able to get the whale in pos ition. for a shot, An additional feature of interest is being given the trans-continental exhibition tour of the whale by the presence of "Barnacle Bill" Morris old time sailor and whale man, who is telling spectators exciting tales of his youthful adventures, BELL COMPANY ANNIVERSARY "What is the sine of the youg Tele- rd Titres ions Manager Black of 'the Bell Telephone Company this morning, the answer being "This is the an- niversary of the worlds first long distance telephone t: "On August 10th, ] Alexander Graham Bell arranged with the old Dominion Telegraph Company for the use of one of their circuits from Brantford to' Patis, for the urpose of testing his telephone invention," Mr, Black: "The test proved fy successful. The. listeners in heard quite distinctly various prose an tr shouted into the crude. Hastiuent du Brantford, eight lle distant. ihe vee not - by telephone 8 being L Selesrapind back ow ar 1 but in the evening WHITBY GIRLS WIN EXHIBITION GAME n---- Whitby softball fans witnessed two exciting exhibition games on Saturday when the Canadian Daughters of Toronto met the Whitby Royals. In the afternoon game the visitors proved too much for the home girls and suc- ceeded in defeating them 13-13, game the Royals proved mubh the better team and rolled up a score of 18 to their opponents' nine. Suffered Facial Injuries Port Ho era do ohn Helm, son of Mr. and alter Helm, Kigg Street, was Ttaken to Port H Hospital shortly after wmidni Thursday night suffering from facial injuries font bing alate glass and a bad- ly bruised er as the result of a 'collision between a car in which he was a passenger with Tom Rop- er, formerly Port Hope and a for more than merely local ta > | parked car owned by G. J. Aitkin,, of Galt. © spending a couple. of weeks at their summer home here. ' Mrs, Vail, of London, visited an [The holiday passed off very quiet~ ly here, The traffic on the Highway was very heavy but Officer Hawk shaw kept the cars pretty well lin. yp and no accidents were re- ported It ia elieved if the ble generally would co-operate with the Officers more there would be Tess trouble and: lives would not be en- | iy) dangered so much, Officer Hawk- shaw has a distance of eighty miles to look after so that it is impossible for him to see every careless driv- er when he should, and if numbers were taken of "road hogs" and "speed fiends" and sent in te him R lon of this trouble would be check- ed. Miss Dorcas McFarland who has been holidaying at Muskoka is hol- idaying for a few days with old frisads bu heré 1d giiot to to' returning to burg. rome Re Scott and children, John and Dorothy, of Newtonville, spent a few days during the week {with Mrs. Bert Duff, Miss Reva Coper is serving in her unc Mr. Percy Maynards booth hat Brookiin Rew B re 78. oy Bright an chil [iy John and Barbara, visited the former's parents at Hamilton last week, Mr. A M, Jaren Murray Spaulding, B.M., spent the week-end and holiday at Wasago Beach on Georgian Bay. Farmers are speeding up harvest- ing operationg_the hot weather has been fine for devifig out the stooks, and if the weather stays dry for une other week or ten days threshing be well ander way. The crops are reported to be very good so far but it is regretted that the prices are not just a little bit better. SOLINA NEWS (Mrs, W. T. Baker, C Correspondent) Mr. and Mrs. McK. E Pectoond Miss Hazel and Mrs. M. E. Pen- and | Mr, found, Oshawa, called at Mr. W, T, Mr. and Mrs, Louis awa, called on Mr. and Baker recently. The Solina Women's hold their next : Fred Smiths, Enfie on where the. gall il : the speaker, Bowmanville, Come one, Some 24 of Selina on fhe boat tin to a ara Teport x good time with quite os a r. Wi Lamiman S Frank Bran ers at Messrs, Thos, and Jo ers on Wednesday. 1 Toronto Swim Star Regina, Bask , Aug. - minent marathon swimm od ronto, Kenneth Selman, | 5 youth from Beach recently, cue as son of Mr, and Mrs. Fred | Las snached three per Hos drowning in Lake: ontatlo & his swimming career. exploded for some unknown reason' L Zz Baker, on Civic Holiday. al" A Message to the Automobile Driver Greetings Neighbors' We Are Now Operating Our New Depot in Bowmanville 10 Efficient Departments to Serve You From Tires to Top you will find everything you want at this Service Station WASHING AND POLISHING Improves a Car's looks 100 per cent, WASH POLISH CAR ........81. TOP DRESSING .....$1.00 Ave You Proud of Your Car's Appearance? OILING AND GREASING Preserves your car--~Cuts (Any make of car $1.00) TIRE REPAIRING "You mever need that spare ou have tire trouble just give us a call. prices on tires for all / PARTS AND ACCESSORIES "Beautify your car with an acces. - sory." If we haven't what you want we can get it for you. How about a cigar lighter, sponges, chamois, polish and auto soap. GENERAL REPAIR WORK Renew your car's performance. Many motorists now bring their cars in for inspection at regular inter- vals. They find it pays--pays in bet. ter performance and lowered cost of upkeep. NEW CAR DEPARTMENT You can buy a Ford on easy terms. Call or telephone for demonstration. Then you will know why it is such a great car to own and drive, PAINT SHOP "New car appearance 'st minimum cost." Are you proud of your ear? Is it dull and shabby looking? hb GAS AND OIL High grade Gasolines refined by Cities Service Oil Company. Don't use "just any sort of oil." We sre the only garage in Bowmanville whe can supply Ford owners with Mods A-O1L, ¥ BODY REPAIR DEPT.' "A car looks as old as its fenders' If those fenders need straightening or the body of your car has &: Sadi. 4 dinge in it bring your car to Dox. You will he. Sutinrised ag the miele lent workmanship, 0X MOTOR SAL Bond Street Oshawa and King Street Bowmanville Care will Saye Your Car Let Us Help You 1 ! 4 light houses] dies. Cheap to St. A Canadian made Anti-Knock Gas at the same p rice as Regular Gas New Power--New Speed--New Smoothness Fill up at the nearest RED INDIAN pump and judge for yourself

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