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Oshawa Daily Times, 7 Oct 1931, p. 2

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~ PAGE TWO THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1931 'Ontario and Durham County News 'GONFERENCE OF DEANERY WA. AT NEWCASTLE arge Gathering of Women | From United Counties Assembled (Miss C. Butler, Correspondent) The ninth annual conference | of the Deanery of the women's + duxiliary of the Anglican church , for Northumberland and Durham, was held at St. George's church, | . on Friday, Oct, 2nd, The morn- | . ing communion service was cele- | brated at eleven o'clock, with al- most two hundred W,A, members present, rector, Rev. Frank Mason, and the special preacher was Rev, G, A. Andrews, on furlough from __ Honan, China, The various _ brought box luncheons and tea and coffee were served, afternoon session, the reports of the parochial secretaries, were given and Miss Cartwright, the Diocesan President gave a very interesting and inspiring talk on W.A. activities, Mr. Andrews ad- Cressed the gathering again and pave personal glimpees of the missionaries now working in Ho- nan, Having spent a year in In- dia since his last furlough, Mr, Andrews was able to make com- "parisons of China and India, as to their ways of accepting chris- tianity. After the meeting tea wae served in the Parish Hall, On Monday last, the High Schoel held their annual Field Day in the Community Park, Rev, * WwW. P, Rogers was in charge with Mrs, Harry Pearce and Mrs, Dud- ley as able assistants. After nu- _ merous very closely contested competitions, Jack Kimbal was " dleclared the winner of the most ~ points and the Roger's Cup, to * be pretented at the commence- 5 ment exercises later on, 'rne.af- ternoon finished with a softball game, between the High School 2 girls and the old girls, the latter " wirning, Miss Hopkins, of Montreal, has heen visiting Dr. Annie Higbee, We regret to say Mr, Higbee has been taken to the Western Hos- pital for further treatment. Miss Gladys Shaw was home | from Toronto, last week end, 'Mr. and Mrs, Geo, Farncomb, of Oshawa, spent the week end at Jtheir summer cottage Newcastle, { on-the-lake. Mrs Patterson and Mrs. Down- ey have closed the "Crest House' _ for the season and have returned | "to Oshawa. Mrs. D, J. Galbraith has gone | to Toronto and Brantford, for a week or ten days visit, with her daughters, Miss Ross has returned to fown, after a pleasant holiday L spent with her family at Myrtle, "" Mrs. J, A, Butler visited To- ronto, on Tuesday. Mrs. Le. Gresley entertained a number of her friends at tea ,on Saturday last, Mrs, Stella Anderson spent the week end with her mother, Mrs, | . R. P. Butler, ! Mr. Bradley is visiting friends in Toronto, © Miss Nellie Jarrod was home for the week end with her par- » ents, Constable and Mrs, Jarrod. 'Mr. Jowan Ardagh visited his .. parents, at "Ardraven' over the | » Week end, Mrs, Meadows and family, , Mr. Downs has been dividing his house and has made two very complete residences, semi-detat- ched. . It is in one of them that Mrs Meadows will move. Dr. and Mrs, Ernest Allin, ac- 109-13 WEST 45th STREET NEW YORK In the heart of Times Square Three to Five ve Minutes to All Theatres and Best Shops MUCH FAVORED BY WOMEN TRAVELING WITHOUT ESCORT "oer aden to pe Single 33.00. 92.25. 832.50 4 Dostie ¢ ¢ $300. 43.30. 84.00 Single hd ER ie th + $4.50. 85.00 S-- ago BOOKLET I I { iL JOHNSON QUINN The celebrant was the representatives | At the! ex- ,nect to move shortly to North St. | companied by Mr. Lionel Moore and Mr, Chas, Perrin, left on 7uesday to motor to their home, n Los Angeles, California, Mr, and Mrs. Horrocks and the Miszes Horrocks, have closed their cottage st "Half-a-Hill" and re- turned to the city. Rev. John Gibson, with Mrs, | tiibson and their three children, | have started on the first leg of | their return voyage to India, hey expect to be six weeks in | England, before going to India, Before leaving town, their baby | daughter was christened at St, | George's Church, Miss Elizabeth Hancock was | home for the week end from St, | Catherines. RAGLAN SCHOOL CHILDREN WERE | HEAVY WINNERS | Took Many of the Awards | Given at Brooklin School Fair | | ool F | ! (Miss Allie Avery, = Raglan, Oct, 6.~The following a list of prize winners at Brook- ol Fair from Raglan school East Whitby Irish Cobblers--1, Jack 3, Stewart | Potatoes, Bray; 2, Marjorie Bray; Bray; 4, Earl Bray. Potatoes, Dooleys -- 1, Clifford | Wilson; 3, Jack Bray; 4, Marjorie | | Bray. Wheat, sheaf--2, Jack Farl Bray; 5 Marjoric Stewart Bray, Barley, 1 pint--J3, Clifford Wilson, Barley, sheaf--1, Jack Bray; 3, Marjoric Bray. Oats, 1 pint-- Oats, sheaf--2, Marjorie Bray. Field Corn-- Mangles--1, Lloyd Evans. Onions--1, Earl Bray. Onions, any variety--3, Wilson; 6, Marjorie Bray Pumpkins--4, Jack Bray; 5, Mar- jorie Bray. Pie--4, Nora Wilson; 5, Blanche Wilson, (Calendulas--1, Edna Evans. Cocoanut Macaroons--3, Blanche Wilson, Chocolate Layer Cake--6, Evans, School Luncli--4, Doris Bray; | Jack Bray; 6, Marjorie Bray. September breakfast--2, Lorna Evans; 3, Doris Bray; 6, Ruth Bry; Applie Pie--6, Dorothy beg | Collection of pictures of farm ani- mals---5, Jack Bray, Blue Bird's House--4, Stewart | Jray; 4,! Bray; Llovd Evans, V3 2, Jack Bray; 3, 2, Marjorie Knapp Blanche Wilson; 4, | " Blanche Wilson; Harvey Lorna 5 Dray. Wren's House--3, Lloyd Evans. White Wyandotte, cockerel--2 Jack Bray; 3, Marjorie Bray; 4, Stewart Bray; 5, Earl Bray. White Wpyandotte--1, Marjorie Bray; 2, Stewart Bray; 3, Earl Bray. Barred Bray; J, Earl Bray. Barred Rock, pullet--1, Jray; 3, Marjorie Bray, Exhibit of ground hog's tails--3, Jack Bray; 4, Howard Thompson. Mount Carmel Winners The following are a list of prize winners at Brooklin School Fair from Mount Carmel, S.S. No, 8, East Whitby, Beets--1, Inez Tummonds. Zinnias--4, Inez Tummonds Table Bouquet--1, Doris Cook, Dahlias--1, Eileen Cook; 2, Inez Tummonds, | Chocolate Layer Cake---I, Tummonds, ] br School Lunch--3, Eileen Cook; 4, Eileen Rock, cockerel--2, Jack Bray; 6, Stewart Jack Inez Doris Cook. September Cook, Pair of Pillow Tummonds. Doll's Bed Outfit- monds, Collection of poultry pictures--6, Inez Tummonds, Collection of pictures of farm ani- mals--1, Inez Tummonds; 2, Mer- lin Slute; 5, Leonard Slute, Writing--1, Merlin Slute; 2, Irene Maylon; 3, Inez Tummonds; 4, Marian Hubbard; 5. Leonard Slute, | Art--3, Merlin Slute; 4, Marian | Hubbard. Plasticine model of vegetables--1, { Cecil Slute; 2, Lorne Slute; 3, | Eileen Cook, . | Blue Bird's House--2, + Slute, |, Wren's House--2, Kerlin Slute | |] breakfast--5, Cases--1, Thez 1, Inez Tum- Leonard , Tnez Tummonds, " Collection of named knots--1, Incz Tummonds; 6, Leonard Slute, First Aaid Competition--3, Lorne | Shute, | Parts of a horse--1, Inez Tum. ! monds; 3, Leonard Slute; 4, Mer- lin Slute, Public Speaking Contest--6, Inez Tummonds, ° 1 | ronto, Mrs. ato Mr, and Mrs, | 8, Poster--"Use of Better Seed'-- 3, Merlin Slute, White Leghorn, cockerel--1, Mer- lin Slute; 5, Marian Hubbard. ENNISKILLEN NEWS (C A, Stainton, Cor ) Mr, Jas, Stainton is spending a few days with his daughter, Mrs, H., Stevens, Mr. Orville Ashton conveyed the school children by truck to Bowmanville, on Friday, to at- tend the Fair at the Boys' Train- ing School. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gilbert, were called to Toronto on Sun- day evening owing to the acci- dent of Miss Lily Gilbert, in hurt. ing her foot very badly. Miss Muriel Moore has accep- ted a position in Toronto, Miss Vera Shackeleton, Maple Grove, spent Sunday, with her pa- 1ents Mr, and Mrs, J, Shackeieton Mr, and Mrs. J. A. Werry, Dr, H. Ferguson, Rev, J. M, Whyte, Mr, J. Blemon, Mrs, R, Ormiston attended the missionary Congress 1#!d in Toronto, week, Mrs. for miston being sent as a delegate, Mr, and Mrs. Thos, McGill and lteva, visited friends at Centre- ville, on Saturday, Miss Annie Oke visited her uncle Mr, Jas Oke, Clarke Union, Dr. H, Ferguson and sons Al- lan and Donald, visited Mr, and Mis Edwin Ormiston, Saturday evening. Mr, and Mrs, J. H, Freeborn, spout Sunday, at Mr, Leslie Gra- ham's, Blackstock, Mr. and Mrs. 8, Roden, Toron- | to, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Jas, Bradley. Mr, and Mrs, J. Clarkson ana | family, Lang, Ontario, were re- cent guests of Mr, and Mrs, Thos. | McGill, Mrs. PP, Page and lorreen, at- tended the Diamond Wedding of Mt and Mrs, Steve Page, Enfield, on Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs, Wesley Oke, at- tended Markham Fair and spent | the week end with friends in Mal- | ern and Pickering, Mr, and Mrs, O, E, Jeffrey, took Miss, Myrtle Jeffrey home to Beu- poz. on Sunday, and visited friends there, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Boyd, To- E. Stevens, Hampton, Miss May Storks and Miss I. stevens, Oshawa, visited Mr, and Mrs. H. Stevens, on Sunday. KEDRON NEWS (Miss Beatrice Mountjoy, Cor- respondent) Oct. 6.--Congratulations Clarence Werry | orf the birth of a daughter in Osh- awa General Hospital, on Friday, October 2nd. Mr, and Mrs. Bert Hannan and family, Brooklin, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hancock. Mr, F. W. Lee, Mr, F. Crossman, Mr. Ross Lee, and Mr. H. F, Werry attended the Missionary Congress in Toronto on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Walton Pascoe, Bowmanville, visited at J. H. Pas- coe Ss, Mr, and Mrs. A, D, Van Dyke, Mr, and Mrs. Earle Van Dyke and Miss Hazel Van Dyke attended Markham fair on Saturday, Mr. Marwood Heard is visiting at Mr, W. N. Hoskin's, Miss Edith Peardon, Bowman- ville, was a week end guest of Mrs. W. L. Mountjoy. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Lawrence, Mr. and Mrs. R, K. Lawrence, Jean and Marion, Toronto, were recent guests of the former's sister, Mrs, John Mountjoy, Mr, and Mrs. Merlin Hepburn and family, Enfield, visited Mr, and Mrs, Roy Hepburn, Mrs. H. F. Werry visited one day last week with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Wm, Batty, Oshawa, Miss Hazel Van Dyke recently visited with Mrs. Bert Montgomery, Oshawa. The Kedron Women's Associa- tion will hold a missionary service in Kedron clturch on Sunday even- ing, Oct, 18th, at 7 p.m, in aid of the W.M.S, work. Mrs, Carscallen of Whitby will be the speaker, Miss Leah Garrow of Oshawa will sing. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Mountjoy, Marion, Willa and Beryl visited with Mr, and Mrs. A, L. Pascoe, Solina, Mrs. W. N, Hoskin and Dorothy attended Orono Fair on Wednes- Kedron, ay. Mr, and Mrs, Bert Gray, Peter- horough, Mrs. Trull, Mr, and Mrs, A. Ayres, Mr, and Mrs. A. T, Stain- ton, Zion, were guests for tea of Mr, and Mrs. Ross Lee on Mon- day, Mr,' and 'Mrs. Dave McKenzie, Columbus, Yislied their cousins, Mr, and Mrs. Roy Hepburn, Sunday evening. Mr, udley McGregor has re- turned home from Bowmanville where he spent the summer, The Choral Class held their first practice in the church on Saturday evening, Me. and Mrs, Harvey Crossman Irene visited at Mr. J. Nay- Solina, Mr, and Mrs, A. D, Van Dyke, Mr, and Mrs, Earle Van Dyke and Miss Hazel Van Dyke visited at Mr, Will Mitchell s, Oshawa, Mr, Fay Conlin and Miss Mar- erite Conlin visited Mrs, Wm, nick, Bowmanville, Monday even- ing. A number from here attended fhe special services at Zion Sunday evening. | | cast pretty much in i Mother---'*My dear, all men are the same mould," Daughter--'Yes but some are { mouldier than others.' Shub--'Do you play the piano hy ear?" Rert-- 'No, I play it by the win dow to annoy the neighbours." Justice: "How did the accident happen?" : "T was just hugging a "Yer, that's the way most of them happen." SEAGRAVE Y.P.3. ELECTS OFFICERS Enjoyable Social Evening Is Held in the United Church nm---- (Mrs, 1. Scott, Correspoident) Seagrave, Oet, 6.---A very in- teresting social meeting of the Young People's Soclety was held in the Sunday school room of the United Chureh on Wednesday eve- ning last, when old and new mem- bers were welcomed back to start their weekly gatherings for the coming year, Rev, Mr, Green occupied the chair and opened the meeting with devotional ex- ercises, The business session in- cluded the nominations and elce- tion of officers, after which vari- ous Amusements conducted by Mrs. Bert Dowson, were enjoyed, At the close refreshments were served, Officers elected are as fol- lows: President -- Bert Wana- maker; Vice-president Joe Grantham; Secretayr--Grant Or. chard; Treasurer--Eileen Fish- jey; Conveners: Citizenship ~ Viola Wilson; Literary--Mrs, B, Dowson; Missionary--FEric Mills; Bible References--Norma Moon; Social---Ruth Stone; Planists-- Ella Moon. The school fair held at Green- bank last week was fairly well represented by grown-ups and children from this community, Al- though our school has dropped out of the fair, all report the fair very good and a pleasant time was spent by all, Sympathy is extended to Mrs, Albert Short in the recent death of her father, Mr, Saul Hadley of Portage Ia Prairie, Manitoba, 'who after a lingering illness, pass- ed away very suddenly, Also to Mrs, James Short in the death of her sister-in-law, Mrs, David Ste- phens of Lindsay. Quite 8 number of grown-ups and school children attended the echool fair at Greenbank week and report It very good, and Mrs, Cecil Robinson of New- tonville were Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs. H, Wanamaker, Mr, and Mrs, R. Thomas of Lat- ten visited Mr, and Mrs. W. Frise, on Sunday, Mrs. Marquis, Mrs. J. Duer and Miss Frankish of Uxbridge and Mr. and Mrs, J, D. MacLean of Lindsay were recent visitors with Mr, and Mrs. 8. McFarlane, Mrs, Alonza Snyder, who has spent the past week in Toronto, returned home on Sunday, ac- companied by Mr. and Mrs, Clif- ford Snyder of Toronto, Mr, and Mrs, N. Barker son of Lindsay visited Mr. and Mrs. Milton Stone, on Sunday. Mr. Erie Mills visited friends in Blackstock and Port Perry, on Sunday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs, Walter Moase at Moase of Lindsay, last, Mr, and Mrs, accompanied by Mr. and Page, of Lowell, Illinois, spending a few days with tives, Mrs, J. Wanamaker spent Sun- day with relatives at Scugog. on Mrs are rela- a couple of weeks with relatives, has returned to her home in Osh- awa, A basket social under the aus. pices of Quadrata Girls' Club will be held on Friday evening in the school house, A splendid program of local talent will he given, A good time is expected, Admission 10 cents. Ladies with baskets free, Miss Ruth Brochel is apending a couple of weeks holidays with her aunt at Cambray. Mr. and Mrs, I. Irwin and daughter, Sina, spent Saturday at Lindsay. Mrs. R, Woon of Port Perry visited her sister, Mrs, A. Bruce, on Saturday, Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs, Elwood Clemence on the birth of a daughter and to Mr, and Mrs, Lee Short on the birth of a son, Wedding bells are ringing. Services on Sunday were well attended, 8.8, in the morning hav- ing an attendance of 93, The eve. ning service was in charge of the pastor who preached to a fal congregation, It was announced from the pulpit that a carload of fruit and vegetables was being shipped' from Lindsay to Sask, and all who wished to help with the car would be gladly accepted. We are pleased that so many from the Seagrave United church circuit are taking such an interest in this wonderful work, A truck will be at the church on Wednes- day morning and take the fruit and vegetables to Lindsay, The box of clothing to be shipped later, Mr, James A, Broad of the Do- minion Express, Toronto, son of Mr, H, B, Broad of Midland was A guest on Baturday of his aunt, Mrs, Walter Mark. Mr, and Mrs. M. McDougal, Mr, and Mrs. L. McDougal and daughter, Mr, and Mrs, T, Marks and family, Mr, and Mrs, T, Willlamson and daughters of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs, W, James of Woodville vis- ited Mrs. W. Mark, on Sunday, PORT PERRY NEWS Mise M, Cockburn, Correspondent Miss Evelyn Alexander was the guest of Rev, 8, C. and Mrs, Jar- tott, last week, Mr. and Mrs, A, R, Prescott, of Toronto, were guests of Port Cerry friends, over the week end, Mrs, A, D, Peters has returned home after visiting friends in To- ronto, for the past two weeks, Mrs, Burnham has returned home after spending several weeks in Muskoka, Mr, I, Mitchell has moved to Prince Albert, where he has tak en the house formerly occupied by Mr, and Mrs, Cruse, who have moved into Port Perry. The 'opening meeting of the Youn eople"s Society of the Port Perry United Church, took place on Monday evening, of last week. There was a large attend. ance. Mr, Gemmell occupied the last | Mr, and Mrs, W. Robinson, Mr. | chair, and Mr, Richards conduct- ed the devotional exercises, New officers elected for the year were: Past President--Mr, Gemmell; President--Miss M, Goode; Vice- President-- Frank Slemon, Secre- tary--Miss Vera Miller; Treasur- er--Chas, Reesor; Convenors-- Christian Fellowship--Miss Kit- ching; Christian Citizenship -- Beverly Smaliman; Literary-- Mis« Frances Christy; Soclal-- Miss Alma Blight; Planist--Miss Mary Smallman, During the sven ing the members of the Y.P.S,, presented Mr, Gemmell with an adaress and a walnut table in honour of his recent marriage. The serving of refreshments con- ¢Ivded the meeting, Mr, Glenn Collocutt is spend- ing a couple of weeks with his parents, Mr, and Mrs, ¥, L, Col- lacutt, Mrs, Hayes is visiting friends ia London, Miss Lilian Payne, of Toronto, was the guest of Miss Hazel Cack- hurn, over the weekend, The Church of the Ascension, Port Perry, was the scene of a pretty Autumn wedding on Thurs- day, Sept, 24th, when Gwen, enly daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Etley, of Prince Albert, became the bride of Mr, Fred Lamb, son of Mr, Chas, and the late Mrs, Lamb, of Manchester, The bride, whe was given {1 marriage by ler father, wore a beautiful Privcess Gown of White Satin and veil of net which was caught to the head with orange blossoms, She carried a shower bouquet of Talisman Roses, baby's breath and orange blossoms, Miss Eva Hodgson, of Toronto, who was bridesmaid, wore 4 gown of coral tafieta, with picture hat and shoes to match, She carried a boquet of pink and white Spap- dragons, Mr, Fred Crook, of To- ronto supported the groom, The «e1emony was performed by Rev, T. A, Hind, Miss Ivason Moore, of Oshawa, sister of the groom, played the wedding music, After the ceremony, a reception was held at the home of the bride's parents, Later the happy couple left on a motor trip to Montreal, and other Eastern points, The Bride, travelling in a suit of Ilack and white with black hat and sMver fox fur, Among the out of town guests were: Mr, | and Mrs. Sayer and Miss Sayer, of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Ivason | Moore of Oshawa, Miss Windrum of Lindsay, Mr: and Mrs, Hodgson Miss Eva Hodgson, of Toronto, Mr. Fred Cook of Toronto and Mise Teeson, of Stouffville, On their return from. their trip Mr, and Mrs, Lamb will reside at Manchester, Miss Coomber, of Toronto, was and | Mr, and Mrs. Cephas Sleep and | tended the wedding of Miss Helen | Saturday | E. Wooldridge, | Mrs, P. Ripley, who has spent | the guest of Mr, and Mrs, Geo, Horsler, over the week-end, There was no service in the Church of the Ascension on Sun- day, Sept, 27th, as Harvest Ser- | vices were held in St, Thomas' Church, Brooklin, Several mem- hers of the Port Perry Choir went down to Brooklin and as- sisted with the services there, SCUGOG NEWS (Mrs, D, Hope, Correspondent) Oct, Mr, and Mrs Reynolds of Toronto, were recent | guests of their, friends Mr, and Mrs, | | K, Reader, Mr, and Mrs, B, Osborne, Bruce | and Harvey, of Pleasant Point were | guests of Mr, and Mrs, C, Hardy on »unday, Miss Myrtle Jeffery was a recent guest of her brother, Mr. O. Jel- tery, of Enniskillen Mr. and Mrs, G Mr, W, Samells visited Mrs, C, Samell on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, F, Jones, Lorna, Evelyn, Shirley and Miss Hazel Lee, of Brooklin, were guests of her sis- ter, Mrs, ¥, Lee on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs, W, King, Maurice and Aileen of Oakwood, Mrs. J, Wanamaker, of Seagrave, visited Mry and Mrs, J. Demara, and Mr, and Mrs, D, Hope on Sunday, Mrs, W. Dodsley visited a few days last week with her daughter, Gladys . at Mrs, Arbourne's at Greenbank, Mr, and Mrs. O. Jeffery, Clem and Lois, of LEnniskillen, were guests on the island Sunday, Mrs, E. Sweetman and children were guests of her parents, Mr, and Mrs, J. Milner on Sunday, Mrs. Wanamaker visited Mrs, R Reader one day last week. Mrs. Love and daughter Noreen, of Cannington, visited a few days last week with her friend Mrs, A. Martyn, Mrs, R. Burnham visited Oshawa one day last week, Mr, and Mrs, H, Samells, ot Osh- awa, visited Mr, and Mrs, C, Sam- ells one day last week, Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. C. Brown on the arrival of a baby boy in their home on Monday, Sept. SCugog, and and Samells, Mi Sorry to hear Miss Eva Clark of Mariposa, who was visiting her sis- ter, Miss L. Pearce, slipped on the cellar steps and sprained her arm, We all hope she is better soon, Thank offering services at the centre church next Sunday, Oct, 11, Morning, 11 am, evening, 7.30 p, m. Rev, A, M, Irwin, of Oshawa, the minister for the day, Special music by our choir, Everybody come and worship together, Our Rally Day Service on Sun- day, October 4th, was a great suc cess, about 225 being present to take part with the Jroprarme, Mr, Jobblin, Superintendent of the foot Sunday School had charge of the programme. The beginners and pri- maries classes sang "Away in a Manger," Miss Jean Hood read Jesus blessing little children, Mark 10: 13, 16, Mr, Ralph Milner recite ed "Jesus Love for the Out-of- Doors," Mr, Earl Clark recited "The Courage of Jesus", Miss Inez Fralick recited "How Jesus Came to the City," Mr, Sydney Chandler read "The Betrayal, Crucifixion and Resurrection, of Jesus" The Con- gregation helping to sing those beautiful hymns, "It was a very in- teresting service enjoyed by all, Miss Nellie Lee, of Port Perry was home over the week-end. Mrs: Vanness visited with Mrs. ary service in Massgy Hall in Tor- W. Wanamaker on Saturday after | FAMOUS THE WC RED BLUE LABEL LABEL 38: . 30 Half Pound Half Pound J. Lyons & Co. (Canads), Limited, Toronto talk about it next Sunday evening, October 18th, mn the Centre Church, Quite a number attended the Sun- day school meeting in Port Perry one evening last week to make plans for our school in the future which will be very interesting. Mr, and Mrs. FV, Baxter, daughter Bernice, Mr, and Mrs. Worthy, and son, Billie, of Toronto, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs R, Jackson, Mr, W, Hope visited his sister, Mrs. J. Raynes, in Port Perry this week, A number from around here at- tended Markham Fair last week, Mr, and Mrs. C. Graham, Dor- othy and Vernon, visited their friends, Mr, and Mrs. W, Heron at Sonya on Sunday, Mrs, J, A Sweetman visited her sister, Mrs, Jolton, in Port Perry, on Sunday, Mr, and Mrs. A Brunt, daughter, Mona, of Enniskillen, were Sunday | guests of her parents, Mr, and Mrs, W, Mark The Women's Association meet- ing was postponed until the 20th, instead of the 13th, on account of Thanksgiving, GREAT THINGS Great things to do--no there are-- And greatly done--and yet by far The greater are the lesser things, The deed that little glory brings, The word that seldom meets ap- plause, Yet serves some good and holy cause, doubt The orator upon the stage May loudly roar and loudly rage, And yet the word that someone sald To someone else has often led To new opinions, righted wrong. Some word some neighbor passed | along. The great machine is made of parts Assembled hy the faithful hearts And faithful hands of faithful men, The little is the great thing then, Without whose honest industry The great machine could never be, ' Whatever little tack is mine, What nut I tighten on the line, I know it is important, know Each word I say may help men grow, things are done--bhecause, my son, The little things are greatly done, Doughlas Malloch--Tit Bits, Great There are 5,167 public-houses and beer-houses in the London County Council area, | Frosh (rushing into library) -- | Quick, I want Caesar's life, Librarian-- Sorry, but Brutus ) beat you to it, J. C. MCGILL Clothing Stock, Men's Furnishings MEN'S, WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S BOOTS AND SHOES Ordered Sold in Bankruptcy By the Canadian Credit Men's Trust Association at a rate of 36¢c on the dollar The stock and fixtures are now being repriced. Every article is tagged and marked down for a public sale in detail. Sale Thursday Oct. 8, 9a.m. For a O Day Sale Only Everything will be sold without any reserve. Come early, and make your dollar do the work of two. MEN'S SUITS On Sale For $1 0-45 $ 1 2-45 ] 1 4° $164 Overcoats Men's and Boys' $1.00 to $12.45 Boots and Shoes Some Odd Lots 5% prs. :$ 1 And up to $3.45 BOYS' In Sizes 28 to 36 | SUITS With Bloomers $1.95 You can buy now and save money. The creditors have taken the loss and you can reap the benefit. This Sale in Bankruptcy Means Big Savings For You COME AND DO YOUR PICKING CHAS. LYONS Merchandise Adjuster Liquidating J. C. McGill Stock 12 KING ST. E., OSHAWA noon, | Rev. J. Elford if a imssion- onto last week, H& v. if give us a

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