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Oshawa Daily Times, 8 Sep 1931, p. 6

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/ a a yar: Bic Et fac TODAY'S SPORTING FEATURES Mike's Place vs. North Broadview at Stadium Tonight Falcon Ladies Win Third Game From Owen Sound Orono Lost Hardball Game Yesterday in Brantford,10-0 TODAY'S SPORTING FEATURES Brampton Win First Game of Mann Cup Finals at Coast Times Softball Team in Trenton Tomorrow Evening Harmsworth Trophy Remains in U.S. Another Year FALCONS ELIMINATED OWEN SOUND IN THREE GAME SERIE Consistent Play Wins Third Game From Owen Sound Nine at Guelph Falcons Show how Reversal of | Form and Outplay - Op- ponents--V. Elliott Gave Fine Pitching Display -- Fast Double Plays Fea- tured Fielding -- Lady Greys Score in Only Three Innings Playing all round good ball be- 'hind excellent pitching by V. El. ; liott the Falcons came through in 'the third game of their series with Lady Greys in Guelph yes- , terday afternoon to win out 14 ito 9 and take the series two : games to one. The girls were in the humor to play fine ball with ; their backs to the wall as far as : continuing in the playoffs was : concerned and attoned for their or exhibition in Owen Sound on Saturday. The Falcons collected twelve hits which combined with five bases. on balls and eight er- rors by the Lady Greys all com- bined to give them the margin in the game. On the defensive the Falcons only had what might be called one bad inning, the sce- ond when their opponents scored five runs on four hits two errors and one walk, This splurge gave Owen Sound a one run lead but "even though they scored three in the fourth to make the score eleven to eight in favor of the gFalcons they were never in the @fight from that point on and were eld to two scattered hits and one Eri in the last five innings. That just about shows the power that the Falcons carried in their pit- fching and fielding. The masterly Spitching of V. Elliott had plen- 'Ay todo with the victory, striking 'out five and issuing only two bases on balls. The seventh in- ning is a fine example of the manner in which she pitched, with only three batters coming to bat, all of whom struck out, That is, real pitching for the girls' game at,so late a period in the game when a pitcher usually Keakens and depends on the fielders. The fielding was snap- pv, considering the shape diamond was in with the infield | i playing consistent ball Two the | | double plays helped the Falcons' | cause and snuffing out rallies. . The first came in the third in- ning. and the second 'n ths ninth with two on and nore cut, There 11s nc gainsaying that the plav in ths ninth added a Iot of pep to the team just when they needed "At most. & "Owen Sound having wo1 the tose, the Falcons went in to bat afivst, Bessie Morgan and Grace ewman drawing walks to score In Ed. Elliott's hit. M. mnrott safe on an error at second t was caught out at second try- g to steal V. Elliott struck t and H. Holmes flied out to entre field. In their half of inning Owen Sound only sent ur batters to the plate, two of hich were out on fly halls and the last struck out, One runuer was left on second, Ann Walker was thrown. out hy third base and CG. McComb was hit by a ball from her bat but L. Watson lead off with a hit and scored on B. Morgan's double, (i. Newman was safe on an er- ror with another run coming in but Ed. Elliott was thrown eut to end the inning. With the Fal- cons leading four to zero Lady Greys went to bat and scored four runs befose anyone was out, a double by T. Theakston and a home run by E. Theakston doing the trick combined with an error and a single, another error and a hit alowed another run to cross the plate. In all ten batters fac- ed the pitcher and it looked for a time as though the side would never he out, Falcons were not to he head- ed off and went back in the third inning to score two runs, on one hit, an error, a walk, and a fielder's choice, That put Fal- ¢ons in the lead and as it turned out they were never headed. On~ ly three batters faced Miss El- tiott in the last of the third. Miss Lewis was thrown out by Mabel Elliott. T. Theakston was safe on an error at first, but E. Theakston hit into a doulie piay, the ball travelling from Ed. Eliott to Mable Elliott to G., Me- Com}. Just to show that they meant business Falcons scored five runs in the fourth on three hits, two errors and a walk. The Falcons were hitting the ball solidly, giv- ing the infielders little chance to get the ball: B. Morgan and G. Newman led off with hits, while Ed. Eliott was safe on an error by Miss Scott and two runs came in. Mabel Elliott flied out to centre on a long drive. Her sis- ter, "Viv." was safe on an error by the pitcher who deflected the ball into left and Ed. scored. H. Holmes laid down her second saerifice bunt of the game and placed V. Elliott on second. A. Walker drew her second walk of the game. Both runners scored on G. MecComb's hit while L. wat- son ended the affair by a hit to short that was taken for a put- cut. The rally apparently pul the team on easy street eleven to five but Lady Greys were making a game fight and scored three rnns in their half. An error and a hit before an out was made counted for a run, while a double by Miss Moffitt and a passed ball accounted for two more. From this point on the game | was in the bag for the Falcons as the Owen Sound team were | not hitting on all nine and sesm- ed to be a bit disorganized and even sent a batter to the plate out of turn in the eighth. From the fourth inning on the Greys only got two hits, one in the f.fth and one in the ninth. They jad a chance in the ninth to come close with one on base and da rur mm with none out but V. Elliott, tossed Miss T. Teakston's drive fo her sister Mabel, who in turn threw to first to complete a fast double killing. That play took The reason is simply that "PEG TOP" has been first in quality in the 5c field for fifty years. "PEG TOP" has always been the first to consider the pleasure of the smoker protect its quality by sealing 'in moisture-proof and first to Mook. Brampton Won First Game 8-4 New Westminster, Sept. 8.-- Jumping off the train only a few hours before the game, Brampton Lacrosse squad, holders of the Mann Cup, proceeded to hand out a neat lacing to New Westmin- ster's best, 8 to 4, in the first clash of two out of three games for the Canadian championship at the historic Queen's Park yester- day before 5,000 people. The Easterners were well worth their four-goal margin, They jumped in front in the opening period to take a lead of 3 to 1, and they were never headed. The visitors had the edge, 5 to 2, af half-time, and 6 to 3 at the finish | of the third quarter. It was steady, systematic la- crosse that won for the Brampton They showed a strong de- fense, in which Large, in goal, played a sound game, and was well protected by "Stew' Beatty and Jim Barton, two rangy play- ers, who blocked well, checked strongly, and handed out the body when necessary. They were chiefly responsible for the inabil- ity of the Salmonbellies to get in. side for shots at the net. Good Lacrosse but Not ExCiting It wasn't the kind of a gam that gave the fans many thrills. Brampton are not a flashy team. They were well balanced, knew what it was all about and took ad- vantage of openings when pre- sented, There were few outstand ing players on the line-up of the visitors. "Oddie'" Core, a slippery customer at outside home, and "Bucko" McDonald, another youth who 'bores in hard and shoots well, were the best of a very tricky attack. Salmonbellies seemed to be off their game, Not ai any time dur- ing the fray could they be consid- | in home ered to be in the fight. Only the third period did the crew have an edge in the play when they pressed hard, but were met by a stout defense that never wavered. Penalties played a part in the poor showing the Salmonbellies. They were short- handéq for most of the game, Johnny Vernon spending 20 min- utes in the penalty hox New Westminster players suf- fered 45 minutes on the fence against five by the Excelsiors. McDonald was the only visitor to get a penalty. Vernon drew a ten- minute penalty and Mackiea also got a rest for ten minutes In the closing period when he deliber- ately slashed O'earn over the head. big of GIANTS BEAT PHILLIES Now York, Sept. 8.--Two fin« pitching performances by Car! Hubbell and Roy Parmelee gav the New York Giants both games of yestehrday's double bill the Phillies. The scores were 6 to 0 and 2 to 1. Hubbell blanked the Phils with three hits and struck out nine in the opener, while Parmelee let the Quaker City team down with four hits in the nightcap. The lone Philly run was due to Marshall's error in the first inning. Allen's sinzle with the bases full in the sixth inning sent both of the Giants' runs across the plate, In the opener the Giants con- centrated their attack in the fifth inning, scoring five runs with the help of Mel Ott's twenty-eighth home run of the season and Ver- gez's triple with two aboard the bases. a lot of heart out of the Uruys and E. Theakston struck out but Miss Newman lost the ball. Miss Moritski, a pinch hitter sent in at this point flied out to Mabel Liliott to end the game, It must be said that the Greys were travelling under a strain, having lost the first game to usn- awa away from home in a close game and then turning round to take the second game at a walk «nd then sending Miss Theakston back for the third time in five days to bear all the brunt of the pitching. It was too much to ex- pect and it showed in the score Only two strikeouts and live bases on balls is nothing to cempare with the gate of seven strikeouts and three walks she enjoyed at home. Her team was tacing and inspired team and could only get nine hits and play- ed less consistent ball haviug eight errors to Falcons' seven. Score by innings: RHE #alcons 222 501020--14 12 7 Lady Greys 050300001-- 9 9 8 Umpires Dell, Oshawa, p ate; Nichol, Owen Sound, Falcons AB R H "0 A FE B. Morgan rf 5 0 0 G. Newman, ¢ 6 id Elliott ss 6 M. Elliott 2b § V. Elliott, p 5 H. Holmes, cf 2 A, Walker, If 2 G. McComb 1b 5 L. Watson, 3b 5 EN ON 0 2 4 2 0 0 0 1 9 A 3 BD Ege EOI | OND WW COONOHITI CNOO MN wis lady Greys AB R H Scott, 8s... . Speed, cf .. Cornett, 3b , Moftitt, ¢ Stuart, rf ... Lowis, If .. T. Theakston 5 4 b 1] 6 yaa B E. Theakston, vie Bb Wilson, 2b .. 3 A Moritski,) .. 1 - 4 x--Batted for HE HENOON CON HH HHEMOMN i OWN = ONWO=M } i 0 6 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 wt 2el Ds 9th, with | | Sport Snapshots Game is Postponed The return soccer game between "Has-Beens" and the pick of Na- ticnals and Oshawa City will not be played this evening as was first arranged. 'The game will, however, be played to-morrow evening com- mencing at 6.30 at Alexandra Park, 'The old timers are out for a. win to that the game will not lack intciest, The game is for a worthy cause, all the proceeds going to the unemployed fund. For Nationals- Oshawa City the following ure asked to turn out: Howells, Rodgers, Loyd, McLean, Lobban, Lyons, Bailey, Brown, Fairley, Grant, Penning- ton and llead, and for the "Has-Beens", King, Woods, Robertson, Reid, Sidaway, Burke, Lyons, Simpson, Bennctt, Gow, Findley, McGregor, C. | Bircham, Favelle, and Lappin Aa | Toronto Cee-Bees Won in Whithy | The , of Toronto, took a doubleheader played | | with the Whitby Ri in the Ce | the being 18 the | for Toronto 15 to 9. Both ganics were nine inning the better of the two and according to all reports Y The games yesterday close the season » ad LJ ) Lot! ds of Cee-Bge both ends ot yals my Town yesterday. The score in cvening resulted in a win affairs with the afternoon game to J, while | evening game being was a thriller from start to finish, for the Whitby team who will put their uniforms away with the ex- Ladics' Lcague next year, ~ the Oshawa » m pectation of operating 5 = » Falcons Still in the Hunt Falcon Ladies played two games during the week-end, the first being nn Owen Sound, on Saturday when they were defcated by 20 to 7 in | 4 game that was a nightmare fur the local team at least. The win tied up the scries and ity deciding game was played in Guelph yesterday afternoon with Falcons coming through fo take the verdict 14 to 9. I'he game in Owen Sound was close for five innings but after that it yas a walk away with the home team getting twelve hits and sixteen The Greys showed a lot of batting pow fielders little sterday w another story with Falcons at They 18, injecting into the cees Mi Hic Vas ood r in the game and gave |, the ball. The game in | the top of the I i! {re | tl con | f orm. two double | plays form striking out Id the Greys to two scattered Gre) | ive and walking | hits and onc s were only dan 15 to take a Barkers' | | cus | one | Bread | rl > Of » in Playoffs {ic cxccu wiormed oil Sunday Daily Times to Continue For s reason only known ciation the lalagemcent they had been siounds that Os also told that 'lrenton and Lindsay, © by The Timcs would play a sudden death game to decide a winner, me to ive ol the ass Lhe Tunes team were the Ontario cli of night that thrown out of mination series on the hawa bad too many teams in the play-offs, They oth of whom had been dcieated But ary oi the Asso- were cit and Sceret ciation last night mn Guelph they 1d that they The league's stand was that Robson Tannery had repicsented the cty -off and so The Times could not compete, It was not stated just why The Times had been allowed to go as far as ey had. The' return game will be e played with Trenton tomorrow in alter putting their case before the I're were to could continue, in the intermediate play I a te 0 s the Trenton team fought hard here and wi ul be harder to defcat on their. own lot. A Falcon Men Lost First Game te Aluminum Lhe Falcon Men's team ran into hard luck in Toronto on Saturday losing their game with Aluminum Company by a score of 5 to 2. Young a former Oshawa player was the star for the winners with a home run mm the third inning with two on base. At that the score should have been much closer as Oshawa had three men on base in the last inning and had a runner called out on a questionable 'decision at the plate to ¢nd the game, * Each team had six hits so it was almost an even break. Aluminum scored three runs in the third inning ard two in the seventh for their total of five while Falcons scored one in the fifth and one in the sixth for their total. The return game will be played here on Thurs- day evening, commencing at 0 p.m. 'The batteries in Saturday's game were Taylor and Jordon for Aluminum and Webster and Rowden for Falcons. It is expected that Webster will be sent back at the 'l'oronto crew on their arrival here while it may be Rodgers who does the twirl- ing for the visitors. - » * * * Gets His Chance with Maple Leafs "Paddy" Shannon, for a time with the Cornwall Professional Lacrosse Club, will guard the nets for Maple Leafs, of Toronto, until such time as Bert Large is able to be on the job again, Large sustained a broken nose in the affray at Brockville last week and will be confined to hos- pital for at lcast a weck. In the emergency Shannon was secured to take his place and it is hoped by the Toronto management that he will fill the gap. Toronto are only four points in the lead and need every game so it is a crucial situation for Shannon who takes the place of a real star, * * * * Orono Have Hard Task Ahcad of Them The 10 to 0 defeat of the Orono Ramblers in Brantford yesterday will be hard to take as far as Orme Gamsby is concerned. However, it was not all the the tcam's fault, as they were playing under a strain with Whitely, the regular catcher among those absent. Goodall stepped in to take Wills' slants but although he tried hard he was not in the class of the regular receiver. That first inning must have been terrible with six runs coming in on walks and passed balls without the sem- blence of a hit. Arter that Ogden went to the mound and did a nice day's work even though it was in a lost cause, "He pitched masterly ball and as usual got himself out of bad situations at the right moment. The return game will be played here on Saturday afternoon next and should tell a different story with the Orono crew at full strength. * * Mike's Place vs. North Broadview Jrs. Tonite Tonight down at the Motor City Stadium two great Junior teams hook up in the second game of the second round of the O.A.S.A. Junior play-offs. Las t Thursday night Mike's Place defeated North Broadview right in Toronto, 4-2, handing them their first defeat of the current season.' Tonight's game should be a wow! The time--6:15 p.m. sharp. ep a . ~~ One thousand men will be ems! ployed and over $500,000 expended on highway repairs in Cape Breton and Richmond counties, Nova Sco- tia, during the coming autumn. Miss Pauline Garon, SENATORS PROTECT SECOND POSITION Jersey City, N.J., Sept. 8:--The Newark4 Bears took both ends of a double-header from the Jersey City Skeeters here yesterday be- fore a crowd of 16,000 fans. Bob- by Barrefg's eightii inning home run into "the left-field bleachers decided.the second game in New- ark's favor. The scores were 7 to 6 and 3 to 2. Quellich and Hargrave hit hom- crs in the first game, while Andy Cohen and Barrett hit for the cir- cuit in the second. Cohen's home run came in the sixth with Cooke | the biggest previous salmon catch | on first base and tied the count. year of 1926, ADDITIONAL SPORT ON PAGE 'EIGHT ~ Montreal Hollywood, sailed on the Canadian | to make pictures in England and France. Salmon taken in 1830 from British Columbia waters totalled close on 37,000,000 wej elighing mor more | than 216 ,000,000 pounds. Nu motion-picture queen, formerly of |! Pacific liner "Montcalm" recently, | i of fish was 9,500,000 more than ber i} Orono Blanked By Brantford Brantford, Sept, 8--The Orono baseball team went down to defeat here yesterday 10 to 0 in a .game that was anything but as one-sided as the tally indicates. The starting hurler for Oshawa, Wills, went in without his regular catcher, Whitely being unable to attend the game. Wills could not find the plate and his substitte catcher could not held him, Five walks, a hit batsman and three passed balls that helped the runners across allowed six rutiners over the plate in the first frame without a hit. Ogden followed and got rid of the first batter facing him to end the scoring bee. This tool all the pep out of the game for ine huge crowd that witnessed tn S time. Saturday's crowd was aug- mented by a {few more hunaicd. who sct a new record for local pase- ball mm the past ten years, Ogden went in and he seemed to take lots of time, but he was not looking for the six-run lead, to be overcome, He pitched well, ailow- ¢d but seven hits and gave tue fans something to look at for tne rest of the gamne. An unearncd tun in the third and two runs in the 'hith which were accounte d 10r Dy Clot ng were secured by the Bi ants, O den showed hi wetthe ant ' cuth when, with three on and none | out, he ianned two third man roll out to the infield. lle was warmly applauded for this leat, Al Hunt pitched invincible ball 1or the home team. Three hits were all ic allowed and these were scattered nto separate frame He fanned tht and walked two, giving a mas- rly di Ti s supplicd o double pl 1d the locals/one Bot] h first- Vase: nen etaraet, The teams will mect mn Oshawa Saturday at J.15 pam. (Daylight ¢ Time) L000 000 000 0:3: 3 ..601 030 00x--10 7 1 Viils and Goodall; Hunt ANG lat splay K Sronion Out Of Play-offs Toronto, Sept, 8.-- Beaches ad- vanced into the second round of the O.B.A.A. senior play-downs when they defeated Kingston; 7 to 6 on the holiday at the Island Stadium. Beaches took an early lead and were hanging on at the finish, the visitors rallying in the eighth and ninth frames for five runs, The - losers threw numerous chances away by inexperience, both on the bases and in the field, Scrutton in the fifth inning leav- ing third before Sinclair's catch on Jamieson, to be called out. SENATORS WIN TWO Boston, Mass., Sept. 8.--Wash- ington took a double-header from the Red Sox yesterday, 7 to 5 and 15 to 1. Hadley and Burke pitch- ed the opener and Marberry the second game for the winners. Eddie Durham was knocked out of the box in the second in- ning of the first game when the Senators made five runs, Bob Burke, who recently pitched a no- hit game against the Sox, was forced to retire in the fourth when Boston made four runs. "Bump'" Hadley finished and got credit for the victory, ORIOLES MALTREAT KEYS Reading, Pa., Sept. 8.--Enrag- | ed apparently by the 5-to-1 . de- feat handed them Sunday at Bal- timore, the Orioles yesterday af- ternoon slaughtered three Read- ing pitchers to score an over- whelming! victory in the first of a twin engagement by the score of 23 to 6. Monte Weaver scored his twenty-first win of the season, as against ten defeats. Hauser col- lected two home runs, running his total for the season to twenty- eight. Gill also clouted two over the wall. Those Flics use 'Fly-Tox' 'The new price is i 8 oz. Bottle .. ..45¢c 16 oz. Bottle ....65¢c : 32 oz. Bottle .. $1.10 at 'Karn's Drug Store Next P.O. Phone 78 | | close game Lady Greys Reversed the * Decision on the Falcons In Owen Sound Saturday Home Team Play Unbeat- able Game and End Game With Barrage of Twelve Hits for Sixteen Runs in Last Three Innings--Fal- cons Fail to Hit With Runners on the Paths When the Falcons are good they are just that, but when they have an off day it is just too bad for all concerned. Last Saturday happened to be one day when everybody including the bat boy was having a holiday and as a result their chances of taking the series from the Lady Greys of Owen Sound went a glimmering and the score was a disgrace for any play-off, i.e. twenty to seven, Just try and imagine it after the here on Thursday night. The only thing that can be said is that the girls got a had game out of the bag and threw it over the fence. But to add insult to injury the Greys were held to a total of four runs in the firsf five innings while Falcons were getting one lonely tally, But after that it was just too bad with the Greys getting twelve hits and sixteen runs in the last three innings. It was a massacr® but it allowed man- ager Rowden to pull a fast one on the opposition. Seeing how things were going in the seventh inning he pulled Miss V. Elliott out of the box and sent in her sister Ellen who finished the game. It allowed the regular moundsman to get a wel] earned rest for the third and deciding game of the series. fir It was a funny game when one comes to look at the score book for according to the statistics Falcons had thirteen hits for seven runs, while the home team had eighteen hits for twenty runs. Not a great margin in hits at that. Again, Falcons had seven errors and the home team three. Not so much difference. The real story of the game may be seen in the fact that Miss' Theakston struck out seven and only issued three bases on balls, while her team mates were hit- ting in great style, Their hits were al] of the solid variety and went at a fast clip through the infield well out of reach of the players while those to the out- field seemed to clear the infield and drop suddenly, On their part I"alcons got hits in all but two innings but failed to capitolize when hits meant runs. SCORE BY INNINGS R. H E. Falcons 000 100 213-- 7 13 7 Lady Greys 020 115 56x--20 18 3 Umpires--Nichol, Owen Sound, plate; Dell, Oshawa, bases, SUMMARY I'alcons ABRHPOAERE G. McComb, 1b 1 - --- - Newman, ¢ .. Ed. Elliott, ss M. Elliott, 2b Elliott, p Elliott, p Holmes, cf . Watson, If . Walker, 1f . Morgan, rf PF. Lott, 3p .. . Watson, 3b BO 00M po co ® pan OT en ON HoCoorHoomnHK COW i iO pit pi NO pu CHHoHO oN We WoC oorooowWwe™ Lady Greys Scott, c, 88 .. Speed, cf Cornet, 3b Stuart, rf ... Lewis, If .... E, Theakston, ss, Sooo ag 1b 3 Moffitt, ¢ 6 PE T. Theakston, P 5 .5 Wilson, 2b wl mo Dp Try them yourself! quicker. PURE Smokers who "roll their own" prefer Chantecler papers in the automatic booklets. These absolutely pure papers are strong yet thin, making cigarette-rolling easier and CIGARETTE PAPERS Automatic' Booklet--1201eaves--5¢ RICE Vou ant wear out the Sle HATS by WOLTHAUSEN, BROCKVILLE Hatter te gentlemen for over half a contury 54

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