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Oshawa Daily Times, 10 Oct 1931, p. 8

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» THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1937 - Sunday Services in the City Churches St. Andrew's United Church REV. F.J. Minister MAXWELL, Cor. of Bruce St. and Simcoe St., 8. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 11TH, 193} 11 AM. REV. DR. W. D. MAXWELL B.A, B.D, Ph. D.,of LONDON, ENGLAND, 3 p.m.--SUNDAY SCHOOL 7 PM. REV. W. D. MAXWELL, WILL PREACH This is our Anniversary--a rallying of ourselves and our resourses for the Kingdom of God. You are cordially invited to attend all of these Services King Street United Church REV. CHAS. E. CRAGG, M.A, B.D., MINISTER MR. LEONARD RICHER, L.R.A.M., Musical Director 6.45--Song Service, i 7PM. \ "Thanksgiving in World Crisis" | Can the unemployed, the farmer, and the merchant be thank. 11 AM. "Visions of New Heights" Special Girls' Service 2.30--Sunday School and Bible Classes, Centre Street United Church "Come Let Us Worship." Rev. Geo. C. R. McQua"e, ' Minister 11 am. "Thanksgiving be unto our God for Ever and Ever" 7 pm. "Something to Forget" "A Church Home for Those Away From Home" CEDAR DALE | UNITED CHURCH || Minister A. E. Thornley, a8 Elena 'Street 11 am.--'The Thanksgiv. fl i | | (152 Last Sunday) 7 pm.-- "The Spies the Giants" ll | and || fl STRANGERS WELCOME | St. Georges ANGLICAN Cor. Bagot and Centre Sts. CANON C. R. dePENCIER, M.A. Organist and Choirmaster-- Matthew Gouldburn, A.C.LM. 8 a.m.-- Holy Commun. ion 11 a.m.--Morning Prayer | The Choir will Sing "The i Lord is Exalted" | 2.30 -- Sunday School. if I 7 p.m.--Evensong it | | ih i First Baptist Church Rev. Roy McGregor, B.A., B.Th A Church with the Old-Time Gospel Message SERVICES 11 a.m. | "Thanks Be Unto God for | His Unspeakable Gift" 7 pm. THE FOUR HORSEMEN OF THE APOCALYPSE 1~"Conquering and to Conquer" y A Cordial Invitation To All | The Choir will Sing "O Come Let Us Sing" ! | Baptism Second Sunday each Month, 4 p.m. Trinity Church ANGLICAN Corner of Court and Barrie REV. 8, C. JARRETT Incumbent, 30 Faibanks St. 8 a.m. -- Celebration of Holy Communion 11 am. -- Matins and | Sermon. Subject 'Anger' 3 p.m.--Sunday School 7 p.m. -- Evensong and Sermon Northminster United Church Rev. Mansell Irwin, B.A. B.D., Pastor ' Presbyterian Church Simcoe Street North and Brock Street REV. DUNCAN MUNRO, 84 Brock 8t. Weg Phone 2554 REV. JAMES ELFORD Will have charge .of all Services Note: = Baptismal and ft Tue. 8 ple | Holiness Church 811 Celina Street | Pastor G. Legge In Charge | 10 a.m.--~Sunday School. Services at 11 a.m. and Bt 7 pm. Prayer Meeting. Fri. 8 PM, | Bible Study Everyone Welcome | News Notes of City Churches First Baptist Church Special Thanksgiving services will be conducted by the pastor, Rev. Roy McGregor, B.A, B. Th. At the morning service he will take as his text the subject "Thanks be unto God for His Unspeakable Gift." At the evening service the first of a series of addresses on the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse entitled "Conquering and to Con- St. Andrew's United Rev. W. D. Maxwell, B.A, BD, Ph.D, of London, England, will preach at both services on Sunday. Special services have been arrang- ed as it is the anniversary of the congregation, Cedardale United The minister, Rev. A. E. Thorn- ley, will preach at both services which will be of a Thanksgiving nature. In the morning the minis- ter will preach from the subject, "The Thanksgiving of Jesus," while at the evening service the subject HH will be "The Spies and the Giants." Northminster United Rev. James Elford will have charge of both services at North- minster on Sunday. Centre Street United Rev. G. C. R. Mc(wade will preach from the subject, "Thanks- giving be unto our God Forever and Ever," at the morning service, At the evening service of worship he will take as his text, "Something to Forget." Albert Street United Rev. S. C. Moore, B.A, B.D, will preach at the morning service taking as his text "Thankfulness" At the evening service Rev. W, W Tones, B.D., of Millbrook, chairman of the Cobourg Presbytery, will preach, Simcoe Street United Rev. E. Harston, minister of the church, will preach at both service \t the morning service he will take as his text "The Harvest Challenge" and the evening service he will | preach on the subject "Common- place Glories." Christ Church Anglican Rev. R. B. Patterson, M.A, will preach at both services on Sunday n the church, } Oshawa Pentecostal Holiness Church Pastor G. Legge will have charge of the services on Sunday which will be held at the usual hours' of 11 am. and 7 pm. Grace Church Lutheran Rev. A. C. Hahn will preach at both services in the church on Sun- day. The services will be held at 10.30 am. and 7.00 p.m. Christian Science The subject on Sunday morning at the First Church of Christ Sci- entist will be "Are Sin, Disease and Death real." -------- Knox Presbyterian A communion service will be held at the morning service in the church, Rev. D. Munro will be in charge of this service as well as the cvening service. « Holy Trinity Anglican Rev. S.C. Jarrett will be in charge of the services on Sunday. At the morning service he will take as his text "Anger." Calvary Baptist Church Rev. Eric Lewis, B.A, returned missionary 'from India will preach at both the morning 'and the even- Ing services on Sunday, Rev. Lewis 1s a school mate of Lloyd Cecil of Oxford. ' St. George's Anglican Services in St. George's Anglican Church will be held at the regular hours on Sunday, At the evening service the Rev. P. Warwick Rich- Special music will -be rendered by the choir at both services. x The earth is weary of our foolish wars: 3 Her hills and 'shores lovely things, Yet all our years are spent in bick. erings Beneath the 'astonished stars, were shaped April by April laden with beauty comes, * Autumn by Autumn turns our toil to n, But hand at sword-h % pried ot ilt, still we To catch the beat of drums. Knowledge to k kill to kill, "use adding, We strive for others' good as for our own-- And then, like cavemen snarling with a bone, We turn and rend and kill-- With life so fair, and all too short a lease Upon our special star! Nay, love and trust, Not blood and thunder shall redeem vr dust. oul ! ~By Nancy Byrd Turner. ---------------- greater the difficulty the glory surmounting it-- The more ) ory in Skillful pilots gain their reputation from storms and tempests.--Epi- curus. ' "Days Drawing In" Tt get late early dig ' iid ardson will assist in the service. || Minister V SimcoeSt. United C "The House of Friendship" REV. E. HARSTON, LL.B, REV. J. 8. I. WILSON, B.A., B.D. Reginald G. Geen, Organist and Choir Master 1" AM. 'The Harvest Challenge" 3 p.m.--Sunday School "Commonplace Glories" The Minister will preach at both services. You should make an effort to hear these timely messages. A Good Singing--Fine Fellowship--Helpful Services d hurch Assistant [ Calvary Bapti Corner of John and Centre Sts. 'Church | 11 am, REV. ERIC LEWIS, B.A. Returned Missionary from India, 3 p.m.--Sunday School, classes for all. 7 pm, REV. ERIC LEWIS, B.A. Mr. Lewis is a school mate of Lloyd Cecil of Oxford. WED. 8 P.M.--PRAYER MEETING FRI. 8 P.M.--CHOIR PRACTICE | ferred from | of Censors to the Provincial De- Public Thankgiving Service -- AT Simcoe St. United Church Monday Morning 10.30 Under the aupices of the Ministerial Association Preacher REV. GEO. C. R. McQUADE ' Special Music by Massed Choirs. Everybody Welcome Christian Science I"irst Church of Christ, Scientist 64 Colborne Street East Morning Service at 11 a.m. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 11th, SUBJECT DEATH REAL?" 12.10 p.m., Sunday School. THANKSGIVING SERVICE 11 am. MONDAY, OCT. 12 Wednesday Meeting, 8 p.m. Including testimonies of Heal ing through Christian Science. You are cordially invited to attend the services and to make use of the Free Public Reading Room where the Bible and authorized Christian Science literature may be read, borrowed or purchased Open on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays from 2 to 5 p.m. GRACE Lutheran Church 150 ALBERT ST. Rev. A. C. Hahn BUNDAY, OCTOBER 11th, 9.80 a.m. Sunday School 10.80 a.m, Morning Worship "Know ye not 7 p.m. Evening Worship Ii ' 4 A { Christ Church (ANGLICAN) Cor. Hillcroft & Mary Sts. | REV. R. B. PATTERSON, | M.A. Incumbent | Nineteenth Sunday after | Trinity I I | 11 a.m. -- Morning Prayer | 2.30 p.m.--Sunday School | 7 pm.--Evening Prayer Rural Deanery at Markham All Day Wednesday. CHRISTADELPHIAN "BE NOT DECEIVED" that the inherit the Kinfdom God's coming | ord. Read "ARE SIN, DISEASE and | | | | | | | Special Thanksgiving Music | Albert Stree United Church [ | | | | Rev. 8, C. Moore, B.A, B.D. | | 11 a.m~"Thankfulness' 2.30 p.m.~Sunday School | and Bible Class 7 pm~Rev. W. W. Jones, | B.D., of Millbrook, Chair. | man Cobourg Presbytery i will preach. Everyone Welcome TE RO AR Se | \ | | 11 | and | strong and husky, i | i i i i then almost a shut-out for yesterday -- | the Cardinals What a World Series! ry i It's Anybody's Pennant--Yet . . . A win for the Athletics, and M-m'--don't we all wish we were there. Say----what condition those fellows must have. To stand up through a gruelling hot summer and then to wind up with five tough games, such as the world's series, requires stamina, fortitude determination. We don't know exactly what these fellows' mammas gave them when they were little boys to make them so but mother, if you want to keep your children in perfect health, free from colds and see them grow up into ro- bust, virile adolescence, then start now giving BOOT'S MALT EXTRACT With COD LIVER OIL The world's finest oil, blended with English malt, makes this a preparation that the children will just love to take, Take advant. h age of this two pound jar. When in need of Drugs "QUICKLY" 'phone REXALL DRUG &TORES Jury & Lovell St. E. Simcoe St. 8. Phone 28 Phone 68 BE | ED Mark 60th Anniversary Prescott.---- Plans are being made to celebrate the 60th au- niversary of Amity Lodge No. £0, 1.0.0.¥., Prescott, with a banquet to be held in St. John's parish ball. on Wednesday, October 14. The speakers will include Joseph Rowley, Grand Sire; W. W. Brooks, Grand Secretary of On- lario, and A. W. Gray, Grand Warden of Ontario, Leave For North Renfrew.---Sixty-five of the 147 unemployed, who recently registered in Renfrew, left to be- gin work on the Trans-Canada Highway. Fifty of the number will be stationed at Deux Rivieres and the balance at Mackeys Sta- tion. W. C, Ferris, a Govern- ment official from Toronto, is in town, traneferring the men, all of whom were obliged to appear before a medical board, com- prized of three local doctors. Would Transfer Control Brockville.--A suggestion that the censorship of moving pictures for children should be trans- the present Board partment of Education was con- tained in a resolution adopted at the opening session of the Brockville and East Leeds Teach- ers' Institute. Treasurer Charged Goderich.--J. B. Miller, rural school treasurer, alleged to have absconded with $500 of the funds {of 8.8. No, 3, Goderich town- ship, five years ago, was sen- | tenced to six months determinate imprisonment in the Ontario Re- formatory today. Miller was ar- rested in Fort William last Au- gust after being a fugitive from instice for five years, Appointed Archdeacon Ottawa.--The Rev. W. Netten, M.A, Canon of. Christ Church | Cathedral, Ottawa, and examin- ing chaplain to the Bishop, has bean appointed Archdeacon of the eastern section of the Diocese of Ottawa, with the title Arch- deacon of Cornwall, Archdeacon Netten has for the past eighteen vears been Rector of Cornwall. Commence Road Work Campbellford.--Work on the | Campbellford end of Highway No, 30 has commenced with the preliminary job of unloading sand at Campbellford to be used on a section of the road south of Bradley's Corners. Three trucks and eight men were enraged in this operation, This quota will be increased when materia] 1s ready for the road. Five or six good teams will be employed and | more men put onto the work. Excise Act Charges Lindsay.--Following an in- vestigation conducted by Ser- geant Zaneth, R.C.M.P., William Henderson of Somerville Town- ship, was charged with having illieit liquor in his possession. In fact three charges are embodied in the information lajd against him. He was remanded until October 14 on $10,000 ball. It is understood that Henderson was recently acquitted at Peterbor- ough on a similar charge. The three charges under the Excise Act dealing with {llicit liquor are lald by W, J. Buller, Excise Of- ficer of Peterborough. Harvest Thanksgiving Harrowsmith, -- The annual Harvest Thanksgiving service was held at St. Peter's Anglican Church on Sunday evening. Rev. Canon Swayne of Odessa was in charge, having exchanged pul- pits with Rev. H. R. Pettem. The church was beautifully dec- orated with flowers, grain and vegetables, giving evidence of a bountiful harvest, which with an appropriate and interesting ser mon and suitable hymns, com- bined to make it one of the most enjoyable services of the year. Damaged Lighting System Kingston.-----During the electri- cal storm on Wednesday night, two circuits of the city's lighting system were put out of commis- sion and today Manager C. C. Folger of the Public Utilities had a gang of men at work making the necessary repairs. Tragedy Narrowly Averted Yarker.--A tragedy was nar- rowly averted on Wednesday morning when the little son of Mr. and Mrs. Adams accidently fell in the Napanee River, and it it had not been for the prompt work of Rev. George MacKen- zie, the littlechap would have possibly drowned. Mr. MacKen- zie rushed in the water and brought the little fellow to shore and after working on him for some time the boy was resuscit- ated and taken to his home, Teachers' Convention 'Peterborough.--The eighteenth annual meeting of the Frontenac North and Addington Teachers' Institute opened in this city || being conducted in the Council Chamber with President Miss M. B. Duncan of Tamworth in the chair. The teachers attending the convention numbered some 75, a high percentage, as the total number of teachers from that district is 82, qi. Organize C. W. L. Marmora. --At a meeting re- cently arranged by /the parish priest, Rev. Father J. J. Keeley, a branch of the Catholic. Wo- men's League was reorganized. A large number of the ladies of the congregation were present and the branch was started un- der the most promising condi- tions. EASTERN ONTARIO NEWS Expensive Parking Kingston.--~A 'Toronto motor- ist who came to Kingston was evidently of the opinion that he could park his car any old place, so while he attended a "movie show" in the evening, he left his car in the space allotted for pedestrians at the corner of Prin- cess and Sydneham streets, Traf- fic Officer Down investigated the blockade, secured the name of the owner, and summoned him to Police Court. For this special privilege the motorist was fined $2 and costs, a total of $3.60. Killed By Train Trenton, -- Crushed beneath the wheels of a C.P.R. yard-en- Pacey, was firing, William Pacey, 65, was terribly mutilated and died in the Belleville Hospital on Thursday, Pacey was knocked down by a shunting train, back east, and dragged along fifty feet. When picked up, it was found hig left foot had been cut above the ankle and his left hand was horribly mutilated, but he was still conscious In The Churches -: Of Whitby : - All Saints' Church, Sunday, Oc- tober 11, 8 a.m., Holy Commun- fon; 11 a.m., morning prayer and sermon, preacher, the rector, sub- ject: "Thy Sins Be Forgiven Thee'; 3 p.m., Sunday School; 7 p.m., evening prayer, rector's sub- ject. "God Rules." The United Church, minister, Rev. A. L. Richards, B.D., Sun- day, Oct. 11th, Harvest Thanks- giving Sundays 11 a.m., ser- mon theme, "Two Great Lessons of Harvest"; 7 p.m. sermon theme, "Sowing and Reaping'; special music by the choir at both eervices. A.M., anthem, "Sing to the Lord of Harvest (Maund- er) soloist, Miss K. Ward; so- prano solo (selected), Miss Nor- ene Croxall; P.M., anthem, "Praise the Lord O Jerusalem," (Maunder), soloist, Mrs. (Rev.) A. R. Sanderson; tenor solo, "Consider and Hear Me," (Wool- er), Mrz. Clarence Toaze, £t. John's Port Whitby, rector, Rev. D. B. Langford, Sunday, Oct. 11th: Harves. Thanksgiving. Services, 8 a.m., Holy Commun- ior; 11 a.m., special preacher, Rev. P. G. Powell, of Uxbridge. Mrs. C. 8. Trueman will sing. 7 p.m., preacher, the rector; 3 p.m., Sunday School and Adult Bible Class. Sunday, Oct. 18th, Chil- dren's Day, Almonds United Church, mine ister, Rev. A. L. Richards, Sun- day, October 11th: 1.45 pm, Sabbath School; 3 p.m. after- noon worship, conducted by ths mirister, Whitby Baptist Chureh, T. F Best, pastor, Sunday gchool at 10 a.m, Classes for all ages. Morning worship at 11 o'clock, subject "Full of Goodness." Thanksgiv- ing service and Harvest Home at 7 p.m., subject, 'A Basket of Fruit." Special musical program. The pastor at both services. Mon- day evening at 7, the Junior B.Y. P.U. will meet, and at § p.m, the Senior B.Y.P.U. will convene. Wednesday at 7.20 Men's Club rally, Thursday, 7 p.m., B.Y.P.U. Intermediates and at 8 o'clock Prayer Meeting followed by choir practice. Visitors always welcome, St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Rev. J. C. McConachie, West Hill, interim moderator, S pecial Thanks- giving will be conducted at 11. am. and 7 pm, with special mu- sic at both services. Sunday School at 2 pm. Strangers cordially wel- comed to worship with us. service He who is taught to live upon little owes more to I¥is father's wis- dom than he that has a great deal -left him does to his father's care. -- Penn, TRY Mallett's f= Fuel Russian Coal MIXED WITH OTO COKE The mixture guaranteed to exceed 50 per cent. Russian Coal, This particular com- bination which is sold only by this firm, has been test. ed and proved to furnish MORE HEAT LESS ASH MORE COMFORT LESS MONEY Mallett Bros. 19 PER TON 13 15" Every Ton Phone 3060 Commercial Diningroom King St, W., Oshawa for reservations . Phone 28 Body Hard Hard Slab Soft Slab Wood All Cut Stove Length and Guaranteed Sound and Dry D & H Cone-Cleaned Makes Fuel Bills Lower Coal Premium BY-Product Clean and Economical Coke Dixon Coal Co.

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