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Oshawa Daily Times, 18 Nov 1931, p. 8

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Ee ~ of the lodge attended. TERN ONTARIO NEWS I-------------- & / ockville. Dendmiam H. Os who was a member of the of ,Brockville a number of years and acting of the town at the time of of the dled on Monday in the pi aged 75 years, alter illness. A native of Glen Logs county, he was for years one of the war- of St. Paul's Church Brock- . He is survived by his wife. tect Dead ttawa. -- Walter Chesterton of the pioneer architects of awa and later of Western Can- .and an amateur artist of dis- on, died Friday at his home, 'Waverley street, at the age of Mr. esterton was an of G., K. Chesterton, the famous English writer, oh visited him only last fall and Senin at New Year's. Be On Ballot ' - ton.--Bishop C. A, Sea- ger, of the Diocese of Ontario, is among those likely to be ballotted for the selection of a successor to the late Archbishop Williams of Huron Diocese, The selection will be made on Tuesday. Bishop Seager was born and educated at Goderich, Ont., which belongs to the Diocese of Huron. It is ex- pucted that about a dozen names will be on the first ballot. Commencement Exercises ~ Morrisburg.--The Morrisburg Lollegiate Institute successfully made their first attempt to con- fine the annual commencement to the school 'itself on the evenings of Thursday and Friday. A play staged and the interspersed entertainment was given entirely by members of the students' body, Bnd directed by members of the '¥taff. The entertainment was put pn in the assembly room of the rollegiate, and drew a large au- flience on both evenings. Past Masters' Night "="Maxville.--Maxville Lodge 418, EF and A.M. meeting Friday ning, took the form of a "Past sters' night." Ten Past Masters Three of the Clan Munro, Peter T. Mun- #0, T., W. Munro and J. Howard nro, M.D., filled the three prin- 1 offices, while other active cers for the evening were Rod. : Stewart, Herbert Tracy and ph Armstrong. 'Heavy Fire Loss "Iroquois. -- In the electrical storm which swept over the dis- trict Friday night James Marcel suffered the loss through fire of the barn drive sled hen and well houses on his farm on River road west. The season's crop of hay and a large number of fowl were also burned. The damage is stat- ed to be.only partly covered by in- surance, Aged Minister Dies Perth.--The death occurred at his home here shortly after nine o'clock on Saturday morning of the Rev. Dr. Alexander Hugh Seott, M.A., D.D., F.R.H.8., aged 77. minister emeritus of st. An- drew's Presbyterian Church, Perth, since his retirement in December, 1925, after serving 'the same church as minister for 37 years. Dr. Scott had been in poor health since September and it was found necessary a short time ago to operate on him but he had been improving steadily until last Sunday when he began to weaken. Manslaughter Charge Lindsay.-- Abbott Crimmons, 17-year-old Lindsay school boy, appeared in pblice court on Sat- fternoon in connection with %ine shooting at Long Beach, popular duck shooting resort near here, of William Thornton, 40, of Windsor. He -was charged with manslaughter and after pre- liminary hearing was remanded to jail for one week. Snow and Sleet Ottawa.--Snow, sleet, and icy rain driven by a gusty north-east gale, swept down on Ottawa and the surrounding district yester- day, breaking down telephonic communication in the rural sec- tions for & radius of many miles, temporarily paralyzing street-car service here and rendering streets and highways well-nigh impass- able for many hours. Two Hundred Accidents Kingston.--So far this year the local police have investigated two hundred motor accidents and out of this number there was just one accident of a fatal nature. THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1931 KYLE RENDER [5:2 CORDIAL SERVICE Buy at "Kyle's" Proves Good Slogan for Thrifty Housewife At Kyle's populaf grocery one al- ways has the assurance of procur- ing only the most wholesome and nationally known provisions. "Buy it at Kyle's" is a proper slogan for those whose object is to keep their food bill at the lowest possible | in: cost. In the present day and age the modern grocery is more than just a food store; it is an up-to-date service station where one can pur- chase hundreds of articles to be used in the household. By shopping at this grocery one is certain of making a substantial savings, for the grocery of to-da operates upon a minimum of profit and d of each dollar thus spent will actual- ly come in some form or an- Kyle's Grocery is under able and efficient management, people ba have Spent a great deal of lives. in s. The op a this establishment 3 is complete at all times with food supplies that the housewife asks for, and needs. Popular brands are carried there if it can be had at al it will be found at Kyle's. It'is one place where the housewife knows that she can procure the best of everything at the lowest possible cost. Visit this store and look over the variety Of foodstuffs on display there. One is cordially invited to drop in and get acquainted, if buy- or only shopping. Do you know what popular brands are handled by this firm? $3.00 cash prize given daily for test t to tions ques! in these articles. Call the above firm to assist you. Five in today's upon maximum sales for its in- come, thus turning over the stock a number of times each year, and assuring the patron of fresh goods at all times. This local store is one of the vital elements in the health and prosperity of this section. So when considering doing any purchas ing out of town, just stop to consid- er that by doing so, ong is using that money to build up foreign towns instead of the loca] commun- ity. Money spent within the bounds of this territory tends to create the community sPirit and a percentage A Cincinnati inventor's device automatically shifts an automo- bile geers from low to high after a car Is started and from high to low when muddy or sandy roads are encountered. Use of motor vehicles has in- creased more rapidly in Japan than in any other country in the Far East, registrations growing from 22,000 to about 90,000 in the last deven years. Oh Muvver See What | beautiful prizes offered at JURY & KING E~PHONE 28 | Fifteen little girls under twelve years of age, are going to be made happy at Christmas time. i going to shriek with joy when presented with one of the - THE REXALL DOLL CONTEST 2 Doll Houses, 13 Beautiful Dolls Given Away These prizes are valued from $1.50 up to $19.00 These will be won by the little girls receiving the largest number of votes between November 21st and 10 o'clock Christmas Eve, December 24th. MOTHERS AND FRIENDS 1--Fill out the Nomination Blanks now. 2---Get your copy of rules governing this contest 8--See doll display in our windows WHEN IN NEED OF DRUGS "QUICKLY" 'PHONE Rexall Drug Store Fifteen little girls are LOVELL SIMCOE 8.--FPHONE 68 SIBERRY'S ath ANNIVERSARY SALE STARTS TOMORROW THURSDAY MORNING at 9 o'clock With the Greatest Bargains Eyer Sold in Men's and Boys' Clothing and Furnishings 3 WATCH FOR ADVERTISING BEING DELIVERED TO YOUR HOI'ES TODAY Store Closed All Day Wednesday to Mark Down Prices for this Great Sale SIBERRY'S 27 King Street East 'Winter Girls'. Silk 1st Quality. Bankrupt Sale Price bhe 6 ONLY GIRLS' Fur trim, 8 to 14 years. Values to $8.00. Bankrupt Sale Price $2.48 Coats Pyjamas THU LADIES' COATS Of Ohonga Broadcloth in smart new fur | trimmed styles. Values to $25.00 | Bankrupt Sale Price 10.96 English Pyjama Cloth Shia in qualny, 86 inches wide. 19¢ yd. GLOVES Ladies' Black Washable Cape- skin, values to $2.00. rupt Sale Price Bank- LINEN ORASH TOWELLING 5¢ va. 5 YARDS ONLY TO A CUSTOMER ) 3 INAL CRASH OF ENTIRE BANKRUPT STOCK OF W. A. DEWLAND LIMITED ~ GOES ON SALE -- RSDAY AT 9 A.M. Stocks have been re-arranged on counters at unheard of prices for this final crash. Everything must go during the next 3 days. You may have thought our prices have been low, but wait until you see the values offered tomorrow on our re-opening day. The best of this stock is still to be disposed of, Coats, Dresses, Chil- dren's Wear, Hosiery, Lingerie, Corsets, Linens, Blankets and Piece Goods, which is thrown on the market at prices which will amaze you. Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! Time is getting short. LADIES' SILK Vests & Bloomers All shades. Bankrupt Sale Price 32¢ LADIES' EIDERDOWN BATH ROBES Bankrupt Sale Price $1.28 SILK RAYON BEDSPREADS Brocaded and Plain, all shades, large size. Bankrupt Sale Price, each CHILDREN'S Bonnets & Hats Bankrupt Sale Price 46¢ 9 a.m. SATURDAY Factory Cotton $3.28 FLAN 25 ONLY LADIES' Ot Celanese and Flat Crepe, new styles y Bankmpt Sale Price _$82.48 Ladies' COTTON & LISLE HOSE Bankrupt Sale Price 6¢ pr. ONLY 2 PAIR TO A CUSTOMER 1 Pair To A -* EXTRA LARGE SIZE LEYTE BLANKETS White with pink or blue borders. Bankrupt Sale Price \ $1.00 »- Good quality. é¢ va. 5 YARDS TO A CUSTOMER CHILDREN'S | Cciton Vests Bankrupt Sale BOYS' WOOL GOLF SOCKS Bankrupt Sale Price 26¢ rr KNIT TO FASHION Suits « Dresses New Models. Bankrupt Sale Price $4.96 Summer and Winter weights. Price 1 2¢ each idating Customer

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