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Oshawa Daily Times, 10 Oct 1931, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1931 PAGE FIVR TODAY'S SPORTING FEATURES Douglas Maundrell Wins Honors in Inter-Faculty Meet. Rochester Win Junior World Series for Second Year, Ada MacKenzie Wins Women's Closed Golf Tournament, Ina: TODAY'S SPORTING FEATURES Lid is Pried off Intercollegiate Rugby Season Today, Montreal Canadiens Defeat Toronto Leafs for Title, Deciding Game of World Series in St. Louis this Afternoon. DECIDING GAME OF WORLD SERIES PLAYED THIS AFTERNOON Cardinals Place Blame For Defeat on Shoulders of Umpire-in-chief Nallin Derringer's Pitch to Haas With Count 3 and 2 is Declared to Have Been Perfect Pitch -- Both Sides of the Story are Aired St, Louis, Ovt, 10,--Blame for the defeat of the Cardinals was placed squarely on the shoulders of Richard Nalin, the American League umpire, calling balls and strikes behind the plate yesterdhy by Gabby Btreet, manager of the conquered National Leaguers, not- withstanding the marvelous game pitched by their conqueror, Rob- ert Moses Grove, Street declared" Nallin had "just as much" admitted to Paul Derringer, the lanky Kentuckian pitching for St, Louis in the dis- astrous fifth inning, that he made a mistake in calling the pitch a ball indtead of a strike, That decision, made with the bases loaded and with two strikes and three balls on Haas, forced in a run, After that Derringer blew up like a 10,000-gallon-barrel ofl gusher coming in, In Street's Opinion Street declared the hall was a perfect strike and that if Nallin had called it properly the inning would have heen over, "Nallin made a rotten ball game out of a good one," Street barked. "He pulled a honer," The Cardinals, snarling and growling, over their disaster, snapped at Btreet's heels, backing up his opinion of Nallin, Gloom as thick as pea hung over the Cardinals' dress. ing-room. All the players from Derringer down the line minced no words in calling Nallin a strictly American League umpife, a robber and a pirate, "T don't mind Toging, but I hate to get robbed," moaned Derring- er, ag he munched a hot dog sand. wich and yelled for another bottle of soda pop, "That was a perfect strike I threw to Haas," he explgined, "and Umpire Nallin missed it, He soup "It is just this way" The girls in this laundry have very heavy days in the carly part of the week and very light on Friday and Saturday. They can't wee why some of the customers cannot send their bundles at the end of the week and thus more or less average up the days, It is, of course, a matter of the cus tomers' convenience, but if Friday and Saturday would sult just as well, these young ladies would be very grateful, There are eight different family wash sere vices here=all moderately priced and all done the soft water way=--and Friday and Saturday are washdays Just the same as al' the other days of the week, Phone today, or stop any one of our courteous drivers salesmen, Phone 788 EWE) 3 IORONTO WET WAsH LAUNDRY | 2) (244 Blidi) 434 SIMCOE ST, 8, admitted it to me when 1 rushed up to the plate after he had called it a ball, "He said to me, 'I missed it. I'm the goat' "if I had a gun I'd a shot him, "He should have had enough courage to chase me away and say 'Here, you, I'm here to call 'em.' ' supports Derringer "I'll bacfl Paul up on that," Street broke in, "When I saw Wil. son, who never would bave kicked if the ball was bad, start to hol- ler, I rushed out of the dugout, Nallin tried to chase us away, He said, 'I had to call it, I'm the goat,' That's practically admitting the mistake, Isn't it?" Sylvester Johnson, who relieved Derringer, in the disastrous fifth, consoled the lanky Kentuckian, "Why, that Nallin even robbed that little kid, Williams, He ain't no star, He's just a kid, But that Nallin called a strike on him that was just six incheg off the ground, I know, I threw it." "Flowers, I'l admit, gave them a start with that bad throw on Foxx's grounder," Street added, "but that play didn't mean a thing, If Nallin had called that strike right, Derringer. would have heen out of a had hole, and we'd had still plenty of chance to win." : "We got had hreaks to-day, but we are not licked,' Streat sald, "We'll pitch Grimes to-mor- row and we'll win," Aud the 'old sarge's" teeth snapped as he bit off the words, Mack Supports Nallin Connie Mack came to Nallin's rescue, however, in the contro- versey that centred around the plate, The Cardinal pitchers, he said, were Inclined to blame their lack of control on Umpire Nallin. Hg sald he had no idea who his pitcher would be to-day, although anyone in St, Louis last night would het him it would be George Earnshaw, "I do not think, however, they had any license to kick on Nal- lin's decisions on balls and strikes. If anything he helped them over their rough spots, Neither of those pitchers were up to their real mark, and that is possibly why they tried to pass the buck on to the umpire." The Athletics, he said, clicked like a real the first time since started, "I am forced to admit that the Athletics' playing prior to yester- day was not the kind of ball with which they won the American League championship, But they snapped out of it, Grove was Grove "The Cardinals failed because Grove was Grove, They played heads-up baseball, but were un- fortunate in making two, errors that wore costly, You have to ex- pect errors, They are a part of the game, Grove succeeded in stop- ping 'Pepper' Martin by his mar- velous pitching, Mag I great ball player and is . ag to con- tinue great, but when Grove is Grove, he stopped the best of them." Martin, the Oklahoma jackrab- bit, was go furious over the defeat that he paid no attention to a mas- five basket of flowers sent by an admirer, or to a witermelon, welghing 143 pounds, that arriv- ed for him from a fan in Texas, really machine for the series ART SHIRES GETS ANOTHER CHANCE Boston, Oct, 10,--~Arthur (the Great) Shires, first basdman for the Milwaukee club of the Am- erican Association, has been pur- chased by the Boston Braves, the National League club announced today. Shires will come to Bos- ton in exchange for Catcher Al- bert Holl and $10,000, Boll wag purchased from Pitts. burg last year after he had been picked up from Baltimore by the Pirates, The Braves now have two first basemen, Earl Sheely and Johnny Neun, "Unsettled American stock mare ket." Squall Street, Junior Series To Rochester (-- Rochester, Oct, 10,--For the second consecutive year the Rochester Red Wings, champions of the International League, rule minor league baseball, The Red Wings retained thelr position on the throne yesterday, when they buried the Bt, Paul Sainty, American Assosiation representatives, under a 9 to 3 score for their fifth vietory in eight games, Description of the game is chiefly a tale of the brilliant hurling of Ray Starr, the rubber- armed righthander who twirled three doubleheaders during the regular season and finished with 19 victories. ' starr Fans Nine Starr had been batted hard in his two previous series appear- ances as a relief hurler, Start- fing for the first time he justified Manager Southworth's choice by limiting the heavy hitting Saints to seven hits and striking out nine, In only one inning did the Saints get to Starr and that was in the sixth, when the Ited Wings were coasting along with a nipe-run lead, ¥. ver averted a shutout for his elvis by lifting the ball over the right field wall for a home run, scoring Saltz- gaver and Durst ahead of him, Before and after that, Manager Liefield's charges were unable to got more than one hit an in- ning and in four frames they went hitless, Three fast double plays alded Starr considerably in the few tight spots he en- countered, George Puccinnlll, giant Wing right fielder, coutinued his heavy hitting by slamming out two singles and a double to lead his team's offense, Five walks and a hit batsmen contributed by the four St, Paul pitchers helped swell the Rochester score, Red Wings' Good Start The Wings settled the issue in the first frame when they bunch- ed four solid hits, a walk and a sacrifice to tally five times. Van- atta failed to last the inning as gt. Paul's pitcher, being relieved by Prudhomme, He was knock- ed out in the second when the Wings scored twice, M.rphy was reached for two more runs in the fourth, That ended the run- making, Nichols finishing the game for St, Paul after a pinch- hitter and taking Murphy's place in the seventh, Although it was a sunny day, continued cool weather reduced the attendance to 1,227 paid ad- ! missions, Ponies Planned By Tennis Club At a well aftended executive meodng of the Oshawa Tenni# Club, it was unanimously decided to hold anether fall dance, similar to the successful one of last year, This year's tennis festivity will be held at the Masonic Temple, Friday, October 30th, and should prove a fitting climax to the suc- cessful season of this club, The financial report of the trea- surer ghowed the club te be In good sound condition, despite the extensive Improvements made In the property on MacMillan Drive, The tournament committee re- ported all the club tournaments to be completed for the year, and with the following winners and runners-up: . Men's singles--Vesey defeated Alger, 6--2, 6-3, 6---4, Men's consolation singles-- T. Harris defeated K. Kelly, 6-0, Ladies' singles--Miss Fishleigh defeated Miss London, 6---0, 6--1, Ladies' consolation singles-- Miss Willlams defeated Miss L. Kennedy, 6-2, 6-3, Men's open doubles--Armstrong & McMullen defeated Strike & James, 2---6, 63, 6---4, 1--6, 6-3, Ladies' doubles-- Misses Fur- her & Goheen defeated Misses Kelly & Lyons, 6-2, 2-6, 6-4, Mixed doubles--Miss Swail & Armstrong defeated Miss London | Sport Snapshots Will Take Part in Intercollegiate Meet Douglas Maundrell, who made an enviable name for himself as an athlete in his early school days in Whitby and later at the Oshawa Col legiate and Vocational Institute has continued his prowess at the Un- versity of Toronto, where he is registered in University College, annex ing the individual honors in the Inter-Faculty I'rack and Field mcet held at Varsity Stadium yesterday afternoon. As a result of his high stand- ing in the meet he is directly in line to represent his Alma Mater in the Intercollegiate Track and Field meet Yesterday Douglas won first place in the javelin throw, shot put and | pole vault for a total of 15 points, In the javelin throw he had a dis- | tance of 141 feet 5% inches, which is better than: that obtained at the | McGill meet as well as the Western University Meet In the 16 Ih, | 38 fect 2'4 inches, which w so as good a In the went up to 10 feet 4 inches, which compares very fay mark of 10 feet 6 inches secured at the McGill meet \d » » w Montreal Canadiens Worthy Lucrosse Champions shot put the distance wi us pole urably with the that obtained in the other university meets, vault Douglas first | here | Montreal Canadiens, ably guided by "Newsy" Lalonde, n the championship of the International Professional Lacrosse last night: when they outplayed the Maple Leafs by 0 to 3, A capacity crowd attended, hut the for the fans after the Flying Frenchmen gained a three-goal advan tage in the second period, It was, perhaps, fitting that in this sport, the league, being officials of that club, and risked much money in days of depression, but they have been amply Mr, Dandurand was just happiest man in the Arena League and outscored them evening was a dull one the Dandurand the laurels SPONSOrs should take Cattarinich, Canadien Joe These sportsmen took a change new Leo and of rewarded, saw last night's encounter and about the The Lears took their reverse as courageous athlete the first to acl | Kil Nearly all hould, and they ' the to the height were wledge that, on the night's p better team ny, won sthers agreed, Canadiens certainly rose to run back one of the greatest attacking teams in the history ol lacrosse, The heres this season, hut this was mainly owin that the visitors been played the defensive game wasn't as spectacular ; ers that have to the fact. that 15811€ adopted salety first local shary of the was scttled carly, and tactics~that almost completely bottled up the shooter ticket old long before that were Every the starting struggle, Tor thus populay here, Was showing seven-man lacrosse has become exceedingly Ther chin on this occasion onto some empty scats, the spectators taking i on the Chicago interests are dickering with Loth teams in an effort to have Windy but y Oty mtu them meet in an exhibitton set at the Stadium in the ed the unless all expenses dre guarant trip will not be made Clobe * » * * Pry Football Lid Off Today King Football comes Imck today with the pr that it The forward pass is expected to open up the Nearly misc will more interesting than ever "lay, but, even it it doesn't it will provide thrills and excitement, all the teams in the three Eastern unions will be in action, Intercollegiate Union night and appeared to be doing little worrying, The to advantage at Varsity Stadium, Waterloo of Batstone cd the last Tricolor invariably Bluc White had nothing to Queen's, champions of the arrived here show and Coach Harry say hopes on many occasions regarding his proteges, hut other opimion that Queen' but weak Cxfre are anything "eroocial" test the ex of the to whip the Argonauts journey to Hamilton for a , and perts call them to lose, mainly because some Qarsmen are on thie injured list, and because it seems impossible Ligers in Jungletown, The have had a world of experience Balmy Beach, Grey Cup holders, Kitchener, and they should City aggregation, The latter when they tried conclusions against the U, why they Jengals are stronger than ever in material, and they will make debut little their league at have trouble disposing of the Twin were badly whipped here last Saturday of {. Hegiate. Union hould be able to hold the Interce team, and they showed no reason Beachers in action. --Toronto Globe DONNIE BUSH RESIGNS! 7 . AS WHITE SOX PILOT Canadiens Win -- Lacrosse Title Toronto, Oct, 10, Montreal ('ahadiens won the championship of the International Professional Lacrosse League here last night when they were full value for their 6 to 3 victory over the Ma- ple Leafs, The locals never could hit their stride after the I'lying Frenchmen took advantage of a penalty to Bill Davis in the gee: ond period and scored twice to ¥ain a one-goal lead. That sen- tence to Davis was 2 costly one, It was conceded on all sides thal Canadiens were the better team on the night's play, They used safety-firat defensive tactics, it Is true, but results tell the story in sport as in anything else, and no ong can begrudge them the honors so meritoriously won, Long before the game began every ticket had been disposed of Chicago, Oct, 10 -- Donie Bush, manager of the Chicago White Sox for the last two years, yesterday submitted his resignation and it was accepted. Extept for the announcement that his resignation had been accepted, neither Bush nor Charles A. Com iskey, owner of the Chicago Amer- ican League Baseball Club wouid comment, Bush came ta the White Sox on a two-year contract at the end of the 1929 season which he had spent with the Pittsburgh Pirates, & McMullen, 6-2 §--10, 6=--2, The annual meeting and elec- tion of officers for 19382 will be held early in November of .this year, in order to give the new of- ficers plenty of time to prepare and many clamored for the paste. for next year's activities, ) boards. It was a vast and enthus siastic throng until the Canadiens supplied the grief in that disas- trous second period when they 7 Z WAM AN YS WILLARD BATTERIES We wish to announce that we have taken over the Willard Battery Service. You are invited to call and look these There is a Willard to fit your car--and Batteries over: prices were never lower. You can now get a 13 plate Willard Battery for $7.95, the lowest in all time. Rodd's Tire and Battery Service Phone 930. Corner of King and Centre Street, Oshawa, Ont. outscored the Leafs by 4 to 1. Canadiens worked smoothly on attack and defense, and they in. variably got to close plays in Goal keeper Rert Large before firing bewildering shots, Large wasn't to blame for the reverse, He did- n't have a chance to stop the shots that heat him, his vision on two of them being blocked by his own players. Better and more thrilling games have been played here this season, and again the French mon's defensive system was to blame. They were very ecavefui {| on defense, and the Leafs, despite { their speed, couldn't get away from their checks, and neither { could they manipulate attacks with the odd man in their favor, | Full credit must he given the champions, They were badly outplayed in their first two ap- pearances here this season, but they improved steadily, signed star players and finally made the grade, In Davidson, DeGray and Lafrance they have three of the greatest performers in lacrosse, while their defense is the best in the league, The Leafs battled hard all the way, but they were plainly puz- 8 C) | 1) | would take a lacing off | and | fence [ ing be | the to | Fine Game is Forecast For Alexandra Park on Thanksgiving Day | Elliott were also injured in the Full Squad Out for | Hamilton game but are all ex- Game With Invictus pected to be out although Kohen | has been taking it easy all week A.C. on Monday After-| and has not heen out for practise. noon at 2.30 P.M. j Series Figures ies Fi Crisp, Invigorating air and A clear, bright days. That is what | called real foothall weather, addition Monday will be nksglving Day and to the av- crege fan the day would not be complete without ts football game, Well, the fans of Oshawa will not have to leave town to get all the excitement that acts $0 well ag a dessert for the an- nual dinner, the Blue Devils hav- ing booked a game for Alexandra Park which will get under way at 2.20 p.m, The Blue Devils have been wise in thelr choice of opponents, the Invietus A.C, of Toronto, known lant year as McCormacks, being World Series statistics: STANDING OF THE CLUBS P.C. 5 600 Philadelphia ,... 3 3 boo seventh game scheduled for to- day in St. Louis at 1.30 p.m. (Central Standard Time). Attendance--210,782, Gate receipts $048,568.00 Players' share 320,303.46 Advisory Council ,, 142,283.70 Each club's ghare .. 121,292.71 Each league's share , 121,292.71 SIXTH GAME Attendance---39,401, In Won, Lost, Recetpts ....... Advisory Counefl.,. Each club's share .. Kach league's share , veo $167,777.00 25,166.55 35,452.61 35,452.61 Invalid Wife: "You will bury me by the side of my first hus band, won't you, dear?" Husband: "With pleasure, darl- ing." Travel hint on the correct way to conduct a sentimental jours ney:~During my holidays I was able to spend a day in Venice, the first sight of which was a disap- pointment to me, But, as an Itg- lian guide said when we left, "Ah, signora, but you make mis- take! This time you come to Ven- fce six fn a gondola; next time come two--and at night!"'---Man- chester Guardian, Lives of motorists remind us, On a Sunday afternoon, That some drive as if they liked to Try and end them pretty soon. --*" Judge." "Did your little hoy enjoy the party?" asked Mrs. Brown, "I think so," siged the little hoy's mother. "He wasn't hungry till half-past five the next after- noon " a team of thelr own class, It was to be expected that they from the Hamilton Tiger Cubs, who were of Senior rating, but it will be entirely different on Monday, In- vietus being Intermediates, the same as the Blue Devils Last year as many of the fans will re- member, the Invictus team gave Oshawa a real run for the play- position and to be just strong this yen In their ames played so far this season, they have yet to he scored upon have evolved a strong de- that has held their oppon~ ents In submission Their nne recerd speaks well for the coach- | they have received at the | hands of Otto Glatt, The team fa strong both in the back field end the line, with Captain George Shields a hard-hitting middle wing and Jim Croft, in the rear ganrd who will attempt to match punts with Scott Hubbell and "Doce" Rowden, In addition they have two fine tacklers in Hooker and Merkley. Blue Devils have heen taking the game with all due serious- | nese and have been drilling lard ull week and putting the finish- | ing touches to their signals un- | der Coach Walker who has had | boys out every night this look week It is expected that Blue Devils | will be out in force on Monday wfternoon with only Gummow as the most probable to be held on | the 0 as not Lo aggravate his Kohen, Wilson and Milk dren and grown-ups, bench injuries, » . pi pp ------------ joy it. z1ed and were hopeless trailers af- | ter they Canadiens went to the fore, Near the and of the game Jerry Kendall, elusive local cen tre man, broke loose on two lon! forays to beat "suds" Sutherland, but even those counters did not arouse much hope that tho Leafs would pull that contest from the | fire, Canadiens had the victory in | their grasp and played ke titles | holders should. | old. Phone 700 Appetizing Is an ideal diet both for chile Milk is bottled sunshine. Children en- It is essentially the per- fect food diet for young and PIPE TESTED by a TELEGRAPHER i | \ i i qf | f! | "While working as Telegraph Operator, I could not help noticing the agent take out his pipe, fill it, and have a quiet smoke. Watching the perfect satisfaction and joy he seemed to get from this, prompted me to ask him how he could enjoy a pipe so much, He looked at me awhile and said, 'Try a pipe with Turret pipe tobacco'. ' 1 did, and mow, smoking two or three pipes of Turret pipe tobacco a day, I am always refreshed and satisfied. Unable to put into words that which makes Turret pipe tobacco 'Just Right', I pass the word along--'Try a pipc with Turret pipe tobacco'. : TURRET + 4 good, cool smoke 0 Turret fine cut for those who roll th PIPE BACCO Pipe tested eir own:

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