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Oshawa Daily Times, 9 Nov 1931, p. 5

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--- THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1931 PAGE FIVE | - y i - Women's Interests in the Home and the Communit, Social and Personal Readers are invited to sub- and Mundy, Phone 812. Rev. A. N. Barclay, late of St. Mark's church, Hamilton, at present travelling. secretary of the Children's Special Service Mission is a guest at Christ Church Rgctory. Evening by evening, he is holding special ser- vices eight to nine in Christ Church, ] . Miss Marjory Moore, of Tor- onto Normal School, spent the week-end in town with her par- ents, Rev, and Mrs. 8. C. Moore, of Eleana street, Miss Margaret Anderson, of Toronto, was in town with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, C, M. An- derson, Division Street, yester- day, -. Ld LJ Miss Evelyn Andison and Miss Eileen Pipher of this city were guests in Toronto over the week- end . . LJ Mr. H. A. Ross of Division Street left this morning on a business trip to Walkerville and Detroit, v LJ Ad Rev. R, A, Whattam and Mrs. Whattam of Toronto, formerly of this city were in Oshawa last evening and attended the service at Albert Street Church, of which church Mr. Whattam is a former pastor, Paris is said to be becoming a city of suburbs instead of a haven for cosmopolitans, latest estimates showing that every week day nearly 1,900,000 persons travel to and from the city on 2,122 trains and thousands on street cars. relicv by rubbing on viR 21 MILLION JARS UsEl RUPTURED? Free Demonstration At the Genosha Hotel, on Wednesday, Nov, 11th, By Mr, A. E. MITCHELL Hours, 10 a. m. to 7 p. m, It costs you absolutely nothing to receive a free ten-day test supply of the herbal muscle-tonic "Plapao", and to examine and have demon- strated to you privately--a scien- tific self-treatment, which so many others attest under oath rid them of their rupture and saved them from the knife. FREE--PLAPAO-FREE Stuart's Plapao-Pads are patent- ably different from the truss, being mechanico-chemico applicators made self-adhesive purposely to keep the muscle tonic called "Pla. pao" continuously applied to the af- fected parts, and to minimize dang- er of slipping and painful friction, Fabric soft as velvet--easy to apply --inexpe .sive, During 25 years thousands have successfully treated themselves at home---~without hind. rance from work, Awarded Gold Medal, Rome; Grand Prix, Paris and Honorable Mention, San Fran- cisco. Process of recovery is natur- al, so no subsequent use for any kind of support. BE SURE TO CALL! Do not fail to call on Mr. Mit- ¢hell, as you may not have another opportunity for some time. Y EARLY Remember the time and place, If not able to call, write ,for FREE TRIAL PLAPAO. Address Plapao Co. 998 Stuart Bldg, St. Louis, Mo. CONSTIPATION] BOY SCOUT FLAG DEDICATED AT CHURCH SERVICE Rev. A N Barclay Preaches Remembrance Day Sermon The 2nd Company Girl Guides, the Sea Scouts and the 8th Pack of Wolf Cubs took part in the Remembrance Day Service held at Christ Church yesterday morn- ing. The sermon was preached by Rev. A. N, Barclay of Hamil- ton, who is conducting mission services at the church during the remainder of this week. Rev. R. B. Patterson, rector of the church was in charge of the service, Dis- trict Scoutmaster Rigg, sang a 80lo, '""Vallant Hearts," during the offertory. The Girl Guides' color party was composed of Glen- ice Black, "Pat" Hobbs, and Iso- bel McDonald and they carried the flag that was recently dedi- cated at a service in Holy Trin- ity Church, The Scouts' flag which was dedicated yesterday wag carried by John Chappell and his escorts were Allen Pennell and Arthur Patterson. Charles Patterson presented the Cub flag for dedication and he was escort- ed to the altar by Ed, Brisbois and Bob Simmons, The Sunday School Rally ser- vice at 2.30 o'clock was a de- Iightful one for the children, A special feature of this service was the chorus singing to the ac- companiment of the piano and accordian, This singing will al- s0 feature the four-thirty after- noon meetings for tha children for the remainder of the weak. WHAT NEW YORK IS WEARING WRAP ME UP! THE NEW. SLIMMING SLIP ! Made From a LenS8th of Material.! By ANNETTE It's a splendid opportunity to make a few crepe de chine or silk crepe slips for Xmas gifts for your friends, It will take very little of your | time to make it, And think of the saving of those endless tiresome shopping trips looking for suit- able gifts, And as a matter of fact, there probably isn't anything a woman could appreciate more than a slip. One simply can't have too many. By Thomton W. Burgess Molly, the pretty young Rab- bit with soft eyes who was liv- ing in the Old Pasture, was in lo¥e and it wasn't with Peter, She had just said so. What is more, she had said it fn a half shy way that made Mrs. Peter cer- tain she was telling the truth, At once any lurking jealousy that iittle Mrs, Peter may have had left her completely, "Tell me about it, my dear," said she, "How does it happen that you are living up here alone? Isn't he in love with you?" "Oh, yes! Yes indeed! couldn't be more in love me," cried Molly, "Then where is he?" ed Mrs. Peter, "He's taking a nap in another Lramble-tangle, 'The poor dear ll tired out," replied Mol- "It is a good thing he didn't come before that other old fel- low left," she added with a mis- cnievous chuckle, Mrs, Peter had her own opin- fon about that, It might have beer a good thing, a very good thing for Peter to have founa out how silly he had been, But she didn't say this, "How does it happen that he didn't come with you in the first place?" she esked instead. "I ran away," confessed Molly, "We had a quarrel, and I ran away." "All quarrels are foolish," in- terrupted little Mrs, Peter, "I thought he would follow me at once, and he didn't," contin- ued Molly, "Then a horrid dog chased me and I ran and ran un- til by the time I got rid of him I was completely lost. That is how I happened to come to the Old Pasture, It seemed such i He with demand- "Wavy CONQUERED By The DR. PAPILLAUD PILL hd CONSTIPATION is one of mankind's enemies. It DR. PAPILLAUD LABORATORIES LTD, 32 FrentSt. W,, TORONTO, Ont. There aren't any seams to cause conflicting lines to the outer gar. ment, The slip is made from a straight piece of material, The wrapped arrangement makes it shadow proof. The selvedge edge of the mater- ial make & smart neat finish for the lower edge of the slip. The sides may be finished picot edge or rolled in hem. This is about all the sewing you need to do, save for the darts and tacking shoulder straps. Style No. 900 is designed for sizes 12, 14, 16, 18, 20 years, 36, 38 and 40 inches bust. The 16- year-size requires 2 1.8 yards of 36-inch material. Our Winter Fashion Magazine containg styles for children, the miss, & most attractive selection for adults including slenderizing effects for stouts, and a.variety of Xmas suggestions, And incidentals ly, you will save money by choos- ing your frocks from our Pattern models, : Price of BOOK 15 cents. Price of PATTERN 20 cents in stamps or coin (coin is prefer- red). Wrap coin carefully. Address orders to: Pattern Edi. dor, Oshawa Daily Times, Oshawa, nt. BE CAREFUL Contributor--Shall. we tell one about the cheer leader? Editor---Now, now, no rak jokes, the = DODD'S) nice place that I stayed. 'There really wasn't anything else to do, You see, I was lost and didn't know the way back, Then, too, { -bad a feeling that sooner or later he would find me here, sometimes I almost Jost hope, If it hadn't been for that funny old fellow who has been coming to see me every night 1 guess I chould have died of Jonesome- ness." Mrs, Peter had it on the tip of her tongue to say that Peter wasn't a funny old fellow at all, but wisely kept still, and Molly continued, "Last night he came just as I had known all along he would!" sho cried triumphantly, "Of course he did," little Mrs, Peter knowingly, "I never was so glad to see auvhedy n all my life," confessed Molly, "but 1 pretended 1] waegn't," "Of course," said nodding approvingly, "But I guess he knew all the time that 1 was," continued Mo! ly, "He scolded me," "He would," sala Peter, And then he announced that hia never would allow me ou' of hig sight again ps long as he tived," added Molly, "He would do that too," said Mrs, Peter understandingly. "But the poor dear had hive a nap this afternoon and here T am. out of his sight al. ready," chuckled Molly her eyes shining with mischief, "And what are you going to do when he wakes up ana finds vou are not with him?" asked Mrs, Peter, "Let him hunt for me a little, fust a little, just to pav him for that seolding last night," re plied Molly, "Then 1 suppose you will ck wh you came from," Mrs, Peter, Jittle Mrs to EO ore Ire. Peter. Molly shook lier pretty head. 'No," said she, 'That's where vou are wrong, We are going to live here in the Old Pasture, I've found the loveliest place for a home and there .are no other Rabbits in the Old Pasture ex- cepting Old Jed Thumper, and he doesn't count," 'Just you tell him that," said Mra, Peter, and they both chuck- ed. "If you live near, you come and see us when we are settled," Molly prattled on, "I'd love to," replied Mrs. Pet. | er and she really meant it, is a - Dyeing Dresses, Coats, become modish ers' process, Head Office, Bowmanville, Whitby Port FUR COATS and Fur-Trim Coats Cleaned, Remodelled and Repaired Cleaning furs is not a gesture with us, It scientific specific knowledge of skins, thelr care and preservation, Remodelling furs is the work of experienced furriers conversant with the new mode, only he trusted to skilled operators, ex- pert in matching pelts. All three services arc available at White's, chic, new color, White's Dyeing depart- ment will gladly advise and suggest, RUGS, DRAPE sent to White's for cleaning, come back beautifully refreshed in pattern and tex- ture, the result of White's 'Master Clean- WHITE'S BETTER CLEANERS & DYER§ BRANCHES L. White & Sons, Limited process, demanding a Repairing furs can Shoes, Hoslery, Bags, ete., and smart when dyed to a RIES, CURTAINS 131 St, Patrick Street, Toronto, Martin Bros, Phone 360, House, Phone 14, Perry, H, Stone, ART & Lyceum Women's Art Association Every afternoon and evening next week except Thursday. Opening day, Nov, 9th for members only Local Artists will also exhibit Admission 850, Tea Extra XHIBIT of noted Canadian Artists --]N-- GENOSHA HOTEL under auspices of . { GIANT LOAF The Biggest 114-1b. Loaf Ever Made New--Perfectly Delicious Home Made Flavour replied raid | Thatls Bigger and Better Than Ever one and causes Iirm texture, First Again With a Loaf The New Giant Loaf is not only the Biggest 11; of 1b, loaf ever the guper - nourishing, The the loaf to rise 2420 CAN ct made, it is tastiest, most appetizing flavour, which is absolutely different, is due tae the new Home Baking process that in the oven and gives it a light but very close and It is a revelation in what scientific mixing of ingredients and modern baking art can produce, sure to try one---phone Be This Is a | *Big Family" We pa loaf to there hungry big and of nour satisfie childrer yoursel Loaf n Loat! rticularly recommend thus mothers of families where are healthy "always " children, The slices are satisfying and the amount ishment in each slice really 8 the hunger of growing 1. You'll like it immensely f. Order this New Giant ow by 'phone--- or get it from the Canada Bread salesman Ph on your street to-morrow, one Orders inf" ants O.C.V. 1. LIBRARY NOTES By 3 Araflea '_'Reecti Cultus Pectora Roborant:' THE WORLD'S TITERATURE Part 9, Greek Literature (Continued) II, DRAMA, A.~--TRAGEI 1. The threo great Greek dians were Mschylus, Sophocles, Furipides. /schylus: 2 The most pathetic of Alschylus's tragedies is PRO- METHEUS BOUND, It is believed to have been part of a 'trilogy. The three dramas were intended to tell the story of how Prome- theus made man of clay, and in order to endow his clay © figure with life, stole fire from heaven, Zeus, as a punishment, chained him to a rock, and sent an eagle to consume hig liver daily; during the night it grew again and so his torment was ceaseless until Hercules shot the eagle and un- chained the captive, schylug's poetry has a gublimity and grand- eur of feeling and expression, with less of pathos than is to be found in the plays of the other two, Hoe brings before us more forcibly the inexorable laws and the irresist- ible march of destiny, SOPHOVLES: 3, Sophocles was the master of Greek dramatic anse and stage-craft, His OEDI- "US and ANTIGONE are justly famous, The OEDIPUS is the ac- count of a man who unknowingly committed a terrible sin, and whose sin pursued him in the days of glory as King of Thebes, The ANTIGONE is the story of a girl who has to choose between break ing the laws of God and the State, and prefers to infringe the latter, EURIPIDES: 4 Euripides ex- tended the scope of the Greek drama by introducing real men and women of his own time into his tragedies under the names of ancient heroes, Hig best plays are ALGESTIS, MEDEA, IPHIGEN- TA. Alcestis wag the wife of King Admetus who gave herself up to death to save the life of her hus- band. But the god Hercules fetch. ed her from the grave and re- stored her to her.hushand, Medea, the sorceress, helped Jason to get possession of the Golden Fleece, and married him, Jason after ten years forsook her for Glauce, and Medea in revenge sent the bride a golden robe whiche*killed Glauce and her father, §he then tore to Bienes her two song by Jason, and 304 to Athens«in a chariot drawn y the Iphigenia ° Azame " dragons. was of Argos, When he accompanied the Greek expedition to Troy, the fleet was becalmed by Aulus, and Agamemnon was told that it was because he had not carried out his vow. So Iphigenia, then in ' the flower of 'her youth, was bound to the altar, but Artemis, now pla- cated, carried off the maiden and substituted a hind in her place. B= COMEDY: ARISTO. "HANES and MENANDER: 5. Aristophanes and Menander were the two great Athenian comedians, Four of Aristophanes comedies are CLOUDS, WASPS, BIRDS, FROGS. Noxt: Greek History, and Oratory. Fables STOP LIGHTS AFTER DARK New Haven, Conn.,--Reflectors, the small red discs, wLkich are illuminated when a light shines on them, are being used by ped- estrians when walking on the highways at night, acc rding to Robbing B. Stoeckel, Connecticut Motor Vehicle Commissioner, Mr, Stoeckel pointed out, hcwever, that the use of a reflector, with a light, is not a safe practice, JUNIOR FOREST WARDENS PRAISED Prince of Wales Commends Work of Young Men Who Protect Forests Ottawa.--Junior forest wardens, sponsored by the Canadian Forestry Association, guardians of the wood- lands, fish and game resources, have won the commendation of His Royal Highness, the Prince of Wales, Robson Black, manager of the Canadian Forestry Association, re- cently received a letter from Lloyd Thomas, asssitant private secretary to the prince, in which the work of the junior wardens is highly praised, Mr. Lloyd says: "The attention of the Prince of Wales has recently been drawn to the work which has been performed by the junior forest wardens of Eastern Canada and by the junior fire wardens in British Columbia, "His Royal Highness, as president of the Empire Forestry Association, has learned of this development | with the greatest pleasure and he will be glad if you convey to the junior wardens of the Canadian As- sociation an expression of his ap- preciation of their enterprise, and his best wishes for their prosperity and for the success of their labours," The junior wardens are selected guarding against forest fires, pros" ecting wild life against depredas tions, and planting trees whereves . required. Thousands of these lads have joined forces with the local fire rangers and game guardians" and have proved their mettle undeg trying cireimstances, By hh If you | suffer from biliousness™ or i indigestion there is : nothing better than youths pledged to active service in shaded Don't be put off with the offer of something "just as good". De« mand and get Mercury Hosiery, Its in a quality class by itself, 4 Will stand the Rarcler-wear that Fall and Winter weather demands of hosiery. Gracefully fitting . , . exquisitely modest! pi

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