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Oshawa Daily Times, 1 Oct 1931, p. 8

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i + LA Shelb THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES ' THURSDAY, OCTOBER T, 1931 Cd rat a APR J THE WHITBY Advertising, subscriptions and news will be recsived ot the Whitby Branch Office st Gasette and Chronicle.~Telephone 83. After Business Hours--Phone 359, 'ATIVE--JAMES H, ORMISTON DAILY TIMES GAS SYSTEM WILL VERY ~ SOON BE COMPLETED IN TOWN OF WHITBY Construction Program Nears Completion on Lo- cal Streets -- Many Men Are Given Employment Gas For Domestic and In- dustrial Purposes Will Before Long Be Avail able in All Sections of the Town The Town of Whitby will soon be |b, able to announce to the outside "world that it has added to its list of utilities which go to make a town attractive, a modern system of gas for domestic and industrial use. Re SMARTEST COFFEE SHOP in OETROIT _ Hotel Fort Shelby's Cof- fee Shop Is @ unique res- ftouront where the service and equipment enable you fo dine leisurely, or, if you wish to hurry, you may be served as quickly as you please . . . popular prices . .. open for breokfast, luncheon or dinner. 4 Hotel Fort Shelby's 900 units ore servidor equipped and poneled --all have pri- vate bath. Rooms os low os $3.00 per day . . . suites $10 end upwards. Malorists are relieved of their auto- moblles of the door without service charge. Write for free road map, and wpy of "Aglow with Friendliness," d baselnat | aa q LC HOTEL orl E J. BRADWELL, Monoger 3 DETROJT ® AGLOW WITH FRIENDLINESS * Bladder Troubles Bother Many Past 40 Seven Out of Ten Are Victims Bring Swift, Amazing Retief With A azing ef With Renewed Vital Force "No one knows better Hal 1. the horror of joyless days dnd sleepless nights, There have been times when I felt hopeless and helpless -- and when my Men engaged on the construction of gas mains on the various streets of the town have made rapid pro- gress during the past two weeks, and the programme is now near- ing completion. The job has given employment to over 100 local yunem- ployed citizens, and it has meant the expenditure in town by the con- tractors, the Fallwell Construction Company, of thousands of dollars, Coming at this time, the payroll has been very welcome to the town. Practically all the streets on which mains are to be laid have been dug up and pipes laid, The putting together of the pipes has cen a very interesting operation to many watching citizens, Men are now at work on the two main strects, Brock and Dundas, Pines are being laid in the boule- vards, so that no pavement will be interfered with, . Tunnelling was necessary at several points on this account, When the work on Whithy streets is completed, a start will be made on the link on the Kingston Highway which will bring the gas to Whitby from the modern plant of the Ontario Shore Gas Company in Oshawa. It will not take long to make this connecting link, as the pipes are laid for a considerable dis- tance out of Oshawa city. Gas will be available to houses along the highway between the two places and it is believed that quite a Yew will take it, There is still considerable work to be done in Whitby before the construction programme is complet- ed, but with favorable weather work will be rushed, The contractors have to put the streets in as good condition as they found them, also to make good any breakages of tile and mains, The Council has made it plain to the company that these rules must be strictly observed. The back filling is now well un- der way. Local men and teams are being employed , It will be some time before levelling can be under- taken as the loose earth 'will have to be given time to settle. With prospects of gas being available soon, many enquiries are being made, and it is believed that the gas company will find many users in Whitby, New Improved Mail Service For Whitby Whitby now has an im- proved mail service, With the change in railway time. tables which went into effect on Sunday, September 27th, a mail will now be recelyed from the west at 1.45 pm. daily and will be distributed in the local post office about Home For Aged The Grand Jury in iis present- ment to the Honorable Mr. Jus- tice Raney at the Supreme Court Sittings in Whitby on Tuesday af- ternoon, reported that an inspec- tion had been made of the Coun- ty jail, also the House of Refuge, in accordance with His Lordship's suggestions, At the'jail the jury found every- thing clean and well kept and no complaint from prisoners confin- ed therein, Some improvements were recommended, including the installation of a new stove to re- place one now in use in the wash room, described as being worn out and dangerous, Better accommoda- tion for women prisoners was also recommended, At the House of Refuge the building was found clean, well kept, and the aged inmates com- fortable and happy. The jury spoke well of the management of the House, but called Justice Raney"s atténtion to the presence COUNTY INSTITUTIONS ARE FOUND CLEAN AND WELL KEPT BY JURY Grand Jury at Supreme Court Visited County Jail and House of Refuge--Persons of Unsound Mind, One Described as Menace to Other Inmates, Found in of two inmates in the house of unsound mind, one being describ- ed as a menace to the other in- mates. The jury recommended that these two ghould be removed from the House and placed in some other institution better able to look after them, In commenting upon the jury's presentment, Justice Raney stated that in a province like this it should not be necessary to place persons of unsound mind in houses of industry. There were other institutions where people of this type could be taken care of, and steps should be taken to have them removed at once, Justice Raney commented also upon re- commendations for the jail, parti- cularly that referring to better accommodation for women. He directed that a copy of the pre- sentment be malled to the County Council and also the provincial authorities, and suggested that the press might give publicity to it. COMMERCE The annua! meeting of the Whitby Chamber of Commerce for the election of officers and transaction of general business will be held in the Council Cham. ber on Tuesday evening next, October 6th, The Executive Committee held a meeting last Friday afternoon in the Town Clerk's office to ar- range for the meeting, It was decided not to put on a luncheon, but rather to serve light refresh- ments at the close of the meet- Ing. A nominating committee named to submit twenty names for the election of ten directors for the year, This committees has already met and will submit Its report to the meeting Tuesday evening. It wag decided to have no out- side speaker. Instead, the meet- ing will be thrown open for gen- eral discussion and suggestions, was ANNUAL MEETING ON TUESDAY EVENING Election of Officers and General Business on Programme | ~--Refreshments Will be Served -- President Irwin | Announces Retirement From Office--Make Efforts to Get Large Attendance For Tuesday Evening CHAMBER and it is expected that a number of important local matters will be discussed and dealt with, The Executive had a com- munication, which was received | with regret, from President F'. H, M. Irwin, advising that owing to his temporary departure from town he would uot be eligibile Zor the president's chair. Mr, Irwin stated 'that while he would be absent for a time he would re tain his membership in the Chamber and would follow with interest its deliberations. The letter will be brought be- fore tho meeting next Tuesday evening, The Executive meeting was presided over by vice-president W. A. Holliday. It was decided that each member would see sev- eral citizens within the next few days and get thelr promise to be on hand Tuesday, ated. Whitby now has three mails daily from the west, the first at 9/45 a.m., the sec- ond at 1.45 and the other at 7.30 p.m., the latter being distributed to box holders: two o'clock, This service has not been available since last April when the summer | train sthedule was inaugur- There is no change in mail despatched east. Merchants as well as institutions will greatly welcome the improve ed mail service from To. ronto and points west. It is well to note that mail going out at night for eastern and western points should be in the post office not later than 6.45 each evening. The night train to Toronto now goes up earlier, Wage Roll of Local Factories Was $433, 344 The Canada Year Book for 1931, issued by the Do- minion Bureau of Statistic, Ottawa, a copy of which has been received by the Gazette and Chronicle, gives the number of of industries in Whitby as 8, with $790,000 capital employed. The cost of materfal used in these in- dustries for the year was $438,849, and the gross value of manufactured goods $808,335. The number of employees is given as 223, and the amount paid out in wages $245,759. Figures for other towns in this immedi- ate district show that Bow- manville has 19 industries; Port Hope, 80; and Cobourg 25. Bowmanville is given 31st place as a maBufac. turing centre among the towns of Ontario, The huge sums of money that are in. vested in these four towns and the huge sums obtained through their manufactur- ing plants is seen better by these totals. Total number of industries, 82; total capi- tal employed, $11,660,264; total number of employees, 1981; salaries and wages, $2,206,352; total cost of materials, $4,190,782; total gross value of goods manu- , $0,502,382, AUDLEY Anniversary services will be held in the United Church here, Sunday, Oct, 4th, at 2.30 and 7 p.m. Both services will be con- ducted by Rev, P, L. Jull, B.A., of Brooklin. Monday evening, Oct. 6th, the Base-Line young people will present their play, "Home Acres," accompanied by the Hay- seed orchestra, Admission, 25c. and 16c. BALSAM The Young People's Society have reorganized, and will hold their meetings on Wednesday evening of each week. The Ladies' Aid held their Sep- tember meeting at the home of Mrs, Cecil Jones on Tuesday after- noon of last week, The Sunday School Rally held Sunday morning here was well at- tended. Remember Sunday School will be held at 10 o'clock next Sunday and Quarterly service here at 11 am. Robt. Sadler and family are moy- ing this week into the east half of Mr. Shaw's residence, CHECKERS ARE MOVING The round robin tournament be- gins October 1st . Fach player will play four games with each other player and each will keep their own score and games can be played ny- where, Prizes will be given to the players scoring most wins, Now is the time for young players and new men to get into the 'game, get ac- quainted and get experience. Spe- cial night at the Club Tuesday and Fridays. No cost to competitors, Mr. Wm. Stone will receive the names of all competing, Begin at once, Do not tremble on the brink. Jump in, IOCAL OFFICER PROMOTED Captain Gordon B. Whitfield has resigned the command of "C" Company of the Ontario Regl- ment, and is placed on the re-- serve of officers, He is succeeded by G, A. McGillibray, who has re-~ cently been promoted to the rank, of Major. Captain Whitfield has been in command of "C" Com-% pany since January, 1929. 5 A -------- > A course lasting four years costs the University about $2,- 400 of which it collects $464, or' i 20 per cent from the stu- ent, b Full-flavored, digested healihil Gossorte iis' made McLAREN'S INVINCIBLE JELLY POWDERS 12 Years Ago We opened our doors to the public and we rejoice on this our 12th anniversary to realize we have the confidence and patronage of hundreds of thousands of housewives throughout Eastern Canada. Confidence that has been built up by quality foods at economical prices. PRUNES P<G SOAP cv 10-3 LARGE SIZE . MILD FLAVORED NEW censor CHEESE 2 ~ 25 CROSSE & BLACKWELL'S Tomato Juice 1244-02. TIN YOU'LL LIKE THE FLAVOR Tasty Bread pom IN OSR I) RY "where Quality Counts' CANADA'S LARGEST RETAIL GROCERS FREE DELIVERY PHONE 2956 ROLLED BRISKET Ib. 10¢c > Wing Roast Sweet Pickled ib. 25 Hocks MAYFIELD BACON Sliced PORK 1b. - 1b. 25¢ 1b. 10c GO Bqual in flavor and strength to many teas in a far higher price clase. SORRY PULL M-0Z, He fe AYLMER OR LIBBY"S PORK BEANS 3 om 2c RN SYRUP» --32: LIFEBUOY SOAP-=3--19- EXTRA SPECIAL RICH DARK F RUIT CAKE URSE AND A BLEND FOR EVERY TASTE "DOMINION TEAS" Red Package Domino Richmello Golden Tip 39¢ 55¢ us. =, Post's Bran ............2 Pras. 28¢ Shirriff's Table Jellies. Eggweat Noodles ......... .rxe 10c Campbell's Tomato Soup.... m~ 9¢ Mayfield Side Bacon ...... us 25¢ &....0000..2 mes. 15¢ Muffets Nese as eterno 00 3 PKGS. 23¢c Washing Sod 19 6b. Slab ....cuiiiviivmmenaies. $1.10 12-02. JAR 23c BUTTER 2 « 43¢ FREE DELIVERY Cauliflowers Grapes 2 sor 15¢ 23C basket J) JIT R (1 SR) where Quality Counts" (SNADAS LARGEST RETANI weakness caused me the most © + intense humiliation. Only those who have gone through such tortures can possibly realize ~ my great satisfaction when Dr, + Southworth's URATABS brought me quick relief. URATABS are truly wonderful, and I give them ~ full praise." Such amazing evi- dence serves as convincing proof «of the power of URATABS to re- © Meve those distressing ailments so often a handicap to those in middle life, Overworked, sluggish Kidneys, and Bladder Weakness, bring on ®0 many distressing ailments which so often lead to serious diseases that every sufferer from Lameness, Pains in back and down through groins, scan- "4ty, but frequent urination, "'Getting-up-nights," . Nervous Irritability and Lack of Force =--ghould try the amazing value of Dr. Southworth's URATABS at once. Any good drug- gist will supply you on a guaran- fee of satisfaction of money back. Roast w. J 7 Bologna i. 12}4° CHOICE SPRING LAMB Legs ib. 25¢ Loins ib. 18c Fronts Ib. 12¢ Shoulders i. < Oc FRESH PORK BUTTS PORK Ib. 15¢ Friday Special Pork TENDERLOIN 1b.35¢ (€71:Q[@ 21!)

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