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Oshawa Daily Times, 31 Aug 1931, p. 2

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, AUGUST 31, 1931 rrr -- ore y ran. PAGE TWO TODA Y'S SPORTING FEATURES Orono Ramblers Ev ies in ing Game Falcon Ladies a Tw Saturday Brampton Eliminated M.A.A.A. in Eastern Finals Sr TA ee SPOF AGE Oshawa Senior Tennis Team Won League Finals Blue Devils Start Practising This Evening Toronto Maple Leafs Divided With Newark Saturday FALCONS A STEP AHEAD -- OSHAWA TENNIS PLAYERS WIN Ninth Inning Attack Featuring Perfect Bunts | Proved Strategic Move Falcon Fielders Played Well --Miss Walker Featured Attack With Home Run, Triple and Double -- Brampton Had Six Er- rors and Falcons Eight-- Winners Rallied to Come From Behind on Three Occasions Four hits with no one out in the ninth inning enabled Falcons to come from behind in their game on Saturday evening at the Stadium to defeat Brampton, 15 to 14. Going into the ninth Fal- cons were trailing their rivals by one run the score being 14 to 12 for the visitors, but after holding Brampton scoreless in the, first half of the inning, the strong sec- tion of the Falcon batting order came up. Ed. and Mabel Elliott laid down perfect bunts just in front of the plate and were safe. V. Elliott next up also was safe on a bunt with her sister Ed. scoring on a passed ball, 'to tie the score. The winning run came in on H. Holmes' bunt down the first base line that none of the Brampton team were able to get near. It was an exciting game from the start with quite a number of sensational plays by both teams. To win the game Oshawa had to come from behind no less than three times, but had the so-called breaks of the game, one of these being that they had the strong end of the batting order up in the ninth just when it was needed. Mensis Sano in Corpora Menso was an ancient pro- verb expressing the wish of every fond parent. The chil- dren will soon be back to school. They commence with enough handicaps and are exposed to sufficient | brain twisters that unless their little bodies are well fortified the results may imperil their class standing | and health. Healthy children are il bright children. The ones il at the top are not only sound in mind but sound in body. Start mow to build up those castles against such inroads so that the strain 'will come easy. BOOTS MALT AND COD LIVER OIL has all the qualities of a sound body builder, Made in England by the best malt and from the choice Cod Liver Oil, it recommends f as the best nutriment for your child. SPECIAL 2 1b. BOTTLE $1.25 When in need of Drugs "QUICKLY" Phone w fh THE REXALL STORES Jury & Lovell King St. B. Simcoe St. S. Phone 28 Phone 68 Brampton was much more consist- ent than in the first game of the series at Brampton and found their batting eye. One feature about their hits was that they were hit hard and went on a line over the infield and forced the outfielders to travel fast to get them. On the day's play the hits were evenly divided with fif- teen going to each team. How- ever, Falcons had a slight edge in long distance hits although the Brampton extra base blows drove in more runs. The home runs were evenly divided, Misses Brown and M, Marsden coming through for the visitors and Misses Ed. Elliott and A. Walker for Oshawa, Falcons had more triples than their rivals with Misses A. Walker and V. Elliott contributing and Miss M. Mars- den for Brampton. M. Sander- son of Brampton and A. Walker for the home team had doubles. On the extra base hits Brampton scored four runs to two scored by Falcons." The Falcons sent in Ellen EI- liott to start the game in the box. She did extremely well until her removal in the eighth inning when she was replaced by her sister, Vivian, who had been filling in at first base in the absence of Clara Larsen. In the seven innings she pitched Miss Elliott allowed thirteen hits. But behind her Falcons made eight costly errors that allowed players to get on base who would otherwise have been easy outs. Brampton had six errors all of which counted in the scoring. Falcons took the lead in the first inning, scoring one run, but that was soon wiped out with a three-run rally by Brampton in the second inning, and although Falcons scored a run in each of the first three innings they were still trailing by - four to three. They again took the lead in the fourth inning by scoring two runs to make the score five to four. Brampton was in a fighting mood and added two runs to their count in the fifth and held Falcons scoreless and led six to five. Things looked bad for Falcons in the next inning as the visitors added another two runs to make the score eight to five. The trend of play could not last much long- er however and Falcons rallied School Days Ncw is the time the boy needs new supplies in clothing. Here are a few our values. Boys' English Shorts 65¢ to $1.95 Boys' Golfers $1.65 t0 $2.95 Boys' Longs $1.35 to $2.95 Boys' Waists 65¢ to $1.50 Boys' Shirts 95¢ to $1.95 Boys' Pullovers 1 $1.50 to $2.95 Boys' Sox 45¢ to $1.50 Johnston's '@PORT SNAPSHOT S S : It Looks® Like Trenton Having eliminated Lindsay Brysons in a thrilling three gau:e series The Daily Times are anxiously awaiting the next team against which they will have to play. According to the draw The Times will me» the winner of the Peterborough-Trenton series which is being run off at the present time. The first game of this series was played in the Liftlock City on Friday night with the Trenton team coming out on top by a score of 13 to 6. The return game will be played in Trenton on Tuesday evening. The Peterborough team who are known as "The Sugar Bowl!" are alleged to have turned in a very bad game on Friday and given the Trenton team a very easy time cf it, but they promise to be better in the game Tuesday. If Trenton win the second game the scrics between Oshawa and the Railway Town should get under way about Thursday. LJ Ld * LJ Blue Devils Practise To-night Blue Devils Rugby players will assemble this evening at six o'clock at Alexandra Park for their first workout of the season. It is not expected that all the players will be in uniform as the practise is for the purpose of working out some of the kinks that have accumulated during the It is hoped that the team will be able to arrange scv- In this regard summer months. cral exhibition games before the league season opens. the Blue Devils may play a game with the Queen's University seniors, probably the last Saturday in the month * * LJ * Falcon Softball Practise Players on the roster of the Falcons Men's team arc asked to put in an appearance at the Stadium this cvening at 0.15, to play a game in the very near future so it is absolutely nccessary that there be a full turnout at the practise * * . . Game Has Been Postponed The game between Mike's Place and North Broadview to have been played in Toronto this evening has been called off and will be played on Thursday evening .at Kew Beach Park starting at 6.15 p.m. The game should indicate just how far the local team will go in the play-offs. which was -. » - LJ Falcons Eliminated Brampton Brampton were forced to accept defeat at the hands of the local league champions here on Saturday evening by 'a score of 15 to 14, but not before they had thrown a decided scare into the ranks of the Falcons who were just good enough to pull out a win. Going into the last of the ninth inning trailing by one run the three Elliott sisters bunted in succession and Hazel Holmes did likewise to score the win- ning runs, It was a great finish to a good game. The Falcons will play Owen Sound next, the first game being here on Thursday night and the return game in Owen Sound on Saturday, . * * - Orme Gamsby's Ramblers Even Series The baseball session at the stadium on Saturday afternoon was a thriller to say the least and had the fans talking in their sleep ail night. The ending of the game was carried out in the best major league style with Reg. Fajr stealing home to break up the 'game. Peterboro' took the lead with one run early in the game and looked to have the game sewed up as several attempts by tle ex-Oshawa stars went astray. But {the Ramblers came through eventually in the eighth inning to tie the | the team expucts | 'Falcons | score and take the game to tie the series in the ninth, with four hits and an error to score five runs and take a two- run lead. Brampton was still in there battling away and ran in three runs in the seventh while the best Falcons could do was two runs to make the twelve to eleven in favor of Falcons. Brampton again went in, in the eighth and pushed across three runs on three hits and three pass- ed balls to take a two-run lead, while the best Falcons could do in their half of the inning was one run which left them still one in arrears. But after giving V. El- liott great support to hold Brampton scoreless in the first halt of the inning, Falcons came through with two runs with no one out to win the game and the round. : For Falcons Miss Holmes in centre-field played a marvellous game accepting several difficult chances with apparent ease. Miss Walker led the batters with three hits in four tries, getting a home run, triple and double. Box score : RHE Brampton ..031 022 330-14 156 Faleons ...111 205 212-1515 8 Umpires--Smith, Brampton, at the plate and W. Fair, Oshawa, on the bases. SUMMAMRY ABR H E. Watson rf § G, Newman ¢ 5 Ed. Elliott ss 5 M. Elliott 2b 5 V, Elliott 1h, pb H. Holmes of § A. Walker If 4 F. Lott 3b 2 de ly L. Watson 3b, 8th 1:0 El, Elliott p 3 2 G. McComb 1b 8th A 1 P Qo DUNNO D --- DH ADINO- 4 » > = cs of 00 - = - =D oD BNPLD SS a> oHOoSSIMAsK> OS HO ONO m~mnool a | 3 oH ~oBBMNSS Brampton ABR H 1. King ef 6 M. Sander'n ¢ 6 B. King If 5 J. McGee 1b 6 M. Marsden 2b5 H, Jank'wski p6 Mae Mars'n rf 4 M. Brown 3b 4 M. Lockh'st ss 3 Brown 2b | Rl RS ER El | cavoassonws > | OND SI | - al Crmuoovwoowad oe Re nN Ld a te on ts Ld - @ 'AMERICAN LEAGUE 'Yesterday's Results Washington 5 Philadelphia 1 New York ..14 Boston .....4 St. Louis ..8-6 Cleveland ..3-3 Chicago ..x10 Detroit ......8 x 12 innings, Oshawa Senior Tennis Team Beat Kingston [2 The senior team of the Osh. awa Lawn Tennis Club won the Morrow Cup emblematic of the championship of the senior group of the Eastern Ontario Tennis Leagfie, for the second consacu- tive year by deqating Kingston in Belleville on Saturday after- noon. The Oshawa team were successful in winning five of the seven matches, losing only the first. men's doubles and the ladies' doubles, The singles match between Ves- ey, of Oshawa, and Grant of Kingston, was perhaps tN stand- out match of the day, with the Oshawa player finally emerging victorious by a score of 6--¢4, and 6--1, The match was expect- cd to be ore: of the hardest of the day as Grant had beaten Ves- ey in the Jeague singles tourney in Kingston on Dominion Day. The two matches won by the Kingston team were the first men's doubles in which Allan and Thompson defeated H. Hainer and J. Jamieson in straight sets 6--2, 6--2., THe Oshawa team were disappointed in this event a8 McCalllyn was supposed to Lave played with Hainer but fail- ed to show up at the last mom. ent. The otherdevent lost by the local team was the ladies' doub- lés which was the only event of tbe day to go three sets. The score was 6--4, 2--6, The summary of ¢he games played is as follows: Men's Singles -- Vesey (Osh- awa defeated Grant (Kingston), 6---4, 6--1. Armstrong (Osh- awa) defeated McGregor (Kings- ton) 6--3, 6-0. Ist Men's Doubles ----- H. Hain- er and J. Jamieson (Oshawa) lost to Allan and Thompson, 6-2, 2nd Men's" Doubles -- Fish- leigh and Alger (Oshawa) de- feated Lowe and Chown (Kings- ton), 6--3, 6--3. Ladies' Doubles -- Misses Lick and Furber (Oshawa), lost to Mirses McArthur and Rogers, 6-- 4, 2--6, 6--3. Ladies' Singles -- Miss Fish- leigh (Oshawa) defeated Miss Grant (Kingston) 6---2, 6---0. Mixed Doubles -- Miss London and Dr. McMullen (Oshawa), de. feated Miss Kent and Me, Mal- coim 6--3, 6---2, Final result Oshawa 5, Kings- ton 2. --3. to genet at me mnt in Squeeze Play Climaxed Closely Contested Game In the Ninth Inning Reg. Fair Assisted by Cam- eron Stole Home With Winning Run -- Game Brought Out Many Fine Plays and Breath-Taking Situations--Elliott Fea- tured Game With Two Doubles--Wills Allowed Three Hits and Struck Out Four The fans that passed up the baseball game at the Stadium on Saturday afternoon passed up the best game of the season. The af. fair was a hard-fought affair from start to finsh and the most grati- fying thing was that the Orono Ramblers came through with a win over the Peterborough C.G.E. by a score of 2 to 1 to even up the series at one game each. The Ramblers had three chances to win the game but were only able to capitalize on the last two to tie it up and win out. Taking into recount earned runs the score hould have heen one to nothing for the Ramblers, but then jt was- n't. The finish of the game was one of the most sensational geen here in some time and had the fans by the ears. With the score tied at one all Fair who batted for Ban- non drew a walk and stole second and took third as Willis laid down a perfect bunt, in fact Fair was right at third when the ball was hit and Holmes on the mound for the Petes had no chance to head him off. With Cameron at bat Fair took a long lead off third and raced in on the pitch and was not more than ten feét from the plate when Cameron laid down a bunt to Holmes who, seeing he had no chance to head off the run, threw to first. The run broke up the game and ended a game in which even a fairly heavy rain had failed to dampen the spirits of the fans, Many of the fans considered that even if Cameron had not hit the ball Fair would have been safe as he was right in and could have slid in safely. The first two innings of the game were scoreless with each team feeling the other out, but in the third C.G.E. scored the first run of the contest. Jones, first up, drew a walk and passed | around the bases to score on sue- -* cessive 'errors by the Ramblers. That run looked like a mountain as the game progressed, but Orono never gave up trying. In the fourth Moise hit safely and stole second but was left as Gray hit to Holmes who threw him out at first, for the third out. The Ramblers had another chance in the sixth, when after two were out Elliott hit a double to the cen- tre-field. The game began to look up as Moise was safe on Rose's er- ror, but although the runners ad- vanced a base, Gray again failed and lifted a fly to Hollingsworth. In the seventh Orono again had two men on base with one out but Sutton struck out and Hubbell flied out to second base to end the inning. Just by way of variety the visitors Jooked dangerous in the eighth. Rose hit for two bases with one away and Hollings- worth who followed him, drew a walk but the next two men up were easy outs. In their half of the eighth amid a shower of rain that drove many of the fang to shelter, the Ramblers came through with the tying run and sent the fans into 4 furore of ex- citement, Whiteley was out on a hard drive to the shortstop, but Elliott distinguished himself with his second double of the game. He retired and scored a moment later as Holmes let Gray's drive get through his legs. the Petes were retired in order and then came the big thrill of the game with Fair covering him- | sell with glory. On the attack Ramblers col- lected five hits off Holmes, while the best C.G.E. could do with Wills was three safeties Wills was again up to his old tricks and struck out four men and issued three bases on balls. Holmes on the mound for Peter- borough struck out two and is- sued five bases on balls and not all of them came after the ball got wet, Elliott proved to be the star batter for the winners with two doubles, Moise made the outstanding play of the game by spearing a hard bit ball that was some distance to his left. The Orono team committed one more error than the visitors, being cre. dited with five while C.G.E; had four. Box score: RHE C.G.E. .....001000000--1 3 4 Ramblers ,..000 000011--2 5 § Umpires--Alex. Kay, Peterbor- moved to third as Moise was | In the ninth | ough, at the plate; Dell, Oshawa, [-------- on, the bases. | ee i he teams: | New M t Ramblers--Cameron, cf; Sut- |} ton, 2b; Hubbell, 1b; Whiteley, c; |} Elliott, ss; Moise, If; Lycett, 3b; i Last Showing Today "BROTHERS" Tuesday and Wednesday Bannon, rf, If; Wills, p; Gray, 3b, rf; Fair, batted for Bannon |]! "ANNABELLE'S AFFAIRS" in the ninth. li C.G.E.--Dallin, If; Rose, 2b; |} H. Hollingsworth, ss; Ash, 1b; with Victor McLaglen and Jeannette McDonald Whately, rf; Hatton, ¢; L. Hol- lingsworth, ef; Jones, 3b; Holmes, p. INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE Yesterday's Results Rochester 10-5 Reading Jersey City 65-3 Montreal Baltimore 7-7 Buffalo Only games scheduled. Saturday's Results Toronto 4 .5-3 Newark ....4-4 Reading ..12-6 Rochester 6-2 Baltimore 20-3 Buffalo ..7-10 Jersey City at Montreal--Rain. " PATHE NEWS VITAPHONE NOVELTY - We Know ...and You Know That a thorough knowledge combined with the highest skill ensures a dependable Dry Cleaning service. Autumn draws near. You'll want your clothes to look neat and clean. Send them to White's. Over 48 years' experience . . . therefore your cone fidence in us has a solid foundation. MEN'S OR LADIES' PLAIN SILK FELT HATS SLEEVELESS -- $1.25 TOPCOATS CLOTH COATS Pressed Fur Coats cleaned, repaired and DRESSES Smartly cleaned " and Blocked 75¢ Beautifully cleaned Cb EE Pressed .. MENS' SUITS OR LADIES' PLAIN Quality Cleaned and Thoroughly Cleaned Pressed and $1.00 $1.50 altered at moderate prices. Phone 3088 Better Cleaners and Dyers 81 King St. West anadians certainly appreciate choice cigarettes ... Just notice how many men are smoking Winchesters, these days! Winchester CIGARETTES 'Blended Right!

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