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Oshawa Daily Times, 3 Sep 1931, p. 7

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 193f . PAGE SEVEN GIANTS SWEEP SERIES Boston: Sept. 3.--- The New fork Giants made a clean sweer ) »f the five-game series yesterday, , when they defeated the Bostorm Braves in both ends of a double .- ae. 9 to 2 and 3 to 1. After being held hitless in thne first and second innings, tkhe Giants solved the offerings top Socks Seibold in the third, pounei- ed him for three hits and as many runs, and then continued the as.' sault in the. following inning to score six runs and drive Selbold from the mound. "Bud" Parmelen started the af- termath for the Giants, and con- fined the Braves to four hits, one a double by Berger coming in the seventh inning when the Braves tallied their lone run. .. > does more mot Alge Offic aa] lasts longer B. 301) $@ mits unique, tiny, flat-shaped particles an and a givemore surface and do a lot more cleaning. strothe Ek. th Pibit of Old Dutch works. You will be both sur- pire,and delighted with how long a package of Old D@GRrailasts, and how economically and efficiently it dot' &%our cleaning. Old{ Jutch is perfect for porcelain and enamel, tile, paintid woodwork, floors, refrigerators, stoves, utensils, in fact for all cleaning throughout the home. Old Dutch doesn't scratch. With one smooth sweep it removes all the dirt, grease, grime and stains --as well as the invisible, health - menacing impurities. Old Dutch is your great- est help in housekeeping and your safeguard to Healthful Cleanliness. LISTEN TO THE OLD DUTCH GIRL Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday moming aver the Columbia Broadcasting System. Tune in. TORONTO STATION CFRB £:45 a.m. STAN- DARD, TIME. amy - SS AT AT AY A" A AT A 87 McLAREN'S INVINCIBLE OLIVES . First Quality-- genuine Spanish Olives in the new "Crackle" glass jars. 29. 29 9. 9.2% 8 15¢ Wa CLO V. -SPORT- Excelsiors | half, but when threes Winnipeg- '| gers went to the cooler. in lends of a double-header. Adtance to Final Round Winnipeg, Sept. 3, -- (CP)-- Youthful Excelsiors of Brampton, 1930 champions of Canadian la- crosse, last night galloped into another Dominion final, leaving Winnipeg's once-ambitious Wel- lingtons by the wayside.. In the second match of a two-game ser- jes, the doughty Ontario dozen imposed a 2 to 0 defeat on Wel- lingtons, taking the semi-final round by a 7 to 3 total score. Heavy penalties against the most-threatening members of the Manitoba squad opened up the opportunities that meant victory to the eastern titlists, Coasting along on the two-goal edge won iu last night's match, Brampton went scoreless in to-night's first the third quarter, Excelsiors rifled in two goals--their night's scoring work. Both Brampton scores came when powerful Harry Neil, Wel- lington home, was serving a five- minute sentence for hooking his stick across the mouth of Ollie Carey, taciturn defence star, and the Winnipeg attack so violent at times that it threatened to cut down the eastern lead in the first half, lost its ferocity as Welling- ton stars paraded to the penalty box. Carey and Core Hurt Two Brampton stars will carry the scars of battle into the Can- adian final against New Westmin- ster Salmon Bellies, Dominion tit- lists in 1927 and 1929. Carey, whose leg was damaged in the first game, received a gashed mouth to-night but returned to the match, Oddie Core, wander- ing inside star, suffered a head gash requiring four stitches in the last guarter, and did not fin- ish the game. Brampton's first score, halt way through the third quarter, came from the flashing stick of Mush Thompson, lanky spare, a moment after he relieved Carey, who 'had been hurt, Two minutes later, Tony Stapleton raced in uncovered from his centre posi- tion, took a pass from Mooney Gibson and converted it into the second and last goal of the game, Promptly after Neil returned from his fatal five-minute penal- ty, Wally McLaren and Buzz Holt, Winnipeg attackers, were sent to the box, where they finished the quarter. Three more Wellingtons, including Capt. Murdy Hardy, were banished in the last quar- ter, enfeebling the dying Western attack. In all 13 penalties were called, 10 on Wellington players. Cincinnati, Sept. 3.--The Cin- cinnati Reds took thelr third straight game from the Chicago Cubs yesterday, by capturing both The score was 7 to 4 and 8 to 4. The hitting of Hendrick and Duro- cher featured the double triumph. Sylvester Johnson pitched the opening tilt, allowing the Cubs seven hits. The fact that the second place New York Giants won a double- header and the double defeat of the Cubs, shatters all hopes of the Cubs overtaking the Giants. Successive singles bby Marshall, Parmeles and Fullis in the third inning produced the first run for the Giants. Jackson's single and a double by Ott: accounted for the second, while a walk to Terry, & single by Ott and then Jackson, scored the Giants' third run. "Has-Beens" Defeated by City and Nats The "Has Beens," played an exhibition game of Soccer be- tween Oshawa City and National players at the Motor City Sta- dium before a pretty fair crowd, considering the unsettled wea. ther. Pop Findlay won the toss and Brown started for the young team and at once made tracks for the Has Been's goal but Millar was on the alert and cleared time after - time. The 'Has Beens" were having quite a time finding their feet, Kilburn sent Easton away on the wing and from the latter's cross Espie shot into the hands of Shields. The City Nats went to the at- tack and Millar was lucky to put cpe over the bar from Bailey, p'ay was now very fast and Find- lay made a great dash down the wing, passed inside {5 Smart, who shot very weakly at this period, Rogers and Boyd were {| half backs and forwards, sorely pressed and Shields was very lucky to turn a shot round tho post from KEspie. The City Nats. now took a turn at the at- tacking, after nice work by the Millar stopped a terrific' shot of Fair- leye and from the rebound the same player shot to the far corn- or of the net. City Nat's. 1, "Has Beens" 0. From the restart the 'Has Beens" forced the attack and Boyd handled the ball in the pen- ality area and Lappin scored from the kick. Half time came a few minutes later, score being City Nat's. 1, "Has Beens" 1, From the restart play opened very fast and play was very even for the first 20 minutes. Fiad- lay being the most conspi*uous man with his great dashes on the wing and his perfect passes went astray each time, The City Nata. scored when Brown beat Millar with a low shot to the far corner of the net. From the kick off the "Has Beens" broke away on tha right and Pennington passed back to Jenkins who beat Shields with a nice shot. The City Nats again scored when Brown headed the lal) into the net with only a few minutes to go the "Has Neen' nade desperate attempts to even up the score, Findlay had a great chance to tie up the score wuen Pennington crossed the ball to him with Shields out of positl m, score came with City Nats, 3, Hae Beens, 2. The Has Beens are not satis- fied with this game and will have aiother game on Tuesday night at Alexandra Park, proceeds of thie go again to the uaemployad 80 come in your thousands. Ad- mission 10 cents. The Line-up: HAS BEENS -- Millar, Sida- way, McGregor, Kilburn, Lappin, Smart, Easton, Findlay, Kem- mit. Gow, Easpie, Subs., Jenkins, Smim, Munro, McKay, Penning- on, ~ CITY & NATS.--Shields, Rod- gers, Boyd, McLean, Lobban, Lyons, Singer, Bailey, Fairley, Grant. Referee: --W. Conners. A bunch of Keys was lost st the Stadium, anybody finding them please return to Joe Jack- son, or phone 2049J. ---------------------- LONG BRANCH ACES WIN Long Branch Aces, who defeat- ed Robson Tannery, continued on | their triumphal march to another '0.A.5.A. intermediate champion- he shot passed the upright. Hilal Leading expert tea tasters select and blend these teas "SALADA" 'Fresh from the gardens' ship last night at Long Branch, when they took the first of a three-game series from Midland by a score of 7 to 1. Long Branch again played stellar ball behind Cam Ecclestone, who turned in a clever game on the mound, strik- ing out 12 and allowing but three scratch hits. The winners took an early lead which they never re- linquished, Johnny Nairn wag the big clouter with a pair of homers and a triple in five times up with Ecclestone also getting three in five. Smith and Kintchen had a pair each. Bill Mutch caught a great game. Midland got away on the wrong foot but played good ball in the final frames and will on tat} ® prove troublesome in Midland on, Saturday when the return game will be played. Some women are passing fair and some are passed. From the farthest corners of the world, (together dsm come the with those of our own D products of farm and field, vineyard and orchard, gathered together, tried and tested, and offered for 8 add your leisurely th stores. in conveni dy | A tremendous volume of Fine Foods, efficiently and ecomomically' distributed by Dominion Stores, Limited, brings to the Modern Housewife the of Foods that are Fresh and Flavorful PINK SALMON :+10- SAVE 10: TEA Red Package Dominion Stores' Reduced This Weeh (except that retailing All Blends of TEAS Dundas PURE JAM COMFORT SOAP 10:39: BISCUITS Mixed rd STRAWBERRY, A DELIGHTFUL ASSORTMENT OMINION STORES: § LARGE JAR, NEW PACK, RASPBERRY, BLACK CURRANT 4 . 33. 2 ws. 25¢ at 3 1bs. $1.00) Reg. 2c 1b, Geib. soc 1b. Gem. BAYSIDE CHOICE PEAS CORN LIN TOMATOES + . - - TINS 25- 6sc 1b. G§em. 8c 1b. 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