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Oshawa Daily Times, 1 Oct 1931, p. 7

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bs % - oa - \ - PACE SEVEN THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER T, 1931 Ontario and Durham County News RALLY DAY HELD AT MAPLE GROVE Children of Sunday School Took Prominent Part in Program (Miss Marion Snowden, Correspondent) Maple Grove, Sept. 0--The two services here on Sundav were well attended, At the church service a Rally Day programme was given which consisted of : Bible reading, Milton Graham: songs, by the Pri- mary Class, Bible stories, Jean Stevens, Florence Foley, Susie Liard and Douglas Gower, song by the four junior classes, Miss Amelia Nichols, Port Hope spent a few days with her cousins Misses Elsie and Corsina Samis, Mr, and Mrs, W. James, Toron- to, visited his parents, Mr, and Mrs, John James on Tuesday. || JR Miss Wiman, Cou. 1..., spent the week-end with Miss Vera Power. A large number from our neigh- bourhood attended Lindsay Fair on Saturday. Miss Clara Ashlie, Bowmanville, spent the week-end with Miss May reeman., - Mr, and Mrs. Truman Power spent a day or two with friends fear Lindsay and attended Lindsay amr, Miss Greta Munday, Peterbor- ough spent the week-end h her Jarents, Mr, and Mrs, Mark Mun- y. . A large crowd attended the Chic ken Pie supper here on Friday ev- ening which proved to be a great success. The ball game between Bowmanville and Providence ended in a victory for the latter, Proceeds about $170, NEWS OF KEDRON Mins, Beatrice Mountjoy orrespondent) Kedron, Sept. 29--Misses Lillian Stewart, Chatsworth, and Etta and Canadian Shredded Wheat is 1009, Canadian grain, Eat TWO Shredded Wheat Biscuits a day and help Canada's - Prosperity, "1 eat it when traveling' "Traveling has its discom- forts and dangers, but most of the trouble comes | from eating wrong foods. No matter where I am I call for Shredded Wheat and milk for breakfast. It is the safe and satisfying food, easily digested, which helps to prevent fa. tigue on a long journey." Shredded Wheatis served in dining cars, and in nearly every hotel or res. taurant in this country ~~ sand many in Europe, 14 is deliciously strength. ening with milk or fruits, WITH ALL THE BRAN OF THE WHOLE WHEAT Old Dutch Cleanser - does all your cleaning " B.E.Q. ETTER--because Old Dutch doesn't scratch; contains no grit; protects smooth and beautiful surfaces. Better because Old Dutch cleans hygienically; takes the invisible impurities with the visible dirt, assuring Health- ful Cleanliness. ASIER--because of the unequalled efficiency of Old Dutch, your cleaning is done with less time and effort; it is surprising how much a little Old Dutch will do. UICKER--because Old Dutch removes I. all dirt, grease and grime with a quick, clean, smooth sweep. Old Dutch will help you make short order of the difficult cleaning task. MADE IN CANADA a ong 4 LISTEN -y the Columbia Broadcasting System, Tune In Toronto Station CFRS 8:45 @. m. Standard Time to the Old Dutch Girl every Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning over Old Dutch Holders, in Colors! Clip 64? from three Old Dutch Cleanser labels the windmill panel appearing above the 'directions. Mall these, together with 10¢ and name and address. Fill out coupen today. Cudahy Soap Works, 64 Masavley Ave. Toronte, Ontario Ploote find enclosed. , , canis and . , , labels for which sond me, .. Old Dutch Holders. gy Suu Alice Smyth, Owen Sound, and Mr. Harold Smith, Owen Sund, and Mr, Vernon Booth Toronto, were guests of Miss Lena Hoskin on Sunday. Mrs. W, Hepburn, Mrs. L. Han- cock, Misses Luella Hepburn and Beatrice Mountjoy attended the funeral of the late, Mrs, F. Garfat in Columbus on Thursday, Mr. and Mrs, Earle Van Dyke and Miss Hazel Van Dyke visited Mr, and Mrs. Bert Montgomery, Oshawa, Sunday evening, Mr, and Mrs, Lance Beath, Tor- onto, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beath, and Miss Ruby Hancock, Brooklin, were recent guests of Mr, and Mrs, L. Hancock, Mr. and Mrs, L. Hancock, Mr. and Mrs. E, Davis, Mr, and Mrs. F. W. Lee and Mr, Ross Lee at- tended the funeral of the late Mrs, Burton, of Brooklin on Tuesday. The sympathy of their many Ked- ron friends is extended to the Bur- ton family in their bereavement, Mrs. Burton was a former highly respected resident here and a good neighbor and beloved by all who knew her, Mr. and Mrs, Richard Wood and Miss Allie Wood, Orono, spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. W, N, Hoskin, Mrs. J. Mountjoy, Miss Beatrice Mountjoy and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mountjoy and family were recent guests of Dr, G, C. Lawrence 'and Mrs, Lawrence, Lindsay, The Women's Association met at the home of Mrs. Harvey Pascoe on Wednesday afternoon, Septem- ber 23rd, with fourteen members five visitors present. Several items of business were discussed and an invitation extended to the ladies and gentlemen of Columbus to visit our Association on Friday evening, Oc- tober 9. Group number five served lunch and a social hour followed, Mr, and Mrs, Wm, Hepburn and Miss Luella Hepburn attended Lindsay Fair on Friday, Miss Beatrice, Mountjoy, Mrs. | Leslic Hancock, Robert Mark and Frank, visited Mr. and Mrs, Tenny- son Pereman, Columbus, on Thurs day. Mr. and Mrs' Delbert Flintoff, Ebenezer, visited at Mr, W, N, Hoskin's recently, Mr, and Mrs, Ross Lee attended Rally Day service at Zion on Sun- day and visited with Mr, and Mrs. \. T. Stainton, Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Werry, Mr Harold and Miss Wilma Werry and Mrs. R. J. Luke called on relatives u Solina and Enniskillen on Sun- aay. Mrs, Everett Wilson, Freda and Robert are spending a few days with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Norman Smith, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. G, L. Scott, Ray, and Grace, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Van Dyke and Miss Hazel Van Dyke, Mr, and Mrs. Allan Lavis, Mrs, S. Conlin, Miss Marguerite Conlin, Mr. and Mrs, F, Crossman and Mr, Norval Crossman, Mr, R. J. Luke and Mr, Bert Luke attended Lind- say Fair on Saturday, Miss Nora Werry is visiting for a few days with her sister Mrs. A. L. scoe Solina, Mr. and Mrs. W, N, Hoskin at- tended the' funeral of their aunt, Mrs. James Routley of Brooklin, on Thursday, Mr.. and Mrs. Frank Crossman are spending a few days with rela- tives at Nestleton, Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Werry, Wm. and Robert visited with Mr, James Scatt, Columbus. Glad to report that Mrs, Wm, Harvey is improving in the hospital at Little Britain where she has been confined for the past ten days. Rally Day service was fittingly observed at Kedron on Sunday at 2 o'clock with Mr, Ross Lee, super- intendent, in charge, The readings, Jesus Blessing Little Children, was iven by Bessie Mountjoy; Jesus ove for the Qut-of-Doors, by Ro- bert Hancock; The Courage of Jesus, by Ella Hoskin; How He Came to the City, by Miss Wilma Werry. The Betrayal, Crucifixion and Resurrection, by Mrs, Everett Mountjoy, The juniors sang Away in a Manger. r. Cooper gave a splendid address on the six points he liked best in our school. The church was nicely decorated with flowers and fruit and vegetables by the Juniors and their teachers. . Mr. and Mrs. F. W, Scott accom- panied by Mr. and Mrs, Wallace Scott, Enfield, are on a motor trip to Goodland, Indiana, where they will be guests of Dr, and Mrs, F. Heattie, COURTICE NEWS (Mrs. W. R. B. Courtice, Corres. pondent) Courtice, Sept, 20--Miss Louise Kemp, of Hamilton, a recent visitor of Miss Mabelle Walter. Mr, Blake Courtice has gone on a trip to the West and will be guest of his brother and otler relatives there, Misses Evalene Holt, Lillian and Anne Swain, Toronto, visited Mise Anne Holt over the week- oud, Mr, Frank Gay has returned home to Winnipss after spending several weeks with relatives here. Mr. Ed. Moses, Grand Rapids, Mich.,, was a visitor of Messrs. I'runk and Bill Walter and Muss Mubelle Walter, last week. Saturday afternoon the C.G.I. T, held a rally at the clurch after the devotional per- iod, Mrs. Rev. Wolfraim. gave an interesting talk to the girls and a reading was given by Miss «ouise Courtice and a plano solo by Miss Velma Gay. The girls aud a sing song and the meeting closed, The ladies of this community made a house to house canvass tor: clothing to be sent out west afd the people responded most senerously. A small bale is to o sent to the supply committee ; of the W.M.8. of Bowmanville, for | missions, and a large bale is rea- dy to be shipped to the unfortu- nate ple in the West, the two bales being valued at $215.00. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Gay and Mies Birdie Pollard, Oshawa, left Courtice -Monday morning for a to Moatresl then down Rich in body and delicate as blossoms in its flavour "SAL Al A' 'Fresh from the gardens' through New York and other Am- erican cities, Qur No. 8 school was among tne favored ones who were en- tertained at the movies in Bow- manville last week by the Rotary Club. - A truck was sent up for the boys and a bus for the girls «nd they all bad a wonderful at- ternoon and were indeed grate- ful to the Rotary. TYRONE LADIES HELD MEETING Interesting Debate on Bene- fits of Reading as Com- pared With Travel (Mrs. W. H. Taylor, Correspon* dent) Tyrone, Sept, 30,~-- The Wom- en's Institute and Ladies' Aid held their September meeting at the home of Mrs. Sidney Hoar with the president, Mrs. Harold Skinner conducting the business, after which Mrs, Russell Wright took charge of the following pro- gram--solo by Mrs. 'Theodore Down; reading by Mrs, Robt. Hodgson; piano solo by Mrs, Robt, Roy; a debate, 'Resolved that more benefit is derlved from read. ing than travel." The afirmative wag taken by Mrs. A. W, Clemens and Mrs. N, J. Woodley; the ne- gativea was taken by Mrs, Floyd Dudley and Mrs. Luther Hooper. The judges' decision was given in favor of the afirmative, ard Brent and Mrs, Mae a gocial half-hour and lunch was sefved by Mrs. Russell Wright's group. Quite a number from here at- last week tended Lindsay Fair and reported a good fair. Rev. A. M. Wootton preached an excellent sermon Sunday morn. ing. On Friday afternoon, the teach. | the | section | er, Miss J. Pollock, school children of this had a very enjoyable time when they were entertained by the Bowmanville Rotary Club atthe Royal Theatre, Bowmanville, All enjoyed seeing "Skippy," after which all were treated to a cone of ice cream, and Messrs, Harry and Frank Hath. | erly, of Dixie, spent the week-end at home, Mr. George. Alldread, of New. castle, gpent Sunday with his par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. James All- dread, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stephens and family, of Mount Pleasant; Mr, Carson Taylor, of Dixie, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. W., F. Park. Mr, and Mrs, Jewett and Bruee, of Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Turner, of Green River; Miss Marjorie Petch and Miss Grace Austin, of Cleveland, Ohio, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Dudley, Mr, David Noble has returned home to Orono, after visiting his sister, Mrs. Jamey Storie, Miss Ruby Virtue, of Toronto, Miss Elva Virtue, of Bowman- ville, spent Sunday with their mother, Mrs. Laura Virtue. Mr. and Mrs, Theodore Down spent Sunday with Rev, and Mrs, Andrew McLaughlin in Grafton, Mr: and Mrs. W. J. Dudley, of Bowmanville, spent Sunday with hig parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Dudley. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith and Harold, Mr. James Axtell, of Old Forge, New York, spent Sunday with the former's mother, Mrs. Viola Smith, Mr. Fred Hughes has left for his home at Eugene, Oregon, after spending several months with friends here. Mr, and Mrs. W. Macdonald and Catharine, of Cobourg; Mr. and Mrs. J, Morrison, Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Barber, of Toronto, recently visited at the home of Mr, Willis Stewart. Miss Hazel Morrison, of Toronto, who has been holidaying with Mr. W. Ste- wart and family, returned home with them. Mrs, James Storie visited Mrs. David Hooper in Orono and at- tended the fair on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Robt, Burgess, Mrs. Euretta Woodley and Mr, C. W. Woodley visited with Mr. and Mrs, George Martindales, on Sat- urday, and attended the fair, * Mr. and Mrs, F. L. Byam, Dor- een and Yvonne, accompanied by Mr, Earl Byam, of Bowmanville, spent Sunday with Mrs, Byam's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Lilli- crapp in Cannington. MANCHESTER NEWS (E. L. McKee, Co dent) Manchester, Sept. 50,~Mrs, A. Crosier and Miss Mildred Crosier spent Sunday in Toronto. Mr. apd Mrs, C. Gerrow and son, Maunsell, visited at Moussel- man's Lake, on Sunday. The school fair, which was to have been held at the school grounds on Friday last, was held at the town hall, Utica, The ex- hibiting tent had been damaged in a wind-storm just before the fair started. Many of tha children brought home a goodly number of prizes. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Flewel visit. ed with Mrs. Gibner, one day last week. John. Maore, of - Oshawa, Piano | duet was rendered by Mrs, How- | Brent. | Two short poems were given by | Mrz. R, Wright, after whieh exer- | else the meeting was closed with | called on his parents, Mr. and Mrs, John Moore recently, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Evans and children, of Raglan, visited ai the home of Mr. and Mrs, Thos, Mc- Kee, on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Wallace at- tended Lindsay Fair, one day last week, We congratulate Mr, and Mrs, James Masters on the birth of a baby boy, My. and Mrs. Joe Cooper and baby, Mildred, Mrs. C. Gerrow and Maunsell visited Lindsay Fair, lest week. Don't forget Rally Services on Sunday, Come and bring a friend with you, Services at half past ten, Mr, and Mrs. F. Crosier, Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Brooks and son, Fred, Mr, Cliff Sonley, Mr. Sam Masters, Miss Ada Masters were at Lindsay Fair, on Saturday, Miss Spoffard spent the week- end at her home in Greenbank and attended the Lindsay Fair, Saturday, The silo-filling 18 just about completed for another geason, also the threshing. Congratulations to Mr, Fred Lambe and Miss Gwendolyn Etty on their marriage last Thursday. We welcome Mrs, Lambe to our community, We were sorry more didn't get out to see the play put on by the Scugog young people in aid of our Sunday school, The audience was very small A number of older and young men went to call on Mr, and Mrs. Fred Lambe, one night recently, but found them away. Better luck next time, boys. SOLINA NEWS (Mrs, W. Baker, Correspondent) Solina, Sept, 23.--Mr, and Mrs. C. Grass, Mr, and Mrs. John Cooledge, Brooklin, visited Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Baker, Mr. and Mrs, Melbert Howsam, Quebec, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. How- sam, Ottawa, visited Mrs, Geo, Howsam at her son's, Mr. C, Hewsam, In a church prettily decorated with antumn foliage and flowers, there gathered a goodly number of -members and visitors, 'rhe Rally Day programme as given out by the 8.8. Deptartment was followed, with Master Wesley Werry taking the first recitation and Misses Jessie Yellowlees and Jean Wilson taking other read- ings and Mr, Alan Balson taking the last story. Rev. Mr. Bick gave a thoughtful address. Num- ber of scholars, 110 present and the superintendent asked that they all come again next Sunday, Mies Margaret McKessock spent ep few days in Toronto as the guest of Miss Laura Huns, Miss Edna Reynolds, Hampton, is visiting at Mrs. R. J. McKes- gock's, Mrs. R. J. McKessock, Misses Margaret and Ruth, Mr. and Mrs, A. P. McKessock visited Mrs, Thos. Pascoe at Hampton on Sun. day. Epworth League opened on Menday night with Mr, Bick pre- sliding, owing to the absence of Mr. Westlake, the president, us- ing "All Hall" as the opening hymn, with the members repeat- ing the beatitudes and the scrip- ture 'lesson was read In three parts, Miss LI. Dearborn taking Luke 14: 25-32, Miss F, Smales taking Matt, 10: 24, 25, 32, 39, and Mr. H, Shuttleworth, St. Jon 2: 15-18, Hymn "My Faith Looks Up To Thee" was used and prayer offered by Rev. Mr. Birk, Mrs, John Baker sang a solo, "Jesus Lover of My Soul." Rev. Mr. Bick then {introduced Rev. Mr. Cooper, of Columbus. He said youth is a wonderful age and our opportunity better than STRANGER THAN FICTION ; FT MILES En hia . A fives hit, oP 2 moving SE A hniles distant' y it is also true that this is an independent Drug Store, Not cons nected in any way with any other Drug Store or chain. HOMPS ONS YG STORE WE DELIVERY He also men of favored with a duet by Miss Mur. iv] Baker and Mr, George Werry. Mi Ruth and Margaret Me~ essock and Mrs, R. J. McKes~ uek were guests of Miss Edna Reynolds, Hampton, during the tea hour, those of our forefathers, mentioned several famous the Bible, namely, Joseph, Daniel, Timothy and lastly, Jesus, whose | | through the ages. We were then signature we have all down through the ages. We ewre then 9% Groceterias in Ontario SPECIAL--LYLE'S IMPORTED 2 Ib. Tin A British Product Oatczkes Golden SYRUP 23° HOMEMADE SCOTCH STYLE 12 Cakes to a Package .......... 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Perhaps you have become so accustomed to your tea that it often takes a visitor to remind you of the superior qualities of Balance Blended TEAS Rideau Cheese SPECIAL--SINGAPORE SLICED PINEAPPLE Naptha CLASSIC 1c CLEANSER Double qn" i) Action (TIN C OVALTINE The Tonic Food Suis] 6° |e 750 Brown Label x: 23¢ fl Blue Label #: 28¢| Red Label i: 37°] Cream or Pimento 2 Tins 23: |

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