Bs THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 193) 1 News of Nearby Places Tom NEWCASTLE Neweastle is sending a candidate | in the field to contest the West Newcastle, Nov, 12, --With » Duisam viding. He Js. Fred solemn and impressive Cowan and we wish him all suc- cess, citizens of Newcastle, Orono, Newtonville and' surrounding Gis. | . 3 2Umber of public spirited tricts paid tribute to the mem- ng attended the meeting of ory of the fallen. The Canadian the Durham Musical Festival As- Legion headed by the scarlet sociation held in Orono on Mon- day night. Th® officers of the {hes Durham ; Regimental Bude association were elected and : followed py the school child- | roory Newcastle the following "ren proceeded to the front of the Community Hall where hundreds of citizens had gathered, After 4 members of the on placed wreaths on he Memorial ab lets in the éntrance of the Hall, ~ the town clock struck the hour he pig Hog iv] will be hej and the two minute silence was : | observed, Many passing motor " cars had been held in line by Con- THORNT ON'S NEWS stable Garrod and no sound broke the solemn stillness until the Thornton's Corners, Nov, 12.-- © Last Post was sounded. Proceed- There was a goodly attendance ed by the Band and the veterans, [at the Sunday School service on the assembly took their places | November 8th. Mr, and Mrs. Har- in the great hall. After a short |old Lick and Greta and Doris Lick sang a quartette which all present enjoyed very much. were chosen on the Prize Com- mittee, Dr, Butler, chajrman and Mrs. F. H, Mason, On the Execu- tive Committee, Mrs, E. C. Fisher and Miss Hattie Mason. 'This is one of the 34 smart, freshly- styled models offered for 1932 by Me- Laughlin-Buick, They are all featured by "Wizard Control", declared to be a startling innovation in automobile oper- ation, - An automatic, power - operated clutch fs combined with improved free- wheeling and silent-second syncro-mesh transmission ip a way which puts new comfort and pleasure into the driver's job. Ai the McLaughlin-Buicks have a 1932 MoLaughlin-Buicks Have New Lines and Wizard Control mn and Mrs. Richards of Port P 7ry; led in prayer. fhe Rev. Mr. Richards and nh Richards and Mrs. NEW METHOD OF MOTOR-CAR OPERATION COMES WITH LATEST MODELS advancements, This particular model, which shows the way in which the modern trend in body design is eml:-eced, is the special four-passenger coupe of the new "ride regulator", and scores of other | "Sixty" series, introductory speech, Reeve' W, F Rickard introduced the speakers. Rev. W. Wallace, of Newtonville. Great sympathy is extended to read portions of the scripture | Mrs. Edgar Pascoe who has just followed by a stirring address by | returned from Detroit where she was attending the funeral of her brother, Richard Booth, Last Rev. W. P. Rogers. Mr. Rogers week Mr. Booth suffered a stroke state having several ribs frac- tured and her spine injured. The fact that she is 72 years of age adds to .the seriousness of the accident, it a triple celebration, Mr, and Mrs. Wesley Hoskin, Jenn, Ella, Dorothy and Bert, Kedron, Mr. and Mrs. Percy spoke on "The Unfinished Task." Copper and family and Mrs, Rob- as handed down to us by those whose memory. we had gathered | 'rom which he died. Messrs. James Luke and Clar- [ert Flintoff, Oshawa, Mr, and together to homor. Mr. Coyne, The Westmount Cub Pack and | ®n¢e Luke were in Toronto this | Mrs, Russel Perkins and Mar- Principal of the High School | cout Troop are makinz plans | Week. caret, Hampton, were recent and member of the Canadidn [for a banquet. They had Mr, Lee. Hp -------- guests of Mr. and Mrs, Delbert Legion read out the names of | of the Oshawa Sea Cadets, recent- EBENEZER Flintoff, those who had paid the supreme |ly as a guest, Mr. and Mrs, Howaru Allin and i "sacrifice from Orono, Neweastle| Mrs. W. D. Forsythe was in To- | Ebenezer, Nov. 12.--Mr, and | 2mily, Newcastle, spent Sunday if | and Newtonville districts. This |ronto for two days this week. Mrs. Will Found, Bowmapville, | With Mr. "and Mrs, Norman was followed by a selection from Mr. Thos. Shepherd fs home |and Mr. and Mrs, Will Lymer, | Downs. the tand endinz in "Lead Kindly | again after working in Orillia | vaple Grove, were Sunday guests | Mr. Walter Snider apd Master i Light." Rev. F. H. Mason re: |the past few weeks. of Mr. and Mrs, Chas, Found, Lloyd Montgomery who have prayers suitable for the occasion. Mr. and Mrs. H. Smith, of To- Mr. and Mrs. H. Cameron, |Peen visiting with Mr. Snider's Rev. J. Smythe, bf Oropo pro- |ronto, were week-end guests of | Pickering, Mr, and Mrs, W, Hos- | Parents at Wagarville, have re- nounced the benediction and the |the latter's sister, Mrs. Norman | xin, Kedron, Mr, and Mrs, Herb. |-Urned ' ome, band played God Save the King. | Gilbert and Mr. Glibert. Rundle and Florence. Hampton, | Mrs. Wesley Cameron and . A number of citizens went to| Messrs. Ronald Elliott and | Rev. and Mrs, Wolfraim and |!!ttle son, Jackie, have returned Newtonville on Wednesday even- | Eric Dean speiit Sunday in Port | family were guests at a birthday | home after a visit with her par- ing to attend the (fowl supper | Hope, party at Mr. D. Flintoff's when | ents here, Her mother, Mrs, Flin- given by the congregation of the| Mr. Everett Merrick, of Ux-| Mr. Flintoff and daughter, Mrs, | toff, taking her home nd spend- ng the day, Mr. Gus Oke, Toronto, United Church in the basement of their new church, The church bridge, spent Sunday at the home of his uncle, W. A. Scott and Mrs, Cameron celebrated their birth- days, After a sumptuous dinner visited really had been opened the pre- | Scott, had been served by Mrs. Flintoff, | » ith his parents, Mr, and Mrs, A, vious Sunday with special services, On Tuesday Mrs. W. A. Scot! | four of the children were bap- |J. Oke recently, It was reported that over nine |had as a guest, Mrs. Stanley | tised, "Masters Donald and Glen Dr, and Mrs. Reid and daugh- Baker, of Saintfield. All will be glad to know that Mrs, James Luke has sufficiently er, Marylin, Toronto, were week- end guests of Mr. and Mrs Cecil Worden. hundred tickets had been sold and yet the tables were spread » with a plentiful variety of every- Flintoff, Jackie Cameron and little Miss Florence Rundle, Mr. 0, R. Killen was also a guest, thing. The supper was followed | recovered from her recent serious Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Clarke and Mrs. Arnle Clifford, Oshawa, by a program at which the New- | operation to leave the Toronto | family, Oshawa, were guests at | visited with Mrs, Ierh, Nicholl's castle mixed quartette sang sev- | General Hospital, She is now |the home of Mr, and Mrs. Clar- | on Thursday, eral numbers. The quartette | convalescing at the home of her [ence Penfound's on Sunday. Miss May Wade, Oshawa, consists of Mrs. W, D. Bragg, | sister, Mrs. Shaw, in Toronto, Mr. and Mrs, Esli Oke and Miss | spent the holiday with her par- Miss Hattie Mason, W. F. Rick- The friends of Mrs. Collins, | Elsie entertained a number of | ents, Mr, and Mrs, Ed. Wade, 'ard and H. C. Allin with Mrs, C. | mother of Mrs. Jas, Luke, will | friends on' Remembrance Day to Mrs. Ira Trull "has returned A. Cowan, accompanist. be sorry to hear of her bad ac- |n gogse dinner when ail had a [home after a pleasant holiday The general elections for the Older Boys' Parliament are # being held the end of November. delightful time. Mr. Oke's birth- day coming on the eleventh and Miss Elsle's on the twelfth made cident on Monday when she was struck by an auto in Toronto, Mrs. Collins is in a serious spent with her daughter, Mrs W. H. Patte, Oshawa. Miss Edythe Taylor, Port Hope, Mrs. Jetfery, Sr., Mrs, Stephen Jeffery, Maple Grove spent the holliday with Mrs, Bert Wilkins Mr, Blake Courtice ag return- ed home from Maidstone, Sask. after a pleasant vigit vith his Yirother. MANCHESTER NEWS (Mrs. E. L, McKee, Correspon- dent) Manchester, Nov, 12.--Mr, and Mre. Wells and children spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Lambe, The W.M.S8. will hold thelr monthly meeting at the howe ot | Mrs. E. Holthy on Friday. Mies Dolly Reese and friend mctored to Gravenhurst and Huntsville on Sunday. The T.adies Association will hold their meeting at the home of Mrs. Frank Crosier on Wed- nes'ay next, Mr. and Mrs, Howard Jambhe pnd eh"'dyen, ¥indsay, gnent Sun- dav with the former's father and mother, Mr. and Mrs, Frank Lambe, The miegslonary, Mr. Stevens who snoke to a good gathering of neople in the élinreh on Thurs dny evenine last, wos very inter- | e«ting in, his talk about the peo | nla of Northern Manitohn, Mr Stevens hors snent a great manv vears in this loeality and so tol"? many of the customs of the dAif- ferent peonle in those parts. The selections which wers much en- joyed, Mr, Totten acted as chalir- Bethesda guartette rendered two | $71allman, Port Perry, Mr. and Mrs Harvey Reel, Greenbank, | wis:ted at the home of Mr. and Mrs Wilmont Walker on Wed- nesday evening. Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Dobson, and Mr. Redge Cooper, attended 'the anniversary services and fowl tupper at Ashburn on Sunday and Tuesday evenings. Mrs. E. Holthy, Misses Marion Holtby and Irene James, attend- led the Girls' Institute meeting held st Prospect school on Sat- nrday last. The meeting was very interesting, the subject be- 'ng "The Modern Girl." At the ciose of the meeting, lunch was gerved and an enjoyable time epent, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd McKee and iby visited in Toronto on Wed- | nesday, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Gerrow sn) son Maunsell were at the r< "ty given in honor of Mr. Wal- j.ce Armstrong at the home of »- and Mrs. Ralph Sommerville on Wriday evening last. Quite a few from here took in the nlay at Utica on Friday even- ing last. Mr. Vertol Crosier and Jady friend, Toronto, grent Fr=72~ with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. 'Wright Crosier. Mr. J. Bowles his bought the bouse formerly owned by Mr. Aron Masters and intends to re- hu'ld in the future, Mr. and Mrs. R. Suteliffe and children, of Sutton, Mr, and Mrs. Mellvlle Jam and Ihedarn.g---- Mellville James and children, of Port Perry, visited at Mr, Leslie James on Sunday. Miss Alberta Mitchell is visit- ng her grandnarents in Oshawa. Mr, and Mrs. W. Boardman ond son Rrnee, Mr. FF Badgerow and Miss Miller, of Toronto, visit- ed at Mr, Charlie Gerrow"s, on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs, Tloyd MeE re at- tended the theatre and dinner natty given by the Oshawa Dany Times and the Whithy Gazette and Chronicle, on Friday ecen- ing last to the correspondents of the two papers. The evening was much enjoved, as was also the af. terroon when a quite a number of the correspondents visited The Times plant and saw the narer run off the reels, which was very All In | Intestinal! poisons are sapping | your energy, stealing yous pep, | making you 111, Take MR | laxative, Keeps youtesling _¥ yo. MORROW | sight. Getadicbox. @ ALRIGHT | _ The All- Vegetable Laxative ioteresting. | 1 tor. er appointment, on Sunday, The Community Club meeting | Mrs. Totton and gon, Harold, was postponed on Thursday even- | spending the day with Mrs, Tots ing last un sccount of the mis- | ton's mother at Stouffville. slopary meeting and will be held 1 Thursday evening this week to crganize, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gilbert and son Murr: , Thornton's Cor- pers, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Tor- outro, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. Bpencer. "DODD'S AL 1 PILLS 1 en MYRTLE NEWS Myrtle, Nov. 11.---Mr, Charlie Pilkey was in Stratford on Thurs- day, attending the funeral of his brother-in-law, Mr, Arthur Dyeritt, Mrs. John Bright returned to her home in Hamilton on Mon- day, after a couple of weeks' holl- day with her son, Mr. H. Roy Bright, Mr. W. Henry Wilson is con- fined to the house and is in 2 very critical condition. Miss Sarah Davidson of Whit- by is visiting relatives here. Mr. Edward Mole was remov- ed from the Oshawa Hospital to his home here last week and is still under Dr, McClaren's care, "nd will be confined to his bed for some weeks, Mrs. John Bright has sold her farm, south of the village, to Mr. Booth, of Whitevale, who takes immediate possession, but does not intend to move until epring. Miss Effie Graham, of Clare- mont, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Stew- <rt Graham, Rev. Mr. Totton preached an- niversary services at Greenwood, NEY NE ' KID Lovely Skin Vegetable Pills Did What Creams Couidn't | "I find (writes Miss E. T, Clapham) that Carter's Little Liver Pills will do more to keep the complexion clear and the skin free from blemishes than all the face creams I ).ave used." Dr, Carter's Little Liver Pills are no ordinary laxative, They are ALL VEGETABLE and have a definite, valuable tonic action upon the liver. They end Constipation, Indigestion, Biliousness, Headaches, Acidity. All druggists. 25c and 75c red packages. RC _ = . To the citizens' of Oshawa: i MARJA The distinguished beauty scientist, will be in Oshawa as | | a guest of KARN'S DRUG STORE, | STARTING MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16 She brings to you the latest, most fascinating informa- tion about the new developments in scientific beauty | culture. During the limited period of her visit she will | be happy to give you every opportunity to consult her personally, She will analyze your skin, supervise the | treatment to lift the years away, correct lines, black- heads and relaxation, prescribe a simple economical home treatment and select at your request the most beautiful make-up for your type, coloring and personal- ity, Starting next Monday morning Marja will give free facials from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Book in advanee for your free Marja Facial and consultation with the compliments | | | of | Karn's Drug Store am ---------------- rN { | AR 0 \ \ , - " SR a a Children's DRESSES ei, Sh Soo de ok FULL FASHIONED Sli. HJSE FOR THE SMARTLY DRESSED WOMEN WHO WANT BETTER DRESSES Evening Gowns LADIES' COATS Chungn, Pasket Weave, French Broadcloth with trims of Badger, Wolf, Sealene and Vicuna $0.45 to $292.95 Knit-to-Fashion J 2 Suits INS kl 7A 7 *, reserved RX \ LADIES' RUN PROOF SILK SLIPS 48c¢c FOR XMAS SHOPPERS Service and Chiffon weight. Abieraort | Frocks £. y Ladies Dance Set to Match |... i Business Dre Panties, "WABASSO % 5365 Brassieres In Satins, Georgettes, Cantons, Taffetas |" SL TELING and Slips Specially priced, set 79¢c CHILDREN'S COATS With Bonnets to match. Sizes 2 to 6 years. Values up to $10, Specially priced at $3.98 3-Piece Girls' Bathrobes Sizes 8 to 14 years . A. DEWLAND Exceptional Values. All sizes. All colors. Formerly $13.50. Now priced 4.95 LTD. STORE | WOOD'S LAVENDER LINE Silk Underwear | Regular $1.50, at ! 69¢c ha |___W. PATTENICK, LIQUIDATING Pte S.24COE STREET, NORTH