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Oshawa Daily Times, 18 Nov 1931, p. 2

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3 4 tor Rowena and a "Meeker called to escort them THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1931 fully into the lapel of his coat--all this to the beaming delight of Mr. Meeker and the cop Flushing with rosy pride, Mr. Meeker led them down to the recep tion-r and introduced them once publishers among them, too, as well #8 mere reporters, The orchestra s | struck up the wedding march and ition a suggests to Peter (MY they make companionate" marriage. They are mar- 80 to Cheyenne, where their ac. hey for rooms on Brouses the 'suspicions of the They finally succeed in getting not without exciting the lsugh hore] | e i Hn wif § Sid a ins of tourist campers gives them dry ape is finally reached the hotel os smile; » on ghey , They ru otors have arranged a public reception and da: fi They are da with Persia ug NOW GO oN WITH + HE STORY . When Peter went out for a look round town she hurried away With her share of the wedding pre- sents ig search of a pawn-shop, Where she left them securely locked Away from danger of theft or loss, ind stopped for an express money _brder on her way home, There wasn't enough money for the suit but she bought a new, #11 collar and cuff set to brighten up the old one which she extrava "gantly sent down to the hotel clean. ers for pressing. She had a small , sleetrie iron and a folding board in her big suitcase, but she felt some , Besitancy about resorting to such . Mn economy with Peter in the sit , ting-room, _. The reception was a huge suc ,, bess. The best people in their best , tlothes were properly impressed. Peter and Rowena in a mound of . | was typified Peter and Rowena, flanked by Mr. mom: | Meeker on one side and the head waiter on the other, led the proces sion into the ballroom for dinner. of |'The seats designed for them were raised above the others in a royal mound of white roses, This, Mr, Meeker explained in 2 loud whis * | per, represented the solitaire dia mond of an engagement ring, whieh by the rest of the tables ranging the full extent of the ball in a great circle, f Never had Rowena been so beau tiful. Her eyes--the blue of a sum- mer sky--sparkled with pleased ex citement, Her lovely lips quivered sensitively, Under thé table she felt about with the toe of a silver slipper until she found Peter's foot to press when she wished tb call his attention to anything particularly priceless that caught her eye or ear, Peter stared and stared at ber, 'said childishly, "I wonder if you could get me something hot to drink? 1 don't want to be sick." house was surprised, It was three o'clock in the morning and the bridal suite, well lighted, showed itself guiltless of groom. His pillow bad not been touched. But hotel housekeepers are school ed to surprises, She brought Row ena some hot strong tea with a little rum in it and gave her an aspirin tablet. "If you don't feel better pretty soon have your husband call me-- whewhen he comes in," she said. Rowena's smile was a little fore ed, "I will," she promised. At five o'clock she asked for her again, "I feel worse," she sald. But she did not want a doctor. "I'm just nervous," she explained. "Would-- would it be asking too muech--for you just to sit with me a few min- utes? I'm sure it's only excitement after the ball" The housekeeper sat down be side the bed. Rowena looked very young, very flushed, altogether adorable in her soft night things. In the dim light the housekeeper could not see how old they were, and worn, The housekeeper had her own opinion about men anyhow, and her face grew grimmer and grimmer. The night housekeeper in a big hotel sees much When Rowena seemed to have _ fowers in the Rackruff roadster |' ., Were photographed for the local pa .. bers, interviewed by representatives , OF the press, and congratulated on , very hand. Peter was given a . bearl-studded cigarette lighter, , Which worked successfully, and "Rowena a wrist-watch with the same design in chip diamonds. She Accepted it with a glowing smile 'tnd inner regret that she had not "had it earlier in the day to provide . the coveted suit, . "Mr. Meeker told her confidentially .- that the only reason he had not told « her about the wrist-watch was be .. tause they had evidently planned it 88 an afterthought and he hadn't ov Joard of it «When the reception was over they .. Were driven triumphantly back to _; the hotel in a procession of Rack: ; Fuft roadsters, so that a consider ; able crowd gathered in the streets 4 10 cheer them on, "Peter, don't you love it?" de « manded Rowena when they were "again alone in the bridal sufte-- alone, but with the door noticeably . Ajar. "Don't you adore being a © husband? Arep't you glad we got . married? Why, if I had known ft _»Was such fun I'd have been married . dozens of times before this." rt ter waited in the lobby down: ha state while she dressed for the big r of the day, and when she was . Teady he took possession of the bed: _.Toom and bath while she sat in the . fower-filled sittingroom--the door ai _, Into the corridor wide open, you Wi be sure--~and wrote a long gay letter to Buddy, enclosing the mo- 'mey order. At seven o'clock Mr. own "in person, He brought a hugé cor- sage of orchids and orange blossoms gardenia for . Peter's buttonhole. "Guess we better let her stick it .'m for bah Wi 'Mr, Cone + 'Beems like it gives more of a ., Ml touch to things." ©... Rowena rose to the occasion. She et (uli NN! She drifted lazily in Peter's arms. Everyone else did, too, it it comes to that, but no one of all those pre sent was so amazed and so bewild ered by her beauty as Peter him- self. Over and over again he had to remind himself that this radiant, exquisite creature, the eynosure of all eyes, whose sheer beauty fairly took away one's breath, was the very same crisp and curt Rowena who kept such a stubborn finger on the 'steering wheel of their 'trip. When dinner was over and he danced with her for the first time he was startled and stirred to dis gover that she was a feather in his arms; that her gleaming hair was fragrant as flowers; her skin velvet to his touch---and that she seemed to melt into the music like music itself, "Rowena," he whispered, "it's great isn't it?--Really, it's Just corking!" "It's gorgeous, Peter, it's glori- ous! And, oh, darling, think how they're going to feel in a couple of months when they read in the paper about the amnulment and know it was all a farce! Won't they go down--plop! --like a flat tire?" "I suppose 80," he assented sob erly. "Looking at it that way, it seems rather a low trick to play on them, They mean so well." "But it was Rackruff got us into it==it ian't our fault," she protested. They danced through the ball with a display of domestic devotion that was thoroughly convineing. At two o'clock when it was over they went, laughing, upstairs to the brida) suite and while he changed quickly from formal to street dress, she lounged in full display in the sitting-room before the chaperon: age of gn open door. J When he went in to say good night he: sat down on the arm of her big chair and cuddled her bright head, roughly, in his arm, "Why put me out, Rowena?" he began in a wheedlesome voice. "Af ter all, we are married, And 1 fahey we're going to have the devil's own time convincing any sane udge, that there was nothing to it ut the ceremony." "My judge will believe it." "It he does," said Peter moodily, "he's going to think what a dam. fool 1 am,~Anyhow, it's been a nice night and there's more of it. We've had a lot of fun and a little more wouldn't do us any harm," he ar gued persuasively, She laughed good-naturedly. "I've had all the fun I can stand for one night. Run along, darling, and be Jule Ply a Joceint that will con skeptics, When Peter had gone she sat on the edge of the bed and thought it all over, In a way, she decided, it was rather an awful thi dousty important for both of them --the trip had--the pictures and the stories. And the money--the money most of all! 'But it was too bad this sort of thing had to happen and to a sweet thing like Peter who ly rather deserved a better re he was so old-fashioned at rt. Rowena stood up and yawned and $e hte bed. She would do her level 10 insure that annulment, in common too sensitive to "| public opinion. He might get that for his night's residence and : ry t. She would phone asked them ) send up hos 'the cable in, an eMelent, large, Scotch woman, Rowena look: 'ed a little limp and wan. ' | don't feel so very well," she they bad done. 'But it bad been #8 tremenwiite dropped off to sleep, she leaned over her commiseratingly. "Poor child," she muttered, "a pretty Young thing like that.--Him out all night and them just married! -- Thank God I found men out ip time!" Rowena smiled comfortably to herself when the housekeeper had turned out the light and tiptoea softly trom the room, She had a witness to the virgimal privacy of her night in the bridal suite, Rowena was about half through breakfast the next morning when Peter came in, Re sat down oppo site her and the waitress almost ran up to get the order. But Peter sald he already breakfasted, would take only coffee, very hot, please. "She's entirely too good for him, the brute," said the waitress to tle pastry cook, "She never sald a word but 'Good morning.' Didn't even ask him where he'd been all night." Peter was a little self-conseious about it all and to the critical malds his constraint seemed that of a guilty conscience, Rowena was sweetly gentle, even friendly, "I only wish the hotel had given them a pear! necklace instead of that cocktail shaker," sald Mr. Meeker regretfully. "She'd get to wear the pearl necklace if he didn't pawn it, and it's plain to see who! use the cocktall shaker." Peter had the receipt for his night's lodging and Rowena folded it away triumphantly in the pocket of her portfolio, along with the other proofs of thelr complete seg: regation en route, he was full of enthusiasm, en tirely satisfled with their future rospects, as she was packing her ag before the witness of an open door, "It's a great little burg," she said warmly, "When I am a thorough old maid I shall buy me a dog or something and come and live here. It's just the mort of town I like. And if T am rich and famous } will rent the bridal suite by the year and you can give me an auto graphed picture of the Rackruff to adorn my walls. And I'll invite Mr, Meeker ta tea every Sunday and we'll discuss our past glories and remember-when." "It's pretty plain what they think of me in these parts," sald Peter regretfully. "It seems a dirty trick to play them--they were so kind about everything. "One good thing about it," en: couraged Rowena, "if for any rea son my judge should 'hit a snag in getting us annulled, wé won't need any other grounds after last night. We'll call on the hotel force for af: fidavits." "What a cad they must think "Don't you care, darling. Next time we come here, you shall have the bridal suité and their sympathy and I'll step out for the night" (Continued) A -------- Is Back At Work Morrisburg. ~~ Returning te work Thursday, the famous Wil llamsburg specialist, Dr, W, M, Locke, brought to an end a twos yoeke hetiod of Inactivity, Made eceasary an acéldent as he fell over a kiddie car in his yapd. Er ---- Masonic Function "Winchester.~~Henderson Lodge AF. and AM. G.R.C, met in Ma. sonic Hall, Winchester, Friday, th receive H. Hamilton, district deputy grand master of the t ern district, on the occasion of his official visit, There was a very large attendance of members present. \ RE-ADJUSTNEN] ON ALL LINES CARRIED IN THE STORE YOU BENEFIT IMMEASURABLY Grab Special 4 SUITS GOS IN THE RED N 20 ONLY $8.95 Values to $25.00. An Opening Feature So Be Here Early. 7~ SUITS OVERCOATS FURNISHINGS TO WISE BUYERS WHO SHOP HERE -NOW --- EVENTUALLY WHY NOT NOW? |A SWEEPING IND SENSATIONAL CLEARANCE OF ENTIRE STOCK TO MEET PRESENT DAY NEEDS THIS DRAMATIC EVENT STARTS THURSDAY, NOV. 1¢:h Al 9a.m. PRCCJICTION COST ON 2 Trouser SUITS N IT HAD TO COME SOONER OR LATER--WE PREFER TO TAKE THE LOSS NOW--AND GIVE YOU BUYS SUCH AS YOU NEVER THOUGHT POSSIBLE -- STOCK UP--BUY NOW FOR FUTURE NEEDS--YOU"LL REGRET IT IF YOU DON'T. 'AS A RULE WE NEVER HAVE SALES--THERE IS A LEGITIMATE REASON FOR THIS ONE. SUITS J'Coats /alues to $30 7 Seeing is believing-- must be seen to realize the super value that is in each and every one of these coats, | 4 0'Coats Values to $35 4 A coat to fit every man at a price to fit every purse. Rugged good locks, plus unquestionable wearing qualities, 1 K 9% > EXACTLY AS ADVERTISED AREAL GENUINE EVENT Sweaters Values to $4.50 Pure Wool, Pull-Over and Coat Styles. Neat Patterns $7.49 SHIRTS Whites and Blue. Collar Attached and Detached Styles, Silk and Wool, Fancies, Plain Ribs, Black Cash. 39. 8 FOR $1.00 Va'ies to s35 \ 4 Conclusive proof of the extracrdinary values procurable now, 'All sizes. Al models. All types. Choose early. SUITS Values to $45 '2 4% i Peerless in cut, workmanship and fabrig==It will be a long day 'ere suits of this quality are offered at this : wrice again. h\ ~ TIES 99 In Today's Correct and Wanted ; Patterns ; HATS i EY CAPS Your Choice Of Any Cap in the Store Regardless c of Former Selling Price SHIRTS ame $1.29 All Styles ABSOLUTE SATIS. FACTION IN ANY THING YOU BUY ELSE MONEY RE. FUNDED. ANDERSON'S MIN'S WEAR 5 SIMCCE STREET SCUTH

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