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Oshawa Daily Times, 22 Sep 1931, p. 5

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TODAY'S SPORTING FEATURES Falcons Won Second Game Frogn Mount Dennis, 14-7 Montreal Maroons Play Maple Leafs in Toronto Tonight Oshawa Professional Places Eighth in Invitation Tourney Sa i ph "TODAY'S SPORTING FEATURES ! * Mike's Place Ordered to Play in Kingston This Evening Larry Gains Took Decision Over Jack Renault in Toronto Doubles Tonight of Consolation and Semi-Final of Finals Third Inning Rally Gave Falcons Seven Run Lead After Two Were Retired Hubbell Hit For Circuit With Three on Base and Drove Watson to the Showers -- Petrie and Ross Connected in Same Inning--Little Made the Feature Catch of the Eve- ning in Centre Field Staging a gpirited nine-run ral- fy in the third inning that car- ried them from a two-run deficit to a seven-run lead, Falcon Sen- jors evened the count with Mount Dennis Firemen on the series and breezed home with a 14 to 7 vie- tory. The affair was a free-hit- ting affray for the first six innings with both teams getting their share .of the extra base bingles, but with Oshawa having some- what of the upper hand particul- arly in the eventful third inning, when three home runs, two of which came in succession enliven- ed the proceedings. Webster for Falcons was a little unsteady to start with but settled down. In the early innings he walked one and struck out one while Watson, his pitching opponent, was more erratic, issuing five bases on balls and having only one strike-out, Devana, who replaced him in the third did a much better job and struck out four and only walked one, Indeed he held Falcons to four hits in the innings he work- ed, and only allowed three runs. In all Falcons collected twelve hits, while Mount Dennis got nine off Webster. Both teams were guilty of four errors, Falcons possessed plenty of power at bat with three doubles and three home runs. Hubbell's TODAY ONLY Dorothy MACKAILL "THE RECKLESS HOUR" New Martin Playing Today and Wednesday "EX-BAD BOY" Featuri ROBERT ARMSTRONG JEAN ARTHUR LOLA LANE Added Attractions Music Makers Vagabond Melodies homer in the third with three on being the most damaging of the lot and led to the retirement of Watson. The doubles fell to Hubbell, Rowden and Ross, while the eircuit blows were credited to Petrie, Hubbell, and Ross and all of which came in the third in- ning. Mount Dennis also had their heavy hitters with Felker getting three hits in four tries, one of which was a double. Me- Lachlan and McGee also hit dou- bles and McGee got a triple. Third Inning Holocaust Falcons were two runs down when they went to bat in the third inning and from the way it start- ed off it looked like any ordinary inning, as Hubbell flied out to left to start with, while Ross hit safely. Grey laid down a nice bunt and sacrificed Ross along. 'With two out Creamer came to bat and hit safely to score Ross and the bee was on, Petrie took a vicious swing and the ball ena- ed up in deep centre and he went all the way around with Creamer in front of him, Waebster follow- ed with a hit, Watson seemed to be considerably shaken up over the turn the game had taken and walked Little for the third time. Rowden hit to third and was safe as Gurr fumbled. Gummow also walked and Webster was forced in, With three still on the bases Hubbell drifted a line drive to centre that went for a home run, That ended Watson's activities and Devana replaced him, but just at that time all pitching looked the same to Falcons and Ross belted the ball to right for anoth- er homer. That ended the rally as Grey was expurged on his tap to short. From that point. on Mount Dennis did not do much and only got three hits and two runs off Webster being shut out in the last four innings without the semblance of a hit. They de- served a hit in the sixth, however, when Little took Taylor's drive in deep centre that had all the ear marks of a home run, There were two on at the time.. Score by Innings: RH Mt, Dennis.230 110 000-- 7 9 Falcons ...309 002 00x--14 12 Umpires--Frink, plate; Arnold, bases. E 4 4 Sooo ~woswnR" Box Score Mt. Dennis AB Felker 2b Timpson ss Taylor rf McLachlan ¢ McGee 1h Watson p Devana p Kitney ef Patching If Gurr 3b - o noo" HHO oOo-mOOar Aaa ios a> -- HAD" ADDD LE f 1 | ede mo To | es » a | --- ' -- FER EN Ee Eo ==] - | He HS y= Soo o=oNntiy Falcons Little ef Rowden ¢ Gummow 2b Hubbell 1b Ross rf Grey If Creamer ss Petrie 3b Webster p a OY TNL Tre - = PM i © DD = | - 1 | NOD A 1 <a | a HOOD usHa | | --- [3] NOTICE We are now located at our new store 7 KING ST. EAST "Scotland Woolen Tailors Co. Re RE ------. You ant wear out lie silo) "HATS by WOLTHAUSEN, BROCKVILLE Hatter to gentleman for over half a century sa -- ------- | pent a ---- #4 MR. AND MRS, JOE The abnve picture shows Joe Wright, Jr., the famous sculler, and his wife, formerly Martha Norelius, equally famous in the swim. ming world, enjoying themselves at Greenbrier Hotel, White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia, WRIGHT the Sun-Tan Beach, at | Sport Snapshots aunounced, Instead Mike's Plane by the 'Oshawa team was upheld, such an event the series evening the series will be tied up take the game, . * J. Roberts, professional at the Club, Toronto, yesterday. The Oshawa player took a 40 on the following rounds. had 145 for the 36 holes * » game will start at 6.15 sharp. LJ . Gains Failed to the bout with a K.O, as he had touring the continent this little doubt in the minds of the least eight of the ten rounds. It The softball fans who passed thing. ment with three score shect, the fans most was the manner in LJ Ld No Game Here To-night There will be no game at the stadium this the game in Kingston no match and ordered that it be re-played. now stands with Mike's one game, so that in the event of Mike's Place I and a third game On their showing here Kingston have 'not the fighting spirit necessary to carry them through, but one game is not sufficient grounds to judge a team and they may be just good enough on their own grounds to His scores werc Play at Cowan The softball game between Kinsmen and Legion scheduled for tary Park on Wednesday has been transferred to Cowan Park. Considerable interest was aroused locally over between Larry Gains, the black threat, and Jack expected to pack a punch with a charge of dynamite behind it and end summer, funs listening in on the fight as well as those who attended were little peaked over his inability to land a haymaker, fans that Gains was the better boxer more runs in the Then after holding Mount Dennis scoreless in the third, Falcons went to bat and scored no less than nine runs on six hits, two walks and an error , The rally was all the more impressive when it is considered that hits drove in all but one' of the runs, hemers played no small part in the base Creamer got a hit and scored Ross, while Petrie got the first of the first of the circuit blows to clear the bases. Hubbell blazed a homer that cleared the bags again while Ross got his sccond hit of the inning, another homer, fans who haven't seen hitting like that this year,- cvening as was at first will play in Kingston, This re-ar- rangement of the series has been made by the executive of the provin- | cial association after the protest of the game in Kingston last Wednesday ruled In Place in the lead by in Kingston this The executive of the league SINE will be necessary, * Ld | New Third Annual Field Day Of Oshawa Public Schools Elaborate Preparations Are Well Under Way--Dec- laration of Winners in Each School Will Take Place This Week Elaborate preparations are well under way for the holding of the Third Annual Field Day of the Oshawa Public Schools which will be held at Alexandra Park on I'riday, October 2, It is an- ticipated that by the end of this week that each of the schools in the city will have declared win- ners who are eligible to take part in the fifteen track and six field events. Each school will declare a winner while the pupil finishing second will be eligible to act as substitute if necessary, The field day which will be held under the auspices of the Board of Educa- tion and the Home and School Council will be in charge of an executive committee consisting of Mrs, R, 8, McLaughlin, Miss A, Larry Gains Wins Decision Toronto, Sept, 22--Although Lar ry Gains, the Canadian heavyweight champion, won by a wide margin from Jack Renault, of Montreal, York, Hollywood and other places in the ten-round main bout at the Coliseum last evening, the Oshawa Professional Places Eighth Oshawa Golf Club placed cighth in the 36 hole invitation tournament played by some 40 professionals and assistants from all parts of Ontario over the course of the St. Andrew's Mr, Roberts turned in a card of 152 for the day being tied with R. Batley, Galt; and W, MacWilliams, Thistledown, the first nine and 36, 37 and 39 on J. Johnstone of Rosedale who won the match 38 * » ark 37, 34 and 30 Ro- The * ~ Knockout Renault the bout last night Renault, Gains was flattened a number of boxers while It goes without saying that the However, there was on the night's display and kept after Renault throughout and took at would not be surprising if a 'return match was secured for the near future, * * Falcons Massacred Watson up the game at the stadium last night missed one of the thrills of the season and that is saying some Starting off the game Mount Dennis got two runs and though Falcons came back with three tallics the visitors returned the compli- second and held Falcons off the What pleased which the runs were made. Three result, With two out and a man on A little later with three on It was all very pleasing to LJ LJ Another Playoff Mixup Following the game last night thc managements of the Mount Den- nis Firemen and Falcons got together and by mutual agreement tossed a coin to decide where the deciding game would be played. The man- ager of Mount Dennis called the toss wrong and Falcons won the right to have the third game played here, manager do but say that he would not play here, manship for you, On their return But what did the Mount Dennis That is real sports- to Toronto the visitors got in touch with the executives and Falcons were informed that the game would be played in Toronto on Saturday. A Toronto teams get their own way in cverything they go after, thing we would like to know is how If it was a question of umpires, the Falcons offered to allow Mount Dennis to have their own umpires from Toronto for the .game here, It looks like a washout for somebody, but Falocns are making an effort to have other arrangements made, Tigers Divide With Athletics Philadelphia, Sept, 22--The Phil- adelphia Athletics, tuning up for the World Series, divided a doublehead- er with the Detroit Tigers yester- day. The champions had most of their regulars in the first game, which they won 3 to 2. A mixture of rookies and second string help dropped the second game 6 to 5. Jimmy Foxx, who along with Al Simmons hit for the circuit in the opener, hit his twenty-ninth home run of the season as a pinch-hitter with the bases filled in the seventh inning of the second game and wip- ed out Bridges' lead of 4 to 0. The Tigers made a triple play in the fourth inning of the first con- test, With Foxx on Maller on first, Dykes lined to Ge- hringer, whose throw to second, catching Foxx, was relayed to first by, Regell in time to retire Miller, second and Lucas in Form For Red Legs Cincinnati, Sept.- 22, -- Despite the fact that Biff" Wysong, Cin- cinnati southpaw, hit him on the pitching elbow with a wild pitch during batting practice yester- day and sent him to the rubbing table for first aid, "Red" Lucas pitched his sixth straight victory by hurling the Red Legs to a 3 to 2 victory over Boston, Lucas retired the first ten men to face him in order. Four hits in the eighth, the last a long sirgle by Asbjornson, with the bases full, broke up the contest and made Socks Selbold the loser, The Braves wasted more than half the nine hits they made off Lucas. He: "Oh my dear, how can I leave you?" .- She; "By tramicar, bus, or taxi" { winner did not come through as | hoped for By the 6,000 faithful who | attended the Shamrock Club's show, and many left the Coliseum with the | firm conviction that Gains forgot to pack -his knockout punch when he {left the Old Country for his two- | bout trip to his home land. Every one, or practically everyone, went {to the Coliseum to see Gains con- { nect with the punch: that brought | nim victories over most of his Eur- |opean opponents, but while they | saw the winner land a number of heavy punches that aroused hopes | oi the finishing touches they were | disappointed each time, | Gains won the bout by almost as {great a distance as there is between | the various places of abode of his | raqunds and by a slight stretch of the imagination Renault could In this round the loser landed sey- eral heavy punches to the head and body and near the bell he coaxed Gains to walk in and landed a right local boy. Renault's best was a swinging right and when it landed it helped his cause but he telegraphed it and Gains was gen- erally able to step inside of the punch, After the fourth round the advice from the winner's corner was to stay in close so that Renault could not run into any difficulties but he failed to make the hoped for impression as an aggressive fighter and heavy puncher, Kauffman Is Good e Tony Kauffman gave one of the finest exhibitions of relief pitch- ing seen here this year, the Car- dinals came from behind to tie the score in the eighth innings and then nose out the Brooklyn Robins, 11 to 10, in 10 innings, yeeterday, Relieving Hallahan in the sixth inning after the Robns had tak- cn a three-run lead, Kauffman re- tired two batters in order and then turned the visitors back for four straight innings without a man reaching first, Bottomley scored the winning run on Jimmy Collins' double, HAFEY ADVANCES "Chick" Hafey the Cardinals' slugging outfielder, took a firm- er hold on first place in the Na- tional League batting race yes- terday when he rapped a double and two singles In three times up, to boost his average to .315, a gain of 5 points. His closest rival, Bill Terry, of the Giants, alto had a perfect 'three for three' day and climbed to .349. Jim Bottomley of the Cards made three hits in five trips to take over third place with a mark of .341, Al Simmons, leader of the American League, pulled further away from "Babe" Ruth when the Yankee star went hitless in four times up. G AB R H DPC. Simmons, Athletics 125 501 105 Ruth, Yankees Hafey, Cards. .. 119 437 Morgan, # 130 463 Indians Terry, Giants 152 607 Bottomley, Cards. . 105 370 171 126 Every man is boss of his own home until the company leaves. 195 191 154 162 212 389 372 353 349 349 341 140 513 144 93 87 120 Jimmy: "Dad, when has a man horse sense?' * Father: "When he can say nay my son." Will be Held on October 2 PURE RICE CIGARETTE PAPERS Lear, Miss V. Langmaid, C, VF, Cannon, Ross MacKinnon, J, Car- rol Anderson, H, W. Knight and E, G. Nichol. Prior to the meet a grand pa- rade will be held in front of the grandstand with the contestants of each school wearing the school colors and headed with a flag and banner bearing the school name, Each school will give its yell be- fore the grandstand. Points will be awarded to the schools which present the best appearance on parade on the basis of posture, uniformity, grace and wheeling. Arrangements have been made $0 that the contestants from each school will have a separate space to themselves entirely off the track and will be called to the track by marshallg, and after the race in which they take part in concluded they will leave the track by another route so that the program may be carried out with a maximum of speed and a Most convenient because "of their automatic packing, each booklet being double slotted so the papers can be extracted either from the left or right hand side. Chantecler are on sale everywhere and also packed, free, with such popular brands of cigarette tobaccos as ~--Turret, Ogden's, Rex, Old Chum and Repeater. minimum of crowding. THE TRUTH about MOTOR OIL | opponent, winning nine of the ten | be | mven the other round, the fourth. | chop to the head that staggered the | weapon | In Relief Role St. Louis, Sept, 22. -- Whil® OME oil companies are seeking to increase sales of motor oils by claiming greater mileage. Most motor cars, regardless of the type of motor oil used, should have their crank-cases drained and oil renewed every 500 miles. Some types of automobiles, however, which are equipped with certain oil filters or purifiers and crank-case ven. tilators, can safely run 3,000 miles on one filling of motor oil. The manufacturer of your cae specifies how often the oil should be changed and to get best results you should follow the manufacturer's advice. Red Indian Motor Oil can safely be used for mileages of from 500 to 3,000 miles when these mileages are recommended by the automobile manufacturer. In addition to being a superior oil of the highest lubricating quality, Red Indian Motor Oil has the following extra advantages: I 3 o FREEDOM FROM WAX Keeping valves from sticking and oil system from clogging. 1. mmmum canton omrosr Preventing loss of power through accumulation of car- bon in the cylinders. 4, LOW POUR TEST Withstanding climatic tem. perature changes effectively. 2. HEAT RESISTING FILM Does not break down or use up under high speeds. When you change your oil, change to RED INDI Cd !

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