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Oshawa Daily Times, 15 Oct 1931, p. 7

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E CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP 0 oF BAST WHITBY a foie, fo thee Ww he Council of the 8 to the Ce East Whitby that Ontario Shore Gas Company, Limited, has purchas- ed ten the City 4 Odiaws is gas public utility and Jupeard § the ship of East Whitby do enter into an Jett with Ben E. Tate; a true copy hich said agreement is 3a schedule A" to this by-law and forms 2 THAT atter the final sing of this i the Reeve and be and they are hereby authorized to execute the said agreement and to affix the corporate seal of the tion thereto, 3, That .law Number 1100 of the Corporation , of Township o ast Hutby passed A e Council The Townshij Ay [Fast oy franchise be may be extended inafter 50 that the said MENT 'WITNESSETH th tion of the premises and of the muival Db WHEREAS it is desirable that. granted to the Grantee e 33d. 53a distribution Hsted and' throughout the ownship of East 'Whitby, subject as here- NOW, THEREFORE, THIS AGREE- "orporation of ip ity on the 20d day of July, 1931, be ce same is he P er HEDUL, up afgeenient referred to in lg i se of e Township of East Whitby to authorize the Ar nting of a franchise for the Phir gas in the Township of ast Wi SE RVES. rk. Pres ressed, to a mutually observed and med, the parties hereto agree each with the other as follows: -- (i) he. Township hereby grants to the covenant pe agreement has 2 ssed by Lo) East Grantee privilege and franchise, a period of thirty-five years wy and after the 1st day of November 193, ji from the T. THIS AGREEMENT made (in duplicate) AND this seventh day of October, A.D. 1931. public_utility extends BETWEEN: i in the Township of L.. WHEREAS Ihe said Ben E. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF EAST WHITBY, y gas franchise to operate a gas blic utility in the Township of East hitby upon and subject: to the terms of an agree- ment hereinafter referred to which shall be assigned by d the said Ben E. Tate to Ontario Shore Gas Company, Limited, if and when the sad Company shall have obtained ers by way of Letters Patent enabling it to operate a| tario Shore Gas Ges Public Utility in the Township of | purchased t Whi thy AND WHEREAS it is desirable that said franchise be granted to the said E. Tate so that the said gas distribution system may be extended into and through- out the Township of East Whitby; NOW THEREFORE THE CO! TION OF THE ows . 'THAT the Corporation of the Town- RPORA- of the FIRST PART --and-- BEN E. TATE, of the City of Chi. SE hereinafter called the GRAN. the SECOND PART the laws of dhe Prov the of Canada as or may besealtes be in force, an and to the tained, to supply and furnish eal and/or artificial gas to the inhabitants of the Township and to erect, install, con- struct, reconstruct, repair, own, operate, maintain, manage and control a gas gen- erating plant and/or gas distribution sys- tem consisting of mains, pipes, conduits and other fixtures, within the limits of the Ti hip as blished on the said of WHEREAS the Grantee has rep upplementary | to the Council of the Township that On- any, Limited, has ity of Oshawa its gas Public Utility and has procured from said City a franchise to operate the same; a portion of said Gas Public Utility ways in the Y Fownship of AND WHEREAS the Grantee is desingis of Adi, from the Township a Gas TOWNSHIP OF EAST | Franchise to operate a gas public wiiliry WHITBY by its Council enacts as fol- | in the Township of East Whith: to the terms herein out which said franchise shall be assigned subject You can't blame her . . . . Christie's Sultana Biscuits are so temptingly nice. The plump, uncrushed Sultanas add a fresh fruit flavor to their wholesome goodness that is irresistible to young and old. ~the Kiddies love Christie's oe brings hte cleanliness Te ws --save date or as the said limits may be ex- tended during the said period of thirty-five (35) years, necessary, convenient or proper for the p tion and delivery of artificial and/or na- tural gas for light, "heat and power pur- poses, to the said Township and other municipalities and to its and their in- habitants. (2) The Township hereby grants to the Grantee all rights of way, in, under, over, along and across, the highways, side- walks, alleys, bridges, and public grounds of the said Township for the purpose of erecting, installing, constructing, recon- structing, repairing, owning, operating, maintaining, managing and controlling, the said gas plant and/or said gas dis- tribution system. (3) The Grantee shall hold the Township free and harmless of and from any and all hability, damages, actions and causes of actions caused by or through the Grantee in the erection, installation, con. struction, reconstruction, repair, operation, maintenance, management and control of the said gas plant and/or said gas dis- tribution system. (4) The Grantee will not, during the erection, installation, construction, recon- struction, repairing, gating and main- tenance, of said gas nt pi. | for gas dis- tribution system, I impede pub- lic travel on the highways, sidewalks, al- leys, bridges, and public grounds of the Township and the Grantee will leave all said highways, alleys, sidewalks, bridges and public grounds, upon which he may enter for the purposes herein authorized, in as good condition as they were at the date of such entry, to the satisfaction of the Township. (3) If the Grantee shall use any of the bridges now or hereafter built in the Township of East Whitby either as new bridges or to replace existing bridges, to carry the pipe lines or distribution sys- tem of the Grantee, he will compensate the Township for the cost involved in the carrying of any such pipe lines or distri- bution system or systems, over, on, Across, or under, any such bridge in such manner as may be determined the Township's Engineer, and, if any dispute shall arise between the parties as to such cost, the same shall be referred to and determined by a Judge S Ihe County Court of the County of Ontario, as sole arbitrator, under THE ARBITRATION ACT of the Province of Ontario. (6) The Grantee further covenants and agrees with the Township that the Grantee will, at all times and from time to time hereafter, supply to the Township and its inhabitants and within such limits as may constitute the Township from time to time, the gas requirements of the Township and its inhabitants for domestic, com- mercial, industrial and all other purposes, in such volume or quantity as may be re- quired by the Township 'and its inhabi- tants; provided, howevér, that the Grantee shall not be required to extend said gas distribution system farther than one hundred feet to serve each customer, and that such customer shall enter inta the customary written contract with the Grantee for the purchase of gas for a period of not less than one year; and pis BE further that the Grantee shall, at the Grantee's cost and expense, furnish and\dnstall all supply pipes from the mains to the Street or property line but shall be entitled to make a charge against cus- tomers for all such supply pipe and in. stallation thereof from said street. or pro- perty line to the customer's meter. (7) The Grantee covenants and agrees with the Township that the rates or charges for gas to be supplied to the Township and its inhabitants shall not ex- ceed the following: --~ Service: Charge Consumption Charge « feet per month; Minimum Gross Charge 83 per month; Discount aig 10c per 1000 cubic withi ( 2] feet oF consump. ym date of bill tion charge. P ROVID 4) THAT (a) When the consumption shall equal 250,000 cubic feet per day, said con- sumption charge shall not $1.45 per 1000 cubic feet per month, with discount of 10c per 1000 cubic feet of consumption charge om ac. Counts paid within 10 days from date 40c net per menth; f (b) hen the consumption shall equal 3,000,000 cubic feet per day, said con- sumption ro age shall not exceed 0 per 1000 cubic feet per month, ®) Yor ITHSTANING anything herein is and agreed that the total consumption of gas produced from any all such' tehing plant or gas Piapt as may be establish: in the City. of Oshawa to supply the gas requirements of the City of Oshawa and/or the gas requirements of .any city, -town or other municipality road from such ihe plant or gas plant established in y of Oshawa by the Grantee or b: Ontario Shore Gas' Company, Limit which _ now yu and operates the Osh: awa Gas System or: by any company afiliated with or subsidiary to Ontario Shore Gas Company, L Donita sie shall be the basis on which the charges "for gas shall be fixed so that, if at, a Lime, the total consymption of gas So from any such Soking or gas Lon established iu the i Oshawa shall equal 250,000 cubic feet per day, the consumption charge shall not exceed $1.45 per 1000 cubic feet per month, with the discount as here- inbefore set out, and, if the total con. sumption of gas from any such plant or plants shall at any time equal 3,000, cubic feet per day, such consumption Charge shall not Sxcend $1.00 per 1000 a fret of lls Bes e Grantee and of PR Store ry Company, Limited, and or any and all companies subsidia or affiliated with Ontario Shore Gas Com- pany, Limited, shall i at all times be open to fspection by e Township or its Audi. rs to ascertain the consumption of as produced by y Satin Shore" Gas" : pany, Limited, or such su o fhllated compatly to det ermine the or mum rates which may be charged by such company or by such sul sidiary or affiliat- ed company on time to Sime, in, dc. cordance i Pe Jo TH ACRE ENT 'REPLACES CANCELS a similar ement be: tween the parties hereto dated the Second day of July, AD, 1931, and each of the parties hereto releases the other from any and all claims or obligations under or by virtue of the said agreement, (11). The Grantée shall Jay the reason. able and. proper costs, charges and ex- penses incurred or expended by the Town- ship in submitting the by-law to authorize ap reement to the vote of the Muni- enure to iy benefit of and be bind upon the respective heirs,' executors, og 'ministrators, successors and assigns of the parties hereto (as the case may be) and jarticularly Ontario Shore Gas Y Compahy, dimited, 2 this agri and the rights and ben Secured by the Grantee here- under pe be assigned by the Grantee to Ontario Shore Gas Company, Limited, and in such case 'the said Ontario Shore Gas Company, Limited, execute and deliver to the Township 4 an Agtesment and undertaking hed th the Mord gures a set out in sched HB a after Compton in The dates indicted" ski 'the bog of East raion 4 Ben E. Tate, dated the Ja day of ber, A.D. ALL MEN. 'BY THESE PRE. at: dated the y of an agreement in writ October, A.D. 10d $1.55 per 1000 cubic | and | Of the ld from down the Province of Ontario with powers enabling it to exercise and assume all the rights and obligations set out in tl NOW THEREFORE the i ned, in y Cov enants and Ho the with the of the Township of East Whitby to as- sume, be responsible for and to perform ed does hereby assume conditions and covenants in the said agreement set out to be per formed by the said Ben E. Tate in rH same manner and to the same extent as if the undersigned had been named in the said agrecment in the place and stead of the said Ben E. Tat AND THE UNDERSIGNED acknow- ledges to the ration of the Town- oo of East Whitby that in the exercise of any of the rights or privileges granted to the said Ben E. Tate under the said agreement it, the undersigned, shall so exercise such rights and privileges subject to all the terms and conditions of the said agreement. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the vote of the Municipal Electors o the Township of East Whitby shall taken on the above by-law on Friday i 0th day of October, 1931, between the hours of Nine o'clock in the forenoon and five o'clock in the afternoon, at the fol- lowing places and with the following deputy returning officers and poll clerks :-- (1) POLLING UBDIVISION No. 1 Comprising lots 1, 2, 3, and 4 in the Broken Front Concession, and that portion of lots 5 and 6 East of Osh- awa in the Broken Front Concession; also lots 1 to 6 (inclusive) in the First and Second Concessions, at Kenneth Hern's house, lot '4, concession 1, and Samuel Conlin shall be deputy Teturn ing officer, and Gregory Boddy shall be poll clerk there: OLLING SOE IvIsion No. 2 Comprising parts of lots 10, 11, and 12 in the Broken Front Cencession, west of the City of Oshawa, and lots 13 and 14 in the Broken Front Concession and in the 1st concession, at Thomas Lyons' house on Pine Ave., and Mrs. Margaret Matthews shall be depyty returning officer, and Edith Bigwood shall be poll clerk thereat POLLING SUBDIVISION No. 3 Comprising all of lots 13 and 14 in the Concession, at J. H. Manu. els house, lot 13, concession 2, and John ig shall be deputy return- id officer, and Mes. Jane Brooks shall wll clerk therea vol: LING SUBDIVISION No. 4 Comprising lots 15 to 17 (inclusive) in the Broken Front Concession and in the First and Second Concessions, at Hector Stevenson's house, lot 15, con cession 1, and Hector Stevenson shall be deputy returning officer and Blanche Stevenson shall 11 clerk thereat. POLLING SUBDIVISION No. 5 Comprising lots 1 to 17 (inclusive) in the Third and Fourth concessions, and lots 8 to 17 (inclusive) in the Sth concession, at Thomas Heaslip's store, lot 11, concession 3, and Malcolm Mc Gregor shall be deputy returning officer and Chas, F, Bennett shall be poll clerk thereat 6; POLLING SUBDIVISION No! 6 Comprising lots 1 to 17 (inclusive) in the 6th and 7th concessions, and lots 1 to 7 (inclusive) in the Sth concession, at the Township Hall, Columbus, and Frank Wilcoxson shall be deputy re turning officer and Harold Horn shall be poll clerk thereat (7) POLLING SUBDIVISION No, 7 Comprising lots 1 to 17 (inclusive) in the 8th and 9th concessions, at The Public Hall, Raglan, and AL Groves shall be deput returning officer, and Gordon Brent shall be oh clerk thereat, AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that on the 29th day of October, 1931, at the hour of eleven Sock in the forenoon, at the Township Hall, in the Village of Columbus, have been fixed as the time and place for the appointment of persons to attend at the polling places and at the final summing up of the votes by the Clerk; that on the 31st day of October, 1931, at the hour of eleven o'clock in the forenoon, the Clerk of the said Munici. ven and dyyinet the proposed w; an at if the assent of the municipal electors is ob. tained to the said proposed by-law, it will be taken into consideration by the Muni. cipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of East Whitby at a meeti thereof after the ration of one mont alter the date of the first publication of this notice; and thas such first publica- tion was made on the 8th day of October, Dated at Columbus the 8th day of Oc- tober, 1931. P. G. PURVES Township Clerk, EBENEZER NEWS (Mrs. Blake Oke, Correspondent) Ebenezer, Oct. 14--Mrs. W. H. Nichols 'and Mrs, Walter Snider spent Friday in Toronto. Mr. Howard, St. Thomas and Mr. Hill, Toronto, were Thanksgiving guests at Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wor- den's. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Honey and three daughters, Toronto, spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs, W. H. Marshall. Master Douglas Oke visited the i" on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Werry and Miss Vera visited at Mr. Elton Werry's, Bowmanville, on Sunday and attended Trinity Anniversary. Bladder Troubles Bother Many Past 40 Seven Out of Ten Are Victims | Sut Writer Tells How +Uratabs' Dring Swift, Amazing Relief With Renewed Vital Force "No one knows better than I, the horror 'of joyless days and sieepless nights. There have been times when I felt hopeless and helpless -- and when my weakness caused me the most intense humiliation. Only those who have 'gone through such tortures can possibly realize 'my great satisfaction when Dr. Southworth"s URATABS brought me quick relief. URATABS are truly wonderful, and I give them full praise." Such amazing evi- dence gerves as convincing proof wer of URATABS to re- lieve those distressing ailments so often a handicap to those in middle life. Overworked, sluggish Kidneys, avd Bladder Weakness, bring on so many distressing allments which so often lead to serious diseases that every sufferer from Lameness, Pains in back 'through groins, scan- ty, oe 'frequent urination, "Getting-up-nights,"" Nervous Irritability and Lack of Force -<ghould try the amazing value of Dr. Southworth's URATABS at once. Any good drug- gist will supply you.on a guaran: tee of satisfaction or money back. pality shall attend at his office and sum Misses Louise and Florence Cour- tice spent thé week-end as- guests of their cousins, the Misses Wight, Providence. Mr. Will Oke, Greta St., Oshawa, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Blake Oke. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Courtice and Donald, and Mrs. Blake Courtice and Lawrence, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Wight, Providence, and attended the anni- versary services at Trinity church, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Elton Werry, Bow- manville, spent Thanksgiving with Mr, and Mrs. A. B. Werry. Mr. Hilton Lammiman spent the holiday with his parents in Oshawa. Miss Meliss Stephens, Bowman- ville, is visiting at the home of Mr. Frank Worden. Mr. and Mrs, John Penfound amd three sons, Toronto, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Penfound Mrs. A. E. Rundle has gone to Toronto to visit Mr, and Mrs, FEl- mer Rundle and to recuperate af- ter her recent illness. Mrs. Edwin Worden has return- ed to her home in Ottawa after a pleasant two months stay with her granddaughter, Miss Allie Worden. Mr. and Mrs, Ceci! Welch and Mrs. Alvin Shantz, East Rochester, have been visiting at the homes of their many cousins, the Oke', Werry's and Pearce's. Mr. Sydney Nichols who has spent the summer in Western On- tario with the Johnston Paving Co. has returned home, and we all wel- come Sid. back. The farmers have about finjshed silo filling and threshing and now the big rush is picking apples. Mr. Cale from Bowmanville has been loading a car at Darlington C.P.R. station this week for shipment. Mr. and Mrs. Esli Oke and Elsie spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Everton White, Bethesda. Master Roy Pennington, Toronto, spent the week-end with his cousin Master Harold Osborne. Mrs. Jeffery, Maple Grove is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Bert Wilkins, Miss Aura Osborne was also one who attended the convention at Newcastle. Miss Norma Wade, Oshawa, spent the week-end and holiday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Wade, Mr. Charles Wade spent the week-end with friends at Fenelon Falls, Miss Margaret and Master George Somerville, Cherrywood, spent the week-end with their cous sins, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Nichols, Bravely the little steamer battled taorough the storm. On the bridge the skipper's son anxiously watched his father at the wheel. Presently the man turned to the hoy. "Take over the wheel for a PAGE SEVEN +3] Over a million pack- | ages sold each week ] "SALADA"; TEA 1 'Fresh from the gardens' and have a look at my charts." | that delightful and exclusive He paused and pointed to a dis- | home for gamblers?" inquired . tant star, "Steer by that and | one "That is exactly where | am: # you'll be all right," he added. going," was the reply. "And you The boy grasped the wheel, but | wil: play just a little, I suppose?" very soon the boat was out of ner | 'I do nothing else, sir. It is my course, Finally the star disappear- | business," "Gracious! you don't ed astern of the vessel. mean to say you make a business The boy scratched his head in| of it?" "Yes, sir--twice a day ve- perplexity. gularly, and I never by any "Hi dad," he called, "come and | chance lose." "In that case per- find me another star! I've passed | hays you will explain your sys- that one." tem to me?" "Certainly, with ---- pleasure, 1 play the violin," Profitable Player. -- Two travellers on a Continental train began chitting to each other. "On Japan's government steel work , second, lad," he said. "I must go is reducing prices on steel prod- ~ your way to Monte Carlo, sir,! vets. A & P Meats are the best money can buy. Because of this A & P & u ara ntees every pur chase made. You must be satisfied or Your momney will be promptly re- funded. CATSUP ANN PAGE EXTRA SPECIAL SALE ON A & P QUALITY BEEF ROASTS PORK LOINS Fresh Young Roasting Pork 1b. 19: SWIFT'S "CIRCLE 8" BRAND PORK SHOULDERS MINCEMEAT 7% 2 Ibe. 25¢ SAUERKRAUT -- WRAPPED LOAF CARROTS GREATER Vitra AtA&Procdasiores ALWAYS Pay after day A & P offers the better kinds of foods at prices which represent great savings Thousands of women come to A & P dally . . . and that the prices they pay are lower. Make it YOUR habit fo go to the A & P for all your foods. Each store fs arranged to serve yom quickly and courteously. --~ EXTRA SPECIALS! --| * A PRODUCT OF ONTARIO'S FINEST CREAMERIES CHEESE NEW Mild and Mellow FANCY SUGAR-CURED SMOKED BREAKFAST BACON = -18.| ti : i of kheep~ SLICED, LB. 8c PORTERHOUS RUMP Round or Square Side Ib. 15¢ SIRLOIN ROUND . convinced that the foods they buy are the best There's always plenty of work for women who their own h o u s ekeeping. But women who trade in A & P Stores find the work of saving on their food bills already done for them. It is done by an or ganization ZIPPY TANGY OLD mb. 2 1 e Ib. 14¢ ing food prices low. WITH WITH LARGE ib. 25¢ ib. 21¢ ib. 1%7e Steak or Roast Steak or Roast SMOKED PICNIC STYLE 15 ws 2 toe 25 2 1s. 13e WEINERS New Season o-- -- FISH ~ SALMON rreshsitverbright Steaks 1b. 1 §¢ By the Piece 1s. 1 Ge FILLETS min w. 19e FLOUNDERS 5. mw. 12 SPAGHETT ROLLED OATS. =5~ 15 PEAS Choiee Quality -- No. 4 Sieve J no.smine 2 Ye SYRUP snus. PANCAKE FLOUR sw.1a 30 2-21 2-b. Tin 14- 270s. 2Qe AUNT JEMIMA A FEW LOW REGULAR A & P PRICES: AYLMER BRAND PEANUT BUTTER Pork & Beans Black Currant Jelly snr 16,25 24¢ 2 5% 25¢ 12- 5% 19 No. 2 Squat Qc CLARK'S 2 ET 28¢ SHIRRIFF' 16 5% 23e MAGIC 2 Ds came 16% 34e Catsup 53% Ty 14 50th 108 265752170 SARDINES BRERAND * Tin Se JELLY BEANS ib. 19e ORANGE - MAYEALADE A & P BAKERY PRODUCTS 24-0UNCE 6. FOR THIS WEEK-END ONLY Sponge Cakeszaen 17: Cherry, Crasiied Nut ov Choopiate Frosted. FRUITS anda VEGETABLES GRAPEFRUIT ORANGES CALIFORNIA sx Doz. 20e OMIONS olMEDIM semm 10 Ibe. 15¢ Native Grown~Washed Medium Size 6-01 Bake. 1 Qe SIMCOL ST. SOUTH STORE, TELEPHONE 3170 MR, FISHER, Meat Manager. MR. WEST, Grocery Manager. KING ST. WEST ME TELEPHONE, 2643 MR. Grocery Manager. MR. ASHBURY, Meat at Manager, THE AT ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TEA Co. i

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