PAGE EIGHT" THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES THURSDAY, AUGUST 73, 1931 "Allchin's Headq uarters For Electric and Gas Stoves f Newspaper Best Medium In Creating Radio Sales, Says Advertising r Expert WALTER KIEHN 'Who is entrusted with the im- portant sales 'and advertising department of the Rogers-Ma- Jestic Corporation, Limited. Mr. Kiehn, who has had wide experience in specialty mer- chandising, has contact with the music trade in both Can- ada and the United States. - "Canadian General Electrical Goods Being Featured Supplying employment to Cana- dian industry is one of the chief ww aims of men in business in this * country at the present time, and the «- George Allchin Company, Limited +. is doing its share in this direction , as the representatives of the Cana- dian General Electric Company. At the new Allchin store at the cor- ner of Bond and Simcoe Streets, there is to be found a complete line of all Canadian General Electric products not only in appliances for the factory, office and home, but including electric motors and indus- «»=4rial apparatus of all types. As representative of the Canadian Gen- eral Electric'Company, George All- chin, Limited, is in a splendid posi- tion to supply all needs, large and «small, in the line of electrical equip- ment, A young man whose knowledge of cards was extremely visionary - was roped in to complete a bridge -« four, After a few moments he committed his first mistake by playing a king on a trick already taken by his opponent's ace. "Good heavens!' bellowed the young man's partner, stung to wrath by the dreadful sight, "A king doesn't usually beat an ace. you know." 1 iknow," stammered the -.. wretched beginner, "but I thought .. I'd let it have it a try." "What do 'ee think, Silas? The . bones of some old pre-istoric man's been found on old Nicky Coombe's farm!" Silas--*Poor old Nicky! But chance be he'll be able to clear hisself at th' enquist." A very careful apalysis has just been completed of promotional methods used by radio dealers in Canada and the United States dur- ing the past year. The radio year, as the radio manufacturer and deal- er considers it extends from July 1 to June 30. 2 What Results Show The figures for the different classes, of media show an over- whelming percentage in favor of newspaper advertising. Rogers- Majestic has trebled its investment in newspaper advertising during the 1931-1932 season. The dealer ex- penditures in this medium are far ahead of any other type of adver- tising available in retail promotion, This fact is in no sense a reflection on other type of media. Other classes of advertising each fill their own particular niche in the radio retail set-up. An, attractive window display of radios is the most re- sultful advertisement at the point of sale. Outdoor advertising is the product "reminder" to the public afoot and on wheels. The mails carry a direct and effective message to the houscholder. The big, broad field of promotion, however, is in the newspapers--the market-place of the radio retailer, Newspaper Advertising Timely Newspaper advertising of radios carries with it that element of timeliness which is a part of radio itself. Just as radio brings you the news of the day practically as it occurs, the latest entertainment as itis made available, the new wrink- les in education, so does the news- paper present the current news of outstanding radio values, of the latest improvements in radio receiv- ing sets, and the first pictorial pre- sentations of "what's new in the world of radio." Your daily newspaper brings you each day a complete list of the radio programs to be heard during the current twenty-four hours, It brings pictures and interesting stor- ies of radio characters. It is little wonder then that the public turns to the same newspaper pages for its information on radio chassis developments, the newest in super- heterodynes, the latest in dynamic speakers, the most modern in cabinets, and the prices at which this greatest of all instruments of home entertainment may be ob- tained. Reaches All the People Newspaper advertising of radio holds the stage, not only in large centres, but in the smaller towns as well, Newspaper advertising reaches all of the people of 'all classes all the time. It tells the reader why he should have a modern receiving set to hear election speeches and election returns, to say nothing of th exciting broadcasts of horse rac- ing and baseball, the ever-enjoyable musical programs and news flashes. It tells its readers in the fall why radio helps to cheer the cold and dismal winter evenings; it urges up- on its readers the purchase of a radio for a Christmas gift to the whole family; it suggests starting the new year with a radio purchase that will be in truth a year 'round investment, An Endless Cycle Newspaper radio advertising tells the housewife of the many broad- casts of successful food recipes and home-maintenance hints that are on the air every day; it tells the Rogers-Majestic Radio Factory On Tieet Street, immediately opposite the Maple Leaf Stadium, is located the home of Rogers Batteryless and Majestic Electric Radios. Some conception of this fine, mewly constructed building may be gained from the above reproduction, which shows the southwest entrance, while the southeast entrance is on the extreme right. business man about the stock quo- tations that he may hear in his own office or in the comfort of his home; it tells the flaming or less torrid youth of the many fine dance orchestras broadcasting their syn- copated melodies; it intrigues chil: dren into coaxing daddy to buy a set so that they may listen-in on the bed-time stories, And so newspaper advertising goes on in an endless cycle, and touching practically all of the human emotions. It carries with it an irresistible urge to be modern, to keep pace with the world as it is reflected in the broadcasts avail- able daily to radio owners practi- cally without cost after the first in- vestment is made. New Radio Receivers Keeping Pace With The Growth of Broadcasting It is to be expected that a manu- facturer would predict a bright future for his particular product, But when I say that I believe there is an era of even greater things in the future for the radio busi- ness, I base that statement on something more than a selfish be- lief in our own product. Reason For Confidence That one factor that makes me so confident of the future is broad- casting. Broadcasting is going on, on, and on. We have only started to know anything about broadcast- ing and th¢ part that it can be made to play in our daily lives. As long as broadcasting continues to improve at the rate that it has in the past, radio has a great out- look before it. The radio receiving set itself has taken wonderful strides. Constant- ly nearer perfection in its perform- ance, constantly smoother and more powerful in operation, constantly improving in tone, the modern radio receiving set is efficient and satis- factory to a very high. degree. The Force Behind And back of it all is this great force known as broadcasting. How many radio owners, listening to a program in the comfort «f their own homes, stop to cor the hours of preparation and rciicarsal that preceded the actual radio broadcast? The good radio pro- gram is as carefully conceived and rehearsed as many a play: "No Middle Course" The studio director or the man who. "buys time" on the air realizes that he has an opportunity of at- tracting thousands of listeners to his program, or of. turning them away. The first impression that his broadcast makes on the listeners determine whether he is to be given a hearing or whethet he will be Copelan DEPENDABLE ELECTRIC REFRIGERATION : Copeland has taken steps this year to offer the buyer of electric refrigeration greater satisfaction -- than was ever before possible. One of the many new model 'medium-priced or De Luxe--will qualify exactly as the ideal re- frigerator for your home. Come and see the new Cope- You will be delighted ' with their beauty -- amazed at their quiet, efficient performance ~surpriséd at their low cost and the ease with which they can be purchased, month by month! See The u BN OPELAN lands. greater - ON DISPLAY AT THE NEW HOME OF, + 438 RGE .C. ALL Simcoe & Bond value-- -- low-priced, D a v IN shut off. With radio there is no middle course, the receiving set either reproduces his program, or is wholly closed to his program. On the newspaper page his advertise- ment may not be read, but it does have the opportunity of leaving a certain impression on the minds of the newspaper readers, Not so with radio. His audience, broad- ly speaking, gets his message in full, or does not get it at all. A good radio broadcast quickly wins its re- wards. Tt gains steady listeners just as a serial story gains interest- ed and steady readers. When it comes to the art of broadcasting, the art of entertaining over the air, I feel that we are all in our infancy. Greater this are before us. That is why I say radio has a future that ngpe of us can fathom, Greatest Unifier Here, in Canada, radio is playing a major part in moulding the opin- ions of people. Radio, through chain hook-ups, gives the man or woman in the Maritimes an oppor- tunity to think the same thoughts that are in the mind of the man in British Columbia. Radio is the greatest force ever known for uni- fying a nation and a people. Radio is the greatest peace emis- sary that the world has ever known. Radio does more to bring about an understanding between nations than any other source. Consider the very close contact and understanding be- tween the people of Canada and the United States brought about through the interchange of radio programs. Just as American pro- grams reach the ears of Canadian listeners, so do broadcasts originat- ing in Canada reach the ears of our neighbors on the south. Chain hook-ups having their origin in Canada, are «carried by a similar system of chain stations to every nook and corner of the United States. Greater Things In Store | education, ne | the spreading of news, in politics, | find In the advancement of science, religion, entertainment, the world has so far seen only a fraction of what is in store for radio owners now and in the future. Fine Display of Noted Electric ! Refrigerators Two proven and efficient types of electric refrigerators are to be found on display in the new store of George Alichin, Limited, at the corner of Bond and Simcoe Streets, One of these is the new Norge re- frigerator, recently introduced into Canada, and now wholly manufac- tured in thisicountry as a thorough- ly di product. The other is the well-known Copeland refriger- ator, a home convenience which has won wide popularity. In offering these refrigerators to the public of Oshawa and district, the Allchin company does so in the knowledge | that they will give the ultimate in satisfaction, and will be found at prices that are reasonable and to suit all the varying ranges of in- come. There is a church in the north of Scotland which during certain seasons is largely attended by sportsmen -- sometimes accom- panied by their collies, = One Sunday the usual minister was on holiday, and his substi- tute was discovered to a droning, monotonous voice, This caused one of the collles to begin whining uneasily. The clergyman finally sald, "Kindly take that dog away at once!" The: owner of the dog, a braw- ny, independent Highlander, rose and, glowering at the minister, uitered, "It was you that began ith Customer: 'Ah, Mr, Wopser, 'it's the old story--the woman al- ways pays." - Shopkeeper: 'Well, if you 'ad al through my books you'd some of 'em didn't." It seems to be a rule that the more a man deserves jailing, the him" "| longer it takes to convict a Vice-President Rogers-Majestic Corporation, Limited] Is Agent For Neon Signs One of the most modern and at- - A REAL BUY GENUINE ROGERS RADIO 'COMPLETE $54.50 Guaranteed Machine, Guaranteed Tubes, Dynamic Speaker, Pentode Tube GEO. C. ALLCHIN, LTD. SIMCOE AND BOND STREETS EE ---- nr 'Hardware, Lim and Cement n | tractive developments. in the field | of electricity is that of the Neon sign, for which George Allchin, | Limited, is the exclusive agent for | Oshawa and district. have become known as the striking and effective for illuminated display, and have be- ¢ome very popular for advertising purposes by industrial and commer- cial concerns, These signs, it is explained by Mr. Allchin, are supplied on a ren- tal basis, in which the rental con- tract price includes all permits and licenses, and protects the completely against ! any which might be caused by the signs being blown down in a storm, or from any other cause. most the physical or mechanical proper- ties of the sign are concerned. The | George Allchin Company, Limited, will be glad to supply full particu- lars regarding the terms and con- tracts in which these signs can be secured, Pr-- etme 'Aero-Thrill' Coaster New Popular Toy The latest product of Oshawa industry, the "Aero-Thrill Coast- er," providing great sport for boys and girls in both summer and winter, ig looked upon as one of the most popular types of toys that can be devised. These '"Aero- Thrill Coasters" are now being manuactured in Oshawa by the Williams Piano Company, and rea- lizing that they were bound to be- come popular, the George Allchin Company at once secured the agency for this district, These thrilling speed toys, which com- bine fun and thrills with perfect safety, can be seen and secured at the new Allchin store at the corner of Bond and Simcoe Streets, Washing Machine Lines Shown By Allchin Company The accepted modern method of washing, 'by electric washing mach- ine, has now become so popularized by the advent of machines which are reasonable in cost and efficient and simple in operation. At the new store of George Allchin, Lim- ited, are to be found three types of electric machines which have given proven satisfaction to thous- ands of housewives, and which are worthy of inspection. The Allchin Company is the Oshawa agent for the General Electric Washing Ma- chines, well-known and reliable, which come in a range of prices to suit all purses and give the max- imum in value to the discriminating housewife. BE Allchin Showing Electric Clocks The very latest development in ¢locks ig that of the Telechron Electric Clock, a clock controlled and operated by électricity, yet keeping perfect time, and giving a veritable lifetime of satisfaction and service, These clocks, too, are produced in a multitude of beautiful styles and designs, with a wide range of prices to suit all tastes and pockets. The George Allchin Company carries a beauti- ful stock of these new Telechron Electric Clocks, and they are well worthy of the inspection of the These signs | : i F | "Man, I'm trying to get me mon- | ey's worth." outdoor | @¥'8 wor h leassee damage | The person | renting the sign, in other words, has | rgsponsibility for nothing so far as | . in the Two Scots holidaying in Lon- don went to see a comedy, and even though the humor did not GEO. C. ALLCHIN BLDG. accord with their northern ideas, i one of them laughed loud and |}| Was Supplied by long at every opportunity, il | Simcoe St. N. Sald the other in a withering voice: "What are ye laughing at, ye silly loon?" Replied the other seriously: Hardware ELECTRIC REFRIGERA to be made in CANADA --a product of Canadian capital, materials and labor and émbodying a NEW, SIMPLIFIED PRINCIPLE or two years in small payments to suit your conviengence. But what it saves you in ice cost; in spoiled food, in unnecessary trouble and labor, will more than take care of the small payments. You are Jobably paying for a Norge now -- why not OWN it? ENTIRELY CANADIAN The Norge -- a new achievement in the science of clectric refrigeration -- brings te Canada the benefits of advanced research, and an important new industry. The patents and rights to manufacture the Nor, in Canada have been bought outright by a purely Canadian company, having no financial connec- tions outside the Dominion. The same group of men who have been behind De Forest Crosley radio in Canada will be responsible for Norge. LARGEST REFRIGERATION PLANT IN THE EMPIRE The Norge factory in Toronto will be the Targest refrigeration plant in the British Empire. Scien- tific methods and modern plant manageihent will maintain a high standard of quality. COST LOW--VALUE HIGH-- BECAUSE OF SIMPLICITY Nine years of experiment have perfected thd Norge. The rotary compressor, long sought as the ideal mechanism by refrigeration engineers, | has been made practical and trouble-proof in the Norge Rollator. It has but three moving ire- { volving in a permanent bath of oil, which makes ittrouble-proof,silent and practically everlasting. IT PAYS FOR ITSELF Ur, AAG Any Norge model may be purchased for a small | J. E. HAHN D. H. POLLITT > down payment and the balance spread over onc | Chairman of the Board President and Managing Dire These Refrigerators can be purchased with pa ents as low as $12 down. Balance in easy p ts. NORG 'CONSOLIDATED INDUSTRIES A 3 YEAR GUARANTEE --OF COURSE : The Norge is backed by a 3-year guarantee, The 'Norge guarantee is an assurance that you will find in the Norge 2 type of electric refrigeration which represents greater value and real freedom from operating trouble. ' OUR PLEDGE OF QUALITY The Norge Corporation of Canada Limited pledges itself to maintain the highest standard of quality in its products -- to offer to the public an Electric igerator which in every respect measures up to the picture of it here presented, and embodying the most significant recent advance in electrical refrigeration. NORGE CORPORATION OF CANADA LIMITED TORONTO ONTARIO MANUF A DE FOREST CROSLEY RADIO © HAMMOND SEE THE NORGE BEFORE YOU: BUY Sold by GEORGE C, ALLCHIN, LIMITED, Simcoe & Bond Sta,