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Oshawa Daily Times, 1 Oct 1931, p. 3

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1931. PAGE THREE - Bowmanville Daily Times Representative's Phone No. 53 AMATEUR COMEDY WAS WELL ACTED Presentation of "The Col- lege Flapper" Was Well Received by Large Audience Before an enthusiastic audience that packed the Opera House to cangiy last night the college com- edy e College Flapper" was pre- septed and proved an outstanding success. Every player was local and one of the finest choruses of girls to appear on the stage here was a feature of the show. The plot is built around the character of Jerry Watson, brilliantly played by Bill Oliver, Jerry is a college student and football hero who should have been present at a special practice just previous to a most important football game but instead was mak- ing love to his girl in the Sorority House, To be caught meant his dis- missal from the team. To avoid be- ing caught he masquerades as the House Mother throughout most of the production and the most humor- ous situations occur. It is the day of the great football match and when Jerry is absent from the tice the coach, played Cecil dley sends the trainer, played by Reg. Harding to look for him. It is the arrival of the train- er at the house that causes Jerry to don the clothes of the new house mother, who has not arrived yet but whose bags have arrived ahead of her, Jerry's attempt then to escape from this predicament so that he can play in. the game brings on a series of pre caningly funny situa- tions. e Butter and Egg man from Omaha, a wealthy alumnus of the 'college while attending the homecoming, visits the sorority house and falls in love with Jerry the house mother. He makes two conditions to which he will give the college, a half a million dollars to build a new stadium. These condi- tions are that the college wins the football game and the other that the housemother accompany him to the game. This puts Jerry in an impossible situation. Jerry's efforts to work his way out of his diffi- culties bring about many hilarious situations, He hobnobs with the coach while pretending to be the housemother and learns the secret signal for the game, as just as it is about to start he runs out on the City of TAXES Oshawa Payment of the second instalment without penalty, will be accepted up to and including Saturday After that date 5% will be paid; and the Tax Collector will proceed to enforce CITY TREASURER'S OFFICE, Oshawa, October 1st, 1931. payment. Oct. 31st added to all 1931 taxes un- Butter and Egg man and makes his appearance the last minute on the football field and persuades the coach to allow him to play and wins the game. There are many other funsiy sit- uations, Jerry's girl, Jean, played by Marian Pickard, gets mad at him because he makes love to the other Sorority girls, especially Nel- lie, Bernice Bagnell, the little fresh- man girl Professor Gaddis, who has been in love with Dean How- ard, played by Mrs. C. A. Bartlett, for thirty years, forsakes her and proposes to Jerry as the housemoth- er. George, Newton Hackney, and Monk, Reg. Harding, the t J soend a lot of time trying to get Jerry over to the football field in time to play in the game. The col- lege president and his wife, played by Cliff Samis and Mrs. A. D| Ad- ams, add dignity to the play and the to freshmen played by Johnny James and Alex. McGregor, com- plete a real college cast, At the Sorority party, while a great honor is being bestowed on Jerry for his fogtball success, his masquerading as the housemother is discovered. However, the Butter and Egg man is so well pleased over winning the game that he donates the half mil- lion dollars to the college. Profes- sor Gaddis also forgives him and marries his first love, Dean Howard Jean forgives Jerry ior his flirting and everything ends happily The play was well acted through- out and every member of the cast was deserving of great credit for the part they played. Two special features are the Parade of the Flapper chorus in which prominent business men af ! flappers of long age geant in which nearly 100 little cm dren take part with Mrs, Wy, A ams as the special dramatic add greatly to the play to make it a most enjoyable evening's enter tainment. It is being shown a sc ond time tonight, GAS SYSTEM 10 BE OPENED WITH BIG CEREMONY Mayor Will Tum Tap and Light First Burner on 1 reader On Saturday evening at eight o'clock, gas will be turned on in the town of Bowmanville with | | | | ! , | 1 J 1 Deliver SOAP "13" Our final offer of this mar- veloug at th i 25 MI 31 ANTISEPTIS te EL 18 wane ns 5 89¢ "VIKING" HOT WATER BOTTLE , Buy one of these for family use while the price is low. Regular $1.50. 89 JASMINE 'TOILETRY' SPECIALS 25¢ Jasmine Soap and 25¢ Perfumes Both for 25¢ : 50c Jasmine Cream $1.00 Jasmine Face Powder Both for $1.00 $1.25 Jasmine Body Powder 50c Jasmine perfume Both for $1.25 35¢ Jasmine Talcum 15c¢ Silver and Black Puff Both for 39¢ 50c Jasmine Perfume $1.00 Jasmine Face Powder Both for $1.00 PENNY SAVERS 75¢ Hospital Cotton 49¢ 70c Scott's Emulsion 49¢ 50c Pink Pills 35¢ 35¢ Sloan's Liniment 29¢ ' REXALARM CLOCKS A fully guaranteed alarm clock with large, plain fig. ures on dial, $1.25 98 Cc value ,.....+ Season's Best Tonic To fortify the body against rigours the of winter weather start taking BOOT'S MALT & COD LIVER OIL 32 oz. Jar. Now $1.25 : THERMOS KITS With vacuum bottles which will keep liquids hot for 24 ete... 38¢ We are local represent. atives for the famous 50c Gin Pills 35¢ 80c Mi 31 Antiseptis 39¢ 25¢ Carter's Pills 20¢ 78¢ Gripe Water 87¢ 80c¢ Pond's Creams 39¢ $1.30 i Pinkham's Comp. $1.00 FAMILY DENTIFRICE DEAL $1.00 Klenzo Mouth Wash ".80c Klenzo Tooth Paste 80c Klenzo Tooth Brush 32.9 Value. While they last only, ' 75 per deal 08 00 0000000 almays at Your service! Phone 28 or 68 NEW GILLETTE RAZOR And 10 Gillette Blades Regular $1.00. Special Price ...... 15¢ CIGARETTE LIGHTERS Chromium Plat; | Lighters in popular style and size. $1.00 value. . 19¢ Special Introductory Offer Onliwon Paper Towels & Cabinet 375 Towels (75¢ worth) and $1.00 Cabinet in blue, green, sand, or white OR .veoonetees 98¢ Just the thing for the kit- ceremonies in keeping with the introduction to the town of its new public utility. In a large marquee at the Rotary Park where the latest types of gas equipment will be set up, Mayor Ellfott will turn the tap, and for the first time in the town's history, gas will be lit. The On- tario Gas Company is making in- teresting plans for this ceremony, which it believes to be of much importance to the community, and, in addition to the mayor, a part will be played in the pro- ceedings by R. W. Bowen, M.P., W. J. Bragg, M.P.P.,, T. A. Dus- ten, president of the Bowmanville Business Men's Association: Jo- seph Carrthurs, President, Bow- manville Chamber of Commerce; J. T. Milner, vice-president and general-manager of the Ontario Shore Gas Company, Limited, and Gordon D. Conant, directbr and Canadian Counsel for the Ontar- io Shore Gas Company, Limited. The local merchants who are handling gas appliinces will be co-operating with the company in the staging of this opening cere- mony. and in the marauee will be samples of gas stoves, water heat- ers, and other gas appliances, which will be hooked up to the action, In order to make d the bay pa~ | | DANCE ceremony somewhat of a celebra { tion, music will be provided by a | local band, and a special stand will he get up for the ceremony | and the speakers. It is the ip- tention of the company to make this an outstanding event in the history of the community, and a | cordial invitation is extended to all in the town. COMING EVENTS 3 Cents per word each in: sertion, Minimum charge for each imsertion, 35c. NEVADA, PALMIST, Phone 2804, (76h) IADAME Ross' Corners, LEVANGELISTIC wEETiNGS TO night and Friday, 7.30, Cal vary Baptist Church, Atreet (iood speakers All welcome. and ingers, (77a) ONS OF ENGLAND COMMENCE | Whist Drive on ¥riday | season night at 8 25 cents, (77a) NOTICE TO MOSIER'S ing Match, Saturday, 2 p.m. Vine ducks. 73 Gib- bon Street, (77b) \MT18S BERTHA TAMBLYN WILL speak on 'Music and Song" and give a programme of her own compositions at Ontario Ladies' College, on Friday ev- ening at 8 o'clock., Admission 25 cents. (77a) DANCING TONIGHT -- WEST- mount Pavilion, 25e. Dance ali evening. (77a) TO MAC'S MELODY Men, at Westmount fon, Friday, Oct. 2, MADAME ZEDDA, PALMIST, also has home made pickles and preserves for sale at 224 St. Julien Street, (77a) Too Late to Classify FOR RENT -- 6 ROOMED house, all modern conveniences, 322 Kingsdale Ave. Apply 572 Simcoe Street North, Phone 18656W, (77¢) HENRY HAS WORK FOR NEEDY ONLY (Continued from page 1) to gain other employment, "This is one illustration of my point. 'That is not the individual we are thinking of. We are. en- deavoring to take care of the in- dividual who has been out of work for 12 months or so, who is in ac- tual want. It is no small task to take care of them, 'let alone these others, FORMER LOCAL MAN HAS TRAGIC DEATH 3 (Continued from page 1) widow, has not been scen or heard of in Oshawa for two or three years, according fo rela- tives of the Swithenbanks who re- side in this city, and nothing is known of her present where- abouts, According to the official rec- ords, Herbert Swithenbank and Bella Thompson were issued with SHOOT- Oct, COME (77b) chen, Saves washing and wear and tear on linen. Clean and sanitary. Has a thousand. uses around the home. LEAKPROOF PENS A Waterman-made Fount ain Pen with all the fine fea- tures of the most expensive makes, Your name engraved FREE. .. 98¢ Save With Safety at THE REXALL STORES Jury & Lovell wy. Phone 08 Phone 28 FREE Safedge Tumbler + Value 15¢ With Each Quart CANADA DRY GINGER ALE 20c¢ plus 5¢ deposit a marriage license at the office of the Oshawa City Clerk in June 1927. On making application for this license, the man gave his age as thirty, while the age of the woman. was stated to be thirty-seven, Both the applicants for this marriage license gave the same address, 12 Richmond = Street East, Oshawa. VISION & COMFORT Eyesight Service . C. H. TUCK, Opt. D. Disney Block Phone 1510 # WE HAVE SAID BEFORE That children FIGHT eyestrain. And they do. We mean by that that they not recognize they have it. . That they do théir best in spite of it, That they cannot succeed as they 'should. What a pity all that is. And how wise the parent who assures his child gas mains and will be seen in full the | the citizens of Bowmanville to be at the Rotary Park on Sat- | | urday evening to join in celebrat- | ing the opening of the gas system | Centre ard, | Pavil- | the benefits of seeing as he should. A competent service here for children. CITY AND DISTRICT NEWS A CORRECTION In the report in Monday's issue of The Times of the farewell at Holy Trinity Church to two young men who are entering into training for the mmistry, the name Lionel Rowe was given as Lionel Roe. This error is much regretted, and the name is now given here correctly. FIRE DESTROYS BARN Lindsay, Oct. 1.--Fire destroy- ed"a large barn on the farm of James Barker, near Cambray, last night. The season's crop was de- stroyed. Mr. Barker and family live on the homestead, some miles from the scene of the fire, GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY ) Lindsay, Oct. 1.--Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Rogers, Adelaide Street S., have been receiving congratula- tions on the occasion of their gold- en wedding anniversary. Rela- tives from Whitby and Chicago were present. DIVORCE ACTION HEARD His Lordship Justice Raney in Supreme Court at Whitby yester- day listened to the evidence pro- duced by Louis Hyman, counsel {or Mrs, Mary Zabihaylo, of Osh- awa, who sought a divorce from her husband, Michael, on the grounds of adultery. Sufficient grounds having beéen proved, the Justice granted the plea and or- dered the costs of the action as- sessed against the defendant. NO POLICE COURT There was no police court this morning as His Worship, Magis- trate Creighton was in Whitby in attendance at the session of the Supreme Court in the Court House there. Return of Overseas Settlers London.--For the first time in history--except during the war---more people are returning | to Great Britain from the Domin- To Britain Exceeds Emigrants are emigrating to "Overseas Settler," fons' than them, the organ of the Overseas Settlement, Committee, has pointed out, During the year ending June 1921, there was an outward bal- ance of settlers from Britain to the Dominions of omly 200, and the outgoing pefsons exceeded returning ones only in the case of New Zealand. Figures from all the other Dominions showed an inward balance. In the same period the total British emigration to all parts of the Empire was 38,000 compared with 80,000 in the preceding year. And many Britons who settled in the United States since the war are returning to Britain, the "Overseas Settler" added. Ottawa.--Immigration officials expressed no surprise when In- formed that London dispatches noted that more people are re- turning to Great Britain from the Dominions than are emigrat- ing to them. Canada is experi- encing just the same movement, it was explained at the depart- ment. In the case of Canada. however, the trek homeward fis from the United States. Cana- dlans who crossed the border to live in the United States are now returning te the Dominion. During periods of depression, it was explained, there is gener- ally a homeward trek. People tend to return home when con- ditions in the land to which they have emigrated become difficult. USE CANADIAN GRAPES Canadian growers this year have to find a market for 22,000 tons of grapes. This gives a spe- cial opportunity for everyone to assist in building up the grape growing industry by buying Can- adian grown grapes. They are wholesome, healthful and refresh- ing, a delight whether used as dessert or in some other form. Special Grape Juice Recipe 1 quart grapes 1 cup sugar 1 quart sealer Thoroughly sterilize sealer; put in grapes and suzar; fill to over- flowing with boiling water; seal and it is ready to put away. Ready to nse in from one to three months. When made in this way grape juice will not ferment so long as it is kept sealed. AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone 1082w DAY OR NIGHT Oshawa Burial Co. M. F. Armstrong & Son Proprictors ESTABLISHED 1859 in the new S.0.S. CLEANSER JAM GOLD SOAP MA DAT ASPARAGUS cuttings == 2:35. OXYDOL Be sure to (ry one of our delicious teas this weck-end-- ORANGE PEKOE 3-PAD « SIZE IVORY SOAP FLAKES ....... HAWES FLOOR WAX .......... ix 4lc KARAVAN DATES rm 2 SAUSAGE TRIPE OYSTERS FINNAN HADDIE so =» 12- | LAKE TROUT SIMCOE ST. SOUTH STORE, TELEPHONE 3170 MR. FISHER, Meat Manager. MR. WEST, Grocery Manager. ANN PAGE READ There is nothing "just as good" as solid, satisfying food after a hard day's work. Appetites sharpened by physical labor find unlimited satisfaction in sandwiches made of generous slices of our ANN PAGE BREAD. The high-grade flour and other quality materials make a firm, full-bodied loaf that slices neatly, tastes just right, and takes the edge off the keenest hunger. And it goes just as well at any other meal! Extra Weeh-End Special VALENCIA CAKZS Aylmer Green Label STANDARD QUALITY NO. 2 TINS UNCRUSHED CLOTHES AND or Raspberry Strawberry CHOICE QUALITY 23 THE VITAMIN CEREAL WITH THE WHEAT GERM THICK, RICH SUDS FOR DISHES foil wrappers A & P NECTAR TEAS BLENDED INDIA ASSAM and INDIA ib. 39¢ 1b. 49¢ 1b. §9¢ COFFEES A & P has a coffee to suit every taste. Ground exactly as you want it immediately upon purchase. It is an exclusive A & P service. BOKAR RED CIRCLE .. FRUITS ana VEGETABLES BANANAS: 3 ms. 17 LOOK OVER THESE LOW REGULAR PRICES TIGER CATSUP 14c SHRIM PKG. 9c 2-LB. PEGS. 35e WET PACK ONIONS ™ 2l¢ COCOANUT COCOA ...... OXO CUBES SNOWDRIFT -_ MEATS ~~ -- FISH - First of the Season RO ASTS Shoulder or Chuck Ib. 10- STEAK or ROAST ree nove =» 18- PICNIC HAMS B ACON Breakfast--~Sugar-Cured Smoked "°F Ib. 1 5: H AMS Smoked Mild-Cared Faney Whole or Hait ib. 1 "- Fresh -- Small Links 2 we. 2,5¢ Fresh Smoked BY THE PIECE FILL 24-OUNCE WRAPPED LOAY 40 : 29- 10-37 THE COFFEE SUPREME RICH L-BODIED 8 O'CLOCK x. T2525 dik Fivros Mo. NATIVE GROWN OUR OWN 1ONA BRAND TIN OF Jouvses 12€ wn. | Gero. Qe KING ST. WEST STORE, TELEPHONE 2643 MR. NEWSOME, Grocery Manager. MR. ASHBURY, Meat Manager. CHOCK FULL OF RAISINS mw. ] Ge NO. 2 TINS 27 ous. 1470 LARGE PEGS. 37: Ib. 39e 1b. 33 25¢ § 1s. 25 sortie « 17¢ 21c LB. 29c 2-LB. TIN TIN OF 10 CUBES 13 . 10 | ; sae 35 esr ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TEA Co. MITED OF CANADA

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