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Oshawa Daily Times, 13 Aug 1931, p. 12

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, AUGUST 13, 1931\ __ TERN ONTARIO NEWS "Practical Church Union 2 Kingston. -- Over on Wolfe nd the various churches ob- e union in = practical way, that all three picnics held by Sacred Heart Church, the lican Church and the Uni urch are held in Rev. Father 's Grove. Father Carey's jc was held two weeks ago all the equipment of tables, for the dinner and supper left in place for the Angli- . picnic held on Wednesday of z week, and following this hing was left for the Uni- Church picnic to be held in ther Carey's Grove on Wed- Tesday afternoon or this week. A -- d Narrow Escape +s Northbrook. -- One of the boys mmering at Camp Mazinaw . extricated from a precarious haition on Saturday. About one . ©o%lock he began to climb a high Fock clift, thinking to real the by a new route, but at the ght of 100 feet he was uaahle 28 proceed and found he dare not Yenture back. Another lad Elimbed to him, hoping to lend assistance, only to find himself dn the same position. -- Fae Mi Resigning . «=Deseronto. -- After many years faithful service as police magi- te of Deseronto and magis- 'trate for the Township of Tyend- inaga, Losses Howry R. Bedford nas ten- dered his resignation to the On- tario Government, the resigna- tion to take effect on the last day of September. Mr. Bedford is un- doubtedly one of the oldest pol- ice magistrates in the province, having been born on the fifth of August in the year 1845. His tirthplace was in London, Eng- land and when twenty-two years of age came to Canada, going to the city of Toronto. He came to this country during the year that Corfederation was consummated. He received his education at Etoa Ccllege, London, England, where Lie had private tuition. In his car- ly manhood he was an offices of the Royal Welch Fusileers. Archbishop a Visitor Broekville. -- His Excellency Archbishop O'Donnell, accompan- led by Rev Father Bums, of Hali- fax, was the guest of Very Rev. Dean A. J. Hanley for dinner at St. Francis Xavier's church rec- tory today, en route to Montreal. Truck Takes Fire Peterborough. -- When fire broke out on his motor truck last night, Herbert Withers of Armour road pushed it into the creek near Downer's Corners. The Fire Department was sum- moned and one of the firemen waded to his thighs in the creek in order to use an extinguisher WOOD BODY, HARD AND SOFT SLABS, CUT STOVE LENGTH AND DRY COAL OKE PREMIUM BY-PRODUCT IXONCOALCO BUCHANAN'S August Clearance fale Printed Chiffons and All Silk To Clear At $7.95 to $12.95 SOME ADVANCE FALL STYLES Satin and Crepes, $5.95 and $12.95. Beautiful travel tweed; also Surprise Bags for 98c. tweed; also Surprise Bags for 98¢c, as everything must early and look around. 15 KING STREET EAST Crepes As everything must ou the flames waat still held a stubborn hold. The vehicle, about piece of equipwent, that was not insured, it is stated, was baguy damaged. Inter-Club Visit Kingston, -- Members of the local Kiwanis Club went to fic- ton by motor gn Monday evening and joined with the Picton Ki- wanis Club in an inter-city meet- ing. The local club was wel re- presented. It had been intended to go via the yacht Morning Star but the boat was unable to make the trip and consequently the cars were pressed into service. Boathouse Burned Kingston. -- Those who are in a position tc know they have definite information that the Cartwright boat house at Deadman's Bay, which burned on Saturday, along with a canoe and other contents, was set on fire by boys who were smoking cigarets. The fire spread to the fine grove of trees near the Cart- wright residence and but for the help of neighbors might have damaged the residence, Dedication Service Sand Point, -- The annual ded- | ication service took place Sunday »fternoon at the Protestant ceme- | tery here and was. largely atten- ded. Rev. J. F. McCurdy of the United Church presided and Rev. Mr. MacLachlan of the Renirew Baptist Church, gave a splendid address suitable for such an oc- cation. Rev. Mr. MacLachlan was substituting for Rev. Mr. Rich, of the Elgin Streen Baptist Church, Arnprior, who was out of town for the day. The scripture lesson was read by D. M. Kerr, of the Lechwinnoch Presbyterian Church while Mr. Detlor of the Braeside Presbyterian Church offered prayer. the only |, state that | sO 5 LLDRMALR EPS AC PLT AL CP AT NOTICE We are now located at our new store 7 KING ST. EAST Scotland Woolen Tailors Co. R.A P y] AUTO LOANS and CARS REFINANCED at lowest prevailing rates CAMPBELL AUTO FINANCE CO., LTD. see H. A. MacDONALD Alger Bldg. Branches: Toronto, Ottawa, Lon- don, Windsor, Sarnia, Oshawa Painful Piles Go Quick--No Cutting--No Salves It takes only one bottle of Dr. J. 8S. Leonhardt's prescription-- HEM-ROID--to end itching, bleeding, protruding piles. This internal remedy dcts quickly even in old, stubborn cases. HEM-ROID succeeds because it heals and restores the affected parts and removes blood conges- tion in the lower bowel--the causes of piles. Only an internal medicine can do this, that's why salves and cutting fail. Jury & Lovell says HEM-ROID Tablets must end your Pile misery or money back, SOLINA NEWS Solina, Aug. 10.--During the S.S. session the usual number of hymns were used and the Lord's Prayer repeated with Supt. W. P. McKessock in charge. Mrs. Roy Langmaid, a member of the Missionary Committee was in charge of missionary pro gram. Mr. Harold Shuttleworth sang a touching solo, Missionary collection $2.68. Mr. A. P. Mc- Kessock took up some of work in Indian giving the story of Kagawa, who is coming to To- ronto in October. Mr. Elgin Tay- lor closed with prayer, Rev. Mr. Mason, of Bowman- ville, preached an excellent ser- mon on the 53rd chap. of Isaiah giving an old testament picture of Jesus, the servant of his fel- low men. The choir sang "Thine On" as an anthem. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Mountjoy and Marion, Willa and Beryl and Miss Nora Werry, Kedron, were gusets of Mr. and Mrs, 8. E. Werry on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grooms and family, Toronto, and Mrs. Elmer Wilbur, Taunton, and Bobby Verney, Toronto, were guests with Mrs. Carl Wilbur. Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Leask and Ewart, were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Wilbur, Taunton, Miss Margaret McKessock spent several days in Toronto the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rey- nolds also her cousin, Miss Polly McKessock who is private secre- tary to Hon. Mr. Price. They took dinner at Government Housé during Miss McKessock stay in tie city. Mrs. A. Hutchison, -Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Law, Oshawa, Mrs. Hammond and son, Detroit, visited with Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Baker on Sunday, The storm of a few days ago laid a lot of Mr. Harvey Hardy's | trees low, also Mr. Isaac Hardy's silo was smashed to destruction. Corn although knocked down in some parts is 129 inches tall in other places. There was an interested crowd down to the Solina football field on Saturday evening, game com- mencing at 5.30 between Bow- manville and Enniskillen teams when Enniskillen won by one goal. There will be a game on Wednesday night and another on Saturday night at the same field by Enniskillen and Zion. VISION & COMFORT Eyesight Service C. H. TUCK, Opt. D. Disney Block Phone 1516 OUR CHILDRENS' SERVICE Is rendered with especial care. It recognizes that the errors of children may be "hidden". And that it is ex- tremely important that they be dis covered and corrected. School children liable to errors of Seek are particularly vision that hinder them greatly. «very aid to your child's success. WEDRUG S by TELEPHONE YES! WE WANT TO ENCOURAGE YOU to take full advantage of our speedy telephone delivery service. Make it a habit, The same prompt attention and rapid-fire delivery given an "emergency order is given to qther purchases as well. Think of this convenience when the weather is bad, when you can't leave the house, or when you are too busy to come to the store. There is no parcel too small for us to promptly deliver. Remember our slogan "One call does it all." TELEPHONE FOR THESE SPECIALS ON Free Genuine New Model Gillette Razor With large pkg. # SOME R Tr MONEY SAVERS 4 75c Bisurated Magnesia 63c 4 4 50c Robinson's Patent 74 Barley cssssesnssdlc Powder HAWKEYE CAMERAS Dependable, easy Lavender Toilet Soap and 50c¢ bot. Laven. der Water Reg 85¢ 50c Paste Magnesia | 35¢ Listerine | 50c Gin Pills 35. $1.30 Scott's Emulsion sssss 99¢c 85c Kruschen Salt ... 0¢ William's Pink Pills 35¢ 50c Dodd's Kidney Pills 35¢ 40c Castoria 29¢ 25¢ Mecca Oint, 4 50c Ipana Paste 60c Virol Tonje 50c Pepsodent Tooth / 39¢ | 60c Chase's Nerve Fo 50c Phillip's Milk of o1.50 4 35¢c Italian Balm Jpite 25¢ and a 25¢ Cake Germicidal Soap Destroys Body Odors 60c Value ... 39¢ Puff 25¢ & Talcum 35c 60c Val or . 3% 39¢ TREMENDOUS VALUE Mi 31 Tooth Paste 50c Mi3 31 Antiseptis, 50c for Pleadls conditions. $1.00 Value 40c Eclectric Oil ..4...33¢c 4 25c Carter's Pills / 35¢c Minard's Liniment 30c 30c Bromo-Seltzer ... 25c $1.30 Pinkham's Vegetable , / Comp. 7, 35¢ Sloan's Liniment . 5c Ny oavard's Gripe Water .29¢ 5 . 69¢ Fruit Saline A delightful cooling, Health Salt Special For at Your Own 79¢ DO YOU SHAVE? --Then you want this Lavender Shaving Personal C 5 Daintiness! an 85c tin Daintee Deodorant Lavender Talcum, 35¢ A regular 86c '50¢ Value for ... King St. Store 28 Sweet Pickle Mixture 35¢ You must try our Simple to prepare--Results Delicious Jury & Lovell Ltd. Telephone Your Drug Needs to THE REXALL STORES Free Delivery to all parts of the City Times Want Ads Cost Little -- Accomplish Much Showing of the New 1932 Series of Radio Achievement WILLIAMS' King-zeniTH RADIOS Will be on Display at the Grand Opening of the New 30WRA ELECTRIC & HARDWARE Royal Lowboy The King Super Power, 9 Tube Radio, is perhaps the greatest Radio produced by the excellence of King Radio Engineering and the patent tone control gives wide variation of tone control to suit the requirements of everyone. The five gang condenser series permits sel- ectivity with great power for distance. . HIGH SELECTION FREQUENCY CIRCUIT NO. A.H, * This beautiful Gothic Mantel made of rare walnut and lacewood combining Zenith crafts- manship and Zenith Engineering genius are all responsible for the fine tonal 'performance. The selectivity, the sensitivity, the ease of tun- ing, the all round satisfactory performance may be conclusively proven by demonstration. Tubes:--2 Multi-Mu, 1 Pentode, 1 Screen Grid, 1 280 Rectifier--Magnavision Dial-- Tone Control and Noise Reducer--Resistance Coupled Amplification--Hum Eliminating Fil- ter--High Selectivity and Sensitivity--3 Tun- ed Circuits -- Cabinet Height 18 3/16 in., Width 151/16 in., Depth 9 7/16 in., Weight net, 25 lbs. Tube equipment, 4 224 screen grid 2-227, 1st and 2nd detector, 2.245 power amplification in push-pull and' one 280 power transformer. " King Mantle A beautifully made cabine with unusual strength made to carry a large tone vol ume without vibration. : Tone Control continues in graduations from low and mellow to high brilliance, Royal Lowboy Orchestra 7.30 to 10 Each Evening + Style Erin ZENITH HYPER HETERODYNE 103 Artistic elegance is the most appropiate term for craftsmanship producing the Erin design with slid- in panels, so well proportioned and with an assem- bly of such choice burl walnut. Size 501 in. x 29 Tabor ha M i-Mu, 4 227%, 1 Screen Grid, 2 245's, 1 Bal. last Tube, 1 Rectifier--Automatic Volume Control --Auto- matic Tuning -- Automatic Line Voltage Control~Double Push-Pull Amplification -- Tone Shading and Noise Reducer ~Tuning Meter--Sensitivity Switch--Between Station Silen- cer--Full Vision Dial with Hypoid Driver-Phono Jacks and Tea Served 3to5 Each Atiernoon Sh N 0 TE! --4 Decorated Flower Vase Given As Souvenir To Each Lady On Presentation Of Her Invitation Properly Filled Out.

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