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Oshawa Daily Times, 1 Oct 1931, p. 5

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» THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER T, 1931 PAGE FIVE ay ft ice 2 Sth Bhi los Lo pr-- | Women 's Interests in the Home and the Commas Mundy, Phone 312. Mrs. W. G. Simpson, Moore- field, has returned home after visiting her sister-in-law, Mrs. W. J. Cory, Centre Street. * Ld . Mr. and Mrs. Blake Short and family, Maple Grove were guests of their cousin Mrs. W. J. Cory, Centre Street, recently , * . . Miss Bertha Tamblyn of Tor- onto, who is coming to the Col- lege at Whitby on Friday evening to give a talk on Music and Song and a programme of her own compositions, is famous through- out Canada for her songs for chil- dren. Miss - Tamblyn is the daughter of the late Principal Tamblyn of the Whitby High School. oul Among those from Oshawa who attended the American Hospital Association Dinner and Ball at the Royal York Hotel last even- ing were: Dr. and Mrs. B. A. Brown, Dr. and Mrs, Grant Ber- ry, Mr. and Mrs. M., L. Canning, Miss I. MacWilliams, © Mrs. Berry was singing with the Mendelsohn Choir whic entertained the guests at the dinner. Ld Ld LJ Miss Jean Cole of the Oshawa Hospital was in Toronto yester- day attending the American Hos- pitals Association Convention and Miss Effie Smith is attending the sessions of the convention to-day. » * LJ Miss Alice Moore, dawghter of Dr. James Moore of Brooklin, who is dietitian at the Civic Hos- pital in Ottawa has been in Tor- onto all week attending the Hos- pital Convention. Ld * Mrs. R. 8. McLaughlin, presi- dent of the Auxiliary of the Osh- "engagement awa General Hospital, is at the Royal York Hotel to-day for the Hospital Convention, ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. George Moore, Burketon, Ontario, announce the engagement of their only daugh- ter, Luella Neoma, to William Roy Webber, youngest son of the late Mr. and Mrs, Wesley Webber, of Bowmanville, The marriage will take place in October. Mr. and Mrs. R. W, Talling, of Whitby, Ontario, announce the of their eldest daughter, Dorothy Mary, to John Michael Meagher, of Qshawa, On- tario, son of Mrs. Meagher and the late John Meagher, of Cheps- tuke place quietlyetaoineshrduu ton, Ontario, the marriage to take place quietly the latter part of October. Oshawa Woman Elected Vice- President of C.W.L. Concluding their eleventh an- nual convention, delegates and members of the Catholic Women's League, Toronto Archdiocesan Division, were entertained yes- terday evening at a tea given by the Sisters of Service in their attractive Noviciate home, 60 Glen Road. The spacious rooms were tastily decorated with flosw- ers and the tea table laid with a handsome cloth. Presiding were Mrs, Hugh Kelly and Mrs. Frank Latchford, with Mrs. Mich- ael Healey as tea hostess." A pleasing feature of the occasion wag the presentation to Miss Flor- ence Boland, re-elected President, of a beautiful bouquet of red roses, coupled with birthday greetings. Miss Boland was unanimously re-elected as President of the To- ronto Archdiocesan Division of the C.W.L.. Mrs. Frank Rohson of Oshawa, was elected as one of the vice-presidents, officers include:--Miss gue, Thorald; Mrs. William Crossland, Barrie, vice-presi- McKea- dents; Mrs. P. FF. McCarthy, re- and Quaker Corn Flakes are the only corn flakes which contain the Sun Vitamin D R Femi ig maker's supremely good flavour, no other corn flakes Quaker Com Flakes. Every package tee to remit the cost of the package if the user does not agree that Quaker is the finest flavoured corn flake. And the exclusive Quaker package, with its tri preserves this flavour fu brings Quaker Corn Flakes to you just as crisp and and wax fresh as when they pop package le seal y. It from the toasters to the Now, the added health benefit of V /itamin D. This is the vitamin Nature gives in Susie sunshine. Quaker fives it all year round in vitamin which helps ¢ uaker Corn Flakes. It is ildren to have sound teeth and strong bones and adults to repair daily wastage. Quaker is the only corn flake which contains Vitamin D. It is the only corn flake which is irradiated by Prof .Steenbock'sprocess. Give Ew) Bl Vita- min D uke Corn Poesy ing | round. At any : cis or between meals. .. they are delicious, and now doubly good for you. COUPONS in every Package of Quaker Cereals In ker Corn Flakes pack- Io Sule in all other Quaker r Write for Free Premium CorN FLAKES pea A wheat tate Be EFT Ch =| The other cording secretary; Miss M. Evans, Toronto, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Michael Healy, treasurer; Mis. H. Webb, Ottawa, Mrs. A. Downey, Orillia, Miss Latchan, Port Dalhousie, and Mrs. P. Gow- an, Toronto, councillors. GREAT INTEREST TAKEN IN WMS. Western Section of Oshawa Presbytery Meets in Pickering The great interest taken in the work of the Women's Missionary Society was shown by the large rumber of women who attended the fourth annual meeting of the Western section of the Oshawa I resbyterial held in Pickering United Church on Tuesday, sep tember 29th. Mrs. Crozier, of Oshawa pre- eided over morning and evening sessions and in her message to the women emphasized the .ne- cessity of constant companionship with God who supplies all need out of His greatfulness, Report from Auxiliaries, Circles and Bands, told of many interest- ing programmes and showed a spirit of earnest striving for the success of the work. Miss Ida Comrle's report of the Whitby Summer School which she attended as delegate from this Presbyterial, showed the up- lift that comes from attendance at such a school, The secretary read the report as Miss Comrie was unable to be present, Mrs. Johnston's "Echoes From the Branch Meeting" were inter- esting and helpful. Mrs. Thomp- sor. of Whitby in the 'Quiet Half Hour," speaking on "The Meeting of Life's Demands," sald that life's best rewards come as '"'we invest ourselves in some great acventure in full dependence on Ged." Mrs. Geo. Jackson spoke on 'The Kingdom of od," move- ment, which Mrs. W. 1. Smyth, the Branch President, has inaug- urated in the Bay of Quinte Branch. The first part of the afternoon session was given over to mes- sages from the various Presby- terial Secretaries, who also an- swered questions about their work. The supply work called out the greatest discussion as to whether W.M.8. bales were to be sent out through the National Re- lief Committee or to the Pres- byterial Supply Secretary for special W.M.8. work. The need is so great that bales are to be sent through both channels, The chief speaker of the day wae Mrs, Frank Rae, of Toronto, third vice-president of the Dom- inion Board. On behalf of the Literature Department she spoke { of the various books bearing on | the study of Korea for this year | and she made the story of Korea seem such a thrilling romance, that everyone wanted to buy the books to read for themselves, The Port Perry Auxiliary in- vited the Western section to hold their meeting in their town next year. OSHAWA COUPLE 0 YEARS MARRIED Mr. and Mrs. William Burr | Celebrate Wedding Anniversary Mr, and Mrs. William Burr cele- brated their fitty-ninth wed- ding anniversary yesterday at the home of their eldest daughter, Mrs. Hugh Hoy, 180 Conant St. Many friends called to eongratu- late Mr, and Mrs, Burr on their lohg life of happiness together. Both are enjoying excellent health and are looking forward to celebrating their diamond an: njversary, next year. Mr. and Mrs. Burr were married at Manil- la and have lived in this vieinity all their lives with the exception of a few years when they were in Alberta. Mrs, Burr is seventy- eight years of age and her hus- band is eighty-one, For the occasion Yemerdey, the home was appropriately decorated with autumn flowers. St. Gregory's Pupils Win Essay Prizes Reta Wilkinson, Mary Stanton, and Jack Walker, of St. Gregory's Separate School, Oshawa, were awarded prizes in the essay contest staged by the Ontario Provincial Committee for the Promotion of Knowledge of the Separate Schocl question gmorls the entrance pupils of the ten dioceses of Ontario. These were given out yesterday at the afternoon session of the Catho- lic Women's Leagtic Corivéntion in: Toronto. Other prizes went to Ca- tharine Cahill of "St. John's School, Toronto, &id Jack Pernnylegion and Vincent Pennylegion of the Blessed Sacrament School, Toronto, Why Let Your Skin Age Protéct your skin with this new wonderful Face Powder and let MELLO-GLO give you that youth- ful bloom. Made by a new French process--stays on longer, ptévénts large pores, beautifies your complexion, Does not irri: tate the skin or give a pasty 100k. Purest face powder made. . Try MELLO-GLO and you'll love it. Sold through all druggists and al Toilet Goods Counters, ing of the By Thoraten In truth there's nothing that is queer; When understood all things are | clear. | --0ld Mother Nature. ' It is lack of knowledge and un- derstanding that makes things seem queer sometimes. Really they are not queer at all, The only queerness about them is the fact that we are so often blind to the truth, When a little roundish gray stone on top of a rock in front of him suddenly came to life and scampered over to another rock, understanding came to Farmer Brown's Boy in a flash, "So you were one of those bar- | kers I have been trying to see!" he exclaimed under that his voice might not be heard. "Here I have sat looking right at | you and mistaking you for a stone. That is why it seemed as if the stones themselves must he barking." I wonder how many more like you I have failed to see. Certainly there must be a lot mere to judge by the different directions in which I have heard thet barking. You are so near the color of the stones and you eat so still you looked to me to be a stone." Meanwhile the barking contin- ued all around him. It seemed as if there must he at least a doz- his breath | en little barkers hidden among the rocks. present knowledge studied the rocks again, another barker could he locate Then he his little neighbor on the rock, for he didn't want to lose sight of him. He saw a small mouth open and he heard bark, but strange he carefully to say the sound didn't seem to come from | that rock at all. Neither did it seem to come from as near a that. The same thing happened over again. He saw that little mouth open and he heard the bark, but the latter seemed to come from another direction al- together, Once more, understanding came to Farm Brown's Boy and the se eret of that barking all around him was out, "I do believe you are a ventriloquist, You may not know you are doing it, but yon throw your voice so that it seem to come from anywhere but where cally does come from," "That must fool your mies a lot of times fooled me, Perhaps there are fiot as many others around here as 1 thonght must be the case, 1 know who you are now, are Little Chief Hare the Pika, whom some folks call Cony, and I certainly am tickled to see I Lope you won't he for I want to know yen a lot het ter, I wish you would tell me how many mote P'ikas there are on the rock slide." Of course Little Chief did noth- kind. As a matter of there was but one other, and was Mrs. Little Chief, who was barking from a hiding-place own among the rocks. All those voices Farmer Brown's Boy had thought he heard were but two, {iitle Chief's and Mrs. Little Chief's. Farmer Brown's Boy had hegun to suspect this now, but, of course he wasn't sure, Little Chiet Hare, to give him his full name, although he is not a Hare at all, was about the size of one of Peter Rabbit's babies when they first begin to hop atcut in the dear Old Briar- patch, He had round ears In- stead of long ones and seemed to have no tail. His legs were short. But as he sat there on a rock he looked very much like a small Rabbit, "Seeing him for the first time you) might have mistaken him for 4 young Rabbit. His home is among the rocks, for there only does he feel safe. Being such a little fellow he nev- er lacks for a place to hide among the rocks and stones of the slide. Tine same enemies that Whistler the Marmot must watch out for ene- fact, that In' the light of his | but not | | tives that funny | gaid | Just as it | You | you. | too bashful, | Ww. Burgess always have their eyes open for Little Chief, so it is no wonder that he is a timid little chap. Not r one minute would he have t there on that rock had he pected the presence of Farmer firewn's Boy. Now he was joined by Mrs. Little Chief and for a time there was no more barking. It was then that Farmer Brown's Jey decided that they had been responsible for all that barking. Copyright 1931, by T. W. Burgess The next story: Making Hay While the Sun Shines. HAN INJURED I FALL FROM S110 | Port Perry Man in Hospital But Reported To Be Doing Well Myrtle, Sept. 28.--While build- ing a cement silo at Mr. Clarence Harrison's, Mr. Jackson of Part Perry had the misfortune to fall from the top just as he was about to finish it. He was unconscious for time, Dr, Rehnie of Port Perry was called and he was found to have his hands badly cut up 2nd he received other injuries. He was removed to his home in Port Perry on Thursday where he some A | is said to be doing very nicely. turned his attention to | Mrs. (Rev.) Totten visited | Toronto friends, during the week. Hurlburt fs visiting rela- Toronto. from here attended fairs, dur. Mr in A number Blacks and Lindzay ing the week It is much regretted that the C.N.R. are about to reduce their Lindsay-Whithy train service, Commeneing on the 28th of Sept, tof I | there will just be three services a and of Wednesday instead v Monday, through here services week, Friday the two daily Mr, Gustav Hahn and daugh- tere, Misses Freya and Bylvia, spent a fow days last week at their summer home here Mr. and Mrs, John C. spent the week-end with on in Lindsay, thelr not law that makes the but custom that makes ~-Brand Whitlock, "It is custom, the law.' KIDNEY' he dey KIDNE Lawrence | WHAT NEW YORK Furnished with Every Pattern Still another new and lovely style designed to give the figure slimness and grace. So many charming materials can be used for this giodel. The original in ble c/pe satin, choose eggshell lace for the tiny vest and cuffs. Pinkish-beige satin would be equally smart for its trim. Then you'll like it in rust colour- ed sheer worsted print with plain blending shade contrast. Dark green canton-faille crepe is effective with eggshell trim, Style No. 3943 may be had in sizes £6, 15 vears, 3, 3. 40, 42 and inches bust measure, Size 36 re- quires 3% yards of 39-inch material with 34 yard of 35-inch contrasting. Don't envy the woman who dresses well and keeps her children well-dressed. Just send for your copy of our Fall and Winter Fa- shion Magazine. It shows the best styles of the coming season. And you may ob- tain our Pattern at cost price of any style shown, The pattern is most economical in material re- quirements Tt enables you to wear the new frocks at little expense-- two frocks for the price of one. You will save $10 by spending 15 cents for this book, So it would pay you to send for your copy now, Address Fashion Departmept. Be sure to fill in the size of the pattern. Send stamps or coin (coin preferred), Price of book 15 cents, Price of pattern 20 cents. Adiress orders to: Pattern Edit- Potatoes Choice Stock 90 i. bas 50 | Hogg & Lytle LTD. Phone 203 for And what a surprise--the most beautiful Navy, brown or black fur-trim- med, linings guaranteed. sizes. ' FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 15 King St. E. Buchanan"s Week-End Specials GIRDLES. Reg. $5.50 for ... DANCE SETS. Reg. $6.50 for ......c...i.. EVENING DRESSES, Regular $27.00 "$2. 95 $14.95 $10.95 COAT All $16.50 ONLY for, Oshawa Daily Times, Oshawa. "ACTORY CLOSED AT GREENWOOD | Products Given High Grad- ing by Inspector Greenwood, Sept, 29.--The can- ning factory of Moore and Aman closed this week after a very suc- cessful season's work. The in- spector gave the highest grades to the pack. Your correspond- ent was privileged to taste some of the finished products and be- lieves it cannot be surpassed for color and flavor. Greenwood Women's Mission- ary Society held an open meeting in the church on Wednesday. All the neighboring auxiliaries were invited and a goodly number re- sponded to the rally. Mrs. Don- ald MacGillvray, missionary from Shanghai, China, was the speaker of the afternoon and gave a very heart-felt message. After meeting tea was served in basement. Much sympathy is felt for the Routley family on the death of Mrs. Routley which seemed to have been caused having been hurned. The October meeting of the W. M.S. will be held at the home of Mrs. Mr. at the parsonage. Mr. and Mrs, Buffalo, s i Sunday with Mn and Mrs, Green. Much RE is felt for the friends of Dr. Phillips, of Toron- to, who died so suddenly, last week. On Saturday at 3 p.m. a pretty wedding was solemnizéed at the home of the bride's parents at Mt, Zion, when Miss Gladys Par- rott was married to Mr. Lewis ones. Rev. Mr. Smart perform- etl the ¢éremony. The bride look- ed lovely in her gown of egg- shell satin with bouquet of sweet- Heart roses, The living room lavishly decorated with pale mauve pink asters while the din- ing-room was festive with dark red asters. Mr. and Mrs, Jones will reside at Balsam. On Sunday evening, Oct, 4, a S.8. missionary service will be held under the leadership of Mrs. T. L. Green. slides will be given oh Korea by Mrs. Smart, the | the | sudden | through the shock of their barn I", L. Green, on Wednesday. | and Mrs. Wm. Gee Porter. of Toronto, spent the week-end Walter Green, of | A talk with lantern | DID YOU TAKE MY ADVICE AND TRY THAT NEW LAUNDRY SOAP TODAY? YES, AND YOU WERE RIGHT! IT WASHES CLOTHES MUCH WHITER ISN'T IT MARVELCUS THE WAY RINSO SAVES SCRUBBING AND BOILING? 1 WOULDN'T THINK OF FACING WASHDAY WITHOUT RINSO NOW! Sg COC od pack ins he grany T he mol "Toro ine v that a lated so Por uot es wh "In Soviet Russia the gangster | would have as much chance of surviving as a rat in a yard full of terriers." -- George Bernard Shaw. "The hope of the disarma« ment conference lies not in the statesmen of the world but in the peoples of the world."--Newton D. Baker. Vieni uce of (S| We have complete assortments Ladies' Kid and Chamoisette Gloves In the new Fall Shades LAMBLE'S = GUARD THE HEALTH OF THE Eddy's sterilize FAMILY absorbent Tissues are h Slane Vi ri because the, I y a process are thorough 1 removes all impurities and harmful irritants. "WHITE SWAN" A snowy white Sterilized Tissue. In wrap- ped, dus of Rolls of 750 sheets, Also mde RECESS" size to fit modern tn fixtures. "DREADNOUGHT" A big value fddy | line. Seven ounces of Sterilized creped tissue in every roll. "NAVY" Ip full weight Roll of Sterilized quality Tissue--700 sheets of soft, safe, sanitary paper. \ ED EDDY EPDY EPDY THEE. B. EDDY COMPAMY LIMITED, HULL, CANADA Mariufacturers of & Wide Range of Quality Papers for Commercial, Professional and Ddmestic Purposes.

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