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Oshawa Daily Times, 26 Oct 1931, p. 5

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' THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1937 PAGE FIVE 'Women's Interests in the Home and the Community Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Chapp, of Toronto, and Lt.-Col, and Mrs. ... Of St. Thomas were. visitors at the home of Mr. and. Mrs. M. M. 'Hood, Leslie Avente, on Sunday. L LJ » Mr. and Mrs. Walter Logue are spending a few days with friends -in New York. Ld Ld . Mr. and Mrs. C. McDonald, Robson Street, were in Hamil- ton on Saturday and Sunday. LJ * LJ Mr. and Mrs. 8, E. McTavish, Kenneth Avenue, and Mr, and Mrs. C. E. McTavish, of Simcoe Street North, spent the week-end in Flesherton, Ontario. LJ LJ . Mrs. Harry Nobes, of Har- mony, entertained at the tea hour yesterday afternoon when Miss Margaret Anderson and Miss Har- riet Swail were guests. of honour. LJ Ld Ld Dr. Archer Wallace and Rev. J. G. Stephens, prominent speak- ers at the Young People's Con- vention were guests of Rev. and Mrs. F. J. Maxwell over Sunday. LJ - LJ Rev. T. P. Perry, president of the Bay of Quinte Conference was the guest of Rev and Mrs. G. C. R. McQuade during the Young People's Convention. - Ld * Miss .Susie VanCamp, of Black- stock, secretary of the Young People'ss Confarence, was the guest of Mrs. Walter Johnson while in town for the convention. «su Rev. C. D. Daniels, of Peter- boro, chairman of the ZLeader- ship Training Commi'te of the Young People's Con. ce was entertained at Simcoe Street United Church parsonage by Rev, and Mrs. E, Harston during the three days of the convention. Rev. E. Harston preached at the anniversary services at Hart- ley, rio, yesterday, Rev. Mr. Farsi i a former pastor of the Hartley United Church, . * - Mrs. George Smith, of Camp- beliford, is the guest of Mrs, E. Harston, Simcoe Street South. Badminton, bridge and dancing were the order of the day at the Armouries on Saturday when the oIficial opening of the Officers' Mess Badminton Club took place. Games were played in the after noon on the six courts in the barracks and at six o'clock high tea was served around the in- viting grate-fire in the Officers' Mess. Club members enjoyed bridge and dancing in the even- ing. Miss Helena Richardson was elected ladies' captain and Capt. Max Evans men's captain for the ensuing year. LEND-A-HAND CLUB Mrs. A. Macdonald, Masson Street, lent her home for the last meeting of the Lend-A-Hand Club on Friday evening. Mrs. Branton, the president, was in charge. The usual business meet- ing was followed by a social time when the hostess served refresh- ments assisted by her daughter, Miss Isobel and Mrs. C. Macdon- ald. Mrs. A, Thrasher donated a pair of embroidered pillow slips which when raffled were wen by Mrs, C. Maedonald. EMPLOYEES OF PIANO COMPANY HOLD DANCE Employees of the William's Piano Company attended a dance given for them in the Westmount Dance Pavilion on Saturday evening. It was one of the jol- liest affairs of this kind ever sponsored by the Company, Over two hundred and fifty were pres- ent, many of these friends of employees. Mr, Clair Wickett was the holder of the lucky ticket which. won for him the radio do- nated for the occasion by the Willi n's Piano Company. Mr. Jaws William Eales was master of ceremonies. Heads of the firm who were present included Messrs. A. H. Smith, A. B, Ox- ley, and L. Cassells, WHAT NEW YORK IS WEARING A COAT TYPE FROCK HINTS Of Skirt, Fulness Without Bulk of Material By ANNETTE + Of course you'll want a frock of lovely diagonal monotone woolen in that rich rust shade. And here's a model you'll like immensely, Tt has the new flared | slit sleeves that are lined with | biack crepe silk that makes the revers, Kavse a price. Sheer chiffon, style 160x. Price $].25 a Better Value $1.50 ny A new medium service weight clear silk hose of remarkable strength, picot edge. The number is Kayser 103x. Price R hose go everywhere From Canada to Cannes. ; ; from London to Egypt . . . from Naples to New York i +» the true cosmopolitan chooses the silken comfort, and the smartness of Kayser Hosiery. Kayser is the ulti- mate in hose . . . always correct . . . amazingly long-wearing . . . amazingly low-priced; Noted for Wear Never before have we offered such o fine quality Sansheen* hose at so low picot edge, the Utmost in Quality ' A Sansheen* hose--gossdimer sheer --all pure silk in the right fashion colours, double picot edge: Ask for 140x. Price MADE IN CANADA 81.95 *Trade Mark Res. AS Ladies' Wear Phone 528 F. T. LAMBLE 9 Simcoe St. S. KAYSER Burns Company Simcoe and King Sts. Hosiery in Oshawa by LIMITED : Phone 248 | steady drone. | & To MARRY IN NOVEMBER y REV. ALAN GARDINER a former student at Bishop Bethu ¥. St. Savior's Church, Victoria, B.C W. Cowan, of Oshawa, and has spent her. Accompanied by her aunt, Mrs, lan is leaving in a week for Victoria, MISS LOUISE K. McMILLAN Whose marriage is to take place the first week in November. Miss McMillan, is a brilliant graduate of the University of Toronto and ne College. She is a niece of Mrs. much of her time with Maury, of Seattle, Miss McMil- B.C. Rev. Alan Gardiner is of tons. The panelled skirt arrange- line through the hips and is dec- orative and smart at the same time. It's so easily made! You'll he delighted with its simplicity. Style No. 627 is designed for sizes 16, 18, 20 years, 36, 38, 40 and 42 inches bust. | Black sheer woolen with vivid green is fashionable combination. Tweed in mauvy-brown with pastel red is a youthful scheme rauch favoured this season. Our Fall and Winter Fashion Magazine is ready. It contains styles. for children, the miss and a' most attractive sel- adults including slen- derizing effects for stouts, You need this presentation of Fall fashions as a gulde in selecting the styles.youn will wear in the coming season and, incidentally, of course, ection for | you will save money by choosing yeur frocks from our Pattern models. Price of BOOK 15 cents, Price of PATTERN 20 cents in stamps or coin (coin is prefer- rec). Wrap coin carefully. Address orders to: Pattern Ed'tor, Oshawa Daily Times, Oshawa, AD Bore cross-over vest and but- By Thorton A happy Rabbit or a boy Kicks up his heels to show his joy. Old Mother Nature i Peter Rab bit. sat on the edge of | jhe dear old Briar-patch looking di - | consolately across the Green Mea- | | dows. It was a beautiful day in lat | fall. The air was clear and just cool enough to make one feel good. { Peter didn't feel good. Little Mrs. { Peter noticed it, | "What is the matter. with you, { Peter? Did you eat too much 22 she asked. Peter {is the matter with me | shortly, | Little | shrewdly I she. hook his head. "Nothing ,' hé replied Mis, "Peter looked at him "I know what it is," "You want to go over to the | Green Forest. You are getting tired | of the dear old Briar-patch, thoug th, { how you can is more than I can un- derstand." Again Peter shook his head. "No, said he. "No, it isn't that, 1 don't know what it is. I just feel as if something is going to happen. Little Mrs. Peter sat up abruptly. "I hope it isn't anything bad, Pet- er Rabbit!" she exclaimed. Peter grinned. He couldn't help "Don't worry, my dear," said "l didn't say that anything is to happen, I merely said feel as if something is going to hap- | pen, but that doesn't mean that any- thing is going to - happen. Since Farmer Brown's Boy and Flip the Terrier were carried away by that great man-bird nothing much has happened around here. I wish some- thing would happen. Nothing bad, my dear, 'Of course, nothing bad," he hastened to add. "I should hope not," retorted little Mrs. Peter tarfly. "So long as we are safe here in the degr old Briar- patch and have plenty to eat 1 don't care if nothing ever happens: 1 don't see why people cannot be content with a good home and plenty to cat. What more can any one ask? Tt is discontent that makes most of the trouble in the Great World. That's it--discontent. Peter Rabbit, you are not listening to me at all. 1 might as well be talking to a stick or a stone. What is it you sce now ?"" Peter was sitting up very straight looking off across the Green Mea- dows and his long ears were begin- ning to twitch with excitement, ain then little Mrs. Peter noticed a humming sound that grew into a She hopped over be- side Peter and also sat up that she might see better across the Green Meadows. Way off, high above the Green Meadows, she saw what looked like a great bird, She knew what it was, It was an airplane, a man-bird, as the little people of the Green Meadows, the Old Orchard, the Green Forest and the Old Pas- ture called it. She had seen air- planes passing over often, "Pooh!" she exclaimed. "That nothing to get excited about. One would think you never had scen one by the way you act." "It is coming down, Fuzzy, my dear!" (Peter always calls Mrs, Pet- er Fuzzy) "As truly as my name is Peter Rabbit it is coming down right on the Green Meadows!" t was true. The droning sound had stopped and the great bird-like machine was gliding down, It bir< cled the Green Meadows and then swept past the dear old Briar-patch, causing Peter to duck and timid lit- tle Mrs. Peter 'to run under the thickest bramble-bush, all for no reason at all. When the latter did' venture to go back she found Peter it, | he. Tong ficking: up his Beets dancing about Ww. Burgess otherwise cutting 'a the most absurd fashion mint stared she found her tongue. "Have you suddenly gone Pete r Rabbit?" she demanded, 'J told you I felt as if something | was § g to happen!" crie od Peter, | kic erin g up his heels again, "He has come back! He just got out of that man-bird. And here 1s Flip. I never did like that pesky little Dog, but 1 declare I'm glad to see him, Hear him bark! I wish I could bark, but all 1 can do is to kick up my heels." "For goodness Peter, do have a little sense," retorted little Peter testily, "Who has com and caper in she at him, crazy, if "Farmer Br Peter happily. "Farmer Brown's Boy and Flip the Terrier! 1f 1 did- n't know that dog would chase me I wo uld ¢ 70 right over there to meet them. You'll stay right where you are," declared Mrs. Peter with decision, And Peter did. (Copyright, 1931, by T. wi's Doy!" cried Ww. Burgess) (Tae next story: "The News Trav- els Fast" RL WORKERS ON INCOME TAX LIST Politics Is Reality To Office Staffs in Britain London.--Typlsts and girl clerks who hitherté have not had much interest in politics are now income taxpayers, and as a re- sult are taking life more serlous- ly. This table shows what unmar- ried wage earners now have to pay, exclusive of allowances for insurance and dependants:-- Weekly Wage Yearly Tax $12.50 $2.50 15.00 15.60 20.00 41.50 25.00 67.60 The new scale has made poli- tics a reality to girl office work- ers, and parliamentary candi- dates in the future will find that it needs more than the Rudolph Valentino look to sway this sec- tion of the electorate. "I have discussed the budget with my girls," said Biddy Mon- tague, the staff consultant, who supplies typists to many London firms, to a reporter, and they say ;| ASKS DIVORCE, WIFE HAS STOMACH TROUBLE "I had indigestion and stom- ach trouble and got so unbear- able my husband almost got a divorce. After taking Adlerika I feel fine, My husband says I am a cheerful and happy woman now."---Mrs, Wm, Keller, . The simple German remedy, Adlerika, washes out BOTH stom- ach and howels, removing poisons which cause gas bloating, ner- vousness, bad sleep. Adlerika contains no harmful drugs. Get it today; in 2 hours you'll be rid of gas and bowel 'polsons, Jury & Lovell, 'Druggists, chases. Tomato Vegetable Green Pea Celery Asparagus Ox-T ail onsomm Coicken ith Rie Vegetable Bee Corn For a long | Then | Flavour Soups. It will pay you to lay in a stock of these delicious, all- Canadian soups at the attractive prices he will quote you for quantity pur- AYLMER LUD oof ol:-] 3 Jct i URING this week your grocer will be featuring AYLMER Natural Aylmer Tomato Juice Made from fresh-picked, sun-ripened Canadian tomatoes. . min content... fulthealth drink. . high in vita. a delight Natural Flavour, you know, is the outstanding feature of AYLMER Soups. That is what makes them so good, so pure, so distinctive. That is what will win you to them. Made by a Canadian Company, owned and operated by Canadians. CANADIAN CANNERS LIMITED Operating 80 factories in the provinces of Ontario, Quebec and British olumbia. Always ask for AYLMER Tm AYLMER 1 SOUP Are Sold in Oshawa mr ---- they will seriously consider the policies of the parties at the next election and vote for the ecandi- date whose policy is in their in terests, There will be fewer ab- stentions and less blind voting." "Now that I am contributing to the upkeep of the State, I want something for my money," ds s Checked By modern vaporizing BY mode ust rubon sald ono of the girls, "I am going to take a real interest in politics, and when the next elec tion comes I shall vote for the cantlidate who will protect my interests. "I do not agree that girls in my position should have tq pay tax." Another effect of the widening of the taxation net is that .many girle will have to pay, though they are too young to vote. "Surely," said a girl worker, agéd 18, "if I have to contribute to the Exchequer, I should have a voice in the matter of who is to represent me in Parliament, and how the money is to b ] spent." Getting Uj Nights Lowers Vitality 1¢ you feel old and run do from Getting Up Nights, Nerve ness, Neuralgia, Lumbago, Pains, Dizziness, Burning Bladd or Kidney Acidity, use quick: ing Cystex (Siss-tex)., Often ® trouble in 24 hours. Guaran to work satisfactorily or ret: empty box and get money b Ouly 7bc at druggists. + «+ MOTHERS =~ * You cannot buy more nourish- ment for the money than is contained in a loaf of

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