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Oshawa Daily Times, 1 Oct 1931, p. 6

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PAGE SIX THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1,-193f TODAY'S SPORTING FEATURES Blue Devils Get a Bye--Cannot Get a Grouping Western University Mustangs Win From Windsor, 8-1 Brampton Defeat Mimico--Sr. Box Lacrosse Now Even. POE B0.Xe: TODAY'S SPORTING FEATURES Athletics vs. Cardinals in First World Series Game Galt Beat St. George's 4-0 in Sr. O.B.A.A, Semi-Finals Mt. Dennis Firemen Defeat Hamilton Trinity, 12-4 BLUE DEVILS GIVEN BYE -- NO GROUPING WAS AVAILABLE . Hamilton Tiger Cubs Play |Baseball Classic Rolls Blue Devils at Alexandra Park Saturday Afternoon Doc. Rowden Is Elected 'Captain for the Season-- Old Guard Are Out in Force With New Players Showing Up Well -- Ex- pect to Have London Gas House Gang Here Soon The Oshawa Blue Devils, last sear's intermediate champions of The O.R.F.U., have drawn a bye right into the play-offs this year. It was found unpractical to place the lcoal team in the group in which they played last year as the group is made up entirely of Niag- ara Peninsula teams, While there are no teams in Fastern Ontario with which to play. An effort was made to have the team play in the Toronto district but this was not agreeable to the Toronto executive. On the other hand the team might have played with the western Ontario group but this also would impose too heavy a burden on the Oshawa team. As a result the local fans will be able to see some high-class teams in action here this fall as the Blue Devils have let no grass grow un- der their feet and have arranged a nine schedule of exhibition games with teams that are of known calibre, who might other- wise not have played here, The first of these exhibition games will be played here on Sat. urday afternoon, when the Ham- ilton Tiger Cubs, winner of group No. 1 of the senior O.R.F.U, last 'vear. They were eliminated in a #lc = series with "almy Beach, ninion cha ns. They are ia highly rated team who have the 'advantage of working with the Hamilton Big Four team. {will bring a kicker of !"Lefty" Tierney, note ;and power in his toe. igame this year at Alexandra Park {will enable the fans to get a fine {Coach "Liz" i working the hoys hard tlast week CAREER FRAATS i a ERR ete They | in | who has distance | rounded into form in great style | and not a casualty has been re- ported. The team are headed for another good year in the opin- ion of all who have seen them work out. They have elected "Doc" Rowden as captain and he has, been an inspiration and an example to the players that has done much to instill the desire to win. With Rowden in the hack- fiel is Scott Hubbell and this com- bination 1s rated as one of the best in the union. The team has a real find in Walt, Fallis, who played for the last three years with the team of the General Mo- tor School of Technology in I'lint, Mich. He is a kicker of repute and has adapted himself to the Canadian game and should be a great help to the team. Although there are some new faces on the roster the old guard are out again in force and with the experience gained in years past should tend to round out another champion- ship team for the Motor City. The game on Saturday will be started at 3.45 p.m. sharp in Alex. andra Park with a popular ad- mission of 25 cents. With prac- tically all the teams playing away from home on Saturday, it would be worthwhile for the fans to take a jaunt to the north-end park for the afternoon's festivities, The Blue Devils team will be picked from the following: Alex. Grey, Ed. Wilson, Logan, D. Cut- ler, Clarence Elliott. Theo, FEl- liott, N. Bolthee, H. Millicamp GG. Hood, H. Peterson, W. Fallis, *Bill"" Tribble, M, Kohen. Scott Hubbell, "Doc Rowden, Hooper, Robson, Brown, Earl Armour, Taylor and Tonkin, World Series Dope and Facts Contenders -- Philadelphia Ath- Up the Curtain Today Both Cardinals and Ath- letics Are Confident of Victory -- Cards May Start Rookie Pitcher While Odds Are in Favor of Grove Seeing Duty for A's St. Louis, Oct. 1 -- The World Series, bascball's big show and one of the most picturesque pageants ol United States sport, will be launch ed to-day with prospects of balmy weather, a boom-time capacity crowd and a dramatic pitching duel between Leity Grove, ace of the world champion Athletics, and Paul Derringer, freshman star of the St. Louis Cardinals. Good times or otherwise the World Series annually ccginands a national interest second to nothing elsc in the country's sporting activ- ity. This year is no exception as the championship clubs of the Am- ! erican and National Leagues com to grips in their struggle for dia mond supremacy. Expect Capacity Crowd Sportsman's Park has bcen sold out for the hrst two games, so far as reserved seats are concered. A capacity crowd of nearly 40,000 is expected to cheer Gabby Strect's Cardinals as they begin a fight to stop the onrush of Connie Mack's | machine, one of the greatest in mo- | dern baseball. I'he National League's gallant but | crippled forces center thc series again as under-dogs, after four con secutive and decisive setbacks at the letics, nine-time winners of the Am- ican League pennant, and world champions for the past two years; St. Louis Cardinals, four-time Na- tional League victors and world champions in 1926 Managers--Connie Mack, ove: fifty years in baseball, and now 68 vears old, pilot of the. Athletics since they entered the American League in 1901; Charles "Gabby") Street, 49 vears old vesterday, old time catcher, and battery mate of Walter Johtison, manager of two straight pennant winners in bis big comeback Series schedule--First two games; today and tomorrow, at Sportsman's Park, St. Louis; next three at Shibe Park, Philadelphia, Monday, Tucs- day and Wednesday; last two, if needed, in St. Louis, Friday and Saturday, October 9 and 10 All games start at 1.30, Central Stau- dard Time, at St. Loyis; Eastern Standard at Philadelphia Probable battries -- Grove and Cochrane for Athletics, Derringer and Wilson for Cardinsls, openinz game: Earnshaw and Coch.ane, Hallahan and Wilson, second game. Probable weather--Fair and warn some cloudiness Thursday an| Tri- ' The Blug Devils will play their within the quarter-mile oval in front of the grand-stand. which | view of the Bame from all angles. Walker has been for the and the team have Thursday and Friday "Mother's Cry" You Will Like This Picture Added Attractions Fox News Sportlight Comedy for of attendance 39,000 with eate recein's da. Probable opening game, nearly $170,000, | hands of their rival Even the en | thusias m of home-town support, tl | advantage of starting on thet wn | | grounds and the widespread admir Lation of Manager Gabby Street fail ed to gloak the fact there is more hope than conviction int the chances ot the Red Birds overthrowing the world champions. Lhe Athletics ruled nine-to-hve favorites to cap- ture their third straight crown an deservedly so, on the record and dope." The American League's have cautured 16 oi last 19 series contests, If the Athletics triumpl again they will sct a new all-time club record of three straight and : league rec re ol championshi Cards' Fine Record Louis 1 mg the League banner for the fourth time in the last six years. The Cardinals of 1920 were the last representatives of the senior circuit to win tne world championship, Their shrewd and popular leader, Gabby Street, is confident his club is the one dec- stined to turn the tide, in spite of a succession of late- season injuries, The Cardinals have lost their vet- cran right-hander, Jesse Haines, tor the series. They probably will start with a substitute, Andy High, at third base instead of Earl (Sparky) Adams, who twisted an ankle ten days ago and is still hobbling. They will have a semi-casualty in centre field, the youthful Pepper M:gtin, who has a slightly daamged Jeg. They will gamble in the box with Paul Derringer, powerful young first-year record but no previous ex- perience whatever in World Series combat, "We have survived a flock of dif- \ 1 ot 18 carr vationa Values again that megan big savings to everyone, this week-end sale, Watch our windows! ity guaranteed, with money-back guarantee, expense make these Jow prices possible, Only a few Only Manufacturer's Outlet Stores 24 Simcoe St. North, Oshawa of the items cited below for Qual- and no overhead Or better still, come in and be convinced. our large buying power Work York ® ants Shirts Friday Morning 8 to 10 2 pockets, coat style, full Saturday Morning 8 to 10 A good make, strong yoke. Real value. cloth. All sizes. All Wool Men's Sweaters $1.35 Coat style. Never before have such values been offered. Men's Silk and Wool SOCKS 29¢ pr. First quality only, or 4 Prs. $1.00 Red Back Overalls 85¢ A strong garment, excellent value, Limited quantity only. SPECIAL! SPECIAL! Men's Underwear Made by Penman, All sizes, long sleeves, ankle lengths, real fall weight. This is an opportunity to save beyond your expect- ations. $1.25 suit ~ FREE! Absolutely free, given away, a of $1.50 or more, FAMILY A TREAT FREE! FREE! ' "HALF PINT OF GOOD CHEER" Rare oid Canadian RUM and butter toffee, an excellent eating candy, with come IN AND GET YOUR HALF PINT OF GOOD CHEER, AND GIVE THE every purchase | they {from force: | five consecutive | play was a treat to see. fouls before and came out on top," declared Street. "We have have had some tough luck, but it's going, to make my boys scrap that much harder, I will start Derringer and don't make any mistake about him, He has the stuff to win. li he does, just watch us." This seemed to sum up the preva- lent feeling. Although nine out of ten of the assembled experts pre- dicted a decisive victory for the Athletics, they agreed the National league champions would be hard to stop if they get off to a winning start behind. Derringer, the only freshman pitcher ever accorded the disinction of an opening World Ser- ics assignment since 1909, wher Babe Adams, pitching for Pittsburg beat Detroit. Excelsiors Even Count Toronto, Oct, 1, -- Brampton ciyme back. They do that kind of thing. Last night at the Arena Cardens a vastly improved Flow- er Town squad defeated Mimico 10 to 7 and thus qualified to meet the suburbanites in a third and firal game next Tuesday evening. Excelsiors also gave their sup- porters plenty of reason to be- lieve that they will add another title to their collection, There wasn't anything the mat- fer with the courageous team irom Mimico. Jack MacDonald's men played good lacrosse but not quite good enough to their experienced Mimico were not neither were they outgamed, hut holders in check It was one of the most excit- ing indoor games vet played, The maintained throughout was withering one._but wise substi tuting prevented the participants becoming exhausted. The clief men came on in three and fours every few minutes and there was never any let-up, Fixcelsiors Improve Excelsiors were another team altogether from that which bow- cd to Mimico in the MMrst of the piny-offs by 6 to 3. Thelr pass- ing was better and their team- They checked well and strenuous- pace penalties--a most unusual rec- crd for them, Throughout the Western trip of half a dozen games they weren't banished that cften, Those earnest rivals furnish- ed a battle and a spectacle hard to equal. Not even the profes- sionals have provided so much excitement. There are many good piayers left in amateur ranks and Brampton and Mimico have a ma- jority of them. They know la- crosse and they are fast, clever and enthusiastic. Coach Eddie Powers saw to {it thiat his team was in better form than on Monday night. He taught them much in the art of team pay as exemplified In geven-man lacrosse, and his players delivered the goods. Powers, an opportun- ist, changed his starting line-up and shocked the Brampton sup- porters when he put the veteran Pete Machell in a regular place. Then Pete Machell went out there and led all the goal-getters, On three occasions he rattled the twine behind Walsh and he was aleo credited with a smart assist. Western Good Against Windsor Windsor, Oct, 1.--Joe Breen's well-coached University of West- ern Ontario senior Intercollegiate rugby football machine outplay- ed Windsor Greyhounds of the senior O.R.F.U. at their own game here last night under Ken- nedy Collegiate stadium flood- lights, The Mustangs displayed a marked superiority over the home-brews in every department except punting to chalk up an 8 to 1 decision. Two rouges and two fleld goals represented the scoring of the college troop, while Windsor's lone point was ac- counted for as the result of a lusty boot by "Robby" Robson, late in the third quarter, that was rouged by the visitors, "Pat Patterson Stars "Pat" Patterson, - Western punting ace, accounted for seven of his team's eight points, with one field goal early in the sec- ond quarter from 20 yards out and at a difficult angle, a long punt that was rouged by Robson in the fourth quarter and a 30- yard field goal in the third. The other Western point was a gift from Windsor as the result of a bad bit of judgment by Al. Edwards, local backfielder., Ed- wards caught a punt behind his goal line and, with three Western tacklers charging on him, at- tempted to return the hoist. His kick was. blocked, but luckily a Windsor man recovered for a rouge. Robby Robson outpunted Pat- terson on almost every exchange but was afforded much poorer tackling than the visitor on the hoists. Windsor, crippled by in- juries that kept Jubenville, Hal- latt, Rossiter and Wadge out of uniform, failed to offset the Wes- tern weight advantage and super- lor line play by passing. - | South Simcoe- | heat | opponents. | outspec ded, | couldn't hold the Mann Cup |' ly and drew eight of the thirteen | List of Events Is Lssued For Public School Meet Schools Will Turn Out in| test the calibre of the athletes. The list of events is as follows: -- Force for Field Day at Alexandra Park To-mor- row Afternoon With a continuance of the good weather the Third Annual Field Day of the Public Schoolg of the city should be a decided success to-morrow. The eliminations and declaration of winners in each of the schools has been com- pleted and keen competition will be the order of the day, with each school striving its utmost to bring the shield donated by Mrs. R, S McLaughlin to their school, Points to winners will be alloted as fol- lows: --Afirst--3; second--2; third .1, In the relay events five points will be given to the firs. place winners, three to the second and two to the third. A feature of the afternoon will be the march past of the team from each school headed by the | banner and with each wearing the school colors. Each school will strive for a good ap pearance as the winning school will be presented with a pennant donated by C. F. Cannon, The school colors are as follows: -- Albert St.--Green and White, North Simcoe---Red and White, Mary St.---Blue and White, Ritson Road---Red, Black Gold. i Cedardale--Green and Gold. King St.--Blue and Gold. Purple and Gold, Centre St.--Red and Green, Westmouzt~ Ped end Blue, Harmony--White and Red, The meet which will get under way at 1.30 p.m. will embody fif- en track events and six field ents which are calculated to and athlcie | S SOB wt Sada" he EE he Bo 11 12 13. 14, Bo 15. Junior High and under, Running Broad Jump--Boys, er 12, 'enfor High Jump--Boys, over "tanding ! and under, ole Vault 'oftball throw over, Mount Dennis Hamilton, Firemen, ton champions, of the initial play-offs of the O.A. here this atternoon, an easy Lawson third inning, when the A. 30 yds--Boys, 6 or 7 yrs. 50 yds.--Boys, 8 or 9 yrs. 76 yds.--Boys, 30 yds.--Girls, 4 or 7 yrs. 220 yds.--Boys, over 14 yrs, Wheelbarrow Three-legged under 12, » 12 or 13 yrs, | Sport Snapshots Track Events held at 19, 11, 12 100 yds.--Boys, over 12 yrs. 60 yds.--Girls, 8 or 9 yrs. 75 yds. -- Girls, 10, 11, 12 and the 100 yds.--Girls, over 12 yrs, Race, 12 yrs, Race 30 yar On v 10, 0.CV.] 11, Girls huttle Relay - Bieyele Race 5 Potato Race, 50 G 1 irl ough lust week in Saturda { Peterhor Will Close (he Season on October 10 the H, A. Brown Tee phy. ' preparatic Both Collegiate Teams Play the The Gala closing of the General Motors Goll Association will be Oshawa Golf Club on Saturday October 10, when a round will played in the afternoon and the prizes won in the various competitions during the summer. will be presented at a dinner to be held in the clubhouse in the evening. number of very handsome trophies to be presented among which are the Dunlop Trophy, the Prest-O-Lite Trophy, the Goodyear Trophy afternoon and evening, There arc a . LJ] Away of the in pla; Peterhe vork this 440 vd. Relay Boys. Field Events Jump--Boys, 12 runs, Broad Jump Boys, | hits Watson, Boys, artillery open, Girls, 12 and Still Winning parade strong Oct, 1--Mount Dennis ame Trinity, Hamil- in the first round overc ng zed two als 12 to 4, in victory, was out in the visitors se- | I'ri taken nity ired five hits, the mound, and was going fhe remaining innings, | into a slugfest by when they hand, Tri of a shaky defense whic back and their total of four errors did much to bring Dennis runs, Kitney, on hitters uf ' hree bing the seventh, and scored tw scven, was on the mound Trinity' featured | Mount Dennis 10] 100 1 Mason took over well for | h 1€ cde Dennis, & more Mount in fy brought The best Trinity could do was six Mount moundsman, bringing out some heavy to hold the locals well in lity, though, were victims h held them Dennis up the Mount Watson | the winning ker ler of and Fel team homer in ice, walk- six while he les, one a long and fanning s star was Reed, who slug- hits, and Staunton's field RH} veesr 003100 0004 6 4° YOU SAVE WHEN YOU SPEND AT |] Wat m and McLachlan; Lawson, lason and Wilson, BIG. REGISTRATION Ottawa.--More than 1,uvy stu dentg have registered this week to attend the evening classes of the Ottawa Technical School, which i1l open on Monday, October 65. Classes will Le held at York Street and Connaught Public Schools, in addition to those at the Tech- nical Echool on Albert street, Theze two schools wll be rented, as last year, from the Ottawa Publics School Board. } SUITS. 'Made urs. Made $99 50) Scotland Woolen Tailors sal ROYISH, Manager | 8 i 7 KING ST. EAST SPECIALS On Sale at These Prices Big Flour Sale BUDWEISER Malt Syrup No. 234 Size i. Tin JEWEL BRAND Shortening 2 lbs. 25¢ HAWES' Floor Wax 1-1b. 43 c Tin 3 Cook Book 3 « «» » « Both OCT. 2nd 8th EATONS FIVE ROSES o 4 P. } ; 3c Now--a profusely [lllustrated 144. for page cook book packed with pepu. lar tested recipes----secure your copy now at this combination prices Special Another 1,000 Pounds Sunglo Butter | 4 While It Lasts | CAKES 2 Ibs. 45¢ 25 EXTRA SPECIAL !! LUX TOILET SOAP THISTLE BRAND Chicken Haddie i SPECIAL ZEBRA Liquid Stove POLISH sevseess os Luxurious The choice of the movie stars Cold weather is on the way--have Come Early SPECIAL this delicious new season's Jam-- Special Cooking | economieal--buy New Season's STRAWBERRY from large-full vine ripened berries comes 29¢ your stove bright and shiny. A ay erior polish with a lasting dur. able finish--easy to appl At a special price this week anty. 2 Bots. 25¢c Clean Your Stove Now | SATURDAY NIGHT SPECIAL JAM more than one Jar at this price. \ 40-02. Jar Onions 10 Ibs. 14¢ These are the best grade we have seen this year. | SPECIAL 80 fresh--t. Soated rend a ith taspbarry elly centre McCORMICK'S ' Chocolate Delight BISCUITS =. you have | janied Sissuits but never blscuits so delsiousty different-- in your mouth--w 7 o'clock j While, Quandey PEAMEALED BACK 19¢c Bacon Ippe. on TRH Thinly Meats ROAST OF Quality FRONT QUARTERS SPRING for Friday an and Saturday - CHUCK and SHOULDER BEEF Sliced 5. 25C MACARONI ANDY CHEESE: LOAF = 20¢ ». 1 0c LAMB - 11c BREAKFAST .By the Piece BACON:19. FREE DELIVERY On Orders of $2 and over. Phone 2400 'PORK: »19¢ COME EARLY FOR THESE SPECIALS 4 ElaYa =X P

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