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Oshawa Daily Times, 19 Nov 1931, p. 13

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1951 : ' PAGE THIRTEEN If it's to be Bought or Sold - Times Classified Ads will do it Te Si R. and) ER BAS-| FOR RL , REI SO Notice oF Proposed Rates For 'BIKE' RIDING I$ ated Cor Storage i Solicitors, Notaries Public, Etc seit's, Special attention to X-ray | apartments, modern, 4 roomed |ist, choirmaster, Simcoe United 5 eyanc and eheral practice | work, Gas cxtraction, Nurse in at- jeced bath, continu. | Church. Examiner, Toronto Con- nd a April 15th. Price $25.00 rg Law. Des e 7 Simcoe Rirost. 3 tendance Phone 95. House 1312 Yiu tarse pioetd primes gertatory o Music. Piapo, organ, TOWNSHIP OF FAST WHITBY C ope A ds Orie Fm Ses Loa Soush d BE Undertaking cellar, bot water heating, laup- | sing! bone . nee : lassified t Ya os Lid. BA, "LB A. F. Annis, dary, | I se a, fate | 765M. (28 pov ¢) Bylaw oe Siouing Jaa Stopping ng Pw 86 King Bt. Kast B .. 67 KING possession, Rent $25 pi $27.50 | MARION _E. ROBE, A.T.CM. |treehold of part of the Highway W. T. Suddard Handles Ambulance Residence. 542 | furnished, Phone 2604W. No. |voice production and singing. |or original AVowanee for Koad || First insertion-- 115 cents C.CM. Bicy Sey g . East. TOREPH E MANGAN BT Simcoe Street North, Phone 210} | children allowed. om Phone No. 6 Studio Johns Plavo Yetween Lots 10 and 11 in the or word, C. ' : "BA, an ye) (CO, (3 dec ¢) | Broken Fromt Concession of the [ll Minimum charge for one in. Davidson Motorcycl 1 OSHAWA BURIAL CTT -- MUSIC LESSONS GIVEN ON : yores A rister, oe. Mone tg oan. AWA 1A <0. MF, APARTMENTS FURNISHED OR IC L N Township of Kast Whitby, scrtion 80c. =79 Fy Armstrong & Son, Proprietors, H Hawafian Guitar, Spanish Guitar,| WH 5 Hi Eas! Phone and Ambulance unfurnished in Llewellyn, George, ' EREAS the access to the Each subsequent consecu- a i, Oshawa. Funeral aA Phone Roce day Amvlene and Edward Apartments, | Tenor Banjo, Violin, Ukulele Al | shore of Lake Ontario from the tive (insertion 1c per "Ride your way to health." : . New low rentals, Phone 1550 or | Harris Music Store. P!one 1490, | highway or original allowance for word. How often we have heard that ex- Celina, (4f) } 2347W. Oshawa Buildings Limited, | 11 Simcoe St. 8. road between lots 10 and 11 in Three consecutive inser pression with regard to bicyele Fraser. Bartister » Ete. Bank of . Sept. tO). (3 dec ~) | the Broken Front Concession of tions for tf riding. Some people perhaps, do £° : ® Insurance SEVEN HOO CK Furs Repaired the Township of East Whitby, ig a tie price of ine not realize the healthfulness of Solicitor. 'Notary. Over Dewland's DAVIS AND SON, INSURANCE, bouse, newly decorated, bhard-|__ urs Repaired has for a great number of years cents a word). bicycle riding, yet we never hear Store Money to foan, 16 Simeoe | 19 ing St. West, hawa, The old- | wood floors, fire place. Apply 91 | FUR COATS D been. along, across and over the Mini of a poor anaemic person who Street North, Phone 67. Resi- | est Fire Agency in Oshawa. 30 re- | Ritson Road N. ined and cleaned by egpert fur. ['ands mow lald out and indicated mimum charge for three was a bicycle rider. The fresh : on 3473W. : ie re_ Companies, (24 poy ¢) | rier. 119 Huron Crescent or |ds Stone Strect and Raymond insertions 60c. air and sunshine, together with ; ORE i : - No, los number 10¢ additional. the right amount of sunshine fur~ e t ros. WHEN PTA G INSURANCE RENT--HEATED GA phone 632M. Street "on registered plan f 4 303, which said 1 " rished by riding a bicycle, will CARLA, ; Hs Blan was duly Professional or Business do more for the physical develop- Solicitors, Simeoe | consult R, N, Johns, 80 Simcoe St. | Central, Apply telephone 5886, ] 4 » : citer, c Fo RTS eos re a Te y (11st) | POW GOATS MADE Tr ORDER lajd out and registered by Charles Cards, $2.50 per month ment than any other means, We The Leading Jeweller tended to and your interests vfo- | SNE EIGHT --ROONED HOUSE | Furs repaired, remodelled at | James Stone; for 20 words or less, 10 suggest that Bot tected to lode pn families, | 'Poderate prices, Mrs, G, Hicks, | AND WHEREAS the sald cents a word per month those glorious. Guys Of pi bilsued 1580 - Notary oy Canvey: SUN LIFE ASSURANCE CON- | 0 Fr = room, Phone 806M, | 143 Prince St, Phone 2373) or J, | Charles James Stone has re- for each additions) word. B| (un. One will find the famous | 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH. weer, © Money fo Third floor | pany of Canada, Dominion Bauk (117¢) H: Wilson, Melrose 5229, Toron- | Auested the Council of the C.C.M. bleycles tho finest ever A pew Alger ger Building, opposite Post | Chambers, Phone 1834, Zlex. &. | x , (2 dec c) | Township of East Whitby Lo stop made, at Suddard's, This well Bie Ross, 8.7. Bvorson. nished or unfurnished homes as FOTO REPATIED, REMODEL ug dg up ud to fonvel. aid one knbwn make of bicycle is superior 5 B.A. (15 oct tf) low as $15 for winter months, |'ed and lined, 40 years' experi- 86 is iim the soll and freehold in every way, and at this estab- 1926 Pontiac Coach ler, 13% Simeoe St. South, Tele- | FROADCABTING -- MURDOCH'S ON 5, Jor inte * | ence, fur trimmings by the yard, | °F that part of the highway or lishment one will find every style, "1929 Ford Coach phone 3038-565. General Insurance Scriice, Lic- ' " (117¢) | collars and culls. Fur coats $25 original allowance for road be- Ask for Classified And sizo and type, for every individ- in beautiful condition ("3 sept tf) | gnged by the Ontario Govern- (117¢) | up, Littner, 86 Simcop North, |i¥een lots 10 and i1 in the Department gal. Pusctiage oe. tor the chil ment to write all lines .f Josur- HEATED TWO ROOMED FUR- (28 oct 1 mo) | Broken Front' Concession of the dren, It provides a means for ROSS, AMES AND GART- Medical ance in the Ontario Province, We | nisbed housekeeping suite, priv |= ro rez | TOWNShip of East Whithy lying " running errands and going to SHORE Free in- | 8te conveniences, ground floor. Clean: and Pressing |#outh of the production westerly 3 school, giving good clean, whole- King St. West. I'hone 1160 DR. B. HAZLEWOOD, PHY- | invite your patronage, _ Clea | re . 84 sician * Surgeon. special gion otmation, Phone 2380. 27 War- Ram low, Very central, 96 Contes FRENCH DRY CLEANING, Yi tie Shatiseely limit of the sald Rest Home Soins Sport that helps their grow tion! given to X-ray work and ren Av pressing and repairing, Goods " ATR El aia EE remem At Suddard's one will al 1 Efeetrotheopy. Office, Disney Block (2 dec ¢) Fon "RENT--APARTMENTS, IF | catled for. Phone 823, Norman | NOW THEREFORE THE | GIiAwa TEST TOME, NUTFE | the ramets Herter Duvldene ma 2050, Office open 9 am. lock : you are looking for an apart-| Lambert, 66 Bagot St. * COUNCIL OF THE CORPORA- |, , a AVR i te pe A esidence 421 King Street h ment we invite you to inspect the $ 7 os TION: OF ThE TOwNsHip oF {1b utiedunce warm + us, torics | tozeyelen, Thess. reliable .ma, RE BS Phone 28) 2416, Beauty Parlors Victoria and Simcoe Manor, They (7 dec ©) | PAST WHITBY enacts as fol. | [cisonable. 30 Drock St. W.| chines bave stood every test and PAIRING Er TY : ' I RB : "| Phone 3293, their record speaks for itself, One WATCHES KAY, PI TAN, SUR- | BETTY LOU BEAUTY PARLOR, | are thoroughiy modern, also very Coal Blowers lows: -- 30 nov ©) { ; ! "3 eon, Accoucher. Office and resi | Permanent wave special $4.00, $7.50, | cleanly ond the rents are low. TF EAST COAT --BLOWER | 1 THAT all the highway or {30 wey £),) Wi Tind.4 Yepals Jiak 3 conues OUR SPECIALTY Joon King St. East, corner Vics $1000. "Naturelle Method," Miss | Managed by Bradley Bros, valor bal itively b hoy original allowance for road he- narts of bicycles and motorcycles, D J BROWN toria St. Oshawa, _ Phone 94. Elsie Dyer, Montreal, operator, No, __. 18. dec ¢) I a yoy ide cog) tween lots 10 and 11 in the yrehnse naw. tires, in Tact thy os Je N 3 marcel spsciatisl, arcel 50c. | TWO ROOMBD APARTMENT, from ry en 8 DUTC asst Broken Front Concession of the NOTED PIANIST IS shop is equipped to do all kinds If your watch is not giving Ear, Nose, Throat Finger Wave 75¢, Expert Sherators furnished, suit young couple: oF | wii vay for the outfit | honk | Township of East Whithy South NATIVE OF RUSSIA | of general repairing. Here, too, satisfaction we can repair FF. BR 50 Ra ha ot hairdressing, two furnished bedrooms, suit Y on 0 od helo, of the southerly limit of Stone one may, for a few cents elimin- and make it tell the correct Vest, Toronto, will be coe 2968, gentlemen, Phone 3538W, . " Street as laid out ord indicated ---- ate all the petty annoyances that time, Bloor Street West, (8 aug tf) to see this new device in opera- on registered plan No, 303 pro- London, Joseph Schwartz | cecur dally to the person who THE JEWELER 1' at his office over Jury & Lovells STA HAI SSING (117¢) | tion, We also sell motors, blow- who made his debut as a emcee cre . ' ve y y arly BE e his f planist ny , 'atc! spe Drug store each Saturday from 1 ] hd Res | FOR RENT -- FURNISHED | ers, controls. ete. Acmo pw duced westerly to the westerly iui Wade ie qUont 48 6 PEE | worrles along with one key to a Official Watch Inspector for | tt 4 pm, for conguliation an oo Tol. tn all Kinds of | 9partment, modern conveniences, | Blowers, 161 King St. W., Osh- limit of the sald highway or orig- | © re Cy was born in Furs ge, Jastory or residence, as Canadian National and Osh. . treatment of diseases of ear, nose | Marshall, expe imm wig) a ' A ' FOL WW, i {oni Yo ; 0 thie establishment is well known awa Rallroads tien on Appoints Baa Cube Cup, egpganca | RSRUti, bone I dont eva mone 8 thy open bp |e and 0 nox omicied 18 | io" vave 'expert fockaminn wi [fap sme si "Phone 190 may be made at drug store. one $10.00, Fogor wi ene North (118b) y-1 MO) | and closed, 08 rdf Lond " | epecialize in door locks, safe re- : 'ave Lg? shampoo | ¢0e_ North, Ba tach, according to a London mu LA $100 Marcel S0c. Facials, scalp | FOR RENT 5 DOWNSTAIR "Wood For Sale DAT, he sail and trochold | jc critic, and at his first appear. [ MATING and the remaking of auto . ; ) on e sald | ay v 0 - , 4 } © Architects og and manicures. Coffee Scams, Sud piivato hath, contial, DRY BODY WOOD, 83.25% | highway or allowance for road |ily hore played with fine agnor. able management of Mr. W. T. Upp! vp hEWLY a ' Pp Cord. Apply 71A Simcoe North. | 4 stopped up and closed be sold [ly hy Taurig and Busoni, but a fuddard, the proprietor, it is ren- EC STENHOUSE, GENERAL : 4 ALLL work. Second Ager ments 1973, (15 may 1 mo.) yeusion..Vhove 3173W. (118a) Phone 3124, and conveyed to Charles James | Vivaldi Concerto arranged by dering A really Hnporiant and es- ™ Bote Building, Phone 1 , RENT TWO DERN NE (21 nov ¢) | Stone. Bach himself, Schumann's "Car. [ *Chtlal service, DO you know the Diamonds Residence phone 9097, 7105, marcel 35s af your BOme | roomed house, all conveniences] msm | NOTICE 15 hereby given that | naval" was aiso in his scheme of | LFie range of C.C.M. bicycles ar 2106, oomed house, all conveniences, erie | For i the above Is a true copy of the | the evening, but throughout the | uddard's] i Auctioneer or 735 Albert St. on paved corner, with large gar- . + [herforms » 1 t . - 9 (28 nov ©) | dens. decorated recently, gas | TOWNSHIP TREASURERS | By-Law proposed (0 be passed |Ierioriance one bad tho mores | o500 cosh prize given daily Bassett's p PHONE 716], 7 W. 1. SULLEY, FINGER WAVE B0¢, MARCEL | range, fixtures, linoleums, blinds | SALE OF LAND FOR ARREARS | by the Council of the Corpora- | © / 4 for neatest) correct answers 1c . F Auctioneer, 346 Simcoe St, S. O 35 ol § Li CR nobis 81 m A ane condition, $25 Minds OF TAXES tion of the Township of Kast | Shatm oi ihe migdio way a cuestions Ly Te NC WR al On Oshawa's Main Cornel? LE awa, Ont. Special attention oe Cc, o m PL 1116W " liable party. W. V, Peacock, 173 Notic: is hereby given that the | Whitby after the expiration of | ,. POW orful or yas 8 di bil the above firm to assist you. 30. to household furniture sales and | Ontario St. Phon ny 22 ¢) | Ritson Bd. 8. Phone 20817, tist of lands now liable to be sold | four weeks from the date of the ically 1 he is or SH seven in today's issue. r vs. farm stock and implements, Your (118¢) | tor arrears of taxes in the Town- | first publication of this Notice. a ihe or t atrenage solicited R- Sema masses. | hip of East Whitby has been pre- | The sald Council will hear in sd : Ye our. Phyllis E, McNerney, Prop., Buber Shop pared and is being published in | person, or by hls coursel, solici-| There arc now 3582 pieasurc | 'At a recent political meeting it WATSON'S : Auctioneer, furniture, farm ogh: formerly of Luitle Halriregins. GUS BANKS BER SHOP, an alvertsemant ob the Ontatle tor or agent 8ny .porson who [yachls. with a tota tonnage of 205,. | Was quite obvious that solne heck. BEAUTY PARLOR | i ¥ ' . N, ' r : All lines of beauty p e ' claims that his land will be pre- , in the United States. The sloop commenced his speech with: "I Marcel, Permanent and' fmplements a specialty. r 24. me, For appolntmen phone | 180 Celina St., corner of Ash. | and 24th days of October. Cop- be 2 3 he Un : Wodetats. Phone 1848 29 nov ¢) Sone. r pp FA nov c) | All haircuts 15c, 'on Saturdays | les of such list of advertisement {udically alfeste a by Fhe seid by Ne bola, gue 1 by Tonima Georae commenced, his i Fermanen -- h Repairing o Se ue af be Bad. upon Application 15 |, THIS BY-LAW gi Pret be built in 1885. The. Diesel powered Phone 2653. & Celina St, uth, For (10 dec ¢) | ne, n default of payment of y Lk Orion, with 3015 tons, is the largest Sppolutment. phos tues as shown on the said list | !12hed on the 12th day of Novem. yi" cn 0" > Carl i A Forstmann | = PRE TREE appointment pbone Margaret ber, 1981, A Sivios hanes. repair a at: Hutchinson 1952W., __Room and _Board au of Wrauary. 193% at 10 Mh 1 "Dated '®t Cotumimiis this 185 [oF Passaic, NJ, TAX COLLECTOR 44% King Street West, Your pate (3 dec ¢) | BED SITTING ROOM TO RENT. | clock in the morning, 1 shall at |ddy of November, 1031. - 111 WANTED ronage is solicited. . ~ | Breakfast and supper, Nar Mot-| tpe sald hour at Westmount P. G. PURVES, a---- dressing, 92 Church 8t, Marcel- | ors. Phone 1010J. (116¢) | School, proceed to sell by public Clerk, I have some good houses to Applications will be re. er Serve ling 36c and finger waving B60c. | ROOM AND BOARD, VERY |@avetion the said lands, or such 112-118-124-180 vent. Furnished or unfurs celved by the undersigned ERIES ED ET 75¢{ Phone 2188J. central and close to factory, Well | portions thereof as shall be neces. i { nished in good localities, | until 12 o'clock noon, Sat- BA 4 ai e A | and re" (14 dec ¢) | neated. Apply 44 Charles St, rary to pay such arrears, together Visitor. (to convict--~"Milton Apply 0 N « ETE po) delivered. py SCY) with the Shiges thereon, spent 15 Su on one page when J. H. R, LURE, 1 ey he Prompt service, Stan. Blizdon, 20 Articles For Sale WOARDERS WANTED -- TWO Bisned. wiDES Tn ragies Lost ~ | Regent Theatre Block the City of Oshawa. State ill Phone 960, marge front bedrooms for two A i) HOWDE? ) oo vl oar aby noth iy I've Phones 687W-=871 former experience and give || " emai ios FOR SALE -- SAND, GRAVEL, | young gentlemen. Also garage. Towaship East Whitby. Jeary on. one sentence. il any other information that JURY & LOVELL'S Do will be of help to the Com- cinders, stone, black loam, $1.50 per | Reasonable. Phone 2928W, Thurs. Dec. 10 A ' truck load delivered, Phone Essery (118¢) 5 ' R mittee tn makin~ this selece OPTICAL PARLORS tion. Duties to commence at || J. W. Wornall, Oph. D. embroidery Nok, alterations, | Bros, 3142]. 1 y . a ERE war T Seer Fre at i 4 dressmaking, etc. The Dell Shop, FOR SATE=DRY (18 nov, © Help Wanted Male Heip Wanted once, 46% Simcoe S. Phone 1656, RSACE--DRY BODY Woop | _ Female Help ISH: | SHOE CLERK FOR SATURDAY We Guarantee and Recommend F. E. HARE, | Eyesight Specialist EXPERIENCED ELLIOTT | : ; » n Ty i Ja EAL pd Sort, lined weed 273 er nit id operator, | Afternoons and evenings. Some City Clerk. X Phone 3215 Radios Repaired (5 dec ¢) | Mugt be fast. and accurate. Box {anarience preferred. Burts oo AL YORK BREAD FLOUR RADIO DRY BODYWOOD $3. CORD | 682 Times, (117b) } done ou all models 'Work guar Hard, BE Tro ae rank Mo. ' ; JALESVAN WANTED WITH Made from Selected Western Hard Wheat Quaid. Phone 2423 W. f car preferred to work in Fire In. Ne NFA ---------- antied, prises seascnsbls, the) on (3 dec ©) Nursing surance department, Apply Brad. CES 1b. Bag $2.40 49 ib. Bag $1.25 BOYS' CORDUROY fasted tree In Tour BOS, SACS | RS ATE--DRY WARDWOOD: | PRACTICAL NURSE "NATEIC | loy Bron. aris BREACHES, double seat t Beech and Manle, $13 cord, $3.60 | nity, general nursing. doctor's| BOYS 18 TO 20 YEARS F and double knee, Certitied radioiricas. 19 nov c) | single cord, Also cartage, Claude reference, assists with house- | mushroom picking. Apply Mush- HOGG & LYTLE, LIMITED Special . $1.39 Sia ner 2) McQuaid, 64 Albert St. Phone | work. Moderate rates, Mrs. | room Plant, corner Bloor and 54 Church St. Phone 203 Dominion Clothing Co., | LAMBLE'S Caulking 1079 ol nov ¢) | Noble. Phone 3033J. nn Simcoe 7 p.m, Thursday. 68 King St. W. hone 2141 | (4 dec ¢) (117b) J - a EAUCRING AND ~CHIMNBY lashing dope. Reasopable, Esti: Hardwood, 3 cord $3. 5 Corson, vrs 8} free. Apply A. Hag: 147 Nassau St, Phone 418 o) TILLIE THE TOILER = = erman., Phond 12307. A ( : i i di sas heii en: ec ft ai x 20 nov ¢) | TWO THOUSAND BARRELS - -- apples, price $1 bairel and up, WH TT DOES THE | : TAKE A EAVENS, Spies, " Melntosh, Talman Sweats. BOSS THINK ABOUT SAD Ay= cid BoD ' So we VEN \* YoU GET RAGE, | Baldwins, Starks, Snows, Jolin SEO HAVING Your Janine BOSS - ITLL B8 Nou Uo) NEW FACE, An Ce aond West. Special Ek: Otten Lindsay" Jah: : "ME LasT SrvE || SFAVING ME, : YET A Tew 08 ce, a ny 1 . AC ts i b= | wa. 9 dec c) Now YoU SEE THIS b) one Money n, inal allowance for road be and Have Youn Seen the New Back Corsets and Corselettes | From $3.95 i | | { I ood, Poti Zavle, $12, 00 Jor Loca / dis- | cord, delivered. [} or Joatrestor, Bb! dant "vy 609 | stove length, J, H. ie Than Carnegie Ave, Phone 106183. 723-2. (10 dec ¢) ' os t Edison", wk lugtrated t. plus fol f e 2 au, kinds Bicey Hight. plus book, low rice. Thone 1618 for Phone Mh, (24 oy ©) your inspection. (116¢) load delivered, Phone 2675W. (116e) GOOD DRY BODY MAPLE - wood $3.50 single cord delivered, | | | Cheaper grades, also cartage ao f : where anytime, Call 3109J, ©1931, King Feature Syndieate, Inca Great Britain rights ren od, bre John St. =r (17 dec ¢) a ry wisi | misters ---- il Re ra eas Tm - . § | Courtice Corners. jletes Rigs iii 8Y GOLLY. | WONT HAVE oatine. | radi a Belok and, Ubon : BY GOLLY! THIS NEW 1] | Sax! 19 THIS BUT. SR! \'T 1s EERE ANY FORM AT ALL-\F HER all patients requiring | Foler. shene 717. Romani COOK MUST HAVE 1] [Ate GT? | | BAD FORM TO | Tae NN ok ee A REGULAR % la or e's Place, phone 622, Osh- ' EAT A VT TO EAT i' % 3 rest, wo big rs daily aM 8 de) WORKED ON 4 MINIATURE 4 BR hg bl | AT HOME Cueto oi TEV (29 dec ¢) | FOR SALE -- GAS RANG! AY i OURSE. "YOU C/ al A i we MER nearly new, cheap, Al condition, : 210 P: st, roy By -- DING room table, one small heater one theetric plate, quantity of How p bie floor raglcere "Ap! Charles St, Phong 8487. Poise) A iaren: sults, Pro- | Gommenes. now. Lastrats fi lh EX b : ii oy | Compan % I A {in

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