THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1931 PAGE NINE If it's to be Bought or Sold- - Times Classified Ads will do it Legal Dental CONANT & ANNIS BARRISTERS Solicitors, Notaries Public, Etc. Conveyancing and general practice in. Law.. Office 7% Simcoe Street, South, Oshawa. Phone 4. G. D. Conant, B.A, LLB.; A. F. Annis, BA. LL.B. \ Ww. E N. SINCLAIR, K.C, BANK of C erce Building. : JOSEPH P. MORGAN, BA, B R- rister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Con- veyancer. Money to loan. Office 14% King St. East, Oshawa. Phone 445, Residence phone 837. SNE SRIE CREIGHT Cy Barrister, Etc. Bank of Commerce Bldg. LOUIS S. HYMAN, BARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary. Over Dewland's Store. oney to loan. 16 Simcoe Street North, Phone 67. Resi dence 3173W. PHREYS, BAR- er" Phone 3160. Residence 3514. Money to loan. ALEX. C. HALL, BA, BARRIS. ter, Ete. Conveyancing and gener- on practice. 22% King St, East. one 3237. S. EBBS, BARMISTER. Solicitar, Notary Public, Convey- Selici Money to oan. Third floor new Alger Building, opposite Post Office. Phone 2996. : S.J. B.A., BARRIS ter. 12% Simcoe St. South. Tele- 38--568, phone 3038 "3 sept HD) goicitor, Etc. 24% Simcoe | x Medical DR. B, J. HAZLEWOOD, PHY" sician and Surgeon, special atten X-ray work and Office, Disney Block , Office open 9 a.m. to Residence 421 King Street Fast. Phone 2416, YSICIAN, SUR- KR MekAY. P Office "and resi fc ~ tion given tO Electrotheopy. Phone 9 p.m. geon, Aceoucher. dence King St. East, corner toria St. Oshawa. Phone 94. Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist DR. F T BRYANS OF Bloor Street West, Toronto, at his office over till 4 pm, and throat only. may be made at drug store. 160 will be Jury & Lovells store each Saturday from 1 Dies for sedpultation and { diseases of ear, nose ie J Appointments Phone 97. Architects C. .C ENHO Architectural Royal Bank Residence phone aws, Ont. farm stock and implements. Watch Repairing A VON GUNTEN, EXPERT 7. A. VON GUNTE Thor ot Your pat- Swiss watchmaker, repai $1% King Street West. tonage is solicited. ES SE, NE R AL work, Secon oor Building. Phone 1496. 909 Special attention given to household furniture sales and patronage solicited Battery Service SATTERIES CHA suilt. Called Prompt service, RGED 75c i a Repaired and re- with rental $1 i ii a an Stan. Bligdon, 20 DR. S.J, PHILLIPS, OVER BAS- set's. Special attention to X-ray work, Gas extraction, Nurse in at- tendance, Phone 959. House 1312, Undertaking LUKE BURIAL CO, 67 KING ST. Eat Ambulance Residence 542 imcoe Street' North. Phone 210] and 210W. OSHAWA BURIAL CO, M. F, Armstrong & Son, Proprietors. Funeral and Ambulance Service day and night, Phone 1082W, Celina, (4) Insurance EE DAVIS AND SON, INSURANCE, 19 King St. West, Oshawa. The old- est Fire Agency in Oshawa. 30 re- utable Fire Companies. WHEN PLACING INSURANCE consult R. N. Johns, 80 Simcoe St. Vvorth, Your insurance wants at- tended to and your interests pro- tected SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COM- pany of Canada, Dominion Bank Chambers. Phone 1834, Zlex, 8. Ross, 8. F. Everson, (15. oct tf) Transportation CARTAGIL AND STORAGE, Coleman's, 85 Bond West, Special ists in furniture moving. Storage warehouse and moving van equip- ment, Phone 82, W. BORROWDALE, CARTAGE contractor. Local and "rag dis- tance hauling, loads insvred. 609 Carnegie Ave, Phone 1618. CHAS. F. FLEMING, CARTAGE of all kinds, Prices right, plus dependable service. 116 Summer. Phone 797. (24 nov ¢) Beauty Parlors BETTY LOU BEAUTY PARLOR. Permanent wave special $4,00, $7.50, $10.00. "Naturelle Method" Miss Elsie Dyer, Montreal, operator, No. 3 marcel specialist. Marcel 50c. Finger Wave 75¢. Expert operators in all lines of hairdressing. 86 Simcoe St. North. Phone 2908, (8 aug tf) GENOSHA HAIRDRESSING Parlors, Betty Ward and Grace Marshall, experts in all kinds of Beauty Culture. Our permanent wave a specialty, $5.00, $7.50 and $10.00, Finger wave and shampoo $100. Marcel 50c. Facials, scalp treatments and manicures, Coffee Shoppe entrance, Phone appoint- ments 1973 (15_may 1 mo.) LILLIAN MCLEAN, PHONE 2105, marcel 35c at your home or 735 Albert St, (28 oct ¢) NORMA'S BEAUTY PARLOUR over Mitchell's Drag Store, Mar: cel Monday and Tuesday 36c. Balance of week r0c. For ap- pointmeuts phone 2525, (28 oct c) FINGER WAVE 60c, MARCEL 86¢c. Trim 25¢. Miss Robbins, 81 Ontario St. Phone 1115W. (nov 22 ¢) McNERNEY BEAUTY PAR- lour, Phillis E. McNerney, Prop., formerly of Lucille Hairdressing. All lines of beauty culture work done. For appointment phone 815. (26 nov ©) Mill St, Phone 960. _ : Ee ---- i Hemstitching AEMSTITCHING, 17 CENTS ON embroidery work, alterations, dressmaking, etc. The Dell Shop, coe S. Phone 1656, 26% Sm (5 JI 31) Articles For Sale FOR SALE --- SAND, GRAVEL, cinders, stone, black loam, $1.50 per truck load delivered, Phone Essery Bros, 3142], (18 nov, ¢c) Radios Repaired RADIO BERVICE --REPATRS done on all models. Work guar- anteed, prices reasonable, tubes tested free in your home, batter. les recharged. Phone 2806W. jed radiotrician. Certified (19 nov © HAWA RADIO SERVICE, at service on all radios and power pacts, aerials erected, tubes tested, Prices reasonable. Phooe 3350J. Charles Wales. 7 Nov..c) TE ---- Money to Loan ON YOUR AUTOMOBILE; CARS re-financed: payments reduced; additional cash given, Terme reasonable. Motor loans and dis count. Suite 2, 143 King st. E. Oshawa, upstairs. Phone 2790. Open evenings. Bs. 6 no ¢) Palmist CONSULT MADAME "BROWN, Palmist, on matters of import ance. 93 Louisa St. Phone 2636F. rivate. Bublydm (18 nov ©) EE SET TE Wood For Sale PRY BODY WOOD, $3.25 % Cord. Apply 71A Simcoe North Phone 3124, . (21 mov ©) - Caulking GAULKING AND =~ CHIMNEY flashing done. Reasonable. Esti mates given free. Apply A. Hag- erman. Phone 1230J. (20 nov ¢) lined and LR, by expert fur- rier. 119 Huron Crescept or phone 632F, w (27 nov ¢) led and lined. = 40 years' experi- ence, fur trimmings by the yard, collars and cuffs. Fur coats $25 up, Littuer, 86 Simcoe North, ' (28 oct 1 mo) ~ Wanted to Buy D vA or | Plone 26357. car, must be in good mechanical condition and cheap for cash. Phono 472 or 1884. (99a) suitable for one. (98h) FOR SALE-DRY BODY WOOD $300 4 cord, Mixed wood $2.75 14 cord, Phone 2628F. (5 Nov. ¢) DRY BODYWOOD $3.50 ¥4 CORD Hard, sort, mixed slabs. Frank Mc Quaid. Phone 2423 W, (2 nov _c) 7 | vated and decorated. For Rent FOR RENT -- 186 RITSON South. Modern, five roomed cot- tage, Immediate possession. Rent $18, Phone 2604W. (22 nov ¢) GLADSTONE APART MENTS, modern, 3 roomed, private cellar, laundry, convenjénces. Rent $25, or will furnish, Phone 2604W, (19 nov. ¢) SIMCOE MANOR AND VICTOR- ia apartments now completely reno- Hardwood throughout, large closets, electric stoves and kelvinator. Tiled bath- room with showers, Spacious laun- dry with electric drier, Reduced rentals, Apply Bradley Bros, or phone janitor 2671, (3 No.-c) APARTMENTS FURNISHED OR unfurnished in Llewellyn, George, Amylene and Edward Apartments. New low rentals, Phone 1550 or 2347W. Oshawa Buildings Limited, g (25 "4 tf) 3 D K house, newly decorated, bard- wood floors, fire place. Apply 9! Kitson Road N. (23 nov ¢) TO RENT FURNISHED bachelor apartment. 1 room toilet and bath. Apply Box 640 Times. (96t1) HOUSE AND 7 ACRES OF LAND to rent, corner Rossland apd Rit. son Road, Apply to Alex David- son, 3rd house east on Rossland Road. (97d) FOR RENT--5 ROOMED BRICK house, . hardwood throughout, tiled bathroom and kitchen, dec- orated, fixtures, blinds, wired for stove, good cellar, laundry tubs, Adults. Phone 3152W, (97¢) MODERN 4 ROOMED FRONT apartment, chestnut trim, Frig- idaire, fruit cellar, electric wash- er and stove, Continuous ° hot water. Garage. Phone 269, (071) FOR RENT-- TWO ROOMED lat, large, bright, warm, central. Ladies, married couple or busi: ness men, 7 Athol West, Phone 48. (97¢) TO LET--BIX ROOM HOUSE, all conveniences, garage, near Motors. Apply 74 Centre St (#8c) TO RENT--HOUSE, MODERN, conveniences, Close to Collegiate, Phone 2807, (98b) ATRACTIVE APARTMENT, central, 3 rooms, hot water, elec- tric refrigerator, stéam heat, furnished if desired, plano. Phone 1400. (98¢c) FOR RENT--NO, 17 JOHN ST. nine rooms and bath, hot water heating, two mantels, electric fixtures and stove. Apply to Dr. next door, (981) 'RACTICALLY NEW #4 M- ed house, outside of city, $8 per month, Phone 2473W, (98¢c) SEVEN ROOMED BRICK house. All conveniences. Garage. 92 Alice Street, Reasonable rent to suitable temant. Apply Louls Hyman, Barrister, (98c) FOR RENT-- SMALL HOUSE central, reasonable, 21 Elgin St. E, at once, (87¢) FOR RENT--BTUCCO HOUSE, b rooms, central, back kitchen, gar- age, garden, conveniences, fix- tures. 217 Athol East. Phone 474, (98¢c) WILL RENT A NEW SIX ROOM- ed house for winter months. §8 per month to reliable couple, who will take care of property. Must have good references, Apply Box 645 Times, (99¢c) FOR RENT --- RESIDENTIAL property No, 2301 Ritson Road South, Oshawa. All conveniences, Pos i November 1st, 1831. "CR BALE -- PHILCO TRICKLE chargers and B eliminators, dy- namic and magnetic speakers, tubes and accessories. Bargain prices. Charles Wales, puone 3350). (7 Nov.-c) KO ALE-- NO, 1 hardwood. $13 oc: d. $3.50 single cord, Phone Hartford 2105J. (16 nov °) Y Y D $3.50. 'wood $3. Call Thompson, 507 King West. Phone 742). (9 nov ¢) FOR SALBE--DRY HARDWOOD, Beech and Maple, $13 cord. $3.60 single cord, Also cartage, Claude McQuaid, 54 Albert St. Phone 10793, (21 nov ¢) s1.'T OF BAG on LL. Phone 2215. (97¢) FOR SAL LIS NG k restaurant size, Phone 2214. (97¢) FOR BALB--2 MISSES' COATS. 18 Buckingham, Phone 1897). (98¢) iUit SALE -- BOY'S BLUE overcoat in good ccundition, Sige 15 years. Phone 2041W. (99D) FOR SALE--O} bed, one bedstead, 254 Nassau St, Music Lessons A 3 .H.C.M., Teacher of Singing, Studio 214 Dearbourn, Phone 2783F. (8 oct ¢) one dresser, (9b) REGINALD G. GEEN, ORGAN: ist, choirmaster, Simcoe United Church. Ezaminer, Toronto Con- servatory of Music. Plano; organ, singing, Phone 3128, Residence 765M, (28 Oct.-¢) a a RE ae al Lost and Found LOBT--A MAN'S BROWN VEST on Saturday near Kinlock's store, Finder phone 625J (98h) A . AWNINGS, TENTS, FLAGS. tarpaulin, repairs, ete, Phone 2104. George Reid, 66 Bond W, J. "J. Turner & Son, Representa- tive, (24 nov. cp For particulars apply to Conant & Annis, Barristers, &c., 7% Simcoe St, 8., Oshaw-, Ontarlo. (90t1) Rates For Classified Ads First Insertion-- 114 cemts per word. Minimum. charge for one in. sertion 80c. Each subsequent comnsecu- tive (Insertion 1c per word. Three consecutive Imser- tions for the price of two first insertions (three cents a word). Minimum charge for three insertions 60c. loz nun.ber 10¢ additional. Professional or Basiness Cards, $2.50 per month for 20 words or less, 10 cents a word per month for each additional word. Phone 3 Ask for Classified Ad Department For Rent FOR RENT -- FIVE ROOMED frame house, large lot, garage. Phone 382 r 1-2, (00¢c) HEATED 2 ROOMED FURNISH- «d housekeeping suite for 2 priv- ate conveniences and entrance. very central, low rental, 96 Centre St. (99¢c) I ~~ T---- -- Male Help Wanted WANTED -- JUNIOR CLERK, male, having shorthand and typewriting, Good opportunity te learn business, Apply giving full qualification, schooling and sal- sry expected to Box 644 Times, Se EE (98D) | Barber Shop | GUS BANK'S BARBER SHOP, | 180 Celina St. All baircuts 1be, corner of Ash. on Saturdays 25¢. Wednesdays closed at 1 p.m. |t¢ TOTAL ECLIPSE OF SUNNEXT AUGUST To be Visible for 100 Sec- onds in North-Western Part of Quebec Montreal, Que, -- An opportunity for Canadians to view from a con- venient point a total eclipse of the sun and one which will not be re- peated for 22 years, will be provided on August 31 next year, when the path of totality will run in a south- eastern direction through the Prov- ince of Quebec a few miles east of Parent in the northern part of the province, The "zone of totality" is roughly | 100 miles wide but for scientific pur- poses it is desirable to be located as closely as possible to the central line. Originating in the arctic re- gions the shadow will sweep down across Hudson Bay, skirt the east- ern shore of James Bay and cross the St. Lawrence near Maskinonge and Perreville, some 50 miles cast of Montreal, Montreal itself will be on the western edge of the "shadow zone," The duration of the eclipse is a- bout 100 seconds, the shadow tra- velling at the rate of half a mile a second. The last to be observed as total in Canada occurred on January 24, 1925, when the path of ' totality swept across western Ontario, over the Niagara River and southeast to the Atlantic at New Haven, Conn, SAYS IDEALS WILL BUILD UP EMPIRE (971) | "Loan Wanted 31000 WANTED --ON FIRST |, win | mortgage on paved street, pay bonus, Phone 1412M. (99¢) "Auction Sale ¥ RIDAY, OCT. 30, LIVE STOCK | trad Tri The anunel meting oft sale, 14 horsee, 25 cows and young cattle, 20 pigs. Talmage laylor, Lot 29, Concession Darlington, (99b) Pets and Livestock FOR SALE---BARRED ~~ ROCK nd Leghorn Pulletts, D. A, O'Donnell, Thornton's Corners. (99a) Agents Wanted "AUTHUNTIC LIFE OF EDI- sow', New, large, illustrated book, price only $1.50; enormous de- mand; big sales; quick profits; $5 to $10 dally easily earned. Write for free selling sample. Winston Co. Toronto, WE HAVE AN OPENING FOR A capable salésman in Oshawa and district, representing a well est- ablished, large Canadian Life In- surance Company, Apply Box 646 Oshawa Times, (99¢) Sale of deer and moose neat in the Province of Quebec during the next three years is prohibited. There are between 50 and 60 living species of deer found the world over, except in Australasia and South Africa. 0 | vancement of Science held in Eng- 9, | Prof. Clarke, of McGill Sees World on Eve of New Renaissance Montreal, Que --Common ideals ¢ development can be best fos- i y educational institutions will + the basis of Empire unity a central Parliament or | 0 cut in the opinion of Prot, | , Clailie, chairman of the denart- | pent of education, McGill Univer- | sity. Mr Clarke spoke on "Educa- | tion in a Changing Empire," at the | convention of the Quebec Associa- | tion of Protestant Teachers held | here recently | Professor Clarke, who recently re the British Association for the Ad- land, saw great changes in cduca- tion during his visit there. The world is on the brink of renaissance which will bring about a fuller and wider democracy, he stated, offer- ing as an evidence of this the fact that well over 50 per cent. of the students in the leading British un- iversitics come from the state sec- ondary schools. It used to he that the famous public schools of Eng land, Ahe educational centres of the sons of 'the well-to-do, provided practically all the university stu- dents, he said TORONTO WINS IN (By The Canadian Press) London, Oct, 22.--A long stand- ing dispute betwen the province of Ontario and the City of Toron- to, ag to which was entitled to the the fing of $60,000 paid by Aemi. Hus Jarvis in the case arising out out of the sale of provincial honds, was finally settled today when the judicial committee of the privy council allowed the appeal of the elty, Their lordships' decision up- set the ruling of the Ontario court of appeal, JARVIS APPEAL |r, TIME TABLE WHITBY, OSHAWA, BOWMANVILLE BUS LINES Week Day Schedule (Effective on and after , 21, 1931) (Standard Time, Arrive Hospital 12.25 p.m, 2.00 p.m, 3.3 p.m, 5.30 p.m, 6.30 p.m, 8.00 p.m, 10 p.m. 1240 p.m, A5 pm, 3.15 p.m, 5.15 p.m, 6.15 p.m, 7.45 p.m, . 10.00 p.m, 1015 p.m, , 1200 am, 1215a.m, Times marked * are through busses to Whitby Hospital, 6.45pm, 10,30 p.m, Going East Leave Leave Arrive Bow. Whitby Oshawa manville 608m, 650am 7.20am, 7.0 am, 750am, 815am, 8.30 a.m, Ar. 8.50 a.m. Off 910am, 925m, 955am. 1045a.m. 11.00a.m, 11.30am, Lv, 1205pm, 1240 p.m, 10pm. 1.45pm. 2.15pm, 245 p.m. Ar, 3.00 p.m, off 5.40 p.m. 40 p.m, 445pm, 5.05pm, x 6. 8.15pm, of 9. 1 Leave Hospital [1 215 p.m, 5.45 p.m, 7.15 p.m, 35 p.m, 11.30 p.m, Lv. 9.05 p.m. 10,30 pom, 1045p.m. 1100 p.m, SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY SCHEDULE Going West a Arrive Osh Whitby Va 9.45 a.m, Leave Bowmanville 2.00 a.m, 11.45 a.m. 2.45 p.m, 4.45pm 6.45 p.m 8.15 pov 10.45 p.m 11.30 a.m, 2.30 p.m. 4.3 p.m, 6.30 p.m. 8.00 p.m, 10.30 p.m. Going East Leave Arrive Oshawa Bowmanvi'le 10,15 a.m, 10.45 a.m 1215p.m, 1245 p.m 3.00 p.m. 3.0 p.m v4.10 p.m, 4.40 p.m 5.30 p.m 7.3 p.m 11.00 a.m, 2.00 p.m. 4.00 p.m, 6.00 p.m, 7.30 p.m, 3.00 p.m, Wally t! 10.00 a.m 12.00 p.m, 245 p.m, 445 p.m. 645 pm. 7.00p R15 p.m, 8.3 p.m, 9.00 p.m. 1045 pom. 1.00 p.m, 11.30 p.m, Oshawa Waiting Room, 10 Prince Street Special Busses For All Occasions Reasonable Rates and Careful Drivers T,. A. GARTON, PROPRIETOR BOWMANVILLE PHONE 412 or 346 GRAY COACH LINES Effective April 26th (Eastern Standard Time) Phone 2283 Leave Oshawa Leave Toronto AM. M AM. P 3 a 548 ahd 7.3 abl 7.30 8. 9.30 10.30 11.30 *M SF SORT To = Sema P:) 12.30 1.30 E888 ss: a=Daily except Sunday, h-Saturday, Sundays and Holidays only d--Sunday only, d y CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Effective Sept. 27, 1931 NEW ZEALAND NOT ADVANCING PRICES Srmmbe---- Cost of Butter in Britain Exactly Same as Last COAL COAL Phone 193 W.J.SARGANT Yard---80 Bloor st. E. Orders Promptly 4 Delivered - Year London.--8ir Thomas Wilford, High Commissioner for New Zea- land, took the occasion of the arrival of another great cargo of butter from New Zealand re- BOAT FOR SALE 18 foot B.C. cedar, with 32 H.P. four cylinder Johnson Motor. Very safe and fast. Price $295, Terms. Ph. 900 ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LIMITED cently to refute charges that the southern dominion would take advantage of the present situa- tion to raise prices to the Brit. ish publie, Sir Thomas spoke at a lun- cheon on board the steamship Tainuf, at the Royal Albert docks. "he Tainul brought 40, 000 boxes of New Zealand butter, part of a consignment of 130, 000 boxes which is on the way over. The retail price of New Zea- land butter is now at exactly the same figure as the same time last | year, Sir Thomas said. "Whenever the suggestion is made that New Zealand is delib- erately exploiting the present economic situation to ralse the price to the British public," he rontinved. "I invite you to look or the cloven hoof of forgign |i nterests and help in nailing the || : to the counter, i "It is no exaggeration to say | | we are well on the way to the | | time when home and empire farmers can, with the proper encouragement, supply the but- ter requirements of 'the home market, If the Empire supplied, as it could, all our butter re- quirements we shonld put into Empire circulation the vast sum of $145,000,000 which would enormously increase the capacity of the people overseas to pay for British manufactures." BANISH PAIN Beatties H. & N, Treatment 35¢ Guaranteed Send for Free Trial P. H. BEATTIE, Oshawa. Felt Bros. The Leading Jewelles Established 1880 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH One 1927 Chev, Sedan, 1929 Chev. Coach, 30 day war- ranty. ROSS, AMES AND GANI- SHUKE King St. West. "Lone 1160 > REPAIRING WATCHES OUR SPECIALTY J. J. BROWN It your watch is not giving satisfaction we can repair and make jt tell the corregt time, THE JEWELER Official Watch Inspector for Canadian National and Osh~ awa Railroads 20 Simcoe St. 8. Phone 189 (Standard Time) Eastbound . Daily, except Sunday . Daily . Daily, . Daily, Daily . Daily, . Daily, Westbound Daily except Sunday, Daily, . Daily. Daily, . Daily, Daily. Daily, except Sunday. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAYS ective Sept, 27, 1931 (Standard Time) Eastbound 9.29 a.m. Daily, 2.32 p.m, Trenton Local Daily, x4.18 p.m, Daily, 12.05 a.m. Daily, 1.05 a.m. Daily, x For Ottawa, Montreal and East only-- ag. . Westbound 5.56 a.m. Daily, 7.13 a.m. Daily, 2.59 p.m. Daily, 7.32 p.m, Daily, mB.24 p.m, Daily, m Toronto and West only--flag except Sunday except Saturday except Sunday 6.35 p.m 7.23pm, ex. Sun, except Sunday ROYAL YORK ue Te Hat Pound Pkg. RSC At all Superior Stores OMPSQ DRUG STORE PHONE 22 WE DELIVERY? 10 Simcoe St. S. We Délirer WATSON'S ) BEAUTY PARLOR Marcel, Permanent and Finger Waves ' Phone 2653. 5 Celina S¢. EATON GROCETERIA it Pags To Shop Here Always Smart Solas Tn GIRLS' COATS Fur Collar and Cuffs 2 to 14 Years |__ LAMBLE'S {I = esa + A "bumper crop" of bear cubs ie reported In Yosemite National Park this vear. Many of the proud mothers are displaying twins, and some triplets. This is a great contrast to last year, when hardly a bear cub was seen Jn || Yosemite Valley. Diamonds Bassett's On Oshawa's Main Corner x _ POTATOES 90 Ib. Bag . 50¢ Hogg & Lytle, Ltd, | Phone 203 a | TILLIE THE TOILER By Russ. Westovier 1] USTEN, MAC - | NEED You NN FRONT OF My TENY SURE | \ALILL - You CAN COUNY ON ME] { THAT GAL |S CERTAINLY QUICK. SON Cd TA "TIF: BUDDY: oJ ANOULD NYT KID ME, NAIOULD Sou] Ke My EE EE fons ve BRINGING UP FATHER GRACIOWS! LOOK AT THAT SUSPIC IO SL. QOKING MAN. | JUST KNOW HE 19 A BURGLAR" By. Geo. McM OM. MAGGIE! WHERE \9 YOu PUT IN ON THE PIANO IN THE PARLOR | Saw You PLT IT THERE MYSELF. STOLEN THE PIANO - GREAT HEAVENS! SOMEONE HAS KEEP CALM, MAGGIE MAY: BE THEY'LL COME BACK WITH ME HATR