LP a * gional visitors, who, ~ tween $25 and ~ establishments PACE FIGHT i THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1931' Mayfair Beauty Parlors Thrive Under Impetus of Latest Fads London.--Ten Mayfair beauty ; parlors have over & thourand reg- ular clients, who spend more than $000 a year to keep face and fig- ure attractive, Many clients spend more than this, id then there are the occa~ spend be. $100 during Several beauty list callers who weekly spend about $1,300 a year, These figures show the Jacopensy, of introducing new vo- es every month or two, Platinum hair, picture fing? and toe nails, 8 new curl, extreme single session. _ styles of cutting and waving the bair, delicate $5 butterfly lips, and tattooing bees over moles and other blemishes, or garters on legs, are but a few of the recent style decrees and "money pull- oi y be painless extraction, voy it in Js Yvidently quite thorough, hionable beauty parlors maintain excellent gymnasiums and serve meals, Establishments where beauty fs manufactured and retained operate with beehive activity and efficiency. Time schedules are maintained and a patron knows that she can arrive and depart at a fixed time and still treat her face and figure to the care and attention thst fashion demands and money sesures, "The duty of the Btate toward the citizens is the duty of the rervant to its master," -- Frank- lin D. Roosevelt, End Piles Quick No Salves--No Cutting Your itching, ing protrud- ing piles will go when you actu- ally remove the cause--bad blood circulation in the weak, flabby parts--and not one minute be- fore. Salves or cutting can't do : this--an internal remedy must be used. HEM-ROID, prescription of Dr. J. 8. Leonhardt, succeeds because it stimulates the circula- tion, drives out congested blood, heals and restores the almost dead parts, HEM-ROID has such & wonderful record right in this City, that Jury and Lovell says one bottle of HEM-ROID Tablets must end your pile agony or mons ey back. Women in Missouri are cam- paigning for a law permitting them to serve on juries, A Household Necessity | What article in the house. hold has greater demand in cold weather or times of i| sickness than a Hot Water | Bottle? What better op- | portunity could you have | than the present to pro. cure this household neces. | | sity? Viking Hot Water Bottle Is a sturdy, popularize bottle of finest rubber. Ad- mirably suited for general household use. New low | price, RESOLUTIONS OF OSHAWA CHAMBER T0 BE DISCUSSED (Continued from page 1) the adoption or impede the develop- ment of modernized equipment which, when intelligently used will not produce industrial development and stimulate effiicency in our peo- ple, but increase investments, em- ployment and purchasing powers simultaneously," ndustrial Development The other resolution sponsored by the local Chamber of Commerce reads,~-- "Whereas revised tariffs have giv- en American and British industrial companies renewed impetus to- ward the establishment of branch plants in Canada, and "Whereas the Province of Que- | bec is becoming an increasingly | successful competitor for this new | business, particularly by virtue of | lower wage rates, and "Whereas local Industrial Com missions and Chambers of Com merce must of necessity study this problem from the angle of the own community rather than of the | very At the Rexall Stores Jury & Lovell King E. Simcoe 8. Phone 28 Phone 68 | province as a whole, | "Be it therefore resolved that the |'}| Hon, George S. Henry, Prime Min | ister of Ontario, be petitioned t create a Provincial Industrial Con mission for the purpose of analyz ing the industrial advantages for the establishment of branch plants u Ontario in reference to natural re. | sources, complementary industries, | power and labour rats nd ally other governing indus iy ph die tion in this province; and to act a a clearing house for local Chambe: of Commerce and Industrial Com missions, and to give these local or one to the other, as determined by the Commission thus created." A Controversial Subject The matter of regulating truck transportation on the highways is liable to cause considerable controversy according to the offi- cial agenda of the convention, The Cornwall Board of Trade will sponsored a resolution in which the opinion is expressed that "the use of highways by motor trucks, mo- tor vans and motor buses is increas- ing at an alarming rate" and in which the Provincial Government is requested "to appoint a commis- sion to investigate the use of the highways by motor trucks, motor vans and motor buses with the view | the ganizations certain assistance, fair ['""'C | use cl ti CANADA OFFERS PARADISE TO HUNTERS Wis the fall of the leaf and the | tablished points of entry into the tang of autumn in the air the | woods and fishing rod is laid aside and the Nimrods look to their rifics shotguns, as the bunting sen: 2 i ushered in. True to her repu station as one of the world's greater grounds, Trrada range oi sport, horned, to all who care ic enetrate its far-flung hinterlands om const to coast, all along the vast system of the Canadian Paci. and | game, mountains, readily ! accessible to those in search of The shores of countless (lakes, rivers, and creeks, abound | with all varieties of duck and goose r 1AY* | and are not inf frequent] y the scene offers a wide| {urred feathered | of the termination of successful sxpeditio ns after moose, elk and | | deer of all kinds. New Brunswick | rivals Ontario and Quebec as moose | territory, while further west, the | of bear,' mountain sheep and mountain goat. Bear are also plen- tiful in the Ontario northland anc in certain parts of Quebec. With 8s view to preservation, various changes have been made this yesr in the game laws of sll Canadian provinces, but even with the new restrictions 8 broad period of hunting is offered and the invading {army {rom Canadien centres, as wel! as from the United States, is siready starting on its expedi- fic Railway, there are countless es- | towering Rockies offer their tribute | tions. of bringing dowr n to com pe! the operatog int t nount | Are I'he B merce ays by such vehi fairer th compe the railways are be cles, tion to ing subjected The Brantford Board of Trade, in a resolution which will be discussed at the provincial convention, advo- cates a committee or commission to investigate the whole question, add- ing the suggestion that "the Rail- way adding of truck transport lines to their service for short distances, and, in any event, the inclusion of terminal cartage charges in the rail- way rate" The Kingston Chamber of Com- merce is still another organization which sponsors a resolution on this DIRECT FROM STYLE HEADQUARTERS THE STORY OF Fahl) "all widths AA-A-B-C'D- SIZES 2% to 9 value of today." Now, more than ever before, their quality is unparalleled, their style is beyond question, and 2 00 Shit Gale ve ales You & Sing savin unexcelled st twice their price . WA, 1 for every four" at 4 prin widhin'ahd reach of sll $4.00 shoes in A to D widths and $5.00 lines in AA to D. The smartest array of fall models awaits your hain chance . . . lovestigate Fashion Plate Shoes 4 ig KISMETmissta HOSIERY] Select fram 12 of the smartest wow hades in Cangda's Foremost Hosiery Value. Sold only by Aguew-Surpais. oJ To give you the utmost in shoe value for your dollar has ever been the object of this ergan. Fashion Plate Shoes at $4 and 35 have already been acclaimed by shrewd buyers the country over as "the outstanding shoe «+ Give your dollan a fair NOW thereis no such thing as [2 expensive fool THE MIRROR OF FASHION i Py A Shown nis uur wire ar] Tanne cow _----"-- 5 I 1 N( Li Eh | ACREW-SIRPAS SHOE STORES LIMITED: 5S Companies might consider the | which reads, "the, erious competition vs by the dis or of transportation by motor ind buses should no longer nitted to exist, and that all | question in part, given to rai ris of rail and highway trans- | ( | wrtation for profit or gain shall me under the Federal Control \cts which now apply to railways." Delegates from the Oshawa Chamber of Commerce who will Historie Ol Installed i ! I, Que.~--A mute wit. ness of two centuries' events in Montreal and Canadian history and for a long time the only public timepiece in the city of Montreal, the historic old clook that proudly rides the facade of the old Notre Dame Seminary, ou Places d'Armes hax heen re- paint'd and mechanically read- justed, Cleansed of the accumu- lated grime of two centuries of old clock, which was installed in 1701 and originally cost 800 francs, is again proudly ticking away the hours, Rejuvenation of the historic clock forms part of the $80,000 improvements now being com- pleted by the Gentlemen of St. Sulpice, owners of Notre Dame Church, presbytery and seminary, Until 1761 the clock was con- sidered the official timepiece of the city, In that year it stopped functioning but was repaired in 1790, Olivier Maurault, Superior of Grasset College and author of the history of the parish, '"His- toire de L'Eglise Notre-Dame de Montreal," gives the following interesting details: » oP rimination made in | {whol Executive neor these two important reso- at the forthcoming annual and represent this city luring the entire proceedings, will he Frank Mason, A. W, Bell, and I, B. J. McCormick, while it is ted that Gordon D, Conant, 15 office as a member of the Committee of the pro- nization, will also be in lutions meeting, d Clock in 1701 Now Being Restored "In 1751 it was the only ex- terfor clock in the city, The Scot- tish and English merchants were humiliated to be compelled to ask the time from the directors of the seminary, When Christ Church was built' ih 1814 the parishioners installed a clock but the timepiece, it is stated, never gave the correct hour and it finally was destroyed by fire in 1856. The Seminary clock has remained sllent for the last 15 years," Restoration of the ancient clockwork is due to the interest and perseverance of a plumber, J. Paiment, The bells which oc- cupy a small niche at the top of the clock 'proper have also been rejuvenated, And so the hands which travel. led their twelve-hour circle through the difficulties of the early French colonists, during the downfall of France in Am- erica, the progressive establish. ment of British supremacy, the tight for Confederation and suc- cessive administrations of latter times, will resume their march | UNUSUAL GIFT GIVEN TO MCGILL Fine Collection of Early French Woodcuts Pre. sented to University 'Montreal, Que, -- A collection of early French woodcuts in ex- traordinarly fine facsimile repro- duction, including 240 different i!lustrations was recently pre- sented to McGill University by Lady Roddick, The selection and editing of the work was done by Francols Courboin, Curator of Prints in the Bibliotheque Nationale, who has undertaken to give a conapec- | tus of the development of the art of book {llustration in France from its origin in the 14th cen- tury until the year 1660, Some of the earlier plates an- tedate the introduction of print. are unusually fine examples of colored black prints, reproduc with all the naive crudity of line and color so characteristic of the fourteenth century' ploneers in this type of work, The collection offers an extraordinary range of subjects, including religious pie- tures, scenes from the Bible and from the lives of the martyrs, plates from such famous works as "La Mer des Hystoires," the "'Danses * Macabrea," and the ing at the Sorbonne in 1470, and | ed | and seal. "Shepherds' Calendar." There are also portraits, sly caricatures, and much material for the study of achitecture, cos- tume and manners of this inter- esting period of French history. Conserve 2 pounds grapes, 1 pound sugar, 1 orange, 1-2 pound seeded ral- sing, 1-4 pound shelled walnuts Remove skins from the grapes "and boil the pulp until soft and slightly changed in colour, then press through a sieve to remove seeds. Add the skine, chopped raising, shredded orange and sug- ar to the pulp and boil until thick. Add chopped nuts and boil 6 minutes Por. Put into hot sterilized jars, and seal. ced Grapes Weigh out 7 pounds of grapes and slip the pulps from the skin. Put the pulp over the fire and let simmer until softened, then press through a sieve fine enough to re. tain seeds. Add this sifted pulp to the sking with 4 pounds of sug- ar, 1 pint of vinegar, 1 nutmeg grated, 11-2 tablespoonfuls of und cinnamon and a scant ta- lespoonful of ground cloves. Let the whole simmer very gently for 2 hours. Put in sterilized jars, Grape Marmalade Wash the grapes, remove from the stem and press the pulp from the skins. Cook the pulp 10 min. utes and put it through a sieve to remove seeds, Add skins to the ulp and measure the mixture. 1 cup of hot pul Sew 2-8 cup of sugar. t twenty minu- MOUNTIE SAVES ESKIMO WOMEN Strange Story of Religious Fanaticism Brought ~ Back by Beothic Halifax, N. 8, -- How a Royal Canadian Moupted Police Corp- ors) travelled 500 miles by dog- sled and arrived at bis destina- tiop just in time to prevent the stoning to death «i several Eski- mo women, is described by H, W. Porter, Halifax Herald Staff writer, who made the trip north this year on the Government sup- ply ship Boethie, and heard the story at Port Burwell, Some two years ago sn eski- mo known as Miller, who had be- come converted to Christignity, began to preach on bis own re- sponsibility, taking as his circuit Leaf River apd Fort Chimo in Ungava district, He conceived the idea' that his flock must wear on their clothing all sorts of dec- orations, mostly running to stars, squares and circles and that he as leader, must adopt flowing robes and turbans. Marching to service with flags on long staffs and other proced- ures were added to the ritual un- til the natives last winter had become more and more hyster!- cal. They read the Bible closely bat practically reversed the mean- ing of its injunctions, Finally Salada Orange Pekoe has they felt they had been literally commanded by God to stone all barren women, One of the husbands of the women selected for the stoning made the journey over snow and ice to Port Burwell for assistance, On the day of his arrival Corporal ¥. McInnis left by dogteam for Leat River, 500 miles away, He reached Leaf River in rec- ord time, just as the stoning was gbout to commence, and imme- diately got in touch with Miller through an interpreter, Proceed- fugs were stayed while the cor- roral invited the evangelist to go fo Fort Chimo where there was a white man who knew both languages, and to this Miller readily agreed, declaring a mora- torfum upon religious plooasned in the meantime, Arriving at Chimo, Meclnnis got out a Bible and with the in- teryreter, went over in Miller's presence the various passages on which the native's practices were based. Finally the new apostle wus convinced that some, at least, of bis ideas were wrong, partieu- larly those concerned with vio- lesce, and readily went back to Leaf River and explained his new interpretations to the flock, The childless women, in fear of their lives, had became half in- eane, and it was not until life had become normal in the settle- ment that McInnis made the Jong trek back to Burwell The water in which green veget- ables are cooked will not boil over it a small piece of dripping is dropped in just as the water begins to boil, The dripping also helps to keep the greens a good color, velvet trimmed. and green. New Felts For Saturday $189 Reg. $2.98 and $3.50 Tricornes Bicornes 3 KING ST. EAST Cappy shtpee that cock on the side of the head. Feather trimmed, Many just arrived. Others marked down for ime mediate clearance. Large and small headsizes. In black, brown, navy Dorothea Hats Limited Mantel Model . . . § 99.50 Lowboy Console . $139.50 Highboy Console . $179.50 Deluxe Console . $245.00 tos or watt) skin are tender and 'seal at onoo.in sterilized jars E for nal outs Every Kolater ode) ha assurance of outs 2 Brings in Each Station CLEARLY two stations are but a line a; th new Kolster Internationale=turn gh B7 Place be 3. 3ia1 of the instrument and note will be olster to you and prove listens to its programme without interference from the Engineers, note will be Clusty and Si hul grea une tional Comnsanications Lahoratories: Inc: have 'made polis performance over the entire dial more stations than ever before. Go to the nearest dealer--seloct the Kolster International model matched walnut that a & to yourself, of demonstration, the zeal de dollar-for-dollar rk of Kolster performance. been tested for home tanding performance over the entire dial in your home. Visit Your Nearest Dealer Now Yan hy ry ve now ==the true reception of » by an actual performance=your