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Oshawa Daily Times, 15 Sep 1931, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1931 i Ontario County's Finest Livestock at Oshawa Fair Exhibits of Livestock " Will Be Outstanding Feature of Oshawa Fair Hundreds of Entries Made |: in Competition Classes for Horses, Beef and Dairy Cattle, Sheep, Swine, Poultry andy Pet Stock Should Make This Year's Fair a Gathering Place for Farmers Ontario and Durham County livestock, in competition at the biggset shows in Canada, have won a nation-wide reputation for their quality. This {is true in practically all classes of farm animals, and at the Oshawa Fair this week the best of these will be placed on exhibition. The Oshawa Fair, therefore, will bring together scores of horses, cattle, sheep and other livestock which have won numerous awards and championships at the larger exhibitions, so that people inter- ested in farm animals need only come to the Oshawa Fair to see the best in the country, Reports from Secretary Davis point to keen competition and large classes at the Fair this year, and there should be great interest in the judging in the live stock show rings. Heavy Horses In the heavy horse classes, judging will be started at one o'clock on Wednesday afternoon, and with twenty-two classes, in- cluding Clydesdales, draught horses, agricultural horses and Percherons, the judging will probably continue on Thursday afternoon, The official prize list states that al] horses shown in the pure bred classes must be recorded in the Canadian rec- ords, or in reputable English and special awards. are Tisted in the heavy horse classes, and these should .help to bring out a large entry list. Fred T, Rowe, Innis Grant, N. Down and Mark Duff form the committee in charge of light horses. Light Horses The light horse classes are also expected to bring scores of splen- did animals to the Oshawa Fair. These competitions, which will be judged on both Wednesday and Thursday afternoons, include a wide range of classes. There will be classes for carriage horses, roadsters, ponies, horses in' har- ness and saddle horses. A number of classes of horses in harness will be judged in front of the grand stand on Thursday after- noon, and it is always an inter- esting sight to see these smart steppers, with their outfits, show- ing their paces in front of the stand. Particular interest should be taken in the classes for Welsh, Hackney or Shetland pon- ies, and a special section, in which a silver cup is being given by R. N. Bassett, is a riding competition, with ponies, open to boys of Ontario County fourteen years of age and under, Riding alone counts in this contest, and the cup goes to the best boy rider. These classes will be sup- ervised by G. Brown, A. E, Grass, J. J. Ormiston, E. McLaughlin and H. Hayes, Beef Cattle Ontario, and Durham Counties are noted for the excellence of their beef cattle, and there should be a splendid showing of Shorthorns and other beef breeds in the show ring on Wednesday afternoon, One of the chief classes is that for herds of Short- horns, the herds to include one male and three females, all over American records. A number of one year old, and the prizes in FAIR Specials At The Rexall Stores WEEK ASSORTED Chocolates Boxed 29¢ 1b. $1.00 JASMINE FACE POWDER and 50c Jasmine CREAM Both for $1 $1.25 NICKLE FlashLights with Bulb and Batteries 98c $1.00 LAVENDER Shaving Bowl 79¢ 10c CAKES SOAP "13" Bath Tablets 4 for 25¢ NEW Gillette Razor and $1.00 Pkg. Blades All for 75¢ JURY & v') LOVELL Simcoe S., Phone 68 CIRCUS SIDE SHOW with SIM'S GREATER SHO WS, Canada's Aristrocrat. this section are donated by W. who are interested in hog-raising, To complete the live stock lists, there is the poultry and E, N! Sinclair, K.C., M.P.P., who has provided thirty dollars for prize money in this event, Thomas Hall, E. W. Webber, W. D. Dyer and J. Baker are the directors in charge of beef cattle, Dairy Cattle The two main breeds of dairy cattle, Jerseys and Holsteins, are included in the dairy cattle com- petitions, and, in these classes there are sure to be entries of splendid quality. The dairy cat- tle classes will be conducted by a committee composed of D. Thompson, L. Gifford and E. L. Chapman. Sheep Classes Ontario and Durbam Counties did so well in the sheep classes at the Canadian National Exhibi- tion this year that there are ex- pectations of a splendid entry of high class sheep at the Oshawa Fair, W. Glaspell, J. Baker and Alfred Ayre are the directors in charge of the sheep classes, and since all of these men -are ex- perienced sheep showmen, this part of the fair program should be highly interesting. All breeds of sheep are represented in the prize list," which shows competi- tions in Cotswolds and Lincolns, Shropshires, Southdowns, Leices- ters, Oxfords, Hampshires, and Dorset Horns and Cheviots. This provides a wide range of com- petitions, and the advance entries indicate that there will be an ex- hibition of sheep worth seeing. Swine The swine section of the live- stock department of the Fair also provides for the various pop- ular breeds, including Yorkshires, Tamworths and Berkshires, with a special class for bacon hogs, George Robinson and W. Bickle are in charge of this part of the Fair, and they expect to have a large entry of animals to be placed on exhibition for those pet stock show, which is a sep- arate show in itself, and each year brings together hundreds of birds to compete for the exten- sive list of prizes, Many entries from a distance are included in the poultry lists, and this vear the "showing should be better than ever. : As an agricultural show, the Oshawa Fair depends very large- ly on the live stock exhibits, and with the large number of ani- mals available and entered for exhibition this year, visitors to the fair should f#hd this one of its most interesting features, The Place to Buy a Good Used Car. .. Sales and Service OLDSMOBILE ve DLDSMOBILE $IX 15 DEAN OF CARS Thirty-Fourth Anniversary Finds It More Popular Than Ever The 1931 Oldsmobile Six, with its graceful styling and powerful motor, stands out among the cars of this year's shows and salons as the dean of them all, It is for Oldsmobile an anniversary event which attracts the atten- tion of the whole automotive world. Thirty-four years ago August 21, the Olds Motor Works, first Company to gain re- cognition in the commercial man- ufacture and sale of automobiles, was officially incorporated in Lansing, Michigan, and that year the first ,Oldsmobile with straight dash buggy front and one-cylinder engine under the seat, was produced. That first car now repoges in the Smithsonian Institute at Wash- ington, but if it could be shown beside this year's Oldsmobile shiow models, a story of unique progress would be apparent. The antomobile industry has revo.u- tionized business, pleasure, and home life, and through i. all, Oldsmobile, the pioneer, has con- tinued to be a leader, Away back, a quarter of a cen- tury or so ago, when tha straight dash and whip pocket of the Oldsmobile gave way to the curved dash and later to the hoca, Oldsmobiles were made in Cana- da for a time at St. Catharines Twelve years ago, Canadiananan. ufacture was begun more perma- nently when, following the forma- tion of General Motors of Canada, the makers of McLaughlin-Buick cars took on the making of Olds- mobile in addition. Registera- ticn figures will show that Olds- mobile has gathered a lot of mo- mentum in the past few years, ard since 1925 this car has made a larger percentage of increase than dny other car in Canada, Even in the current year, Olds- mobile has increased its percent- age of the price class by a notice- abla margin, It needs scarcely more than a glance to show that this year's Oidsmobile is a greater car than ever before. The beautiful Fisher ~built body is only on a par with the magnificient power plant. The most modern engineering de- velopments, never before found in a car in this price field, have been applied in the 1931 models, The term, "shifting gears," is a misnomer insofar as the second and high speed ranges of the new 1931 Oldsmobile are concerned. These gears are constdhtly .in mesh with the result that going into second, from second to third and from third back to gacond are accomplished quietly and without effort. The 1931 Olds- mobile is equipped with an jm- proved type of the Syncro-Mesh transmission with a quiet second gear, It is a distinct advance in | smooth transmission cperation. The air intake of the new Olds- smobile system is through a com- hination air cleaner and silencer located directly under the hodd and above the carburetor and en. gine. The air descends into the carburetor where it is mixed with gasoline and the vaporized mixture is drawn downward into the manifold and thence into the combustion chambers, This di- rect downward course taken by ihe fuel mixture both speeds up and increases the amount of mnix- ture entering each combustion chamber. This results in greater power which produces scch ner- formance characteristics as speed, improved acceleration and hill climbing. A great improvement has been scored in the starting mechanism. When the manually-operated star- ting pedal on the new Oldsmobile is depressed, it opens the gaso- line throttle part way before con- ecting with the starting motor, This supplies correct amount of rasoline to the carburetor at the first turn of the engine. The throttle automatically stays in this partly open position to pre- vent stalling while the engine is cold, "but can be closed at any time by turning the hand lever on the steering wheel. All of the six distinct body. types are decidedly attractive. Five wire wheels are standard | equipment on the two-door and Phone 428 tke four-door sedan and the busi- ness coupe, while six wire wheels are standard equipment. on tie Futrician sedan, the sport coupe, Vand 'the convertible roadster, later in | LEON OSIER ! Manager of the Regent Theatre, and Director of the Oshawa Fair, We extend our Best Wishes for success to the South Ontario Agricultural Society in their efforts in staging the 1931 Fair, A ALLE EN Puy VII Vee el a La \ Ren | Grain Seeds Flour Seeds Poultry Supplies When in the market to buy or sell any of these products we solicit your patronage. You will find our goods of first quality and our prices right. { HOGG & LYTLE LIMITED 54 Church St. PAGE THIRTEEN. The Oshawa Daily Times SHEIS GOING SHOPPING WILL SHE VISIT YOUR STORE? RS. HOUSEWIFE has many interests competing for her attention. She can devote only a small part of her day to shopping. Obviously she cannot visit ALL the stores in an effort to shop to her best advantage. Therefore she selects those stores which have given her advance information through the advertising columns of her daily newspaper. She has learned that it is always more efficient, and usually more economical, to do the greater part of her shopping right at home with The Oshawa Daily Times. : It is not enough for you to give better values or ser- vice in your store. You must let Mrs." Housewife know about them. It is not enough to employ good salesmen. You must do you preliminary selling in Mrs. Housewife's, | own living room. The wise, modern shopper reads The Oshawa Daily Times for guidance. Is your message there? a Fl der i pg grep of RRRD FEET SRE GHP EN SEG Oh 68 A WIR 0

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