PATA 0 2 { / THE g OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, AUGUST 29, 1931 kas dae pn ln If it is to be boughits in the Home and the Community CONANT 1S BARRISTERS Solicitors, 'Notaries Public, Etc. Conveyancing and general prac tice. in Law. Office 7% Simcoe St. South, Oshawa. Phone 4. G. b, Conant, BA., LLB; A, F. Ane nis; B.A., LL.B. w_B. N. SINCLAIR, K.C., BANK of Commerce Building. . JOSEPH P. GAN, B.A, -- Solicitur, Notary Public, Conveyancer, Money to loan. oOt- fice 14% King St. East, Oshawa. Phops 445. Residence phone 837. GRIERSON, CR IGHTON & Fraser, Barrister, etc. Bank of Commerce Bldg. STST LOUIS 8. HYMAN, BAR 18 ER, Solicitor, Notary. Over Dewland's Store. Muney to loan, 16 Simcoe street north. Phone 67. Residence 3473W. nl GREER & HUMPHREYS, BAR- riaters, Sellcitors, ete. 24% Sim- con St. N. Poone 3160. Residence 514. Mopay te .logn. ] BAPRIS- C. HALL, B.A, ah Conveyancing and gen- eral practice. 32% ing St. East. Phone 3237. SISTER Ss. EEBS, BAR . 4 Notary Public, Convey- ancer., monvy to loan. Third floor new Alger Building. opposite Post Office. Phone 2996. Medical SEB. J BAZLEWOOD, PHY- iL and Surgeon, special atten- tion given to X-Ray work ana Electrotheopy. Office, Disney Block. Phone 2060. Office open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Residence 421 King street east, Phone 2416. PR GRANT BERRY, PHYSIC- jan, Surgeon, Obstetrician, dis- eases of infants and children, Of- fice and residence 97 Bond East. Phone 1156. DR. McKAY, PHYSICIAN, SUR- geon, Accoucher. Office ana resi- dence King St. East, corner Vie- soria St. Oshawa. Phone 94. Be ar SE TI Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist DR. F. T. BRYANS OF 160 Bloor Street West, Toronto, will be at his office over Jury & Lov- eli's Drug Store each Saturday | from 1 till ¢ p.m., for consulta tion and treatment of diseases of ear, nose and throat only. Ap- pointments may be made at drug store. Phone 97. Architects ©. GC 3TRNHOUSE, GENERAL Architectural work. Second floor Royal Bank Building. Phone 1496. Res. phone 909J. Auctioneer PHONE 7168). W. J. SULLEY, Auctioneer, 346 Simcoe St. 8, Oshawa, Ont. Special attention Lis S.J. PHILLIPS, OVER BE Dental gett's. Special attention to X-ray work. Gas extraction. Nurse In attendance. Phone 969. House 1812. LUKE BURIAL CO, 67 KING st. £ast. Ambulance. Residence 543 Simcoe street porth, Phone 210J and 210W. OSHAWA BURIAL ., MF. Armstrong & Son, Proprietors. Funeral and Ambulance Service day and night. Phone 1082W. 87 Celina. (40) Insurance DAVIS ANT 80N, INSURANCE, 19 King St. West, Oshawa. The oldest Fire Agency in Oshawa. $0 Renutable Fire Companies. w PLACIN INSURAN! consult R. N. Johnt, 80 Simcoe north. Your insurance wants at- tended to and your interests pro tected. Transportation CARTAGE AND STORAGE, Coleman's, 85 Bond West. Spec- falists in furniture moving. Stor- age warehouse and moving van equipment. Phone 82. OSHAWA' OLDEST ESTABLISH- ed furnitnre mover, Fark Road. Cartage, local apd long distance. Frank Cowle, prop. 65 Fark Rd. S. Phone 215. (7 mar 1 mo) FOR MOVING AND CARTAGE of all kinds try Chas. F. Flem- ing. Reasonable rates and de- pendable service, Phone 797. (28 sept ¢) Beauty Parlors BETTY LOO PERMANENT Wave Shoppe, for a limited time, special' prices: $10.00 wave for $7.69; $17.50 wave for $4.00. Marcelling, finger waving, hair dyeing and all other lines of heauty culture. For service and .<liability call on the oldest established permanent wave shop. 86 Simcoe St. North, or phone 2968 for appointments. 8auglimo OSHA HAI SSING Parlors." Betty Ward and Grare Marshall, experts in all kinds of Beauty Culture. Our Jermanent wave a specialty $5.00, $7.50 and $10.00. Finger waving, marcelling, facials, scalp treatments and manicures. Cof- fee Shoppe entrance. Phone ap- pointments 19738 (15 may 1 mo" "Chartered Accountant GRANT, GODFREY & CO, Chartered Accountants, Trustees in Bankruptcy. Canadian Bank of Commerce Building, Oshawa. given. to household Imuiture (1 sept ¢) sales and farm stock apd imple- ments. Your patronage solicited. Motor Cars epairi FOR SALE --- CHEVROLET Watch R ng coach in perfect condition, com- ¥. A. VON GUNTEN, EXPERT |plete overhaul recently. 311 Swiss watchmaker, repair shop at | Athol St. East, Phone 14427. 44% King Sireet West. Your pat- (48¢) ronage -is solicited. CHEV. COACH 27 MODEL. Building Supplies CALL W, BORROWDALE FOR cement blocks, sand anc gravel. 609 Carnegie Ave. Phone 1618. BA RIES CHARGED be with rental $1.00. Repaired and sebullt. Called for and delivered Prompt service. Stan Bligdon, 20 Mill St. Phone 18856W. Hemstitching HEMSTITCHING, PLEATING, repairs and alterations, dress making, buttons and buttonholes. The Dell Shop, 26% Simcoe S. Phone 1656, (5 ily. 31) SE [THe The" Sooo : Shoe lilegediy, gave his : AMPION, columbia for buy- day sucker at four lls for an a extra , ID the afternoon, but A 4 hearted and take guaranteg a full pound box or pound box of one of our Aidics confections. They're" resh and tasty and a real treat. ' Laura Secord Chocolates 60¢ | Secord Family Boxes 7 esses...60cand $1.20 Clarine Box 60c size ..49¢ | Bpecial Assortment Choco- lates ...........49¢ Neilson's Chocolates . 75¢ to $4.00 Rum and Butter Toffee 1 sresasaae. BOC Fruit Jellies, 1b, ......29¢c ~ Assorted Candies and - Chocolates of every sort sold in bulk, Hm REXALL STORES Jury & Lovell King E. . Simcoe S. Phone 28 Phone 68 real good condition. To close an account. Cheap. 227 Drew St. Phone 1716F. (49¢c) SPECIAL CAR SALE, BRAND new 1931 Chev DeLuxe Tudor. $100 off this price. 1929 Chev. Dump Truck, electric hoist, $425. 1930 Ford Coupe Al condition $475. 1926 Pontiac Tudor, good condition, $195. 1925 Star Sedan, Al condition, $100. 1923 Ford Coupe, $25, runs good. Cox Mot- ors Sales, 10 Bond st, W. (50a) fo! F } is really more becom- FOR RENT--f{figure than the long, and Victoria : yoke, which was often re-decorated. cffect is showing itself Managers. owns, and when it is FOR EX je courturiers are hav- Apartments, mo§,, this revived style conveniences. I, one. a n now available modern suite ON SCUGOG tor service. V nishing to ly \als. Phone 15 AN RESERVE PARTMENTS, 4 roome, electr cabinet, wall b@ good approach in P rogram Bros.,, over Wag Sports rent, 6 large bri, { x, 24.-- Aug. 19, fhitally equipped.'; day at the In- TO RENT--6 ROCore eight softball furnished or uf, ghich all took ences. Also garafplayed Cres. defeated, Green- bath flat, Apply 29ed. which made Phone 1893M. Brooklin win- St. West. All convenjk winning the reasonable, Phone 84' being completaback. modern spirit is quite furnished, privament that is ancient te p electric laundry APARTMEN Vie With Red OFFICES BRI. MODERN APA, Correspondent) 36 + was well attend- would rent rooms, FOR RENT-- 4 red Blackstock HOUSE FOR RENT=s then played 42 Colborne St. West. Greenbank ackstock won. ws played our succeeded in ¢ Blackstock of resulting of ladies of 3 jation were RENT--TWO ROO ganqwiches, nished. Phone 3338W. ATTRACTIVE 1 house, corner Masson Newly decorated, side age. Phone Holden 371 was also an icted by R. LARGE 2 ROOM APAR%anager, Mr. room service for bachelomis best to warm, well furnished. lgs, and conveniences privapshawa, is tral. 96 Centre St. this week TWO NICE ROOMS, SUnext Tues- men or girls, Near Motor a full at- onable board, Phone 29100ls. Then be held SEVEN ROOMED HO HoUsSeptember rent, Newly decorated. 2 thur St., Oshawa. Apply thaving a gold Bros.,, Whitby. r cousin, (Mon. Frit Perry. -- = T ted Miss Real Estate For Sayenbank, FOR SALE--BUILDING J or port most desirable city residyells is location, Reasonable. with 2419W. Ur, and FOR SALE-- FOUR ROO, houge, garage on Gibb St. Wod are and electric. Cheap for quick'y with Phone 3359J. (&on at FOR SALE--CANDY AND bacco business doing thrismont, trade. Must sell at once. A 'velyn, gain. Blacksmith and woodw! Mr. ing shop for sale in busy cet Miss Doing good business, Will sg few fice for quick sale. Also a my Miss ber of houses at bargain pri W. J. Sulley, 346 Simcoe St. Oshawa. Phone 716. her 'r, of (4. Mr. ROOM Sun- 2 the FOR SALE -- B8IX brick bungalow, . fireplace, conveniences, garage. [or ticulars phone 1940M. + > wr. 19° of FARM FOR SALE--50 ACRRs yo lot 22, Con. 5, Darlington, roomed brick house, modern coy veniences; bard and soft watef good outbuildings; 3-acres o chard. Apply on premises, nd Haggith, Hampton, on ed (47-50-52-55) ;, Articles for Sale MIXED HARD AND SOFT wood slabs $8.60 per load. Also Room and Board Wantea YOUNG LADY DESIRES BOARD and room, privileges, Box 543of Diamonds Bassett's 4 WATSON'S BEAUTY PARLOR Marcel, "Pe t and ; Finger Waves. Phone 20053. 5 Celina St. bone dry body waod. Water 18, 20 years, 36, 38, 40 and 42 inches bust. binding. Plain crepe silk, crepe marocain, crepe satin, supple woolens and rayon novelties, also suitable, Our large Fashion Magazine shows the latest Paris styles for adults and children. Also mod- ern embroidery and instructive lessons in sewing. Price of BOOK 15 cents. Price of PATTERN .20 cents in stamps or coin (coin is prefer red-. Wrap coin carefully. Address orders to: Pattern Edi- tor, Oshawa Daily Times, Oshawa. OLD FASHIONS Rumors of the return of . the bustle which have been current for some time have been verified to a models which certain of the great Parisian dressmaking houses are showing for the winter season, hut --and it is a most important "but"-- this appears in quite 'a different form from that whch it assumed in little, bat, pleated line and does not Style No. 321 is designed for 16, st. Size 36 requires 334 yards of 39-inch material with 5% yards of IN NEW COLLECTIONS certain extent in the collections of its former incarnation in the 'seven- ties. In place of the ungainly pro- tuberance of those Victorian days, : the modern "bustle" consists of a frill, two flat loops, or a tiny basque which is set several inches below the waist- detract in the least from the line of the slim' sil- houctss._ Asa matter of fast; in Times, (49chy «dituations Vacant v and dees SEW TIE and Betty, of Colum Aono, took a two weeks' holiday motor trip to visit Mr. Gerrow's mother, brothers, and sisters. They will leave for home again on Thurs- day and will visit friends in De- troit and Cleveland on the way home, Mr. and Mrs, R. Prentice and son, Mr. Arthur Prentice visited their son, Mr. Alfred Prentice, on Sunday. Stop that Head Aching or any other pein, A Why suffer headache, when ZUTOO TABLETS, taken when pu feel it coming on, will give relief in Brooklin' Miss Olive Gerrow, of Toronto, visited her parents on Sunday. Mr. Albert Milner ,of Toronto, is visiting his brothers, Mr, Wil- liam and John Milner for a few weeks. A number from Epsom packed their lunch and motored over and spent a pleasant time with their pastor, Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Denny, who have a cottage at Lakeside for a few weeks, About sixty relatives from To- ronto, Valentia, Enniskillen and Lindsay, came with packed lunches and had a pleasant time with Mr. and Mrs, W. Mark one day. recently. Mrs. R. Foster and son, Roddy, Miss Doris Rodd, Miss 'Alma Lee, and Miss Jean Bushby, of Green- bank, are spending a few days camping at Lakeside Beach this week, Quite a number from around here motored to Oshawa to watch the swimmers recently. Nearly everyone has finished harvest around here and is busy threshing. Mr. Sydney Chandler and Mr. Ray Milner went for a motor- cycle trip over the week-end to Toronto, Hamilton and Niagara and other places of interest and had a very enjoyable time, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Sweetman, of Toronto, were guests of his parents, Mi. and Mrs. T, Sweet- man over the week-end. Mr. Leonard Hope visited his cousin, Misg Clara Hardy one day last week. of the death of Mr. Reginald Fry, nephew of Mrs. T. Redman. He used to sing in church con- certs and was always much en- joyed. Our sympathy goes out to the bereaved family. GATS NEED ALL NINE LIVES IN NORTH COUNTRY Woman Returns to Ed- ~ Rev, J. Denny gave us a very interesting sermon 'on Sunday evening. The text was found in Mark, 14th chapter, 8th verse, "She hath done what she could." The last Hymn was one of the late Mrs. W, Samell"s favourite "Jesus Saviour Pilot Me". Rev. H. Elford had charge of jhe Seng service at Prospect | + paanton With Oldest Mr. Clarence Carter had Feline in North Land charge of the lesson at Sunday School last Sunday. When he Edmonton. -- After six years finished Rev, Mrs. Denny gave a gpent in the northland, Mrs. R. interesting talk on Missionary S. Hastings has come with her work. husband, Captain Hastings, traf- Miss Nora Frise, of Oshawa, was the guest of her cousin, Miss Luella Jeffery, recently, We are all very sorry to hear fic superintendent of the North- West Territories and Yukon ra- dio telegraph system to live in Edmonton. They brought with them the oldest and certainly the most beloved cat in the northland, of the milk bottle, Strong bones and teeth, sound muscle and tissue, physical energy and mental alertness; all come out Be sure your children drink plenty of milk! They will like Beaton's Dairy Milk, because it's extra-flavorful. Call 700 For Pure, Safe Dairy Products, Fresh From The Country Beaton's Dairy Products Limited Hoy Toy. Some years ago two cats were brought into the coun- try. The life of a cat in the northland is made precarious to a degree by the husky dogs so that few survive, The first cats to go in are long since dead and most of their offspring, but Hoy Toy gnrvives through the loving care of the Hastings family who never allowed him out unescorted by a human friend with a big stick. Mrs. Hastings loves the dogs also. At one time she and her liusband owned 11 dogs. There is nothing more thrilling than a 30-mile drive behind the racing dogs in winter weather, declared Mrs. Hastings. She has little {| sympathy with the idea that the northern dogs are vicious. They are nervous, high-strung and the victims often of hard usage by the Indians. The pack instinct within them is strong from their wolf ancestors which accounts for tragedies that sometimes happen, but the individual huskies are not vicious and when kindly treated can become loyal pets, she de- clared. "Time is never of the slightest importance except on aeroplane day in the north," said Mrs. Has- tings in reply to eager questions about her life in the territories. "Aeroplanes will not wait for any- thing and follow a schedule so so you see people hurrying after a radio message arrives that an aeroplane is coming. | Steamers wait and there is no hurry for anything else, conse- | quently, old-timers in the north. | nequire that calm, unhurried look 0 foreign to city dwellers." Mrs. Hastings is enthusiastic | nbout her husband's profession The radio, she says, has speeded up transportation, because with accurate information hy radio as to the conditions of rivers for boats, and landing places for aeroplanes it is possible to make many more trips than formerly. The result is that freight rates are less than they used to be, mails more frequent, and it is possible to send 'outside' for many things that were once lux- uries impossible to procure. ---------------------- Tradesman: 'Is the master in?" ld . A household word in Canada which means finest quality "SALADA" TEA 'Fresh from the gardens' MINERALS AT GREAT BEAR LAKE Corporation To Investigate Being Formed in Toronto Toronto.--Formation of a cor- poration, backed by Detroit capi- tal, to develop mineral finds in Great Bear Lake, is announced here by Thomas G. Donovan, re- search engineer, of Detroit. The company is known as the Radium Corporation of Canada, Limited, and is capitalized at $10,000,000. Immediate development of the property on Donovan Island, sit- uated in the centre of the rich precious metal finds, is to be un- dertaken by the company. Dono- van Island is in Echo Bay, close to the east shore of Great Bear Lake. The other main finds are sitnated on the mainland, Valu- able deposits of uranium, radi- um, and silver, with some copper, have been found there. The mineral discoveries in the Great Bear Lake region are con- sidered by engineers to have im- mense possibilities and have been described by some observers as even greater than the Cobalt camp in Ontario. Uranium and radium are both chemical ele- merits obtained from pitch- blende. C..A. Newcombe, Jr. is presi- dent of the company. S. Wheeler is vice-president and C. A. New- combe (a son of the president) is treasurer. All three are of Detroit. Assays of mineral at Donovan Island revealed heavy content of uranium and silver. Uranium val- ued at $10,000 to the ton was found in the assay. Silver was valued at $1,035 to the ton, and copper at $40 per ton. The company is incorporated under Dominion charter. A spe- cial proviso in its charter empow- ers it to take over other corpora- tions. McHugh and Brett, Wind. sor, Ont., attorneys, acted for the principals of the company in the negotiations with the Govern- ment. Mr. Donovan leaves shortly for the scene of the property, ac- companied by engineers of the company. To aviators the Atlantic is still pretty much a one-way ocean. Young Father: 'Yes, he's up- stairs in his cradle." Black eyes are beautiful only when given by Nature. Harry: "Could you care for a chap like me?" Hilda: "Yes, much like you." if he wasn't to® SCHOOL TOGGERY FINE SERGE TUNICS Sizes 8 to 16 For Collegiate and Public School wear. This is as nice a Tunic as you will need. Only $2.98 Others at $2.00 Also $4.95 MIDDIES Sizes 2 to 14 Made of fine Jean Cloth detachable collar and cuffs. From 98¢ MIDDY SKIRTS ON WAIST Sizes 2 to 14 From 98¢ Navy Blue Serge and TWEED SKIRTS Sizes 12 to 16 Prices $1.98 to $3.50 GYMN HOSIERY Extra long. Sizes 81; to 10. Price, 65¢c Pair LAMBLE'S Tee | Will clean and press lady's dress, gown, suit or long coat or gent's suit or overcoat. I Whitby Phone 468. Oshawa Phone 760 i We make a small extra 'charge for ] < - fix a DYE WORKS Pleating NOTICE The DeLuxe Beauty Parlour in the Bradley Block IS NOW OPEN and will resume business as usual under the supervision of Murs. Arthur Bouckley, formerly Miss Elsie Lowes. Phone 38 for Appointments SCHOOL DAYS 'ARE HERE AGAIN Grand Opening of All City Schools TUESDAY THE BIG DAY All in readiness--Whole Store Is One Big Bookshop for This Annual Event Extra Salespeople and Every Accommodation for Quick and Easy Selection See Our Windows : Hendersons' Book St KING STREET EAST Westover NO, | LENT | THOUGHT WHEL || BUY AC IT] T/ BOB, 1 THROUGH IT To Doris [|i GAVE tv To you || FARA SHANE WITH TILLIE For TO WEAR TO THAT YOU WERE TURN + DO GOoD - |' NEVER A DANCE LAST THE ONLY ONE + ANTED WANT To SEE { NIGHT ev )\\llo Zr WAS ; HER "9 donna A AGAN WEA Yr Oe =) ( LA L ava ! a) s ~ ¥ a ON to \" ---- 4 Sh : \ ; le: oA, 21.4 a 4 ATA, 'doy! RIGHT in of OVER: AND 2 4 "oING TELL" TILLE Now] THAT TO 5 HER FACE // <0 NL 2