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Oshawa Daily Times, 13 Aug 1931, p. 5

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Social and Personal social 'motes which care to submit will phone Times Ek | iE is TH 25 i § | s t 'is travelling. The first ugnt there she saw the midnight sua and says in her letters that it is beyond description. The country there she describes as very moun- taineous with little farms nest- led between the rocks and up on the rocks flocks of mountain goats. "The vegetables here," says Mrs. Craig, "are wonderful." She also mentions the straw- berries. In her letters Mrs. Craig speaks very highly in praise of Sweden, the second country visited while on her trip. Mrs. P. A. Blackburn and daughter, Millicent, yeft yester- day for Arkona, Ontario, to be the guests of Mrs. Blackburn's mother, Mrs. A. . Jhoman, Mrs. Gardiner and Miss Lottie Sickle, of Port Dover, visited Mrs. A. R. Alloway, yesterday, en route to Montreal. Mr. and Mrs. W."H. Moore, of Pickering, attended the Oshawa Horticultural Society flower show at the Hotel Genosha, yesterday. LJ Ld Mr. -and Mrs. Erlin Kaiser and family of - Toronto have been spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Kaiser, Cedar Street. Miss Merle Kaiser has remained in town with her aunt, Mrs. Kai- ser, - - w Miss Pauline Coad is among the successful students of Hatfield Hall in the Matriculation results. Miss Coad, who this year completed her matriculation received first class honors in two of the four subjects she wrote this June, % Mr. and Mrs. R. Sutton and Mr. and Mrs. Taylor, of Oshawa, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. P. "Boulton, of Camden, Ontario. Mrs. and Mrs. Alex. Anderson, of] Oshawa visited. friends in Oakwood over. last week-end, a LJ Mr. and Mrs. Nicholson and daughter Verona, of Oshawa, with | a Pry of friends from Norwood and. Peterborough were guests of M¥. and' Mrs. William Moir, of Bell Rock, a few days ago. Master D. Bailey has returned to his home after spending a few days with his cousin Master Melvin Card of Cavan, Ontario. , 5 3 * > Mr. F. Jenning of Oshawa, has refurned home after being the guests of relatives in Centerton, rio, LJ * - Mr. Clifford Pappineau, of Osh- awa, has been the guest of friends in: Centerton, Ontario. 'Among the guests registered Eo Hotel Genosha are: Mr. ang Mrs. J. J..Ross, ®1 Paso, Tex- asi Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Ladd, Minneapolis; Mrs. W. W. Creelan, Westfield, N.J.; Mr. and Mrs. 8. Cleave and ::Miss. Cleave, New Haven; Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Ford, Dgtroit; Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Beach, Ottawa; Mr. M. Hayes, Hamilton; Mr. WwW, H, Copeland, Hamilton; Mr. H. C. Schaller, Detroit; Mr. W. Graham, Winni- reg, Mr. E. H. Burr, Toronto, Mrs. Ay. O. Vosseler, Westfield NJ: PP Ld LJ Ld 'Mrs. Joseph Craig Street West, Oshawa, who is touring Europe this summer writes interesting letters to her friends here. The former part of her trip has taken her to the Seandinavian Peninsula and the "Land of the Midnight Sun." Flam in Norway on the North Sea coast was the first stop for the party in which Mrs. Craig of Bond The Daily Recipe CREAM OF CARROT SOUP Fresh carrots are nice for this, Ke 'two cups of them, 1 small onion, 4 tablespoons of flour, 1 teaspoon salt, white pepper, 2 tablespoons of butter, 3 cups of carrot stock and pulp; 2-cups of mlilk. Wash and scrape carrots, grate or cut in small pieces. k with onion in boiling wa- ter until tender, Press through a sieve there should be 2 cups stock and pulp. Finish accord- ng to the general method of making soup, > 5 Diamonds Bassett's On Oshawa's Main Corner yA : WATSON'S : Marcel, EY. PARL OR J Waves, Phone 8 Celina st, silks, eyelet make up attractively, offers a wide choice for your sum- Ser wardrobe in darling styles for e pattern, Tourists to Sweden are some- thing new, she says and they a:c given the very best of service. After leaving the Peninsula, Mrs. Craig expects tp go on to the continent, and visit, Paris, Am- sterdam, Holland, Germany, and then go back to London. After stopping there for a week or so, the party will return to Canada. BUICKS JOIN THE ARMY has just bought twenty-four Bu- ick limousines for official use, ac- corditg to officials of General Mctors of Canada -at Oshawa. Oshawa learns that these cars are for assignment to #bmménding Generals at headquarters, for use in military operations requiring movement over long distances at high speed. . NEW RANKING CAR The Financial Post makes an analysis of passenger car sales in Eastern Canada for the first six months of 1931, The analysis puts the leading serters in a new relative position. Sales for the former leading make of passenger car were down approximately 38 rer cent in Ontario, Quebec and the Maritimes. The three lead- ere of General Motors lines in Canada showed a gain of 10 per cent for Chevrolet, 8 per cent for Pontiac and 13 per cent for Me- Laughlin-Buick, in spite of the fact that the total sales of all passenger cars in Eastern Cana- da area were off 23 per cent, OF MOTOR S What New York Is Wearing By Annebelle Worthington Illustrated Dressmaking Lesson Furnished With Every Pattern A crepe printed silk, "pin tucked organdie trim, and lovely is today's model. The bodice shows slight blousing, the fips are smoothly fitted with na just comfort- yday activities. and cxtremely ably full for It's so youthful wearable : Style No. 3088 may be had in sizes 14, 16, 18, 20 years, 36 and 38 in- ches bust, Size 16 requires 3 yards of 39-inch material with ¥% yard of 39-inch contrasting. If a tub frock is desired, then a pretty idea that is sportsy too, 1s linen in skipper blue with white handkerchief linen trim with the: cdge finished in picot in blue. Printed batiste in yellow with tiny brown: dots, brown organdie trim and brown patent leather belt 1s very effective, Men's silk shirting, linen and pastel tub shantung Our large Summer Fashion Book children as well as the adults. Be sure to fill in the size of the ¢ Send stamps or coin (coin Preferred), Price of book 15 cents. rice of pattern 20 cents. Address orders to Pattern Editor, Oshawa Daily Times, Oshawa, Ont. No. 3088. Size , tenet, S90 Arai vi ante sesessstsnsen risen nns United States War Department | | How oft when ignorance attends An air of mystery it lends. ---Farmer Brown's Boy. High and low Farmer Brown's Boy hunted for his lost shoes. As ho expressed it, he turned that old cabin inside out, but no shoes. Then he felt sure that Stumpy the old Prospector with whom he By Thornton W. Burgess was camping, had hidden them just to teasé him. When Stumpy returned from looking after the Lorses Farmer Brown's Boy was still looking for those lost shoes. "Well, well, haven't you trail ed those shoes yet?" cried Stum- py. "Seems like they were big McLAREN'S These pure, spices now sold in glass shaker-top bottles. Same quantities as in the old style cartons. No extra charge. Spices in GLASS Xo Setup CoO. Rep ROSE TE 2 CMOICE BLENDS ~ Red Label & Orange Pekoe Say" Rel Rose Orange Rkve" i we 0 Devin, 241 Canadian Shredded W heat is 1009, Canadian , grain. Eat TWO Shredded Wheat Biscuits a day and help Canadd's SHREDDES WHEAT WITH ALL THE BRAN OF THE WHOLE WHEAT "Why doesn't the heat bother you?" "My dear, it's so simple you'll laugh. I just make sure that 1 don't eat too much for lunch. For example, this noon I had two Shredded Wheat Biscuits covered with berries and a pitcher of half and half. That's what I call an ideal lunch. The big idea is the Shredded Wheat--it's so light, nourishing and easy to digest, it keeps me comfortable on a hot afternoon." THE CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT " cnough to leave a trail of some sort." "I give up. I guess I'm no trailer. Now, suppose you tell me where you hid them," said Far- mer Brown's Boy. "Me hide them! I tell you I haven't laid eyes on them?" ex- claimed Stumpy, pretending to be indignant. "Yes, but you didn't say that you hadn't laid hands on them," retorted Farmer Brown's Boy good-naturedly. "Wasn't you telling about some visitors in the night?" ask- ed Stumpy. "Seems like if I had had visitors and had lost me a pair of shoes; I'd just drop around friendly like and return that call and look around while I was doing it. Yes, sir, seems like that is what I'd do." "But those Skunks didn't take those shoes. I saw them when they left and they didn't takes a thing," protested Yarmer Brown's Eoy. "Were they the only visitors?" inquired Stumpy. "Now you speak of it, there were some others, or one other anyway, but it was only a Rat plied Farmer Brown's Boy. ally up here in the mountains You come along and eat break- fast and then we'll see what we replied Stumpy. Stumpy announced sort of return visit," said he. "Won't have to go far, so I reec- kon ticed when I went to look after tite horses that we had neighbors. Sort of mistrusted then that they might have been a bit social last night." He led the way out of the cabin and around back of it. Off to cue side was a rocky ledge more or less plled with cracks or crev- ices. Before one of these Stum- py stopped. In front of it was what looked like a rubbish heap. Jt quite had the widest part of the crevice and it was composed of sticks and stones and various other things. On the very top of «ne whole pile rested one of the io#t shoes. The instant he saw ii Farmer Brown's Boy shouted. "I know now who stole the Wood Rat. Guidn't think of him befor. | home at our sugar camp oace, but I had forgotten all about Lim. I mistook him last night for a common Brown Rat. [ didn't parts, grin, "Some folks call him Miser because he collects such a lot of stuff and seems to think so much of it. They don't call him Wood Rat out this way, but Pack Rat. That is because he packs off so much stuff, Besides, we find him where there isn't any wood to speak of. He seems to be just 4s much at home around the des- ert." Meanwhile Farmer Brown's Boy was looking for the other shoe, and at last he found it sticking out of a crevice in the rock. Trader had managed to get the toe in, but then the shoe had stuck. "I'll have some fun with that fellow," chuckled Far- mer Brown's Boy as he put the shoes on. 'I'll see how good a trader he is.' (Copyright, 1931. by T. W. Bur- Up to His Name." WEDDINGS ANDERSON----COOK Effectively "decorated with gladioli, phlox and hollyhocks, St. John's Anglican Church was the scene of a charming Summer wedding, Saturday, August 8, at one o'clock, when Miss Lavinia Cook, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. F. BE. Cook, 201 Fisher street, North Bay, became the bride of Willlam Ernest Anderson, North Bay, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. An- derson, Oshawa. The ceremony was performed by Rev. H. A. Sims in the presence of a large number of friends and relatives of the young couple. Mrs. I. McDiarmid presided at the organ, playing Mendelssohn's 'Wedding Cfisareh" and Lohengrin's "Bridal ed as WN Anderson groom. The occasion was ttle stockdale and the pi H. O. Harris and Doudsare Locke, Given in marriage by father, the bride was an attrac- tive figure in her oxely wedding gown of white 1 id, while Leonard bride- for the orothy a Nan Whithead act- 10%" the us sil crepe and lace adorned the skirt which flared from the waist to the ankles. With it she wore a tulle veil arranged in cap effect with coronet of orange blossoms, long white lace mittens and white shoes and hose and carried a bouquet of red roses, lilies-of-the- valley, baby's breath and maiden- hair fern. The bridesmaid's gown was a charming model of pink lace fashioned on tight-fitting lines with full skirt reaching to the angles. She wore a wide- brimmed hat of black balku, black kid gloves and pink shoes and hose and carried a bouquet of sweetheart roses, baby's breath and fern. The little flower girl was a winsome figure in a dainty frock of pale pink crepe-de- chine trimmed with ruffles of cream silk lace, pink bonnet- shaped hat adorned with rose- buds and cream ribbons and cream shoes carried a basket of sweet peas. Mr, and Mrs. Anderson suppose he was living out here." | "You'll find Trader almost any- | where you may go out in these | said Stumpy with a broad | 1and upon their return will take | up residence in North Bay. The He wouldn't take my shoes," re- | Chantilly lace. The yoke was fin- ished with a deep bertha of crepe and lace, while ruffles of bride travelled in a smart navy wool crepe redingote over a plaid silk crepe dress, while panama hat and white accessories. The out-of-town guests at the wedding included Mr. and Mrs. William Anderson and Leonard Anderson, Oshawa; Miss M. Top- ping, Woodstock; Miss Olive Locke, Paterson, N.J.; Mr. and Mrs, J. P. Parry and son, Ar- thur, Iroquois Falls; Mr. and Mrs, A. Demeza, New Liskeard;- Mr. and Mrs. E. Cleminson, Chap- leau; and Miss Grace Anderson," Oshawa. Saving the Day "What a memory 1 have!" thought Jean, suddenly recalling. her sister's birthday. "No time now to get anything. I'll tele- phone and tell her I'm semnd-, ing something. Hooray for my. old friend, Long Distance!" and stockings. She | left | later in the afternoon for a trip | to Detroit, Windsor and Oghawa | BOVRI SANDWICHES Mix a fittle with cream-cheese or butter and spread as a sandwich paste '""There are Rats and Rats, and ! Jou never can tell what notion a! Raf will get into his head, svec!- | can figger out about tnose thoes," | So they ate breakfast, and then that he was | ready to find those shoes. "Rec- | kon we'll have to go make a call, i your feet will stand it. No- | my | shoes!" he cried. "It was Trader | I wonder tha: had a lot of fun with him back | began to gain steadily. and Record Book. CONDENSED Eagle Brand Milk pI AS «CVHE'LL never raise him!" whispered the neigh- bors behind their hands--and indeed it looked like it, for Baby Jim was a tiny mite and didn't seem to thrive on his bottle. Then his Mother tried Eagle Brand, and to every- one's astonishment Baby Jim ceased fretting and Grandfather now lays claim to his wonderful disposition--but his mother smiles quietly and remembers Eagle Brand. Eagle Brand has reared countless thousands of babies to healthy maturity over a period of 74 years. If you are unable to nurse your own baby try Eagle Brand right away. Write for the Baby Welfare oy And Now He's His Mother's The Borden Ces, Limited, 115 George St., Toronto: Gentlemen: Please send me a FREE copy of ll your Baby's Record Book sand Baby Welfare Book. Name iiceeeeecsseccscescsssonne i. Address .ovavisirsnreaioscncae § Qil dries at once, BE SURE TILLIE THE TOILER Lemon Oil FOR FINE FURNITURE PIANOS ETc AFEW drops on a damp cloth removes that blue fog and dullness, reveals the original beauty and grain of the wood, and imparts a beautiful, lustrous glow, makin, home the admiration of your friends. HAWES' LEMON leaving no sticky film. It actually pre serves and protects your furniture and woodwork, 4. 26 Edward Hawes & Cows Ltd.. Toronto, Makers of Hawes® Floor Wax ONLY FIVE! YARDS TOGO AND MACE CAN'T GET HIS CAR STARTED, IC ONTINUVEDR A 12 o 4

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