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Oshawa Daily Times, 15 Oct 1931, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1931 PAGE FIVE' Women's Interests in the Home and the Community Miss Betty Clarke and Miss Grace Arkle of Oshawa, have re" turned home after spending a few days with friends at Newcastle and Jrono, Le Rev. CR. Spencer, M.A, of Bowmanville, will be the special preacher at the annual Farvest Thanksgiving services of St George's Anglican Church on Sun- day. . 5 On Tuesday evening the Daugh- ters of England had a lodge meet- ing at 7.30 and were finished in time to attend the Whist drive at 815 o'clock. During the meeting house plans were made for a social at the home of Mrs, George Mad- der on Tuesday evening of next week and for a euchre party to be held at the conclusion of the Lodge meeting oh the Tuesda following, The winners of the Whist prizes were Mrs, George Corden, Mrs, Bert Morgan, Mrs. McDonald and Mrs. D. Peck, Y Mrs. Allan Conliffe, Mrs, F. J. Carter and Mrs, Robt, Houston, of Toronto, and Mrs, Clinton Bradbury, of Oshawa, have re- turned from a motor trip to Cornwall, Montreal and Ottawa. [J] - * Gerald Harrow, of Belleville, and Harold Clarke, also of Belleville, spent the Thanksgiving holiday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Earl Harrow, of Festhubert Ave. Messrs, Ld Mr, and Mrs, Edward Broom, and Mr. Ernest Broom, of Osh- awa, were week-end guests of Mr, and Mrs, F. A, Broom of Lindsay. Mr. Stanley Thomas, sh awa, spent Thanksgiving week- sad in Lindsay. LJ * Mr. and Mrs, H. O, Btewart of this city, were vicitors in Belle- ville on the holiday, * * . Mr, and Mrs, H. C, Trumpour and daughters, Helen and Mary, of Adolphustown, have returned to their home after spending a few days with Mr, and Mrs, George 7. Bull, Simcoe Street North, Osh. aya. J {J J Miss Jennie Pringle, of Oshawa, and Miss Vivian Henderson, of Napanee, Spent the Thanksgiving holiday with Mr, and Mrs, Wil. 'iam Bell of Empey Hill. Mr, Jack Kempt, of Oshawa, was at his home in Norwood for Thanksgiving. J L] LJ Mr, and Mrs, Harold Sheffield and their daughter, Misy Helen Sheffield were in Gananoque for Thanksgiving. . . Miss Elsie Ross, King Street Fast, is in Lindsay punt, Miss Mae Goodwin, to at tend the reception given thi eveving, in honor of Canon C.. +1 March, rector of St, Paul's An lican Church, who on Sins delivered a special sermon in Lis church on the Golden Anniver. sary of his induction inte the ministry, Canon Marsh also cele- brated his forty-fourth anniver- sary as rector of St. Péul's Church in Lindsay, on Sunday, - Ld * The comniittee of which Miss Nellfje Watson is the convener was in charge of the meeting of Centre Street United Church Young People's Society held on Monday evening. Everyone en- joyed the contest "An old fash- foned dinner", which. was the first item on the program, Miss Lorna Southwell read the serip- ture lesson after which Fred Riding led in prayer, Miss Goldfe Southwell told the story of the first Thanksgiving Day which was followed by a pageant "Thanks to God". There were several stunts and some group singing before the meeting closed, By T FARMER BROWNS BOY SEES Each one a SHON doth possess To make of & success. ~--Old Mother Nature. Of course, if we do not make the best possible use of such talents as we have been given we cannot hope to attain success. And what is suc- cess for one may be failure for an- other. Success does not necessaril mean the doing of great things; it ft WOMEN'S MEETINGS Mrs. Chas. Dount's group of Simcoe Street United Church La- dies' Ald Boclety met at the church yesterday afternoon for a "quilting bee," By the end of the afternoon three quilts had been completed, It is expected that two of them will be sold and the mon- A turned into the Ladi ety and that the other quilt wiil be given to a family in need of it in the city. LITTLE HELPERS ENTERTAINED Aig» After the business meeting of the W. A, of Christ Church yesterday afternoon, the members gave their annual party to. the Little HelPers and mothers and the Junior W, A, members were also presen Little Helpers' Secretary, Mrs don Summers, was hostess ar R. B, Patterson was present to cone duct the hort service at the be- ginni en all the Little Helpers gave up their mite boxes. There was a good attendance and a plea sant afternoon was spent, Some of the tiny tots iontributed songs recitations and all enjoyed the re- freshments and ice cream served by the W.A, Before they left, cal ¢ child was given a balloon as a favo Increase Beauty With Mello-glo No more ugly shine when you use MELLO-GLO Face Powder, New French process makes it {tay on longer and prevents large pores. Smoothest, finest, 'purest powder known---its color- ing matter is approved by the United States government, Never dries the skin. Never makes com- lexion look pasty, but always youthful. Try MELLO-GLO. Sold through all - druggists and at with her | Tollet Goods Counters, Insure Your Health r | NIE STS Guarding the Road to Good Health ein clean, freed es and harmful imi. scientific sterilization, Sok abiorBent tissues that protect the family health, THEE, B. EDDY COMPANY LIMITED CANADA ' fieplion of owide ngs of Mp " A i od Tie I oo, m in fit modern NAVY" A full weigh of Sterilized Fe ity he Rell | 700 sheets of safe, seni« tary paper. AT CHRIST CHURCH . | for and) making the most of such opportunities as you may have. So one with few opportunities who makes the most of these is as truly successful as one who makes the most of great opportunities, Old Mother Nature has given to each certain talents peculiarly adapted to the needs of life in the locality where each must live. Who makes the best use of these talents lives successfully, To Farmer Brown's Boy the steep, barren, rocky upper slopes and rock slides of the great moun- tains seemed the last place in all the Great World where anyone could live or would want to live, yet he had found Whistler the Marmot and Little Chief the Pika and Billy Surefoot the Mountain Goat living there, and, to judge by what he had seen, happy and content with no desire to live elsewhere. And this was true, for to each had been giv- en certain talents peculiarly fitting him for life in such surroundings so that he could succeed where oth- ers would fail. Thus Billy had been given surefootedness, perfect balance, fearlessness in climbing steep rocks and a warm white coat double protection, All these Billy had made the best possible use of, so that he not only lived well and happily on those inhospit- W. Burgess able mountain slopes, but had no desire to live anywhere else, He had made a success of living. Farmer Brown's Boy was think- ing of these things as he climbed the upper slopes of a neighboring mountain and wondering if he would find there anyone else as well adapted to life amid such bleak and forbidding surroundings, At the foot of the mountain he had. passed through a forest of great trees, The higher he climber the smaller be- came the trees, until they were no longer as high as his head and at last ceased altogether, He was above the tree line. Above were rocky slopes and mighty cliffs, It was a world of rock with grasses and other low-lying plants only in sheltered places, He sat down in the shelter of a big rock, for the wind was strong and not too warm, and he was tired and heated and out of breath. Not a living thing had he seen since leaving the trees behind, There had been no sharp warning whistle of a Marmot, no bleating bark of a Pika or Cony, no glimpse of Talons the Golden Eagle, noth- ing to indicate that anyone lived in these rocky wastes, From where he sat he pad a wonderful view of magnificent cliffs and crags and towering snow-capped peaks. It was truly magnificent and awesome, hut at the same time it was deso- late "No matter how grand a scene may be, without some living thing it is depressing and giv es one a feel ing of desolation," thought he "From here I canhot see even a green plant, nothing but rock and white snow-caps. It is wonderful but needs life to make it anything but desplate." And then Farmer Brown's Boy r) Canadian Girls in Training | New Friends While introductions are still more or less the order of the day, | here are three more new groups { with a word to say for them- selves, From St. George's Church comes the greeting, "We're a new group just organized by Miss Parsons, but we intend to get right into the swing of C.G.I. T, and live up to our name "Joy".: "J for Jesus, 0" for others and "'Y"" for yourself. Our officers for the year are: Presi- dent, Eileen Birchall; Secretary, Dorothy Birchall; Treasurer, Ethel Logeman. We have dis- cussed our program for the coming year and are anticipating many delightful experiences, You'll be hearing from us again." Qur littlest C,G.1.T, sisters are probably the "Zonta" group of Knox Church, Their enthusiasm is spreading itself over a wide area~--hlking, learning new songs, plans for a Hallowe'en party, making leather purses, ahd this week they are summon- ing all their artistic skill in help- Ing to make the very special in- vitations which will be inviting you to Council one of these days. Another new face, and yet a vaguely familiar one, appears at Simcoe Street. We finally realize that those still , "carrying on' ifrom the former Excelsior and other groups are now, banded under the leadership of Mrs. Har- ris, They win be introdnced to us under their new name next week. Meanwhile, they have this week, had a pleasant and profit- able meeting at the home of their leader, and are planning to entertain Connell at its first meeting on Friday, Oct, 30th. St. Andrew's welcomes Miss Margaret Haines, who has not been active in C.G.LT, circles for a couple of years but who is now leading their fifteen-year-old. On Tuesday evening Miss Haines took charge of the Thanksgiving Worship Service and afterwards organized her own group, Fifteen girls of Miss Phyllis Clement's group were on the job, and disclosed many bright jdefs which will find fulfilment soon, if general pep is any criterion. These two groups are plannip; on bringing thelr rubber-sole: shoes 80 that they may enjoy the gym next week, The Four Square girls Wire out in goodly numbers, They, have some glowing plahs Por the the future, Which will find their way into this column as the weeks slip by. But before they can really te down to work, they de- to make the decorations on nel ot the bit more attractive. League of Nations, ps, and C.G.I.T. banners will Help, Hines Korea is the country for study this year, pictures of Korean life will be in order. Greta Maxwell presided over the meeting; Muriel Haines is secre- tary. Lillian Bell is captain of one of the Foursquare teams of basketball and Margaret Davis the other, The gi enjoyed EIA hud a good game last « pa ir! Nght; sta stat' Bright, ut not so bright So, struggling through the ddrkness of Grierson's woods, at- tempting to save our last flash of light to facilitate the cross- ing of the bridge from which Marg had gone swimming to get the water for the coffee and the weiners (brave girl), we arrived tinally at the rallway tracks. There we relaxed and viewed the night and the night's activity. It had been a good night, Buy YOUR FURS Direct From Manufacturer Chokers $5,00 up. Ladies' and Men's Fur Coats from $25 up Fur Trimming A the yard | Repairing and Remodelling | Littner Fur Mfg. i i 86 Simcoe St. North i 40 Years' Eape rience | pies | Over 21 MILLION J rman Suites © doin. | 3 and Mothproofed. / fal price $7.00 gs also cleaned: Prices reasonable, Photie Whitby 497 Gin in the Stomach Is Dangerous Caused hk Food and cld ipo Gas in the stomach or a full bloated feeling after eating are almost certain evidence of ex- p11 e hydrochloric acid in the roi AR creatitig so-called 'acid i Acid stomachs PY angerous Pacause too m th acld irritates the delicate ilning of the stom- ach, oftén leading to gastritis accompanied by serloug stomach ulcers, Fogd fer: ents and sours, creating the {stressing gas which distends the stomach and often [tacts the heart. It is folly to neglect such a serious condition or to treat with ordinary digestive aids which have no neutralizing ef- fect on the stomach acids, In- stead get from any arikgi a little Bisurated = Magnesia ahd take a toaspoonful op. four tab- lets in water right on r eating. lad will drive the a ind and fhareht, out the. body, ton the py nelitralize " excess acid and prevent its d there is no sour- Or pain, Bisurated Magn (powder or tablets-- never liquid or milk) is harm- Jeu to the stomach, inexpensive to take and the best form of maghesia for stomach purposes. It is used. by thousands of people ER, EAT gave a little gasp of surprise, de- light and excitement and for a moment held his breath, In that moment the whole scene had under- gone a wonderful change. It was no" longer desolate, for with head held high, outlined sharply against the sky ,a newcomer had stepped out on a ledge high above him. His coat was grayish brown, somewhat like that of Lightfoot the Deer, with a creamy white patch around the tail which was very short. He was about the size of Lightfoot, but his legs lacked the slim grace of the latter's and he was heavier built with a thicker neck. Noy did he have spreading graceful antlers like those of Lightfoot. Instead he wore a pair of great thick horns that curved up over his head and out and down on either side of his face, the tips even turning upward again, Farmer Brown's Boy: never had seen him before but knew him in- stantly, "Bighorn!" he exclaimed under his breath, "Bighorn the Mountain Sheep! He is magnifi- cent, Never will I forget this sight." (Copyright, Ww, 1931, T Burgess.) The next "A Mountaineer at Home." story: True, Cepheus was tired, Orion had overslept, we thought; Cas- slapia had fallen down on the milky way, and the poor little dipper had turned in to rest; even Polaris was not bright, Only the serpent showed signs of life, and tween the sléeping dippers. But sleepy and were, the all-star cast had spread sufficient light to warn us of their whereabouts and the one- time blaze cast fitful flickerings on our star charts, Through even this meager co-operation we had plunged, and with fair success. We had learned a little of con- stellations in October; found our friends in the skies (each of us having acquired for the season, the name of a con- steflation or star); we had, some of us, survived the test of cold weiners in a ¢old wind; we had sung our own stay song fo a sleepy fire; we had tucked it in its ashes and left it, leaving only regrets because we could mot stay, | And now we were on the rall- way track again; and we must leave the Northern constellations to more [wssunate. hearts than | ours, We must go, | Another Re-Union | Albert St, United Church wit- nessed a very enthusiastic gath- ering of girls on Friday evening | last when all the C.G.LT, came | together for a grand rally, The | girls were glad to welcome sev- eral new members, frierds who | have graduated from the Junior | School into the ranks of Cana- dian Girls in Training, After the | division of groups « half hour of games and general hilarity was | enjoPed, Apd were the eats good? | Sandwichep, cake, cocoa and apples--Yum, Yum! In a Magistrate Court, a Negro, | whn gave his neme as "Jus' Jess," was pushed to the bar by t policeman. "What is the charge, neried "Hizzoner." "Caught this fellow rape," was the answer, officer?' shooting overly | that but a | languid, disinterested winding be- | all as they | we had | Announcing ! New Record Low Values in FUR COATS In co-operation with a well kiown manufacturer--Lock's Lad- ies' Wear brings to Oshawa the greatest values in years. Every Coat Fully Guaranteed by this opportunity, years ago. each day. and personality, Lock's 26 Simcoe St. North Not for many years have we been so fortunate as to secure for the ladies of Oshawa and vi- cinity such marvelous fur values as afforded One of Canada's largest fur coat manufactur- ers has agreed to place his entire factory stock at the disposal of our patrons at prices we would never have believed possible a few Commencing today the factory representative will be at our store from 9 am to 6 p.m. He brings for your selection mode' coats in all the desired furs in the newest and mest up-to- -date styles, and will be glad to assist you in the selection of just the right kind of coat to accentuate your individual charm "~ MISS IT. OUR GUARANTEE, as well as that of the maker goes with the sale of every coat. manship and satisfaction, are absolutely assured, Quality, work- IT'S A REAL OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE A BIC SAVING---DO NOT ies' Wear Phone 2428 - a Testimony brought out the fact that Jess had stayed to pick up the loose change when the of- ficer hove into view, and wis the - only one caught, The Magistrate asked Jess if he admitted shooting craps, "No, sah, Yo' Honor," he ans- - 7 wered, "my turn yeu" hadn't com€ { London is routing auto bandits: p-- \ CAN A SISTER OFFER A LITTLE FRIENDLY ADVICE? WELL, WHAT IS IT NOW? . NEXT MONDAY MY WASH IS AS WHITE AS SNOW AND | DIDN'T SCRUB A BIT, HURRAH FOR RINSO! GOODNESS : . . WHAT RICH SUDS! YES! AND IT'S JUST AS WONDERFUL, FOR DISHES STOP SCRUBBING, ANN. IT'S REALLY FOOLISH WHEN... Millions use 1 KNOW! YOU'RE GOING TO TELL ME ABOUT THAT' HARD-WATER SOAP, RINSO, AGAIN. ALL RIGHT I'LL TRY IT NEXT MONDAY Rinses Ft FG tl ¢ as new" NC. detful ou feed in tub OF WAH: igh

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