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Oshawa Daily Times, 13 Aug 1931, p. 11

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES THURSDAY, AUGUST 13, 1931 PAGE ELEVEN If it is to be bought or so.d -- Times Classified Ads will do it 1] CONANT & ANNIS BARRISTERS Solicitors, Notaries Public, Ete. Conveyancing and' sens) prac 5 4.G. D. South, Oshawa, Phone bri B.A, LLB.; A F. An. als, B.A, LL.B. W. B. N. SINCLAIR, K.0., BANK of Comraerce Building. ! OSEP. AN, B.A, rister, Solicitor, Notary "Public, Conveyancer. Money to loan. Of- lice 14% King St. Bast, Oshawa. Phops iid Residence phone 837. RIE CREIGHTON & Fraser, Ty ote., Baok of Commerce Bldg. LOU ' , Notary. "Over Hirt SO is loan. 16 Simcoe street sorth. Phone 67. Residence B473W. ; G riste! Solicitors, etc. 24% Sim- top St N. Phone 3160, fesidence 3514, Mopuy to loan. ALEX, C. HALL, B.A, BAPRIS- ter, ote. Conveyancing and gen- eral practice. 32% King St. Pas, Phone 8237. RE an FRA S. LEBS, BARRIS Ht Yotary® Public, Convey- apcer; monoy to loan. Third floor new Alger Building, opposite Post Office. Phone 2996. Medical DR. B. BE 00D, . sician and Surgoon; special atten- tion given to X-Ray work and Electrotheopy. Office, Disney Block. Phone 2050. Office open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Residence 421 King street east. Phone 24186. PR. GRANT BERRY, PHYSI fan, Surgeon, Obstetrician, dis- eases of infants and children, Of- fice and residence 97 Bond East. Phone 1155. 'DR. McKAY, PHYSICIAN, SUR- geon, Accoucher. Office and resi- dence King St. East, corner Vic- 2oria St., Oshawa. Phone 94. ---- Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist DR. ¥. T. BRYANS OF 160 Bloor Street West, Toronto, will be at his office over Jury & Lov- ell's Drug Store each Saturday from 1 till 4 p.m., for consulta- tion and treatment of diseases of ear, nose and throat only. Ap- pointments may be made at drug store. Phone 97. Architects G. CG. STENHOUSE, GENERAL Architectural work. Second floor Royal Bank Building," Phone 1496. Res. phone 909J. Auctioneer PHONE 716). W. J. SULLBY Auctioneer, 346 Simcoe St. 8, Dental Al J. sett's. Special attention to X-ray work. Gas extraction. Nurse in attendance. Phose 959. House 1812. LUKE BURIAL CO. 67 KING St. Gast. Ambulance, Residence 542 Simeoe street north, Phone 210J and 210W. OSHAWA BURIAL CO, M, F. Armstrong & Son, Proprietors. Funeral and Ambulance Service day and night, Phone 1082W. 87 Celina. (42) Insurance DAVIS ANC SON, INSURANCE, 19 King St. West, Oshawa. The oldest Fire Agency in Oshawa. 30 Renutable Fire Ssmpanies, SU consult R. N. 'Jobat, 80 Simcoe north. Your insurance wants at tended to and your interests pro- tected. Transportation CARTAGE AND STORAGE, Coleman's, 856 Bond West. Spec- falists in furniture moving. Stor- age warehouse and moving van equipment. Phone $2. AWA' O STABLISH- ed furnitnre mover, Park Road. Cartage, local and long distance, Frank Cowle, prop. 65 Fark Rd.) 8. Phone 215. (7 may 1 mo) FURNITURE REMOVALS, LO- cal and long distance ' Phone Bradley's, 271 or 1928J. (16 aug ¢) TRY CHAS. F. FLEMING FOR your cartage. Anything, Anytime. Anywhére. Reasonable rates and dependable service, Phone 797, 116 Summer St, (24 aug ¢) Beauty Parlors BETTY LOU PERMANENT Wave Shoppe, for a limited time, special prices: $10.00 wave for $7.69; $7.50 wave for $4.00. Marcelling, finger waving, hair dyeing and all other lines of beauty culture. For service and reliability call on the oldest established permanent wave shop, 86 Simcoe St. North, or phone 2968 for appointments, Sauglmo GENOSHA HAIRDRESSING Parlors. Betty Ward and Grace Marshall, experts in all | sinds of Beauty Culture. Our permanent wave: a specialty. $5.00, $7.60 and $10.00. Finger waving, marcelling, facials, gcalp treatments and manicures. Cof- fees Shoppe entrance. Phrne ap- pointments 1973 (15 may 1 mo) Oshawa, Ont. Special att given to household furniture sales and farm stock and imple- ments, Your patronage solicited, Fe Zn . Money to Loan 'MO! TO LOAN ON YOUR AU- i Eni Cam refinanced, pay- ents reduced, additional cash ven, dealings confidential, "ferms reasonable. Pay while you | 'drive. Motor Loans & Discounts, /R. F. White, Mgr., 14% King St. ®. Oshawa. Phone 2790. Open {@venings till 9 p.m. £5 (16 aug ¢) Chartered Accountant GRANT, GODFREY & CO, Chartered Accountants. Trustees in Bankruptcy. Canadian Bagk of Commerce Building, Oshawa, (1 sept ¢) Furniture Repairing. UPHOLSTERING AND FURNI- ture repaired. Drapes made to or- der. Rebuilding chesterfields a specialty. Geo. A. Constable, 27 Bond E. Phone 33 8322J. Veterinary Surgeon -- --- Watch Repairin i¥, A. VON GUNTEN, EXPER watchmaker, repair shop at % King Street West. Your pat jonage is solicited. RT n i ' Building Supplies w. ROWDAL OR an blocks, sand ané gravel. 9 Carnegie Ave. Phone 1618, Battery Service j RIES A "be br rental $1.00. Repaired ana 3 2 p g La built. Called for and delivered. ompt service. Stan Bligdon, 20 Jam St. Phone 1885W. © Hemstitching 'HEMSTITCHING, PLEATING, 'repairs and alterations, dress. 'making, buttons and buttonholes. 'The Dell Shop, 26% Simcoe 8. (5 ily. 31) IFO" SALE COTTAGE, SOLID "brick containing five rooms, pan- 'try and bathroom, choice location, or Colborne and Ontario itrepts. For terms and particulars ply to George C, Wright, New- stle, Ont. (36c) [ A LL SNAP--= @-roomed house, lights, water; ew verandah, Your opportunity, ke an offer. Owner 9 Rogehil} RS ADD! ito the undersigned for the paving of track allowance through new ; bway, also for the paving of ©. passing track, Simcoe Street, awa, Ontario, will be received to 12 o'clock moon, August M'wenty First. Plans and specifi- 'cations may be seen at Superin- 'tendent's Office. The lowest or BDy tender not necessarily accep- 1 J. Callaghan, Superin- aug 12, 138, 14 N OTICE ENTLEMAN DESIRES WEEK: Toronto transportation Satur- N ers ba Personal Christmas eeting Cards. Finest lite ever own. Easy to sell. © Write for H. YVANZANT, V.8.,, OFFICE 63 Colborne St. East. Accommoda- tion for farmers' horses and cars. Phone 913. (16.a0g ¢) Summer Resorts RIVER VIEW INN, GULL LAKE, Minden, - Ontario, Halibuftou County. Room and begrd. age, lots and e¢amping grounds Bass-and trout fishing. Clarence Trumbull, Prop. (1 sept c) Rest Home OSHAWA REST HOME FOR Women and Children. Comfort- able rooms, nurse in attendance, terms reasonable, Phone 3293w. 34c TAWN MOWERS SHARPBNED, repaired, called for and delive, ed. Lawns cut and rolled, 'Phone G. Slater 3193W. (28 aug c) SHOE REPA G calls for and delivers your shoes. 'No extra charge. Satisfaction teed. Phone 1216. D. uiltinan, 17 Bond St. E. # (12 sept 2) gaged, doctor's Teferonce, mater. nity, general nursing, assists bousework, or plain sewing, Mrs. Noble 3038j. ~~ 10sept ¢ Automobile Tnsarance writers Automobile Insurance, paid 25 per cent. dividends 19 years. Germond Cigar . Store. Phone 2238. 7 sept ¢) Work Wanted . A ry by the week or month. Phone 3193). 84c A TIC SI- tion by mother and daughter to- gether or separately. Apply Mrs, D. Campbell, c-0 'Mrs, Teeter, ) [Orangeville, Ont. (36a) Male Help Wanted: ERIENCED HOUSE TO hous®g canvasser to demonstraté and sell a specialty. Call at 101 d Yon e between 5 ei BL SERB '| cabinet, wall bed. Bradley 'Got- | | Mrs. For Rent OFFICES, BRIGHT, CLEAN, good approach. $15 up. APARTMENTS CENTRAL, 3 TO 4 rooms, electric stove, isis ros. Over Ward's Store. (87t0) FOR apartments, furnished or ubnfur- dished. Modern three roomed, private cellar. Rent $30, Phone 2604W. (15 aug ¢) FOR R --- APART now available 3 ang 4 room, fully modern suites, refrigeration, electric laundry and dryers, jani- tor service, Wil consider fur- nishing to suit. Reasonable ren- tals, Phone 1550 or 2347W. (149¢1) TO NT. = N " nished rooms, Central. Apply 36 Richmond st. E. 32e FOR RENT-- BRICK HOUSE, five rooms, hardwood floors, built-in cupboards, electric fix- tures, all conveniences, private drive and garage. Possession Sept, 1st. Reasonable rent to careful tenant. Apply 31 Elgin St. E. (33d) FOR RENT--BRICK HOUSE ON |; Nassau St. Apply 102 Elgin St. Telephone 353. 34c FOR RENT--SEVEN ROOMED brick house, Simcoe St. N. hard- wood floor near school and car line, large garden, reasonable rental. Phone 3270m. 34e SEVEN ROOMED BRICK HOUSE for rent, all conveniences, garage. Immediate possession. Close to General Motors. 92 Alice Street. L. Hyman, barrister. 34c FOR RENT--LARGE BED. SIT- ting rooms, suitable for two, all conveniences, meals optional. Phone 1363w. 3bc FOUR ROOMS AND BATH, hardwood floors, all convenien- ces, vacant Sept. 1, $20 per month. 331 Arthur St. 3bc SIX ROOMED HOUSE TO RENT, hardwood floors throughout, fit- ted with electric range, Phone 3261w. 36d SUMMER COTTAGE TO RENT at William's Point, Lake Scugos, August or September. A. W. Pick- ard, Bowmanville. Phone 185. 35d. SIX ROOMED HOUSE, ALL modern conveniences, hardwood (loors, built in cupboards, electric stove, fixtures, electric fireplace, garage, side entrance, comfort- able home, Resonable rent or easy terms arranged. Phone 2753). 3b6¢ FOR . RENT--HOUSE, GARAGE, very central, rent low. Apply owner, Phone 3488w. 36c FOR RENT--6 ROOMED HOUSE with finished attic, centrally lo- cated, paved street, all conveni- ences, garage. Immediate posses- sion, rent reasonable. J. A. Bic- kell, 430 Simcoe Street South. (36¢) TO RENT--8 ROOMED BRICK house, close to Pedlars Ltd. Every convenience and several extras. Possession Sept, 1st. Ap- ply N. 8. Baird, 58 Drew St. Phone 466. (361) TO RENT--2 0 oR TFURNTSAKD or unfurnished rooms. All con- veniences. 140 Tylor Crescent. (36¢c) FOUR ROOMED HOUSE, ALL conveniences. Very central, Apply 143 Centre St. Phone 633J. (36¢c) FOR RENT-- 3 UNFURNISHED rooms, central, All conveniences. Garage, Phone 2157W. (36b) OM Al frigeration, continuous hot wat- er, electric stove and garage. Sept. 1st, Casa Loma Apartments, 161 King Street East, Motor Cars FOR SALE--1925 CHEV STAKE body truck, good condition, cheap for cash. 163 Church Street. 35c Auction Sale AUCTION SALE OF HOUSE. hold furnituré--The undersighed has recefved fnstructions from A. Adams to sell by auction at her residence, 12 Lloyd Sti Oshawa, on Friday, Aug. 14, commencing at 1.30 o'clock, @&ll of her household furniture, congisting of Chester- field sult, dining room furniture, bed room furniture, rugs, cur- tains and drapes, kitchen 'furni- ture, range, gas range, dishes, cooking utensils, refrigerator, garden tools and other goods too numerous to mention. Terns cash. Wm. Sulley, auctioneer. 34c Wanted to Rent WANTED TO RENT--3 UNFUR: nished rooms, Phone 922M. A 36a) (36¢) 'AD. 1931, Articles for Sale MIXED HARD AND SOFT wood slabs $8.50 per load, Also bone dry body wood. Waterous Meek Limited. Phone 1388, (1 sept ¢) sims i p------ WE HAVE WONDERFUL VAL- ues in rebuilt Underwoods. They are as serviceable as when new-- at less than half the cost. Sent for your approval. Address "Un- derwood," 135 Vietoria St., To- ronto, (Oct. 19, 31) FOR SALE-- SAND, GRAVEL, cinders, stone, black loam, $1,650 per truck load delivered. Phone Essery Bros. 3142]. (18 aug ¢) ALL HARDWOOD 3% CORD $3.50, Summer wood $3.25. Mc- Quaid Certage. Phone 2423W. 2sept c MIXED WOOD $3. HARDWOOD Slabs $3.50. W. H. Thompson, King St, W. Phone 742J. (28 aug ¢) CROWN HURON STOVE, FOUR hole, Duplex grate, good cooker, 46 Kenneth. 34d FOR SALE--GENT'S SUIT, SIZE about 38, two pairs pants, almost new, very. cheap. 82 Gibb St, near Centre. (36a) FOR SAL. R. D 10 per cord. $2.75 1 cord. All cart- age reasonable rate, ' Phone 2628F. (368) ALL ELECTRIC 7 TUBB CON- sole Radio cost $200 for $40. Act quick. Smith, 9 Rosehill Blvd. (36¢c) FOR SALE--ATWATEBR KENT 8 tube electric Radio, complete for $56. Terms $5 cash and $5 per month. John Meagher, 92 Simcoe North. Phone 1019J. (36a) Farm For Sale FOR SALE--EXCELLENT 650 acre farm, mile west of Oakwood on Whitby-Lindsay highway, good buildings, land all cleared, $600 down balance 5% per cent inter- est. Lorne W. Ferguson, 21 West- morland Ave, Oshawa, Phone 3430W. (32d) Lost and Found LOST--DARK GREY POLICE dog with collar and chain. Any- one having same after this will be prosecuted, Phone 1562W. 34b LOST--MONDAY AFTERNOON $15 in American bills, a $5 and a $10. Return to 64 William East, or phone 508, reward. 34c LOST--ON TUESDAY SMALL dark grey kitten, Please return to 104 Church St. Small reward. (36a) For Sale or Rent SIX ROOM BRICK HOUSE WN. Oshawa, all conveniences, garage, garden, close to school. Easy terms, apply to Jas Watson, R.R. No. 1, Oshawa. 34c ¥ AL -- brick house, hardwood floors, modern conveniences, metal gar- age, first class garden, possession immediately. Apply Mrs. Hopps, Liberty St., Bowmanville, or 20 William E., Oshawa, (36a) D SMAKING AND AL - tions by the day or at home. Reasgngble. Phone 1861J. (36¢) "Female Help Wanted WANTED--GIRL TO ASSIST with family In country home. Apply stating age and salary. Box 514 Times. (36¢c) Wanted to Buy WANTED -- GENERAL PUR- pose team and harness, wagon, two cows. State price to Box 513 Times. (36h) Notice To Creditors R.S.0. 1927 -- Chap. 150 -- Sec. 51. « ESTATE - OF CASSIUS LEE STONE, Gefitleman, Deceased. ALL. PERSONS having claims against the Estate of CASSIUS LEE STONE, late of the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, Gentleman, Deceased, who died on or about the thirtieth day of June, are hereby notified to file with the undersigned, on or before 'the fifteenth day of August, A.D. 1931, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after said date, the assets of the deceased will be distributed amongst those 'entitled thereto having regard only to claims DATED at Oshawa, the 28th day of July. A D:. 193 E. N. SINCLAIR, K.C, hy of Montreal Building, OSHAWA, -- Ostario. 25a- 302-362. ; MIDDLE SCHOOL EXAM, RESULTS (Continued from page 1) Eng. Lit., 3rd; Can. Hist., 3rd. neon Nellie -- Chem, Greek Ay. 3rd. Jones, Fred -- ig Comp., 3rd; Eng. Lit., 2nd; Can. Hist, 2nd; Alg. Ist; Chem, Ist, Kashul, Michael--An. Hist., 2nd; Geom., C; Phys, C; Lat. Ay, 3rd, Lat. Comp., C; Fr. Au, 3rd; Fr. Comp, C. Kelly, Kenneth -- An. Hist., il Geom, Ist; Phys, 1st; Lat. Au, 1st; Lat. Comp. 1st; Fr. Au, lst; Comp., ists Germ. Au, Ist; Germ. Comp., , rnin Piyt, LH Chem., C; plngan, Jobn--Eng. Comp, C; Bog. Lit, C; Can, Hist, Ist; Aig. Lander, Jack--An. Hist, Ist; Geom., 2nd; Phys, 3rd; Lat. Au, 1st; Lat. Comp., 2nd; Fr. Au, 2nd: Fr. Comp., 2nd, Lazar, Eugene--Eng., Lit, C; an. Hist, 1st; Alg., 1st; Chem, Ist. Ledger, Jean--Eng, Lit, C; Can. Hist, C; Alg, C; Chem. C. Lesnick, Stella -- An. Hist, 1st; Geom., 1st; Phys, 3rd; Lat. Ay, 2nd; Lat. Comp, 2nd; Fr. Au, lst; Fr, Comp., 20d; Greek Au, Ist; Greek Accid., Lopuk, = ~ Eng. Lit, 3rd; Can, Hist, Ist; Alg., Ist; Chem. st Love, Jean--Lat. Au, 2nd; Lat. Comp., C; Fr. Comp, C, Lovell, Betty -- An. Hist, 1st; Geom., 2nd; Phys, C; Lat. Au, C; Lat. Comp. <; Fr. Au, 3rd; Fr, Comp, C, Lovett, Frank--Eng. Lit, C; Can, Hist., 2nd; Alg, 3rd; Chem, 2nd. MacKenzie, Mary--Lat. Au, 3rd; Lat. Comp., C; Fr. Au, C. Mackie, Dou a Eng. 1 Lit Can. Hist, C; Alg, C ec Mackie, Hae -- Chem, | C; Phys., C, MacKinnon, Angus -- An. Hist, 2nd; Geom., Ist; Phys. lst; Lat. Au, 3rd; Lat. Comp, C; Fr. Au, 2nd; Fr. Comp., 3rd. McBrien, Eileen -- Geom, 2nd; Ci Fr. Comp., 3rd. McDonnell, Marie--Eng. Comp, C; Eng. Lit, C; Can. Hist, C McGill, Helen--Eng. Comp., St; Eng. Lit, 2nd; Can, Hist, 2nd; Alg., st McGrath, Clifford--An. Hist, C; Geom., 2nd; Phys, 3rd; Lat. Au, C; Lat. Comp., 3rd; Fr. Au, C; Fr. Comp., 2nd. Mckinstry: Wilbert--Chem., 3rd. Ist; Lat. Comp, 3rd; Fr. Au, lst; Comp., C. Rae -- Eng Lit, C; McNab, lan -- Fr. Au, C; Alg., 2nd; Chem., 2n Hist., Lat. Comp, 1st; Fr. Au, Ist: Fr. C; Eng. Ltt, C; 3rd; Geom, 2nd; Fr. Au, 3rd; Fr. Comp., 2nd. Greta--An, Hist, McLaughlin, Earl--An, Hist., Ist; Geom., Ist; Phys, 1st; Lat. Au, Fr. Comp, 1 McCluce, MarymChen, 2nd; Lat. McMaster, Can. Hist., 3rd; Chem. 2nd. Fr, Comp., 1st. McQuarrie, Jean Fu Eng. Lit, C; McRae, ' Robert--An, Ist; Geom., 1st; Phys, 1st; Lat. Au, 1st; Comp., Ist. McRoberts, Bruce -- Eng ome: ist., Ag, 1st; Cheng Ry cTavish, Audrey -- An. Hist, Maxwell, 2nd; Geom., C; Phys, 2nd; Lat. Au, 3nd; Comp. 1st. Medland, AA Comp., C; 3rd; Chem; 3rd. ng. ¢ ; Lat, Au, 1st. Eng. Lit, n. Hist, 1st; Alg, | Meredith, Alwyn--E Can, Hist., 2nd; Geom,, Merrick, Lorna -- Eng. Comp., 2nd; Eng. Lit, C; Can. Hist, Ist; Alg. C; Chem, 2nd. Geom., C; Lat. Au, 3rd; Lat. 3rd; Fr. Au, C; Fr. Comp., 3rd. Moore, John = Eng, Comp., Builders' Bargins JUST LOOK AT THESE LOW A prices. Building material is down to lowest prices in ten years. Plan now to build, repair or make improvements at low- est cost.. Slate Roofing $2.85, heavy 3 ply roofing $1.85. Wall- board 2%e ft. Insulating board 5 sheets 2 ft by 8 ft (80 sq. ft.) only $2.80. Spruce siding $3.45, 5x cedar shingles $3.95 square (3 bunches). Ready glazed sash as low as $1.15. Barn windows with glass $1.06. French doors with glass $4.35. Inside doors $2.45. Combination doors with bronze screen and glass $5.76. House Paint $2.95 gallon. Hard- wood flooring 4%e. sq. ft. Write for Free Sale Catalog to Halli- ay Company Limited Dept 21, amilton. 30-32-34-36-38 mp., C; Lat. Au, C; Lat. Comp, C; Fr. Au, |3rd. Lat. Comp. 3rd; Fr, Au, 1st; Fr. | ' Lit, C; Millson, Doris -- An. Hist, 3rd; | Eng, Lit, C; Can. Hist, 2nd; Alg., 3rd; Chem, Ist, Moore, Kathleen--Alg., C. Morison, Ruth--Eng. Comp, 2nd; Eng. Lit, C; Can. Hist, 3rd. Morris, Maurice--An. Hist., 2d: Geom., 2nds Phys., 1st; Lat. Au, 3rd; Comyp., C; Fr. Au, 2nd; Fr. eh. | 3rd. Mountjoy, idaEie. Coma, C; Chem, ns Glen--Lat. Au, 3rd; Lat. mp., C. Mundy, Norah -- An, Hist, 3rd; Phys, C; Chem, 2nd, Nesbitt, Elmo -- An. Hist., 2nd; Geom., 1st; Lat. Au, C; Fr. Au, C; Fr. Comp, C. O'Connor, Sylvia=~Eng. Cemp., C; Eng. Lit. nds Ys Hist, 2nd; Ag. Ist; Chen., Fr. en, Sgaron--As. 1st; Geom., c Chem aro TI -- Geom., C; Lat. Ay, C; Fr. Au, C. Patte, Margot ~ An. Hist, C; Geom., 2nd. Patterson, Arthur -- Eng. Comp., C; Eng. Lit, C; Alg, C, Patterson, "Cyril--Can, Hist, 3rd; Alg., 3rd; Chem., 2nd. Peacock, John -- An. Hist, 3rd; Phys., C; Lat. Ay, Ist; Lat. Comp. 3rd; Fr. Au, Ist; Fr. 'Comp., 2nd. Perkins, John -- An. Hist, 1st; Geom., 3rd; Phys, 3rd; Lat. Au. 2nd; Lat, Comp., 3rd; Fr. Au, Ist; Fr. Comp. Ist; Germ. Au, 2nd; Germ, Comp., 3rd. : Peterson, Gerald--Eng. Comp, C; Eng. Lit, C; Can. Hist, 3rd; Alg, 3rd; Chem. Pietrasak, Johanna--Geom, 3rd; Phys., 3rd Porter, Muriel -- ne Lit, 2nd; Can. Hist, C; Alg, C, Powell, "Lorenzo -- Geom. 3rd; Phys., 3rd; Chem, 3rd; Lat. Au. Ci Lat, Comp., C; Fr. Au. C. Reed, Maurice -- An. Hist., C; Geom, 2nd; Phys., 3rd; Lat, Au, C; Lat. Comp, C; Fr. Au, C; Pr. Comp, 2nd. Richards, Reginald--Eng. Comp, 3rd; Eng. Lit, C; Can. Hist, C; Alg, Ist; Chen, Ist. Robinson, Betty -- Geom., 2nd; gem, = Lat. Comp, C; Germ. co. tov, Marion--Eng. Lit, C; Can. fist. C C. / Rutledge, Verna -- Alg, 3rd; Geom, C; Lat. Au, 3rd; Lat. Comp., : Fr, Au, 3rd; Fr. Comp, C. Salter, Doris -- Eng. Comp, C; Eng. Lit, C; Can. Hist, C; Alg, Schell, Robson--Fr, Au, C; Fr. Comp., C. Scott, Dorothy -- An. Hist. 1st; Geom., 1st; Lat. Au, Ist; Lat. Comp., 2nd; Fr. Au, 1st; Fr. Comp. In Germ, Au, 1st; Germ. Comp., Scott, Evelyn -- An. Hist, Geom., C; Phys, 3rd; Lat. Au, C; Lat. Comp, C; Fr. Au, C; Fr. Comp., C. Scott, Ray--Phys., 3rd; Fr. Comp, 'Sheridan, Harold--Eng, Lit, 3rd; San. Hist, C; Alg, 3rd; Chem, 3d; |C; Sherwood, Jack--Eng. Comp., Cs Eng. Lit, 2nd; Alg, 2nd; Chem, ea John--Phys., C: a Au, C; Lat, om, Ci Fr, Au, C: Fr. Comp. Com. 32 Ethel -- Eng. Lit., Can. Hist, C; Chem, 3rd. Simpson, Marion--Chenm., C. © Sisson, Dorothy--Eng. Comp. Cs Eng Lz, C. ig 1k. "Elsie -- Eng. Comp, 3rd; Eng, Lit, 3rd; an. Hist, 3rd; Alg., lst; Chem, 2nd. Smith, Doris -- An. Hist, 2nd; Geom., C; Lat. Au, 3rd; Lat, Com). 3rd; Fr, Au, 2nd; Fr. "Comp, 2nd; Greek Au. Ist; Greek Accid., 2nd. Smith, Isobel -- An. Hist., Ist; Geom., C; Phys., 2nd; Lat. Au, 2nd; Lat, Comp., 1st; Fr. Au, 1st; Fr. Comp., 1st; Germ. Au, 2nd; Germ. Lloyd -- An. Hist, 20d; Geom., C; Phys, 3rd; Lat Au. 3rd; Lat, Comp., C; Fr. Au, 2nd; Fr. 'Comyp., 2nd. Smith, Melville -- Can. Hist, C; Alg., C; Chem, 3rd. Smith, Ortie--Alg., 2nd. 3rd; or Au, C;| Com Phys., Geom., 2nd; Phys, 2nd; Lat. Comp., 2nd; Fr. Au, Fr. Comp., 2nd. Eng. Lit. Alg., 1st; Comp., C; Eng. Lit., 3rd. Ward, Ollwen -- Can, Hist., £i Chem,, 2nd. Watts, Albert--Geom., C; PI C; Fr. Au, Css lo Weber, Gertrude -- Eng. on weeks, Raymond--Can. Hists £3 Chem, Weldon, George -- An. Hist, C; 3 1st; Fr. Au, C; Fr. Corp. 2dd; Williams, Lilidh=-gog, Comp; Cs g. Comp, C C;.Alg, C; hen Wood, Harvey--Physics, C, Young, Cromwell--An : Hist., Ist; Lat. "Werry, Wilma -- Geom, Phys., 3rd, Eng. Lit., Zavitski, Helen--Eng, Comp., 3rd; Can. Hist, "Chem, Ist; Lat. Au, Hist, C; Hist, C; Southwell, Lorna--Can. Alg, C; Chem, C Steban, Kasmyl -- Can. Alg, C; Chem, C. Stenhouse, Mary--An, Hist., Geom., 1st; Phys, 3rd; Lat. Ist; Lat. Comp., Ist; Fr. Au, Fr. Comp., 1st; Germ. Au, Germ. Comp., 2nd Stephenson, Lloyd -- Geom, C; Ist; Au, 1st; 1st; One 1927 Essex Coupe. One 1928 Old's. Sedan. ROSS, ames, A¥p GART-Z King St. WHCR one 11 Lat. Au, C; Lat. Comp, 3rd; Fr. Au, 3rd; Fr. Comp., 3rd. Stirling, Harry--Eng. Comp., C; Eng. Lit. 3rd; Can. Hist, C, Alg, C; Chem. C, Stirling. Pearl--Lat. Au, C; Lat. Comp., Oo Maxwell--Eng. Lit, 3rd; Can. Hist, 2nd; Alg., C; Chem, 1st, Thompson, Dorothy -- An. Hist, 3rd; Chem, C; Fr. Au, C; Fr. Comp., C. Thompson, Lorne--An. Hist, C; Geom., 1st; Phys, 2nd; Lat. Au, 3rd; Lat. Comp., C; Fr. Au, C; Fr. Comp., C. Timmins, (agate--Eng 2nd; Eng. Lit, 3td. Tonkin, Gerald--Eng. Comp, 2nd; Eng. Lit, 3rd; Can, Hist, C; Alg, 3rd; Chem. 2nd, Comp, Phone 193 .J. SARGE Yard--89 Bloor St. E. Orders Promptly Delivered Tresise, Marion--Eng. Comp., C; Eng Lit, 2nd. Tresise, Phyllis -- Eng. Lit, C; Can, Hist, C; Alg, C; Chem, 3rd. Trewin, 'William--Eng. Comp. C Eng. Lit, C; Ag, GC Turney, Norma -- An, Hist, C; Geom., 2nd; Fr, Au, C; Fr. Comp., Twilley, Ada -- Geom, 2nd; Fr. Au, 3rd; Fr. Comp, C Twilley, Margarée--La. Au, C; Fr. Au, C; Fr, C Valleau, Tla--An. wh C; Geom, Fr. Au, C; Fr. Comp. C. Valleau, Marie--Chem., 3rd. Viee, George -- Eng. Comp. C; Can, Hist, C; Alg., C; Chem, 3rd. Wagar, Ruth--Eng. Lit, C. Wallace, Jean--Eng. Comp., 2nd; Eng. Lit., 2nd; Can. Hist, C; Chem., MEN'S SILK POLGH SHIRTS. 95 ¢ Special Dominion Clothing Co.,% 68 King St. W. Phone 21413 Felt Bros; The Leading Jewellgr Established 1886 = - 12 SIMCOE ST. SOU TH C; Lat. Comp, C. Warburton, Kathleen Eng. BOAT FOR SALE : 18 foot B.C. cedar, with 8% H.P. four cylinder Jo 0 Motor. Very safe and fast. Price $295. Terms, Ph, 900. ONTARIO MOTOR BALES. A tree that loops the ay! of Oshawa are depending ANOTHER THLE Sear STATEMENT 18 that more and more inhabitants pon F, W. Thompson's for drug supplies. We're an independent family 0 drug store. I STORE NE 22 SE DELIVERS 10 SIMCOE ST. 8. LIMITED = REPAIRING WATCHES OUR SPECIALTY D. J. BROWN: Ld ® - It your watch is not givis satisfaction we can rep and make {it tell the co! time. THE JEWELER Official Watch Inspector Canadian National and O awa Railroads 20 Simcoe St. 8. Phone 188 f EX he SJ \ 7 JURY & LOVELL'S OPTICAL PARLORS J. W. Womill, Oph. Eyesight Specialist Phone 8215 A S \ PREPARE FOR THE WORST [ write 31000 16 residence b CANADIAN MOTOR UNDBR- |: GIRL WISHES DOMBSTIC |» BRINGING UP FATHER fn ins A YEAR | TU RS RS HAVENT SPOKEN TO us, ' Gla ry TO MAKE . © 1931, Int") Feature Service. Inc.. Great Britain rights resersed. g NR A ST a es N= HAT AND COAT !! r SA

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