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Oshawa Daily Times, 12 Aug 1931, p. 7

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PAGE SEVEN. be gi : or Oftics 74 'Simcoe 1313, ek an | iL B.:N.:SIN -- K.C, BANK of Comraerce Building. =E se P. MANGAN, B.A,, B 1 gk Notaiy Pu veyancer. Money to loan. 14% King St. Bast, Oshawa. 'Phone 445. Residence phone 8 1. ] SON, CREIG & "Barrister, etc, Bank of Notary. Over Dewland's to loan. 18 Simcoe Residence i 8 Solicitor, ne? - sorts. 7 Phone 67. 3W, risters, Solicitors, etc. Th Sim gon St. N. Paone iat 160. Revidapss 8514. Maney to logon. ALL, BX. BAPRIS tof, ste. "Conveyancing an eral practice. 33% King St. Phone 3337. A 8. 8, R. Solicitor, Nutary Publie, ancer. monuy to loan. Third new @A piiding, OP Post Otlice: Phone 2906. Medical 1 B. J. EAZLEWOOD, PHT: siglan aud Surgeon, § special atten. given to "X-Ray work and trotheopy. Oftice, Disney lock. Phone 2050. Office open ¢'e.m. to 9 p.m. Residence 431 ag street east. Phone 2416. GRANT ' BERRY, PHYSIC , Surgeon, Obstetrician, és py of infants and children. Of- igs and residence 97 Bond East. jbne 1155, McKAY, n, Accoucher. Office ang resi- ce King St. East, corner Vie: St., Oshawa. Phone 94. . Nose, Throat Specialist RA A r Street West, Toron beat his office over Jury & Lov 's Drug Store each Saturday gm 1 til! 4 p.m. for consuita- and treatment of algae o , moses and throat only. tments may be made at _-- Phone 97. Architects tectural work, Secord floor al Bank Bullding. Phone 1496. Res. phone 909J. Ha belt 71 {oneer, ot iia feraitire (tt) ER. Convey- tloor 4d posite ll 346 Simeas st 8. Zand. farm stock and imple: 0 Your patronage solicited. oh oe Money to Loan AN itomoble.. Cam refinanced, iments reduced, additional = cash pay- given, dealings confidential, 'terms reasonable, Pay while you 'drive. Motor Loans & Discounts, 3, wii. Mgr, 14% King St. \B., Fiions 2790. Open {evenings till 9 p.m : Wath R wich Revue Bie watchmaker, repal 2 '44% King Street West. Yi -| Marshall, pel... sug ¢) | J. IPS, sett's.. Special attention b os work. extraction, J Fron 959, mele Pa Unicnking LUKE tae | Id fast. Am HR Simcoe street no Phone 210J and 210W. Ssuawa BURIAL, "to, 'MP. Armstrong & Bon, ou J Funeral and Ambulance Service a" hr night. Rhone jhonw, 8% 87 Insurance 1p 5) King St, West, HH The rire A in Osbaws. 80 Sides Fin Pet. Cape consult R. N. J $0 Simcoe north, Your insurance wants st- tended to and your iaterests pro- CARTAUE AND STORAGE, Coleman's, 85 Bond West. Spec falists in furniture moving. Stor age warehouse and moving van equipment. Phone 83. AWA' 'ed furniture mover, Park Road. Cartage, local and long distance. Frank Cowle, prop. 66 Fark Rd. 8. Phone 2156 (7 may 1 mo) , cal and long distance Phone Bradley's, 27) or 1928], ~ {16 aug ¢) TRY CHAS. 7. FLEMING FOR your cartage, Anything, Anytime Anywhere. Reasopable rates and dependable service, Phone 797. 116 Summer St, (24 aug ¢) Beauty Parlors special prices: $10.00 wave for $7.59; $7.50 wave for $4.00. Marcelling, finger waving, hair dyeing and all other lines of beauty culture. For service and reliability 11 on the oldest established phrmanent wave shop, 86 Simcoe St. North, or phone 2068 for appointments. saugimo GENOBHA HATRDRESSING Parlors. Betty Ward and Grace experts in sll kinds of Beauty Culture. Our permanent wave a specialty. $5.00, $7.50 and $10.00. Finger waving, marcelling. facials, scalp treatments and manicures. Cof- tes Shoppe entrance, Phone ap polntments 1973 (16 may 1 mo" = ---- .... Chartered Accountant. x <. he Chartered Acéountants, Trustees in Bankruptcy. Canadian Bank of Commerce Building, Oshawa, (1 sept ¢) ~ Fumiture FURNTTURD REPAIRED AND re-upholstered, ote. Charges | reasonable. F, A. Morris, 170 Al- bert St. Phone 731W, Formerly with Luke Furniture Co. (12 aug ¢) ture re| Drapes made to or der ~ chestertields FFICE 63 Colborne st. East. Accommoda- tion for farmers' horses and, CATS. ol. | Phone 913. D: and ivf button The Dell 'Phone 1656, : (18 pug'e) RIVER VIEW IN GUL TAKE: Ontarid? Halib; Roori and board. and camping grounds | trout tishing. Clarence and * Children, reasonable, Phone 32934. c TTPERMANBNT Wave Shoppe, for a limited time. a asians, 77 | (Hit, © For Rent CES, BRIGHT, = he 18 ui 4 rooms, electrie Frog hh ps & 3 er Ward's Store. (87¢0) FOR RENT -- GLADSTONE apartments, furnished .or uafur- nished, Modern three roomed, private cellar. Rent $30, Phone . {15 aug ¢) --- A now a ble Pp ang 4 room, fully ern - suites, refrigeration, electric laundry apd dryers, jani- tor service. . consider' furs nishing i shit. Reasonable ren tals. Phope 1550 oo; my, ( 14311 36 me H, uU Ke Central. 4 ly '3 L) 2e eration, nal hot water, electric stove and garage. Sept. 1st. Casa Loma Apartments, 161 King Street East. (83¢c) all conveniences, near G.M.C, and Fittings. Phone before 5 oclock. 1317, (33¢c) FOR HE : five rooms, hardwood floors, built-in cupboards, electric fix- tures, all convenlences, private Three, 4 tous fc the rie of oma insertions (three ps Ag Box number 10 additional. Phone 35 Ask for Classified Ald Departmebs drive and garage, Pi Sept, 1st, Reasonable rent to careful tenant. Apply 31 Elgin St. E. (33d) THREE ROOMED APARTMENT, nicely furnished, all conveniences, heat, Jight and water. Ground floor. Near Motors. Apply 97 Col- borne St. East. (33¢) ment, 3 rooms, electric refriger- ator, stove, hot water, laundry, Steam heat, janitor service, Phone 1400, (33¢) Nassau St. Apply 102 Elgin, St. Telephone 853. 34¢ FOR RENT--SEVEN ROOMED brick house, Simcoe St. N. Hep wood floor mear school and car line, large garden, réasonable rental, Phone 3370m. 84c SEVEN ROOMED BRICK HOUSE for rent, all conveniefices, garage. Immediate possession. Close to Geperal Motors, 92 Alice Street. L. Hyman, barrister. 34c apartment, every convenlence for light housekeeping, reasonable, also garage. Apply 134 Alice St. 840 TOR "RENT--LARGE BEDISIT- ting rooms, suitable for twe, all conveniehces, meals optional. Phone 1363w. 36¢c FOUR ROOMS AND BATH, hardwood - floors; all convenien- ces, - vacant Sept. 1, $20 per month. 331 Arthur St. 3bc FOR RENT--ATTRACTIVE sIX roomed house, newly renovated, moderate rent centrally ova Apply 5 Athol Street West. 36a ROO. hardwood floors throughout, tt ted with electric range. Phone 3361w, 35d [ T at William's. Polat, Lake Scugos, August or September. A. W. Pick 'ard, Bowmanville. Phone 185. 36d. SIX ROOMED HOUSE, ALL modern conveniences, hardwood t in cupboards, electrie stove, fixtures, electric fireplace, garage, side entrance, comfort- able: home, - Resonable rent 'or terms "arrap Phone $ abc i very: central, rent low. owner, Ph S8w. Apply terms if desired, your present car taken > exchange, Apply R. ela: phone YT 1 LE-=1823. CHEV STAKE 'truck, d eondition, cheap ash. 164 Church Street. 35¢ LOST--MONDAY AFTERNO , | $15 a American bills, a $5 and a . 262 Eulalie' Avenue, ; Articles for Sale MIXED HARD AND. SOFT wood slabs $3.60 per load. Also bone dry body wood. Waterous Meek Limited. Phone 1288. (1 sept ¢) WH HAVE WONDERFUL VAL des in rebuilt Underweoda, The) are as serviceable as when new~ at less than half the cost, Semt tup your approval. Address "Un: derwood," 185 Victoria St, To ronto, (Oct. 19, 31) FOR SALE-~ SAND, GRAVEL, cinders, stone, black loam, $1.50 per truck load delivered. Phone Essery Bros. 3142). (18 aug ¢) ALL HARDWOUD y% CORL $3.50, Summer wood $3.25. Mc- Quaid Cesrtage. Phope 2423W, Jsept ¢ MIXED WOOD $3. HARDWOOD Slabs $3.50, W. H, Thompson, King Bt, W. Phone 743J, (28 aug ©) CROWN HURON STOVE, FOUR hole, Duplex grate, good cooker, 46 Kenneth. 34d "Farm For Sale FOR _SALE--EXCELLENT 60 #cre farm, mile west of Oakwood on Whitby-Lindsay highway, good buildings, land all cleared, $600 down balance 53% per cent inter. ost. Lorne W. Ferguson, 21 West- morland Ave, Oshawa, Phone 3430W, (324, SITUATION VACANT START NOW--YOU CAN EARN money easily taking orders for the most beautiful line of Per sonal Christmas Greeting Cards ever shown in Canada. Write for particulars. Regal Art Co, 91 Gould 8t., Toronto. y Classified Ads will do it 4. | unfashionable to own to J any, but it is ultra-fashionable to the meet us prior And further take notice that at such meeting the creditors will elect the permanent Trustee, And further take notice that it you have any claim pgasingt the, debtor for which you are entitled to rank, proof of such claim must be filed with us er With the Trustee when' sppointed; other wise the proceeda of the debtor's estate will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto with- out regard to your clpim, Dated at Toronto, this 10th day of August, A.D, 1831, The Canadisn Credit Men's Trust Association, Limited, 137 Wellington Street West, Toreato, Ontario, --Custodian, of the communit i mostly people of ancient name, Today it is hard to define what is meant by the word society, writes Hon. Gladys easel, in this article in the London ing News. From the time of the Renaissance to the times of the Great War the code of those "in society" varied little, It may have been, indeed it was, a narrow code. It had many and_ often foolish lipiitations. It had also its hypecrisies, But on the whale those whe ined in society acknowledged that they owed a certain obligation to their country, Something of the old feu: dal spirit still lingered with them. and if they condescended to those unfortunates who could never Jon to attain a footheld in their at least they acknowledged that their ciass had its dutics as well as its privileges, In some ways society was better in the old days than it is now, in some ways it was worse. But the sins of today and yesterday are quite disfinet. Time was when the chief sin of society There 'is the story of hy; daughter who married, to the hor- ror and shame of her family, a prosperous tradesman in a neigh boring town. Not Snobbish New "I could not possibly mix with a pi esman's wife," her der sister a friend, "so when I feel I real- ly must see Mary 1 .go and leave an order at the shop, hy she writes it down. There is no harm in do- Lost and Found GREY P! dog with collar and chain. Any- one having same after this will be prosecuted. Phone ey L RNOON $10. Return to 64 Willigm East, or phone 508, reward. 34c LOST. -- BLACK LEATHER | mi so:leat book, between Osliawa, sastle, Bowmanville or Orono. ard, Return W. A. Milligan. b. i Victoria :St., Toronto, 38-37 For Sale or Rent ROOM BREF hawa, all conveniences, garage, garden, close to school. terms, apply to Jas Watson, RR ' No. .1, Oshawa. Auction § able: rooms, miirse in attendance, hold furniture--The undersigned has received . instructions from Mrs, A, Adams to sell by auction at. her residence, 12 Lloyd .8t., on. Fr Aug. 14, copa if at. 3 , | o'clock; all furniture, consi | Retaimut, ral "Hite ture, range, range, dial or, | : ili pt wr on numerous to mention. Terns . Wm Sulley , atictioneer. . | such a universal' charity does in with a tradesman, an at least we' se¢ each other!" S shamefaced snobbery is unth today. In this respect we have pig tainly improved, In former times most of the fam b ilies who claimed a place in society were related or connected more or less distant pri Bo Bn y, and perhaps e more virulent on 3 Shas score. middle' Slastes ha not come to in 4 owiLh hoe ho spots and on the ciple there was more sympa Detweny the artisan and a a: of Hay there was the: and those immediately above below it, Now all classes - andi 'o b to de he cardia oo She Society. of by marriage.' The re- hee ment, or deserted B avd bs ie veh 'was ostracised, and oud never receive him again, pettiber of feciety io pi b ritable, but e more perhare Jit Toads, Yost foday @ harm than Jood od@- | not being in trade. Whereas trade d | continue. unsatisfactory, the de. gossip was of the} The | Dry goods quiet. he pent he of slic ga ajoon. © Shaw 3. a hi Fran pie e, On or a oa sor rent. one from at of Sh or a hundred pe 'there are. six es | fry 0 nly of ei " cannot e! The first sin is that of erty. Money opens' every door, biit the lack of it is a crime, It is. most 55¢88ing nd.as though you had the stores of the Bank of England at your dis- Everybody . pleads poverty while spending lavishly, In fact, if you go with a friend to buy a fur Coat. or a motor car you would be Sloat t gutprised if she did not ex- will pay for it, I do po os One thing I do not mind next. ball 1 have mortgaged my next half" year's allowance long agol Perhaps the nest most dead is the queer and negative A v4] was once the worst "crime" of so- ciety, it is now one of its crowning ues, You are not popular unless you are avowedly and, if possible, Datorigusly engaged in money amk- ing e mare publicity you can' got about it the better, and if your be quaint and unusual that iy all to the good. ust Be Amusing To be a A is'a crime which is never forgiven ny member of so- ciety nowadays. You must be am. u somehow--~if at the expense ol your nieghbour, 30 much the bet- or. Not to be a cocktail drinker is a form of unfashionableness that no girl whe claims to have a' place in society dare plead. Grammatical errors even a breach of table man ners may be overlooked, but there is a limit to what society will en- dure. Never to have been a claimant for: notoriety is another heinous offence. Indeed, there is now a type of per- son who actually cosiders it neces- sary to apologise if he or she has never Apured int in_the courts. Be a Sport Last but by no means least of the sins which socicty will not tel- erate is the sin of not being a sport. You may have a natural antipathy for games, you may be afraid of horses, and detest 'motor cars, but if this is so Fon must endure mar- tyr "8 in silgnce--~or retire from society, A sport you must be, and that is the end of the matter. ow different are the sins of to- day from those of our grandmoth- ers! One cannot help wondering what, if society endures, its sing will be in our grandchildren's ut grandchildren's time, GENERAL TRADE CONTINUES FAIR Trust Association Reports Little Change in Week Winnipeg.--The weekly trade report of the Canadian Credit Men's Trust Associgtion Limited for wesk ended today. is as fol- Halifax: Wholesale and retail inde gaverally coutinues quiet. Collections are fair to slow, The lobster cateh in Nova Seetia has bean average. Lumber markets mand for pulpwood being light. gs | Crops are making at. progress. Saint John: Wholesale Tir pr ved. gy tastory. col {| {J Collections remain about the same, being just fair. Montreal: A good demand fs re- ported in: wholesale Clothing talr, Retail trade reported . satisfac tory. Collections fair, Toronto: A quiet week is re. ported in wholesale and ' retall trade. Collections slow, Winnipeg: Man shows no improvement over pre- vious week, Wholesale groceries fair to good; dry goods, boots, shoes and' furnishings quiet. of | Hardware, automobile accessories HE supplies very yuiet. trade only fair for J 'veriod of 'the t of 3 dry wr rat ae and shoes slow; hardware Be: use, a A ¥ r to slow. collections still slow. + Saskatoon: A fair volume is ve. | potted in wholesale groceries, to | mostly on short terms and C.0.D, rdware Ha fair. Boots re vather guiet, Oils and | greases still continue about the same. Dry goods volume still continues fair with little improve: | ment. Retail trade in the city ne bg « the code | slight. eivtinues fair with probably = /| slow. 4-but hail damage more or less se- | vere in several districts. La - * ? SSssEiers 144441 fi I Cite. | j AT stattatzgyy TERR RRBRRS 3 ¥ I~" »? 3 # CAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS a Koestbound i! ayy. at clearance sales. Wholesale trade reports current purchases being ta taken oie. of but no zedge. on eo 'on old acsounts, Sesatany collections fair; coun. try slow, Calgary: Wholesale groceries in fair defam cally all other lines very Jas and unsatisfactory, No improve- |. ment is anticipated until vaca- tionists return to town and schools open, Both wholesale and retail collections difficult to a ton: Business gengral onton: ly "both wholesale and" retafl, very 'quiet, with collections atirally Crop prospects excellent Vancouver: There are no changes to speak of in iy line of business, wholesale, retail or manufacturing. . , Conditions are being reported fair with : collec tions slow to fair. The month of July is usually an unsatisfactory month a8 far as sales are con- cerned, as a good many are away | on 'h and it is practically the, the summer Aland 1.18 hoped things will {m- n the mear future. The po '48 up to expecta- 'of the Imes i ary ofking although not at Nn aria, st reduced Wages ps aD : wp retail : One 1927 Essex Coupe. One 1028 Old's, Sedan. MEN'S SIK POLO Yecssenesnnsscons a : 68 King 8t. W. Phone 8161 Felt Bros. The Leading Jeweller Established 1888 4 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH Se BOAT FOR SALE : a} 18 foot B.C. cedar, with 8a. H.P. four cylinder Johnson Motor. Very safe and fast.- Price $295. Terms. Ph. 900. ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LIMITED i" REPAIRING your [satisfaction we chn 're and make it tell the co! Bh (3 e and of course the price of -- 1 ay fae : bul y " al 1 coin aim. Jt ar blow e fi " nning "Don't ask me anything women: I don't understand th ~Thomas A. Edison. "The iHiy we al all need is of to be dh SE rn A ey

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