THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 1931 Tl PRE BON a EASTERN ONTARIO NEWS Tr Opening ~ Picton.--The local Fair Grounds ent a busy scene for Prince ward County's greatest Fair ' ned on Wednesday. The Cry- 5 1 Palace is filled with exhibits, me cattle are already in the rns, the Scouts have a. fine ex- bit underneath the grandstand, ¢ the poultry building is ready, the v idway is all set to go and the oA is covered with booths and Other attractions. 'ork Completed Kingston.--Road work in the unty of Frontenac is practical- completed according to Mr. J. Goodman, county road superin- dent. The work on the coun- system will be completed very ortly and the suburban road ork will finish about the end of his week when it is expected t the Day Forty Foot road, sonnecting the Bath Road and the ont Road will be finished. » No Tenders For Barracks Trenton. -- The contract for ' gonstruction of the barracks at the Dominion Government air- rt here has not yet been let, al- ough tenders have been called jor. One hangar at the airport ; been completed and another is ' almost finished. Reports are ¥arrent that a squad of men from Lamp Borden, Ont., will be mov- el here this fall. Fire ~ Picton.--What might have been a very serious grass fire occurred 'on the Glenora Road on Friday afternoon. A quantity of rail * fencing and grass dnd under- 'brush were burned over on the brow of Townsend Hill. 'Summer School Finale + Kingston.--The finale to the 'activities of the students of the 'Queen's Summer School will be ~ "held on Thursday evening of this Week when a supper dance, 'bridge, social evening, swimming 'and diving exhibition and presen- "tation of tennis prizes will take place in the gymnasium. At 8 o'clock the swimming and diving exhibition will be staged in the fank and those attending the fi- . nale will then move into the ' gymnasium where the social ac- tivities will be carried on. Fell Into Canal ~ Cornwall.--In some unexplain- ed manner, Thomas Barcier, a whild of four years, tumbled into fhe Cornwall canal and was * drowned. It was some hours be- fore police could identify the body, as the boy's parents believ- ed he was visiting his grandmo- ther, and had not reported him missing. One Year In Jail - Ottawa.--Sentence of one year : ™ jail and a fine of $100 was im- posed by J. F. McKinley, acting magistrate, in Domestic Relations urt, Saturday, on Jeremiah Ca- risse, 311 Creighton Street, for . neglecting a three - months-old child. In passing sentence, Mr. McKinley commented that it was one of TT Yendth most heartless things that had been brought to his at- tention. Ploughmen Active Cornwall, -- Glenn A. Shaver was elected president of the West Stormont Ploughmen's Associa- tion at a meeting held in the Town Hall at Berwick, Wednes- day evening. It was decided that a ploughing match should be held in this district in the Fall It will probably be held in the Town- ship of Finch or in Osnabruck. In connection with their own match, the directors are inviting the Eas- tern Counties Ploughmen's Asso- ciation to hold their annual match in this district. Should this in- vitatfon not be accepted by the larger organization, the directors will devote all their time to local talent. No Appointment Yet Morrisburg.--George S. Henry, of Ontario, said here that he was not yet prepared to make a state- ment regarding the appointment of a sheriff to fill the vacancy in Carleton County. The Premier could not say when the matter of selecting a successor to the late Sheriff Richardson would be tak en up. Hon. G. B. Challies, pro- vincial secretary, said the appoint- ment had not heen discussed by the government, Appeal Assessment Cornwall. -- Cornwall City Council has issued instructions to J. G. Harkness, K.C., City Solicit- or and City Clerk, to lodge an ap- peal against the equalized assess- ment on Saturday. The clerk was algo instructed to call a meet- ing of representatives of all ur- ban municipalities, and of the Township of Lochiel, to be held at Cornwall, Monday ewening at 7.30, when the steps to be taken in connection with the appeal will be discussed. Two Slightly Hurt Prescott. -- Two residents of Brockville were slightly injured and three others escaped when their automobile skidded into a ditch on the Toronto - Montreal road three miles west of this town. Garfield Shipman and Wil- liam Casselman were taken to St. Vincent de Paul hospital, Brock- i" +, after the acc' lent, but were nd to have iered only cuts and bruises. A Mystery Patient Ottawa.--Miss Tressa Bolton, 23 years of age, lies in the Civic Hospital suffering fractures of both legs and other injuries as the result of a motor accident which is shrouded in mystery. As far as could be learned, neither the city nor county police having any report, Miss Bolton was a passenger in an automobile driven by a young man, when in some manner it overturned in the ditch on a highway. Scouts Hold Social Cornwall. -- Several hundred persons attended the lawn social held by. the Cornwall Troop of Oven. 40 Rud Reng Naa. Cas 3a TTINLNE aon. wade, ah RED ROSE TEA "acnoce we bod Ree A eee Roger Oke, B. Hist.; William Oke, Agri. I; John Orde, Eng. Gram, B. Hist., Agri. ; Philip Orde, Arith., Phys., Agri, hi Catharine Ogadyuk; Eng. Gram. Geog., Agri. I; Robert Pickard, Eng. Gram., Agri. 1; Har- riett Platten, Eng. Gram, Agri. I; Mildred Prentice, Arith,, Phys., Agri. II, Art; Margaret Real, Arith,, Plys., Art, Zool. ; Dora Reesor, Arith., Phys., Agri. II; Evelyn Rob- inson, Eng. Gram. Agri. 1; Doris Rodd, Arith, Art, Zool; Jack St. John, Eng. Gram.; Donald Shep- herd, Agri. II; Mary Smallman, gri, a; Sydney Smallman, Arith., pare Agri. Il; Doris Suddard, Eng. Gram., B. Hist, Agri. 1; Fred Swit- zer, Phys, Agn. 11; Elizabeth Symes, Arith,, Phys., Agri. 11; Glen Wannamaker, Arith.,, Phys.; Vera Wells, Eng. Gram., Agri. I; Reta Willard, Eng. Gram, B. Hist, Agri. Kathleen Catnegle, Agri. I: Robert I; Dorothy Williams, Eng. Gram, Carnegie, Agri. I; William Cawker,| B. Hist, Geog. Agri. I: Ellamae Eng. Grgm,, B. Hist., Geog., Agri I; | Williamson. Eng. Gram., B. Hist. Ruth Clements, Eng. Gram,, Brit. | Agri. I; Terrance Woods, Arith., Hist, Geog. Agri. 1; Owen Cliff, | Phys, Agri. 11; Isabel Young, Eng. Arith,, Phys.; Allan Crozier, Arith, | Gram, B. Hist., Geog., Agri. L. Phys., Agri. 1I; Archibald Crozier | Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Gibbs and Eng. Gram. B. Hist., Geog, Agri. family, Mr. and Mrs. Waddell and I: Helen Crozier, Agri. I; Harriett | family, Mr. and Mrs. Gibbs, Sr. Downer, Arith., Phys., Agri. 11: Al- | Mrs, Spain and family, Mrs. James lan Dowson, Eng. Gram. B. Hist, | Read, Misses Violet and Kathleen Agri. 1; Bessie Dunn, Eng. Gram., [and Victor Read have returned B. Hist. Agri. 11; Marion Zagleson home after an enjoyable holiday of Eng. Gram., B. Hist , Geog., Agri I; Several weeks at Stephenson's ra re Phe 1 oint, John, Farmer, Phys. Aur 1: Hood. Mr. and Mrs. Gibbs, of Toronto, Arith., Phys. Agri. 11, Art; who have spent several summers at geen Hood Agri. 11; Everett Hook, their house here are making Port Agri. I; Mildred Hooper, Arith., Perry their permanent home. Phys., Art, Agri, 11; Grant Hunter, Mrs. G. A, Woods was in Toron- Agri gt M argaret ' Jones, Arith., | to_for a couple of days this week. Phys, Agri, 11; Hazel Kight, Arith., [, Mr. Wm. Cutts was in Kingston Phys. Agri. II, Art; Lillian Kight, last week for several days and is Eng. Gram. B. Hist, i. 1; El | now visiting with friends in Strat- hes ford, et Les rth, } ye Mr. and Mrs, Brechin are visit- Fa Eng. Gra ing friends near Bronte, Tariana, Eng, Sing Tord {r. Thos. Blight was in Windsor, Ross Mel ean Eng Grant. Assi. 13 this week attending the Supreme Ralph Lyle, Arith Phys. Agri '11. | lodge sessions of the Sons of Eng- Velma Lyle, B. Hist:; Muriel Mc- land. Kercher, Arith., Phys., Agri. 11, Att; Mr. George Mark, of Toronto, Campbell McMaster, 'B. Hist Agri | W028 the guest of his daughter, Mrs. I: Elizabeth Meneely, Atith. ' rudy R. Woon for a few days recently. 11 Art: "Nora Me Millan Arith Mrs. A. A, Brown and her sister, Agri. I; Earl Martyn, Eng. Gram., Miss M. Pearson, of Guelph, are ¥ . * | visiting friends in town. bie, B. Histy foi Leah Mitnes, | Mrs. Tummonds, of Woodville Arith. Plhve. is oe i Art: Raloh visited friends in Port Perry and . P| vicinity this week. Milner, Eng. Gram. B. Hist, Set Miss Edith Peters is spending a RB Hist. Agri. I; Virginia Nash, few days with her sister, Mrs, Car- Eng. Gram, B. Hist, Agri, I; Roy | TUthers. in Glen Major, Nottingham Arith,, Phys. Agri. 11; Ll Th Rose ang family Bre Boy Scouts at Memorial Park. The proceeds will be used to de- fray expenses in connection with the outing planned for the boys next week at Ottawa exhibition. Cornwall City Band was in at. tendance and rendered selections during the evenisg. Bingo, flow- ers, candy and housekeepers' ta- bles were well patronized by those who attended. PORT PERRY NEWS (M. Cockburn, iro, Cort dent) Port Perry, Aug. 15-- Report of Departmental Lower School Exam- inations at Port Perry. (Pupils pass- ed in subjects after name)--Arch- ibald Anderson, Phys.; Maxine Beare, Gram., B, Hist, Geog., Agric. I; Malcolm Black, Arith.; Fred Bown, Arith, Phys., A Agric, Art; Georg- Art; Lloyd Reid Mac- Hist.; Ro- Agri. I; RELIABLE DRUGS A 35c cake of Lavender Soap given with every B0c bottle of Lavender Water the very best Sani- tary Pads Reg. 60c SPECIAL! A 40c package of Gillette Blades and a 50c tube of Lavender ey Shaving USE YOUR TELEPHONE The distance from your medicine cab- inet to our store is greatly shortened when you take advantage of your tele- phone -- and our speedy, courteous delivery service. PHONE FOR THESE -- -- COMPARE THESE PRICES! SAVERS "B5¢ Kruschen Salt ...60c 40c Castoria .20¢ 50c Pepsodent Paste ,.89c 40¢ Italian Balm 205c ABS. & OC. 25¢ Seidlitz Powder 50¢ Gin Pills ... 30c Vick's Vapo Rub B0c Pink Pills | 50c Dodd's Pills ,..... 25¢ Mecca Ointment .. free and Try us. Mrs. Blackstock, of Toronto, is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. J B. Lundy. Mrs. A. D. Peters has returned home after a visit with her daugh- ter, Mrs. Beverley, in Claremont Her granddaughter, Miss Norma Beverley returned with her for a visit, SOLINA NEWS (Mrs. W. Baker, Correspondent) Solina, Aug. 14--Mr and Mrs. Will Tremur, Misses Lillie and Lena of Little Brittain, visited with J. T. Rundle and H. E. Tink. Mrs. A. L. Pascoe is spending a few days wth Kedron friends, Miss Edith Peardon, Bowmanville 1s spending a few days with Solina friends. Mr. and Mrs. Clarance Tink and Kathleen and Mr. Charlie White, Maple Grove, visited with Mr, Geo. White. Mr, A. L. Pascoe spent a day in Toronto recently. Winners of prizes in the West Durham Agricultural Society field crop competition for oats were: Ist, N. E. Wotten 96; 2nd, Sidney Hock- OPEKO COFFEE Second to mone 39¢ Reg. 50c for .... Soap Box and Tar Shampoo Soa 50c Pond's Creams, Cold or Rexall Shaving Cream and Listerine .. aday 95; 3rd, H. A. Pascoe 94; 4th, Russell Osborne 93; 5th, C, A, Blan- chard 92; 6th, A. W. Annis 91% ; 7th, John Baker 91. Honory men- tion 1s given Thos. Baker 90, W, J. | Leask 89, A. Min and sons 88, J. F. Osborne 86. Mr. and Mrs, Peter Walker, Wes- ton, spent the week-end at the Carl Wilbur home. With Messrs S. E. Werry and B, B. Stevens in charge of the S.S. session the usual hymns were used and Mr. Stevens lgad in prayer. EXTRA SAVINGS P eoses .29¢ Vanishing .........39¢ Cigar Lighter, both for , + +25¢, 50¢, 90c ed to Toronto on Saturday. Mrs. Pilkey remained for a few days. Mr. J. Bray, Toronto, spent a day last week with Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Bray, Miss Lorna Evans spent a few days with relatives in Manchester recently. Miss Thelma Morrison, of Osh- awa, was a recent visitor of Miss Florence Heaps. Mr. and Mrs. J. Thompson, of Brooklin, and Mrs, D. Thompson were visitors of Mr, and Mrs, -- ----remained. for a few days. Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Wilson spent Sunday with relatives in Oakwood. Mr. A. J. Pilkey is improving the appearance of his house , with a fresh coat of paint. Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson, Miss Lorene Miller, Mr. Norman Wilson accompanied. by Mr. and Mrs. J. Smith of Uxbridge, spent Sunday in Peterboro, End Piles Quick No Salves--No Cutting Your itching, bleeding, protrud- ing piles will go when you actu- ally remove the cause--bad blood circulation in thé weak, flabby parts--and not one minute before. Salves or cutting can't do this--an internal remedy must be used. HEM.-ROID, prescription of Dr. J. 3S. Leonhardt, succeeds because it stimulates the circulation, drives out congested blood, heals and re- stores the almost dead parts. HEM-ROID has such a wonderful record right in this city, that Jury and Lovell Ltd., says one bottle of HEM-ROID Tablets must end your Pile agony or money back. Miss Susie Bray visited with re- latives in Prospect recently. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Dearborn and son of Prospect, were recent visitors of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Wilson, A congregation meeting was held in the church on Monday evening. When very important business was transacted. There will be no church service here for two weeks as Rev. Totten is taking his holidays. On Sunday, September 6, Rev. Geo. Nickle, a former pastor, will have charge of the service here. CUBS DIVIDE BILL Brooklyn, Aug. 20--Dazzy Vance shoved the Chicago Cubs back into third place in the National League pennant race yesterday, pitching the Brooklyn Robins to a 5 to 3 victory in the second game after the Cubs had won the opener of the double bill 4 to 1: Vance fanned nine Cubs, but was on the short end of the score until the sixth inning, when a four-run rally put the Robins out in front. Slade drove in three of the five Ro- bins' runs, Cy Moore also struck out nine Cubs in the first game and allowed only five hits, but two of the hits were home runs by Cuyler and Bar- ton, It was the first game Moore had started for the Robins since 1925. PHILLIES AND CARDS DIVIDE Philadelphia, Aug. 20--Ray Benge checked the St. Louis Cardinals in the first game of their doubleheader yesterday, Philadelphia winning 3 to 2, but the champions came back be- hind Bill Hallahan to win the night- cap 8 to 4, Benge scored his fourth victory in OD BODY, HARD AND SOFT SLABS, CUZ STOVE LENGTH AND DRY COAL D. AND H. CONE-CLEANED COKE PREMIUM BY-PRODUCT DIXON COAL CO. a row and broke Jess Haines' ning streak of five Hurst mering a single, double and a home run, the latter touching off the win- ning drive. win- straight Don furnished the punch, ham- hold. YOU'LL ENJOY Delicious CHERRY Rich Fruit and Nut Fresh Valencia r ==) LAW GRO Wi & [We seLLrOR Less Lis or ia gules SLE COR S582 bh. 29° ---- =A bi NOT SHEEP, CARRIE, 2 Sr SHOPPER, BECAUSE ie ~1 Wogry, ---- CETERIAS OBL 4 $e Bro 4s NG This week the Thrift Twins are in the Cake Section--drawing your attention to the values of the LOBLAW-made cake. Our recent reduction in price, now places this "quality made cake" within the the reach of every house- Baked in spotless electric ovens, to a "quality standard" recipe, from ingredients that must all pass our sample-room tests before using--and then sold to you on a direct producer-to-consumer basis, Note the Tempting prices. CASH js a True Shepherd of the -- Shoppers CALLING TH'SHEEP (= ORDERS DELIVERED Twice Daily Delivery Charge, 5¢ SPECIAL--LOBLAW"S Blue Label--Black or Mixed LOBLAW'S CAKE bh 3¢ 15 Ib. Pkg. 1 Ib. Pkg. TEA 2549 This Week You Save 6¢c 1b. on This Tea SPECIAL--SUPER- SIX Brand bn 20° _ Specials for week of August 20th to 26th PEA SPECIAL--GCLASSCO'S Cherry JAM Large, Sweet & Tender No. 2 Size Tin Eaceptionsl Value 40 oz. Glass C Jar i TROT. SPECIAL--Made by the Makers of --. CLUB HOUSE BRAND OLIVES TE ----, During the preaching service Rev. Mr. Mason, of Bowmanville, preach- ed a splendid sermon on the "for- tune of misfortune" with the text found in Phillipians 1, 12. | Miss Betty Mumford, Zion, vis- ited Miss Kathaleen Baker on Mon- ay, Miss Jerry, Toronto, spent Sun- day with Miss Lena Taylor, Mr. Sam Dunell and Miss Vera Baker spent Sunday with Mr, Wm. Pearce, Newcastle. Harvesting is pretty well com- pleted in this section and consider- able ploughing has been done. A smaller acreage of fall wheat will be sown owing to the very low price, Mr. James Annis, who holds a re- sponsible position with the Santa Fe Railroad in Chicago, has been vis- iting his relatives here. Mrs, Annis, P. Leask and family enjoyed an outing with him at Lake Scugog re- cently. RAGLAN NEWS (Miss Allie Avery, Correspondent) Raglan, Aug. 19.--Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wilson spent a day with friends in Orangeville recently. Mrs. Ross Fox and baby, Toronto, were recent visitors of the Misses Great and Effie Brawn. Mrs. J. Squelch, Mrs. C. Squelch and Mrs. Manley, of Buffalo, were recent visitors at the home of Mrs, Wm, Squelech and Mr, and Mrs, Charles Luke, Mr, and Mrs. 'A. J. Pilkey motor- Sal Hepatica 80c, 65c, $1.25 Jasmine Talcum Powder and Powder Puff ....30¢c $1.25 Pinkham"s Vegetable Compound .......$1.00 $1.85 First Aid Kits ..809¢ Pimento Stuffed ...5 oz. Bt. 1 4a FAIRSEX Toilet 90c isan 60 ¢ both for Don't forget our LENDING LIBRARY Low Rental---Newest | Books -- No Deposit | Ask Us About It. MODESS A package of 12 Pads with 8 Free Pads. 49¢c -- 2 for 85¢ CATELLI"S--Ready Cut MACARONI 10 oz. Pkg. 2Pe]19¢ Have you tried "J & L" SWEET PICKLE MIXTURE | It's simple to prepare and the results are delicious A. S. A. Tablets Guaranteed Absolutely Pure ~~ SPECIAL Greatest Food Discoveryt to oDate Muffets 221° SPECIAL--Tiger Brand--TOMATO Catsup=14:° KARAVAN BRAND Stoneless Dates 2 ries. 35¢ A Novelty A 25c cake of Jasmine Soap 'and a 25c¢ bottle of e! DON'T MISS THESE Mi 31 Antiseptic 50c d INVINCIBLE Tapioca Pudding A Delicious Dessert 2 Pigs. 23 ~ Mi 31 Tooth Paste 50c Both for ...... 59c Lavender Shaving Cream Talcum, 85¢ value Cc 24 Tablets 19¢ 100 Tablets 59¢ . WHEN YOU NEED DRUGS PHONE JURY & LOVELL LTD, "The Rexall Stores" SIMCOE STREET S.\ Phone 68 A Perfect Milk Food for Children Junket Powders Assorted Flavors... Pkg. and KING STRERT €. Phone 28 PEATEs we TN" a ME a}