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Oshawa Daily Times, 5 Oct 1931, p. 6

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Mike's Place Jrs. Won From Brantford Collegiate, 8-3' + Third Game of the World Series in Philadelphia Today O.C.V.L Seniors Lost to Peterborough in Close Game L TODAY'S SPORTING FEATURES Hamilton Tiger Cubs Win Over Blue Devils, 7 to 1 0.C.V.L Juniors Lost to Bowmanville by 26 to 5 Balmy Beach Won Toronto City Title From Argonauts Ly, % LE e Devils Put Up Strong ORF.U. Team, Their Tackling Being Especi- Good -- Forward Pass Used With Good Effect by Hamilton foatcd but not disgraced. This the experience of the Oshawa Devils, last year's intermediate FU. champions, in their ex- tion game with the Hamilton r Cubs, of the senior O.R.F.U. * sefics, at Alexander Park on Satur- § afternoon. The score was 7 to {1 in favor 'of the boys from the hitious city, and it might well 'have been larger, but for the stub- { born defence and great tackling of f the local team. Although it was { their first gamer of the season, the f Oshawa wings tackled splendidly, 'and kept the cager Hamilton halves in their places all through the game. ¥ B iE The Cubs displayed a nice plunging ain -- ri attack, and made gains repeatedly "through Friday and Summerhayes, jut their extension plays were not "sosgood, the Oshawa wings break- ing through time and again to nail "the ball-carrier behind the line. The miich-discussed forward pass was ried by both teams, and had about $ifty-fifty break. When success- it is a great play, but when un- completed, it is the worst kind of a dud. Hamilton tried five forward tosses, and two of them were com- pleted for long gains, Clarke being the receiver on both of these occa- dons. Oshawa tried two of them ! first was taken successfully by fubbell for a twenty yard gain, the half breaking through the pitre of the Hamilton line to take ; pass, while the second was a izle, and, having been made within h Tramilton twenty-five yard line, Blue Devils lost the ball at a moment when a scoring opportunity "hadl presented itself, following a "gr t fifty yard run by Hubbell. yden and Hubbell, in fact, staged only real runs of the day, that ¥ Hubbell, mentioned above, being feature, and Rowden on one sion galloping thirty yards ng the touchline after taking a t, Before being brought down. It was apparent that the Cubs hag the better condition of the two leas, although they brought along feck of subs, and shot them into me in big batches. Oshawa ed off well, scoring one point first minute of play, and up jalf time they held the Cubs sd én In the second half, however, Fweakened somewhat, and the tanks ploughed right through. one occasion, however, the sBawa line held for two downs fthe Cubs only one yard out, Jamilton Tiger Cubs Won Football Opener on Saturday by 7-1 Score & ba and the crowd gave the boys a great hand for that bit of defen- sive work. The main Hamilton scores came in the third period, on two goals from placement by Allen. There was one interesting inci- dent in the game, just as the close of the second period. Allan sent a bounding ball to Rowden, behind the Oshawa line, just as a young- ster in the grandstand blew a whistle. The Hamilton wings halt- ed in their chase of "Doc" who ambled out with the bell to the 25 yard line before the teams realized that a fake whistle had been blown. Tt had looked like a sure point for Hamilton, but the kid in the grand- stand unwittingly saved the situa- tion. The ball was given to Osh- awa and scrimmaged in safe terri- tory just as the referee's whistle sounded for half time. The Blue Devils, considering they were facing a well-condition senior team, did exceptionally well, and when facing intermediate company, they should be a mighty hard outfit to beat. Here is how the game went. The First Quarter Oshawa kicked off, defending the north goal. The ball went loose frmo' the kickoff, and Hod fell on it to give Oshawa possession. El- liott plunged for eight yards. Hub- bell kicked on the third down, and the ball went into touch-in-goal for a point. Allan kicked on Hamilton's first down. Two Oshawa plays were smothered, and Hubbell kicked a high one to Allan. Friday plung- ed for five yards and Summerhayes made it yards on the second down. Hamilton were penalized ten yards for illegal interference. Allan kick- ed to Hubbell. Hubbell's kick went loose and an Oshawa man fell on the ball for a nice gain. An Osh- awa forward pass lost the Blue Devils ten yards. Hubbell's kick was caught by Smiley, but a pass back to Alien lost ground. for the Cubs. Friday made another great plunge for six yards. The same player made it yards on the next down. Allan kicked on Tiger's third down, and Rowden made five vards after making the catch. Cut- ler plunged for five yards. Gum- mow was stopped without a gain. Tigers were penalized ten yards for offside, making it Oshawa's first down again. It was a lucky break. Hubbell kicked to Allen. On the Cub's first play, Hood broke through and tossed Smiley for a big loss. Allan kicked to Rowden, who ran fifteen yards before being held. Fallis went on for Hubbell. Fallis gained five yards on an end run. Allan made a great running catch: of Fallis' kick, and went ten yards before being tackled. Gim- mow was hurt making the tackle, and was replaced by Brown. Tiger attempt at a long forward pass was unsuccessful. Allen kick- ed into touch at the Oshawa ten NEW MARTIN | THEATRE Sealed Her Fate in a Let- ter of Confessio MONDAY -- TUESDAY 'CONSTANCE BENNETT in "The Common Law" Her Newest Picture i touchline. Po Amn iil vm h 7 ¥en pa | Hubbell yard line. Hubbell kicked on the first down into touch at Oshawa's fifty yard line. First quarter score: Oshawa 1; ilton 0. The Second Quarter Another attempted forward pass, by the Cubs, to open the second quarter; failed. A plunge by Fri- y gained only a yard. Allan kicked to Rowden, who ran it out fifteen yards through a maze of tacklers. Hubbell kicked on Osh- awa's second down. Allan fumbled the catch, but Smiley recovered. Two Tiger plunges were smothered, and Allan kicked. Hubbell return- ed the kick for a big gain for the Blue Devils. Hamilton sent on eight subs in a flock to give the Cubs two-thirds of a fresh team. Fallis was knocked out making a tackle, and was carried off the field, Brown replacing him. Boultbee and Hood threw a Hamilton end. run for a loss, and Oshawa got the ball Hubbell's kick went loose, and a Tiger man fell on it without gain- ing. Hood went through and nailed Summerhayes before the latter's Jlunge started. Allan kicked to ubbell, who ran back to make a nice catch, Hubbell kicked to Allan, who ran twenty yards after catching. Friday made: yards on two downs. Then the Oshawa line stiffened, a the next play was held with 'Bain. Coombs threw a forwdrd pass to Clarke for a thirty "yard gain. The next play was smothered at the Oshawa line. Friday plunged for five yards on the second down, Allan kicked to the deadline fog a point to tie the score. James Avent on in place of Millichamp. Two Oshawa downs failed to gain, and Hubbell kicked. Hubbell's kick was partially block- ed, and Coombs caught the ball for a nice Tiger gain. Allan kicked to Rowdgn, who picked up a bounding ball, and ran it out from behind the line. Oshawa had the ball on its own ten yard line as the whistle blew for half-time. Half-time score: Oshawa 1; Hamilton 1. The Third Quarter Hamilton kicked off from the south goal. Hubbell ran the kick back twenty-five yards. rallis went through for five yards, Hubbell dropped the ball on the second down, but an Oshawa player alicad of him recovered, and "the Blue Devils lost ten yards. Hubbell kicked to Smiley. Two Hamilton plays netted the Cubs seven yards, and Friday plunged for yards on tlie third down. A Hamilton extension run was nailed for no gain. A plunge on the second down netted only three yards. Fallis, who had returned to the game after half- time, was again knocked out, and Brown took his place. Allan kicked a beautiful goal from placement for three points to put the Cubs amicad Allan returned the kick into touch at Oshawa's forty vard line. Hood and Stradwick got. into a fight, Stradwick taking a kick at Hood, and both were ruled off for five minutes.. Hubbell kicked a high one to Allan, who was held without a gain. Summernayes plunged for six yards for ' Hamilton. Allan kicked to Rowden, who fumbled, and a Hamilton man recovered. Friday plunged five yards for Hamilton and made it yards on the next down. Two more downs took the ball to the Oshawa one- yard line. C. Elliojt was carried -off the field, Cutler going on. On the third down, the Cubs were toss- ed fof a loss. Hubbell lost his trouser fastenings in the scrim- mage. and had to vetite to the sidelines to make a quick change, Hubbell kicked on i first png Allan fumbled the catch and Kohen recovered on the Oshawa thirty- five yard line. HuBbell's kick was blocked, and a Hamilton man re- covered in a scramble. Two Hamil- ton plays gave the Cubs five yards. Allan then kicked another goal from placement. Hamilton 7; Osh- awa 1, Allan ran the twenty-five yards. Hamilton sent on six subs at one time. Kohen came off with an injured shoulder, Taylor going in at quarter for him. A Hamilton forward * pass went astray, and the play was called back." Allan kicked into touch . at Oshawa's forty-five yard line. Two Oshawa Plunges gained nine yards, and Hubbell went twenty yards on a fake kick. Third quarter score, 'Hamilton 7; Oshawa 1. kickoff back | kicked a long one to 'the Hamilton line, and Allan just got if out. Friday went seven yards on a buck. The Tigers completed their yards on the second down, and went five more on the next. T. Elliott was hurt, and Brown went on. Tigers | made yards, ge! The Blue Devils line was failing to' 'hold the terrific Hamilton plunges. Allan to en, who fumbled, but recovered. Hubbell kicked to the open field for a nice in, Allan finally getting the ball ut failing to run it back. Hood stopped a plunge by Friday with a great tackle. Ti plunged for yards on the third down. Smith threw a long forward pass to Clarke for a thirty yard gain. Allan tried a placement, but the kick was blocked, Oshawa recovering. Row- den threw a nice forward pass to Hubbell 'for 20 yards. ubbell kicked to Joselyn, who ran ten s. Tiger extension was smotliered. Friday was again stop- ped going th by Hood. Allan icke a bounding hall to Rowden, 'ran rty' r along the 1 Hubbell kicked nhs y ocelyn, 0 was stop- pei dead by Botltbee for a big iger loss." A ilton forward pas L All ed to Hub- ll, who tore away. for a fifty Jard run. Tigers got the ball when owdeén threw an uncompleted for- ward pas: within the Hamilton 25 yard line, Tigers made yards pa Varsity Seniors Win First Game Toronto, Oct. 5.--University of Toronto Intercollegians encoun- tered easier opposition than ex- pected from the Kitchener-Water- loo O.R.F.U. seniors in the first part of Saturday's double attrac- tion at Varsity Stadium. The re- sult was a 19-to-1 victory for the Blue and White, the lone peint of the visitors coming in the fina) minute of! play. The Collegians gave a better display than they did the previous Saturday against Balmy Beach, They were considerably stronger, on the backfield with Jack Sin- clair and Richardson in the line- up, and these two players were a powerful factor in their success. The Twin City team was mak- ing its first start of the season, and it plainly showed lack of con- dition and perfect familiarity with its line plays. In Peters the Pan- thers had an excellent punter and a capable backfielder, while the rest of the team gave the impres- fon that it would be much more formidable when it had smoothed out the kinks in its plays from scrimmage and speeded up its at- tack. The U. of T. players should have won by a larger margin, con. sidering that the visitors were kept under pressure , practically from start to finish. On two oceca- sions the Students bungled ecasy chances for a touchdown by fail- ure to pick up the ball when they had nobody to beat. Each time two Toronto players had the ball all to themselves, but made a co- medy of errors trying to pick it up or dribble it. The first time they did succeed In scoring one point when Peters kicked the ball ont of touch behind his own line after repeated effortz of two or three Toronto men to snare the rolling pigskin failed. \ Hamilton Tigers Won Easily 31-1 Hamilton, Oct. 5 an attack that swept aside the best defense Western University had to offer, Hamilton's famed TI. gers, winners of the International Union for the past four years and twice champions of the Dominion during that space of time made a very successful 1931 debut here on Saturday afternoon when they defeated the Collegians, 31 to 1, the visitors' lone point coming late in the final period, Tigers showed the same steam-rolling ability as of old and added to fit some open play that completely bewildered the Invading Colle- gians., Fifteen times during the hour the Bengals tried the for- ward pass and seven times they were successful, while Western | aitempted ten passes and onl) completed one. For a short time in the opening period play was fairly even, but | from the time that Dave Sprague | galloped fifty-five yards for th, Bengals' first try it developed in- to a parade with the 'Big Four" champions very much in the van. They tore gaping holes in the Col- | legians' line and showed interfer. | ences that enabled them to gain | yards almost at will. Fifteen times | they moved the yardstick on line plunges and six times via the for- ward pass route, while London gained yards through the line on three occasions, and advanced the ball once by using the new play to Canadian football. --Displaying Magistrate Resigns Deseronto. -- Thirty-four years continuous service as Police Magis- | trate for the town of Deseronto, and magistrate for the Township of Tyendinaga, terminated on Wed- nesday for H. R, Bedford, he ha: - ing tendered his resignation to the Ontario Government some few weeks ago. Confirmation Service Lyndhurst, -- Bishop Seager, of Kingston, conducted confirmation | services in St. Luke's Anglican | Church on Sunday evening last when the rites of confirmation was ! administered to a largé class. He | was assisted bythe rector, Rev. A. B. Poston. through the line. That ended the game. Final score: Hamilton 7, Oshawa The line-up i-- Hamilton \ Oshawa Reed ....,.....Snap......... Gray Stradwick ...Outside..... Boultbee Hamilton ...Outside ...Millichamp Summerhayes ..Middle ..C, Elliott Friday ...... Middle. ......Cutler Art. Tedford. ...Inside .....Wilson Van Fleet .....Inside..... Logan Coombs eves Sur es veaee.Kohen Allan ... alf........ Hubbell miley weesos Half. oo.. Rowden If. Tedford ....Half.... Gummow G. Mountain .. FlyingWing.. Hood nn .......Alternates...\.. Fallis N. Mountain .... " ......T. Elliott Weir Lviv... "wn savaedn sensey CRE . ssservee James Dowling .. Hoo er = Zubinsky: ........ * ADDITIONAL SPORT y © ON PAGE TWO I Third Inning Rally For Six Runs Decides Issue Mike's Place Played All Round Good Ball -- A. | Whiteley Gave Fine Dis- play Striking Out Eight --Fielding Features Sup- plied by Hurst and Hall Launching a smashing attack in the third inning that netted them six hits and as many runs, Mike's Place Juniors walked off with the first game of the semi- final round played against Brant- ford Collegiate Institute in the Telephone City on Saturday after- noon, by a score of 8 to 3, and will enjoy a one-game advantage for the return game which will be played here next Saturday after- noon. On the play the Oshawa team were much the best and played heads up ball all the way and held their opponents down to six hits, while they themselves were garnering twelve off two Brantford pitchers. Mike's Place started off the game cautiously and got one hit although Hall was robbeq of a single by Webster's shoe string catch. Only three men faced Whiteley in the firet two of whom struck out the other out was a beautiful pick up by Hurst for a fast throw to first. In the first of the second Peterson walked and was sacrificed along by Price and Whiteley batted him in with a single. That ended the rally as Major and Graboski were put out, Brantford got one hit in their half of the inning, Norwood c¢on- necting for a double with two out, Whiteley struck out two ir this | ird in- | but | inning also. The first of th ning was fine for Oshawa rather a nightmare for Brantford. With the head of the batting list | up, Hurst walked, Cornish hit a single and Gay laid down a per- fect bunt and Hurst scoréd as Lake. looked for a place to throw the hall, And though Hall struck cut two more runs had come in on wild pitches and Lake was re- moved from the game, Peterson, the first man to face Webster, who had been ruched in from left field, drew a walk while Price, White- ley and Major hit doubles in sue- cession, With only Major on base and one out, Graboski walked, Hurst up for the gecond time struck out swinging at Webster's slow ball, Cornish followed with his second hit of the inning and the bases were filled. With Gay batting Major tried to score on a passed ball and trapped between third and plate, That ended the feature inning of the game just when it looked as though the laughter would go on indefinite- ly. Brantford got their first tally in the last of the third inning, Cook getting a double and scoring on Sullivan's triple. After being pre- sented with such a lead Whiteley took things easy for the remaind- er of the game and had himself in the hole in ball and strikes most of the time but only walked five batters altogether and settled down in the pinches. As for exam- ple the seventh inning when he walked three men to fill the bases |, with two out and struck out Sulli- van who had secured a triple. Brantford"s second run was a gift in the gixth inning. Webster hit safely and scored all the way from second when Gay's throw to cut him off was allowed to go to centre-field. Their third and final tally was in the eighth, Webster getting a life at first as Peterson dropped Whiteley"s throw, and scored on Rogers' hit. The final Oshawa run came in the eighth on Hurst's hit and Cornish's long fly. Whether they were satifised with their lead or not, Oshawa did not do so much with the offerings of Webster. He had however a deceptive change of pace that had the batters swinging wildly. Lake who started the game did not have much and was inclined to be wild. Whiteley pitched his usual good game hut exert himself third inning, fielders, for support dia not overly after and depenaed or Hall the in pe Webster, 1f..p, : Rogers, cf .. 3 Forgie, rf., If. x Norwood, 2b Partridge, 1b Cook, 3b ... Detler, rf. x Lake p .. soe - wo - 3 x In the third inning. Summary: Triples--Sullivan, Doubles-- Price, Whiteley, Major, Norwood, Cook. Left on bases--Oshawa 7; Brantford 9. Bases on balls-- Off Whiteley 5; off Lake 2; off Webster 3. Struck out -- By Whiteley 8; by Lake 3; by Web- ster 3. Hits -- Off Lake 4; off Webster 8;off Whiteley6. To Open New Wing Ottawa --Formal opening and dedication of the new wing of the Ottawa University has been set for December 8, it is announced. This is the date of the feast of the Im- maculate Conception and also hap- pens to be the meeting day of the annual convention of the University Old Boys' Association. Queens Srs. are Badly Beaten Montreal, Oct, 5. -- Montreal Amateur Athletic Association gen- jor football squad, the strongest team Montreal has entered in the Interprovincial League in many years, Saturday gave a sound beating to the Intercollegiate squad from Queen's University at Kingston, blanking the Collegians 21 to 0 in an exhibition game here. The Montrealers outplayed Har- ry Batstone's men at every de- partment of the game. They completed all but two of the for- ward passes they attempted, scor- ing a touchdown from one of them and scoring another touch- down from an intercepted Queen's pass. Wally Whitty kicked for five rouges and Johnny Bennett converted one touchdown, Pete Jotkus scored a touchdown after Ernie Hempey had raced to with- in five yards of the Queen's goal ling with a forward pass. tieular getting a fast liner in the | fifth while Hurst's pickup in the first inning was a gem. Score by innings: ike's Place 014 0000610 antford . 1001010 Umpires--=8Slattery, plate, dershott, bases Box Score PLACE-- AB R MIKE'S ot = y Q - Hurst. 2b ... Cornish, es .. Gay, ¢ Hall, 3h .... Peterson, Knox, cf Price, ef x Whiteley, Major, rf Grahoskl p it 0 | OO uD ate NHRD MDD WH - WHEHODPRWOD = CODON D -- w | © - | x First inning. BRANTFORD ABR H POA 88. .. 4-0. .0 1 1 $. 0 3% 31 Batson, Sullivan/¢ .. { | The Black Sheep of the Family Has at last come into his own. The outcast, the , skeleton in the closet, the one member of the sheep family who didn't amount 'to anything, This year he has found a use for his black coat. He gives his fleece fwecly in order to produce the new Oxford Gray Overcoats Priced From $25.00- $40.00 Johnstons "No One Ever Regretted Buying Quality" kings and get away. IS mas gr Pm going to move re Hiram, checkers is a game of calkilation; You calkilated to slip in between my two But I calkilate you just got one move mote. this old king of mine once. Then you take your choice of moving to. the slaughter house or dying where you are, Hm . hm - hm - hm! Calkilation? -- Well! -- Somebody pass me a Winchester Wincheste CIGARETTES «and in flat tins ot 50 for 60¢ Blended Right!

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