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Oshawa Daily Times, 15 Oct 1931, p. 2

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ey 5 ) : " ¥ » i rl : ATEEEE FR JIERNERA YH AAT ET RIAA Lye i pb . : . a . : . " y v - v - & yo 1 ; . 2. ¥ 3 - § ". A pi . & " . L) Fo bh = a bs M - -» a - H THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 193i Ontario and Durham County News MAPLE GROVE NEWS (Miss Marion Snowden, Corres: Hark Grove, Oct. 14--Good con- s were at both services firefation on Sunday, Our pastor Rev. H. C. Wolfraim was with us and gave us a splendid Thanksgiving sermon. At the close ofthe regular service the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was administered to all, Miss Vera Trimble, Lifford and Miss Jean Stinson, Janetville, visit- ed the former's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Snowden over the holiday. Miss Laura Thompson and Mr. Ernie Laird, Toronto, spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. A Laird. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Samis, . Toronto, spent a few days with his * cousin, Mr. M. Samis, Mr. Wilson Power, Ottawa, has | been visiting his brother, Mr. George Power, and other relatives in this community, Miss Annie Laird, Young's Point, spent the week-end with her par- ents, Mr .and Mrs, A. Laird, Mr. and Mrs, E Plewman and family, who are home on furlough from China, spent Saturday at Mr. F. Swallow's, Miss Greta Munday, Peterboro, spent the week-end with her par- ents, Mr, and Mrs, Mark Munday, Mr and Mrs. B, J Gay and daughter, Eveirty Oshawa, visited Mr and Mrs. W, J. Snowden. on Sunday. Miss Nellie Snowden, Lakeburst, spent the week-end with her par- ents, Mr .and Mrs, C. H. Snowden, Misses, Vera Power; B. E. Souch, Susie Laird, and Ruby Bragg at- tended Teachers Convention in Osh- awa, Thursday and Friday of last week » Mr and Mrs, L. C. Snowden vis- ited her parents, Mr. and Mrs Thomas Baker, Solina, on Sunday, The opening meeting of the + Young People's League for this season was held Wednesday, Oct. M¢ Jack Cator, president, was in charge. After the Devotional period Mr, Ernest Twist, 1st vice- president, took charge and a splen- did programme was given, THORNTON'S CORNERS (Mrs. G. HH. Robinson, Corres pondent ) Congratulations are due Miss fsobel Pierson on wiuning the Intermediate Championship at the Field Day sports of the Osh- awa Collegiate and Vocational Institute, Mr, and Mrs. Herbert Walters and son, Gordon, of Holly, Michi- gap, were week-end guests of Mr. Walter's sister, Mrs, Nor- man Buss and Mr. Buss, Mrs. Edgar Pascoe, Harold Pascae, little, Jack Pierson and Miss Elva Miles spent the week- end and holiday at Belleville and Shaononville, Mr. and Mrs, W. H, Perryman and son, Billy, Ye spending a week at Coldwater, Mr. Jim Kionear week-end and holiday Nipissing, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Scott, of To- ronto, and Mr. George Scott, of Brooklin, spent the week-end and holiday with their parents, my, and Mrs. W, A, Scott, Mr, and Mrs. John, King had for Woliday guests M:.. Hall and family of Shaw street, Toronto, and Mrs. May and family, of St. Clair Avenue, Toronto, Mrs. Clarence Scott, of Osh- awa, entertained a number of ladies from here Tuesday after- noom, including Mrs. Edgar Vas coe, Mrs. George Reeson, Miss Edna Reeson, Mrs, W. L. Pier- son, Mrs, H, E, Plerson, Mrs, W G. Scott and Mrs. Blakely. All will be pleased to know that little Miss Laura Pascoe is imfroving steadily in the Oshawa Hospital, A splendid program {s being prepared for the roast chicken supper to be held in the Sunday School on Thursday, October 29. Mrs. Jos. Luke left last week for. the Toronto General Hospital for treatment before undergoing an operation, She has the best spent the at Léke ASHBURN Ashburn, Oct. 15.--Mr, Philip Parrott and son, George, of Osh- awa, visited the former's daugh- ter, Mrs. George Lynde, on Sun- day. Mr. Andrew Heron is in poor health, We regret to report and trust he may soon be on the mend. Rev, John Lindsay preached two very impressive practical ser- mong at Burns' church on Sunday. On Friday of this week the new pastor, Rev, Ferguson will be in ducted and on Bunday he will have charge of both services, An old Ashburn girl in the per. son of Vina Wilson, wife of Mr Herbert Costello, of Toronto, was buried bere on Tuesday afternoon. Deceased had suffered a heart at tack on Saturday and died very suddenly. She was in her forty- sixth year. Besides her sorrowing husband she leaves to mourn her removal from the family circle one daughter, Friends here ex- tend sympathy to the sorrowing relatives, Apple picking is a general oe- cupation here. There is a good crop in most of cases but those who did not spray their orchards have fruit that is very wormy. Miss Neil attended the teach- ers' convention in Pickering on Thursday and Friday. Consequent- ly the children had a fine holiday. Miss Olive Duff is spending a few days with her aunt, Mrs. Frank Brown of Myrtle. Friends here extend sympathy to Mrs Brown and daughters in the death on Wednesday morning of a hus- band and father, Mr. Alfred Mole, of Greenwood, spent the week-end at his father's home, The holiday passed over very quietly here, The traffic was very heavy through the village but no accidents were reported, Mrs. (Rev,) W, B, Mitchell ard «on, Billie, Toronto. When church workers & obyedtel to Sunday football, officials of Goulburn, Australia, decided with the pigskin players, but wishes of ail her neighbors. banned Sunday auto races, are visiting friends in | ZION NEWS (Mrs. J. W. Balson, Correspon- dent ) Zion, Oct. 15.~-- Miss Helen Lewis attended the Teachers' Convention last week in Oshawa and spent the week-end at her home in Welcome, Mr. Reford Cameron had quite a fire in some old shingles he had removed from an old shed. He carried the stove ashes out, and thought there were no live coals, but the wind fanned up a blaze and ignited the shingles. He and a neighbor boy pumped the well dry and also used the soft water from a barrel close by before it was put out, Mrs. Cameron was visiting al Wesley Cameron's at Pickering at the time, Miss Grace, Morgan, of Toron- to, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Leonard Morgan, Quite a few from here tended the sacrament service Eldad on Sunday morning. Next Sunday the Church ser- vice will begin at 1.30 o'clock and Sunday School at 2.30 and will continue for the winter months as usual, N. OSHAWA NEWS (Mrs. T. H, Solomon, Correspondent) | North Oshawa, Oct, 14 -- Mrs John Alexander Jv sustained a broken collar bone from a fall down the cellar steps of her home on Sat- urday evening. Dr, ( set the bone and Mrs A and two children are staying w her parents, Mr, and Mrs, lip until she recovers, Leo Moffatt is coming along n ly after the accident which he was in, Friends of the family are glad he was not hurt worse which ¢ easily have been the casc, Mr, and Mrs, Sam Slater, Whitby, Sundayed with Mr Mrs. Herb Elliott, Donald Powell was ened and lost his fell into pit at garage while playing | at- at ' of and fright he bad; ith } hy | on he rb have | Many foothall fatalitie Britain been reported in Great | this season, at a that will Price tha ey 1 of Sone ar Price Tc 1b. Dependable SPECIAL--LOBLAWS' TRUMPET BRAND BLACK Blended to meet a definite demand for a good Black Tea at a Low Price. 31° OCETERIAS, Haddie 11b. Tin 2 Pigs. Values AYLMER BRAND i Tomatoes Choice Quality .........No. 3 Sise Squat Tin 7c Tomato Soup LL TTT LLL TTL PPP EPA PPP I PI en iy rich, brown BE ED AYLMER BRAND--GREEN LABEL 3m 25¢ Fruit Bread Shildon Sau find out you have th Se OW ve thos | CALEDONIA Brand 'll have to ex t tin, They'll Choice nly | Tall Tin _ NESTLE'S Evaporated [§ SNOWDRIFT--SHREDDED MILK Cocoanut LILY BRAND Chicken | The Perfect Jelly Powder |i . NU-JELL SPECIAL --Real Good PE Quality Well-Known Brands sae 16C Quesnland Brand Sweet | Baby Size Tin Co 16¢ 15¢ imited SPECIAL Best For All Baking PURITY FLOUR 24 Ib. Bag 12° at LOBLAW'S £1 Corn DEL MAIZ NIBLETS Fees ----------yee | FT Nyy I) 16¢ areata | SPECIAL--McCORMICK'S SUNWHEAT BISCUITS Greatest scientific ie gotittibuion Jo 3°04 made in food PINK are com mili butter resistance against At this special them freely to the Most Delicious Sauce in the World Yorkshire Relish Nutritional preparation, devises Pacdiatrics, University of Toronto. These famous , lime at, iran and co which will build disease. he chin. 2 AS FINE AS SOAP CAN BE Ivory Soap CRtsea en era health ever and tested by Department of of wholewheat, wheat germ, ¢ Pkg. 2 cus OC Yield More Energy Than Most Foods Prunes Medium Size......... «ceri 2 wm 15¢ 6¢| Fresh ind Moist 21c PROPER |B MYRTLE NEWS Myrtle, Oct. 14, -- Miss Hurl- burt, of Toronto, spent Tharks- giving Day wfh Mrs. Levi Tor- dif. Mrs, George Davidson and Mrs. Tom Stanton, who sre on a motor trip from Aurora, Ill., are visiting the former's mother, Mrs. Wm. Hoar, Mr. Duncan Ray, of Lindsay, spent the week-end with friends here. Miss Pearl Vance attended the teachers' convention in Pickering on Thursday and Friday and mo- tored to Bancroft and spent the week-end and holiday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Wallace Weeks and baby and Miss Dorcas McFar- land of Tilsonburg &nd Mr. and Mrs. Rosswell Dobson and daugh- ter, of Oshawa, visited at the Reine of Mr. Levi Tordiff, on Sun- ay. The school children had three days' holiday for the teachers' convention and Thanksgiving and to some it was an opportune time for Dad to get the roots. and pota. toes in, Mrs. Wm, Howard and Mrs. Hattie Hudgins spent the holi- day with the latter's son in Toron- io, Mr. and Mrs. Pearson and fam- ily of Oshawa visited at Mr, Char- lie Taylor's home, on Thanksgiv- ing Day. Mrs. Oliver Lane visited her sis- | ter in the city last week. Mr, Frank Brown, who has heen ill for some months, died at his home here on Wednesday mor- ning. Fuller particulars will be given later of nis life, Wednesday's rain was greatly needed and helped to add to the water supply which was getting rather gcarse, ould | RAGLAN NEWS Avery, dent) Mrs. Frank Mason of Oshawa, | was hostess at her summer resi- Gence here, on Wednesday after- | noon last week, when %he enter. tained the members of the *Ugo- | Izv" Bridge Club. Three tables of cards were played, and Mrs. | T. Dempsey and Mrs. J. H. Bar- rowelough won the pretty favors. Mrs; Mason was assisted in serv- ing tea, after the games, by her daughter Mrs. Harry Nobés and [ Mis Margaret Hart, Miss Hazel and Mr, Frank Grose of 'Toronto, spent the Thanksgiving holiday with their | parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J Grose. Mrs, Maye of Goodwood, was a récent yisitor with her daughter, Mre E, A. Pilkey. Mr, and Mrs. Farland and fam- ily, and Mr. Robert Miller, of Coldwater, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. A, Miller. The school children received a hotday on Thursday and Friday, owing, to the teachers' conven- tion, Held in Oshawa. Mr s. Penman, teacher of Rag- lan school, spent the holiday at her home in Almonte, Miss Donley, teacher of Mount Carmel school, spent the holiday, at ber home in Whitby, Mr, Harry Hughson of Oakville, spent Sunday with relatives here. Mrs, Hughson returned home with hin after spending a week with her sister, Miss Susie Bray, and cther relatives here, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bryant, and family, recently visited with relatives in Whitby. Mr. and Mrs. James Ormiston, of Brooklin, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs, W, Avery, Mr. Irvin Ormiston spent Sun- day in Toronto, Mrs, Ormiston re- turning home with him, after spending a few days there, Miss Jessie White, of Prospect, was a visitor with her sister, Mrs, Gordon Corner, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Latimer and son of Teronto, spent the Thanksgiv- Ing holiday with the latters par. ents Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Luke, The many friends of Mrs, Wm, Squelch are pleased to hear, that she is speedily Improving al- though she {is still confined to the Oshawa hospital Mr. and Mrs, spent Sunday with Pefferlaw. Miss Twilla Turner, and Mr, Lloyd Hughson, of Toronto, spent the holiday with the latters pare ents Mr,.end Mrs, N, Hughsou. sunday School will he observed at 2 o'clock every Sunday for the w.nter months, The attendance has been small lately; 'a cordial invitation is extended to every- ono, Congratulations are extended to Mr, and Mrs, Webber (nee Lu- elln Moore) on their récent mar- riage. The deepest sympathy of the community is extended to Mrs. W. Bright Jr.,, in the death of her father, the late Mr. Frank Brown, of Myrtle, Mr, and Mrs, Taylor, of Boby- caygeon, are visiting with their daughter, Mrs. Knapp. SHAW 1S SCARIFIED BY NOTED SURGEON Criticism of Medical Pro: fession Called "Verbase Smartness" New York. -- George Bernard Shaw, H. IL. Mencken, and other lay critics of the medical profession were scarified recently by Dr. C Jeff Miller, of New Orleans, one of the country's foremost surgeons, in (Miss. Allie, Correspon- John Wilson, rolatives in vent' infection are simply plays upon human credulity. A difference of medical opinion is one more evid- ence of ignorance and dishonesty." Most of these critics, said Dr. Miller, fall upon the project of state practice of medicine "with the loud- est cries of joy." But Dr. Miller doubts that it would work, and cit- ed Soviet Russia, and public health officers in this country as examples. "What has happened in Russia," he said, "does not fill with enthus- fasm those who have seen condi- tions at first hand, The coroners and health officers at present in charge of our American affairs are often not of a calibre to inspire us with much hope for the future. Public and municipal hospitals are filled with medico-political appoint- ces whose ability is frequently neg- ligible and whose ethics are fre- quently doubtful." Dr, Miller said that "the nimble- witted H. L. Mencken," with his American mercury, "has taken the place in the baiting of profession once occupied by J. A, Mitchell and Life." The magazine Life, it is to be recalled, waged a long war against vivisection, using cartoons of puppy-dog operations as its weapons, The speaker declared that Men- cken says "there is practically noth- ing of any scientific or literary value" in the medical journals, all of which the Baltimore critic claims he re: ids ' GREAT LAKES FISHING | Watch the Windows for Specials, they are changed every Ask for a box of our new SANITAS, don't forget They have a rubber shield, 1 doz, per | box....o0s BUCHANAN'S WOOL SUITS ALL SHADES 9.95 WOOL DRESSES In the new Nuns Vailing $9.95 And real creations in VELVETS and SATIN second day, prices so reasonable they will startle ycu. -39c | PROBLEMS DEBATED Buffalo, N.Y.--The responsibility for the gradually diminishing num- ber of fish in Lakes Erie and On tario was put fairly up to the nsh ermen themselves at an interhatior al conference between fisherie authorities of Canada, New ork State, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michi and the Federal Government here [ recently, Dr. Elmer Higgins, scientific inquiry division, States Bureau of Fisherics, f t! »" Uni ited blamed 1 ' chief ver fishing" "y {i ced for the nus} take ; 1igtal , Baptists Convention | Port Tope. -- Upwards of two | hundred and fifty Baptist young decline in | people from all points in the dis- have been sug-| trict convened at the Port Hope "but none ha Faptist Church on Thanksgiving ( ipport | Dav for the sixth annual gather- | ing of the B.Y.P.U. of the Peter- | boro Association. Representatives | were present from Peterboro, | Belleville, Picton, Cobourg, me ity now Campbellford, Norwood. Port "1 He re and other points. fall ' % usner- o bitterly out whi- ned arious causes for the fisheries he declared plied that replacement." Men prefer AYLMER Made from sun-ripened | Canadian "tomatoes ... highin vitamin content , , . & delightful | health drink! Tomato Soup for its The Natural Flavour of fresh-picked, sun-ripened Canadian tomatoes. , . that's the flavour of AYLMER Tomato Soup! And what flavour could be more pleasing or more delicious? Serve AYLMER Soupsoften! They are invigorating, wholesome and stimulat- ing. And...they are moderate in price. Ask for AYLMER, the NATURAL FLAVOUR Soups. CANADIAN CANNERS LIMITED Operating 80 factories in the Provinces of Ontario, Quebec and British Columbia, P PURELY CANADIAN AYLMER an address before the 1 cone vocation of the American College of Surgeons. Mr. Miller, a past president of the college, probed the brain-pans of the profession's critics and found them fairly empty, and then turned his scalpel on people who don't pay their doctor bills, * The deluge of Sriticiam from id SOUP Are Sold in Oshawa li journalists which has on the nrofession was row "cheap abuse" and "verbose smart. ness." "All statistics," he declared, "ard nothing to G.B.S. All bacteriology is superstition, and methods to pre- J

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