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Oshawa Daily Times, 5 Sep 1931, p. 7

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1931 PAGE SEVEN If it is to be bought or sold --Times Classified Ads will do it~ CONANT & ANNIS BARRISTERS Solicitors, Notaries Public, Ete. Conveyancing and general prac tice in Law. Office 7% Simcoe st. South, Oshawa. Phone 4. G. D. Conant, B.A, LL.B.; A, F. aAn- nis, B.A, LL.B. 2 WE. N, SINCLAIR, K.C., BANK ot. Commerce Buil JOSEPH P. MANGAN, B.A, rister, Solicitur, Notary Publie,. Conveyancer. Money to loan. Of fice 14% King St. East, Oshawa. Phons 445. Residence phone 837. GRILL N, CREIl N & Fraser, Barrister, etc.,, Bank of Commerce Bldg. S 8. HYMAN, R Solicitor, Notary. Over Dewland's Store. Muney to loan. 16 Simcoe street north. Phone 67. Residence 3473W. a GREER & HUMPHREYS BAR Solicitors, ete. - bey St. N. Paone 3160. Residence 3514. Mopay te losn. ALEX. C. HALL, B.1 . EAE ter, otc. Conveyancing an . eral practice, 33% King St. East. Fhone 3237. (tf) FRANK S. ESBS, BARRISTER, Solicitor, Wotary Public, Convey- apcer, monvy to loan. Third floor new Alger Building. opposite Post Office. Phone 2996. Medical PRB. J. BAZLEWOOD, PHY- sicfan and Surgeon, special atten- tion given to X-Ray work and Flectrotheopy. Office, Disney Block. Phone 2050, Office" open 9 a.m. to' 9 p.m. Residence 421 King street east. Phone 2416. DPR. GRANT BERRY, PHYSIC- jan, Surgeon, Obstetrician, dis. eases of infants and children. ot- fice and residence 97 Bond East. Phone 1155. DR. McKAT, PHYSICIAN, SUR- geon, Accoucher. Office and resi. dence King St. East, corner Vie- soria St., Oshawa. Phone 94. == - A Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist DR. F. T. BRYANS OF 160 Bloor Street West, Toronto, will be at his office over Jury & Lov- eli's Drug Store each Saturday from 1 till 4 p.m., for consulta- tion and treatment of diseases of ear, nose ang throat only. Ap- pointments may be made at drug store. Phone 97. Architects TC STENHOUSB, GENERAL Architectural work. Secord floor Royal Bank Building. Phone 1496. Res. phone 909J. Auctioneer PHONE 716]. W. J. SULLEY, Auctioneer, 346 Simcoe St. 8, Oshawa, Ont. Special attention given to household fumniture gales and farm stock and imple- ments. Your patronage solicited. Watch Repairing ¥. A. VON GUNTEN, EXPERT Swiss watchmaker, repair shop at 44% King Sireet West. Your pat- ronage is sohcited. Building Supplies GALL W. BORROWDALE FOR cement blocks, sand ané gravel 609 Carnegie Ave. Phone 1618. Battery Service BATTERIES CHARGED b¢ with rental $1.00. Repaired ana rebuilt, Called for and delivered. Prompt service. Stan Bligdon, 20 Mill St. Phone 1886W. ¥ Hemstitching HEMSTITCHING, PLEATING, repairs and alterations, dress- making, buttons and buttonholes. The Dell Shop, 26% Simcoe 5. Phone 1656, (5 jly. 31) Shoe Repairing - CHAMPION SHOE REPAIR calls for and delivers your shoes. No extra charge. Satisfaction guaranteed, Phone 1216. D. Guiltinan, 17 Bond St, E. (12 sept ¢) Automobile Insurance Dental DR. 8. J, PHILLIPS, OVER BAS sett's. Special attention to X-ray work. Gas extraction. Nurse in attendance, Phone 959. House 1312, LUKE BURIAL CO., 67 KING St. £ast, Ambulance. Residence 542 Simcoe street north. Phone 210J and 210W. J A BURIAL CO. M, F. Armstrong & Son, Proprietors. Funeral and Ambulance Service day and night. Phone 1988W, ha ) Celina. Insurance DAVIS AND SON, INSURANCE, 19 King St. West, Oshawa. The oldest Fire Agency in Oshawa. 30 Renutable Fire Companies. WHEN PLACING INSURANCE consult R. N. Johnz, 80 Simcoe north. Your insurance wants at- tended to and your interests pro- tected. Transportation, CARTAGE AND STORAGE, Coleman's, 85 Bond West, Spec- falists in furniture moving. Stor- age warehouse and moving van equipment. Phone 82. OSHAWA' OLDEST ESTABLISH- ed furnitnre mover, Park Road. Cartage, local and long distance. Frank Cowle, prop. 65 Fark Rd. 8. Phone 215 (7 mary 1 mo) FOR MOVING AND CARTAGE of all kinds try Chas. F. Flem- ing. Reasonable rates and de- pendable service, Phone 797. (28 sept c) Beauty Parlors BETTY LOU PERMANENT Wave Shoppe, for a limited time, special prices: $10.00 wave for $7.60; $7.50 wave (for $4.00. Marcelling, finger waving, hair dyeing and all other lines of heauty culture. For service and .<liability call on the oldest established permanent wave shop, 86 Simcoe St. North, or phone 2968 for appointments. 8auglmo GENOSHA HAIRDRESSING Parlors. Betty Ward and Grace Marshall, experts in all kinds of Beauty Culture. Our permanent wave a specialty. $5.00, $7.50 and $10.00. Finger wave and shampoo $1. Marcel 50c. Facials, scalp treatments and manicures. Coffee Shoppe entrance, Phone appointments 1973. (15 may 1 mo! Articles for Sale MIXED HARD AND SOFT wood slabs $3.50 per load. Also bone dry body wood. Waterous Meek Limited. Phone 1288, (1 oct ¢) WE HAVE WONDERFUL VAL- ues im rebuilt Underwoods. They are as serviceable as when new-- at less than half the cost. Sent fur your approval. Address "Un- derwood," 135 Victoria 8t.,, To- ronto, (Oct. 19, 31) FOR SALE-- SAND, GRAVEL, cinders, stone, black loam. $1.50 per truck load delivered. Phone Essery Bros. 3142]. (18 sept ¢) DRY HARD BODY WOOD, $15. Hardwood slabs $13. Mixed wood $12 per cord. McQuaid Cartage. Phone 2423W. (2 sept ¢) WOOD FOR SALE, Ww. H. Thompson, 507 King St. W. Phone 742). (3 oct ¢) Female Help Wanted WANTED -- COOK, GENERAL, between 25 and 85 years. Must be single or widow without children. Apply ¢ Bond St. W. (56b) For Sale or Rent FARM OF 190 ACRES FOR sale or rent on easy terms, close to Canning Factory. Owen Ke- hoe, R.R. No. 1, Belleville. (b6c) For Rent FOR RENT GLADSTONE Apartments, modern three roomed furnished, private cellar, laundry conveniences. Rent $35, Immedi- ate possession. Phons 2604W. (19 sept c) S, VERY central, 3 to 4 rooms, electric stove, kitchen cabinet, wall bed. $20. Bradley Bros. OFFICES BRIGHT, CLEAN, good approach. $15 up. Bradley Bros., over Ward's Store. (54tL) GEORGE APARTMENTS, SIM- coe and Quebec Streets, one of Oshawa's finest and most cen- tra; apartment, houses within § minutes walk of King and Sim- coe Street, close to school, mod- ern equipment, including elec tric refrigerations, electric stove, steam heated, garages, three and four roomed apartment now available at very attractive ren- tals. Some furnished. Phone Mr. Prudence, Supt., 2347TW or Mr. Disney 1550. £ (63tf) SIMCOE MANOR AND" VIC- toria apartments now cothplete- ly renovated and decorated. Hardwood throughout, large closets, electric stoves and kel- vinator. Tiled bathroom with showers. Spacious laundry with electric drier. Reduced rentals. Apply Bradley Bros., or phone janitor 2671. (54tL) MODERN APARTMENT FOR rent, 6 large bright rooms, elec- trically equipped. Garage. Phone 269. ((511) FOR RENT--THREE AND FIVE room apartments with bath, Con- tinuous hot water. Electric re- frigeration. Modern conveni- ences. Apply Apt, 2, 161 King St. East. (56c) HOUSE TO RENT--6 ROOMS, all conveniences. Centrai. $10 a month. 2 rooms steam heat, All conveniences, Reasonable rent. Phone 3198. (54c) FOR RENT--ONE SMALL AND one large semi-detached house. All conveniences. Rent cheap. Apply 161 Athol St. E. Phone 226. (55¢c) MODERN HOUSE FOR RENT TO responsible party, Situated on Yonge St. All conveniences, fur- nished or unfurnished. Phone 3290J, (566c) TWO ROOMS FURNISHED. Phone 3338W. (56¢) TWO ROOM APARTMENT, COM- fortably furnished, electricity, hot water, private convenience and entrance, ground floor, suit- able for couple or young women. Reasonable. Very c:ntral 96 Centre. (54c) ROOMS FOR LIGHT HOUSE- keeping. Central. Private en- trance. Apply 22 Elm St. Phone 1296F. (6bc) TO RENT-- SEVEN ROOMED brick house, garage, paved street, near Collegiate. For terms and particulars apply to Box 560 Times. (56¢c) FOR RENT--¢ ROOMED FUR- nished apartment and ' other smaller furnished apartments also different sized unfurnished apartments. Call between 2-5 or 7-9. Phone 1860. (56¢c) Pets and Livestock FOR SALE--MILKING GOAT. Also very small monkey, echild- ren's pet. Apply 514 Athol St. East. (55b) Poultry 50 BARRON LEGHORNS IN full lay also University of @rit- ish Columbia Cockerels from 250 egg R.O.P. Birds. Phone 360F, Sykes, north eof four corners, Harmony. (56a) Wanted to Rent BY BUSINESS GIRL BED SIT- ting room partly furnished. Must be centrally located; north of King Street. Box 552 Times. (25 sept ¢) Lost and Found CANADIAN MOTOR UNDER- "wiiters Automobile Insurance, paia 25 per cent. dividends 19 years. Germond Cigar Store. Phcne 2228. 7 sept ¢) Nursing PRACTICAL NURSE, DISEN- gaged, doctor's reference, mater. pity, general nursing, assists housework, or pla'n sewing, Mrs. Noble 3033]. 10sept ¢ Money to Loan ON YOUR AUTOMOBILE, CARS refinanced, payment: reduced, additional cash given, dealings confidential. Terms reasonable. Pay while you drive. Motor Loans ani Discounts, R, F. White, Mgr., 14% King St. E., Oshawa. Phone 2790. Open evenings till 9 p.m. (27 aug c) - Furniture FURNITURE REPAIRED AND ye-upholstered, etc. Charges reas- onable. F. A, Morris, 170 Albert E Phone 731W, Formerly with uke Furniture Co. i (14 sept ¢) Room and Board COLLEGIATE TBACHER SOL- i¢its board and room for respon- sible girl student in return for pervice in the home. Box 559 Times. (56a) "Real Estate For Sale UARGAIN FOR SOMEONE, $3950 two stores and two houses, east corner Court and Olive. Wij- liams, 6F Victoria, Torotto. me mp on + KB2433466) Work Wanted BUILDER AND CARPENTER will do work in exchange for good closed car. Phone 968M. (6521) WOMAN WOULD TAKE CARE of children by hour or day. Ref- erences. 437 Albert St., Oshawa. (64c) Agents Wanted EMPLOYMENT FULL AND SPARE TIME workers making good incomes selling "Imperial Art" 'Made in Canada" Persona] Christmas Cards. Write now for particulars while agencies still available. Sample book free to responsible people. British Canadian Pub- lishing Co., 51 West Wellington, Toronto, (5 1L) NOTICE WILL ANYONE WHO TRAVEL- led to Toronto by T.T.C. bus leav- ing Oshawa 3.30 p.m., Thursday, August 27, please communicate with Scott, 3 Normanna Ave., To- ronto, (64c) "For Sale or Rent FOR SALE OR RENT--TWO new attractive five roomed bun- galows, oak floors, all conveni- ence, 220 Drew St., other one 103 Westmorland. Apply to above. Unless steady employed do not apply, (66e) FOR SALE OR RENT--FOUR roomed frame house. Garage, water, electric. Situated on Gibb 8 Phone 558F. / -(66b) | LOST -- BETWEEN WILLIAM St. and Regent Theatre, heavy black rimmed glasses. Finder re- turn to Times Office. Reward, (65b) Motor Cars 27 WILLYS KNIGHT COUPE IN excellent condition, $500 - or nearest offer. 146 Verdun Rd. (54c) FOR SALE--ONE TON TRUCK 1926 with stake body. Cheap 1i¥ sold tonight. 422 King St, W. (65b) Rates For || Classified Ads || per word, ' Minimum charge for one in- sertion 80c. ! Each subsequent consecu- tive insertion 1c per i word. | Three consecutive - inser tions for the price of two first insertions (three cents a word). | Minimum charge for three insertions 60c. . Box number 10c¢ additional Professional or Business ' Cards, $2.50 per month i for 20 words or less, 10 cents a word per month for each additional word. Rest Home OSHAWA REST HOME FOR women and children. Comfortable rooms, nurse in attendance. Terms reasonable. Phone 3293W. (21 sept c) Wanted To Buy WANTED--A GOOD CHEVRO- let car for cash. Apply Box 5567 Times, (b4c) WANTED -- HORSE, BROKEN or which can be trained to sad- dle, G. D. Conant, Oshawa. (56b) Music Lessons PTANOFORTE LES 8 O N §, Yvonne Hazlewood, A.H.C.M. Studio opening Sept. 8th, Phone 2416. (1 oct ¢) CALL MRS. AUDREY MOF- fatt, A.T.C.M., 90 Roxborough Avenue for piano instruction. Phone 3511W. (1 oct ¢) ANNIE McMASTER, A.T.C.M., Teacher of Piano. Studio, 17 Con- naught St. Phone 118F. (2 vet ¢) Help Wanted EARN UPWARDS OF $20 weekly growing mushrooms for us in cellars, al] fall and winter. Commence now. Illustrated book- let free. Canadian Mushroom Company, Dept. 49, Toronto. (56h) Tenders Wanted SEALED tenders marked "Ten- der Queen Mary Chocolate Shop" will be received by the under- signed Solicitors for Kate Cline Mundy, Admrnistratrix of the Estate of Mary Alice Adams, de- ceased, until 12 o'clock noon of the 15th day of September, 1931, for the purchase of the stock and fixtures comprising the Queen Mary Chocolate Shop at No. 20 King Street East, Osh- awa, as a going concern, Tenders must state terms of payment, Im- mediate possession of the busi- ness can be given. Full particu- lars may be obtained from CONANT & ANNIS, Barristers, &c., 7% Simcoe St. S.,, Oshawa, Ontario, Solicitors for the Ad- ministratrix of the Estate of Mary Alice Adams, (56-59-61) FARMERS BUSY FILLING SILOS Large Amount of Corn Is Being Cut in Kedron District (Beatrice Mountjoy, Correspondent) Kedron, Sept. 2--A number of the farmers are cutting corn and silo- filling these days. Mr. and Mrs, S, Conlin, Misses Marguerite and Kathleen Conlin re cently visited at Caesarea. Miss Nora Werry visited with Mr. and Mrs L. C, Snowden, Maple Grove. The Women's Assoication met at the home of Mrs. H. T. Cole, on Wednesday afternoon for their reg- ular monthly meeting. There were fifteen members and one visitor present. After the usual business meeting a short program was giv- en and lunch served by group four, i ' Pirst insertion-- 1% cents |} BUCHANAN"S Week End Specials Beautiful Wool Crepes, Silk Crepes, Fall Prints Any Summer Dress to Clear $2.50 And What Lovely OATS MAKE US A VISIT AND LOOK THEM OVER 15 King St. East and a social hour followed. Mrs. Earle Van Dyke, Mrs. E. Davis and Mrs. Harvey Pascge are the com- mittee in charge of the October meeting which will be held at the home of Mrs. Harvey Pascoe, Mr. Wm. Jolliffe, Lindsay, is visit- ing with Mr, Leslie Hancock. Mr and Mrs. John Lawson and daughters, Geraldine and Jacqueline, St. Catharines, were recent guests of Mr, and Mrs. S. Jewell. Mr. Fay Conlin has returned home after spending a few days at Windsor and Detroit « Mr. John Lawrence and Miss Emily Lawrence, Columbus, recent- ly visited their cousin, Mrs. John Mountjoy. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Pascoe and Lorraine visited with relatives at Orono recently: Mrs. S. guerite Con 'l'uesday. and Miss Mar- , were in Cobourg on Mrs. Ross Lee visited with Mrs. | J Rundle, Solina, on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Pascoe at- tended the Exhibition on Tuesday. Mrs. S. Conlin and Miss Marguer- ite Conlin visited Miss Ida McCul- loch, Enfield, on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Thirsk, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wheeler and family, Toronto, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs, T. Crossman. The Kedron Dramatic Club pre- sented their popular play "The Last Loaf" at Salem Harvest Home on Monday evening. Mr. C. W Hoskin, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mountjoy, Keith and Mur- ray, were in Toronto on Wednes- day and attended the Exhibition. Miss Laura Wickett, Oshawa, spent a few days with Mrs, H. T, Cole. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Philip, Burketon, visited Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Luke one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Laur, of Niagara Falls, spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs, H T. Cole. Mr. and Mrs. A. Gully, Oshawa, were visitors with Mr, and Mrs. 'WW. N. Hoskin on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Webber, Whit- by, and Mr. Keist Webber and Miss Jessie Webber, Brooklin, visited Mr, and Mrs, H. T. Cole Sunday evening, Mr. Arthur G. Lec, of Fort Smith, Arkansas, visited on Friday with his cousins, R! J. Luke and F. W, Lee. Mr, and Mrs. J. J. Croskem and Miss Rhea Croskem, of Toronto, and Miss Boyd, Erie, Penn, visited at Mr, A, D. Van Dyke's on Sun- day. Mr. Marwood Heard visited over the week-end at the W. N, Hoskin home, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hancack and Robert, Mark and Frank, motored to Rochester on Saturday and spent a few days with relatives there. Mr. and Mrs. John McGregor, Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm McGregor, Miss Nora Werry, Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Cole, Mr, and Mrs. F. W, Lee and Mr, Wesley Lee attended the funeral of their cousin, Mr, Thos. Cole, at Maple Grove on Sunday af- ternoon, . Mr. and Mrs, Horace Hancock and Mrs. Ellen Hancock, Ebenezer, and Mr. Frank Hancock, Winni- peg, visited Mr. and Mrs, Leslie Hancock Wednesday evening. Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Werry were at Niagara Falls recently, Mistress: "Another plate broken! However did you manage it?" Maid: "Sure, I didn't break it, ma'am. It was all right when it left my hand!" RADIO LICENSES ON THE INCREASE Number Already Issued For This Year Ottawa. -- (C.P.)--Licenses were issued to 452800 Canadian radio {owners in the first four months of the present fiscal year. The radio branch of the Department of Ma- rine issued 221,000 licenses in the 12 months ending last March and expectations: were that this total | would be increased materially in the present fiscal year. | Until the end of July, 746 licen- es had been issued in Prince Ed- ward Island; 15,597 in Nova Scotia; 9.000 in New Brunswick. 96,002 in | Quebec; 224,367 in Ontario; 25678 in Manitoba; 20,927 in Saskatche- wan; 16,724 in Alberta; 43727 in British Columbia and 108 in the North West territories. Toronto led all Canadian cities with 68,054 licenses issued up to the end of July. Montreal was second with 56,072 and Vancouver third with 23,196. A house painter applied for an engagement at a I ondon theatre. "I enclose a newspaper cutting," he said, "to show you I have an aptitude for the stage." Huge The cutting was as follows: "The prisoner, who denied the as- sault, conducted his own case and defended himself in a somewhat dramatic manner." | Ladies! Jasmine has taken the first choice of the majority this year. Its delicate odour and freshness accounts for its immense popularity. The new Chromium and black cases which garb the com- plete line of toiletries add much to their beauty. And now, this attractive offer, for a limited time only should make every woman wish to try it. $1.00 Chromium Box of Jasmime Face Powder and a regular 50c large jar | Jasmine Cream Cleansing, Vanishing or Cola Both for $1.00 AT THE REXALL STORES Jury & Lovell King KE. Simcoe 8. Phone 28 Safe Speedy Relief' fe* LUMBAGO suffer with aching ber Don tive ndreadofet cio hetc.,yidd to Tad T-R~C'® 37 800 and $1 at all druggists - COAL COAL Phone 193 W.J. SA-GENT| Yard--89 Bloor St. E. Orders Promptly 4 Delivered 4 "IME TABLE] WHITBY, OSHAWA, BOWMANVILLE 5.45 p.m. 15 p.m. 7.30 pan 815 p.m A L 0.30 p.m. 10.45 p.m. SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY SCHEDULE Going est Leave Leave Arrive Bowmanville Oshaws Whitby 7.30 p.m. 10.00 p.m. Oshawa Waiting Room, 10 Prince Street ing East Leave Leave Arrive Oshawa Bowmanville 10.15 am. 10.45 a.m. 12.15 p.m. Whitby 10./U a.m, 12.00 p.m 245 p.m. ions easonable Rates and Careful Drivers T. A, GARTON, PROPRIETOR BO NVILLE, PHONE 412 or 346 GRAY COACH LINES Effective April 26th (Eastern Standard Leave Oshawa AM. § LJ - | » = =» > Pont Bea LJ ~R¥=5e RS pA I Pe ec © ov oo re =R E50muc® BuFussritel Somuomnamny BRuissseRl oe is b] - a=Daily ex Std: b--Saturday, Sundays d--Sunday only. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Effective June 8, 1931 (Stanaaid Time) Eastbound 2 a.m. Daily, except Sunday. x Lm. Daily. 2.07 p.m, Daily. .m. Daity, except Sunday. .m. Daily, except Saturday, 11.41 ne Daily. 'egtbound .26 a.m. Daily, except Sunday. .18 a.m. Daily. .30 a.m, Daily. 6.02 a.m. Daily. 2.10 p.m, Daily except Sunday. 4.05 p.m Daily, 6.35 p.m. Daily, 7.35 p.m. Daily except Sunday. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAYS Effective April 26th (Standard Time) Eastbound ay. snd Holidays only. 9.29 a.m. Daily 2.28 p.m, Trenton Local Daily, ex. Sun x4.19 p.m. Daily, . 11.10 p.m. Daily. 12.05 a.m. Daily. x For Ottawa. Montrea) and East only. Westbound 5.28 a.m. Daily. 6.29 a.m. Daily. 2.59 p.m. Daily. 7.32 p.m. Daily, except Sunday, ma p.m, Dally. m Toronto and West Only. Felt Bros The Leading Jeweller Established 1886 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH BOAT FOR SALE 18 foot B.C. cedar, with 32 H.P. four cylinder Johnson Motor. Very safe and fast. Price $295. Terms. Ph. 900. ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LIMITED REPAIRING WATCRES OUR SPECIALTY D. J. BROWN It your watch is not giving satisfaction we can repair and make it tell the correct time. THE JEWELER Official Watch Inspector for Canadian National and Osh- awa Railroads 20 Simcoe St. 8. Phone 189 ------ OMIPSO\ 1% DRUG STORE PHONE 22 WE DELIVERY 10 Simcoe St. B. We Deliver Special! Boys' Suits. 2 pairs knickers. a. 33.95 Dominion Clothing Co., 68 King §t. W. IPhone 2141 One 1927 Essex Coupe. One 1928 Old"s. Sedan. ROSS, AMES AND GART- SHORE we King St. West. Phone 1160 ---- Opportunity to buy nine roomed frame house. Metal garage. On corner in Cedar- dale, Simcoe St. 8. Ideal place for store or service station. .Lot 110 x 98 ft. or would sell 50 ft. off lot if desired. Apply J. H. R. Luke for particulars, AUTO LOANS and CARS REFINANCED at lowest prevailing rates CAMPBELL AUTO FINANCE CO., LTD. H. A. MacDONALD Alger Bldg, Branches: Toronto, Ottawa, Lon- don, Windsor, Sarnia, Oshawa EATON GROCETERIA®! It Pags To Shop Here Always JURY & LOVELL'S OPTICAL PARLORS "J. W. Wornull, Oph. D, Eyesight Specialist Phone 8215 BRINGING UP FATHER H UH! UH! HERE COMES THAT | | CraMPION TOUCH ARTIST: | | HE SEED ME-\ CAN'T i GIT AWAY IN TIME - | © 191, tnt Featare Service, Inc. Great Britain rights reserved. ee ------ LUCKY IN Fons i INTO You HARD LUCK- | NEED FIVE DOLLARS BADLY ANI ANT 'GOT THE LEAST IDEA il WHERE { CAN GIT 17+ pr tE YOU HAD AN IDEA You CouLo BORROW IT

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