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Oshawa Daily Times, 19 Oct 1931, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1931 PAGE FIVE Women' 's Interests in the Home and the Community Sql 4d Bossom AN] oC se bo oh o Miss ols EVA W. A. Goodwin and Hiss of Linadey, ha hav ests of Mr. an rs. Fo for Jor te past week iufaed 10 their home yester- ny." Ld LJ] * Miss Dorothy Scholes, of To- ronto, was the guest of Miss E. Ross over the week-end and attended thé Oshawa Golf Club dance, Saturday evening. ws, Frank Oliver apd her daughter, Mrs. Walter Logue, of city. wa, have returned to the after visiting friends in To- rotor y » =» . Mrs. Uriah McClenchie, Mrs. Malcolm McClenchie and daugh- 'tef, Doris, of Irvington, New Jersey, and Mrs, Glenn Henry, of Toronto, are guests of Mrs. Austin T. Gambsy, Centre Street. a » * Alderman and Mrs, R. J. Siberry and their family of Toronto, were ests of Mrs. Siberry's sister, Mrs, kK J. Brown, 61 Elgin Street East, on Sunday. . Mrs. A. H, O'Brien, of Toronto, is the guest of Mrs. Allan Philips Park Road North. . A saccemivl nis was held on Friday evening in St. Gregory's Parish Hall under the auspices of the Young Men's Holy Name So- ciety, It was very well attended and a jolly time was spent in the hall 'attractively decorated with green and white, The dance music was supplied by Jack Bates and his Rhythm Boys. The following ladies {ieloed to sake the evening a suc- cess: Mrs. Frank Robson, Irs. Ly- man Gifford, Mrs, George Toppings, rs, S, Kinlin, Miss Gillen and Mrs. H. F, Benson. The marriage of Miss Queenie Jeyes of Oshawa, to Mr, Harry Bul- lock, of Kingston, took place on Saturday morning at St. George's Anglican Church, . LJ About thirty friends and neighbours called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Deaumont, 526 Roger Street, last Friday evening in honor of the occasion of Mrs. Deaumont's birthday. She was pleasantly surprised at having these friends as her guests, The evening wag spent in playing games, singing and dancing. Mr. Bert Hogarth sang and played many selections on his guitar. After refreshments were served Mrs. Deaumort was presented with a handsome dresser set by Miss Mildred Tay- lor on behalf of the guests pres- ent. Swiss manufacturers of clocks, watches and parts are forming a company to control prices and exports. Measuring five and one-half feet long and 12 1-2 feet in cir- cumference, '& butt of wine ship- ped recently from Jeréz, Spain, contained the equivalent of more than 2,000 bottles. Corn fed into a new machine in- vented by an Italian is ground in- to flour, mixed with other ingred- fents, and baked into Tdaves in 20 minutes, claims the inventor. When Stomach Burns With Indigestion 'Bisurated' Magnesia brings quick positive relief. Ends Gas, Sourness, Acid Indigestion, Makes stomach feel fine. All over the world for stomach ills most ple prefer and demand hest Colds . Rab well over throat and chest ISURATE JMAGNESIA t Your choice of powder or tab- ets at the nearest drug store. 40TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY OF COLUMBUS COUPLE Mr. and Mrs. William J. Mountjoy Honored by Members of Their Family Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Mountjoy, of Columbus were pleasantly sur- prised at their home on Wednes- day evening October 14th, when their children, grandchildren, brothers and sisters, gathered to celebrate with them their fortieth wedding anniversary. The tables werc daintily set witth a three- story wedding cake in the centre, surrounded by forty pink candles. With the bride and groom at the Lead of the table, a sumptous supper was served to about thir- ty, by Mrs. Merlin Hepburn, Mrs. Roy Hepburn, Mrs, James Mec- Kenzie and Miss Beatrice Mount- joy. While the tables were being cleared, the older folk enjoyed an old-time visit, Mrs. James McKenzie then called the company to order, and called on Mr. Harold Xing, of Oshawa, brother-in-law of the bride and groom for a few words. Mr. King, in a few witty and ap- propriate words, explained the reason of the invasion of the un- invited guests of the evening, and yretented to the bride and groom, of forty years a beautiful Alladin lamp, a half dozen silver tea- epoons and a lovely china cake- plate, on behalf of those present. Mr. and Mrs. Mountjoy both re- gponded in their own genial way, thanking all for their gifts and inviting all to come any time to vigit them, Just at this moment a number of the nieces and nephews, an- nounced their arrival by a chiv- ari, and came In to extend their congratulations, and spend the evening with them. Master Rob- ert and Frapk Hancock, enter- tained with music on the month- organ and kazoo. Lunch wus= then served, and about midnight | all departed for 'their homes, ho- ping to meet with them ten years hence, to celebrate their golden wedding anniversary. Among those present were: Mr. and Mrs, Harold King, Oshawa; Mr. and occasion + Morocco. for the Morning with Kayser aol | Priged 1.00 All the new Autumn Shades . . . Sepe- gal, Oasis, Tangier, Bl FH Ka 110-3. Niudi ight, pi oo ed or Fowned YSER hose from morning Kayser offers an almost limaless choice of hosiery in varying weights and shades . . . for every and every hour. for the Evening 160-x. xquisite texture and entranci ks sheerer thn chien longer. Picot Ka ish, nL MADE IN CANADA the Afteropn 00-x, A smart, fnertextured alte ton Pic t od uisitely sheer, wearing and a superb aloe at till ose | hove A Sansheen* hose of dur el . Price $g.95 # «Trade Mark Reg. Cr KAYSER Sold in Oghawa by ~ THE Burns Company Simos asd King Sts. PRN | 1 =o 5 Hosiery Phone 248 Mrs. Fred Tonkin, N. Oshawa: Mr, and Mrs. Merlin Hepburn and family, Enfield; Mr. and Mrs. R. Beath, Brooklin, Mr, and Mrs. James McKenzie, Miss Mamie Mc- Kenzie, Messrs David, George and Allap McKenzie, Mr. and Mrs. Tennyson Pereman and Miss Mar- fon Pereman, Columbus; Mr, and Mrs. Roy Hepburn and family, Mrs. John Mountjoy, Miss Bea- trice Mountjoy, Mrs. Leslie Han- tock, Robert Mark and Frank Hancock, and Mr. and Mrs, Ever- ett Mountjoy, Kedron, WHAT NEW YORK IS WEARING lfpm-- Don't miss this opportunity to have one of those lovely fashion- able woolen dresses for general day wear, for the woolen dress rules supreme this season, And here's a snappy model, with loads of chic, practicality and into the bargain, made in a Jitty, It is a one-piece affair, with wrapped arrangement at the front, To provide the necessary flare to the skirt, plaited sections have been inserted at the center- front and at the sides. It is a marvelously slimming model that is extremely youth- ful. Spanish tile, a new flattering rust shade made the original The revers were in eggshell faille crepe silk; the belt, black suede. It also makes up smartly in black crepe satin or canton-faille crepe silk with white trim, Style No, 613 may be had in sizes 16, 18, 20 years, 36, 38, 40 and 42 inches bust, Size 36 requires 4% yards of 30-inch material with 3% yard of 36- inch contrasting. Our Fall and Winter Fashion Magazine is ready. It contains styles for children, the miss and of course, a most attractive se- lection for adults including slen- derizing effects for stouts, You need this presentation of Tall fashions as a guide in selecting the, styles you will wear in the coming season and, incidentally, you will save money by choosing your frocks from our Pattern models. Price of book 15 cents, Price of pattern 20 cents in t oe or coin (coin is prefer- red). Wrap coin carefully. Addrei orders to Pattern tor, Oshawa Oshawa Daily Tim Times. JRE BRED HORSES ABOARD SULARIA Clydeslales V. Valued At $4,000 Destined For Atud Farm Montreal, -- Docking last Wed- day evening the Anchor-Don- ia son liner Sularia brought with her from Glasgow one of the most valuable shipments of hor- ses to cross the ocean in many years. Two pure bred Clydes- dale horses comprised the ship- ment and their reputed value is over ot, 000. " The six-year-old mare Brun- stane Phyllis, has won the high- est awards available at British exhibitions, including the Cawdor Cup in 1927 and grand champion: ship at the English Royal Show Bu symmer. Her half brother, runstane Magnus, is a three vear-old which should take § landing place in Canadian show rings, Both were the property of Robert Park, Partopmle Scots land, and were sired his noted champion stallion, Brunstane Again. They were bought b; Jones Torrance & Son, Markha a" and the mare is destine the Don Alda Farms, Tod- morden, Ont., one of the leading Clydesdale studs of Canada. In spite of the building boom in | Malmo, Sweden, rents threaten to TEA AND DANCE MARK CLOSE OF (OLE SEASON Presentation of Prizes and Trophies Made by Presidents Saturday marked the official closing of the Oshawa Golf Club for the season. A two ball four- some, tea at the club house in the afternoon when the presenta- tion of prizes for the season took place, and an informal dance in the evening were the events of the day. In spite of the rainy cold weathef several foursomes teed off at one-thirty and played the entire course, returning to par- take of tea with the many other members who had the club house. Mrs, ¥. W, Cowan and Mrs, Nina Smith poured tea, assisted by Mrs. T. R, and Mrs, T, K. Creighton, President of the Men's section of the club, Mr. T. K. g took charge of the presentation of prizes and was assisted by president of the Ladies' Section, Mrs, Nina Smith. In many cases prizes were presented by the donors. A long table displayd the beautiful trophies of silver and othér much sought after awards, Over one hundred members and friends of the Club return- ed in the evening when a Jolly dance, the last of the season, was enjoyed, Among those pres- ent were: Mr, and Mrs, T. K. Creighton, Mr, and Mrs, C. H, R Fuller, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Conant, Mr, and Mrs, ¥. G. Cars- well, Mr, and Mrs, Ros Mackin- non, Mr, and Mrs. R. Mills, Mr. and Mrs. J. McGibbon, Mr, and Mrs. J. James, Mr, and Mrs New Face Powder Stays on Longer If you have large pores use a ce powder that will -not clog them, A new French process called MELLO-GLO makes the skin look young, stays on longer furnighes a youthful bloom, does not irritate the skin or make it look pasty or flaky. Spreads gmoothly, Try this new wonder- ful Face Powder, MELLO-GLO. fold through all druggists and at Toilet Goods Counters, assembleq at | Caldwell | . Bureau, Ernest Dixon, Mr. and Mrs. El- mer Dixon, Mr, and Mrs, R. 5. Morphy, Dr. and Mrs. C, BE, Wil- son, Dr. and Mrs, C. O. Miller, Mr, and Mrs. J. L. G. Stuart, Mr. and Mrs, Eric Henry, Mr, and Mrs. Allan Phillips, Mr, and Mrs, N. Daniels, Miss Marion Mackie, Miss G. Ellis, Miss Margaret Tamblyn, Miss Elsie Ross, Miss Alice Lander, Miss Lois Mundy, Miss J. Dwyer, Miss M. Millman, Miss Betty Goode, Miss Maudie Cornwall, Messrs. J, O'Brien, A. Peacock, C. Ratcliffe, J, Geikie, J. Best, P. Bellachay, G, McLe pan, VP. 8ims, T. W. Joye Gassage, H. Millichamp, A. Greer, R. Epgholm, R. Millman, BANKRUPTCY LAWS OF CANADA SCORED Manager of Better Busi ness Bureau Urges Amending Legislat'on Quebee -- Improvements in Canada's bankruptcy law admini- stration was strongly urged by H. J. Inns, of Montreal, general manager of the Better in addressing members Quebec Rotary Club and Quebec Board of Trade recently. Mr, Inns suggested that an In- gpector-General in with a competent staff tablished in Ottawa, trars and deputy-registrars in large centres, who would he sal- aried officers of the court, and would receive petitions in pbank- ruptey, The replacing of the present official receivers, who acted in a purely clerical capacity, by offi- clal reecelvers and deputies in all large centres who would be au- thorized to handle the entire de- tails of bankruptey cases, in co- crdination with the Crown Prose- cutor's office, was also urged by Mr. Inns, who suggested that a special Crown prosecutor be as- signed to each district, to work with the official receiver in con- nection with the prosecution of fraudulent debtors. A fifth sugges- tion advanced was that whilst creditors should he allowed to choose any competent trustee, the appointment in every bank- ruptey should he confirmed by the inspector-general's office, and that specific qualifications for trustees should be determined by the inspector-general's office, Fraudulent Cases Mr. Inns stated that the experi- ence he had acquired all over the Dominion, and more particulary of the Business | bankruptcy | he es-| with regis- all | iu Montreal and district, had "Aristocrat' ALL FOOTWEAR You'll adore them! The new Footwear for Fall. Swanky Oxfords. Tricky little step-ins, Smart one straps. All beauties ful shoes and perfectly made to fit. Sizes 3to 9. AAto C widths, y $ wv sw "Aristocrat" Shoes arc Made in Canads: this system, Most of Canada' bankruptcy laws were borrows from England, but it was not the best part of them that were taken by the Dominion which, coufe~ quently, suffered considerably to= day as a result. chown him that in over 80 per cent of all bankruptcies some- thing dishonest was to be found today. He declared that the so-called creditor control was a principal contributing factor to fraudulent bankruptcies, and that both Eng- land and the United States had "No; merely a think-he-was% realized this, having given up 4d "A has-been, isn't he? -- "BROKEN ILLUSIONS CAN NEVER BE MENDED® SAYS DOROTHY DIX [world-famous writer on women's problems] OU GIRLS AND WIVES long to win love and hold it-- up to a man's IDEAL! "It's a deep need of man's nature to idealize a woman--to think of her as more delicate, more exquisite than himself. «Don't let & faded, shabby shoulder ribbon break charm's spell" TY . intact, the garment dake dainty and charming! Secret of Dainty Femininity Lingerie washed 12 times in Lux --colour silk y "good" soap -- EE ed a Charm has been lost. IF iT's$ SAFE IN WATER ALONE, IT IS JUST AS SAFE N Lux Y Save Booths, HS. 08, "Don't let the 'little' things--cares less, unfeminine details--spoil your lovely effect! "SUCH a 'small' offense against daintiness as a faded shoulder Tibloa eeping oub visible when you li id YOUrarm...a not so colour-fre: as it might be, hi " wu ac) you usion 'his' eyes! ha ,, "And broken illus Rettape Jou Sons sions can never be alk slip may show. r+ tie silie you all to these two very simple things 1. Buy the loveliest, most exquieite line you can. it always ocolour-fresh, beauties "JUST knowing your underthings are lovely does something to you! It BR you FEEL feminine and charming. And when you feel so, you AR . %"'But how can we keep delicate lingerip fresh and colourful?' girls often say to me. 'Frequent washin leaves it so faded and worn-looking." "ited is true that ' soaps take away the COR wd» ho new look of such gfimpses as a garment, but this is this tell so quickly if never the case with you're feminine and Lug. The These wonderful exquisite! madeto preserve COLOUR and NEWNESS. : "AND AT HOME: Your very SUR- ZOUNDE is oun flit ut form pal elo lh a a washed 2 times in

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