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Oshawa Daily Times, 3 Sep 1931, p. 9

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+ 12790. Open evenings . 7 ia Fat 637 RAL po con THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1931 PAGE NINE If it is to be bought or sold --Times Classified Ads will do it Legal Dental For Rent CONANT & ANNIS BARRISTERS Solicitors, Notaries Public, Etc. Conveyancing and general prac tied in Law. Office 7% Simcoe St. South, @shawa. Phone 4. G, D. Conant, BA, LL.B.; A. F. aAn- nis, BA, LLB... W. B. N. SINCLAIR, K.C., BANK of Commerce Building. ; JOSEPH P. MANGAN, B.A, BAR- rister, Solicitur, Notary Public, Conveyancer. Money to loan. ot- fice 14% King St. Bast, Oshawa. Phona 445. Residence phone 837. GRIERSON, CREIGHTON & Fraser, Barrister, etc. Bank of Commerce Bldg. LOUIS 8. HYMAN, BARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary. Over Dewland's Store. Muney to loan. 18 Simcoe street north. Phone 67. Residence 3473W. -- ne GREER & HUMPHREYS, BAR- laters, Selicitors. etc. 21% Sim- con St. N. Paone 3160. Residence '3514, Mopay te lo2p. wi ALEX. C. HALL, B.A, BAFRIS- ter, atc. Conveyancing and gen- eral practice. 32% King St. East, Fhone 3237. (ef) FRANK S. EEBS, BARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary Public, Convey- ancer, monvy to loan. Third floor new Alger Building. opposite Post Office. Phone 2996. Medical SRB. J BAZLEWOOD, PHY- sician and Surgeon, specal atten- tion given to X-Ray work ana Electrotheopy. Office, "Disney Block. Phone 2050. Office open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Residence 421 King street east. Phone 2416. DR. GRANT BERRY, PHYSIC- jan, Surgeon, Obstetrician, dis- eases of infants and children. Ot- fice and residence 97 Bond East. Phone 1165. Sil DR, McKAY, PHYSICIAN, SUR- geon, Accoucher, Office and resi- dence King St. East, corner Vie- soria St., Oshawa. Phone 94. Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist DR. F. T. BRYANS OF 160 Bloor Street West, Toronto, will be at his office over Jury & Lov- ell"s Drug Store each Saturday from 1 till 4 p.m., for consulta tion and treatment of diseases of ear, nose and throat only. Ap- pointments may be made at drug store. Phone 97. Architects ©. C. STENHOUSE, GENERAL Architectural work. Secord floor Royal Bank Building. Phone 1496. Res phone 909J. DR. S. J. PHILLIPS, OVER BAS- psett's. Special attention to X-ray work. Gas extraction. Nurse in attendance. Phone 959. House 1312. Undertaking LUKE BURIAL CO., ¢7 KING St. fast. Ambulance. Residence 542 Simcoe street north, Phone 210J and 210W. OSHAWA BURIAL CO. M, F. Armstrong & Son, Proprietors. Funeral and Ambulance Service day and night. Phone 1082W. 87 Celina. (4t) Insurance DAVIS ANZ SON, INSURANCE, 19 King St. West, Oshawa, The oldest Fire Agency in Oshawa. 30 Renutable Fire Sompanies, WHEN PLACING INSURANCE consult R. N. Johng, 80 Simcoe north, Your insurance wants at- tended to and your interests pro- tected. Transportation CARTAGE AND STORAGE, Coleman's, 85 Bond West. Spec- falists in furniture moving. Stor- age warehouse and moving van equipment. Phone 82. OSHAWA' OLDEST ESTABLISH- ed furnitnre mover, Park Road. Cartage, local and long distance. Frank Cowle, prop. 65 Fark Rd 8. Phone 215 (7 may 1 mo) FOR MOVING AND CARTAGE of all kinds try Chas. F, Flem- ing. Reasonable rates _and de- pendable service, Phone 797. (28 sept ¢) FOR RENT -- G!'ADSTONE Apartments, modern three roomed furnished, private cellar, laundry conveniences. Rent $35, Immedi- ate possession. Phons 2604W. (19 sept ¢) HEATED APARTMENTS, VERY central, 3 to 4 rooms, electric stove, kitchen cabinet, wall bed. $20. Bradley Bros. OFFICES BRIGHT, CLEAN, good approach. $15 up. Bradley Bros., over Ward's Store. (54LL) GEORGE APARTMENTS, SIM- coe and Quebec Streets, one of Oshawa's. finest and most cen- tral apartment, houses within 6 minutes walk of King and Sim- coe Street, close to school, mod- ern equipment, including elec- tric refrigerations, electric stove, steam heated, garages, three and four roomed apartment now available at very attractive ren- tals. Some furnished. Phone Mr. Prudence, Supt, 2347TW or Mr. Disney 1550. (53t0) SIMCOE MANOR AND toria apartments now complete- ly renovated and - decorated. Hardwood throughout, closets, vinator. showers. electric drier. Apply Bradley Bros, janitor 2671. (H4tf) MODERN APARTMENT FOR rent, 6 large bright rooms, eléc- trically equipped. Garage. Phone 269. NEW BUNGALOW AT 217 Dearborne Ave., 6 rooms with sun parlour, furnace, heat, hard- Tiled bathroom with Spacious laufdry with Reduced rentals. Beauty Parlors BETTY LOU PERMANENT Wave Shoppe, for a limited time, special prices: $10.00 wave for $7.60; $17.50 wave for $4.00. Marcelling, finger waving, hair dyeing and all other lines of heauty culture. For service and .cliability call on the 86 Simcoe St. North, or phone 2968 for appointments. Sauglmo oldest | established permanent wave shop, | | able. Apply 32 Elgin St. E. Phone | 442. (52¢) | THREE ROOMED APARTME? | nicely furnished on ground floor. | All conveniences. Gas stove. Ap- ply 97 Colborne St. East. (52¢c) Apply (52¢) ROOMED house. All conveniences. | 268 Clarke St. OR RENT---SEVEN house. All conveniences, decorated. Central. Apply Centre St. (52¢) GENOSHA HAIRDRESSING Parlors. Betty Ward and Grace Marshall, experts in all kinds of Beauty Culture. Our permanent wave a specialty. $5.00, $7.50 and $10.00. Finger wave and shampoo $1. Marcel 50c. Facials, scalp treatments ahd manicures. Coffee Shoppe entrance, Phone appointments 1973. (15 may 1 mo! Auctioneer PHONE 7163. W. J. SULLEY, Auctioneeg, 346 Simeoe St. S., Oshawa, Ont. Special attention given to household furniture sales and farm stock and imple- ments. Your patronage solicited. Watch Repairing ¥. A. VON GUNTEN, EXPERT Swiss watchmaker, repair shop at 44% King Sireet West. Your pat- ronage is solicited. Articles for Sale MIXED HARD AND SOFT wood slabs $8.60 per load. Also bone dry body wood. Waterous Meek limited. Phone 1288. (1 sept ¢) WE HAVE WONDERFUL VAL- ues in rebuilt Underwoods. They are as serviceable as when new-- at less than half the cost. Sent tor your approval. Address "Un- derwood," 135 Victoria St, To ronto. (Oct. 19, 31) Building Supplies CALL W. BORROWDALE FOR cement blocks, sand anc gravel. 609 Carnegie Ave. Pbone 1618. FOR SALE-- SAND, GRAVEL, cinders, stone, black loam. $1.50 per truck load delivered. Phone Essery Bros. 3142]. (18 sept c¢! Battery Service BATTERIES CHARGED 6c with rental $1.00. Repaired ana rebuilt. Called for and delivered. Prompt service. Stan Bligdon, 20 Mill St. Phone 18856W. Hemstitching HEMSTITCHING, PLEATING, repairs and alterations, dress- making, buttons and buttonholes. The Dell Shop, 26% Simcoe S. Phone 1656, (5 jly. 31) Shoe Repairing FOR SALE---TOMATOES, DE- livered. 456c a4 bushel. F W, Moody, 90 r 1-3. (62¢c) DRY HARD BODY WOOD, $15. Hardwood slabs $13. Mixed wood $12 per cord. McQuaid Cartage. Phone 2423W. (2 sept ¢) FOR SALE--FULL LINE OF farm machinery including Ford- son Tractor, Apply at 182 Ver- dun Road. (53c) WOOD FOR SALE. WwW. H. Thompson, 50 King St. W. Phone 742J. Ss 7 (3 oct ¢) CHAMPION SHOE REPAIR calls for and delivers your shoes. No extra charge. Satisfaction guaranteed. Phone 1216. D. Guiltinan, 17 Bond St. E. . (12 sept ¢) Automobile Insurance CANADIAN MOTOR UNDER- writers Automobile Insurance, paid 25 per cent. dividends 19 years. Germond Cigar Store. Yhene 2228. 7 sept e) Nursing PRACTICAL NURSE, DISEN- ' gaged, doctor's reference, mater- pity, general nursing, = assists . housework, or pla/n sewing. Mrs. Noble 3033]. 10sept ¢ : Money to Loan . MONEY TO LOAN ON YOUR automobile. Cars refinanced, payments reduced, additional ! cash given, dealings confidential. 'Terms reasonable. Pay while you {drive, Motor Loans and Dis- 'counts, R, F. White, Mgr.,, 14% !King St. E., Oshawa. Phone till 9 p.m. (27 aug ¢) ; Furniture Repairing ; i R PAIRED AND | re-upholstered, etc. Charges reas- onable. F. A, Morris, 170 Albert 'St. Phone 731W. Formerly with Luke Furniture Co. Shei (14 sept c) | UPHOLBTERING AT REDUCED prices' Geo. A. Constable, 272 a Ritson Rd. 8. Phone 2458J. (53b) FOR SALE-- ONE QUEBEC heater $5, Apply 27 Warren Ave. (54a) Female Help Wanted WANTED--A COOK, GENERAL, for family of three. No one un- der 20 need apply. 410 Masson St. ' (53¢c) WANTED -- SECRETARY TO Executive, one who has working knowledge of both stenography and accounting." Give full details including experience, remunera- tion desired, name of previous employer in first letter. If qualified a personal interview will be requested. Box 556 Times, (53a) COOK, GENERAL, FOR SMALL adult family. Must do good plain cooking. Mrs. Joseph King, Whit- by. (64b) = Business Opportunities store with fixtures and new fall stock. Owner retiring. Best lo- cation. Apply Box 553 Times. (53¢c) Work Wanted BUILDER AND CARPENTER will do work in exchange for good closed car. Phone 968M. (521) LADY DESIRES POSITION TO assist with house work and act as companion. Apply 159 Celina. . (53c) WOMAN WOULD TAKE CARE of children by hour or day, Ref- erences. 437 Albert St., Oshawa. oF "Auction Sale TNG RECEIVED INSTRUC- tions from Mr. Westlake to sell rton Road, Oshawa, a ,of furniture, dishes, day, Sept. 4th, at 1.30 cash, W. J. Sulley, (63b) quanti etc., on - (34c) For Exchange FARM FOR KXCHANGE-- One hundred and fifty acrés clay loam, Reach Township, seven roomed house, bank barn, gar- age Spring creek. Will exchange equity for house in Oshawa, Jas. Ryan, Cannington. (53¢c) FOR RENT--THREE AND FIVE room apartments with bath. Con- tinuous hot water. Electric re- (rigeration. Modern ences. Apply Apt. 2, St. East, TWO OR THREE ROOMS FUR- nished or unfurnished. Al} con- veniences, Also garage. IPhone 2187TW. (52¢) SEVEN ROOMED house for rent. All conveniences. Garage. Reasonable rent to suit- able tenant. 92 Alice Street, Ap- ply Louis Hyman, Barrister. ( BRICK, CON- 161 RENT---4 ROOM venjences, fifteen dollars. 6 room frame, conveniences. Cen- tral, fifteen dollars. New 6 room brick, conveniences, garage. Twenty-two. Horton & French, Times. (53¢c) UNFURNISHED FLAT 10 rent. Central. Cheap, St. HOR RENT ground floor, (53c) Z ROOMS, private entrance, | partly furnished, ligat, heat and | 24) Dear- | ™ | water, borne. Also garage, Phone 2928W. (53c) FOR RENT--5 ROOMED BUAN- galow, hardwood floors, electric stove. Phone 2953J, (5de) HOUSE TO RENT--6 ROOMS, all conveniences. Central. $10 a month. 2 rooms steam heat. All conveniences, Reasonable rent. Phone 3198. (54c) TWO ROOM = APARTMENT, comfortably finished, electricity, hot water, private, convenience, entrance ground floor. Suitable forcouple or young women. Reas- onable. Very central, 96 Centre. ' (54c) FOR RENT--3 UNFURNISHED rooms, central. All conveniences. Garage. 304 Leslie St. (54b) Wanted to Rent BY BUSINESS GIRL BED SIT- ting room partly furnished. Must be centrally located, north of King Street. Box 552 Times. (25 sept ¢) VIG: | First insertion-- 134 cents I per word. | Minimum charge for one in. | sertion 80c. Each subsequent consecu- tive insertion 1c per word. Three consecutive imser- tions for the price of two first insertions (three cents a word). Minimom charge for three insertions 60c. Box number 10c additional. fessional or Busi Cards, $2.50 per month for 20 words or less, 10 cents a word per month for each additional word. large | electric stoves and kel- | or phone | (511) | wood floors, garage. Rent reason- | TO RENT--6 ROOM BRICK | Newly | 79 | conveni- | _------ King | (52¢) | BRICK | Phone 35 Ask for Classified Ald Department || You'll tind 'tis .often well if you i | ----Flip the Terrier. [}; Great Rest Home OSHAWA REST HOME FOR | women and children. Comfortable | rooms, nurse in Terms reasonable. (21 sept ¢) Wanted To | eee ---------------------- ---- a ------ | WANTED TO BUY-- HEATER | must be cheap and in good con- * | dition. Write Box 554 Times Of- fice. (53c) WANTED--A GOOD CHEVRO- let car for cash, Apply Box 557 | Times. (54c) Room and Board TWO NICE ROOMS, SUITABLE men or girls, near Motors. Reas- board. Phone 2915J. (63¢) | ROOM AND BOARD FOR TWO | twin beds, continuous hot water. Home privileges. Box 551 Times. | onable (52¢) | Agents Wanted FULL. AND SPARE TIME workers making good incomes l selling "Imperial Art" 'Made in | Canada' Persona] Christmas Cards. Write now for particulars while agencies still available, Sample book free to responsible | people. British Canadian | lishing Co., 51 West Wellington, | Toronto. (511) | Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE -- SIX ROOMED { Lrick house and garage. All con- | veniences. Wash room in cellar { North end. Cheap for cash. Phone 1193W, (52¢ Lost and Found {| COST-=1'0X~ TERRIER PUI lost strayed or stolen from Osh iwa Fruit Store 17 King St. W. Finder please return. 25 Lloyd | Male Help Wanted | SPECIALITY | handle our complete line, awa territory, adding machines, cash registers, fireproof safes, credit registers and sales books. Apply Mr, Dorner, Room 511, Hotel Genosha. (64a) ~~ Motor Cars 27 WILLYS KNIGHT COUPE IN excellent condition $500 or nearest offer, 146 Verdun Rd. (bde) Music Lessons PIANOFORTE LL E S S O N 8, Yvonne Hazlewood, A.H.C.M, Studio opening Sept. 8th. Phone 2416. (1 oct ¢) CALL MRS. AUDREY MOF- fatt, A.T.C.M., 90 Roxborough Avenue for piano instruction. Phone 3511W, (1 oct ¢) ANNIE McMASTER, A.T.C.M. Teacher of Piano. Studio, 17 Con- naught St. Phone 116F. 2 a oct ¢) NOTICE WILL ANYONE WHO TRAVEL: led to Toronto by T.T.C. bus leav- ing Oshawa 3.30 p.m., Thursday, August 27, please communicate with Scott, 3 Normanna Ave., To- ronto. (hdc) Lost and Found LOST--GINGER COLORED KIT- ten. Phone Don McTavish, 1891. (54b) CAMP IS CLOSED Peterboro. -- The Kawartha Boys' Camp on Clear Lake is closed for the season and many healthy sun-tanned joungsters have been returned to the city to commence another season of their comparatively prosinc ex- istence. The most successful sea- ~on gon on the record of the camp is reported by Douz. Loomis, camp director, attendance. | Phone 3293W. | Buy | Pub- | (52¢) SALESMAN TO | Osh- | By Thornton Can get another's point of view. There in a dark corner of a shed he had panted for breath To ignore another person is to pay no attention to him, to act ag if he wasn't anywhere about. Flip the Terrier, whose one ambition in life had been to catch Twitchtail the Squirrel. suddenly began to act as if there | was no such person jin all the World as Twitehtail. | Farmer Brown's Boy couldn't { understand it at all. He began {to wonder if Flip was sick. If { T'witchtail suddenly popped up | out of the grass just ahead Flip + would turn his head and pretend { not to him. Never before ! had Farmer Lrown's Boy known him to act like this. But Flip wasn't sick. No, sir, | he wasn't sick at all. He had simply done a lot of thinkinz, It | had all come about as a result of the fright Talons the Golden Eagle had given him when both had tried to catch Twitchtail at | the same time and Flip had broken his own record for speed in getting back to the house. | There iu a dark corner of a shed | he had panted for breath, and shivered and shaken with the see W. Burgess Yes, sir, I'll leave him alone. It will make life easier for him. Besides, it may keep me out of trouble." He shivered as he re- membered the terrible bill and claws, the great, powerful wings and the fierce eyes of Talons the Eagle. Twitchtail, on his part, had also learned a lesson, "It is a wonder I am alive," sald Twitch- tait to Mrs. Twitchtail. "I was so Intent on teasing that silly Dog that I never once thought of any other danger. My, 1 never have had a worse fright." "It serves you right," declared Mrs. Twitchtail tartly. "I've told you all along that you'd get into trouble sooner or later if you kept on teasing that Dog. 1 hope vou have learned a lesson that you never will forget." "I have, my dear," replied Twitchtail meekly, "I'll never take another chance like that, It was fun to tease that Dog, be- cause he was always so sure he could catch me when all the time I knew he couldn't, but it was a foolish thing to do, and I know it now. 1 wonder what happened to him. If he'll just leave me alone I'll never tease him again." So it came about that little by little Twitchtail discovered that | fright that great bird with the | great hooked bill and curved | claws had given him, Little by | little he had put himself Twitchtail's place and found his point of view, "That fellow wasn't after me | he was after Twitchtail, guess he would have caught him if it hadn't been for me, thougut Flip. My, I would have have that terrible felluv bunting for me every day! really didn't want Twitchtail | chased him just for fun, 1 didn't need him food. I had no i reason for killing him. wouldnt have done me any good |if I had caught and killed him, | My, 1 should hate to have people | hunting for day, | feel that I move | out watching | guess Twit has plenty them, and I have been just one more to add to his troubles, I'll { leave him after this. 1 | know now my life I'n le | this, I Lo 1 tor me every couldn't for with alone what ve Twitchtail don't really after him, alone want in | and 1! It | and enemies, 1] he no longer had an enemy in Flip. One day Ilip actually sur- prised him so far from safety he would have had no = chance to | escape, but Flip pretended not to | sce him. He ignored him and acted just as if there wasn't a plump Ground Squirrel within miles. 'Twitchtail knew. then that something had happened to cilange Flip and he was no longer to feared. He wanted to be- that Flip had decided that | t was useless<to chase him; that | he, Twitehtafl, was too smart for him, .but right down inside he knew that this wasn't so, But someting told him that ¥Fhip | had had a change of heart, and | after that he felt almost friend- be lieve ly towards the lively little Dog. i As for Farmer Brown's Boy, | ha doesn't understand to this day Flip so suddenly lost inter- | est in chasing Squirrels, for, of | Flip never has told him. | { (Copyright, 1931, by 'T. W.| | Burgess), why course, jt is to run for | I never did know before. | "Flip Sticks | Master." | The Close next to His story SSS We -- TRUT = SOIL Wiz: | CANADIAN NATIONAL A mother and uate as from. college together Urbana, Illinois A family at Elwood, RAR Bgkige family, bred i ine family ANOTHER TRUTH IS that here a for Home and School use. I same satisfaction every time, A complete stock of Fountain Pens PHONE 2 WE DELIVERY OMIPS ONS RUG STORE. 1 t F. W. Thompson's you'll get the CE MET Victor Radios A re Sold in Oshawa en Easy Terms by Jehn Meagher 92 Simcoe Street North Phone 371w TIME TABLE OSHAWA, BOWMANVILLE BUS LINES Week Day Schedule (Effective on and alter April 13th. 1931) (Daylight Saving Time) gz West Leave Arrive Duhawa Whitby WHITBY, Leave Arrive Bowmanville Hospital 6.20 a.m. 7.20 a.m, 3.30 p.m. 5.30 p.m. 6.30 p.m. 6.45 p.m .m. 8.00 p.m. . 10.15 p.m. 10.3 p.m. . 12.15 a.m, re through busses to ve Oshawa Bowmanville 6.5t a.m. 7.20 a.m. 8.15 a.m of Hospital Whitby 6.30 a.m 9.55 a.m 11.30 a.n 12.40 p.m 2.15 nm Off 5.40 p.m 6.40 p.m 8.15 p.m Oft 1 215 p.m, ) 115 p.m. v. 9.35 p.m 10.30 p.m. 10.45 p.m. 11.30 pm SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY SCHEDULE Gon West ng Wes Leave Leave Arrive Bowmanville Oshawa Whitby 8.00 p. 10.30 p.m. Oshawa Waiting Room, 10 Prins Street ing East Leave Arrive Oshawa Bowmanville 10.15 a.m. 10.45 a.m. 12.15 pom. 12.45 p.m, 3.3 p.m, Lv. 4.10 p.m, 4.40 p.m 5.30 p.m, | b=Saturday, 7.30 p.m, 3X ® _-- p.m. p.m. r fa, Special sses for all Sr asions Reasonable Rates and Careful Drivers T. A. GARTON, PROPRIETOR BOWMANVILLE, PHONE 412 or 346 GRAY COACH LINES Effective April 26th (Esstern Standard [imas) 2283 Leave Oshawa Leave Toronto AM. P.M. o> =PomNo B88 iiX a S a 6.3% Buenas 30 .30 LX .30 .30 M 2.30 1.30 ho J NPA wh Ew eo © BLEE = - oo Bo nupyatn Be Bi Bakivssuly o Se 8 a--Daily "except Sunday. undays snd Holidays only. d=Sunday orly, RAILWAY Effective June 28, 1931 $ (Standard Time) tbound 2 a.m. Daily, except Sunday. a.m. Daily. 2.07 p.m. Daily, p.m. Daily, except Sunday. p.m. Daily, except Saturday, p.m. Daily, 11.41 p.m. Daily, Westbound 26 a.m. Daily, except Sunday 18 a.m. Daily, 30 a.m. Daily. 6. oe am. Bails. 2.10 p.m, Daily ex In ¥ 4.05 pm Daily. y opt. Sunday 5% p.m, Pally. .35 p.m. Daily t Sunday. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAYS y Effective April 26th (Standard Time) Eastbound 4. 5. 5. 5.28 a.m. Daily. 6.29 a.m. Daily. 2.59 p.m. Daily, 7.32 p.m. Daily, except Sunday. m&.24 p.m, Daily. m Tcronto and West Only. One 1927 Essex Coupe. One 1928 Old's. Sedan. ROSS, AMES AND GART- SHORE King St. West, Phone 1160 COAL COAL Phone 198 W.J. SATLGENT Yard--89 Bloor St. E. Orders Promptly Delivered Felt Bros. The Leading Jeweller Established 1886 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH BOAT FOR SALE 18 foot B.C. cedar, with 32 H.P. four cylinder Johnson Motor. Very safe and fast. Price $295. Terms. Ph. 900. ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LIMITED REPAIRING WATCHES OUR SPECIALTY D. J. BROWN It your watch is not giving - satisfaction we can repair and make it tell the correct time. THE JEWELER Official Watch Inspector for Canadian National and Osh- awa Railroads 20 Simcoe St. 8. Phone 189 FOMPSE DRUG STORE PHONE 22 WE DELIVERY We Deliver 5 10 Simcoe St. S. Special!" Boys' Suits. 2 pairs knickers, Suit ....... etrrssanne $3.95 Dominion Clothing Co., 68 King St. W. Phone 2141 JURY & LOVELL'S OPTICAL PARLORS J. W. Wornull, Oph. D. Eyesight Specialist Phone 3215 PREPARE FOR THE WORST I write $1000 residence bur glary policy for only $5.00 per year. Why worry when away when you may have this protection at such low cost. If interested call 4. H. RR. Luke, phoaes 71 or 687TW. AUTO LOANS and CARS REFINANCED at lowest prevailing rates CAMPBELL AUTO FINANCE CO., LTD. see H. A. MacDONALD Alger Bldg. Branches: Toronto, Ottawa, Lone don, Windsor, Sarnia, Oshawa BRINGING UP FATHER HERE'S YOUR SALARY- 4EE' MAGGIE WITH ALL CASH AS | HAVE IT ON NANG TEN WHEELER TO = AT THE FRONT DOOR 'VERY G . WITH THE CAR AS | MOM? FRR, OREASERL : AT FIVE- PIERS | JAMES=1LL PAY You inl - THAT CASH AN SHE WON'T EVEN GIVE ME A NICKEL FER CAR-FARE- OH! SO THIS IS PAY DAY FER JAMES~ -- TES BY GEO. McMANUS | MISH MAGGIE PAID HIM MORE SALARY THEN

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