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Oshawa Daily Times, 20 Aug 1931, p. 6

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 1931 PAGE SIX * THE WHITBY subscriptions and mews will be received at the Whitby Branch Office at Gazette and Chronicle.--Telephone 8. After Business Hours--Phone 359. BEPRESENTATIVEJ AMES H., ORMISTON DAILY TIMES - STAGE IS SET FOR THE STREET FAIR, SOME NEW FEATURES ARRANGED . The stage is all set for the Street Fair to be held on Wed- nesday evening next, August 26th, under the joint auspices of the Whitby branch of the Legion and the Citizens' Band. At a mee on Monday evening the pla were finally revised, and encouraging reports presented by 'committees. In the eveht of rain, was decided. the Fair will be id' on Friday evening, August 28th, A visit from J. Pluvius, h wever, is not anticipated. . Reports of the various commit- fees were presented, and it was shown that arrangements for the various departments of the Fair are well under way. The sale of dckéts on the capital prizes goes merrily, and further efforts glong this line will be exerted. e prizes are an electric Kei- vinator refrigerator, electric radio, electric washing machine and a chest of community silver. The drawing for these will take place at 11.30, standard time. The programme for the par- ade, is already announced, stands as it is. The parade moves off from. the town hall at 7.30 and will pass the judge's reviewing stand. Good prizes are offered for various -attractions. On Brock and Dundas Streets, immediately in the business area, will be arranged booths and attractions of every kind. There are some new features this year. The booths selling everything from soup to nuts, and furnish- ing a variety of entertainment, will be in charge of capable local men who have volunteered their services. Throughout the evening the band will furnish a good musical programme, A new feature this year will be a merry-go-round for the child- ren. The drawing will take place in plain view of all spectators. The ticket stubs will probably be placed in a glass washing mach- ine so that all may see that they are being properly mixed. Com- rade James Palmer, blind veter- an, will draw the lucky ticket. The Committee is looking for- ward with pleasure to a visit from many of the delegates who will be attending the Provincial Convention of the Canadian Le- gion at Oshawa. Arragements for their transportation to Whit- by have been arranged. HYDRO PROPOSES NEW SCHEDULE OF RETAIL RATES FOR WHITBY Principal Change Is Reduc- _ tion In the Amount Dis- _ count on Monthly Bills CHARGE LESS FOR 'POWER New Schedule Appears To ~ Provide Slight Reduc- _ tion In Retail Rates To . Local Consumers : "Whitby Public Utility Commis- n has received notice from the secretary of the Ontario Hydro El- ectric Power Commission of a com- plete new schedule of retail rates for power in Whitby. The Com- mission at a meeting held on Thurs- day evening looked over the sched- lc and laid it on the table for fur- ther consideration. The principal change recommen- "ded is the dropping of the twenty per cent discount which has been in vogue in Whitby for more than 20 years, and the substitution of a standard Hydro ten per cent dis- count now in force throughout the province, The general effect of the pew schedule appears to mean a slight reduction in retail rates, the most pronounced being in the pow- er schedule. : _It might be well to point out that the new. schedule, if adopted, will effect. a small saving to the t majority of consumers in Nhitby. It is an open question, in lew of the present financial depres- Nellie Hinman, of Cobourg, on her return to the western Prov- ince. Mr. Jas. Ayres returned to To- ronto after two weeks' enjoyable holidays at the Lakeside House. Mr. Robert Barnes and Mr. G. Irwin with his flying machine, were visitors at the Lakeside House, last week. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Holliday and family, of Brooklin, Miss Beryl Coakwell, of Huntsville, and Mr. and Mrs. Earnle White were cuests of Mr, and Mrs. R. Hoar, Sunday, also Miss Margaret Sleep, During the last election for the Township of West Whitby, the reeve promised, if elected through the Whitby paper, a fair distribu- tion of the monies for roads. Has he done it? APPOINTED DEAN _ Ottawa. -- Archbishop J. G. Forbes has announced the ap- pointment of Very, Rev. Canon J. A. Myrand, pastor of St. Anne's Roman Catholic parish, as Dean of French-speaking priests of the Ottawa district. He replaces Mgr. L. N. Campeau, Honorary Vicar General, who has retired owing to his advanced age. UPPER SCHOOL EXAM. RESULTS ARE ANNOUNCED Names of Those Successful At Whitby High School Below are the results of the Upper School Examinations as announced by the Department of Education. The subjects written were: -- English Composition, English Literature, Modern His- tory, Algebra, Geometry, Trigono- metry, Physics, Chemistry, Latin Authors, Latin Composition, French Authors, French Compo- sition. The results in each sub- ject are indicated as follows: 1--75-100; 2--66-74; 3--60- 65; C--50-59. W. Baker, Comp. C, Lit. C. J. Bentley, Hist. C, Trig. 1, Chem. 3, Fr. Au. C, Fr. Co. C. R. Bickle, Comp. 3. E. Bird, Comp. 2, Lit. 2. I. Brawley, Lat. Au. C, Lat. Co. CG B. Chapman, Alg. C, Lat. Co. C. L. Cronk, Lit. 3, Alg. 1, Geom. C., Trig. 1, Phy. €. 0, Dewland, Comp. C. Z. Gee, Comp. C, Lit, C. J. Giroux, Comp, 3, Lat. Au. C, Lit. Co. C. W. Gordon, Comp. 3, Lit. C. V. Hall, Comp, C. K. Jackson, Comp. C. W. Jackson, Alg. 3, Geom. 3, Lat. Comp. 3, Fr. Comp. C. B. Lawler, Comp. 3, Lit, 3, S. Lawler, Comp. C, Lit. C, Hist. C, Alg. 3. H. Levine, Hist. C, Alg. 2, Geom. 3, Trig. 1, Lat, Au, 1, Lat. Co. 1, Fr. Au. 3, Fr. Co. 2. L. Levine, Comp. 3, Lit. 1. P. Levine, Comp. C. K. Lomax, Hist. 1, Alg. 2, Geem. 2, Trig. 1, Phy. 2, Chem. 2, Lat. Au. 1, Lat. Co. 2, Fr. Au. 2, Fr. Comp. C. J. MacConnell, Geom. C, Lat. Au, C, Fr. Au. C, M. McArthur, Comp. 2, Lit. 1, Alg. 1, Geom. 1. Trig. 1, Phy. 2, Lat. Au. 1, Lat, Co. 1, Fr. Au. Is Fr. Co. 1. J. McClintock, Comp. C. W. Manning, Hist. C, Alg. 2, Trig. 1, Phy. C. M Mantell. Comp. C, Lit. C. M. Merriam, Comp. C, Lit. C. E. Odlum, Alg. 2, Geom. C, Lat. Au, 1, Lat. Co. 1, Fr. Au; 1, Fr. Co. 2. M. Osborne, Alg. C, Geom. C, Lat. Au. 3, Lat. Co. 3, Fr. Au. C, Fr. Co. C. J. Parker, Hist. 2, Trig. C, Lat. Au. 2, Lat, Co. 3, Fr. Au. 3, Fr. Co. C, P. Price, Lit. C. D. Pringle, Comp. C, Lit. C. M. Puckrin, Comp. C, Lit. C, Hist. C, Lat. Au. C, Lat. Co. 3. T. Rea, Comp. C. F. Rosettani, Comp. 2, Lit. 3. I.. Routley, Alg. 3, Chem. C. K. Thompson, Alg. 1, Geom. C, Trig. 1, Lat. Au, 2, Lat. Co. 3, Fr, An. C, Fr. Co. C. C. Webster, Lit. C, Hist. C, Alg. 2, Trig. 1, Lat. Co. C, Fr. Au. C, Fr. Co. C. M. Westney, Lit. 2, R. White, Lit. 2, Geom. C, Trig. 1, Fr. Co. C. C. Worfolk, Hist, C, Lat. Co, C. BALSAM Mrs. O. Shaw visited Friday with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. F. Harrison, Brooklin, Mrs. Jas. Wilson has returned home after spending a month with friends at Thedford. The Young Ladies' Active Ser- vice Classsentertained the Young Men's Class, on Tuesday evening last, at the home of Rich, and Notice to Unemployed in Township of East Whitby All unemployed Male residents, whether mar- ried of single, are requested to register at the Ontario Government Office 8 Bond St. West, Oshawa, on Monday, August 24th and Tuesday, August 25th. JOHN ROSS, Reeve. McLAREN'S INVINCIBLE QUICK PUDDINGS Two bags in each package. Each makes a generous pudding. Mrs. Wilson. The evening was spent in playing games. after which refreshments were served. All had a very enjoyable time. Migs June Goddard is visiting friends in Toronto. Denzel Wilson, "of Hamilton, is visiting with relatives here. KINSALE Rev. Wm, Higgs and Mrs. Higgs, of Beachburg, attended divine service here last Sunday. He assisted Mr. Smart in the ser- vice. Spencer Bros. have been doing the threshing for their customers around Kinsale, The crops are not turning out too satisfactorily. Several of our families took a motor trip to Peterboro, last Sun- day. John Trelfall is now busily en- gaged with Geo. Harbron on the farm, perhaps till it freezes up. We regret to report that Wm. Saddler is not improving in health as rapidly as his many friends would like. The contractors have finished their contract on No. 7 highway and are have gone back to Niag- ara, J. W. Stevenson has completed gravelling the highway as far west as the Greenwood division. He is putting up some very sub- stantial railings and giving the game a good coat of paint. The Women's Association meets this Thursday afternoon at Mrs. R. E. Mowbray's, Norman Balley has come back to Kinsale and is making his headquarters at Mr. Decker's on the Redman farm. Louis Dunn is improving in health, We are pleased to re- port same. Robt, Bentley and C. O. Lawton have been handling grave! in the Lawrence pit, for some tims. Meredith McBrien has com- menced harvesting his big toma- to crop. He sends his crop to Toronto. We hope it may give him good returns and a splendid yield. Several from here attended Miss Marjorie Smart's wedding last week in the Greenwood church, and all agree it was a very pretty affair, The many friends of the bride here extend their most hearty congratulations, Mrs, Johnston and daughter, of Essex, spent over Sunday with Mrs. Annie Harbron and attznded church here. Mr. and Mrs. James Richard- son, of Oshawa, spent Sunday' at the home of hig sister, Mrs, Har- bron and attended divine ser- vice here. Things are very qulet in Kin- sale since 'the contractors and their men and implements of war fare have gone. Some farmers are already com- mencing to draw water for their stock. We hope we may get some substantial fall rains to fill up 'the springs and wells, so our farmer friends may be relieved of this most undesirable work this winter, The many friends of Frank Lewis are pleased to hear he fis improving steadily. A speedy re- covery is hoped for. School will soon reopen with a new teacher, Miss Draper, of Whitby in charge. She comes specially recommended. Howard Farndale's silo was struck hy lightning: several days ago.He is now able to drive out in his car. It was very fortunate he was not killed and we hope he will be quite himself again, Clarence Richardson is drawing water for his stock again. Should the dry weather continue much longer he will have lots of com- pany as many of the wells are get- ting quite low. Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Parkin and daughter, Eileen, accompanied by Mrs. M. Parkin, have been on a three-day motor trip to Markdale, Owen Sound, Collingwood, Stay- ner, Barrie, and other northern points. The August meeting of the Women's Institute will be held at the home of Mrs, Fred Harbron, on the afternoon of Aug, 27th, at 2.30. A paper on 'Temperance' will be given by Mrs. Rev. W, Smart. Roll call asks for home- made remedies or man or beast. Music will be in charge of Mise Mabel Harbron. All ladies will be welcome. 11TH VICTORY FOR STEWART St. Louis, Aug. 20.--After sev- en failures, Walter Stewart finally won his eleventh game of the year yesterday as the St. Louis Browns defeated the New York Yankees, 7 to 3 in the first of the four. game series, A re Sold in Oshawa on Easy Terms by John Meagher 92 Simcoe Street North Phone 371w J) Jog II "where Quality Counts" These SPECIAL VALUES are effective August 20th, 21st and 22nd IONSTORES LIMITED PRUNES SALMON -10- 21: IN LIGHT SYRUP SELOX "TASTY" BREAD MAYFIELD BACON:-25¢ DOMINO TEA GOLD SOAP SILVER CREAM i: 19¢ 24-02. LOAF = 55 BAYSIDE PEARS %. 15¢ THE SPEED SOAP w=: 25e 10 = 39e SHIRRIFFS "LUSHUS" - Jelly Powders 3 ~=23¢ CRISCO IT'S NOURISHING KRAFT CHEESE H. P. SAUCE Many Flowers Soap4:=25§e FOR THOSE WHO WANT 1-LB. THE BEST IN BAKING 24¢ =. 2Qe BOT. 27e TIN LUX =" 3 tor 25¢ 22° 10e VINEGAR BULK BLENDED GAL, 40 0g [INOS N RY JMITED RICE KRISPIES KIPPER SNACKS = - 5 A DELIGHTFUL SUMMER CEREAL BAYSIDE CHOICE QUALITY "where Quality Counts" if a twenty per cent discount 'i§ too much 'to exact from those who find themselves unable to pay within the discount period from month to month. ' L new schedule will be fully one into by the P.U.C. before any action is taken to 'adopt it. "The P.U.C. also received a letter the secretary of the HEP.C. ising that the interim rate for r will be $35 per horse power for 1931 instead of $36 as previous- 'charged in othr years. While on face of 1t this appears to be a uction, there is also the famous irteenth bill to be reckoned with the end of every fiscal year. \ # The Commissioner decided to ac- i ~ ipt the usual contract with the ' Canadian General Electric Company ~ for the supply of meters. AG. J. Fothergill, H. Jeffrey and y. H. Baldson submitted a letter ing to accept the offer of the to supply, water at ! BE Tories at t minimum of per year, The Cm ordered that the | gn of $4,969.53 be paid over to the n treasurer for application on water and light debentures. 3 decided to accept the of- of the Hydro Electric Power ission to sell the section of "transmission line on Brock north of the third conces- Jess ausiormets and meters, TOMATOES = 10° You Will Find All Your WHOLE Preserving |Pickling Spice Requirements 21 Per Pound e At Your Nearest Dominion" In Cellophane Bags FRUIT JARS # 1Qe Small Dos. ~~ Med. Doz. Large Doz. Ground Turmeric. ...4 ozs. 10c 99¢ $1.09 $1.39 Mustard Seed. .....4 vas. 10¢ Certo sore 29% Curry Powder. .....4 ozs. 13¢ Parowax........2 rxas. 25c Zinc Rings poz. 5c Allspice..........4 ozs. 15¢ ; BRAND Rubber Rings. 3 poz. 25¢ Large Extra Special Grapefruit 3 for 19c | po onas GROCERS PHONE 2956 Ib. 22- 1b. LARGEST RETAI CANALI ) WE DELIVER Fresh LEGS I'ORK Fresh PORK RIBS - SPRING LAMB LEGS ib. 2Q¢ SPRING LAMB LOINS 1b. 29¢ SPRING LAMB FRONTS 1. 12¢ Friday Special i o- Smoked Haddies MAYFIELD BACON sliced 1b. 25¢ | ROLLED BRISKET =. 10- FRESH PICNIC HAMS m.15¢ RESH BUTTS PORK . mn. 19: No. 1 Tin Clark's Spaghetti 10c Magic Baking Powder 12 34c Puffed Rice. .....2 rss. 35¢ Cocoanut , Broided ww. 19% Old Dutch Marshmallows Crabmeat Eggo Ready Cake Mix ®xs.23c Bon-Ami. $akeor 2 10 27c Welch's Grape Juice 33c Tomato Juice 10c Sunwheat Biscuits 24c Bot. No. 1 Tin Pkg. omission DOMINO BRAND Twenty-three airplanes ki Joins westward ! flalynde vas 8 viii r to 'Story's, Friday. Ke 'Mr. A. Button and friend, of hawa, were visitors here, Fri- doz. 1§5¢ Transparent hl Apples 4m. 15¢ | Tomatoes 35¢ WE WISH YOU TO TRY OUR FREE DELIVERY. PHONE 2956 OR 1572, OR CALL AND LEAVE YOUR ORDER AND HAVE THE BEST FOR YOUR TABLE. 11 qt. basket a barn, ; / 'truck leads of girls ar- wjyed, Monday, for Mildmay Camp. Mise 14s Story met 8 the Hala

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