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Oshawa Daily Times, 25 Aug 1931, p. 28

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----_---- ------_ THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 1931 ' PAGE TWENTY-SEVEN CONVENTION HEADQUARTERS--THE GENOSHA HOTEL Irishman; "That Oi 'ave, yer bonor. Oi thought it best to tell ye the deliberate truth---ye can put all fhe rest in yerself." IN GOOD HANDS Lawyer: "Have you told me the facts precisely as they oc- curred?" Welcome to the CANADIAN LEGION DELEGATES ~--From-- Kinlock's Limited MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR 6 King St. East Palmer Hardware 526 Simcoe St. South Extends a hearty welcome and sincere good wishes to the CANADIAN LEGION CONVENTION May every Delegate thoroughly enjoy his stay in Oshawa Palmer Hardware : Ein LEGION DELEGATES We extend a hearty welcome to your Convention Drop in and sce us when you need smokes, newspapers or magazines, JACK FERGUSON (Formerly Germond"s) 8 KING STREET WEST Welcome To each and every one of you we open our city gates, our arms, our hearts, our homes. All Oshawa joins in doing you honor, and ex- tending to you the fullest hospitality. For weeks, we have looked forward to your coming, Many civic events and activities have been planned. We have ar- ranged for your comfort, your convenience and your sntertainment, In every way, we have striven to ex- press our cordial interest in your visit, It is hoped i ii i that .you find the atmos- phere of our city conducive to valuable accomplishment; also that your leisure time is well filled with amuse- ment. It is hoped that you meet with conrtesy, friend- liness wherever you go. Finally it is hoped that you EARL BESSBOROUGH Governor-General of Canada His Excellency, the Right Honorable the Earl of Bessbo- rough, P.C,, CM.G., almost im- mediately after his arrival in the Dominion af Canada to take over his duties, acceded to the request of the Dominion Executive Council that he ac- -ept the office of Grand Patron f the Legion. His Excellency, however, did more than that, for he signed an application and paid his membership fees to become an active member of the Ottawa Branch, and is now Comrade Bessborough in very truth, The Legion's Grand Patron "WHAT'S WRONG WITH THE NAVY?" London --"What's wrong with the Navy?" Commander Stephen King- Hall has been asked by The New Statesman and Nation to answer this question in a series of articles it is publishing concerning alleged short-comings of different profes- sions. Commander King-Hall describes the Navy of today as an vgsheltered and depressed industry. 'If ir were not for the Washington Conference there might only be one large navy in the world instead of two-and-a- half, and that expensive abortion, the 10,000-ton cruiser -would have cumbered t7e seas. Person ally, having had my war, I'm a pa cifist. Like Jurgen I believe in try- ing every drink once; but one war was enough. "From the point of view of the lower-deck rating, there is nothing wrong with the Navy. The sailor 15 admirably educated, clothed, paid, housed, fed and pensioned after 22 years' service, and if he has made reasonable use of his chances of be- coming a skilled technician he can obtain excellent civil employment. "Now let us consider whether there .is anything wrong with the Navy from the point of view of its function, which--we might as well be frank--is not to police the seas or go to the rescue when earth- quakes destroy coastal towns, or visit Margate during Civic Week, but is to destroy other navies in battle should this action seem desir- able to the British Cabinet. The only thing wrong here is lack of money for practising the said busi- ness of destroying enemy vessels, and lack of money with which 'to pay for sufficient new construction to make it quite certain that we should win even if we made mis- takes. Nevertheless, the Navy spends what it gets to great advan- tage, and leads the world in. excel: lence of submarine warfare and in naval airwork. The British Admir- alty has its defects, but is no worse and a good deal more cunning than never | T. B. MITCHELL Ex-Mayor of Oshawa, and the only Honorary Member, up to the pre- sent, of the Oshawa Branch of the Legion. He was given this honor in recognition of his splendid ser- vice on behalf of the wives and dependents of Oshawa's soldiers during the war. other Government Departments. "Considering that the Navy exists for war and that war has been re- nounced by all Powers, I must hon- estly say that I believe our Navy is more cfficient and reddy to do some- thing we have all promised not to do than are the navies of the other powers whose promises we don't be- lievei...i "In a sentence the -naval officer takes it for granted that the law of progress is co-operation rather than selfish competition, I say selfish competition because competition as a means to the end of co-operation is immensely strong in the Navy Ships compete at battle-practice in order to make a more battle-worthy eet, * "Let the reader now suppose that this strange outlook on life could become the outlook on life of the average director, the Trade Union leader, and the politician, I submits that half our social problems would disappear over night." CANADIAN LEGION DELEGATES Will find a warm welcome and first class service - if they call on : ALDSWORTH THE ONLY RADIO THAT HAS THE COURAGE TO SAY - "YES, IT DOES COST A FEW DOLLARS MORE -- BUT IT IS WORTH IT. When you have read all Rado Ads. --Digested all claims--Feel almost tempted to buy-- See--Hear--Compare SUPER-HETERODYNE-CIRCUIT AUTOMATIC VOLUME CONTROL TONE CONTROL AND NOISE REDUCER ZENITH SUPER-HETERODYNE | RADIO Super-H. isnotanew ed das With? Zenith-- Zenith ering ~ testin puch mdi Cabo Sion know Super-Hetesodyne -- and in fncorperadng this circuit in Zenith els they had this wealth of experience to work with. In the finished Zenith chassis you have 2 fectly blended combination of all the latest advancements in io Science. Super-Heterodyne: 10 Tubes -- 3 Multi-Mu, 2 Z-45's, 1 Screen Grid, 3 Z-27's, 1 Z-80; Automatic Volume Control, Push-Pull Amplifi- ation, Antenns Balancer, Tone ing and Noise Reducer, Between Saation Silencer, Tuning Meter, Full Vision Dial with Hypoid Drive, Jacks and Switch, ., Revd ks This is your identification of Zenith ye a RADIO SUPER-HETERODYNE . MULTI-MU . A new complete up-to-date Radio Log will be mailed on reques® Write to ZENITH RADIO, Oshawa, Ontario. PENTODE . Zenith Radios are manufactured in Canada and find employment for hundreds of Canadians THE HARP--Tone color as the artist produces it. MAGNAVISION DIAL RADIATION SUPPRESSOR ANTENNA BALANCE UP TO 14 TUBES FAVORABLE PRICES Year after year Zenith has been introducing Engineering Features that have been "Accepted Leader- ship "--In the latest Zenith Radio now manufactured in Canada you will find this Leadership more pronounced than ever. Your former ideas of "Distance" -- Your acceptance of Tone-- Your satisfaction with cabinet design, will be lost--and in their place you will receive entirely new ideas, of what Radio is--a wide range of models to choose from-- and all favorably priced. Zenith Radios are priced from $89.50 to $445.00. Look for the Zenith Tag on all models. SUPPRESSED RADIATION Welcome to a Loyal City ' The Delegates to the Canadian Legion Conven- tion are our guests and we are glad to extend to them our heartiest welcome. In times of war these boys were among those who were asked to stand the test--they did it and today they are de- liberating in Oshawa in the interest of their comrades and for the good of the Empire. May their visit to Oshawa be a happy one and we hope that they will not soon forget their visit to Canada's Motor City. DOMINION - I IN GARAGE PHONE 3198 $8 BOND ST. W. Dealers in 2 Maple Leaf Gasoline Maple Leaf High Test Gasoline via: command r 18, 18: day in th service, should be &. all members of the CA sna... | gion, ; At the close of the address b¥ General Ross, the nrovinefAY nres: Ag at tee w0il convention ses- carry away the most pleas- ant memories of your brief stay in our midst. SIBERRY'S King Street East Headquarters in Oshawa for Men's and Young Men's OSHAWA'S LEADING CLEANER Quality Cleaning and Dyeing PHONE 549 "Done a little Better--a lot Quicker" 36 ATHOL STREET EAST Br. A. Ethyl Gas _ Also Greasing and, ionorary een entirely uniforms and parade for the been made to SPECIAL urement of the fen and the ap- ® band has been yas a result. the Canadian Legion to Harry dray, of Toronto, general chair- man of the command. Bearing a silver plate suitably engraved, the head of the gavel '|is made of West Indies 'walnut and natural color Canadian maple. The handle is of polished English oak, with five rings carved into it, reflecting that this is the fifth annual conven- tion. The gave] was made by a mem- |. her of the Oshawa Legion branch. silent, Lieutenant-Colonel J. Keil~ lor MacKav, delivered his presis dential address which is reported elsewhere in this paper. F WEATHER Prohabilities -- Moderate to fresh north cast winds, fair and cool today and Thursday. ! .

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