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Oshawa Daily Times, 31 Oct 1931, p. 7

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Legal Dental For Rent CONANT & ANNIE BARRISTERS Solicitors, Notaries Public, Etc. Conveyancing and general practice in Law.. Office 7% Simcoe Street, South, Oshawa. Phone 4. G. D. Conant, BA, LLB.; A. F. Annis, B.A. LL.B. wi N. SINCLAIR, K.C., BANK of ce JOSEPH P. SE B.A., BAR~ rister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Con- vevancer, Money to loan. Office 1472 King St. East, Oshawa. Phone 445,. Residence 'hone 837, GRIERSON, CREIGHTON & Fraser. Barrister, Etc. -Bank of Commerce Bldg. LOUIS §, HYMAN, BARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary. Over Dewland's Store. Money to loan. 16 Simcoe Street North, Phone 67. Resi- dence 3473W. GREER & HUMPHREYS, BAR- risters, Solicitors, Ete, 24% Simcoe St. N. Phone 3160. Residence 3514. Money fo Joan. ALEX. CTIALT, BA, BARRI S. ter, Pe 'Convevancing and gener- al practice, 22% King St. East. Phone 3237. FRANK S. FBBS, BARRISTER. Solicitor. Notary Public, Conyey- ancer. Money to loan. Third floor new Alger Building, opposite Post Office. Phone 29%. S. J. HENNICK, B.A. BARRIS- ter. 12% Simcoe St. South. Tele- phone 3038--5685. ("3 sept tf) Medical HAZLEWOOD, PHY- sician and Surgeon, special atten- tion given to X-ray work and Flectrotheopy. Office, Disney Block Phone 2050. Office open 9 am. to 9 p.m. Residence 421 King Street ast. Phone 2416, DR. McKAY, PHYSICIAN, , SUR- geon, Accotcher. Office and resi dence King St. East, corner Vic- toria_St., Oshawa, Phone 94. Ear, Nees, Throat Specialist BR. BRYANS OF 160 Bloor 0 West, Toronto, will be at his office over Jury & Lovell's Drug store each Saturday from 1 til 4 pm, for consultation and treatment of diseases of ear, nose ane throat only, Appointments may be made at drug store. Phone 97. ya Architects : FC STENIHOUSE, GENERAL work, Second floor Phone 1496, ER DR. B. J. LC Architectural Royal Bank Building. Residence nhone 901 Auctioneer ONE 716], W. IL SULLEY, nl 'oneer, 346 Simcoe St. S.. Osh- awa, Ont. Special attention given to household furniture sales and farm stock and implements, Your patronage solicited ELMER WILBUR, LICENSED Auctioneer, furniture, farm stoc implements a gpecialty, Terms . Phone 1648 r 24. moderate (2 metie) ET -- "Watch Repairing FA VON GUNTEN, (TEN, EXPERT Swiss watchmaker, repair shop at 44% King Strect West. Your pat- ronage is solicited. Battery Service DR. S. J. PHILLIPS, OVER BAS- sett's. Special attention to X-ray work. Gas extraction. Nurse in at- tendance, Phone 959. House 1312. : Undertaking LUKE BURIAL CO, 67 KING ST, Fast. Ambulance Residence 542 Simcoe Street North. Phone 210] and 210W, OSHAWA BURIAL CO, M. F. Armstrong & Son, Proprietors Funeral and Ambulance Service day and night, Phone 1082W, 7 Celina. (4tf) SIMC OE MANOR AND VICTOR- ia apartments now completely reno- vated and decorated, Hardwood throughout, large closets, electric stoves and kelvinator. Tiled bath- room with showers. Spacious laun- dry with electric drier. Reduced rentals, Apply Bradley Bros, or phone janitor 2671, (3 No.-¢) FOR RENT -- GLADSTONE apartments, modern, 3 roomed with three pieced bath, continu- ous hot water, gas stove, private cellar, hot water heating, laun- dry, conveniences, immediate | Rent $25 or $27.50 Insurance DAVIS AND SON, INSURANCE, 19 King St, West, Oshawa, The old- est Fire Agency in Oshawa. 30 re- putable Fire Companies, WHEN PLACING INSURANCE consult R. N. Johrs, 80 Simcoe St. North, Your insurance wants at- tended to and your interests pro- tected SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COM- pany of Canada, Dominion Bank Chambers, Phone 1834, /lex. 8. Ross, 8. F. Everson, (15 oct tf) re see gr steerer ee med Transportation CARTAGLE AND Coleman's, 85 Bond West. Special= ists in furniture moving. Storage warehouse and moving van equip* ment. Phone 82. W. BORROWDALE, CARTAGE contractor. Local and "rag dis- tance hauling, loads insrred, 609 Carnegie Ave. Phone 1618. CHAS, F. FLEMING, CARTAGE of all kinds. Prices right, plus dependable service, 116 Summer. Phone 797. (24 nov ¢) "STORAGE, po. furnished, Phone 2604W, No children allowed. (22 nov ¢) APARTMENTS FURNISHED OR unfurnished in Llewellyn, George, Amvlene and Edward Apartments, New low rentals. Phone 1550 or 2347W. Oshawa Buildings Limited. (25 sept, tf) SEVEN ROOMED BRICK house, newly decorated, bard. wood floors, fire place. Apply 91 Ritson Road N. (23 nov ¢) MODERN 4 ROOMED FRONT apartment, chestnut trim, Frig- fdaire, fruit cellar, electric wash- er and stove, Continuous hot water. Garage. Phone 269, (971) FOR RENT--NO, 17 JOHN ST. nine rooms and' bath, hot water heating, two mantels, electric fixtures and stove. .Lpply to Dr. Delt, next door, (981) $20 PER MONTH WILL RENT a good seven roomed brick house, Hardwood floors and everything in good condition and well lo- cated on paved street, Garago, Bradley Bros. (100e) Beauty Parlors BETTY LOU BEAUTY PARLOR. Permanent wave special $4.00, $7.50, 310.00, "Naturelle Method." Miss Elsie Dyer, Montreal, operator, No, 3 marcel specialist, Marcel 50, Finger Wave 75¢. Expert operators in all lines of hairdressing, 86 Simcoe St. North. Phone 2968, (8 aug tf) GENOSHA HAIRDRESSING Parlors, Betty Ward and Grace Marshall, experts in all kinds of Beauty Culture Our permanent wave a specialty, $3.00 7.50 and 210.00. Finger wave and shampoo $100. Marcel 50 Facials, ip treatments and mas Coffe Shoppe en ite ance. point ments 197. Phe me : (15 McLEAN your av 1 mo.) "HONE home LILLIAN 2105, marcel 3hc at or 735 Albert St. (28 nov ¢) FINGER WAVE i 50c, MARCEL i5e. Trim 26c. Miss Robbins, 81. Ontario St. Phone 1115W, (nov 22'¢) McNERNEY DEAUTY PAR- lour. Phyllis E, McNerney, Prop., formerly of Lucille Hairdressing. All lines of beauty culture work done. For appointment phone 816. (26 nov ¢) STARCBL abc, AT YOUR HOME or 127 Ritson Road South, For appointment phone Margaret Hutchinson 1952W, (100¢) TERIES CHARGED 75¢ an rental $1.00. Repaired and re- built. Cafled for and delivered. Prompt service, Stan. Bligdon, 2! Mill. St. Phone 96( 960. _ ~ Hemstitching AEMSTI JTS ON HEM TITCHING, 7 "CENTS O? embroidery work, alterations, dressmaking, ete. The Dell Shop, 4 Ph Ae 6 46% Simcoe S. one S28, St Radios rt RADIO SERVICE --REPAIRS done on all- models Work guar anteed, prices reagonable, tubes tested free ip your home, vatter- fes recharged. Phone 2806W, Certified radiotrician. (19 nov c¢) OSHAWA RADIO "SERVICE, guaranteed service on all radios and power pacts, aerials erected, tubes tested, Prices reasonable, Charles Wales. Phope 33507. (1 Nov.e) Money to Loan ON YOUR AUTOMOBILE; i CARS re-financed; payments reduced; adéitional cash given. Terms veasonable. Motor loans and dis- count. Suite 2, 14} King 8t. E., Oshawa, upstairs, Phone 2790. Open evenings. c) : (6 no* Palmist CGONSULT MADAME BROWN, Palmist, on matters of import. ance. 93 Louisa St. Phone 2636F. Business private. _"<. (16 nov 2) - Caulking wil SAULKING AND ~ CHIMNEY flashing doe. Reasonable. Esti- mates given free. Apply A. Hag- erman. Ppotie ged. (20 nov ¢) i For Sale or Rent st ck, six rooms, hot water heat- ing, coal grate. 89 Cadillac North. Immediate possession, Phone George Finley. (102¢) For Exchange WANTED-- FARM, TORONTO house vacant land with cash for 2" stores,, 2 houses north east corner Olive and Court Street, hawa. Price five thousand. filllams, 65 Victoria, Toronto. Room and Board Wanted TWAS Boa he Ly location. State ratgn, Cid Times. \VANTED--ROOM AND BOXHD with private family, where no other boarders are taken. Box G50 Times, (102a) Articles For Sale FOR SALE - SAND, GRAVEL, cinders, stone, black loam, $1.50 per truck load delivered. Phone Essery Bros, 3142], (18 nov, ¢) FOR SALE---DRY BODY WOOD $3.00 4 cord. Mixed wood $2.75 % cord. Phone 2628F, (5 Nov. ¢) DRY BODYWOOD $3.50 %4 CORD Hard, sort, mixed slabs. Frank Mec- Quaid, Phone 2123 W, J (2 nov ¢) "CR SALE -- PHILCO TRICKLE chargers and B elimingtors, dy- namic and magnetic speakers, tubes and accessories, prices. Charles ~ Wales, pone 3350J. x (7 Nove) FOR BALE-- NO, 1 BODY hardwood. $13 ¢' d. $3.50 single cord. Phone Hartford 2195J, (16 nov Y Y D $3.50, wood $3. Call Thompson, 507 King West, Phone 742). (9 nov ¢) FOR SALE--DRY HARDWOOD, Beech and Maple, $13 cord. $3.50 single cord. Also cartage, Claude McQuaid, 64 Albert St. Phone 1079J. : (21 nov ¢) FOR SALE--APPLES $1 BAR- rell, Greening," Baldwing and Starks. $2 for Spys, Russets, Kings at orchard. Allin Clemens, Bowmanville, Phone 237 ring 3, R.R, No. 6. (94c 100c) CA '. brown wicker. Good condition. 48 Gibbon Street. (101h) FOR SALB--BROWN BROAD- cloth coat, with fur collar and cuffs, Size 16. Cheap. Phone 758. (102a) FOR SALE -- 100 DUSHELS turnips, 100 barréls a)plés. Roy Ronnetta, Whitby. Phone 168 r 1-5. €102¢) FOR SALE---~ROGHERS * ELEC. tric radio. A 1. condition, Fons 2469W. 102¢) Music Lessons STBEN'S MUSIC __ STUDIO, Johns Music Store, Simcoe North, Violin, plano, Hawailan and Spanish Guitar, Banjo, Mandolin, Cello, Viola, Saxaphone, Olaf. (101¢) FOR SA A "LY . H.C M., Teacher of Singing, Studio 214 Dearbourn. Phone 2783F. ~ (8 oot ¢) REGINALD G. GEEN, ORGAN: ist, choirmaster, Simcoe United Church, Examiner, Toronto Cob: servatory of Music. Plano, organ. singing, Phone 38128. Residence 765M. . (28 nov ¢) Bargain | FOR RENT THREE UNFDUR- nished or partly fornished rooms, heated, all conveniences, garage it desired, central, 'pply 102 Division St. Phone 1361F. (100¢) UR RENT--3 ROOMS, TWO bedrooms and two down separate entrance and light, Reasonable. Apply 127 Nassau St, (100¢) WE STILL, HAVE ONE THIRTY dollar apartment to let at Vie | toria. It Is modern in every way and the entire building is in per fect condition. Call and sce it Bradley Bros (100¢9 TRICK HOME, GATAGE easy heated, decoraled | Phono 15386W, (100¢) TWO OR THIEL FURNISTED or partly furnighed rdoms, kvery convenience, Business couple pre ferred, No children. Apply 21 Warren Ave. (101) TO RENT--CHTAP, 14 NASBAL St, 6 roomed house and garage hone i (100¢) 2 EXCEPTIONAL BRIGHT FUR nished rooms adjoining on ground floor, for light housekeeping or otherwise. All conveniences, Cen- tral, In quiet home Plone 794J (101e) 5 ROOMS 158 ALMA, DECOR: ated, conveniences, garage, $25 | per month, Phone 1257TW. (102a) SMALL STORE, APARTMENT adjoining, good location for pro- fessional or commercial line. Box 648 Times. (sat tf) BACHELOR APARTMENT IN business section. Furnished. Ap- ply Box 640 Times. (102tf) FOR RENT -- FURNISHED 6 roomed bungalow, All conveni- ences, $25. per month, Phone 1234W, (102a) TWO ROOMS FURNISHED FOR lizht housekeeping. Every con- venience, hone 8338W. (102e) ATR TR FOR RENT -- NICELY FUR- nished bedroom in warm home with every conven/ence, Very central. Breakfast if desired. Ap- ply 16 Nassau St,, or phone 2500. (102a) Cosy, clean, a | care DRY BODY WOOD, Cord. GUS 1 Rates For Classified Ads first insertion-- 114 cents per word. Minimum charge for one in. sertion 80c, / Each subsequent consecu- tive (Insertion 1c per word. Three consecutive Imser- tions for the price of two insertions (three Minimum Shire for three insertions 60c. Nox number 10¢ additional. Professional or Business Cards, $2.50 per. month for 20 words or less, 10 cents a word per month for each additional word. Phone 35 Ask for Classified Aid + Department For Rent 6 ROOMED HOUSE 481 MA®- son St. for sale or exchapge on small fruit or chicken farm. Phone 621W, (101b) 10 RENT -- BRICK HOUSE, seven rooms, wired for range, Garage, paved drive. Near Aber- deen, Apply 383 Mary Street, (101c¢) LAUDER garage. Hortouv (101¢) FOI RENT -- 109 Road, vacant, 6 rooms, Rent thirty-five dollars, & French. Awnings AWNINGS, TENTS, FLAGS, tarpaulin, repairs, ete, Phone '104, George Reid, 66 Bond W. Turner & Son, Representa- a, (24 nov, 1 Private Hospital -- Rest' Home SUNNYNOOK, WHITBY, REGIS tered Nurse in charge. Confine ments, and all patienf® requiri and rest Two dollars dai Inspection invited (29 dec Rest Home OSHAWA REST HOME, NUKE n attendance, warm r ma, terp reasonable, 80 Droeck St, W "hone 2203, up. (30 noy « Wanted to Buy WANTED SMALL LLECTRI¢ notor for pumping water, F. J. lemens, Phone [567TW, (100¢) WANTED TO BUY=USED FUR: ir fur coats. Apply 119 Huron rescent or phone 632M, (102¢ ~ Wood For Sale $3.25 4 Apply 71A Simcoe North Phone 8124, (21 nov ¢ "Female Help Wanted WANTED-- COOK, GENERAL Apply 7 to 9 p.m,, Saturday. Mrs. John J, 62 12 Connaught st. Barber Shop BANK'S BARBER SHOP, 180 Celina St., corver of Ash. All haircuts 15¢, on Saturdays 25c. Wednesdays closed at 1 p.m (971) Burns, Thursday or | (100¢ ) Auction Sale HAVING RECEIVED INSTRUC. tions to sell the contents of a six roomed house, property of the late Mrs. Phillip Chaney, on Monday, Nov, 2nd, 1931, at 1.3 p.m. sharp at 110 Nassau St, Terms cash, W. J, Sulley, Auc- tioneer. (161b) WE MUST HAVE CARH--AUC- tion sale Saturday, Oct, 31, 1931, Wm, Sulley, Auctiopeer, tocks, paint, radio, electric washers, stoves, china'and other articles, Fox Hardware, 15 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa. Motor Cars FOR SALE----DURANT CAR IN first class cond!tion, Apply 25 Bond street east, (101b) BUICK 28-30 COACH. EXCEP- tionally good condition, Good tires, Must sell. Phoue 3112J. (101bh) EBBEX 1028 COACH, PAINT IN good condition. Well tired. At a very low price. Phone 1070W, (101b) PONTIAC 1927 CABRIOLET IN good mechanical condition, Good tires and duco. Low price; Phone 915. (101b) OLDSMOBILE 4 DOOR 30 Sk- dan, special feature, first class condition, low mileage, price right. Phone 2496. (101e) Furs Repaired FUR COATS REMODELLED RE- lined and cleaned by expert fur- rier. 119 Huron Crescent or phone 632M, (27 nov ¢) FURS REPAIRED, REMODEL- led and lined, 40 years' experi- ence, fur trimmings by the yard, collars and cuffs. Fur coats $25 up, Littner, £6 Simcoe North. (28 oct 1 mo) T® respons'ble man, familiar with motors, we offer the General Agency for the County for a new patented at- tachment that can be applied to any car, Low price. Sells on sight, Good Profit. General Agent can employ number of salesmen to cover territory, Splendid money making opportunity for good man Write for information, CANADIAN SALES AGENCY 200 McKinnon Bidg., 19 Melinda St. - + _Toronte, Ont a CONSTIPATION CONQUERED By The DR. PAPILLAUD PILL hd CONSTIPATION is one of mankind's worst enemies. It fee poisons and weakens e system and brings on many a Or Papillaud Pill, a pre paration which after years of research has been ected by Dr. Papillaud of the Faculty of Medicine of Paris, France, is pow available in Canada. This pill will afford immediate relief without causing any dis- tressor nausea whatever in the stomach, as it is so prepared that it dissolves and acts only inthebowels. E no y. Follow dir implicitly. Ask your druggist for free sample end circular PRICE: Lerge size 70 cents Hardy size 25 cents DR. PAPILLAUD LABORATORIES LTD. 32 Front St. W., TORONTO, Ont. TILLIE THE TOILER HANEENAN Agents Wanted "AUTHENTIC LIFE OF EDI- son', New, large, illustrated book, price only $1.60; enormous de- mand; big sales; quick profits; $56 to $10 dally easily earned. Write for free selling sample. Winston Co. Toronto, MAN OR WOMAN TO TRAVEL and appoint agents for old-establish- ed house Position permanent, Year- ly guarantee $1092, ($21 weekly ay- erage) and expenses. Personal inter- view and training by one of our successful travellers can be arranged For particulars write Winston Co., Dept. 0, Toronto, oo. (100-101-106-108) "Help Wanted EARN "UPWARDS OF $20 weekly growing mushrooms for ug in cellars, all fall and winter, Commence now. Illustrated book- let free. Capadian Mushroom Company, Dept. 49, Toronto. aa (102-104-106) Pets and Livestock FOR SALE--200 BARRED ROCK pullets, 16 weeks old, 75c each. Also 2 extra good young Jersey cows fresh, will give 45 1bs, milk each per day. Apply F, W. Brad- ley, Port Perry. (102a) PEDIGREED BEAGLE HOUND, suitable to train this fall. Regls- tered in American Kennel! Club. Immediate sale, Phone 1695. (101e) Lost and Found LOST--A"YOUNG COLLIE DOG. Light yellow with a little black on top of tail. Named Teddy. $5 reward to the finder, Phone 237 r 2. Address L. D. Sykes, Bow- manville, R.R, No. 6. (100¢c) LOST--BY DELIVERY BOY pouch containing money, Finder please retyrn to The Food Shop, 44 Simcoe N, and receive reward. "Private Sale BURGOYNE AND PREVOST OF- fer for sale 26 head of 2 year Ids Durham breeds, fine young OWS freshening in December. pplw'S, Burgoyne, 6 points, North 0 hawa {103¢) Notice to Creditors ETAT late of the County Deceased having ii the City of of On I iw ROSKILLY, mhawa, in rio, Widow, All persons ninst the. state of the sald {Lucy Noskilly who died on or out the 8th day of September, 1J,, 1931, are notified to send | ¢ undersigned, Mossrs. Creighton for the the 21st day of full particulars UY) Lhe Jriergon, licitors 1 betore 1031, reir claims, Immediately the 21st ay of November 1931, the as- ots of the Estate will be dis- tributed by the Executors among ha parties entitled thereto hav- + regard only to the claims of h they shall then have no- & Executors on Novem. of after ties DATED October 31st, 1931. GRIERSON. CREIGHTON & FRABER, Oshawa, Ontario, Solicitors of sald Executors. (102-108-114) Eighteen-year-old Jane Winston liacame New Zealand's youngest licensed woman pilot when she arose from a sick hed recently and took her final flying tests at Wan- ranuf. Diamonds Bassett's On Ottawa' s Main Corner TIME TABLE "1L0Y | claims | Fraser, | WHITBY, OSHAWA, BOWMANVILLE BUS LINES Week Day Schedule (Effective on and siter Sept, 27, 1931) (Standard Time) 7.20 8. 820 a. 9,05 3. 0.45 a, 2.25 pt 2.00 p. 3.30 p. 5.30 p. 6.30 p.ov 8.00 p.m. .m., 10.15 p.m, 11.30 p.m. .m, 1215a.m, Times marked * are through busses to Whithy Hospital, Going East Leave Arrive Bow- Oshawa manville 650am. 70am, 10.30 p.m. Leave Hospital 2.15pm, 745 p.m, Mpm, 7.45pm, L1S p.m. Ar. 8.30 p.m, Lv. 9.05 p.m. 11.00 p.m, 9.35 p.m, 10.3 p.m, 11.30 p.m, SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY SCHEDULE Going West Arrive Whitby 9.45 a.m 11.45am, Leave Oshawa 9.30 8.m. 11.3 a.m, 2.3 p.m, 4.3% p.m, 6.30 p.m, 8.00 p.m. 10.30 pr m. Cong East Leave Arrive Oshawa Bowmanville 10.00a.m, 1015am. 1045a.m, 1200 p.m, 12.15 p.m, 2.45 p.m, 3.00 p.m, Lv 4.10 p.m. Leave Bowmanville 2.00 3.m. Whitby 445 p.m, 5.00 p.m, 5 g 45 p.m. 7.00 p.m, 7 8.15pm. 830p. m. 9, 10.45 p.m. 11.00 p.m 11.3 Oshawa Waiting om, 10 i. Street Special Busses For Al Ovcations Reasonable Rates reful Drivers A. GARTON, PROPRIETOR BOWMANVILLE 'PHONE 412 or 46 GRAY COACH LINES Effective April 26th (Eastern Standard Time) Phone 2283 Leave Oshawa Leave Toronto AM, PM AM, n 4 po 5t a hy ART) 7.% 4.3 8 LJ] 9.8 b 6.3 0.30 ; hgh PM r.) 9. 2.40 12.80 110.20 1.¥ Daily except - - Saturday Sunday only. tat 1 o 83 Soman 7. hav S53 1.¥ Sunday CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Effective Sept. 27, 1931 (Standard Time) Enstbound Daily, except Sundav, Daily, Daily, Daily, except Sunda: Daily, except Saturds Daily, Daily. Westbound . Daily, except Sunda . Daily . Daily, . Daily, except Sunday, . Daily, . Daily, . Daily, except Sunday. am. 0.30 a.m 2.07 a.m. 6.41 p.m. 7.38 p.m. 12.04 a.m, 12.54 a.m. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAYS Effective Sept. 27, 1931 (Standard Time) Eastbound 9.29 a.m. Daily. 2.32 p.m. Trenton Local Daily, x4.18 p.m, Daily, 12,05 a.m, Daily, 1.05 a.m, Daily, x For Ottawa, Montreal and East only- Flag. ex. Sun Westbound 5.5 a.m, - 13am, 3 59 p.m, Daily. hom m. Dai except Sunday. ma. m Toronto oy Yivest only-~flag. "The best thing one can have is 1 geod conscience." "And 'the sccond best thing is a rood lawyer." COAL COAL ; Phone 198 W.d. SARGANT Yard--890 Bloor St. E. Orders Promptly Delivered BOAT FOR BALE 1 18 foot B.C. cedar, with 33 - H.P. four cylinder Johnson Motor. Very safe and fast, Price $295, Terms. Ph. 900 ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LC! LIMITED 4 Felt Bros. The Leading Jeweller Established 1886 ' 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH 855g Sundays and Holidays only, One 1927 Chev. Sedan, 1020 Chey. Coach, 30 day ware ranty. 3 ROSS, AMES AND GART- SHORE King 8t. West. Phone 1160 OMP PHONE 22 WE DELIVERY We Deliver 10 Simcoe St. S, REPAIRING WATCHES OUR SPECIALTY 4 2. J. BROWN | If your watch is not giving: satiefaction we can repair and make it tell the correct, | time, THE JEWELER Official Watch Inspector for} Canadian National and Osh.' uwa Railroads » 20 Simcoe St, 8. Phone WATSON'S BEAUTY PARLO Marcel, Permanent and Pinger Waves i: Phone 2653. 5 Celina St, For Fall © whit, HOGG & LYTLE [| LIMITED Phone 203 Full Range CHILDREN'S WINTER UNDERWEAR Girls 2 to 14 years Loys 2 to 6 years To HURT BUY SHE \ TAKE FEELWNGS, \ 0) NT VEBAN Your. TILLE, INS\SYED } HER STYLE - THAT MAKES WE THIR MAN WE MET WHO UM SURE WAS Wy \DEAL. , BUT 'M HELPLESS BRINGING UP F ATHER 'WE TIRED A DETECTIVE TO WATCH OUR HOUSE | JUST KNOW THERE ARE BURGLARS IN THIS NEIGH" THINK YOU'RE GONNA CATCH THE CROOK ? SAY, BO' LISTEN WHEN THEM GUYS FIND OUT THAT 'M ON THE JOB, THEY'LL BE HIRIN SPECIAL BOATS i, FER AFRICA - NOT LONG LET ME $8E WHAT TIME (& \ 7? NOW

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