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Oshawa Daily Times, 29 Oct 1931, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSL'AY, OCTOBER 29, 193} PACE FIVE TION WOMEN'S ASSOCIATION MET Interesting Program Given at Meeting in Home of Mrs. Jesse Arnott (Mrs. J. W. Balon, Corres Zion, Oct, 28--The Women's Association of Zion met at Mrs, Jesse Arnott's last week, Mrs| Fice presided in the absence of the pre- sident, visitors were there also from Kedron, a splendid program was given OR of wiolin music Miss Lander of Harmony, vocal solo Mrs. T, Martin, talk on school convention by Miss McRoberts, violin and piano Misses Lander and Oke, piano solo Miss Annic Me- Master. Altogether it was a very nice meeting. Refreshments were scrved by the group, Mrs, Arnott, Mrs, Gordon Short and Mrs, Harold Gifford, for which they were ac- corded a hearty vote of thanks, Several from here attended the funeral of the late Mrs, Pascoe at Vidad church on Tuesday. Mr, Frank Pascoe was one of the bear- crs, Sunday afternoon a real hail storm struck this corner and while the preaching service was on too, but no particular damage was done Mr Elmer" Wilbur attended a football meeting of Darlington Football Association, held at Hamp- on Tuesday evening, when it was decided to present the cup to Zion Club, at Orono Town Hall, Nov, 10th, at 7.30, The Clubs are all invited as well as the community's they represent, Ladies provide re- freshments, Two bales of clothing have been sent 'from here to the western prov- ince as well as potatoes and apples in the Bowmanville tar load, Sorry to know that Mr. and Mrs Percy Stainton formerly of Zion and Oshawa, but now of Toronto have lost their baby girl "Bernice" aged 9 months. Death occurred on Saturday after being ill one week with dysentery and complications. Its an ill wind that blows nobody any good. Farmers this year have lad flies in abundance and so Mr, Filmer Wilbur, "Watkins Agent" sold the most fly spray among the Canadian agents and is now the proud possessor of a beautiful sil- ver cup as a reward, A number of men folk attended the sale of the late Mr. Cole at Maple Grove last Friday, a won- derful big sale too. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wilbur were recent visitors at Mr. Roy Lang- maid's, Selina, A great many of our folk went out to hear the addresses by Dr, Oliver and Rev. Archer Wallace in Oshawa while the young folks con- vention was in session, Misses Pearl Leach and Eileen Stainton represented our church as delegates and were billeted at Mr. and Mrs, Nichol's Simcoe Manor, where they were entertained very nicely, Mr. and Mrs, Jas. McDougall and two daughters of Drayton, Were Sunday visitors of Mr. H, G, Pas. coe, dent) Mr, and Mrs, Herb, Flintoff are the first to start the Lost Heir sea- son, they entertained on Saturday evening last, Mrs, Arthur Stainton and Mr, Joon Arnott 'won the favors. Splendid refreshments were served around 11.30, Next Sunday Rev, Mr, McKay of Oshawa will conduct service here at 1.30 o'cdock as Rev, Mr, Bick is taking anniversary services in Hastings, Misses Helen Lewis and Norma Glaspell visited in Toronto on Sat- urday, Friends of Mr. Arthur Pascoe of Solina, here extend to him our heart felt sympathy and to the Werry families as well in their re- cent sad bereavement, MYRTLE NEWS Myrtle, Oct, 28M, Hurlburt has been holidaying with Mrs, Rosswell Dobson and other Oshawa friends, The league had a somewhat model meeting on Tuesday night when it took the form of a hard time costume, everyone having to appear in costume fitting the occasion, those who refused to do s0 having to pay a fine and the president, Miss Pearl Vance was very exacting about this, which add- ed to the fun making. Miss Jean Parker was successful in winning first prize for 'the best hard time costume and it was indeed one that under ordinary circumstances the missionary societies would be justi fied in looking after, Mr. Isaac Jackson won the first for the men and his jagged sweater and rag ged overalls were ready for the dis- card if the times did not necessitate their wearing. A splendid program. of games and music were enjoyed after which refreshments were ser- ved and the gathering dispersed feeling that a lof of fun could be had even in these strenuous times, Mrs. Jack Kirkham visited ler parents in Perth last week, PRESENTATION T0 YOUNG CO"IPLE 1S MADE AT RAGLAN Mr. and Mrs. Roy Webber Are Honored by Friends and Acquaintances (Miss Allie Avery, Correspondent) Raglan, Oct. 28--A very pleasant evening was spent in the hall on Thursday evening last, when Mr. and Mrs. Roy Webber (nee Luélla Moore) were presented with a mis- cellancous shower from their many friends and acquaintances. The gifts were numerous and handsome for which the bride and groom in a few well* chosen words thanked all present for their kindness. The remainder of the evening was spent in social chat and games, after which a dainty luncheon was served. The following address was read by Miss Greta Brown and the gifts were carried in a basket and pres sented by Miss Doris Bray, cousin week-end gue.ts wf Mr, and Mrs, Norman Hughson, Mr, and Mrs, J, Thompson and Mis. James Ormiston. of Brooklin were recent visitors at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Avéry. Master Clayton Miller spent the week-end with friends in Oshawa, Mess Kobert Bryant, Lloyd Miller, Grant Bright, Norman Wil- son, Leonard Caird, Jack Kelling- ton, Roy Brown, Lloyd Thompson, George Ormiston, Irvin Ormiston, D, Thompson and A. J. Grose, all attended the annual banquet of the Sunday School softhall league held in Brooklin on Friday evening, A very tempting banquet was served by the ladies of the United Church, During the evening the champion- ship teams of the league, White- vale, were presefted with neat crests, The speaker of the evening was Mr, Frank Fiddler, premier of Wednesday afternoon when plans were made to hold a hot supper in the hall on Wednesday evening, Nov. 18, the evening will be spent in progressive Lost Heir. The bales of clothing were ship- ped from Myrtle Station on Mon- day to the destitute families in the west. The best of wishes go with the bales and hope that it will help keep some families warm during the cold winter, Master Harold Luke had the mis- fortune to have his collar bone fractured while playing "crack the whip" at school last week, He was taken to the doctor and had his arm placed in plaster paris, Mr. and Mrs, Eugene Dearborn and son of Prospect were Sunday guests of the latter's parents, Mr, and Mrs, John Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Radbourne and daughter of Toronto were of the bride, and Master Merlin Shute, cousin of the groom. Dear Mr. and Mrs. Webber :-- It is a pleasure to meet here this evening to spend a few hours with you on this most happy occasion, Although you are leaving our com- munity we hope you will keep us in kind remembrance and will take advantage of every opportunity Iv return and thus keep the lamp friendship brightly burning. be you enjoy a long and happy life A the sincere wish of all your friends, Signed on behalf of your Mount Carmel and Raglan friends, The Ladies Aid held their month- ly business meeting in he hall on the Boys' Parliament of Manitoba During the evening Jack Parker of Whitby delighted the gathering with several songs, Kev. P. L. Jull of Brooklin United Church, thanked the ladies for the fine banguet ser- ved, An electric storm pagsea over this district on Saturday evening, Older settlers predicts an open fall The Forester Lodge held their monthly business mecting in the hall on Monday evening, Oct, 26, What might have proved afatal ac cident ocurred on Monday cyening in front of Mr, I, Ormiston's resi dence when Mr, Ed. Mole of Myrtle and Mr. J. Lawrence were stopped talking when Reed Cook also of Myrtle, driving a truck belonging to Mr. Pilkey of Myrtle, struck the rear of Mr, Mole's buggy throwing him out over his horse's back, Mr, Mole received a broken leg just and also injured He was. removed above the ankle tis ankle bone. to his home in the Oshawa hospital, A covery is hoped for, Messrs, Clarence Miller, Jonathon Thompson, Idris and Theodore Stacey who are working in the railroad near Pontypool were for the week-end speedy re- all home Bishop At Brockville Kingston,--A very large gregation was present on Kunday | evening al Trinity church, Broce ville, on the occasion of the an- nual visit of His Lordship It. Rev, Dr, C, A. Beager, Bishop of Ontarjo, for the purpose of ad- ministering the rite of Confirma- tion on seven candidates who were presenfed by the Rev. 8. KE, Morton, Myrtle and later to | con- | rector, | the shooting Victim Died VO Kingston, ~~ Vincent Dillon of Enterprizge, who was accidentally shot in the abdomen on Sunday afternoon while out shooting with two companiofis, and was | brought to the Hotel Dieu Hospl= | tal, died Monday night shortly be= fore six o'clock. Mr, Dillon's ab- | domen and lung were shattered | by the spray of shot and he had f little chance of recovery from the | start, The remains were sent 40 Enterprise for interment, A ' | Find Body In Canal ' - The body of 25, was found fn Smith Falls. alph Neilson, the Rideau Canal here on Monday, Migsing since late Saturday night, it is believed he was taking ® short ent to a dance pavilion over railway hridge, stepped oft the bridge into the canal, % Fetiras This Week at Special Price Aylmer Soups Vegetable price. Another Big Sale comes to the Groceterias, big specials--every one of particular interest, aid to make the choice varied--the price as low as possible, Pura freely--Friday and Saturday and the days to follow, BULK OATS There's a real saving at this Sixteen tial Attention has been Come early-= Now Is the time for more substan- cereals at breakfast, to with- stand the rigours 5 Ibs. of crisp, cold Au- tumn mornings. Send the children to school dish of nourishing Porridge Oats, on a Tomato Green Pea and - Vegetable Beef ioilet Vissue 4 tins 25¢ PENNANT BRAND NT mical price, Stock up and enjoy the saving, HARVEST BRAND--CHOICE price~--the lowest In years. Yiesue at an econo 'Choi OI€€ : « « Medium size, and bier y a nourish. ii economical dessert, rice prompts you to purchase at least six pounds. Cholce quality, vine-ripened Tomatoes, chock full of health-giving vitamines. But just look at the Buy a supply NOW, SPECIAL--~Medium Size flossy, plump The EXTRA SPECIAL. TOMATOES No. 2 Squat Tin 5° ¢ GIANT BRAND "CHOICE Large, meaty, clean and sweet, Cellophane-wrapped drying cut, Dates . 2b. Package to prevent SPECIAL AN LIBBY'S Pork « Beans The ever-popular noon- day meal == selected Beans. Golden brown. Just heat and serve, Wolly Good" Brand A ¢ Jar of delicious Panel' Butter at a very, very low price. Secure your Jar now, "is 0 34-01. Jar »2T i jo > CT ari x 3 Borden' 5 Evaporated MANUFACTURERS' OUTLET STORES 24 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa AMONG OUR MANY SPECIALS YOU WILL FIND THE FOLLOWING OUTSTANDING THIS WEEK. Boys' and Girls' Fancy PULLOVER SWEATERS 67c Watch Our Windows For Specials ' KRAFT Canadian Loaf CHEESE The famous Cheese MEATS For FRIDAY and SATURDAY | JAMS 7 15¢ 15¢ or Half PEAMEAL COTTAGF ROLLS" BONELESS AND ROLLED FRONTS Young LAMB» 18¢| PRIME RIB ROAST b 22¢| | | MILK Never fall to have several tins on hand always, Rich and creamy---for cooking, baking and in beverages. Safe for baby, by Kraft, -- perfect too, Note the special price. for making sandwich. es. The saving is : - . -- noticeable on this special. soin enille 21c Men's Wool SWEATERS $1.47 §-1b. Loaf 7 For Your Convenience, all --IT PAYS orders of Men's Moleskin WORK PANTS $1.45 Buy Now and Save Money GIL CHRIS Ts Honey Spiced or Sultana Cake ». 14 SUNGLO BUTTER Ibs. 43¢ or over DELIVERED FREE See Store Manager for par ticulars. YOUR DOLLAR HAS MORE CENTS HERE. and Rolled IN CUTS OF 3 TO 10 POUNDS EACH CHOICE COOKED CHOICE SMOKED HAM. 34°) WEINERS | "wherever and Whehevap biscuits are served. SLICED 2 lbs. 25¢ | "Specials On Sale From SPECIAL. Oct. 30--Nov. 5 qc fresh EGG-0 | SPECIAL Happy Vale Brand from the spotless ovens, --rich, golden browns ra kx El MINCEMEAT C A K E | What ls ple without Mincemeat? Now Is delightful surely. wi the weather for the most delicious of pies, y A dey and here is the Ingredient at a price you will ba 'What could simpler? want to buy twe jars. BEEF =: Fresh, crisp Fig Bars--deliclous as shortbread ~-wholesome as sun-ripened figs. Indispensable BUCHANAN'S Have in a New Ship- ment of Beautiful DRESSES Crepes, Satins and Georgettes. Crushed Pineapple Just the Ingredient you have bean needing for cakes, pies, tarts. 8, with Bago" and as as a dessert, Truly e chase a supply ata ange: 18 now:te urs FANCY QUALITY EVERY ONE DIFFERENT Don't Forget Our SANITAS R SHIELD AND D! ANT 1 Dozen in Box 39¢ Watch for.Red Price Tickets

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