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Oshawa Daily Times, 16 Nov 1931, p. 6

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1951 ® TC ) TODAY'S SPORTING FEATURES A.A.A. Finish League Without a Defeat Blue Devils Win Game by 4 to 2 and Round 12 to 10 n Lost Game to McGill But Win College Race Varsity Surprise Queens and Win by 17 to 0 in Kingston > Maple Leafs Tied With Canadiens on Saturday Sarnia Imperials Upset Balmy Beach by 10 to 0 A.C. SATURDAY De ona: Maple Leafs Tied 9 team were able tb make much Kinsmen S we om | too Much for Visitors |i ici | Fast Canadien Sp ort Snaps pohots | WELFARE quarter ended. Toronto, Nov. 16=Two 'goals one Second Quarter { onto: 1 the A ; Devils So Solved System] a big threat with his accurate Croft kicked to Rowden on tae ; '© each team, both coming in the By throwing the Invictus A.C. rugby team' into the discard, Satur- and the ve Hub- cond period, were the sum total : , Attack Held beth, Boid and Boulthes chances first gown and he dodged fifteen oe efforts of the speedy Mon- | Cay, the Blue Devils entered the home stretch towards their third ers to Small Gains; io wake biz gains. Hood was 2 or ol Ys rt ssh treal Canadiens and their rivals the | Intermediate O.R.F.U. title. Saturday's game hardly equalled Wed- . ng demon tackler as usual but mar- P e play _ | no less speedy Maple Leafs, in Sat- | nesday's fixture at Varsity Stadjum, that is, if you like: the "crash "n ; xe i i 403 as ls . | Blue Devils one yard and as In- vi pg --Hubbell and Rowden] red his work by becoming involv victus were holding tight Hubbell urday night 3 N.HL. fixture at carry" spectacle. But for real rugby, Saturday's was the better game. on the Half Line AR peg Bhp Slested 30 kick; Bis Jrive Soing 10 Me Je ots saw sev- . hs . - ; . ally effective and handled the Somery els I ¢ Posts. TC | enty minutes of good and bad hoc- On the round, the Blue Devils and the Invictus team 'appeared just ith C. Elliott in- team in fine style. 4 5 br a td ¥ three tack- | ey thrilling for the most part, but | shout al . awe : . ec { z 5 Promin ae: 0 he y. i ual, but the Oshawa squad n out because of their greater lers for ther point. On the lacking the punch and drive that jusg yon 0 ea of, their greate : First Quarter 4 Than P-- first down Croft kicked and Row- experience. ént as Ground Gaine Hubbell kicked off for Blue [qoit YORE Frott Kioked and BOW" | these teams have provided here on i" eg, 8.30 p.m. bee Devils with the wind behind him. ro os ar previous occasions. Hood and Boult Somerville took the kick on the Be CE Saoveling The light scoring is largely. due to And now for the fans who crave facts and figures, we present some Tackled Hard bound and ran it back to the blr. | ory. 'Blue Devils line was tight |the fact that neither team has hit | siatistics on Saturday's game, ARMOURIES 4 yard Hine. ie the first id on two plunges by Somerville and jts Jesuiag sted as A I . Ki * * i * Playin a fine plunging and SAY rs ° p g Invietus | Gallagher. Croft kicked to Row- [13CKINg was weak compar n oy The Blue Devils moved the yard sticks cleven times during the kickin, me that gained them Somerville lor a ons, ¢ , avis ¥s den and he made seven yards, C, | these same players usually o .r : : he ¥e es Ee any ras, Bie Doris elimin. FOL & break wien rolp's hick 10 Elliott plunged for nine yards on Canadiens presented 3 Fons ho game, twice in the hrst quarter, five times in the second and four . -* ated Invictus A.C., of Toronto, at hadi yas Lum BG the visit- | the first down and Hood made it funse, bar failed 32 Bas re 'az times in the last quarter. On the other hand Invictus A.C. gained the ancing ree RB AB 0rey v re > B § Visit- 1 2 Pn 2 zr d an ever combinatic thee . ra . . Alexandra Park on Saturday by |org the ball. Two plunges netted frst Wa with Snotjier Tou} yard a Se es are noted, The | Necessary ten yards only four times, once in the first and three times wining the game, 4 to 2, and tak- | four yards, but Croft's kick was Hubbell six but' rather Yard take | Lear's have not yet hit upon an at- |! the third quarter. ing the Jound, i: Io 16 he short ang Wallace was downed at a chance, Hubbel kicked and the | tack. that is effective and the clever » * * * 9 e v - chawa' ot veVE ; a- 1% hie 2 Si . ol 3 3 Ni . . Dele farm pont Qube fod Buel | Ben onc mn yt (tive it heme 106 TE | Ten sven mes scr aed and pe. venir vit ve ot - Smell's Orchestra S e , ry i around 1c ne s - 3 istance of v » Crof - i i Smut Xithout gain i the game Cutler made six more on a splen- jus Digver at she fory.ya ine fast "season. Have. cither been for Jor A tons] Gistane of oy yards while ( roft, for Invictus, lifted he n Toronto last Wednesday and |did plunge, for yards. The same |» Ey 1 cr ha DI3 yards in thirty-three trys. That is, : old pigskin travelled m 4 S t 3 y . | gotten or else they are trying to ) ) ) ee co 2 System > 2 DiaYe: made Hirao ae o the Ellon ade, seven yards, wile build up entirely new ones. more than a mile and a quarter through the Soren Boi It certainly J Ad ission 50c¢ el ae e (Ss an - | first down. Fallig tried a forwarc y | The first two periods gave prom- | was an elevating game! . . . well, the two hefty middle wings, puss but it was grounded. Cutler [ 11rd down Ce, Ole to i | wus an glevating game! - = IX. Proceeds in aid of Associated Welfare to demparatively small gains. In- | came off and Guiltinan replaced | vo. q.€ a a 2 tO or ha There was enoughsof real: hocks to : ! ) Z Society Fand Vicths missed their star Half, { him. Hubbell kicked to the open fy," qo the first down but | make the fans hopeful that the final In the matter of running back kicks the teams were about equal, Ross, who was unable to play due | field and the ball bounded into | \os0nieq Murray's tackle . and |20 minutes would be crammed with | sixty-four yards by the Oshawa halves and firty-five by Invictus backs. to ®b injuries received in the | touch at Invictus' fifteen-yard |p op 0 oft th ged thrill But the expected heights | The teams were likew aini v4 hrough' the line, 139 first game of the series. His abil- | line, It was a big gain for Oshawa. 3 went as they engaged in S. aed ore third a 1c teams were likewise equal in gaining yards through' the line, ity kick goals from placement | Two plunges gained the visitors 2 Soiie. it Rowden, (ried a drop Fo Be eb fro and less thrill. by the Oshawa squad and 133 by Invictus wasi sadly missed and his team |two yards and Croft's punt was | 4) 5 0 Wen ee 3S posts and ing than either of its two predeces- : i 4 * ve galy able th SE0L0 1%0 Points Sen by Hubbell 3% cepire. oN another pbint for Blue Devils. i sors,' while the overtime was list- Invictus tried two forward passes and completed one for seven yards, } 8 le - a [3 F' i sh- rant do y fet ¥ i" . : ' W : N - op the Oshawa back-field snd FUL gaineq a Ya 4. id ha d Bornish was offside on the first | less, with he teams obviously fon: Follis threw twelve of which six were completed for a gain of sixty MAROONS WON | ZION SOCCERITES 4 i Jd i 2 i F rie ras 9 y tent to play cautiously and share _ . nt Lie ip BE lad given Invictus. possession | play when a forward pass from own AT 9 Dvictus w As given ten yards while two fell into-the hands of tke Toronto team. AS N NORED BANOUET fost in. Blue Devils played a fine | Rowden to. Hubbell was complet- Jards. An atiempied Io war pase he Joint rather tian risk defeat by * * * » FIRST OF SE O HO ' Fagen eld on ihe me whey i Hubbell kicked ha Somerville down Croft kicked te th i PReming pit, SRR The Blue Devils were penalized ten yards four times' and Invictus : 1 © | who just barely gbt out. A ten- | gop, yyry thirty-yard line. Hub- Shoe lace tips have been invent- | three times Montreal, - Nov. 16--A stout de-| (00, Footbaly enthusiasts from to their goal line. : yard penalty to Oshawa helped | poy) kicked bn the first down to | ed that are screwed in place to : 4 * + fense and greater accuracy in en-lc. vice Zion, Solina, Bowmanville ibbell's kicking was again a | Invictus, But Shields was held t0 | crore at the thirty-five-vard line. | prevent their loss. emy territory earned the Montreal | 5 oiiien Orono, Leskard, Kirby oon Be Sak -. it Jras (two yards, Freedhoff made eleven Lipyq=yyst play waa -held for 10 rene Taking alj in all, the ball was "taken for a ride" for a grand total | Maroons a 4 to 1 victory over the | 5 per ot tio pt pent ol ga © hig accurate kicking that Osh- yards on the next down but Blue gain but on the second Bond in-| Recent official statistics esti- | of slightly more than two miles, closely followed by twenty-four pant-| Boston Bruins here Saturday night [yo 0" 0 Fastern Section of "@wapwere able to pile up eiiough | Devils tightened up "and threw terferred with ti ated the population bf India at |; 3 ' in their opening game of the Na- <Q io Football' Assoti= in, Rowden. his <1 Hooke rn 'loss behind: his 1 rred with the reception of a | mated the popu nb ing and weary players! the South Ontario Football Associ points to win, n, his part- | Hooker for a lo hind his line | to ward pass and Inviet > | about 351,000,000 tional Hockey League season. a hich was held Orono ner on the half-line, was a gensa- | of scrimmage. Invictus were off- siven. possession. on pvics were dni hint * * ® ® The Maroons ran in two goals in ation, Wich w gs Del Luh ho tion in the running back punts |side and lost ten yards, Croft fortv-fve sy Shawa's Lloyd Danicls, a former member of the O.C.V.I. rugby teams and |the first period, and one in cach of | sri 4 : de ; av orty-five-yard line. Somerville J ' be ¥ chairman and William King pre ¥ and ds arr Po io to Bftoon jibe Kicked In Hubber fr the Sos. made eight yards but Invictus the next down. Fallls kicked short | ,y,.;05 popular young man in Oshawa and now flying' wing of the | the others. "Boston counted in the sented the medals. The big feature | er every cateh air | ty-five-yard line and after dodg- to centre-field. A forward pass by |. °° : hu Gt rial : 2 / successfully held } ~¢ 1 as th sentation LE Played his best game of |ing several tacklers, he returned hii Jelalted ten yards Tor, on Freedhoff was grounded. Croft | Queen's Juniors has been voted the Royal Todd Memorial Trophy by SRO Hn] were Shes as Art Ross ol ye rhb 8 ihe De ach H Ld aver N 0 Hy 5 eS 0 SSO ( > 1«( son and made many lengthy | the ball to the deadline for the kicked On the second own 0 was ealled on to kick and fumbled | his teammates. The cup is awarded annually to the player on the sent: his deadliest snipers on a of fhe a sation Bp to received h to ain es back of the interference | first point of the game. The kick Rowden who was downed in his | Pt BOt the ball away just in time | junior football team who, in the estimation of his fellow: players, was sweeping attack, leaving only one | 1 to Fallis at.Oshawa's thirty-yard the most valuable player on the squad, The Royal Todd Trophy was | man on the defense. a a popular young | The Maroons won through super- TICKETS ON SALE 'team-mates. Fallis was also | went fifty yards, in the air. Blue tracks. On Blue Devils' first down fo Fallis fumbled and Invictus re- line, where he fumbled and Invie- first offered in 1929 by the parents of Royal Tedd, tus recovered for a big gain. " . Mer of Vv seas form. The Bruins yard line. Keen was shoved Eitlelgs Wig held for a one:vard medical student who played on the junior team and who was killed ior eat] 7 season fo thes aor Local followers. of Projcstiopal back by Logan who tackled him gail Cro : trie Ye kick but the | u ar automobile accident that year, : ; ness of lastiseason's playoffs. There | Hockey will welcome the news that behind the line. Kedwell made i Bw ine hie Jue of jeri. This year's award is decidedly popular as "Danny" turned in con- | was loose play from both teams, | reserved seats for the Toronte his best effort of the day and page. younde bs Dag ih iit an sistent and clever rugby all season. At a mecting of the team "Danny" | however, and the puck was batted | Maple Leafs' home games in the gained ten yards but not a first | 8» myer und nvictus re. Eo h i nt football and | around the ice like a game of shin- | new Maple Leaf Gardens in Tor- down. Croft. kicking on the final covered just where they started. | was the unanimous choice. He has been prominen in" football a arg ily. are How on sale in Osviwh down, lifted the ball to the dead- It Was & Jueky break for the visit- | hockey ever since he went to Queens and has an cnviable reputa- The seat plan is being handled af =Umery! was held to no Coach Lines agency as an- LJ line for the firs A 8. Soa da swtsman' and: clever ulaver : ~ od wi th indy t point for the vis gain on an attempted end-run on | 1'OF #% & Sportsman and clever player The Prairie Provinces of [ an- | Gray i p yas | . ada are estimated to contain 215,- | nounced elsewhere in this edition. the next down, while on the next 5 : : From the scrimmage Oshawa | Crofy lifted one Ea" WR Li 000,000 acres of land available | Combination tickets, including mo- started a drive down the field with head behind the posts, He sprint- Germans have invented an au- | ®# There are 1500 tons of solid | for cultivation, of which about 41 | tor coach farc to and from Toronta LJ / a series of forward i i 8 0 ores, | ! ! ts in the new arena L 1 basses. On [ed back and dribbled the ball tomatic paintir~ device to decor- | matter in each cubic mile of sea | per cent, or 88,000,000 acres, is fand reserved scats ¢ new arena, rs ye the first Hubbell made seven |the deadline. There was only 0 roy oan rapidly. ? water, , occupied. will be sold at no extra cost. Yards 3hd on the second Boultbee | minute to 80 80 Oshawa held on ! 4 . Western University says,-- ma t do teen. Six yards on the [to the ball and took all the time -- "She's All Right!" Q . pent, WB was from another for- they could. Two plunges which h 4 it ueen 3 rd, while a plunge gave Osh- [were not intended to go through University says, "Bulloney! BY ards again, Blue Devils brought full time. . 4 J yO yards on he rst FINAL SCORE~-- On Saturday Varsity. caused down but on the second T. Elliott | BLUE DEVILS 4, INVICTUS 2 e greatest upset in football fumbled and the visitors recover- | The teams: . speculation that has occur- ed at centre-field. Somerville made Blue Devils-- Flying wing, Fal- red this year. a yard, but Croft was thrown for | lis: halves, Hood, Rowden and a twelve-yard loss, It came as the Hubbell; snap, Gray; quarter result of a poor snap that bound- | Kohen;. insides, Wilson and Lo- ed over his head after hitting the | gap; middles, C. Elliott and Cut- YOU'LL NEVER BE WRONG. ground in front of him. Raker | jer: outsides, Boultbee and Wal- ONG kicked but it was poor, being only | jace: subs. Peterson, Gummow, . gbod for about twenty yards. C..| Bond. A That Goes for Clothing Also. Elliott made six yards on the see- T. Elifott and Gulitiman. Tribute, 4 ond down and Hubbell kicked Invictus A.C.--Flying wing. Buy at a Reputable Quality Dealer such as away back of the posts but Bond | Murray; halves, Buck, Croft and missed a tackle and the half ran Glatt; snap, Hill; quarter, Somer- it but ten yards. ville; insides, Gallagher and HALF TIME SCORE-- Reid; middles, Shields and Ked- BLUE DEVILS 3, INVICTUS 1 well; outsides, Merkley 'and Hook- hird Quarter ' A, subs., Keen, Nicholls, McKep- Invictus kicked off to Rowden | dry, Freedhoff, Rees, Archibald Cambridge . Clothes who returned to centre. Gray [and McNey, Society Brand Clothes made a fine tackle Yo bring dows 7 eo Bowmn. Armstrong and hnst Own the runner at the forty-five-yar eb owman. Head linesman-- Jo on's Clothes line, Blue Devils held Close, 10: C. F. Cannon. two downs and forced Cro 0 EVERYTHING FOR YOUR BOY kick to Rowden who returned the One Buyi 0 ball to Keen on Invictus' forty- Ne Ever Regretted mg Quality yard line: for a big Oshawa gain. Play for the most part through- out the quarter alternated be- tween the teams around centre- field with neither having any ad- vantage. The kicking of Hubbell and Croft was good and there were no fumbles. With the quar- ter nearly S¥er Blue Devilg block- Today and Tuesday ed Croft's kick and Kohen recov- ered at centre-field. Hubbell held Elissa Landi in the ball too long on a second down 66 . soon after and was thrown for a WwW ked" loss but he kicked into touch as 1C the quarter ended at Invictus' thirty-five-yard line. With Victor McLaglen Fourth Quarter and Una Merkle \\ : Play for the first five minutes A ] oO T i a R MI S Sl 12 for 15a was around centre-field but Fal- , ug lis broke the spell with a for- "eka Added 3 , A 20 for 25¢ ward pass to Hubbell that was WHAT PRICE PANTS" good for eleven yards. The fiat "OLD LACK" "Four successive misses! Something's gone WIODE KE BW ~and in fat tins down gained five yards but Osh- awa Jost A gown throug an o- ong xy bong oli ces No, i it's not my shooting «oo It's the wind . . . side and Hubbell kicked to Merk- ley at Invictus' forty-yard line. % There's no lift to it... But I'll getfthe next onc... who in attempting to circl : Y trom a maze of tacklers, ran |* Just watch me! Here it comes . ." * Watch! What, back to. his 'own ten-yard line - . . wher® he was downed by Hood, Tt y another miss! punted meross. the deg cv er || New Martin WELL, WELL! covered on Oshawa's thirty-five- bell at his own forty-yard line. Fi are 3 eran won : 2! Somebody pass me a. Winchester." ; ] or fifteen yards. LAS Two plunges gained hardly any- || T TIME TODAY 1 thing so Hubbell kicked, his punt é ° ™ going deep to Somerviile, who The C Kid' / was surrounded by tacklers and 1SCO was rouged with no chance to get out, with : hl Phi boys coud not Warner Baxter ig y gain on the line and Edm Low Croft kicked to Rowden at the na . . "visitors' forty-five-yard line. On hits Monteng A J S ta esd be made or oom CIGARETTES y Another forward ai was inter- " ¢ ie by Glatt. Croft kicked to ave. the Viking Trail" e open fleld oe 0 ike was lays Blieve 1t Or Nor! igh ] y Blues" : r By! ues 4 i a n Rane ot Qulnwas hirty-yard - a i ot Kah

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